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  • Report:  #1506681

Complaint Review: Felix Vera

Felix Vera Irina Somerdin Gogitzle Rumisnkaya Psychological damage to my teenager daughter Belleville Washington

  • Reported By:
    Felix — Belleville Washington United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 03, 2021
  • Updated:
    Sun, April 04, 2021

To whom may concern.

I want to share my story of an event I experienced in 2017.

My Ex meet this woman named Irina Somerdin Gogitzle Rumisnkaya. They became bestfriends to the point she was coming to my house often with the intention to sell escencial oils but when reality she used my home to have dirty activities such as bringing ex boyfirends and other unkown guys at my house while she was married. Knowing the facts I discover that my ex was agreed to what Irina was doing at the house and for that reason I dump her out so meaning I ended up kicking them out at my house.

After 2 years later of this complicated situation, Unfortunally i have to involved a lawyer because i want to present an allegation that I am multi rich man that my ex was asking for 50/50 (typical woman from the far east Russia. do not generalize) from my acess with the failure lawyer which was with Irina's lawyer who she reccommed it to my ex so he can work with my ex's case. for that reason after the incident happend my daughter blamed at me for all this. from all this falses allegation causes her to be unstable mentally after been GENIUS 152 I Q. she doesnt want to talk to me after the incident happend. I wish who ever reading this right now can see the court records and evidense in Florida Court which ill give it now.. Case Number #502017DR007164XXXXNB.

Forensic discovered and embezzlement money existed by Irina and my ex.

27 Appearence all dismissed and no attorney fees.

this lawyer named Paul Fenizio. He runs advertisements such as Injured Lawyer, Family Lawyer, Business Lawyer, at the end what I research about him that he has 0 experience in any of those fields that he claims he has experience. Please read my case.

Unfortunally the type of work I do, my house was available for this type of activities created by Irina.


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