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  • Report:  #614789

Complaint Review: Financial Group Inc. of Acceptance Capital

Financial Group Inc. of Acceptance Capital Perfect Mortgage Fraudulent investment, stay away from this company, you will not get your money back. ElK Grove, California

  • Reported By:
    Rigo — San Jose California U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 16, 2010
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 30, 2010

Dont make the same mistake as I did, it could cost you thousands of dollars, keep away from Perfect Financial Group Inc. of Acceptance Capital, run by CEO Vincent Singh. If it is too good to be true it is probably fraud! read on.

I was lured in by a friend/co-worker that I known for over 10 years to invest with Perfect Financial Group Inc.  He told me he had been investing with Perfect Financial Group for about 1 year and a half and the returned on investment was great, over 40% return on investment and it is all pay out to you cash. My friend claimed to be a good friend with the CEO from Perfect Financial Group Inc. and claimed the money would be completely safe and I could take it out at any time.  I know a couple other people who put their money into it as well and their return on investment was great, so I was finally tempted to join.

I was told that the money would be used for commercial loan notes that run for about 45 days long with 7% return on investment on each note.  You could get about 8 notes in one year, which is 42% return in one year.

Any ways, after thinking a bit more about their business model, I realize that there is something wrong here. How can one get over 40% annual cash return on the investment doing commercial loans at no risk as promised? So, then I started questioning what Perfect Financial Group Inc. is really doing with the money? Are they doing an illegal business?

 Bottom line is that I got cold feet and I wanted out.  One December 2009 asked back for my $50K that Perfect Financial Group Inc. had in their possession, and now 6 month later I have only received $10K back.

 Vincent Sign the CEO has given me lots of excuses about their money being frozen by the bank. Finally on February 2009, he provided me with a temporary Bank of America user name and password, so that I could verify his account was frozen and indeed, the Bank Of America account he provided showed that there were over $800K frozen and the account show that it would be unfrozen on March 9th 2010. It is now mid June and Perfect Financial Group Inc. still owes me over $40K.

I am not sure how to collect such money from Perfect Financial Group Inc.  other than hiring an attorney and doing a law suit.  If anyone on this forum has any suggestions, they would   be greatly appreciated. Also, if there an attorney out there that is willing to work for a percentage of the outcome of the lawsuit please provide your info for a consultation. I have not chosen an attorney to represent me yet.

I have two theories on the Perfect Financial Group Inc business.  One is that they illegally qualify business for loans, by pumping lots of money into their account temporary to make them qualify for the loan, on their website, they call this creative financing for extremely difficult situations.

 I was told by CEO Vincent Singh that I was the smallest investor with 50K, most other investors have $250K and over and they have been doing this for over 10 years, so they know that everyone once in a while the money can get frozen an inaccessible. Regardless of what he says I dont believe the money can be inaccessible for over 6 months and this is not what I was told before investing. I believe something else is going on here.

From what I have learned, this is how I think Perfect Financial Group Inc operates its business.  They have trusted investors deposit large amount of money directly into a private accounts, not to the business account.  There are no written contracts, people who have been in the business for a while refer others trusted friends. These private accounts then transfers the money to the business applying for the loan. When the loan is closed, the business pays back the borrowed money plus some large percentage of the borrowed money, which I imagine it is over 10%. Perfect Financial Group Inc. gets this money paid cash and returns 7% cash back to the investor on each transaction.  If an investor wants part of his invested money back, they have this private accounts pay the investor.  So, Perfect Financial makes cash money without anyone knowing about it. I would also image they have their regular lending business to camouflage their hiding business.

Since the return on investment is so great, most investors would just reinvest the profit and any additional money they have. The problem comes when they try to collect the money, some how the money is not available for payback, what are they doing with the money then?

My other theory which is much less likely is that they use their Mortgage title to show that they are in the mortgage business, so people can trust them and invest in them. They have people invest money with them with a promise of high returns. The new investors pay off the profits of older investors. The problem here is that when there is no new investors and people like me ask for their money back, then there is not enough money to pay back. The intension here would be do deceive people in investing in their company and keep their money.  There is no contracts signed this is just a trusted investment from a trusted source, so investors do not have proof to get their money back other than a deposit to an unknown third party.

From the Perfect Financial Group Inc. website ( I see the following people are highly involved in this fraudulent business:  Vincent Singh, Daniel Rama, Sonny Steele and Usha Singh. If you have invested with these people or people underneath them, then you are in trouble like me. If you still have not invested with them, stay away from them if you dont want to loose your money.

13 Updates & Rebuttals


San Jose,

Creditors continuation meeting on 9-29-10 in Sacramento

#14Author of original report

Thu, September 30, 2010

Today Wednesday September 29th of 2010 was an Interesting continuation of creditors meeting at the court house in Sacramento in regards to Vincent Singh Bankruptcy.

So today we found out from Vincent himself that he was not making any hard money loads with our money, as he had made us believe. So much for the 30 days, 45, days, 2 months or 3 months investement notes. They were just a fantacy he maid us believe to get our money.

My understanding is that he claims to be making his own investments with all the creditors monies. If his investments did not generate enough money and it does not seem like they did, then he would just use new creditors money to pay older creditors. If some else that attended this creditors meeting wants to correct me or add any additional info please feel free to do so.

In regards to asking questions to Vincent in the court room it seems that there is very limited time and we cant ask all our questions. I would expect the same amount of time given to questions again in the next creditors meeting continuation three weeks from today, so my recommendation would be for you to send your questions to the Trustee in advance, he seems to be the one asking most question and if your question are of interest to him he may just ask the questions himself.

 I know Vincent is aware of this posting because on June 29th he called me and asked me if I could remove this posting because it was not helping with his business and if I removed the this posting and co-operated with him he would pay me every single penny he owed me. A human being can only take so many lies and at this point I did not believe a single word out of his mouth. I knew that Vincent did not honestly intend to pay my money back and that is why I decided post this rippoff report.

Vincent told me back in February 2010 that he was not taking any new investment, so he could not pay me from others investors money. I have talked to many creditors that invested after this period and today in court I heard of many more proofs of claims that invested after that period. So button line is that Vincent received thousands if not millions of new investmets this year and if he really intended to pay me he would have done so.

I believe that he already had his bankruptcy plan in mind so he knew he could do without paying me or other creditors. Since February 2010 I had threaten to sue him, report him to FBI, IRS, Attorney General and California Corporation Department. He did not really care to protect his business reputation as if he knew his business was going down any ways and there was nothing I could do to hurt it anymore.

If you want to say anything to Mr. Vincent Sing this maybe the right place to say it because in court we do not seem to have enough time.

Something that would seem more important to me is if people can report any ideas on where they think Vincent Could have hidden money. After todays questions from the Trustee toward Vincent, he did not seem much like a gambler to have lost all that money. He did not know what games he played or the names of the casinos he attended. But if you know of any good piece of information for the authorities or Trustee please dont say it here because remember that Vincent and close friends of his also ready these postings.

Does anyone know of any creditors that were not reported in his bankruptcy statement? Any close friend of his that made lots of money and knew just the right time to get out?


United States of America

To Danjo the Homo

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2010

Hey Danjo, I really wish I knew who you were.  Anyhow, bankruptcy isn't fraud, but stealing is.  That's exactly what he did. 

You say you're sick of people trying to include you in the 'creditor meeting' as you call it, so why not just say who you are and say what you did here.  Simple as that. 

I would like to see you before court if possible.  Maybe we could have a one on one chat about how you made money and the "changing stories."  Lets see if you can clear a few things out with me. 

The guy didn't lose everything because of our greed, he lost everything because he had a gambling problem and was greedy himself.   Lets just skip all this small talk online because it obviously won't get us anywhere.  Nothing will come from typing behind a computer.  Lets set up our own meeting and discuss a few things in person. 


south san francisco,
United States of America


#14Consumer Comment

Mon, September 13, 2010



when did you all come out of the closet???? Clearly seems once the bankruptcy was filed all the dirty laundries coming out. You sound like a pretty intelligent guy, being anonymous, how could you even fall for something that YOU now believe is fraud. Sounds like "Greed" and when the going was good no-one was ringing any bells.

I am so sick of people trying to include me into their useless creditor meeting just to try to trap him lying in court under oath.  I attended the meeting in south san francisco just to get the scoop but lot of things sounds fishy as they all want us to say the same thing and keep the story straight. Also, that we shouldnt contact him at all. Doesnt this raise any red flags.

I may end up in court supporting him with my group and clearly stating and we all made money and i have proof.

Changing stories, spreading rumors and collaberating trying to cover your back wont help. Everyone knew exactly what was going on like me. All i see in this now is when the s**t hit the fan everyone trying to cover up for themselves. THE GUY LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF OUR GREED. I will always trust him and continue to do business with him.









United States of America

The truth is obvious

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, September 09, 2010

hmm...I see it worked out great for the ones that made money and profits out of this whole fraudulent scheme. And I guess it just sucks for the people who were manipulated into this whole situation towards the end of this scheme and never got a cent back from him? Sadly, now they are termed "sore losers". Not everyone who was scammed by this man was getting money "under the table" as you may think. In fact many who "invested " with him never got any returns back even when they were due back let alone the principal amount invested. Many involved were led to believe that this is a legitimate investment process and trusted that he was using their savings correctly. But Vincent Singh was taking advantage of the trust that these people had in him. He came into people's homes, pretended to be their friend and deliberately took advantage of them.

If this was just a bad investment, then what was the reason for all the lies about bank accounts being frozen and FBI investigating him? Why did a man who was doing things honestly have to lie to the people whose savings he had wheezled out of them? Every week for months, he had another story to tell about why the money was not returned. It was all just lies to hold off people while he laid out his cunning plans. He manipulated and convinced people to give up their savings and emergency funds even in the last few weeks before filing for bankruptcy, promising to return the money within just "10 days" or just " 15 days'. An honest man has nothing to hide but every word out of his mouth has been lies, lies and more lies.

If vincent was really using the money as he had been telling the people he scammed for the purpose of investing in his company, he is required to let investors be aware if the company is in trouble and may possibly go down. Instead he hid this fact from people and avoided/hid from people as soon as he had their money. And what about the almost 12 million in gambling losses on his bankruptcy report? How do you suppose he managed to get 12 million to lose? And this is the man walking around telling people he does not gamble. You really still think that this man was using your money in "investing" and it was just a "bad investment". Yet, more lies.

This whole thing reeks of a ponzi scheme. Giving investors returns initially to gain their trust. All he was doing was borrowing from 'Tom' to pay off 'Tim.' When he ran out of new investors to scam, he got into trouble. That's when he began to hide from those asking for their money.

Only Vincent knew EXACTLY what was going on...not his victims. It is quite obvious, that vincent singh has premeditated this whole thing and does not have an ounce of remorse for what he has done. He has stolen from temples, widows and the elderly....his own community, friends and family..people he knew he could manipulate. He knew that if the money he took was lost, it would cause the victim's life to fall apart..yet he lied through his teeth, reassured them that he guarantees the money back ...pocketed the money and walked away. Does he even have a conscience? It makes sense for those of you who managed to actually make a profit out of this scam to continue to support vincent because if this gets proven to be the fraud that it will not be to your advantage and maybe you will feel like the "sore loser" then.


Highlands Ranch,

Anyone can 'Google' this- PONZI SCHEME, and go to the Wikipedia site and read....

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, September 08, 2010

all about it, right?

Make sure to 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: THE MADOFF AFFAIR, and watch it on the web. It's about Bernie Madoff and the Ponzi scheme he ran for many years.

Thank You



south san francisco,
United States of America

false accusations by author of "so many hardworking people scammed"

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, September 07, 2010

 Get your story and facts straight and not try to cover your back. I am retired and i have made money. We all knew what we were doing and were rolling when we were making money. Now that the Investment went bad you all are crying fowl. We all were very well aware that we were making money and not reporting. Please speak for yourself and do not include other people and i am happy with what i made and am taking my losses and moving on. You are a sore loser and if Investments went bad you people are trying to get everyone involved. You made money! 

This message is clear that i do not want to be part of any problems. I am not violating any bankruptcy laws. I fully support mr Vincent Singh and my friends and family will continue to do business with him in the future as we have known him and fully trust him.

Vince if you read this buddie. contact me as i want to be there for you and your family during this difficult time. I tried calling you several times.


south san francisco,
United States of America


#14Consumer Comment

Tue, September 07, 2010


Please speak for yourself!!. I am retired and  I have made money over the years and no-one complained when they were making substantial interest. We all knew EXACTLY what we were doing. We were all making money under the table and not reporting. Now that the economy went bad and our investments went sour,everyone is crying fowl. It was simply a bad investment so dont accuse without hard core proof and more IMPORTANTLY speak for yourself. It was just bad INVESTMENT. Im taking my losses and moving on so please speak for YOURSELF only as i do not want to be part of this nonsense.





elk grove,
United States of America

Too many hardworking people scammed

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2010

I have just read the entire Bankruptcy filing of Mr. Vincent Singh.
 I have concluded the this is a very well orchestrated PONZI scheme.
 There are about 215 people who were victimised by this scumbag.
 25 million stolen by Mr Vincent Singh. I am asking "where is this money gone"?
He promised huge returns to all but never delivered . He always had excuses like my ac. is frozen or I am being investigated by the FBI.
  if any of the 215 victims are reading this they should make a complaint to the FBI and also to their local police station.
 We should not let Mr. singh get successful in getting his chapter 7 bankruptcy thru.
We should convince our district attorney to push criminal procedures against him.

Mr Singh has messed up a lot of middle class hard working families. HE HAS STOLEN THEIR MONEY. I know of a lot of retired people even getting equity lines on their homes and giving that money to Mr Vincent Singh. Now where will these old folks go when their homes will be repossessed due to this Monsters doing.

  It seems that Vincent has stashed away all this money in a pretty secure location.

If u read this Mr Vincent Singh, All I have to say is MAY u rot in HELL. (and I hope that this Hells name is San Quintin)



United States of America

Vincent Singh Filed Bankruptcy

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, August 30, 2010

Vincent Singh filed Chapter 7 on 8-24-10.  The case number is 10-42050-D-7.  He filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of California.  His attorney is (((Redacted)))





CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


San Jose,

Appologies to Employer of Perfect Financial Group Inc.

#14Author of original report

Mon, August 30, 2010

I apologies to all employees of Perfect Financial Group. When I posted the initial complaint I checked out the business web site and listed employee names that appeared on the website. The initial thought was that they may be involved with the CEO business. But on a second thought they may not know anything about the CEO business and they may even be victims of his wrong doings. So, again please accept my apologies.

I would remove the posting if I could, but this is beyond me. I don't won or control this database. The best thing I can do is amend to the posting an clarify things.

To the user that asked if I I have gotten my money back. The answer is NO!
I consulted with a lawyer and showed him all the documents I have. I was told that the changes of getting any money back were very slim and if any money was collected, about 40% would go into the collection agency. So, I decided not to waste money in lawyers. I am still working on making the complains. I have filled out some conplaint forms but have not mailed them yet.


United States of America

Have you been paid in full yet

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2010

To the author,

Have you been paid yet?

Has Mr. Singh contacted you?

Have you filed any complaints?





South SanFrancisco,
United States of America

Beware of slanderous and defamitory accusations !

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 17, 2010

To  the person who wrote the original  complaint ! I am a previous employee of Perfect Financial Group of Acceptance Capital,and  as a loan officer for the  company I worked on many FHA loans as well as conventional loans.All these  transactions were done with many different reputible lenders.Strict  adherehences were applied, before being able  to secure a loan for a purchase or re-fi.I had the utmost integrity whilst  executing my  job !!! I do not  know what  dealings you personally had with the CEO,(Mr Vincent Singh ) however you have no foundation in insinuating that all the  employees are  involved, as you put it, highly involved in a  fraudulent buisness. You have comitted Slander and Defamation of character ! For this I am considering legal action with the civil courts. I strongly suggest  that  you get all your facts  in  order before making accusations about people  you know nothing about. I have spent all my adult life going about my bisiness with extreme honesty and all the people who know me can attest  to that !!! I do not even know you, however I wish my name to be restored completely. !!!!!!


San Jose,

Correction to initial post

#14Author of original report

Wed, June 30, 2010

I apologize to Vincent Singh, Daniel Rama, Sonny Steele and Usha Singh for the last paragraph on my initial post. I wrote post close to midnight and didnt proof read it before posting it. I meant to say that you are highly involved in this business (Perfect Financial Group Inc) that may be fraudulent. I did not mean to say that you are committing fraud; there is no way for me to determine that. This is for the Attorney General and the State Department of Corporations to determine, not me.

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