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  • Report:  #581703



  • Reported By:
    Martha — Redlands California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 16, 2010
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 16, 2010
    RESEDA, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My family and I are victims of predatory lending & motgage fraud. 

prior to this predatory lending & mortgage fraud transaction My mortgage payment was $528 this amounth included taxes and insurance.

on 8/22/2006 I singned few documents for a refinance transaction, also my Ex-husband  and I signed what we were told a quitclaim deed.  Mr. Warren Phillips was the Broker, the notary public, escrow agent, trustee. and benediciary this made his job much easier, many time I requested a copy of the loan  I has denied copies of the loan documents. I was refered to Mr. Gilbert Rivera he wrote a letter requesting the loan documents. on September 26, 2008 i finelly received the loan documents.

at the point it became very clear why Mr. Phillips refused to provide me with a copy of the loan documents, additional documents were added to this ;0the terms of the loan was  not this closse neither was he had added documents and my signature was scaned to most of the documents he,the Escrow closing atatement has no date nor does it have a signature, the names of 7  individuals were named on this document sophia lu, leonard weisaft, fabian melinovitz, steven. f. windmueller. michell  p. windmueller, ethel taft, martin taft,the windmueller living trust and the taft family  living trust were not named on the escrow closing statement, but just as were added as benifisiaries on the Trust deed, this paper that was also added after the fact is indentified as an addemdum, this paper does not have a date , nor a signature this paper does not even have a page number. all of this invividuals claimand recorded interest on the tittle of my property, including the living trust and family trust.

I purchace this home on 5/1988, prior to warrren M. phillips predatory lending practices and fradulent actions the balance for the mortgage was $38,000, I wanted a 2nd taking $60,000 from the equty my home was aprraised at $362,000.

My warren phillips did not took into consideratio my credit scores not my income and finance this according to Warren Phillips the total of the loan came to $160,000.

I was placed on a 5years interest only ballon loan at a 10% interes with montly payments of $1,326.67 a month not including taxes nor insurance,  at the time of this transactions my income was $1629.  539.00 of that was my Son SSI check $450 chils support (not court mandated ) and $ 640 In home support Services.  Mr. Warren Phillips placed me on a non affordable loan, based on the equaty  of my home not on my abllity to repay the loan setting me to fail and eventualy lose my home to foreclosure. the final payment of $161,000 due on 11/1/2011 htis loan would of have cost me $240,000, how in earth was I to pay this loan with a monthly income of $1629 a month. if Mr. Warren Phillips would of given me the proper disclosures on this loan I never would of taking this loan. Mr. Warren Phillips along with his partners in crime have caused my family and I emmotional and financial distress that has been unbeareble at time. My family and I have gone with out just to keep up with the payments I juggle the utilities I dint have to worrie about a carr payment nor insurance My car Got repo and I sold my truck just to keep up with the payments payments that Warren Phillips Failed to credit properly to this acount. 

as of July 2008 I started  to seek the help from credit counseling agencies, hud aproved counseling agencies, I also seeked the helped of Inland County Legal Services, Inland County Mediation Board, Moneymanagement, Spring Board, also consumer union and many advocated agencies, and many non-proffit agencies.

I contacted and made a complaint with Consumer Afairs, Attorney General, Federal

 Trade Comission, The officce, HUD, RESTA, Department Of real State I also Contacted Jerry Lewis , Barbara Boxer to mention a few.

I have letter, faxes of many agencies that i have contacted and most of the time i received a lame pre-typed letter responding to my complaint.

I have been scamed by a company that charged me $1,000 for a loan Audit, with the assistance of Colton Legal Clinic on 2/2009 I filed bankruptcy, Warren Phillips was determined to take my home, the trustees sale was stopped due to the BK, on march 18, 2009 the bankruptcy was dismissed by the trusteed, I was advised to hire an attorney and file again. as soon as I gotout of court from the parking lot I called Advanced Reconvayence to asked if there was a new sale date for my home, vicky said that the new sale date was set for 4/1/2009.

I felt as if my world was crumbling down on me, and no matter what i did to keep it together it was useless.  Warren Phillips was determined to sell my home and he was determined to do what ever it was nesesary to acomplish that.

I went to the riverside Ca trustess office and showed them , how Mr. Warren Phillips and his Attorney had altered the documents presented with their claim, I had the documents from the San bernardino county recorders certified copied of notice of default and trustees sale, and gave them copies of both documents hoping something would of been done.  It was as if it was ok for this documents to be changed and altered by warren Phillips.  determined to save my home I borrowed money and did as I was told by the trustee I hired an attorney and filed bankruptcy again. The bankruptcy was filed just on time on 4/1/2009 and once againg the trustees sale was stopped.  I was charged $4,400 by Attorney Windham for his services.  I wrote a letter to the Bankruptcy court Judge praying and hoping, i would get some Justice.

I send copies of the loan documents and explained my self the best that I could,the documents from the county recorders Office, also copies of all the agencies I have al eady recuested their assistance, I also mention that sale of my home was not adverticed on any local  news papper, I also provided copies of the so many noticed of defaulted warren phillips had send me, also letters were I request an explanation of many additional fees and late charges, letters were I request for the interes rate be lower to an aforable rate, documents were it showes all the abusive fees & charges by Mr Warren Phillips I was Ignored by the judge.

by the time I whent to court for the bankruptcy I had to pay $700, to the trusstee, plus the mortgage payment $1,326.67.  I Had read that in bankruptcy an Individual could file an advesarial procedure against the lender, I asked Attorney windham about that and he reply I dont due advesarial procedings you would have to hired another attorney to do that. I made 1 payment to Warrem Phillips and 3 to the bankruptcy trustee and I was not able to make any more payments,

fromall the stress I started to have problems were my heart would go so fast that my whole chest pounded, My kids would be just as upset as me, my two 14 and my 9 yeqrold would pray asking god not to take their mom home, My 14 year old (that was born with spina bifida) told me that if god would take me home, He would kill him self.

I was very scary the first time that happen to me, I could not move I was so scared, my 9 year old would dry my tears with the sleve from her jacket she had on and she said mom you are going to be ok you are going to be with me when I graduate from medical school and when I get marry, and when I have my kids, mom you have to be ok, we need you mom, I remenber she loked up and said god dont take my mom away from us we need her please dont take her home .

on June after missing my first payment I contacted Attorney windham and told him that Myboyfriend was laid off, and my food stamps benefits were terminated.

I had told the Attorney that my boyfriends income was not stable.

I called the attorney and left him several mesages asking it I could change chapters in bankruptcy. I received a letter from him almost at teh same time I received the dismisal letter.

I was upset because I was not send anything stating acourt date for the dismissal.

He called me a lier, that a notice was mailed to me.  I could not believe that nothing was also done through the bankruptcy court,  the attorney said to me inregards of the legality of the loan you still have to make the payments.

the sale of my home was schedule for October the seconf Of 2009.

I contacted the trustees office and I asked why was I ignored in regards the documents I i had taken to their office.

I was asked for the bankruptcy file #, as she review the file The person said to me, This bankruptcy was dismissed correct, as she viewed the file she said I have to look into this, theres no financial schedules for this file, I will get back with you.

that was before the trustees sale on 10/2009 I called left 2 messages

then I called a month ago again I was called they would contact me as I said that was a month ago.

 I found an attorney in reverside that had a web-adverticement, he adverticed helping homeowners with civil law suits my agains their lenders for predatory lending and mortgage fraud. I contact him I  Was told that for a fee of $ 5,400 and 35% of any punitive damagegs awarded by the court he would help he with the law suit he said due to my income, and taking into consideration all that my family and I been throuhg I needed $1,400 to retained his services making $1,000 monthly payments untill paid in full.  I could not come up with the money so my  24/22  year old sold their 1947 plymonth for $1,500, on september 4, 2009, i retained attorney charles weare.

finaly on 9/29/2009 I was asked to come and signed the civil complaint.

when i was at the attorneys office I was told that he called Warren Phillips to let him know a law suit was going to be filed agains him, and the other parties involved.

also I was told that  warren phillips and the attorney agreed that the sale would be postponed until 10/16/2009, to work a modification agreement.

the attorney did not showed me any letter Nor did I signed any documents. I was told by the attorney that their agreement was, if we come up with a modification agreement you agree not to file a civil law suit against him nor his investors. 

I said to the Attorney I been asking as of july of 2008 for a loan modification, counselors from hud have contacted Mr. Warren Phillips asking for a modification, Warren Phillips was asked 5 diferent timesby diferent agencies and I have recuested a loan modification 4 times, and every time he refused.  did he finaly realized that im not giving up and just hand down my home to him and his pozy.

I have spend money that i dint have trying to save my home that is close to $10,000.

then he said we should propose for him to pay the broker fees $8,000 my fee $5,400

lower you payment to $750 that be apply to the principal, and pay the rest on 11/1/2011.

I was very up-set, so the attorney said for me to go home and think about it.

I just could not believe that after all the turmoil and every thing my family had gone throght, Warren phillips did not wanted a law suit to be failed and wanted a loan mod.

I presented a loan mod proposition to the Attorney plain and simple, I mention the all the violations under the california civil procedures also the tile and respa violations and I also mention the actions under the criminal law.  and I asked for a clear title of my home and punitive damages.  the attorney said Now I understad what you want me to do, you want me to go ahead and file the law suit.

I believe that the two attorneys I have Hired to help me are ambulance chasers, that they have no morals nor values take peoples money and pretend a service will be provides for their money, they see how long they can work someone up befor they give up.

for my luck on october 1, 2009 there was $345 of unsufisient fees taking from my checking account,  on 10/4/2009 i called Attorney Charles and aske if he would cash the post poned check in 10 days wen I got paid . he terminated our contract because he said that i had no intentions to pay him.

on 10/14/2009 I tried and faxes a loan modification proposal but for some odd reason Warren Phillips fax was not receiving any faxes, so I waslked to the home depot and tried to fax the proposal 3 time and I was told that the fax was not receiving any fax.

when I got home my 25 year old said that someone called 5 minutes before 5 and asked if someone was trying to fax something to their office.

on 10/15/ 2009 15 minutes before 5 Warren Phillips called treatening that if I dint give him verval agreement over the phone stating I will comit to making $1,100 payments month for his attorney to fraft and fax to me for a signature he would sell my home tomorrow.

I told him I would not make any verval agreement because on 8/22/2006 I was under the impresion I was signing documents for a refinance, and that was not true what makes you think I would make any verval agreement over the phone. 

I told him to do what ever he wanted that I dint care.

on 10/16/2009 I faxed Steven WindMueller  the Attorneys Draft, the escrow closing esatement asking to take into consideration the sale of my home and do what is right in regards of the loan I was given And take into consu=ideration that It was Taken by fraud.  they when ahead and again ignored me.

I was served with an anlawful detainer I need to say that the Attorney Representing

this people is John E. Bouzane was placed in probation with the caliornia bar association.  I have filed A civil Law suit againt with the san bernardino superior court I had no choice and filed pro se  I have contacted several well knowned Attorneys and have seen the malisious intensions of Warren Phillips And his clan, I have not been able to retained their services due to my financial situation.

I don't have $6,000 nor $8,000 to retained an attorney, I do have faith that someone will come forward and help.  I can't believe that anyone would risk losing so much for so littleWarren Phillips Failed to act within the Law,  violated codes and regulations that need  to apply when  providing  service to the public, he abused the power given to him as a public servant and used the power to take from others what they have worked so hard for for his own financial wealth.    Also blinded by greed he failed does he represents plasing them and exposing them as what they realy are abunch of no good thiefs.  I have asked My self many times how can someone that holds a respected social estatues and is financialy stable be involved and be part of fraud and embezzalement.   I am talking a bout Steven F. Windmueller I believe is the President of the Jewish College of Los Angeles CA, snd also His Wife Micheelle P. Windmueller. that acording to public records they own many many properties.

Fabian Malinovitz, acording to public record has been involved in realstate disputes on a few court cases, and also has plenty of properties himself.

same with Sophia Lu, Martin Taft and Ethel Taft also Leonard Weinsaft, it seems as they are all business partners

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