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  • Report:  #304367

Complaint Review: First Solar

First Solar FirstSolar Unfair Labor Practices Perrysburg Ohio

  • Reported By:
    oregon Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 29, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 30, 2008
  • First Solar
    28101 Cedar Park Bl , Perrysburg , Ohio 43551
    Phoenix, Arizona
  • Phone:
    419-662 8500
  • Category:
*Author of original report: FIRST SOLAR HR DIRECTOR CALLS ME TODAY *Author of original report: FIRST SOLAR DESRIMNATED AGAINST ME BECAUSE I'M A WHITE MAN *Author of original report: Federal Charges Filed With E.E.O.C For Discrimination Against First Solar *Consumer Comment: DISCRIMINATION AT FIRST SOLAR *UPDATE Employee: this is not the whole story *Author of original report: IN REBUTTAL TO MR OR MS COMMON SENSE FROM CYGNET *UPDATE Employee: My Opinion *UPDATE Employee: My Opinion *UPDATE Employee: My Opinion *UPDATE Employee: My Opinion *Author of original report: YOUR OPINION REBUTTAL DOES NOT MAKE SENSE *UPDATE Employee: Perfect Sense *Author of original report: ONE MORE POINT TO ADD TO MY LAST REBUTTAL *Author of original report: ONE MORE TIME, I WILL EXPLAIN TO NOT SO "PERFECT SENSE" LET'S TRY TO GET IT ACROSS TO YOU *Consumer Comment: Does first solar drug test? Hair/Pee? *Consumer Comment: FIRST SOLAR SUPERVISORS LIED UNDER OATH AT UN EMPLOYMENT HEARING *Consumer Comment: The Reason for this whole RipoffReport is due to the Racial Discrimination against Gerry By First Solar , Plain and Simple *Consumer Comment: The Reason for this whole RipoffReport is due to the Racial Discrimination against Gerry By First Solar , Plain and Simple *Consumer Comment: The Reason for this whole RipoffReport is due to the Racial Discrimination against Gerry By First Solar , Plain and Simple *Consumer Comment: The Reason for this whole RipoffReport is due to the Racial Discrimination against Gerry By First Solar , Plain and Simple *Consumer Comment: WE WOULD REALLY LIKE THE MEDIA TO TALK TO US ABOUT THIS REPORT. *Consumer Comment: WE WOULD REALLY LIKE THE MEDIA TO TALK TO US ABOUT THIS REPORT. *Consumer Comment: WE WOULD REALLY LIKE THE MEDIA TO TALK TO US ABOUT THIS REPORT. *Consumer Comment: LETS GET THIS ON A NATIONAL TAK SHOW *Consumer Comment: ANOTHER FIRST SOLAR EMPLOYEE TELLS HIS STORY OF TERMINATION

I was an employee of First Solar from Aug. / 2006 until Jan / 2008.

I would have been receiving Stock next month Feb / 2008.
I think it's interesteing that I was terminated just before receiving my stocks.

Here is the story. I moved from the production line to a Shipping job which includes driving a forklift. To make this a shorter version , I had two forklift mishaps called incidents . some material on a faulty box that fell off the load was incident 2 and at that time Human Relaions and I agreed that I should go back to the production line. On approx Dec.16th 2007 , I was told to report to the production line for a new job. We are off on Mon. and Tues. each alternate week. I agreed and was glad to go there so I would not have anymore incidents in shipping. Then on Tuesday Dec. 18th, 2008 I received a call from HR to stay in shipping for now and I would be moved shortly. Shortly turned into 18 more days or 2 and 1/2 more weeks. The shipping job requires forklift driving and on Jan 3rd, 2008 I was ask by my team leader to come with a forklift and move some material. He had me come into a EVA room . He opened the overhead door but did not take it up all the way. I thought he had it all the way up and I hit the door and put a dent in it. This was incident 3. On Monday Jan 7th I was terminted from the company. Here is where the problem lies. Another man who just happens to be African American also had his third incident about 3 months before. He still has his job at First Solar.

I was told By a Supervisor named Jarrod that This would not cause me to lose my job. Even he as a Leader did not seem to fully understand Company policy.

1st) If I had been moved as stated by HR. I would still have my job.

2nd) why is the Other Man who has three forklift incidents Still employed there? It seems they have singled me out unfairly. By the way I did not miss work, I worked overtime when asked. I was part of the safety commitee and first aide responders. My fellow employees like me and I got along well with Supervision. Many employees have contacted me and are also upset at what they see happening. 3rd) Why was I terminated just before receiving my stocks which would have amounted to approx $17000.00 depending on Stock market prices which have been very high for First Solar Stocks. I only mentioned that the other man was African American because I am wondering if They held back termination in fear of a Discrimination lawsuit Or an NAACP retaliation. So There is an un-fair act of Policy procedures at First Solar.

I am just a working man with a House I recently bought and car I recently bought , I believe Whole Heartedly that I was treated un fairly and even Supervision Does Not know policy or carry them out Fairly. I honestly thought that the worst that would happen if I had a third incident was that I would lose my Company Forklift License and be put back in Production . Had I known I would be terminated from the Company I would have never got back on the Forklift and Took a chance on Losing my way to make a living. Especially after just buying a house and car. I calmly went back to First Solar and ask for a meeting with their Appeals Board. That seems to be of no benefit at all. There is no Union and I will never Know what The votes from my peers where. I think My Father is Correct when he says If a Company does not have a Union Your at a high risk of losing your job even if your overweight or dont part your hair right. I hope all reading this would just take a minute and write or call this company and let them know if you feel I was treated un- fairly . I am trying to move on and find other employment but, They have caused me great stress and financial hardship. Not to mention approx $17000.00 loss of stocks that would have helped my family . I hope there is somewhere else I can go to get help . I am trying to find out how to appeal to the Ohio Fair Employment Practice Agency. Thank you for viewing . Be careful when working for what is called an "AT Will" company. You too could lose your source of income for any reason or even no reason. The sad thing is at First Solar ,even the supervision dosen't know policy. They do as they please there. I have a friend at First Solar that could not pass a test for a position but was a Janitor. A High ranking White Collar employee said to give him a production job anyway. The First Solar official dis-regarded Policy and made sure he got the job anyway. I can prove this from the employee himself. He is a friend of mine and a good worker. I leave him nameless due to our friendship.

I am very dis-heartened by How I was treated. I hope that all reading this will contact First Solar and at least let them know Your opinion of this
thank you again for your time

oregon, Ohio

25 Updates & Rebuttals




#26Consumer Comment

Sat, August 30, 2008

Here is a copy of an e-mail we received from another employee terminated from First Solar . He says a rumor was started that he was selling mushrooms at the plant. He says this was definitely a lie. yet, he says First Solar suspended him ant then Terminated him. What kind of hogwash is that ? I HOPE SOMEONE AT FIRST SOLAR FINALLY GETS THE COURAGE TO CONTACT A UNION AND GET SOME REPRESENTATION SO THAT THIS KIND OF UNDERHANDED FOOLISHNESS WILL BE HALTED.
Come on First Solar employees , GET SOME BACKBONE AND ORGANIZE.
Most of ou don't seem to care as long as it's the OTHER GUY getting the unfair treatment. Wake Up

Here is a copy of the e-mail We received from the man terminated for allegedly "selling Mushrooms " . I took out most of his email address but if the media wants his story We have it all saved
Were gonna do all we can to get justice for what they did to Gerry

although this person dosent really know that discrimination can go both ways . he tells his story to us. read it for yourself. This is only one more story of the kind of terminations taking place at First Solar.

The e-mail is from
"former First Solar associate emial - Sm**** Cr******

"I was recently fired by first solar but not because of my race. I say that because I am white and let's face it, so are they. I was however fired because of a rumor saying that I was selling mushrooms on the factory floor. I told them I did no such thing yet they suspended me and fired me regardless. They had no proof that I was selling anything and I know that because I didn't. Although this isn't related to your case of discrimination I just wanted you to know that there is someone out there who knows the way they operate first hand




#26Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

We recently contacted a National Talk show host about Racial Discrimination and particularly this situation. After we consult with our Attorney about the possibility of airing this with the T.V. Host of the Show, and, if our Attorney agrees to this,in the future , we may get to tell our story on National T.V.
Hopefully we will have a part in stopping future Racial Discrimination against employees at this company and any other at least in the Wonderful U.S.A.
Stay tuned , and check back . If we get to aire this on National T.V. I will post any dates so you can view it.
Let's get the facts out there for all to view.
Larry Hudson / Gerry's father /




#26Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

To all and any media Sources
EEOC is investigating this situation of Racial Discrimination by First Solar against Gerry . The investigator and we have documented evidence to prove our case.
Once The EEOC Federal Investigator has concluded his investigation , We would be Happy to tell the Media the Truth about what First Solar has done.
They think they can step on our Civil Rights and Commit Racial Discrimination Termnation and just get by with it.
I ask that any Media Contact us and let us fill you in
Radio ,Television, Newpapers , or any other Media Source.

I have contacted the Manager of One Television and he has e-mailed me back
I ask him to hold up until the Federal Investigator has completed hi Investigation
Then I will welcome the opportunity to Tell it all on This Network or any other
Thank you
The Hudson's




#26Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

To all and any media Sources
EEOC is investigating this situation of Racial Discrimination by First Solar against Gerry . The investigator and we have documented evidence to prove our case.
Once The EEOC Federal Investigator has concluded his investigation , We would be Happy to tell the Media the Truth about what First Solar has done.
They think they can step on our Civil Rights and Commit Racial Discrimination Termnation and just get by with it.
I ask that any Media Contact us and let us fill you in
Radio ,Television, Newpapers , or any other Media Source.

I have contacted the Manager of One Television and he has e-mailed me back
I ask him to hold up until the Federal Investigator has completed hi Investigation
Then I will welcome the opportunity to Tell it all on This Network or any other
Thank you
The Hudson's




#26Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

To all and any media Sources
EEOC is investigating this situation of Racial Discrimination by First Solar against Gerry . The investigator and we have documented evidence to prove our case.
Once The EEOC Federal Investigator has concluded his investigation , We would be Happy to tell the Media the Truth about what First Solar has done.
They think they can step on our Civil Rights and Commit Racial Discrimination Termnation and just get by with it.
I ask that any Media Contact us and let us fill you in
Radio ,Television, Newpapers , or any other Media Source.

I have contacted the Manager of One Television and he has e-mailed me back
I ask him to hold up until the Federal Investigator has completed hi Investigation
Then I will welcome the opportunity to Tell it all on This Network or any other
Thank you
The Hudson's



The Reason for this whole RipoffReport is due to the Racial Discrimination against Gerry By First Solar , Plain and Simple

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2008

First I want to say , The main reason for this post against First Solar is due to the Racial Discrimination against my Son Gerry. First and Foremost Mr Terrence Mccllelan an African American has three forklift incidents. That is a Documented Fact. When Terrence received his third incident he was taken of the forklift but not Terminated as he should have been Terminated according to First Solars Written Policy.
Instead, he was allowed to continue to work at First Solar, and They even supplied a Forklift Driver for him until his Forklift Driving License Renews there at First Solar.

When Gerry had a Third Forklift incident ( which by the way for at least two reasons should not have even happend) , Did First Solar offer Gerry ( The White Man) a Forklift Driver to drive for him. NO !!!
What they did do is Call him in Two Hours Before His shift started so they could secretly Terminate him before anyone on his crew knew about it.
Plain and Simple , This is Racial Discrimination. It is illegal to Fire the White man and Keep the Black man for the same exact incidents. Terrence ( the African American Man ) has three incidents but is still employed at First Solar.
Gerry was terminated immediately after getting the third incident before he was even scheduled to come into work . Plain and simple the Termination is wrong and illegal . You can't terminate the white man and let the black man keep working . This is Racial discrimination.

This is not the First incident of Racial Discrimination committed by First Solar
At the proper time we will be revealing ( in court if necessary) another incident of Racial discrimination against whites as they Favored the Black ( or Arican American Worker) at First Solar in Perrysburg Ohio.

After being Racially Discriminated against Gerry Realized a Further monetary loss due to the fact that Yes First Solar ,Gerry Lost the Stocks he would have received in Feb. / 2008
This is just one more loss we will be informing our Attorney about Due to the main issue here ( SO LETS NOT GET SIDETRACKED ) You First Solar Terminated Gerry due to your Racial Discrimination. It dosen't matter That you will try to lie against us and say that our charges against you are otherwise. The number one reason is Racial Discrimination . We expect you to lie just as Nick bekas and Jarrod wolph did at the Ohio Unemployment hearing. They Lied under oath because they are Liars.

Yet, the evidence will be presented ( To A Judge If needed)
All of the e-mails from other employees that were angry when they found out what you did to Gerry has been saved and will also be presented. The phone call from a White Collar worker will also be brought to light. This is a public record so feel free to print it. The statements here are true and Factual. I know what you have done to Gerry and I intend to Let everyone know about your illegal practices of Discrimination until I can get to the proper Government Source and see Justice served.

I hope once all in this World that will listen hears or sees this ,that you will Finally step up to the plate and be Men and Women that treat all employees Fairly . It is a low down shame that you have committed these acts of Racial Discrimination more than once at the Perrysburg Ohio Facility. I hope and pray that once a Judge hears the truth and views the Records that you will be severely reprimanded for your blatant acts of Racial Discrimination.

I guess you thought that by having Gerry Come in early to terminate him would make it all go away and you could hide this illegal act. No !!! we will not let you get away with this if we have to tell it in print, over the airwaves, or by wat ever legal meens we have until Justice is Served
I am Gerrys Father and detest the horrible way you treated him after he gave his best to help you produce products . Gerry never came in late, He was part of the First Responders safety team, He tried to help out his fellow employees even with tax prep. information due to his training. Even Suervision called Gerry at home to get his help on matters other than First Solar Work Related issues. Gerry always came in to work overtime when ask. Yet, Why you Committed this act of Racial Discrimination against him only you know. Well, We will not just lie down and let you step on Gerry. There are laws in our Country to Protect us from this kind of illegal actions. We intend to see Justice brought to First Solar For what they have done

Gerrys Father



The Reason for this whole RipoffReport is due to the Racial Discrimination against Gerry By First Solar , Plain and Simple

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2008

First I want to say , The main reason for this post against First Solar is due to the Racial Discrimination against my Son Gerry. First and Foremost Mr Terrence Mccllelan an African American has three forklift incidents. That is a Documented Fact. When Terrence received his third incident he was taken of the forklift but not Terminated as he should have been Terminated according to First Solars Written Policy.
Instead, he was allowed to continue to work at First Solar, and They even supplied a Forklift Driver for him until his Forklift Driving License Renews there at First Solar.

When Gerry had a Third Forklift incident ( which by the way for at least two reasons should not have even happend) , Did First Solar offer Gerry ( The White Man) a Forklift Driver to drive for him. NO !!!
What they did do is Call him in Two Hours Before His shift started so they could secretly Terminate him before anyone on his crew knew about it.
Plain and Simple , This is Racial Discrimination. It is illegal to Fire the White man and Keep the Black man for the same exact incidents. Terrence ( the African American Man ) has three incidents but is still employed at First Solar.
Gerry was terminated immediately after getting the third incident before he was even scheduled to come into work . Plain and simple the Termination is wrong and illegal . You can't terminate the white man and let the black man keep working . This is Racial discrimination.

This is not the First incident of Racial Discrimination committed by First Solar
At the proper time we will be revealing ( in court if necessary) another incident of Racial discrimination against whites as they Favored the Black ( or Arican American Worker) at First Solar in Perrysburg Ohio.

After being Racially Discriminated against Gerry Realized a Further monetary loss due to the fact that Yes First Solar ,Gerry Lost the Stocks he would have received in Feb. / 2008
This is just one more loss we will be informing our Attorney about Due to the main issue here ( SO LETS NOT GET SIDETRACKED ) You First Solar Terminated Gerry due to your Racial Discrimination. It dosen't matter That you will try to lie against us and say that our charges against you are otherwise. The number one reason is Racial Discrimination . We expect you to lie just as Nick bekas and Jarrod wolph did at the Ohio Unemployment hearing. They Lied under oath because they are Liars.

Yet, the evidence will be presented ( To A Judge If needed)
All of the e-mails from other employees that were angry when they found out what you did to Gerry has been saved and will also be presented. The phone call from a White Collar worker will also be brought to light. This is a public record so feel free to print it. The statements here are true and Factual. I know what you have done to Gerry and I intend to Let everyone know about your illegal practices of Discrimination until I can get to the proper Government Source and see Justice served.

I hope once all in this World that will listen hears or sees this ,that you will Finally step up to the plate and be Men and Women that treat all employees Fairly . It is a low down shame that you have committed these acts of Racial Discrimination more than once at the Perrysburg Ohio Facility. I hope and pray that once a Judge hears the truth and views the Records that you will be severely reprimanded for your blatant acts of Racial Discrimination.

I guess you thought that by having Gerry Come in early to terminate him would make it all go away and you could hide this illegal act. No !!! we will not let you get away with this if we have to tell it in print, over the airwaves, or by wat ever legal meens we have until Justice is Served
I am Gerrys Father and detest the horrible way you treated him after he gave his best to help you produce products . Gerry never came in late, He was part of the First Responders safety team, He tried to help out his fellow employees even with tax prep. information due to his training. Even Suervision called Gerry at home to get his help on matters other than First Solar Work Related issues. Gerry always came in to work overtime when ask. Yet, Why you Committed this act of Racial Discrimination against him only you know. Well, We will not just lie down and let you step on Gerry. There are laws in our Country to Protect us from this kind of illegal actions. We intend to see Justice brought to First Solar For what they have done

Gerrys Father



The Reason for this whole RipoffReport is due to the Racial Discrimination against Gerry By First Solar , Plain and Simple

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2008

First I want to say , The main reason for this post against First Solar is due to the Racial Discrimination against my Son Gerry. First and Foremost Mr Terrence Mccllelan an African American has three forklift incidents. That is a Documented Fact. When Terrence received his third incident he was taken of the forklift but not Terminated as he should have been Terminated according to First Solars Written Policy.
Instead, he was allowed to continue to work at First Solar, and They even supplied a Forklift Driver for him until his Forklift Driving License Renews there at First Solar.

When Gerry had a Third Forklift incident ( which by the way for at least two reasons should not have even happend) , Did First Solar offer Gerry ( The White Man) a Forklift Driver to drive for him. NO !!!
What they did do is Call him in Two Hours Before His shift started so they could secretly Terminate him before anyone on his crew knew about it.
Plain and Simple , This is Racial Discrimination. It is illegal to Fire the White man and Keep the Black man for the same exact incidents. Terrence ( the African American Man ) has three incidents but is still employed at First Solar.
Gerry was terminated immediately after getting the third incident before he was even scheduled to come into work . Plain and simple the Termination is wrong and illegal . You can't terminate the white man and let the black man keep working . This is Racial discrimination.

This is not the First incident of Racial Discrimination committed by First Solar
At the proper time we will be revealing ( in court if necessary) another incident of Racial discrimination against whites as they Favored the Black ( or Arican American Worker) at First Solar in Perrysburg Ohio.

After being Racially Discriminated against Gerry Realized a Further monetary loss due to the fact that Yes First Solar ,Gerry Lost the Stocks he would have received in Feb. / 2008
This is just one more loss we will be informing our Attorney about Due to the main issue here ( SO LETS NOT GET SIDETRACKED ) You First Solar Terminated Gerry due to your Racial Discrimination. It dosen't matter That you will try to lie against us and say that our charges against you are otherwise. The number one reason is Racial Discrimination . We expect you to lie just as Nick bekas and Jarrod wolph did at the Ohio Unemployment hearing. They Lied under oath because they are Liars.

Yet, the evidence will be presented ( To A Judge If needed)
All of the e-mails from other employees that were angry when they found out what you did to Gerry has been saved and will also be presented. The phone call from a White Collar worker will also be brought to light. This is a public record so feel free to print it. The statements here are true and Factual. I know what you have done to Gerry and I intend to Let everyone know about your illegal practices of Discrimination until I can get to the proper Government Source and see Justice served.

I hope once all in this World that will listen hears or sees this ,that you will Finally step up to the plate and be Men and Women that treat all employees Fairly . It is a low down shame that you have committed these acts of Racial Discrimination more than once at the Perrysburg Ohio Facility. I hope and pray that once a Judge hears the truth and views the Records that you will be severely reprimanded for your blatant acts of Racial Discrimination.

I guess you thought that by having Gerry Come in early to terminate him would make it all go away and you could hide this illegal act. No !!! we will not let you get away with this if we have to tell it in print, over the airwaves, or by wat ever legal meens we have until Justice is Served
I am Gerrys Father and detest the horrible way you treated him after he gave his best to help you produce products . Gerry never came in late, He was part of the First Responders safety team, He tried to help out his fellow employees even with tax prep. information due to his training. Even Suervision called Gerry at home to get his help on matters other than First Solar Work Related issues. Gerry always came in to work overtime when ask. Yet, Why you Committed this act of Racial Discrimination against him only you know. Well, We will not just lie down and let you step on Gerry. There are laws in our Country to Protect us from this kind of illegal actions. We intend to see Justice brought to First Solar For what they have done

Gerrys Father



The Reason for this whole RipoffReport is due to the Racial Discrimination against Gerry By First Solar , Plain and Simple

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2008

First I want to say , The main reason for this post against First Solar is due to the Racial Discrimination against my Son Gerry. First and Foremost Mr Terrence Mccllelan an African American has three forklift incidents. That is a Documented Fact. When Terrence received his third incident he was taken of the forklift but not Terminated as he should have been Terminated according to First Solars Written Policy.
Instead, he was allowed to continue to work at First Solar, and They even supplied a Forklift Driver for him until his Forklift Driving License Renews there at First Solar.

When Gerry had a Third Forklift incident ( which by the way for at least two reasons should not have even happend) , Did First Solar offer Gerry ( The White Man) a Forklift Driver to drive for him. NO !!!
What they did do is Call him in Two Hours Before His shift started so they could secretly Terminate him before anyone on his crew knew about it.
Plain and Simple , This is Racial Discrimination. It is illegal to Fire the White man and Keep the Black man for the same exact incidents. Terrence ( the African American Man ) has three incidents but is still employed at First Solar.
Gerry was terminated immediately after getting the third incident before he was even scheduled to come into work . Plain and simple the Termination is wrong and illegal . You can't terminate the white man and let the black man keep working . This is Racial discrimination.

This is not the First incident of Racial Discrimination committed by First Solar
At the proper time we will be revealing ( in court if necessary) another incident of Racial discrimination against whites as they Favored the Black ( or Arican American Worker) at First Solar in Perrysburg Ohio.

After being Racially Discriminated against Gerry Realized a Further monetary loss due to the fact that Yes First Solar ,Gerry Lost the Stocks he would have received in Feb. / 2008
This is just one more loss we will be informing our Attorney about Due to the main issue here ( SO LETS NOT GET SIDETRACKED ) You First Solar Terminated Gerry due to your Racial Discrimination. It dosen't matter That you will try to lie against us and say that our charges against you are otherwise. The number one reason is Racial Discrimination . We expect you to lie just as Nick bekas and Jarrod wolph did at the Ohio Unemployment hearing. They Lied under oath because they are Liars.

Yet, the evidence will be presented ( To A Judge If needed)
All of the e-mails from other employees that were angry when they found out what you did to Gerry has been saved and will also be presented. The phone call from a White Collar worker will also be brought to light. This is a public record so feel free to print it. The statements here are true and Factual. I know what you have done to Gerry and I intend to Let everyone know about your illegal practices of Discrimination until I can get to the proper Government Source and see Justice served.

I hope once all in this World that will listen hears or sees this ,that you will Finally step up to the plate and be Men and Women that treat all employees Fairly . It is a low down shame that you have committed these acts of Racial Discrimination more than once at the Perrysburg Ohio Facility. I hope and pray that once a Judge hears the truth and views the Records that you will be severely reprimanded for your blatant acts of Racial Discrimination.

I guess you thought that by having Gerry Come in early to terminate him would make it all go away and you could hide this illegal act. No !!! we will not let you get away with this if we have to tell it in print, over the airwaves, or by wat ever legal meens we have until Justice is Served
I am Gerrys Father and detest the horrible way you treated him after he gave his best to help you produce products . Gerry never came in late, He was part of the First Responders safety team, He tried to help out his fellow employees even with tax prep. information due to his training. Even Suervision called Gerry at home to get his help on matters other than First Solar Work Related issues. Gerry always came in to work overtime when ask. Yet, Why you Committed this act of Racial Discrimination against him only you know. Well, We will not just lie down and let you step on Gerry. There are laws in our Country to Protect us from this kind of illegal actions. We intend to see Justice brought to First Solar For what they have done

Gerrys Father




#26Consumer Comment

Sat, July 05, 2008

I was a representative at the recent Ohio Unemployment hearing between Gerry Hudson and Fist Solar.
We were allowed to ask questions to First Solar Supervision , and to Gerry Hudson Whom was Racially Discriminated against and Terminated by First Solar.
We have recently aqquired the audio recordings from the Hearing .
First ( just as we suspected) Nick Beakas and Jarrod Wolph -Supervisors
Lied like Dogs under oath to protect them selves at First Solar.

We are Glad that The statements made were recorded and We,and The EEOC investigator will soon have copies. Under Oath , Dosen't mean Spit to low end Liars such as Nick Beakas Or Jarrod Wolph. Both of these Liars was aware that Terrance Mcllelan had Three Forklift Incidents. He had all Three By Sept. 2007
Yet,when Gerry ask What would happen If he would get a third incident ,These Liars told him He would not lose his Job at First Solar since they knew that The
African American Man ( Terrence MCcllelan) had three incidents and had not lost his.

Nick Beakas Lied yes Lied Under Oath and said he did not say this. His Exact words to Gerry was and I quote " Don't freak out about this . This ( the incident report stating termination) Does not mean Termination from First Solar but From the shipping Dept until your license would renew. " Un quote.
Hell is waiting on you Filthy Liars. You and Jarrod Wolph Lied under oath , and you know it. What a pitiful excuse for Supervisors you two are. Your not even Man enough to tell the Truth , You both know Terrence has 3 incidents and should have been terminated in Sept, 2007.

Gerry ask Nick to look at the pallet. He tried repeatedly to try to figure out why a pallet of solar panels he was carrying was wobbling and fell off the load and some of them broke. Gerry is quite certain after going over this again and again that the pallet was defective. When mentioning this to Nick ( lieing) Beakas, Nick said it is possible . Yet When I ask Evelyn Buckenmeyer at the hearing what happened to the pallet that Nick was suppose to inspect, She could not answer the question.
Rather than find out if the Pallet was defective it was easier to say " We don't know what happened to the Pallet". Gerry took the Pallet to the Supervisors office Where he informed them it was Yet it mysteriously disappeared.
You Liars purposely got rid the the Pallet so the truth could not be discovered.

Rather than trying to find out if the Pallet was bad , You just discarded it .

Nick Beakas, Evelyn Buckenmyer , and another woman who's name escapes me ( until I go back to the audio disc of the Hearing) Told Gerry he was being moved to his Production Job approx two weeks before the last incident. Of course they did not move him, Just another Lie from these Liars.

This is Far from over. The EEOC investigator is Looking into this and we have already brought to his attention more Lies spoken ( under oath )by The First Solar Rep. that, we can prove are lies about the Racial Discrimination against Gerry.

Once the investigation by EEOC is complete we intend to See You In Court First Solar. Your " At Will " statements does not allow you to commit acts of Racial Discrimination and get by with it. Thank God Two things are for sure
There are Courts in this land against this kind of injustice and
There is a Judgement after this life is over. So , wether we win or not in this life
Hell is wating for you Liars in the next

I'm Gerrys Dad, and Proud of my Son that although he has been done Rotten low down dirty by these Lieing Scum, He's a Truthful , helpful, upright man , That will always have friends and most importantly is on God's side Regardless of What these Liars have done. He will do Well in life. Hold on tight Gerry The Fight for Justice is not over yet




Does first solar drug test? Hair/Pee?

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, May 12, 2008

Just wanna know, got a friend going to interview there. This is the only place on the net i was able to find a posting about first solar. Your help even though u hate the company would be greatly appreciated.




#26Author of original report

Mon, April 21, 2008

In response to your question "this did the 'black man' you mentioned give you three forklift incidents? Duh ! No
This question is null and void. First I will deal with the reason I had the third incident ( A-G-A-I-N ) I was told by three thats ( 3 ) Lieing supervisors that I would not lose my job at First Solar only my shipping dept position. 2nd The issue is very clear. If The Black Man I am referring to has ( 3 ) inidents ( and he most assuredly does For a known Fact. Let me help you understand You can't fire the White man and Keep the Black man if both have the 3 incidents. Again so you understand , This is what makes it racial discrimination . Do you now understand ?

You cannot Tell the White man and woman that they cannot have a job in Production if they cannot pass the required test , and then The CEO walk down the isle See a black man and say " Hire that Man into production" and then when he was told that the Black man cannot ,and did not pass the required test, By pass all the white men and women ,who did not or could not pass the Required test and Hire the Black man anyway , This is a clear case of racial discrimination.

And , You state "You were not set up, the company did not chase you down to try and get rid of you. You are right I do not all the facts and maybe you were fired wrongly I dont know "

How do you know if I was set up or not ? I think you have made one correct statment with your last three words quoted above "I DONT KNOW" that is about the most sensible thing you have stated thus far.

The horse thief scenario was just an example of unfair justice being saught from a pitiful excuse for an appeals board.

Now let me ask you this question and why don't you think about it realistically.
If First Soalr wanted a true and FAIR appeals board Tell me why don't they go outside of the Company and get 5 or 10 UNBIASED people with nothing to do with the company or its Stocks , Tell them what has happened and offer the terminated employees a true chance at appeal ? Because then they could not manipulate the outcome. The scenario was accurate. Like trying to get justice and a fair hearing from the other part of the group. How many employees are going to go against the people they get their paycheck from and even if they felt I was done wrong, are they going to cut their own throat for me ? dont be foolish, of course not.

You act as if I am the only person that has ever been wronged at First Solar. My Father was at our local credit union and the ( teller ) was telling him about another employee at First Solar which filled her in on a lot of wrong things he has witnessed at First Solar himself. You see, There just isn't a good strong Union There yet to help the employee. They seem to think they're " AT WILL" policy allows them to step on peoples civil rights. I hope some of the other people that have been wronged by First Solar will find out about this report and give us they're version of how they were treated. If I had another way to advertise ( and maybe I will soon) we will see just what kind of other shananigans have went on and casued others harm such as I am experiencing. It's easy to say what I should or should not do when You still have your income from First Solar, Your job seems secure, You probably have and are still receiving benefits from the Company. But, Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes. I'm sure you feel pretty good trying to blast me for what I am doing , but, I really dont care what you think. What First Solar did was wrong and yes is racial discrimination. Again, Terrence has three incidents and is still employed, I had three incidents ( which I should not have even got had I been moved to my production job , and had I not been lied to by Three - 3 supervisors ) and I am terminated. yes , yes , and again I say yes, it is Racial Discrimination. And again I say if this were reversed and I was Black and Terrence was white, I could have probably called the NAACP or Jesse Jackson, Or Al Sharpton, and it would have already been corrected .

And Mr Or Ms ( You know me but I dont know you as you have not revealed who you are as you write things against my form of action) Mr or Ms not so "PERFECT SENSE" You stated " think about some of the people that you are calling out and think about their feelings" The People who were involved have yet to contact me and ask How I am. They could care less about my feelings , or the situation they put me in. These Supervisors have not contacted me lately to see how I am doing. They could care less. Now you ask me to be concerned about their feelings. Ha, I never came to work late, Did as I was told, Tried to be helpful and friendly , Even to the extent of helping others with Tax questions. I had one supervisor even call me after I was Terminated for one reason and one reason only Do you know what that was ? Of course not just as there are many things about this you do not know. He ask me to help him with some stock information. When he was ask a question all of a sudden he clamed up and no more phone calls. Do you think he cares about my situation. NOT. I have emails from some employees that originally showed some concern , but they too are now worried about having a target on their back . My Father and I even went to one employees home , sat at his computer for approx three hours helping him sell his first solar stocks. Do you think he cares about me or my situation, or my feelings Ha, just the opposite, He told me to use his name for any investigation. Now he cops an attitude. bo big deal ,

So , No I am not real concerned at this point about anyones FEELINGS. That is a two way street. What I am concerned about is Getting justice for the acts of Discrimination. Again , your not the one going through this ( who ever you are) and it really is pretty easy when your anonymous to make all kinds of statements.

Maybe you will suffer this kind of situation then we will see just how you handle it

Good day




#26Author of original report

Sat, April 19, 2008

I also want to add
You "IN MY OPINION" state I am telling names I havent spoke to.
I am stating truth which will stand up in any court in the land

Also, I have numerous emails from fellow employees. These have all been saved on computer disc for future reference. I have also received numerous phone calls.
As a matter of fact one person from the First Solar appeals board ( for all the good it does) Told me They believe I have a case against First Solar due to what he knows about The special treatment to Terrence .

So , you need to know a little more about what your talking about.



Perfect Sense

#26UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 19, 2008

Well like I said if you feel you were wronged that is fine nothing wrong with that. If you feel the need to stick up for yourself that is fine as well. My question is this did the "black man" you mentioned give you three forklift incidents? Did the "black man" you mentioned by name write you up or fire you? If this case goes to court and they want this person to testify that is one thing but you named him him in a public forum. You could have plainly stated your case without mentioning his name in this type of way. I know him and he is a good man and I never asked him if he knew about this or even had a problem with it but I can say one thing for sure I would be upset if I was him. He is not management he is not the one who fired you. You were not set up, the company did not chase you down to try and get rid of you. You are right I do not all the facts and maybe you were fired wrongly I dont know all the specifics but you were not fired for being white like you are trying to say. The person with three forklift accidents was not kept just because he was black. Thanks alot for calling employees at First Solar cowards and comparing them to horse theives who beat you up. Thats a great way to get them on your side. Sorry you feel you were wronged but it wasnt the fault of the average employee at First Solar who put you in your situation. If this goes to court and all the facts come out I will be happy with what ever the verdict will be. I did not ask you to roll over I just simply asked that you think about some of the people that you are calling out and think about their feelings and respect the fact they might not want their name blasted over the internet. If they did see something and then subpena them to court and handle it the right way. Again im sorry that you are in a rough spot and I feel for you and hope that things turn around for you and that you end up better off because of this I just want you to realize there are ways to do things and this isnt one of them.




#26Author of original report

Sat, April 19, 2008

Your statements do not make sense.
First , I have spoke with the people mentioned. I have also received e-mails from other employees telling me to do all I can. You are Either in management or your in the Dark about what is taking place at First Solar.
The Very names I have mentioned , most are Directly involved . You must not be reading the Whole story. Jarrod wolf was ask If I would lose my job for a third forklift incident. He says no. Of course he is Directly involved. Either He has no knowledge of Company Policy or deliberatley made a false statement.
Nick bekus was emailed and ask about this and of course did not put it in writing but told me quote " not to freak out" I would lose my forklift License but not my position at First Solar. He is Directly involved.

Paul Kirian also implied I would not lose my job. They all know that Terrence Mcllelan ( the African American Man ) also driving Forklift and still employed there. Had 3 incidents before I did. He told me this himself. He is Directly involved. Names are mentioned because it is the Truth. This is two incidents of Discrimination That I personally know about. YES Discrimination. If this were Reversed and Terrence Mcllelan had been Fired the same way I have been , I guarantee you that There would have been a louder outcry from maybe even Al Sharpton ,Floyd Rose, Jesse Jackson and a March around the Plant until things were corrected , Appologies made, etc...

We are not finished letting others know. This was wrong ,and I for one am not going to just roll over and play dead. I have been contacted back from the Manager of a major local news station, Naming the people involved is just stating facts. There is no slander ,only truth about what they have said and done. We are waiting for the right time to make contact with the news channel. It's just too bad that there is no Union at First Solar. A good strong Union could help put an end to this kind of unfair discriminatory treatment. First Solar has an appeals panel , What a JOKE that is. Two Company Supervisors ( with Biased opinions) and three Half scared employees, that know if they see injustice they would have targets on their back if they went against the company. Let me put it another way. That So called appeals panel is like a team of horse thieves in the old west . Three of them beat up a man and stole his horses, Now the victim appeals to the other two for justice.

Ha, What a farce that was. Thank God there are some Laws still in our country to help people out. I have , and will appeal for my rights , and for the truth to come to light . Where are the employees of days gone by That Formed Unions and put a stop to Lousy treatment such as this. Oh for the Unions of Years ago
Fighting on



My Opinion

#26UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 18, 2008

I have to say that I know Gerry and the people mentioned in this article. I for one am bummed out about the fact that Gerry was fired but for discrimination? I for one have not seen one instance of discrimination at First Solar. If Gerry feels he was discriminated against that is his right to feel that way and not feel happy about it. What I do not like is the constant name dropping made by Gerry in a public forum about people that he has not talked to (or asked their permission) and have nothing to do with his situation or are members of First Solar mangement. The people that he has talked about are people that I have a great deal of respect for and shouldnt be brought into a bad situation that they did not create or was not a party to. The people at First Solar are great people and are a joy to work with and just because they do not speak in Gerry's behalf does not mean they are afraid maybe its because they dont agree. I for one do not agree with the allegations of discrimination because I have not seen any sort of thing that warrants that allegation. First Solar is fair and impartial though if you are on the losing end of that you might not feel that way and that is also fine it is human nature. All I ask in the future is that the people that did not witness what happened with Gerry and did not have anything to do with the fact that Gerry was fired be left out of it and that their rights are respected. Again I feel real bad that Gerry was let go and I feel bad about his situation but I do not believe the fact that he is a white man is the reason why he is fired.



My Opinion

#26UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 18, 2008

I have to say that I know Gerry and the people mentioned in this article. I for one am bummed out about the fact that Gerry was fired but for discrimination? I for one have not seen one instance of discrimination at First Solar. If Gerry feels he was discriminated against that is his right to feel that way and not feel happy about it. What I do not like is the constant name dropping made by Gerry in a public forum about people that he has not talked to (or asked their permission) and have nothing to do with his situation or are members of First Solar mangement. The people that he has talked about are people that I have a great deal of respect for and shouldnt be brought into a bad situation that they did not create or was not a party to. The people at First Solar are great people and are a joy to work with and just because they do not speak in Gerry's behalf does not mean they are afraid maybe its because they dont agree. I for one do not agree with the allegations of discrimination because I have not seen any sort of thing that warrants that allegation. First Solar is fair and impartial though if you are on the losing end of that you might not feel that way and that is also fine it is human nature. All I ask in the future is that the people that did not witness what happened with Gerry and did not have anything to do with the fact that Gerry was fired be left out of it and that their rights are respected. Again I feel real bad that Gerry was let go and I feel bad about his situation but I do not believe the fact that he is a white man is the reason why he is fired.



My Opinion

#26UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 18, 2008

I have to say that I know Gerry and the people mentioned in this article. I for one am bummed out about the fact that Gerry was fired but for discrimination? I for one have not seen one instance of discrimination at First Solar. If Gerry feels he was discriminated against that is his right to feel that way and not feel happy about it. What I do not like is the constant name dropping made by Gerry in a public forum about people that he has not talked to (or asked their permission) and have nothing to do with his situation or are members of First Solar mangement. The people that he has talked about are people that I have a great deal of respect for and shouldnt be brought into a bad situation that they did not create or was not a party to. The people at First Solar are great people and are a joy to work with and just because they do not speak in Gerry's behalf does not mean they are afraid maybe its because they dont agree. I for one do not agree with the allegations of discrimination because I have not seen any sort of thing that warrants that allegation. First Solar is fair and impartial though if you are on the losing end of that you might not feel that way and that is also fine it is human nature. All I ask in the future is that the people that did not witness what happened with Gerry and did not have anything to do with the fact that Gerry was fired be left out of it and that their rights are respected. Again I feel real bad that Gerry was let go and I feel bad about his situation but I do not believe the fact that he is a white man is the reason why he is fired.



My Opinion

#26UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 18, 2008

I have to say that I know Gerry and the people mentioned in this article. I for one am bummed out about the fact that Gerry was fired but for discrimination? I for one have not seen one instance of discrimination at First Solar. If Gerry feels he was discriminated against that is his right to feel that way and not feel happy about it. What I do not like is the constant name dropping made by Gerry in a public forum about people that he has not talked to (or asked their permission) and have nothing to do with his situation or are members of First Solar mangement. The people that he has talked about are people that I have a great deal of respect for and shouldnt be brought into a bad situation that they did not create or was not a party to. The people at First Solar are great people and are a joy to work with and just because they do not speak in Gerry's behalf does not mean they are afraid maybe its because they dont agree. I for one do not agree with the allegations of discrimination because I have not seen any sort of thing that warrants that allegation. First Solar is fair and impartial though if you are on the losing end of that you might not feel that way and that is also fine it is human nature. All I ask in the future is that the people that did not witness what happened with Gerry and did not have anything to do with the fact that Gerry was fired be left out of it and that their rights are respected. Again I feel real bad that Gerry was let go and I feel bad about his situation but I do not believe the fact that he is a white man is the reason why he is fired.




#26Author of original report

Fri, April 18, 2008

First Let me Say I too believe this act of Discrimination from First Solar is unfortunate. Especially when there is a History of Discrimination by First Solar.
To you at First Solar
Ask Michael Couch How he as an African American man , Who could not pass the test , Yet got hired into production anyway. He himself has stated this to me and Guy Ward, and others.

Ask Supervisors Nick Beakus, Paul Kirian, Why they told me That a Third Forklift incident would most likely cause me to be taken off the forklift and not able to drive the plant Forklift Yet, It would not cause termination from the company .

They and those working around us knew that Terrence Mcllelan already had 3 forklift incidents ( another African Amercian that has got special treatment ) and yet he was not terminated. Had I known A third incident would cost me my postition at First Solar I would have never got back on the Forklift. Especially when I was already told I would be going to my production job .

You "common sense" from Cygnet imply that employees are treated with respect
How so when even Supervision lied to me ? How so when First Solar has practiced discrimination on more than one occasion ?

I wonder if "common Sense" from First Solar would feel the same way if it was his or her job that had been lost ? I did nothing wrong. I was reluctant to even go back on the Forklift the last time. I was waiting to be transferred back to my production job when I was ask by bob mowery to come and move some parts. Since The Supervision told me I would not lose my job at First Solar ( and since Terrence Mcllelan had his third incident and was not Terminated , and was still driving the Forklift , I decided to do as I was ask relying on the words of the Supervisors I trusted. I thought it was "common Sense" for Supervision to state truth and not lies. First Solar has commited Discrimination against me and other White people by their acts. This is why I Filed Federal Charges with EEOC .

It's easy to be tollerant of injustice when your not the one being discriminated against. When you haven't lost your job. When it wasn't you that First Solar even denied un-employment Comp. from. When it's not you that has to appeal and keep fighting for fair treatment. I and other Whites have been discriminated against .

Regardless of Secret policies inside the Company of First Solar that you or others can't seem to or will not speak about, once those policies go against my rights , then those company policies are illegal. Discrimination is Illegal and must be stopped.
G. paulos

Common Sense


this is not the whole story

#26UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 16, 2008

I would first like to say that Gerry is a very nice guy, and that this is an unfortunate situation. That being said, there are other reasons surrounding this situation that are not being included. They cannot be discussed, for that would be against the privacy of the company-worker policy. I know this doesn't shed any light on this particular situation, but i just wanted to let it be known that First Solar is a wonderful place to work. You are treated with the dignity and respect that you deserve, you are also in a position for advancement throughout the company.

First Solar has a college tuituon reimbursment plan that allows you to move towards your goals, and encourages you to strive to be a better person. I am upset that this had to happen to Gerry, but with all do respect, both sides of the story are not being told, and it is unfortunate that the negative one is the only one being seen. Thank you for your time and I hope this gives a positive towards First Solar as a whole, not just a company, but the people that work within this company.
Sincerely, Common sense




#26Consumer Comment

Tue, February 26, 2008




Federal Charges Filed With E.E.O.C For Discrimination Against First Solar

#26Author of original report

Wed, February 20, 2008

Follow Up

As Of Feb. 15th , 2008 I have Filed Charges of Discrimination Against First Solar . I Filed at The Federal Office In Detroit Michigan Which oversees Filings for Toledo and Perrysburg Ohio.

I wan't everyone to Know what First Solar has done, and how they discriminated against me because I am white man.

There has been others that have been mis treated by First Solar.

Please feel free to comment here at . It is high time that everyone knows how First Solar truly treats employees and how they have treated ex - employees.

I hope this causes First Solar to step up to the plate and treat all employees equally with out discriminating any further. Hopefully others will not have to suffer as I have .

Post your comments about past incidents of Discrimination from First Solar
Thank You




#26Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

I was terminated from First Solar because I am a white man.

This is evident with what they have done and proved with their actions against me.

I was told repeatedly by numerous supervision that a third incident on a forklift would cause me to not be able to continue driving a forklift in shipping and I would have to go back to production.

I even ask Nick , a Supervisor , what company policy was if I have a third incident. He stated that I would not lose my job but I would lose my forklift license at the company for a period of time. Then After a Team Leader opens an overhead door, and tells me to come into the evac room for some parts he wants moved I had a third incident. The man opened the door and did not take it up all the way. He left it down a few inches and caused the third incident.

Terrance an African American man working with us has had 3 incidents and had the last one approx 2 to 3 months before I did. He still has his job there and they discriminated against me because I'm white. They fired me before my next day of work . Terrance is still working there even after three forklift incidents.
Other employees see him at work .

First Solar is unfair and commits discrimination . I believe this is in violation of my rights and I intend to find out how to get help with this matter.

I hope all that have had problems with First Solar , ( and see this ) will submidt page here about what happened to you

Thank You




#26Author of original report

Tue, January 29, 2008

My Father is in our household and has taken many calls from First Solar when they were trying to contact me, So he knows what is going on. Today he wanted a chance to talk to First Solar about their un-fair practices. He placed a call to HR - Human Resources at First Solar. I know , I know, I'm a grown man but Dad's are like that. When they see un-fair acts against they're children they respond . He got a return call from Matt ( Human Resource Director ) . I listened to the conversation.

My dad brought it to Matts attention that they are un-fair in their policies. Another man That Worked with our crew at First Solar had his Third forklift incident about 3 months prior to me. He is still employed
My Father ask why He is there and I am gone ? Matt had no explanation.
Matt told my father that they let me go partly as a resposibility to the safety of they're other employees.

My father didnt buy that false reasoning and here is why. 2 and 1/2 weeks prior to the last forklift incident ( which a team lead was partially responsible for by telling me to come on through the door he had opened but not high enough) Prior to this HR had told me to report back to production. I was glad and was told to report on my next scheduled work day being wednesday Dec. 19th 2008. Yet on Tuesday Dec. 18th Evelyn from HR called our home and told me to stay in shipping for a short time until they get a replacement for the man taking the shipping position. YET another 2 and 1/2 weeks goes by and that is when I had the third incident spoke of. IF First Solar was lettting me go because of safety issues and danger to fellow workers as Matt stated to my father. Why would you keep someone on a Motorized vehicle for 2 and 1/2 more weeks if he ( or I should say I) was such a huge safety Risk? Sorry Mr Matt, that dosent make sense to anyone with a Brain.
Just as stated in my original report , First Solar Management does what they please. Chip H. a High ranking Manager Hired a man into Production that could not pass testing to be there. I know this straight from this employee who is a friend of mine. So Policy went out the window in that move didn't it ?

I have made a call to my Attorney and am awaiting a response from him. I am contacting the Fair Employment Practice Agency in my area.
Just incase there is a reversed Discrimination issue here ,due to the fact that the African American man still has his job after 3 incidents I am contacting the EECO.

I will be building a website to let others know about First Solars unfair practices
I am considering contacting the Local news channel such as "Call To Action" and see if they may want to do a story on this company.
My father was at a Union shop (JEEP) for many years ,and Told Mr Matt that First Solar needs a Union. This would help to stop some of these un-fair acts going on at that plant. You can contact First Solar and tell them what you think about how they treat employees at
a publicly listed phone number 419 662-8500 to voice your opinion. Many fellow employees have contacted me and let me know how upset they are at how I was treated by first Solar. I know you are all afraid to voice your opinion where First Solar Management will find out but I hop and Pray someone has the Grit to contact a Union such as UAW and get them at the First Solar Plants here in the USA so that un-fair practices will cease by this company
Thank you

You may also email First Solar by going to First Solars webpage and go to their contact page
These are the kinds of reasons that Unions were Formed many years ago. We all may think things have changed and we dont need Unions much now days but this has made me realize UNIONS are Needed in this kind of work environment were unfair labor acts are taking place and employees fear to speak up about it knowing they would then be a target to be the next ex-employee

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