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  • Report:  #749375

Complaint Review: Field Nation

Field Nation Doesn't pay techs fairly and some times not at all! Internet

  • Reported By:
    Brandon — Hayden lake Idaho United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 05, 2011
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 06, 2017
*UPDATE Employee: Rebuttal from Director @ Field Nation *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Field nation *General Comment: Time Management... *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Field Nation is comprised of a bunch of drunks! *UPDATE Employee: Life of a 1099 Technician *UPDATE Employee: its a two way street *Consumer Comment: Field Nation Calls *UPDATE Employee: Field Nation *Consumer Comment: Field Nation - Quality Service Organization *Author of original report: Just for your Info *Consumer Comment: Field Nation - The absolute Top Service Organization *UPDATE Employee: Field Nation Compensation *REBUTTAL Individual responds: He is Correct! *General Comment: It's just business *Consumer Comment: Technician needs to take some responsibility here *Consumer Suggestion: Not getting fully reimbursed for parts/parking/tolls? *General Comment: Field Nation and most technicians- not greedy *General Comment: Field Nation is an EXCELLENT company to work with! *UPDATE Employee: Good Platform *General Comment: FN *Author of original report: Bravo *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Bravo *UPDATE Employee: Field Nation is not a rip off *General Comment: Sleezy Companies *General Comment: The nature of contract work *UPDATE Employee: Stand your ground *Consumer Comment: Field Nation Lies *Consumer Comment: Really, Art? Why won't you talk to me? I have a MAJOR complaint *Author of original report: Still refuses to pay *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Field Nation charges 10% commission fee from the Service Provider and protects Buyer. *General Comment: Platforms *Consumer Suggestion: Field Nation is A+ *Consumer Comment: I agree with the above complaint! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: No Pay for MY SERVICES !!!! *UPDATE Employee: Why I have not gotten PAID ? *Author of original report: Whatever

     I have accepted many contracts from this company to learn

the estimated time I am suppose to be on a job and what I'm actually paid for

are two different things. They will not compensate you at all if a job goes

over time. I have had estimated job times of 1 hour take 5 hours because of their

customers delays. I only received payment for the one hour. As of today they

owe me $360.00 in unpaid tech time.

     The last time they call me at 6:00 in the morning demanding

I get out of bed and head to one of their sites immediately. I performed as

they asked. The job only paid an hours time at the rate of $67.00. I had a 45

minute drive time each way. I showed up at the jobsite to find out the parts

had not arrived. The parts were not scheduled to be their till after 1:00. I

called to ask how they were going to pay me. Their response was wait their on

the job till the parts arrive or we will not pay you. They expected me to wait

5-8 hours without pay on the site. I left them and billed them for the call. I

am still awaiting payment.

This company is horrible to deal with and does not pay their techs fairly!

36 Updates & Rebuttals


#37Author of original report

Wed, September 06, 2017

Get over it. I did. It's simple. Your customer didn't pay me and you won't do anything about it. You keep your customers behind a website wall and won't assist when they don't pay. It's really that simple.



Why I have not gotten PAID ?

#37UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 06, 2017

Mr. Jenkins,

I have been in contact with your people for over 3+ weeks of not getting paid for a WO that I completed - Work Order 4016292: NOT PAID 3+ WEEKS NOW.... I keep being asked to login and update the ticket as it has been closed numerous of times and re opened.  I have had various people in your orginazation to tell me that I will be paid on the next pay date and this has passed 6X.... Then I am asked to login and update the ticket ?  There is nothing to update as the work order has been closed for 4 Weeks now !  Why am I going thru this as I am a Field Tech trying to supplement income until I get a full time job. I will not login as if I do, I have to agree to the arbitration rules that now they want to impose on me and my rights as I DONT AGREE WITH THIS !  I have over 10 emails asking that I do this and update the ticket, THERE IS NOTHING TO UPDATE !  The job has been done and signed off on and now I cant or wont get PAID ?  Now if you like you can reach me at my email address or phone number on my profile to resolve this simple issue that should not have escalalted to this.  I am a reasonable person to work with but I refuse to give away my rights to let someone else be in control and a voice for me when I have a family attorney to help resovle issues that I or MY FAMILY may have in life and situations that require a court of law to resolve any disputes !  I dislike having to do this as I believe in treating people the way I want to be treated but right now I am not being treated as a VALUED EMPLOYEE ( contractor) and I'm keep getting told you will be paid on the next pay date.  






Thomas S Evans



No Pay for MY SERVICES !!!!

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 06, 2017

To whom it may concern,

I agreed to this sum for this WO as I was getting tired of dealing with the POC for this assignment as he ( Jermaine ) kept going in and changing the status of the ticket when it was closed on numerous times and no additional notes added.  Then I got this email asking that I take a lower rate instead of the agreed $50 Flat Fee and $35 Travel fee that he agreed to in the Messages that was sent between him and I but then I was asked to take a lower rate ( Which I agreed ) to get paid. It has been over 4+ weeks and I still have not received payment for my services and I am asked to go back into the ticket and update the ticket.  I refuse to as I have done this on numerous occasions and Jermaine kept changing it and not stating a reason why as the Mgr approved the WO and signed off on it and now they dont want to pay me. So I am asking that my account be PAID and CLOSED as I will not do any work with FN because of this issue that should have been resolved weeks ago ... Also I will not login to the portal as I dont agree to the new terms that are being imposed for me to let Field Nation be in control of and I cannot sue to recoup my earned money !  If this would have just been paid and not for them trying to find a work around of not paying me I would not have to include my family attorney  !!!


If you need additional information you can contact our family lawyer Greg.T. Bailey ( ) as I have asked him to help in this matter.

FN Technician


I agree with the above complaint!

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, August 09, 2016


1.)  Another thing they have done to me is that they will demand that I do additional OUT OF SCOPE work or they will not pay me for the orginal job that I agreed to and completed. 


2.) I have NEVER had one instance in which FN helped me in anyway. Whenever there was a dispute, FN almost always goes out of their way to assist the buyer. There were times when I have had evidence, documents, and recordings that the buyer was engaging in wrongdoing.  Fieldnation ignored it all. I filed a lawsuit against the Buyer. Then some idiot from Fieldnation called me and threatened that I drop the suit or they will wipe out my account. As an INDEPENDENT platform service as they claim to be,  I find it outrageous that they are maliciously interfering in my business relationship with the buyers by threatening me to drop a lawsuit.  




Field Nation is A+

#37Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 22, 2016

I have been a technician on Field Nation for almost 5 years. My tech ID is: 29156. They have been excellent to me. Any problems a technician may have usually 99% of the time is their own problem/fault. I have had my share of minor issues but I consider my integrity to be excellent. I like doing business with Field Nation. A+ in my book. ;)




#37General Comment

Fri, May 29, 2015

Exactly what do you expect from any of these platforms? They are garbage to do work for, and work with. They treat the technicians like garbage, and alot of the technicians in turn treat the customer like garbage by doing chuck in the truck type work.


New York,

Field Nation charges 10% commission fee from the Service Provider and protects Buyer.

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 19, 2015

Field Nation charges 10% commission fee from the Service Provider and protects Buyer. Work Market charges commission fee from the Buyer and protects Service Provider.

I (Service Provider) had an issue with Computer Assistant (Buyer). When I accepted a work order in Field Nation, I clearly mentioned in my counter offer that I need $100 per hour, 3 hours minimum. The Buyer accepted my counter offer and assigned me to take this job in Wall St, NY. I paid $60 for car parking, $30 for tolls, $20 for gas, 4 hours travel time. After long conversations for a week, Computer Assistant advised me that they could pay only $150 for the total.  I almost spent a day (3 hours onsite & 4 hours travel time) plus $110 from my pocket. If they pay me $150, what am I working for $5.50 per hour?

I then contacted Field Nation to resolve a payment issue. There is an Idiot called 'Daniel Larson' Account Manager who I spoke to, he was rude and giving me order to do in his way.  This guy was a President at DLC Group & Managing Partner at Designer Marketplace. How stupid is he, when he demotes himself as a Manager in Field Nation.


There is another person called 'Arthur Jenkin' Vice President who I spoke to, he was very sweet during my first phone conversation regarding this payment issue. Then next consecutive email conversations for a week, he was writing 'My friend I didn't forget you' and he was not willing to release this payment in Field Nation.

In the first week of this payment issue, the Buyer tested my patience. In second week of this payment issue, Daniel tested my patience, and in the third week of this payment issue, Arthur tested my patience. 

On the third week, I sent an email to Arthur that I will be taking further action with this Buyer on payment issue. Within an hour of this email, he called me and screamed at me. This person used to admit in a Hospital because he screams at people and gets heart attack. He threatened me to deactivate my account in Field Nation. Within a day he did so, at the same time he was delaying my payment for 3 weeks after completion of work order.


Field Nation runs with bunch of crooks that blindly support Buyers, at the same time they expect 10% commission fee from Service Provider. US Labor Department should look into their activities and lock down their business for slavery.


Hayden lake,

Still refuses to pay

#37Author of original report

Tue, July 08, 2014

The owner is still trying to point a finger at someone else. The bottom line is they called me out to do work for a set time and a set price. I went to the job as instructed. They didn't have the parts there on site as I was told they did. They wanted me to sit at the site for 6 hours for free. I let them know this was unacceptable, but would be happy to come back when the parts came in. it was agreed this was an acceptable terms. I was never called back. I had 2 hours travel time and time working on the equipment. I wasn't paid or compensated for any of it. I received a 1099 from this company at the end of the year. They would not give me any contact information to further collections from their client. This is straight up bad business.



Really, Art? Why won't you talk to me? I have a MAJOR complaint

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, July 08, 2014

I have called repeatedly and always get your voice mail, where I have left messages you promptly ignore. All questions to "marketplace quality" (laughable) go unanswered, and all factual information presented deemed irrelevant and/or ignored completely if it contradicts the BUYER.. hmm, go figure, deep pockets never does anything wrong, but one lone tech doesn't count at all!

It's all about the money in FN's greedy little hands, that's why they screw us on our expenses and that's why they ALWAYS side with the buyer.. even when presented with IRREFUTABLE evidence! FN lies, people, wake up!

They don't even follow their own stated terms. The supposed "Marketplace quality" people make random, arbitrary decisions based on nothing to do with anything factual at all, even inventing false "performance events" to justify harsh and unjust punishment for first offenses.

They also lie about trying to help technicians who make a mistake!  They don't even tell you that you've made  a mistake untill you've make enough for them to cut you off with no recourse, no explanation, just repetative lies and stonewalling




Field Nation Lies

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, April 25, 2014

Field Nation is run by a scammy bunch of liers. They tell all of there buyers that techs have insurance which is a blatant lie. Field Nation does not allow buyers to see if techs have insurance but yet promises its clients that they all do. Lie!!! Do not believe the hype, do not believe the bullshit, go with a platform such as Onforce or Work Market which makes sure that its technicians have Insurance.

Joe LeDuck

Duh Swamp,

Stand your ground

#37UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 15, 2013

I've been doing work for all the platforms since they first started in the early-mid 2000's.  In your case, I can't say you made a mistake by doing what the platform and service buyer asked you to do.  But you did get screwed.  What I do in cases like that is hold them to their contract.  Each work order is a contract, and they are as bound by the conditions as you are.  One of those conditions is the time or time window that was given when you accepted the work order.  I've made the same mistake you have, but not in many years.  What I do now, in cases like yours, is resolutely stick to what is "within the four corners" (a legal term) of the work order.  Which means I hold them to their scope of work and do not do extra work for free, and I arrive when I agreed to and not a minute sooner or later, unless I just decide I want to. I have gotten belligerent with both the personnel of Field Nation and other platforms, and with the service buyers themselves.  Nonetheless, in the many years I've been on the platforms I have gotten precisely three bad ratings--out of hundreds, and only two of them were legit (I was sick as a dog and should not have been working). 

What saves me and will save you is professionalism.  That, of course means above all doing a good job, every time.  But it also means politely reminding the other parties to the contract/work order that they too are bound to its conditions. 

Or creatively sidestepping problems when you can.  One of the most effective ways to do that without hurting anyone's feelings is to maintain the appearance of always being tightly scheduled for work.  For instance, I recently could not complete a job (setting up a dry photo lab) because they managed to send the $50000 worth of dye-sub printers and the 500 pound monstrosity of a cabinet they were going in, but failed to send a single power or USB cable to connect everything with.  That meant I was able to complete 85% of the work.  They practically demanded that I return the next day to complete the job, saying they would send the cables and stuff out over night.  I had plans for the next day that did not include work.  I regretfully told them that I had work scheduled for the entire day and there was no way I could squeeze a 120-mile drive and another three hour job into my schedule.  They insisted.  The manager of the store insisted, and got belligerent, literally red-faced and practically ordering me to return.  I stood my ground and said that I was bound to abide by my agreements, and that included keeping the (fictitious) service appointments scheduled for the following day.  There was no real rebuttal to that, because one of the reasons I got that job and others like it is _because_ I always show up, and show up on time.  And do good work. 

And after dealing with the platforms for many years now, these days I routinely refuse to go outside the four corners of the work order, even if I'm capable and have the time and/or skills to do it.  The only rare exceptions are those service buyers for whom I've done dozens of work orders and whom I trust.  And I _always_ negotiate a higher pay for return trips or out of scope work _before_ I do it.  If they refuse, I pack my sh*t and go home.  If they complain, I remind them that I performed the duties outlined in the work order.  Period.  They'll get mad, but your job and your business is just as important as theirs and sooner or later they will understand that if you stick to your guns.

If you do work for the platforms--and that includes Field Nation--sooner or later you will get screwed.  It's a risk you have to accept, just like you would for a local client for whom you do work and then who refuses to pay.  But if you are professional, and stand your ground in a polite but firm way, it will help prevent experiences like you had.

Is it worth it?  For me, yes.  I'm an old, extremely experienced and skilled tech and I can service, install, or set up just about everything.  But I also have a highly developed sense of propriety and a volcanic temper.  What that means is I can't abide having a boss.  Every single one I've had eventually did or said something unnecessarily rude or unfair, and I can only absorb a thimbleful of that crap before I get an ulcer.  Or explode.  Being self-employed gives me the option to ditch a client, or block one of the service buyers on the platforms that I believe treated me badly or unfairly.  And the best part?  Now, when someone curses me out, I curse them back.  Like only someone from New Orleans could.  Yet I still have plenty of work and have always made more money on my own than I did at any of my jobs.  So yes, it's worth the occasional risk of getting screwed by one of the platform service buyers, to not have a boss.  Or to have to tolerate obnoxious clients.  It will always be worth it to me.


Sorry for the book-length rebuttal, but I have literally worked for every single online platform, big and small, some of which no longer exist.  Nowadays, I do Onforce, Work Market, Field Nation, and occasionally Field Solutions (my least favorite one)  Of the bunch, Onforce is by far the biggest and best.  And hardest to get on with.  But if you do the work right and on time, Onforce will stand by you and get you paid, and fast, even if you have a problem with the service buyer.  Field Nation is less supportive of its techs, and will side more often with the service buyer but still isn't bad.  The only one you have to worry about not getting paid on is Work Market.  I had a service buyer fail to pay me for months for work I completed properly and on time.  I asked for help from the Work Market people and was told that it was between me and the service buyer, and they refused to get involved.  That would never--never--happen with Onforce or Field Nation.  I know that with Onforce at least, your pay is already in escrow under the control of Onforce when you accept the work order and if you have a dispute and you're in the right Onforce will pay you no matter what the service buyer thinks.  I've had a number of disputes on OF and in every case I had both done the work properly and (more importantly) carefully documented everything in detail in the work order notes.  I've had maybe ten disputes with Onforce buyers since 2006, won every one, and got paid every time even though the service buyer might have been hopping mad about it.  But Workmarket?  Meh.  You're on your own there.  Yet there are good buyers on WM so I do a lot of work off that platform but only for buyers I have long-established relationships with.  I only do a little work with Field Nation these days, but that's just how the work orders are shaking out in my area. 

As far as rapidity of pay, Onforce is way at the front of the pack, with Field Nation coming in second (and paying on a schedule, instead of whenever the work order is approved like with OF).  Field Solutions pays fairly quick provided you get the WO approved for payment in a reasonable time.  Of the four, Workmarket comes in like tenth.  They really suck when it comes to time-to-payment.  Many of their buyers pay 30 days _after_ approval, and will often dally days or even weeks before they approve, no matter what the quality of work done.  And as mentioned before, the Workmarket reps are no help at all.  I simply cannot believe that the same guy who started Onforce is the man that now has Workmarket.  He does manage to drum up a lot of work on his platform for his techs, but he doesn't give a rat's a*s if they get paid, or when.  I'm not saying to avoid Workmarket, just to be extremely careful who you accept work from. 

Oh, and never, but never, accept work from their Indian service buyer, iYogi.  They pay peanuts, expect you to work hours for it, _always_ argue with you even when you make reasonable requests, and will even demand you go outside the scope of work without extra pay--which is clearly against Workmarket rules.  On all the platforms, for all the years I've worked on them, iYogi is by far the worst service buyer.   I quit accepting work from them years ago, yet they still call me at least once a week wanting me to take a call that's close to my zip code.  Usually to do hours of malware remediation for like fifty bucks.  Bzzt.  Nope.  I don't even bother to be polite with them anymore.  I tell them flat out they're effing insane if they expect a competent tech to work for hours for chump change.  Then when they try to argue--which they inevitably do, no matter how abusive you get with them--I just hang up on them after I've said my piece.  I see that lately they've been starting to drift over to Field Nation a little.  So FN techs: you have been warned.

A note to the lazy, the incompetent, the alcoholics and malcontents and the like.  There are only two of the major platforms where you can pull complete boners like failing to show up and not even calling in, without getting the boot in your a*s, and those are Workmarket and Field Solutions.  You can abandon a work order without ever showing up or even explaining yourself and they will not kick you out.  Try that crap on Onforce and they will ban you permanently _the first effing time you do it_.  For no-show/no-calls, or for incompetent or incomplete work, with OF you get no second chances.  Field Nation will cut you a little more slack, but you'd better have a damned good explanation, or a convincing lie, and they might give you a second chance.  But not a third one.  There's a reason Onforce is the hardest platform to get on with--it's the biggest, it's the best, it treats its techs better than all the others, and it has by far the most work.  It also limits the numbers of techs it has in any geographical area, so for the bigger metro areas there's often a months or even years long waiting list.  But if you can get in, run, don't walk through the door.  Onforce is the best. 

Sorry for the long and wandering "rebuttal".  But I've got many years experience with all the platforms and I figured this was as good a place as any to dump some useful information.



The nature of contract work

#37General Comment

Tue, August 27, 2013

I am a contract tech with six years' experience taking contract. I am new to Field Nation, but see several problems with this complaint:

1) Field Nation does not dispatch; buyers do. Field Nation only provides a marketplace for buyers to match with techs.

2) ALWAYS ensure the part is onsite before arriving. This is standard procedure for tech calls (I, too, often have to travel 45 miles or more).

3) the work order says what it says. The time to negotiate terms is before you accept the work order, not after.

There are upsides and downsides to contract work, but the basic rule is to read the contract carefully. If you're waiting onsite because of an end user delay, that usually can be prevented by calling ahead.



Sleezy Companies

#37General Comment

Wed, July 03, 2013

Fieldnation is not a rip off.  However, Fieldnation is being used by scammers and sleazebags.  Currently I am having a problem with the company that handles 7-11 installations.  These people are scumbuckets and the worst I have ever dealt with.  Don't hold fielnation accountable but those who use it.  

Loyd E

United States of America

Field Nation is not a rip off

#37UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 07, 2012

Each work order detail explicitly details start and stop times and penalties as such.  Either your experience is the result of a poor project manager or poorly described work order, or you sir, did not fullly comply with the work order details.  Take your lumps, don't bash Field Nation....if you don't like the offered pay, submit a counter offer and justify it or don't take the assignment.

I  have been with Field Nation for almost two years now, and have not had any experience even close to what you are talking about.

Tony Juraska

United States of America


#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 01, 2012

I have to tell you.....FN has been one of the best Platforms out there for IT work!! I was with them for a few years and made a very good living from them without any issues!! I wish I could still be there but left earlier this year for Medical reasons.....but would love to be back with them.And for someone to knock them.......obviously you do not know what you are talking about....and you do not even know how to spell horrible!!


Hayden lake,
United States of America


#37Author of original report

Thu, November 01, 2012

Glad someone else is responding besides thier internal people on here. I hope someone does an investigation and it goes live on national TV. They are scamers. Who take money and take advantage of the techs with thier internal policies which lead to no possable way to recover money owed to technicians. I have owned my own business for 7 years and the ethics of this company are horable. The owner talks like a drunken drug addict on the phone and has no desire of compensating techs. In short..... He doesn't really care and is taking advantage of techs who are desperate for work.


District of Columbia,
United States of America


#37General Comment

Thu, November 01, 2012

They're crooks and liars running a ponzi scheme waiting to be featured on American Greed. I refuse to contract with these thieves and so should you.

George Medlin

United States of America

Good Platform

#37UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 22, 2012

Fieldnation is not an employer of techs but instead a platform to find work. If you did not get paid what you think you deserve then you need to take that up with the buyer. I have done several jobs on this platform and I am very happy with the pay I get. If you got ripped off it is only due to your lack of experience in bidding on jobs and calculating the time you need to complete said job.

Mike Brown

United States of America

Field Nation is an EXCELLENT company to work with!

#37General Comment

Mon, September 17, 2012

I have been a field technician for FieldNation for quite some time. I have performed hundreds of work orders and work for all the top platforms. The tech that originally filed this complaint evidently has no concept of platform work. It is not some robotic task oriented job where you are fed everything like a child. You need to check with EU to confirm receipt of parts, confirm travel and time....and by the way if you do not want the work...DO NOT ACCEPT IT! I make a living doing platform work and will support FieldNation and their practices without exception. 


Osage Beach,
United States of America

Field Nation and most technicians- not greedy

#37General Comment

Tue, September 11, 2012

I read your comments several times and I believe you have never run or been expoosed to a small business with thin margins. You believe that a company who funds the tecnicians, not Field Nation, should pay you what you are worth.   The small company I work for, to provide good affordable service, hires technicians that are able to perform the functions called for in the work order. 

When I recieve a bid on a work order from multiple technicians, I look at their Profiles and select a few that can do the work. I could care less if a technician has advanced degrees or extensive experience in POS etc.  I state what the work order pays for a particular task. If I get multiple bids, I select the one that I think is the best bet based on work history and distance to the work site.

The bottom line is that you do not understand the economics of managing a Service Company.  It is not  about you.

Chris y

United States of America

Not getting fully reimbursed for parts/parking/tolls?

#37Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 11, 2012

This is in response to part "A" of your post.

On the Field Nation Website, and on serveral emails, I have been advised to "upcharge" my materials, tolls, parking charges to allow for full payment.  The vendors understand the process and the Field Nation fee structure and pay the increased amount.

The only caveat that I would watch out for is that all payments from Field Nation in the work order payement area show up on your 1099, so make sure that those items go into the appropriate "Additional Expense" block so that they don't show up as taxed income.

Chris y

United States of America

Technician needs to take some responsibility here

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, September 11, 2012

I read this rip off report and had to wonder what other issues the tech is having. I have taken many jobs from Field Nation and with one exception (which was not their fault) have been treated very fairly, paid on time and per all agreements.

In this case, the tech says he "The last time they call me at 6:00 in the morning demanding 'I get out of bed and head to one of their sites immediately.'"

- He could have easily refused the job, or if taken, asked for additional compensation for travel, early call out or any other of a myriad of reasons (I have done so successfuly on several work orders.)

He says " I have had estimated job times of 1 hour take 5 hours because of their customers delays. I only received payment for the one hour."

- The website where jobs are posted has a link to "Request an increase", before or AFTER the work is completed. If the link is used, you can post how much additional you are requesting, and why. My experience has been very positive to my requests.. IF I request them and IF I have a clear, justifiable reason why.

"I had a 45 minute drive time each way." Every job has travel time included, or you can request travel time on the website. Mine has been paid every time. Although I do attend to the concept that any job with 50 miles is a "local" call, mileage/time included in the job rate.

"I left them and billed them for the call. I am still awaiting payment." It is not clear how he billed them for the call. The website has a "Progress" tab where you put in your work progress. If he did this, and did NOT get agreement that the work was "done", he would not get paid.

In this case, the parts were not on site. A calm calll to the coordinator explaining that would have probably gotten him paid for  the call, and a good tech rating. I have had this happen, called the coordinator, got clearance from the site and was paid in full for the call out.

"As of today they owe me $360.00 in unpaid tech time." The tech is unclear on how this amount was calculated, travel time? On-site time? Completed jobs not paid for?

- Travel time is in the workorder bid price, unless otherwise negotiated (there is a "counter-offer" button where you can give another figure, and the justification for it)

- On-site time? There is a link to request additional money, with an area to justify the increase.

- Completed jobs not paid for? There are links to the support group to assist with that (although I have found that they tend to support the contracting company's point of view, they DO listen to a cogent argument, and I have seen my suggestions taken and instituted on the website).

"This company is horrible to deal with and does not pay their techs fairly!" - I have found that the company is fairly easy to deal with and pays on-time or earlier. The payments are regulated on when the contracting company approves the work done, then usually within a week the payment is in the bank. That works out to a "net 15" in (so far) every case. That is much better than most of my independently contracted jobs (Net 30).

Over all, as a tech that uses Field Nation on a regular basis, I would judge that this tech is not using the tools at his/her disposal to resolve issues and get paid as expected.

tech slave

United States of America

It's just business

#37General Comment

Thu, August 02, 2012

Field nation does not allow the technician to post review of the buyers. Why? because it is more important to get the WO to a tech than let people tell the truth, they care about their 10 percent. Field Nation supports buyers who are hurting the economy for their own greed, using our national debt as a reason to underpay technicians. These buyers need to be exposed as they are hurting the job market. These platforms actually hurt the economy more than help. There are only a handful of buyers that actually pay what a job is worth, the rest need to go onsite and do the work themselves. I would never ask a person to do something I wouldn't do myself when it comes to business, these kids today have no moral character, it's all about how much they can make from your labor.


United States of America

He is Correct!

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 20, 2012

I first want to point out I have been a contractor with Field Nation and Work force for about a year now. Work Force does treat you better. However, that is not the issue here. The issue here is the company told him he had to go at 6:00 AM. Now maybe he should have called and he did  not which is dumb on his part. Here nor there he didn't. The fact that they told him he had to go but then wanted him to wait 5-8 hours they should have paid him regardless. Most jobs are not 10 min away and do require travel. My guess is he would not want travel $$$ but the fact that they wanted him to come back and not pay him in my opinion is their problem.

The company hosting the job should have made sure the parts were on site that is the main issue. It is  not his responsibility to make sure they are there. It is his job to fix the issue and show up when the job is for. Also, you would think if someone is calling for assistance they would have all the parts ready. Company A. I need computer help. tech being sent out. Tech. they had no computer. Company A should have gotten the make /model as well as the issue. 

Same situation. they should have provided an inventory of what needed to be done. How can you provide a scope of work if you don' even have parts.


New Jersey,
United States of America

Field Nation Compensation

#37UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 03, 2012

I have several issues with Field Nation below are some of those issues.

(A) One problem I have had with Field Nation is how they pay out. I have had to pay toll, materials and parking on many occasions and while I understand thier "10%" cut of the value of the work order and as such I have no issues in that regards. My frustration is that when the ticket is paid they include your expenses in thier deduction of the 10% of the ticket value. I do not get a 10% discount on parking, tolls and materials so why am I and other technicans not paid the full value of their expenses? I have poisted the question to several people at Field Nation without a satisfactory reply. If anyone has had similar or different experiences I would be interested in reading about it.

(B) When there are issues between the technician and the end user, and I am currently in this position, I find I have to do battle on my own and though I leave voice messages, send messages via the Field Nation message board for Field Nation contacts and contact the client I rarely receive a response. As a technician many of the work orders carry a penalty for handing in paperwork late or arriving late or such I don't as a technician have the same leverage to hold either Field Nation or the client to the same standard when they either dis-regard or are late in providing information or closure of completed work orders. If anyone has had similar or different experiences I would be interested in reading about it.


Osage Beach,
United States of America

Field Nation - The absolute Top Service Organization

#37Consumer Comment

Sun, June 17, 2012

You suggest On Force and Work Market as alternatives.  On Force became so money hungry from both Buyers and Technicians that we stopped using thm a couple of years ago.  Log on to Work Market site and see the ever increasing criticism from the technicians for the methods Work Market follows in changing the payment amounts after the work is done,  changing scope of assignment , delays or non payment and on and on.

They even changed their charter to providing primarily being a  Software provider to manage technician assignment. 

Or, try Field Solutions.  That is who I thought you were describing. Useless Technicians, no shows, incompetents etc. 


Hayden lake,
United States of America

Just for your Info

#37Author of original report

Sun, June 17, 2012

Obviously you don't read before you write. The job was scheduled for 1:00 PM. I was called and told to get to the site at 7:00 aM because the parts had arrived early and the military base needed thier printer fixed ASAP. I got to the site as fast as I could to find out there were no parts there. Field nation said I needed to wait till the parts got there without pay. I called UPS and the parts were not scheduled to arrive till after 1:00 the agreed upon time. Would you sit and wait 5 hours without pay and 1 hour of dive time each way? This was just one of many similar instances. I left the site and said i would be back when the parts were there. They assigned it to another tech in that period of time. I did not figure this out until I showed back up at the originally agreed upon time to find the other tech had just walked out the door with the parts to the job. This is bad business. They should have at least paid me a minimum for a trip charge for thier error. I'm not in business to eat thier mistakes. I can't tell you how many other jobs I had to sit and wait 2-3 hour without pay because the customers didn't have it together. There is a serious flaw in thier policies and paying for the technicians time consumed by the customers.


Osage Beach,
United States of America

Field Nation - Quality Service Organization

#37Consumer Comment

Sun, June 17, 2012

I am a "buyer" of service techs and have been associated with Field Nation for 2 plus years. I have issued over 2,000 work order assignments through them and never had a commplaint from any technician about not being paid, FOR A JOB DONE CORRECTLY AND ON TIME. 

1.  I should clarify how this all works.  I authorize payments to the technicians using monies on deposit with Field Nation.  Pricing of work orders are a result of multiple technicians bidding on an order. It is up to me to select the Technician and the price requested. 

2.  If any of the mentioned issues occur, it is between the Buyer and the Technician, not Field Nation to work out.  In some cases I pay mileage.

3.  Rates are agreed upon between Buyer and Technician offering a bid.

4. On occasion I have asked Field Nation  to contacvt the Technician if the Technician has not shown up or my customer wants the technian removed from his store and banned from the Costomer stores forever.

While using several other services  like On Force and Field Services, I did run into technicians who thought they should be paid a lot more a job or abandoned  a work order when they received an opportunity for  larger pay on another job. They never cancelled the one they bid on for me.  

If this technician had to be rousted out of bed to do a job he accepted at a given price, I would surmise he messed up.

Tony Juraska

United States of America

Field Nation

#37UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 04, 2012

I joined Field Nation 2 years ago and have completed more than 300 jobs for them......and have been paid Faithfully everyweek.....unlike other Platforms.This Tech states he completed SOME of the work........I would not even expect to be paid if I did not complete a work order.And the Companies do pay very well!!You do not have to accept jobs 45 minutes choose what jobs you will take.I love Work Market and I make a d**n good living from them.....unlike other Platforms that do not pay or you have to chase your money......Field Nation is the best Work Platform out far!!

Cheater Beater

United States of America

Field Nation Calls

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, May 30, 2012

I have done many Field Nation Calls, and not once have I encountered the issues you describe.

If you accepted an agreed upon price, and you go over what was agreed to, it is not Field Nations Fault - they are only the Broker. The company that is using Field Nation to staff you is most likely to blame, or you did not follow proper work and reporting procedures.

And you say you took Field Nation calls "to learn". Well, I think you just learned what an experienced techs time is worth and that you need to follow the rules more from your vendors.

The Estimated time is exactly that - an estimation. If, based on your experience, you think a call will take longer that estimated, then you have the opportunity to discuss that. The estimated time is not set up by Field Nation, but by the Buyer that FN is coordinating to find YOU to do the work for.

In the example you site, there are several failures, iobviously based on your inexperience:

1. You did not contact the actual customer to determine if parts were onsite. Ypu obviously has access to that information and chose not to call.

2.  You accepted a call 45 mins away, and expected to be paid for travel time - travel time is a concept that belongs in the 90s. Sorry.

3. You never completed the work, why should you be paid for a situation you put yourself in because you FAILED to ask the proper questions and contact the customer?

I hope you gained some experience from this call, and will strive to make yourself a better technician. 


los angeles,
United States of America

its a two way street

#37UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 21, 2012

As I've mentioned in a previous rebuttal.. I am both a technician and buyer so I've seen both sides of the park over the last 8 years on Field Nation and OnForce. You have to understand the market/Field is evolving from a buyers market over the last decades Where buyers typically have leverage. I can assure you this is the most tech friendly platform around. It's really evolved over the last two years For technician and although there's much more work to be done, I think you should consider reaching to them..


los angeles,
United States of America

Life of a 1099 Technician

#37UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 21, 2012

Being an independent contractor isnt easy. Often, the Communication lines between vendor/buyers and technician/supplier gets mistracted , everyone starts to point fingers. I know this because I am both a buyer and supplier. I understand Where youre coming from , but im afraid youve lost direction in this issue. Field Nation is merely a processing platform in that in no way or form has anything to do with the negotiations , designation of the scope of a wo, or arrangement of an assignment. They simply provide an market interface. Moreover, when similar disagreement do arrive between the technician and buyer, support usually offers mediation between both parties. Art jenkin and Darrell Smith have always been a supportive channel whenever I've dealt with any type of issue. I can assure you, nobody in the platform is ripping you off. In fact, getting you paid is in their interest . All in all though this is something you need to expect as an independent contractor. You won't always be in the'll win some you'll lose some.. just learn how to pick your battles. Just have your ducks in a row and place all reasonable expectations up front before you accept a wo. If you ever have questions, feel free to look up my technician profile. I have experience with almost every company out there.. Best,

E Hays

Mars Hill,
North Carolina,
United States of America

Field Nation is comprised of a bunch of drunks!

#37REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 08, 2012

The report filed earlier is indicative of Field Nation's attitude towards contract workers. I was on their "platform" for over a year without any problems from customers whatsoever. Yes, you do have to have knowledge and experience in how to plan your day and work with vendors on the site in order to accomplish specific tasks issued on their service. But, they are just a service. They don't and can't regulate nor monitor the issues that arise in the actual work orders that are posted via buyers.

That being said, my experience was that any time I tried to work with Field Nation regarding THEIR operation I was treated like a child, a low life, and like I was a brainless person in the least.

Every year I file my taxes early to beat the rush and get my return back ASAP. Why give IRS more interest? Field Nation was tardy in getting my 1099 to me. I asked time and again, "where is my 1099?" I was ignored and they knew their slow manual system just could not produce the required, by law, information in time for the Jan. 31 deadline. I complained to their bookkeeping department 3 times asking where and when will I get my 1099. On the third try Mr. Jenkins simply told me "you're gone" and deleted my contract from their service platform, period. I tried this year to get back on the system because all my teaching classes are on line and I have time now to do extra work. But I was rejected without any explanation or reason. I am a college instructor with a Master's degree in Business, owned my own IT consulting for for over 20 years, and have been a Pastor of a church for the last 9 years here in Asheville. I am not a slacky nor am I someone to ignore.

Every time I tried to call Field Nation and talk to someone in charge they sounded as though they were drunk. If you listen to the "training" it sounds a s though the guy is drunk and keeps stopping the session to get a drink. By the time the session is finished he was practically incoherent. These guys in Minnesota are simply not professional, take things too personal, and do not adhere to regulatory standards. I had since signed on to other contract platforms with great success and the highest ratings in my area. I also noticed that all Field Nation W/O's do pay less and have less flexibility than other platforms, some of which charge NO FEE to do the work. If I was someone looking to get into this business or someone looking to find service agents with a reputable company to use as contractors, it would certainly NOT be Field Nation! Look at Work Market or even OnForce. Much more professional and understanding than Field Nation!

I will use all the resources available on the internet to make sure people understand how Field Nation treats contractors and hope they do not enter into the platform!

PAB Enterprises

Berwyn Heights,
United States of America

Time Management...

#37General Comment

Sun, February 19, 2012

After reading this report I noticed several things:  The individual is obviously new to field service.  Does not possess the time management skills necessary to perform at this level.  And complains about things that are totally within his own purview.  In order for this type of contracting to work for you, you have to be prepared, precise, and dedicated.

Being prepared means only bidding for jobs in which you know you are qualified to do.  If the job is a "flat rate" job then, you are aware that no matter what the job entails, that is the total that will be paid for the job.  The key here is to know what the job entails and how long it will take.  Most "flat rate" jobs are simple, if you know what your doing.  Being precise means scheduling properly.  We generally schedule 3-4 a day in the same general area.  That way you are making good use of your time.  Also, You also have to call BEFORE going onsite to confirm all the details are correct.  Including delivery of the equipment being installed.  Being dedicated means completing the job properly and professionally.  Most clients will compensate you if they know you are going "above and beyond".

In summation, you should not complain about things that only you have control over.  Field Nation does not employ you.  Their client is contracting you for a service and paying you a specified amount for completing that service in a timely, professional manner.  Choose your jobs wisely, schedule them properly and complete them professionally and you will be able to make, and get paid for, all of your hard work in a timely manner.

Paul Burgess
PAB Enterprises

Proudly serving Field Nation and its clients in the DC/Baltimore Metro area for over 3 years.


Arlington Heights,
United States of America

Field nation

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 16, 2012

I have been a contractor with field nation for more than 3 years and during that time I have jobs that did pay over if it was an hourly job. Fixed amount jobs are just that a fixed amount. If there is a problem on a job then I call the contact to let them know, if a wait time or return is needed I have been compensated. Most jobs state if the job cannot be completed under no fault of your own a fixed amount would be paid. Travel time has been only included if stated in the job. The terms of the job are clearly stated before you accept it. Also you can send messages to the client before you accept the job to clarify any questions about travel, payment, etc. Mosf of the clients have lowered the rates for jobs based on the current economy. That is not field nation but the clients.

Art Jenkin

United States of America

Rebuttal from Director @ Field Nation

#37UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 08, 2011

This gentleman is sorely mistaken here. Field Nation does not employ any technicians. We  pay what the client and technician have agreed to as compensation for work performed. Our business model is 10% of the total of the work order. Therefore if a client publishes a work order for $100.00 and the technician accepts and then completes the work and it is approved by the client, we send the technician $90.00 payment. We can not withhold payments from technicians. Field Nation automatically compensates the technician once he or she has completed the work satisfactorily and the work order has been approved by the client. We do not set any rates nor do we post any work. This is all done by our clients utilizing our unique service system. Clients and techcnians agree upon scope of work and compensation through the creation of the work order and assignment of the work order. No work is forced.

I will gladly speak to this gentleman or anyone else who has any complaint about Field Nation.

Just call our office and ask to be transferred to Art Jenkin.

Thank you.

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