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  • Report:  #1174026

Complaint Review: FCBB.COM - First Choice Business Brokers Phoenix

FCBB.COM - First Choice Business Brokers Phoenix First Choice Business Brokers are SCAM artists. Don't trust them. Scottsdale Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Official Complaint — Phoenix Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 03, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 23, 2020
  • FCBB.COM - First Choice Business Brokers Phoenix
    8700 E Via De Ventura, Ste 200
    Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Phone:
    (480) 607-4430
  • Web:
  • Category:

First off...

This company made an appointment with me TWICE and were complete no-shows, and didn't even communicate.

I email them wanting to sell our business.

They email me back a week later saying: let me know when we can discuss selling your business.


So I respond giving him the name and location of our business and telling him that we're here all day.  He instantly resopnds and says "I'll be there".


We wait all day and he doesn't show up....(this is now the SECOND time)


Then SEVEN DAYS go by and they don't even bother emailing me back to say what happened. I then hit them up to check in, and he says : "i said i would stop by after the Holiday weekend"

I then call him out on this lie and tell him that he never said that....And tell him that I"m looking at our email chain right now. And he says "i'm looking at the same thing" - Completely holding on to his lie.

So so far, this guy has shown me that he's suffering from dimentia, is forgetting things, then making up lies, and sticking to them.

I ask him to forward me the email where he said that (and of course he couldn't, because he NEVER said that)....

And instead he responds with this:


"you sound like  spoiled brat , parents should have raised a more mature son"


This is a  PROFESSIONAL CEO OF A COMPANY who's three times my age.

1. I'm going to guess that his upbringing was much more "spoiled" than mine, considering that my family was homeless and worked very hard to build their first business.

2. He's the one who  "No-showed".  He's the one who lied about it. He's the one who refused to apologize and kept holding on to this lie and he's the one who started with the rude comments.


Is this somebody that you would want to do business with? Somebody that you would want to trust selling or buying a business with?  An old-angry man suffering from dimentia?

I literally did NOTHING wrong but set up an appointment with somebody who bailed on me, didn't communicate for a week, lied to me, and then insulted me and my family.

It's sad that there are business-owners who would treat their customers like this.  This guy is living proof that money doesn't buy happiness. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States


#2Author of original report

Sun, August 23, 2020

The Truth about Yahya Bakkar!!!

- from the ordained minister that married him and his wife. 

What I'm about to share is coming does not bring me joy to share, but I feel that it's important for protecting people who are thinking about investing with Yahya Bakkar.

Please keep in mind that this is coming from someone who has known Yahya for a long time -  well over a decade now and have seen him in his most vulnerable state behind the scenes. Unfortunately, I've seen the pain of his father rejecting him, and I saw the pain of his mother rejecting him for a second time, along with that entire side of his family. I won't get into the reasons why his own family disowned him for lying to them, because it's too personal, but what I will say is that due to that truama, he has spent his entire life seeking validation from others to make up for it. 

I've worked with over a 100,000 people directly doing a 6-hour SEL workshop.  Half of them were teenagers in schools, so I know how trauma can impact the psychology of an adult when they're older. It's unfortunate, but Yahya deseparately needs public validation like it's oxygen as a result of this rejection.

To tell you more about my behind the scenes involvement with Yahya, I'm the one who helped him reunite with his mom after over 20 years of not knowing who she was or where she lived. I even flew to Thailand and shot an entire documentary on him and his family. I was the one who officiated the wedding he had with his wife Kate. I knew him on a personal level beyond his fake social media image that he's been portraying all these years. But here is what I will say....his ego created a path of destruction throughout his entire life and it has only gotten worse. And unfortunatley, it continues to do so.

There was a time that there was a group of 5 of us.  Yahya has two sidekicks from childhood that are "yes" men and do everything he ask them to do.  Then there was me and another person who challenged him. But anybody who's been in an abusive relationship with a narcissist knows that you can't ever challenge them without dealing with a narcissisitc injury response. So during the documentary planning, we were also all pitching a TV show. We were planning on working on a huge project together called "Soul Brothers". 

However, as team-oriented as everyone was, Yahya always wanted to be the center of attention. He always wanted to position himself to be better than he was and was extremely arrogant and self-righteous about it. He also had a huge temper and was verbally abusive to both his girlfriend, his family, and his friends.  Because of his huge ego, our entire thing fell apart. Time after time, when we attempted to create something as a group, Yahya would be the sole reason why it didn't happen. Because he wanted to be the star and have everybody serve him. His narcissism has been a source of pain for his entire life. He's been accused of it by dozens, if not hundreds of people, who have interacted with him directly. 

So seeing him go down this path of being an internet con man has been sad.  I saw him struggle non-stop as he would borrow money from people around him just to pay rent. He literally never had any money all the years that I've known him. And I don't share this to shame that. But to give you some insight on the morals and ethics of this character. And I call him a character because his entire image is made-up. All he has is his 'entertainer dance for me' persona who knows how to put ona  show and emotionally manipulate people and speak with conviction (very much like Trump - which is probably why he loves him so much).

A couple years ago, Yahya switched from being a failed public speaker to a failed "porn addiction specialist" - even though he has no real expertise in it and was still addicted himself.

He takes what he struggles with and projects himself to be an expert in it - even though he hasn't mastered it himself.   He's doing the same thing with his newfound passion for "child trafficking" - because when he talked to me about his porn addiction, he said that all he would watch is "skinny young teens" in his porn search. (And he probably still does) - which was strange during a time that he was working with teens.  And now all of a sudden, he's a Qanon advocate for save the children?  Feeling guilty about anything maybe? Everything he does is a projection of his own insecurities, so I wouldn't be surprised.

It's nauseating seeing him constantly put on this fake image of being an expert at something. It's just a sales pitch. All of it is a sales pitch.

Then after failing once again, all of a sudden, he became the worst kind of social media influencer out there. The one that makes us all cringe.

The stereotype of these online big talking scam artists selling you a dream that they themselves don't have, and then making money off of that fake image until they actually get it.  We saw this with people renting cars and houses for their promo videos to make it seem like they're successful - and then charging a ridiculous amount to teach people what's avaialable for free.

 Personally, it disgusts me and I don't consider that a success.

I consider that a fraud and I believe that karma will come back to people like Yahya Bakkar.

Let's be clear. Before he created this 'training' - which once again is just basic business principles that's available for free - Yahya has never built a successful business.

Yahya does not have any expertise in business or an education in business.

Yahya was broke his entire life.

So how is somebody who has never ran a business even once suddenly position himself as a business expert? Because he literally purchased a bunch of business books, highlighted all the concepts in them, and then would say the same thing that others are teaching, but re-package it in his own words (and sometimes not even in his own words). Even his email funnel is basically stolen from a very well known online markterer.  Yahya is just a copy and paste gimmick.

He would then shoot these fake videos like he's living the dream life and is super successful. 

He purchased fake social media accounts and likes. And he's literally just stealing other successful people's ideas and pretending that HE'S the expert, when he's not. He never was. He's only an expert at lying and manipulation. People shouldn't teach others something that they themselves haven't mastered.

I repeat. Yahya has never ran a business in his entire life, yet he teaches people how to run a successful business.  He hasn't beaten his porn addiction in over a decade, yet he was teaching people how to beat porn addiction. etc....

So he spent an entire year living off of his girlfriend's minimum wage job and his father in law's money....Pretending that he himself was actually making money. But he wasn't. He was borrowing money all the time and constantly mooching off of others, specifically his girlfriend's family.

I saw him doing this whole "Look at how successful I am. Pay me and I'll teach you how to do the same" thing.... but over the years I didn't say anything, as immoral as I thought it was.

I've seen these internet characters do the same thing in the past, and I thought it was disgusting. To lie intentionally to people is just wrong.  So instead, I just distanced myself from him.

But as we all see, he's on a huge ego trip now and it's only going to get worse with time.

I recently challenged him in a debate as he was publicly and ignorantly promoting Qanon - "Trump is our savior' conspiracy theories.  And instead he blocked me.  He took the how to hynptozie course by a very famous entreprneur Justin Tranz -  and Yahya even blocked him for disagreeing.

In this one day, I received over a DOZEN private messages from people who used to look up to him and are completely shocked how unintelligent and nonempathetic he actualy is, considering the types of videos he posts.  But it's an ACT.  He's one of the best actors I've ever met.  It's inauthentic.

He couldn't even stand in the arena with me when I attempted to have an intellectual conversation with him.  Once again, all your private messages reflected that. And I'm glad that you saw that and how it played out. He was clearly being intellectually OWNED and his ego was so butt-hurt that he decided to block me (all while complaining about how we shouldn't censor people) lol.  He's a hypocrite in every sense of the word.  

Yahya is evidence that as long as you have an extroverted personality and can smile and lie to people, you don't have to be intelligent, you don't have to know how to run a business, you don't have to have social awareness, you don't have to have to emotional intelligence, you don't actually need anything. As long as you're comfortable lying to people and selling them that lie convincingly, you can make money.  You won't be a good human being, but you definitely CAN make money if you don't have any morals or ethics. Yahya is evidence of that.

When I was filming the documentary, the second the camera came on, he'd suddenly change his personality. I've even seen him cry on command once he saw that I was filming.  This is some sociopathic stuff right here.

I am not sharing this to expose himself. He already exposed himself these last few months and he's lost half his fan base because of it. I'm only sharing this to validate what so many of you are already perceiving and what so many have messaged me about. No, you are not crazy. And yes, he really is that manipulative.

I can say this with utmost confidence. After traveling to 49 states, interacting with 100's of 1000's of people, and almost being 40, I can say that Yahya is hands-down the most narcissistic and self-centered person I've ever met. Ever.  And I'm not saying that lightly. I can't conjure up anyone I know who's more full of themselves than he is- besides his God, Donald Trump.  

Now I'm not trying to pretend to be perfect myself. He may even respond attacking my character, but exposing my flaws (which I openly admit to and talk about) -doesn't take away from his. But I'm also not positioning myself to be something that I'm not like he is. Plus, it doesn't take away from the fact that he's a fraud. A liar. And a cheat (yes he's cheated on his wife before).

He portrays this successful image but he's just conning people out of their money. All he's doing is positioning himself as an expert while stealing other people's concepts....people who created those concepts after they actually lived them and actually ran successful businesses. 

My father used to always say "show me your friends and how youI'll who you are". 

Let's look at the type of people Yahya surrounds himself with.

His mentor, Elliot Hulse, who I also met at his wedding, has recently been ousted as well.

He's come out a couple weeks ago as a pure embodiment of toxic masculinity.

Yahya's close friend Elliot claimed that lesbians HATE all men.

He said that because the founders of BLM were black lesbians, that they clearly hate black men. (simply because of their sexual orientation).

He claimed that "patriarchy is the future" and that whatever women touch leads to violence and destruction....even though our entire human history of war and destruction has been due to patriarchy, and even though the Women's March was not only the largest, but also the most peaceful protest we've ever seen. I feel bad that there are daughters that have to grow up with toxic men like this.

And these hyper-masculine men on steroids who have racist and sexist tendencies are the type of people that Yahya surrounds himself with.

He uses people to further his own agenda.

As soon as you don't serve a purpose in his life, he tosses you to the side. Just like we're seeing recently where he's blocked dozens, if not hundreds of people, for simply disagreeing with him. 

Yahya only wants to surround himself with people who kiss his a*s.

I have tons of revealing photos, emails, and screenshots, but will respect his privacy - unless he wants to come at me publicly and turn this into a back and forth thing. But until that happens, this is the only message that I'll write on this topic.  I'm not going to turn this into a full-on tear down of someone who I once respected. I'm sharing this for the sake of accountability for all the people who are equally as disappointed by him and have had a feeling that something is 'off'.

I am here to tell you that you're not crazy and something is definitely off about him.

Yahya suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. I 've been studying the syndrome for many years after surviving a relationship with one. He showcases nearly every symptom of it. Even his acts of public vulnerability are just for attention. Crodocile tears. He uses EVERY single thing in his life to get social validation. It's literally his oxygen. If it's not on social media and if he's not exploiting it, then it has no real value. He can't just have a private moment or a personal experience.  He uses aand exploits everything for his own gain. The best thing he could do is get off social media and just be silent for a few months.

I recently did it and it was the best thing I did. The only reason that I don't care anymore about calling him out is because I don't care about my public image anymore.

Let me be radically honest. The reason that I could spot all these things in him is because I had them as well. I was on several reality shows. I had a big public image that I was stuck in during my 20's. But I spent my 30's outgrowing it. And I've finally reached a place where I just don't care about any of it. And I've never been happier or more successful. Unlike Yahya....I don't want fame. I don't need validation or recognition. I'm not driven just by money. I had all of those things on a much larger scale than he has, and I can promise you that it it doesn't lead to happiness.  It only traps you in your image.  And Yahya is a victim of his own self created image.

At this point in my life, I simply don't care what anybody thinks about me.

I just want to live a simple happy life with a few close friends and a focus on my family and the things that matter.

I don't want to spend hours and hours every day catering to my social media image like Yahya obsessively does. I don't want to dance on stage for you and sell myself out regularly like Yahya obessively does.

In summary, I woulnd't trust somebody like him if I were you. He has lost tons of friends and all of his family for a reason. I wouldn't trust someone who intentionally lied and created a fake image of success....just to get successful.  Literally....ALL of his success is built on a huge LIE that he's been selling to the public for years, until he eventually found a few suckers that knew nothing about his past and fell for the LIE that he's an expert in anything. He's not. AT ALL.  Outside of selling people his fake expertise, he has zero experience or success in anything. 

Take it from someone who's known him for over a decade.....who's known him personally...who he trusted enough to officiate his pains me to say this, but Yahya Bakkar is a straight-up fraud and just another internet con man who makes money ripping people off and selling them regurgitated knowledge that's available for free in books everywhere. Save your money and don't work with Yahya Bakkar. Message me if you have any further questions.  I have nothing to gain by making this post. I have nothing to sell. I have no other agenda.  I've supported Yahya and wished him the best for a decade, but he needs to be held accountable. He needs to be called out. And hopefully, after doing so, he can get the therapy that he desperately needs for his disorder.

Read more about his online scam at:

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