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  • Report:  #373249

Complaint Review: Footlocker Inc.

Footlocker Inc. Ripped off tag-team Footlocker and Wendy's Vero Beach Florida

  • Reported By:
    Palm Bay Florida
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 16, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 11, 2008
  • Footlocker Inc.
    Vero Mall, State Road 60
    Vero Beach, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

According to Indian River Sherrif's department on Aug 13 an employee at Vero Beach Footlocker was involved in the purchase of 331.70 in shoes at the Vero Beach Footlocker using a debit card bearing my wife's debit number. I have been told by Indian River County Sherrif's department that the individual involved has turned over the stolen items and is "cooperative" with the ongoing statewide investigation, involving debit card id theft.
It was only due to an anonymous tip in Brevard County, and my prodding that got the investigation rolling which, I have been assured, is now in the hands of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
The card number was, I have been told, swiped at a local Wendy's srive through here in South Brevard. Perps working in a wide network involving five to seven people, dummied the cards in Orlando, made a couple of small purchases before moving down to Vero Beach to deliver the coup de grace on my wife's and my joint checking account. I am only one victim of which there are many.
Footlocker Vero Beach's manager had me removed from the store using mall security and called me an "a*****e" as I attempted to get to the bottom of the nepharious purchases. He would not give me the name of the district manager which I managed to get from another outlet closer to my home in Melbourne/Palm Bay.
FOOTLOCKER, in my opinion made every effort to stall me, downplay the incident, and refused to notify police of a crime, until police came to them, as part of their "corporate policy" which I take great issue with.
We still do not know which Wendy's location here in the Melbourne, Palm Bay, Indialantic area, was involved in the initial card skimming. Apparently, the employees use a cheap card reader they keep in their pockets then give these numbers to those who have recruited them.
The ruination of my bank account could not have come at a worse moment. We watched in horror as hurricane Fey, downgraded to a tropical storm approached our shores. We could neither board up, nor evacuate if we had wanted to.
The disruption of my homelife through this was immense; my mental state ruined. While I am gratified that law enforcement is on the case and rolling up the ringleaders of this merry band of scumbags, I cannot help noticing how many of these cases are on the web involving both Wendy's and Footlocker. The crooks know just where to go to recruit accomplices, and management time and again does nothing.
Through my struggles to bring some resolution to this, I keep running into one constant attitude. "shhhh....not so loudly sir, you'll disturb the other customers"
The district manager of Footlocker, while nice enough, wasn't getting it on the second day of my furious email barrages. He kept the manager in place who ejected me and called me an a*****e, because "it's our busiest day" This before getting to the Vero Beach store to look into the matter himself.
See? They already destroyed my bank account. Mission accomplised I suppose; their chief concern wasn't that more crime might be taking place, or even alert police that a crime had occured at all; their concern was, the almighty dollar sign.
Sometimes the good guys win. This time, we got our teeth into someone responsible. It's not someone hacking bank software from Nigeria, no, this is right here at home, easy enough.
The problem is "corporate" and their soft, gibberish excuses, still aren't getting it (what? huh?) they let it happen again, and again, and again. They don't train their employees, they don't watch who they hire, and innocent families out here in sap land, end up getting screwed over and over and over.
If a woman can spill coffee on her own lap and successfully sue McDonalds, then by God there should be some pain and suffering relief for those of us out here who had no clue what was coming.
KNOW THIS; I DON'T EVEN GO INTO THE FOOTLOCKER. Won't have anything to do with that place. Apparently, even avoiding it isn't good enough for their employees who will just go ahead and reach into our bank account anyway.
This missive is just the start. I need to warn people in my area about the abuse of the Wendy's drive through window and the "oh well" attitude I have run into with Footlocker Corporate. As with the earlier fellow, no apology forthcoming from Footlocker. No aknowlegement after their dealing with law enforcement that I instigated.
Wendys? If you can't control your employees, don't offer the service. Footlocker? A corporation is a ficticious human being for legal purposes, that doesn't mean you don't have to act like a real one: report crime immediately! Don't give scumbags the time they need to escape or make up an alibi! And hey, manage your damned stores with some oversight!
Does someone have to take these people to court to get them to listen? So be it.

Palm Bay, Florida

10 Updates & Rebuttals



Complain to the Footlocker Corporate Office

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 11, 2008

I recommend you call the Footlocker Corporate Office and file a complaint against this store. The company has a zero-tolerance policy for any crimes done in the workplace.



Complain to the Footlocker Corporate Office

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 11, 2008

I recommend you call the Footlocker Corporate Office and file a complaint against this store. The company has a zero-tolerance policy for any crimes done in the workplace.



Complain to the Footlocker Corporate Office

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 11, 2008

I recommend you call the Footlocker Corporate Office and file a complaint against this store. The company has a zero-tolerance policy for any crimes done in the workplace.



Complain to the Footlocker Corporate Office

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 11, 2008

I recommend you call the Footlocker Corporate Office and file a complaint against this store. The company has a zero-tolerance policy for any crimes done in the workplace.

David Kearns

Palm Bay,

This is not a victimless crime. It is not a perpetratorless crime either

#11Author of original report

Mon, September 22, 2008

I want to follow up because I want to share with you what EXACTLY has been the response of many along the way regarding this crime. This "you should be polite" nonsense, I would like to address for I find it corrosively non-productive toward stopping the cowards who steal from us, as well as detimental to the common good of the country.

First my bank, Space Coast Credit Union. After the fraudulent purchases, the credit union was prepared to have me fill out a couple of standard forms which they would have sent up to corporate offices for review BEFORE they agreed the charges were fraudulent. I had to start polite, but I had to get louder before they waived all that nonsense, and I was rewarded with an officer of the bank actually agreeing to sit down and speak with me, because 'polite' wasn't working. I finally prevailed upon to her to realize - after she already verified the charges were fraudulent, independantly - that my wife and I could not have been making a purchase at 11:30 sixty miles from the FOOTLOCKEER and inside the FOOTLOCKER STORE at noon or thereabouts. I would have needed some sort of quantum machine, which I did not have.

"It's universal crime," she said, and urged me NOT to contact the police. This is where I got my first "shhhhhhh" other customers admonition.

We needed that money to button up for a hurricane that was approaching. I was not about to "shhhhhh"

The second time I heard this, was at Footlocker when the manager hung up on me rather than give me his full name so I could report where the id theft fraud occured and put the police in touch with him. The third was the same manager of the FOOTLOCKER who refused to give me any information when I arrived politely at the store, and had me escorted out by mall security. And in that case, there were NO OTHER CUSTOMERS IN THE STORE. He just wanted me to "shhhhhh"

Now, I get it again from someone named Peter in Alabama. I want people to know that fighting for your rights as a citizen IS NOT ALWAYS A POLITE PROCESS. It isn't supposed to be, especially when corporations are, frankly, screwing you then giving you the run-around. See? When they do that to you, you're supposed to ask questions; make the individual at the desk deal with you.

If they threaten you with police, and call you an a*****e, make them go get the police. IN my case, the threat for calling the police was an empty bluff, I found, which alerted my suspicions all the more!

See? When a COMPANY begins acting in a suspicions manner, as exemplified by their management and employees, why, you have every right, dear citizen, to hold suspect THE ENTIRE ORGANIZATION UNTIL THEY MAKE THINGS RIGHT FOR YOU. Too often the lazy, distempered, dishonest, and just bad mannered hide behind the skirted pleats of the corporation. A corporation, if it behaves in a dishonest manner, then, must suffer the bad image, that such behavior on the part of the management engenders. This is not your fault. Polite has nothing to do with your justifiable questions which should get louder until they are addressed.

Think on it; your community provides these corporations a place for them to come in and sell their wares. You don't participate perhaps because (as with my personal feelings toward FOOTLOCKER) you've found their items to be way overpriced, not to mention propping up bad behavior on the part of local youths who actually engage in fist-fights over shoes, shirts, jackets, etc. etc. BUt, you're not someone who opposes that this organization make a dollar,no. You merely stay out of it. Now, suppose as was done in my case, same-said corporation hires someone who rises to the position of assistant manager and STEALS FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. It forces you to close an account you have had for fourteen years! Your efforts helped uncover the crime which the store was NOT GOING TO REPORT UNTIL BRACED BY THE POLICE!

Obviouolsy someone believes, somehow, you should be exceedingly polite through all of this, as though you too were an employee. In fact some of us, would like all of us to just be polite; behaving less like American citizens than like employees (heck better than the employees themselves) in a company where you don't even participate as a customer.

There are such people out there who are such blind conformists, they would likely agree to suspend the constitution perhaps, so that we would all be mandated by a set of employee guidelines. How angry are we permitted to get, then? Is there an employee handbook from the company for the rest of us, telling us PRECISELY HOW ANGRY WE SHOULD BE WHEN A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT TEAM OF THE COMPANY ITSELF IS REACHING INTO OUR BANK ACCOUNTS, SIGHT UNSEEN? Is there a dollar figure we could agree to , perhaps, say $400 and we are permitted to ask "gee? This is giving me a little trouble?" or say by the time they have stolen a $1000 we get to say "gosh darn it, ouch!"

Of course the example is as ludicrous as a blanket "be polite" mandate. When someone robs me face to face, my corporate position of "MYHOMEINC" is I don't have to be polite. See? The corporations have yet to nullify, with their putrid, mind-numbing legalease gibberish, my very last shred of indignation as a Citizen of the United States of America.

And "Universal crime" is it? Not in my case, see? It happened right here, to me and my family and I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT. And while the corporations and their blind apologists, I suppose, would like me to believe that it is also, somehow a "perpetratorless" crime, that too, is a misnomer, it is air-conditioned gibberish invented by a lawyer hoping to save the company some lawsuits before they hit. In fact, it was the management of the corporation that participated.

I hope I have sparked your ire out there reader and your vigillance. If this happens to you DO US ALL A FAVOR, don't forget, don't forgive if they don't apologize AND IF THEY GIVE YOU THE BUSINESS! Take it old school! DON'T BE A SAP, DON'T BE POLITE!

David Kearns

Palm Bay,

Victim again

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

Don't know who you are Peter in Alabama but, have you delt with a large corp before? Have you had your bank account swiped before your eyes; before you even had a chance to "daily check" to see if you're not being ripped off? Have you had the store manager hang up on you when you tried to get to the botton of it, refuse to give you any information, refuse to give you his district manager's name; only to find all your suspicions about the place were DEAD ACCURATE AND THE assistant manager of the store was involved?
The how would you know how to behave?
To others out there hear this: we are just starting to dig in to this merry band of scumbags. The cops are rolling them up one by one. Take no guff from these companies; they allow this to happen again, and again and again at their stores. They count on you being silent, being sheep, taking this nonsense from them WHEN THEY RIP YOU OFF OR LET OTHERS into their stores, HECK WORK FOR THEIR STORES!!! They want you to get out of the way so the other customers can purchase their overpriced garbage $300 for two pairs of sneakers? DO NOT TAKE THIS FROM THESE PEOPLE make noise call cops (because THEY CERTAINLY WON'T) fight for your rights as a consumer and DO NOT LISTEN TO THE SOFT CORPORATE GIBBERISH OF THEIR EXCUSES NOR THEIR APOLOGISTS.
Thank you

David Kearns

Palm Bay,

Yes, it's me the victim, again. David

#11Author of original report

Tue, September 16, 2008

The individual involved was an assistant manager at Footlocker, I said "according to Indian River sheriff's because, they followed up ONLY after I reported the crime and kept nagging them. The individual now cooperating was not only an employee but he was management, according to the detective. This is what the sherrif's investigators TOLD ME.
The MANAGER OF THE STORE was the one who called me an a*****e and had me removed. He claims to have no knowledge of the event or the crime, yet according to police, he never reported it. In fact what he did was, hang up on me when I called, refused to give me his last name, refused to give me his district manager's name, had me removed using mall security. But, it's all good, we suppose because he had "no knowlege of the event"
Am I claiming "management" was involved? Yes, because the sherrif's investigator TOLD ME SO. Was the top man at the store involved? I don't know for a fact, but I can definitely say he was suspiciously uncooperative.



Seeing as how this was a "debit card" ...

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, September 16, 2008

... shouldn't you have noticed the erroneous charges BEFORE your bank account was allegedly "ruined"??

Most people check their account balances online daily, and in most cases if there is an unusual amount of charges, banks will notify the customer as a courtesy.

Also it sounds to me that you would have been able to accomplish a great deal more on your quest for justice had you conducted yourself as a mature, responsible individual. For multiple unrelated individuals to tell you to be quiet so as not to disrupt other customers tells me that you were conducting yourself in an irrational, uncontrollable manner.



file a fraud report with your bank

#11Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 16, 2008

File a fraud report with your bank. They SHOULD give you your money bak. I am surprised the bank did not call you and ask about the transaction. My sister, told me about an event that happened to her when she was in Equador. Apparently they use dollars there, they don't have their own money. Anyway, she used the ATM at one of the major banks there. When she go home, her bank, Wells Farge, called her and told her that someone was trying to buy $2500 dollars worth of toys at a toy store there with her debit card. She had her card in her wallet. Someone had skimmed her number and tried to use it. They also bought $100 worth of gas. The bank closed her debit card and issued her a new number and gave her back the money. So that sort of thing can happen anywhere, even wehre you least expect it.




#11Consumer Comment

Tue, September 16, 2008

I am not condoning what was done and it is good that they caught them. But it seems as if your blame may misdirected.

You stated-
"FOOTLOCKER, in my opinion made every effort to stall me, downplay the incident, and refused to notify police of a crime, until police came to them, as part of their "corporate policy" which I take great issue with."

From earlier in your report you said the police notified you of the crime. I would assume since the person was in custody that the Manager of the Footlocker knew. So why would Footlocker have to notify the police again?

Are you accusing Footlocker management of knowing they had an employee doing this before they found out from the police?

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