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  • Report:  #247241

Complaint Review: Fifth Third Bank

Fifth Third Bank has robbed me for the LAST time! Carmel Indiana

  • Reported By:
    Fortville Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Mon, May 07, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sat, May 19, 2007
  • Fifth Third Bank
    99 E. Carmel Drive
    Carmel, Indiana
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have read several bad reports about Fifth Third on I have my own to add.

I have been banking with Fifth Third for about five years now. During the last year I have had several problems with them conveniently not listing pending charges on their website, and then having them show up AFTER I have made my deposit.

This happened most recently on 5/3. On 5/4, I pulled up my account online and noticed that it had been over-drawn. This was my fault, I had written a check to another bank to open an account with them (because of all of the problems I have had at Fifth Third). That check over-drew my account by $43 dollars, which created a $33 overdraft fee (that had not shown up yet the next day).

I get paid on Fridays and 5/4 was a Friday. I printed out my account details, showing that there should be ONE overdraft fee. There were no pending transactions showing. I made my deposit first thing and came back to work to check my account again. pending transactions and it did show my tellor deposit.

Now it is Monday, and I pulled up my account again because I know now how they operate there and had a feeling there would be bogus charges--I was right! They posted two checks before that deposit! I have the papers to back it up, and I called and spoke to Nicole Cading about it this morning. She did not listen to my problem, and was totally unwilling to reverse the fees.

I am a single mother, and not unlike many people, I am not able to afford these rediculous fees. I am very responsible with my checkbook, and I do occasionally have to write checks over my balance in order for me to feed my children and for us to survive. I keep a very good eye on my account every day, and when something like this happens it makes me so angry.

I hope people will read this and the many other complaints against this bank and think twice before banking with them. I really believe there are some nasty people behind this who are professionals at robbing innocent people of their money this way. Just beware... As of today, I am closing my account with them.

Fortville, Indiana

24 Updates & Rebuttals



''I was just following orders''

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2007

Angela invoked those dreaded words - you must work for the bank!!! roflmaoooooooooooooo


No, it's more that I personally am scared of a financial person who doesn't know the term 'kiting', and just blindly writes COMPANY CHECKS for funds NOT AVAILABLE, and seems to think this is just peachy, since it's not HER decision. It IS however an decision she approves of as she practices it in her daily life.

I seem to hear an echo....''I was just following orders''. 1945-46 perhaps???

Yes, there are surely way more recent echoes rebounding, from those in jail for financial malfeasance that they knowingly conducted at the direction of their superiors. They knew it was wrong, 'but I was just following orders''. Sorry folks, the n**i defense just won't die for me!! Good Luck Angie!!



Don't write checks for money you don't have

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007

I'm a single mother of two children, I work full-time, and I bank with 5/3. There has only been ONE time that my account was overdrawn, and that was because I forgot to record a check in my register. My fault, no one elses.

Being a single mother does not mean that you are automatically going to write bad checks, nor is it an excuse when you do. If you write checks, and don't have the money in your account to cover them, that's your fault, not 5/3. It doesn't matter if those items showed up in the pending transactions field, you should have KNOWN that you wrote them, and that they could clear at any time.

Claiming that most people have to write checks that they can't cover at some point is just a poor attempt to try and justify the fact that YOU did that. I don't believe that "most" people do this. Most people handle their checking accounts in a responsible manner. Being a single mother doesn't mean that you can't be responsible with your money.

If you are not able to make ends meet with what you make, you should check into getting some help. Even if you don't qualify for assistance, there are local food pantries that could help you with groceries, and most utilities have a budget billing plan that allows you to pay the same amount each month. Don't write bad checks and make excuses by blaming it on being a single mom, or saying that "everyone does it", because no, they don't.



Angela, please stop

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, May 14, 2007

I get it you are a single mother. So was my mom. Your low life ex doesn't pay support, neither did my dad. And guess what? You have to overdraw your account now and mother never did.

Of course we didn't have cable, internet(it was available but we couldn't afford it), a computer, a big place to live (my sister and I shared a room and my mom used the pull out in the living bedroom rather than three), we never ate out, we didn't go to movies, when it came time to buy new clothes they came from second hand stores not A&F or even Wal Mart.

At one time my mother supported our family off less than $600 a month. That included food, rent, and electricity. Oh, and a buss pass for her so she didn't need to pay unneccessary gas prices and a car note.

And I never ever felt deprieved. We had fun, we had everything we needed, and my mother taught me so very much about the value of a dollar.

I know it is tough for you, but cut your expenses and and teach your kids a lesson about budgeting. It will save you so much in those fees, and maybe you can even put some money towards your retirement or your kids' education. Or even a nice family vacation?


River Edge,
New Jersey,


#25Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 14, 2007

You said:

"Sorry, but I NEVER said that was an excuse for any of this; I merely pointed it out in my original post."

**YOu go on to say that because you are a single mother you can't afford the fees and because you are a single mother you "occasionally have to write checks over my balance in order for me to feed my children and for us to survive"

So you are in fact blaming your single mother status

"Just because I pull up my account and file a rip-off report---I'm not working? I occasionally look at the weather too. Gee, I guess I'm a real slacker. I happen to work for a small company and my boss could care less if I look up my bank account--or anything else for that matter because he knows I am responsible and I always finish my work. When I am online, it takes up a very small part of my day. YES, I work very hard and am very good at what I do!"

**Well, if you are online, then technically, no you AREN'T WORKING. Perhaps it's this poor work ethic that holds you back from getting a better paying job to better support your family

"Believe it or not, we go over our balance all the time here (not my decision). I don't believe any of you who say that you yourself AND nobody you know EVER writes checks over your balance. I am so sure! "

**Ok, first of all, if you or the company writes out checks to pay for good or services using knowingly bad checks it's called fraud and you can go to jail.

Second of all, I do not know ANYONE who writes checks for funds not there. It's probably due to the types of people we associate with. You associate withthe types of people who do, and I don't. It's a whole class thing.

"I am now convinced all of the rude responses are coming from people who either work for Fifth Third or another bank. Most likely you are in this bunch. I have seen you reply to others like me. Why are you so interested if you don't work for the bank? "

**If I have a dollar for every company I've been accused of working for. I do not work for any bank. The reason we respond to posts like yours is because we are so offended that people like yourself blame the banks for your issues when it's YOUR OWN FAULT that we respond to tell you it's your fault.

The moral of the story is you are playing with the timing of cashed checks by floating checks prior to the funds being there. You can't do that and then complain when one or two of them hit early.



If you don't know a word, make up a definition, and decide it is legal?

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, May 11, 2007

If Angela is in charge of a business's finances, and can make a statement such as 'I have never heard of kiting, but I do know that it is not illegal in Indiana', oh, I hope her employers learn of her interesting logic.

Here's a term she's never heard of.

Yet, having never heard of it, she knows it's not illegal in her state.

If she has never heard of it, how can she know if it is legal, illegal, or even a valid term?

Does she hear a word she doesn't know, and decides it is not illegal because she doesn't know of it? Ignorance of the law is not a defense, anywhere in the U.S.

If she looked the word up, even in an online dictionary, it easily is determined it is not a legal option.

a. a check drawn against uncollected or insufficient funds, as for re-depositing, with the intention of creating a false balance in the account by taking advantage of the time lapse required for collection.
b. a check whose amount has been raised by forgery before cashing.
5. a person who preys on others; sharper.

Kiting is illegal, period.

To have acquired sufficient knowledge to run a company's financial affairs, and not know of a banking 101 term such as 'kiting', that is scary.



OH, Emily!

#25Author of original report

Fri, May 11, 2007

"I was a single mother too but never used that excuse to get by with things"

Sorry, but I NEVER said that was an excuse for any of this; I merely pointed it out in my original post. You have all made this a way bigger issue and diverted from the original point AGAIN. Good for you that you are so perfecteven though I don't believe you for one second!

"If you are online at your job looking on the web to do this or your banking, are you really working?"

Excuse me? Just because I pull up my account and file a rip-off report---I'm not working? I occasionally look at the weather too. Gee, I guess I'm a real slacker. I happen to work for a small company and my boss could care less if I look up my bank account--or anything else for that matter because he knows I am responsible and I always finish my work. When I am online, it takes up a very small part of my day. YES, I work very hard and am very good at what I do!

"Also you stated that you do your companies finances. Do you write out the companies checks also?"

As a matter of fact, I do! Believe it or not, we go over our balance all the time here (not my decision). I don't believe any of you who say that you yourself AND nobody you know EVER writes checks over your balance. I am so sure!

"You may not see pending on you website right away, but I don't see mine either from my bank. But I look at a spot that shows the word PENDING and there is an amount there that lets me know. Plus YOU should know what you wrote out yourself."

Ummm...I'm starting to wonder if you even read what I wrote. I look at the PENDING spot too; funny thing is there is no amount. I already said I DO know what I wrote myself.

"Think about the people that you are writing these checks to. They also may charge you a fee for their checks being returned stamped NSF on them. So a harmless $10.00 check may turn into $70.00 because of the fees from your bank and from the people that you wrote the check to."

This hasn't happened. I have not had any checks returned.

"I cannot see your reasoning no matter what."

Probably because you don't want to. After reading about this same issue from MANY MANY people, I am now convinced all of the rude responses are coming from people who either work for Fifth Third or another bank. Most likely you are in this bunch. I have seen you reply to others like me. Why are you so interested if you don't work for the bank? If you don'tget a life.

As for the church bit, it's just not for me. I'm not even going to go there...



Angela Dear

#25Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 11, 2007

We are not coming down on you as a person but in what you said in your original statement. I was a single mother too but never used that excuse to get by with things. I raised 4 children with out help from my ex either. The state welfare also told me that I made too much . Five dollars an hour then did not go far. But I learned where there was churchs who would help like in giving out food, paying my mortgage for me a few times.
I learned where the food pantrys was. Use the free resources out there. There is tons of help.

If you are on line at your job looking on the web to do this or your banking, are you really working? Also you stated that you do your companies fiances. Do you write out the comapanies checks also? Stop to think, that items has to post. Debits comes out immediatley out of your account. You may not see pending on you website right away, but I don't see mine either from my bank. But I look at a spot that shows the word PENDING and there is an amout there that lets me know. Plus YOU should know what you wrote out yourself.

You should know also what your debits are. Where you used your card. No one that I know writes checks for items when there is no money in their accounts. I know that can hurt your credit bureaus and if you want to get out of the situation that you are in now. Think about the people that you are writing these checks too. They also may charge you a fee for their checks being returned stamped NSF on them. So a harmless $10.00 check may turned into $70.00 because of the fees from your bank and from the people that you wrote the check to.

Then now you have a bad repor with them. A lot of utility companies, cable companies, etc kinda frown on return checks and will go out and turn you off anyway..And if you write a check like you say to make payments on time, and no funds, then your payments was never on time when the check comes back to them. It's like you never wrote one, plus now you have even more fees to boot. I cannot see your reasoning no matter what. Plus too as far as checks coming thru before my depost,that means you are spending money you don't have yet.

Relying on having that money there when the check or whatever comes thru. What happens when something goes wrong with the direct deposit? That has happen to my husband, when the company he works for did not send it thru till the next day. and the bank did not post his direct deposit for 24 hours. That was 2 extra days. But we keep money in our account because we knew what was in there and what was coming thru. We did not spend money just because it was still showing in my account. Don't go by online banking or the automated. They are not mind readers. Plus oo you would have to check every 15 minutes either was as things are coming thru.


North Carolina,

One Comment

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, May 11, 2007

My bank actually posts cleared checks the night AFTER they clear.

For example, I have 2 checks that clear on Wednesday night, they dont actually show up in my online banking until Thursday night.



You are wrong about check kiting

#25Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 11, 2007

You stated that:

**I have never heard of kiting, but I do know that it is not illegal in Indiana**

This is not correct. Check Kiting is a federal offense. Here is a discription about check kiting.

Check kiting is illegal in the United States. The banking industry is heavily regulated and even insured by the U.S. government. According to the United States Department of Justice, check kiting can be prosecuted under several existing laws including those against bank fraud (18 U.S.C. 1344), misapplication (18 U.S.C. 656), or required entries (18 U.S.C. 1005). It can draw a fine of up to $1,000,000.00, imprisonment for up to 30 years, or both. In addition to the federal remedies, state law often provides for alternate civil and criminal consequences.

It is rare for the US Government to prosecute people for kiting, but not at the state level.




#25Author of original report

Thu, May 10, 2007

Thanks for proving my point. AGAIN, you assume you know me. My internet access is through my work. I do not own a computer. I do not have cable. I own a cell phone -- a GIFT from my parents. I budget my money, record every transaction, pay all of my bills.

I actually handle all of the finances at here at my place of I know how to balance my checkbook. When I write checks over, they are recorded. When it doesn't work out, I pay the fee (which is not often).

I simply make just enough money to get by. I shop at Aldi (low cost grocery store) for food, and make my kids' and my own lunches every day to save money. I have gone over and over my budget trying to cut out anything I can. We NEVER eat out (unless it's a treat by my family).

I don't spend money on myself. I hardly get to spend money on my kids. I have to rely on birthdays, Christmas, etc.. The fact is, that even though I am aware of the Check 21 law (and was before it even went into affect), the majority of places where I live do not process checks electronically. I HAVE to write checks over my balance in order to pay my bills on time.

I don't know how much clearer I can be about this. The government won't help me because "I make too much money" in their eyes (a real joke). My family can only help me a little because they are struggling right now. I am in a bad situation trying to do my best. What do you suggest I do?

I rely on my bank to keep me up to date on my account. I don't like when the order items post is one way one day, then the next day switched to result in another fee. I don't think that is right. I think I have said enough. I won't be made to feel that I am stupid, or careless with my money, or irresponsible. I know that I am not any of those things. -Angela


River Edge,
New Jersey,


#25Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 10, 2007


We don't "presume to know you", we know what you yourself wrote.

"I had written a check to another bank to open an account with them (because of all of the problems I have had at Fifth Third). That check over-drew my account by $43 dollars, "

**You wrote a check to another bank using funds that didn't exist

"They posted two checks before that deposit!"

**You wrote checks using funds that didn't exist. These checks were posted to your account the same day as your deposit. Banking regulations state it is ok for them to post debits then deposits, thus the overdraw.

"I am a single mother, and not unlike many people, I am not able to afford these rediculous fees."

**So stop writing checks for money you do not have and the fees stop happening. I am not a single mother, but I am a father who pays child support, so I'm not exactly reeling in the cash either. So I MAKE SURE I DON'T SPEND MONEY I DON'T HAVE! It's called BUDGETING.

"I am very responsible with my checkbook"

**No, you're not, by your own admission

"I do occasionally have to write checks over my balance in order for me to feed my children and for us to survive"

**Yet I see you have internet access. I bet you have cable TV too. A cell phone too I bet. Try living within your means and budgeting.

We are not being mean simply because we don't agree with you. It's just that those of us who are responsible take offense to those who aren't and then try to use any excuse as to why they should be treated differently. It's a simple solution. If you can't afford it, DON'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!




#25Author of original report

Wed, May 09, 2007

I just love how some of you presume to know me and what I do with my checkbook. It seems the whole point of this has been ignored and I am finished reading the rediculous responses. You all say and think what you want if it makes you feel better about yourselves. I stand by my original point. Goodbye



Single Mother Routine

#25Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 09, 2007

I was also a single mother with 4 little ones 12 years ago. I was making $5.00 and hour with mortgage payments and mouths to feed. I used to be a teller with a credit union. I made up daily packets for new account holders. Included in the packets was the fee tables on how much it was going to cost you when you do certain things. These cost pertained to everyone. Not one person and not the other. Being single mom has nothing to do with writing checks for money you do not have..There is other ways an means to handle every day problems. My bank also will hold my direct deposits up to 24 before posting. This includes my paycheck. But I have delt with this bank for 12 years and know the rules. But going in I knew that and I work around it. I never write checks or use my debit card hoping that my check will get posted before my debits comes thru. Also my bank has been applying the debits immediatly to my account years ago..That is too big of a chance to take. With electronic checks which can thru your account in a few seconds why would you want to write checks if there is no money? That is throwing money out the window. And with kids, it's alot easier to spend the same money on them and not the NSF fees. Kids learn by example and what example are you giving to your kids? Take out your register and write down everyhing. Your checks, your debits, fees, etc. That way you always know how much you have. Don't rely on the computer or the automated to balance your checkbook for you. The system does not know what other transactions you have made. Or checks that maybe coming thru another banks sytem. It is not a mind reader. You are responsible for your own actions not some machine to do it for you. There is calculators out there. and just good old pencil and paper.



Angela, the posting order makes absolutely no difference!

#25Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 09, 2007


The order that items post is absolutely irrelevant and in no way creates NSF charges.

Spending money that is not POSTED and AVAILABLE in your account creates NSF charges.

I would bet that you are one of those people who do not keep an accurate checkbook register, and rely on ATM's and online banking to determine your balance.

The NSF fees are clearly disclosed in your accountholder's agreement, as is the banks funds availability policy. I doubt you have actually read either one.

If you can't afford the fees, dont bounce checks! That's a very simple concept.

I choose not to pay NSF fees. And guess what? I never have paid one in 30 years of having checking accounts.

We all make choices. You choose to bounce checks, therefore, you choose to pay NSF fees.


San Antonio,

Check 21

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007

Posted about this before. Someone wrote, a check can be processed in under 24 hours. 24 hours my butt. Had a guy write me a check at my shop one afternoon. Deposited at my bank at 9 am the next morning. It "hit" his bank before 6 pm that day. He had the funds, so it wasn't a problem.

And, with the new check equipment, INSTANT CAPTURE, the funds can be withdrawn from your bank instantly, as soon as you hand the check to the merchant. Went with a new credit prosessor. They offered instant capture, which withraws the money DIRECTLY out of your account as soon as I run it through the machine. There is no "float" time.

I think consumer report did an article last year. They stated there would be something like 3 or 4 million MORE hot checks because of Check 21. The banks stood to gain 20 or 30 million MORE dollars in NSF fees. The real ripoff is that they don't credit your account any faster.


Coconut Creek,

I know what it's like, but...

#25Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

You said the bank posted two checks before they posted your deposit. Did you write those two checks before you made your deposit? If so, the bank has every right to post them before your deposit.

I know what it's like to not have any money, to wonder if the electricity is going to be shut off, to wonder if I will ever eat anything other than Kraft Macaroni & Cheese again, and I know what it's like to write a check hoping it will not hit the bank before my deposit posts (hopefully all that stays in my past). However, I accepted the fees. I would have never had the courage to complain to the bank that they are charging me NSF fees for checks I wrote before I had the money in the bank. I understand you cannot afford the fees, but that does not mean you should not have to pay them.

Regarding pending matters. Banks have a certain amount of days they keep charges pending (my bank is only 24 hours). Even though the merchants swipe your card, the charge is not submitted until the merchants present your charge for deposit to their account. That could take a few days. You make a charge, your bank holds the money in your account (pending area). The hold then comes off and it is no longer pending, but it is not posted either, so it looks like you have that money to use. That doesn't mean you still don't owe the merchant. Then the merchant presents your charges and they post to your account. That is why the charges are sometimes not in the pending area before they are debited from your account.


River Edge,
New Jersey,

Read this article

#25Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 07, 2007

Try being up to date on banking laws. Specifically, On October 28th when the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, commonly known as Check 21 went into effect. It states:

"But the new law might have some surprising and unwelcome side effects for checking account customers. Consumers trying to stretch their money have become accustomed to taking advantage of "the float" the time it takes after they write a check for banks to deduct from their accounts. It's a bit of a secret loan, but Check 21 means it's about to be shut down for good."


It can be as little as 24 hours. So you can't float checks anymore.

As for the single mom, no child support argument, and the fact that you claim everyone you know floats checks. Well, I guess it's the company you keep because I don't float checks, and nobody I know does either. The rules are in place for all. Everyone on ROR tries to justify actions by saying they are a single mom or a widow or a servicemans wife, etc. The rules are the rules.




#25Author of original report

Mon, May 07, 2007

This is the first rip-off report I have ever filed. I had no idea how rude people were going to be in their responses.

First of all, just about everyone I know has to write checks over their balance at some point. Just because I don't make enough money to be able to avoid this does not make me irresponsible. I record every transaction I make and check it against my online bank statement daily.

Unfortunately, due to my ex-husbands bad credit I cannot be approved for a credit card. Although I am not too sure that I would want on anyway. Everyone I know who has one regrets it.

As for the 2nd response, I think you have some serious issues. I am a single Mom, and I receive ZERO child support. I hate that I have to explain this, but you obviously haven't got a clue. I have two children, and my ex-husband doesn't see them or pay support. I do everything on my own. This is not at all easy for me, or anyone else in a similar situation--and it is NOT Crap!

I have never heard of kiting, but I do know that it is not illegal in Indiana. I am not some irresponsible idiot, and I take a lot of offense to your comments. You must be having a bad day. My complaint is that my bank does not update their website to keep their customers informed of what is pending in their account, and that on three occasions now the order of transactions was switched to result in an overdraft fee. I am also upset at the lack of customer service at Fifth Third. The people I have spoken to have not tried to help or understand the problem.

To respond to the third comment, I suspect you are correct. People do get into trouble with banking online, as I have now found out the hard way. I don't understand why they have a pending section if they don't use it.

I don't appreciate the holier than thou attitude in a few of these comments. It is totally unnecessary.


San Antonio,

Sad But Funny

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

Fifth Third bank is so bad, you opened up another account, at a different bank and give them a NSF check from 5/3 to open it. Checking your balance "online" only gives you half the picture. I suspect that's where most people get into problems with all of these banks. I noticed that you state "no pending transactions showing". That doesn't tell you if they've cleared or not aganist your balance. An "online" balance is just a snapshot of your balance at that time. It doesn't tell you what's pending, be it deposits, merchant "holds", fees(overdrafts,NSF's) and whatever else the bank is gonna stick you for.


San Antonio,

Sad But Funny

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

Fifth Third bank is so bad, you opened up another account, at a different bank and give them a NSF check from 5/3 to open it. Checking your balance "online" only gives you half the picture. I suspect that's where most people get into problems with all of these banks. I noticed that you state "no pending transactions showing". That doesn't tell you if they've cleared or not aganist your balance. An "online" balance is just a snapshot of your balance at that time. It doesn't tell you what's pending, be it deposits, merchant "holds", fees(overdrafts,NSF's) and whatever else the bank is gonna stick you for.


San Antonio,

Sad But Funny

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

Fifth Third bank is so bad, you opened up another account, at a different bank and give them a NSF check from 5/3 to open it. Checking your balance "online" only gives you half the picture. I suspect that's where most people get into problems with all of these banks. I noticed that you state "no pending transactions showing". That doesn't tell you if they've cleared or not aganist your balance. An "online" balance is just a snapshot of your balance at that time. It doesn't tell you what's pending, be it deposits, merchant "holds", fees(overdrafts,NSF's) and whatever else the bank is gonna stick you for.


San Antonio,

Sad But Funny

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

Fifth Third bank is so bad, you opened up another account, at a different bank and give them a NSF check from 5/3 to open it. Checking your balance "online" only gives you half the picture. I suspect that's where most people get into problems with all of these banks. I noticed that you state "no pending transactions showing". That doesn't tell you if they've cleared or not aganist your balance. An "online" balance is just a snapshot of your balance at that time. It doesn't tell you what's pending, be it deposits, merchant "holds", fees(overdrafts,NSF's) and whatever else the bank is gonna stick you for.


River Edge,
New Jersey,

Not the banks problem

#25Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 07, 2007

This part of your post says it all:

"I am a single mother, and not unlike many people, I am not able to afford these rediculous fees. I am very responsible with my checkbook, and I do occasionally have to write checks over my balance in order for me to feed my children and for us to survive."

**Not only do you use the typical "I'm a single mom so it should be ok" crap that I see all the time, but the fact that you claim to be responsible with your checkbook and IN THE SAME SENTENCE TALK ABOUT WRITING CHECKS AGAINST NON EXISTANT FUNDS kills me.

Also, you say:

"They posted two checks before that deposit!"..

** That means you floated a check on nonexistant funds. It's called kiting and can be illeal in some states.

This appears to be another ROR filed by someone who doesn't understand posting order, doesn't keep a good check register, writes checks for money she doesn't have available, and gets upset at the bank when the check is presented quickly and they bounce checks


South Carolina,

This leaves you wide open:

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

" I am very responsible with my checkbook, and I do occasionally have to write checks over my balance in order for me to feed my children and for us to survive."

Checks clear faster and faster- except for those phoney LOTTO-fee checks.

Now here you are very correct, except for the nasty part... they are professionals who have no malice or emotions toward you, it is just "Good Revenue Management" to them:

"I really believe there are some nasty people behind this who are professionals at robbing innocent people of their money this way. "

Maybe a *REAL* credit card (not a phoney prepaid credit card or a debit card) which you ONLY use for groceries would give you the float, money tracking, and flexibility you seen to need. Just be sure to pay the entire balance every month.

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