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  • Report:  #1022236

Complaint Review: Forbidden School of Body Art

Forbidden School of Body Art Jessica vann, Jami Bond SCAM, Sexual Harrassment, Liars, Thieves portland, Oregon

  • Reported By:
    Weirdfishes — Irvine California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 01, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 04, 2014

Jami Bond (director of education)tries to intimidate the students at Forbidden School of Body Art. This intimidating behavior, I feel, is employed consciously. There have been several times where she has eavesdropped, or lurked, around the entrance of the student art lounge, listening to the private conversations of others without their consent and then suddenly pops up when she hears something she does not like. (Examples are available upon request). I understand that this is not considered illegal, but, should be considered unethical and inappropriate behavior for an educator. She also gets very upset and seems to feel threatened when the students start to socialize with each other and/or appear to be developing friendships. This is not the only thing that has made me extremely uncomfortable around Jami.

When I was just starting the tattoo program, I made the mistake of telling Jami that I was involved in the sex industry. I usually do not talk about this with people I do not know very well, but, felt that because she was the head instructor at this school, and a female, that she would respectfully keep this to herself. One day, during my first week, I was sitting in the student art lounge along with several other students. Jami was speaking with a student about why he has not been able to bring enough of his own clients in for tattoos. At one point, during this discussion, Jami looked over at me, and with a big, goofy, grin on her face, said something along the lines of, " I bet you'll have no problem finding clients in your industry". I was in total shock that she would say something like this, especially in front of other people. I wanted to cry. Naturally, her statement sprung curiosity amongst the students as to what industry I was involved in.I felt pressured into exposing what I do outside of school to these people much sooner then I felt comfortable because of Jami.Thankfully, no one else at FSBA has tried to use this to embarrass or harass me.

My $8,000 has NOT gone to my education, but, seems to have only contributed to the wealthy lifestyles of the employees at FSBA. None of the staff members are anywhere near close to being phenomenal tattoo artists. So, when I hear them bragging about their expensive cars, houses, etc I know they can not afford these things with the money they make off of their tattoos. I, along with the other students are paying for these things instead of getting the education we paid for.

Stephanie has only had her license for about one year and is already an instructor in training. Are Instructors in Training supposed to be getting the "very generous hourly wage" that she likes to brag about? Did my money go to paying an amateur to teach me a trade that takes many years to perfect? Although I like and respect Stephanie as a human being, she is nowhere near qualified to train someone to tattoo while she is still a beginner herself. Another Instructor in Training, Aaron Bond, got his tattoo license at the end of July 2011. The first time I made a visit to the shop was in August 2011 and he was already an instructor in training! He started running around trying to teach after doing 50 tattoos?! Seriously? How is this ok? He has zero artistic/creative capabilities. I did not pay A LOT of money to have an absolutely horrible and ridiculously amateur "tattoo artist"
pretend like he knows how train me! His tattoos are so bad, I am completely confident that there is not a single tattoo shop that would hire him, yet he is teaching us. Aaron has not been at the school for the last couple months. Nobody knows why exactly, but, everyone is hoping that he does not come back. Everyone is very upset that these two have been doing the majority of the teaching. I do not know why they are referred to as "Instructors in Training." They are instructing us. As far as I know, they are not being trained to be educators.There has even been several times where students have been tattooing and not a single instructor is on the floor supervising us.

Another thing that I am absolutely furious about is that there have been times where I have not been able to finish my procedures. The last tattoo I was working on was during a very busy time at the shop.All the stations were occupied and there were walk in customers waiting in the lobby. I was taking my time on my tattoo (as someone who is just learning should). Jess and Jami seemed to have gotten impatient and didn't want to let the customers in the lobby wait any longer, as this would risk them getting impatient and spending their money at another tattoo shop (All they care about is money). Jess literally took the machine out of my hand and almost completely finished MY procedure! She then instructed me to fill in the tattoo with the liner I was already using. This causes more pain for the client and causes more trauma to the skin to do black fill with a liner. Liners are for lining! Not shading or black fill! My friends who are REAL tattoo artists were appalled that I was instructed to do this. Even Stephanie was confused as to why I was told to finish the tattoo this way. Obviously, switching out to the appropriate needle would take more time and Jess did not want me to take any longer, even if it meant using an improper tattooing technique. Money, Money, Money...

Another time, I had informed the instructors that I had to be out of school early that day. It was maybe an hour before I had to leave and someone came into the shop wanting student work. I said that, most likely, I would not be able to finish the tattoo in that amount of time, but, was pressured into doing it because I was the only student available at that time to tattoo and all this school cares about is making more money. I didn't finish the tattoo, but, nobody seemed to care. They already had the client's money so who cares how embarrassing this was for me or that I didn't get to finish. That client will probably never come back to get his tattoo finished by me and it wont count towards my 50 completed procedures, but, they got his money and that's all that matters.

Jami also guaranteed that the students at Forbidden were all able to continue tattooing at FSBA after getting licensed and that this was the only tattoo school that offered this "graduate program." This is her sales pitch when interviewing potential students. Jami has let in so many students (more student equals more money) that there isn't enough room in the shop to let everyone stay and has not been letting everyone who gets licensed into the graduate program. I am always checking the school website for changes and someone just RECENTLY put on there that it is not guaranteed that every student gets into the graduate program. Unbelievable. That is one of the main reasons I chose this school over others. Isn't this consumer fraud?

Almost every student has voiced their frustration with this program, but, thinks there is nothing they can do about it and are fearful that if they voice any complaints to Jami or Jess , that they will be kicked out (apparently, they have a reputation for doing this to anyone who acts less then stoked to be in this joke of a program). I wish I could share other student's horror stories, but, it is not my place. I think the best way to describe being a student at Forbidden Body Art is somewhat parallell to being a sweatshop worker: working long hours for little pay (or in this case, no pay), being subjected to abuse without feeling like there is any way to protect ourselves.

Forbidden is not a tattoo school. It is a tattoo factory. FSBA uses us as if we are just here to pump out as many tattoos as fast as we can in order to make the staff more money. The student have basically paid A LOT of money just to make the school more money!

This type of pressure on students effects the quality of our work. This has made me extremely nervous during tattoo procedures. During the last one, my hand could not stop shaking because the instructors were making me feel so nervous and rushed. This is why I am not physically capable to tattoo at this time. I almost had a nervous breakdown. I did not sign up to make Forbidden Body Art more money.

I made the effort to resolve this issue locally by requesting that I speak with Jessica Vann since most of my issues are about Jami. Jami has refused to give me Jess' contact info and tried to tell me that I am not allowed to speak with Jess alone.

I signed up to be trained in the art of tattooing. I have not received this training. My $8,000 has gone to absolutely nothing. Please help!!!

4 Updates & Rebuttals



Half Truth

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2014

As a student at Forbidden Body art, I disagree with many of the claims on this page. The school is an ever evolving growing process and the only way it can be better is if you as a student speak up. It is still a tattoo shop, not the happy day care center. It is not collage, it is not high school. You are going to school to learn how to tattoo. I do not expect the sunshine to rise with glittering happy unicorns each and every day I walk in. 


The supplies… 


If you have not gotten something then say something- I have never had an issue. They do not give you bilck color pencils…. They give you real prisma color pencils. I received mine- now if you leave them behind and forget all about them that is not the schools doing. Every time my Micron inking pens croaked from the tracing assignments, I asked for a new one… I always got one too, there might have been some playful taunting but when i needed one I got one. 


Keep in mind as a student how much you use… 500 pays for much more then what was listed. 8gig flash drive, Micron pen set (and replacements) Prisma Color Pencils, Sharpener, School Text book written by the school (that is always being improved) Guy Aitchison tattooing book. You'r success binder. You're portfolio binder with choice of lamination or sleeve pages. Access to all the printed color images and photos you need.(lots of color pinter ink) Use of tattoo inks, needles, gloves, Aprons, tubes, machines, second skin to practice on, paper towels, ink cups, use of their equipment (power supply, foot peddle, clip cords, ext) Use of all sanitation solutions. Use of all tattoo chair/table/stool equipment, use of light tables, Computers and stencil making machine. Bandages, grommets, tape, A&D, Green Soap, Plastic wrap, Table covers, skin pens, You'r machine when you start… Bisness card paper...


I have never- never felt a threat while at school. Sure sometimes I wanted more help- but as a student you need to ask when you feel lost, they will not hold you'r hand. You are an adult who can ask for help when you need it. As for photos, Plenty of the tattoo's i did, did not make it on the FB page and some of them frankly…shouldn't be. I am a learning tattoo student and my work was not pasted on the page till they felt i did something worthy. 


Every person has their own personality, and it can be a challenge to get along with everyone. School is not suppose to be easy and just because you paid for it does not mean it gets handed to you. You're suppose to struggle and be challenged, you are working in a tattoo shop as a student and you get the most walk-ins. Yes as a student you do not get paid for tattooing because its the law in Oregon… but when you go to Art school and spend 9 hours on a painting… guess what, you do not get paid. You're Learning. 


I have felt a machine didn't work right, and I insisted on an instructor watching and sometimes, even when they didn't think I was right, it turned it out … something was wrong. It is hard for someone to feel for you when a machine or clip cord isn't working… So when I have felt that way I have asked again… "Please come look, listen, I think something is wrong" And most of the time is something small… Like the machine needs lube, the cords broken, foot pedal being a terd… Sometimes you gotta stop and think about how much these machines are used… By students, By inexperienced hands who can hang the cords wrong, be a little rough or make a mistake…things brake at school. 


To me, a lot of these issues listed… is because someone did not speak up… and when they did- they used a big voice and a rude demeanor. Out of all the schools for tattooing- I picked this one because the others...just didn't cut it. Everything has a flaw and to me Forbidden has always tried to improve.



Check out LEGITIMATE review sources before making up your mind.

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 02, 2014

The letters written above about Forbidden School of Body Art were written by two students and one former employee that were dismissed for legitimate behavioral issues that conflicted with the rules and regulations of the school.  The accusations of the first writer in this thread were all investigated by the Oregon Department of Education as well as the Better Business Bureau and were determined to be completely unfounded.  It is a matter of public record and can be looked up through the BBB. 

Our school is one of the best you can find anywhere.  It is a legitimate learning center preparing people for the field of tattooing.  Some of our instructors may have seemed gruff to these students but we are not here to hold their hands.  We are here to instill clean and safe tattooing skills into our students and that is what we do.  Yes, like any school, we sometimes have the occassional disgruntled student, but our placement rate of 90+ percent is the bottom line.  

These students expected to be handed a tattoo license simply by paying their tuition without following the rules and guidelines or doing the work involved in becoming a good tattoo artist. When their sense of entitlement didn't match up with reality they decided to come to this forum.  Instead of facing the facts and truths of their own failures as students they decided to deflect the blame to the only other party involved.  We gave them multiple opportunities to rectify the situation and continue their educations with us but they were unwilling to participate within the rules and bounderies set up by the school and the Oregon Department of Education.  Due to these facts, they were dismissed. 

You are invited to check out our school at any time.  Call us and get the facts.  



FSBA Is A Joke...

#5General Comment

Mon, June 30, 2014

I have recently been terminated from their program as a result of me requesting a grievance form. I can say that a variety of infractions exists at this school including consumer fraud,discrimination based on one's mental health,and retaliation die to me making comments regarding the lack of the lead instructor maintaining machines and condescending demeanor.  They have been paid in full.

This school should be investigated regarding why they charge $500.00 for two three ring binders, 8gig flash drive, one Micron pen set,color pencil set,and professional graphite pencil set. Also,the color pencil set was supposed to be a Prismacolor set,valued at around $30.00. I instead received a set from Blick that's value was $ 8.95. I never received the graphite set.

Damon,the Lead Instructor at Forbidden,detonated a hand held tazer numerous times within a few inches of my face while I was tattooing my second skin. Not cool. Itbut's a fact that every student who has started tattooing he photographs of their completed tattoos posted on Forbidden School of Body Arts. Facebook page. Every student but me. I could go on and on...The bottom line is don't fall for the flashy appearance of the school. Spend your money elsewhere.


Forest grove,

Your problem concerning FBA

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 20, 2014

Sorry you had problems with them.  I unfortunately was part of their system.  I did not learn from them, but from dvds, and watching other artists.  Jami from day one she wand given special treatment from Jess and Cassie.  I assume its because she wanted to be an instructor so like you were claiming, to make more money.


she was also teaching almost immediately after graduating.  You should speak with the department of education as well as Oregon health licensing agency.  Your best bet is with the department of education, because jamis actions would not be tolerated with them.  Also, they would definitely not like to hear about how they have students who just graduated teaching.  If you have a hard time finding the right people to talk to just let me know.  I didn't do anything at the time i was working there because i knew I needed to build my portfolio to get a job and just took every piece of abuse from them until I was ready to move on.  

If you have trouble reaching out to anybody about this I can help you in the right direction.  

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