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  • Report:  #1150995

Complaint Review: Fork Union Military Academy

Fork Union Military Academy Serious concerns regarding ethics! No specific chain of discipline with very arbitrary dismissals. PARENTS BEWARE!! Fork Union Virginia

  • Reported By:
    Concerned Aunt — Greenville North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 31, 2014
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 23, 2014

Parents need to be very aware of what can happen at this CHRISTIAN school. I have seen many kids, in my own family and many friends, who have struggled with the tremendous amount of pressures of drugs and alcohol in the public school system.  My nephew, however, having been homeschooled his early years of education, always seemed to have a clear direction of what he wanted for his life. A fairly disciplined young man, he earned his black belt by the age of 13. He wanted to go to Fork Union Military Academy as it was part of his dream. First FULMA, then a collegiate military academy and someday the CIA!! He was accepted to FUMA in the 9th grade and blossomed! An honor student, self taught bagpipe player, swim team member, friend and counselor to other students (after another student committed suicide last fall), he rose in rank quickly and was touted by many of his teachers as a student "with great potential", "on the rise", "going places". The only demerits he received were his first year for chewing gum in chapel. The discipline system at FUMA is one of "sticks" (being caught in an act of wrong doing) where the student would then receive demerits which would lead to "tours" of marching for a specific amount of time. Of course one would think that demotion of rank might also be used as a form of punishment. 

Having stated all of the above, the reason I write this report is to warn other parents. This young man ate, drank, slept, pooped FUMA!! He was there because he wanted to be, and was not SENT there by his parents as a troubled student. He had the FUMA sword over his bed. And yet, when he was 2.....TWO credits away from graduation as a senior, and an officer, he was "stuck". Found to have a tobacco violation. A TOBACCO violation. At the age of 17, this honor student without any demerits made a poor choice and made a mistake. As a parent of 4 I know that not always are children remorseful. My nephew, on the other hand was extremely remorseful, and devastated at his own indiscretion.  Was he given the opportunity to be forgiven in some form by an administration of Christian teachers? Was this event used as a life learning experience for him? Do you think he was punished? Would you think maybe he would be given demerits? Tours of marching? Demoted in rank? Put on probation?  NOOOO! None of those supposed usual forms of discipline were applied. He was expelled as a senior with only two credits left to GRADUATE. His parents and grandparents had spent the last four years working extra jobs, waiting tables, chopping and selling wood, etc. to pay the very large tuition bills each year, and this was how the school handled the situation. His parents entrusted not only his education to the school, but his emotional and spiritual and psychological training and teaching as well. It is extremely hard to understand how this could have taken place. If you have read this far, you might consider that I am just an Aunt with sour grapes, and that perhaps there is more to the story. But I can assure you, this was it. Tobacco infraction. No graduation for my nephew this year. He will need to repeat his senior year at another school. One of the Admiral's more ludicrous comments was that strength of character is built in adversity. Fortunately, my nephew already did have a strong enough character to deal with the blow he was given. He actually went to the school this spring to attend the graduation he should have been a part of, and to wish his friends well. He was met with cold stares and hostility...not by the students, but by many of the faculty of the school. I am going to continue to spread this word and will work fervantly to get the school to be held to a code of discipline that is very specific, where there can be no arbitrary dismissal of a student. There has GOT TO BE more ACCOUNTABILITY. 

6 Updates & Rebuttals

The anon


Unethical School Behavior

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 23, 2014

FUMA has a three strike rule with tobacco.  It's a CAT II offense, which means the punishment for it is 10 demerits and 10 tours for the first offense.  If this was the student's first offense, then expulsion is extremley inappropriate, and against FUMA's own code of discipline.
  This is probably a situation that either has more to the story, or it is just another example of the poor leadership by the new Admiral.  The admiral has shown complete disregard for the rules and traditions of FUMA since taking leadership.  His sense of ethics is basically non-existent. Here is another example of the poor character of the current administration:

Recently, there was a grant that the Admin. wanted to apply for, but in order to do so, it was a requirement to have a certain percentage of alumni donors.  The school did not meet this qualification, so the Admiral ordered the Development department to distribute a single dollar to every senior.  The seniors were gathered into the chapel for a meeting, and the head of development explained that the dollar was theirs, but that they should donate it back to the school to boost the alumni giving percentage.  This was accompained with a note that said "shame on you!" if you decided to keep it.  

This is the mentality of the current adminstration.  They do not care about morals or ethics; only image.  FUMA has become a school that worships its image rather than the product is offers its students.  There are many faculty who are still there that are mourning its downfall.  It has become an unhealthy place for students.   

Concerned Aunt

North Carolina,

Yes, accountability

#7Author of original report

Sun, June 01, 2014

I really do appreciate your response, but again, as the other person thinking I was from a family of lawyers wrote, I think you are both missing the point. I do believe in a judicial system and punishment for the crime. I do believe in a code of conduct...from the ninth grade to graduation. My concern with the way this was handled is that there is not a consistant across the board approach to these types of infractions. With all that had been invested in this childs life and education at this school, his dismissal, while others are left in the dorms and barracks with their chew and tobacco, is wrong! The inconsistancy  and the arbitrary dismissal of my nephew, while others remain, is what I find so unethical. You want to expell students for cigerettes than that is fine! The student poplulation there would be cut in nearly half! But the arbitrary dismissal for a first time offense in four years of an honor student is beyond comprehension. Does the punishment fit the "crime"? This campus has students smoking, taking pills, and fighting.

You allude to the fact that as the Aunt I may not know all the details. I can assure you I do. I am not a "distant" relative, nor was my report written without knowing all the details. It is pretty much what was written.  You hear it said time and time again, "Life is not fair", and I yes, I guess that is the case. I just believe that with the kind of contract that is made between parents and a Christian military boarding school, one that involves a tremendous amount of expense and obvious dedication, this situation warranted more than a boot. Yes, my nephew lost out, but it was truly a loss for the school. He is a young man with a strong character and he will survive. Again, I totally believe the way this was handled was biased, inconsistant, unethical, unprofessional, and wrong. There should be very clear guidelines in the rule book. You get caught with cigerettes once you are out! You could poll any student on that campus and they would tell you that is not the case. Just want to make sure parents who might see this realize, that if your child is not picture perfect in every way, they run the risk of having this type of thing happening to them...whenever they may need to make an example of need a scapegoat. Enter at your own risk! 

Former Cadet Parent

RE: Fork Union Ripoff Questions

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2014

I think the point is not the fact that a rule was broken for violating tobacco usage on campus, it was.  The point is the double standard of allowing others who remain there punishment by the demerit system where this boy was not.  He was let go because he was a Senior cadet and the school was in the midst of expelling others for heavier drugs which were found (justifiable expulsion IMHO).

Expulsion for tobacco infractions, while others remain there and are caught and disiplined (and I use that term lightly as there is not real militay disipline left at this school) is a double standard. 

The parents entered into a contract with the school to have the school and their faculty educate, board, care for and if needed, discipline.  They expect those there in senior positions to act in loco parenti and act as if the child were there own.  The parents are not aware the school may, will and does arbitrarily expel kids for this legal substance which many a young teenage man has experimented with I would say.  Let's not forget this country was also mainly built by funds in tobacco sales....but I digress.  Point being that this is and should have been classified as a minor infraction and dealth with appropriately, not by expulsion.  2 credits from graduating with honors and expulsion for tobacco......absurd.

A big point on this subject would be that the school cannot pick and choose which contract items they wish to enforce or simply put the contract is not worth the paper it is written on.  If an individual violates the rules of the contract and is to be expelled, then ALL who violate the rule should be subject to the same treatment and they are not.  Many a cadet has been loaded up with demerits for being caught smoking, but those students are the low profile type, do not stand out and are your average students.  This cadet was a Senior and "visible" and needed to be made an example of to others. 

As mentioned, the military aspect of this school is so dimished now, they might as well drop it from the name.  This academy once held great respect among many in the military that I know personally and they too recognize that political correctness and fear of legal actions have really neutered those that remain and have distinquished military backgrounds.  My heart really goes out to those few that remain there as I truly believe they are the ones who should be running this once proud institution.

Until this school is administered by those who have honor, integrity and really just basic common sense, you will continue to see "rip off" reports like this showing up about this school, I am sure.





#7Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2014


- There is...that is why your nephew was expelled.  You see you talk about ethics and accountability...but what you really are talking about is you wanting them to make an exception because he was so close to graduation.

Does it suck that he got expelled...of course.  But you are talking about a Senior who has been their since 9th grade.  It is not like it was his first day in school.  He is well aware of the Code of Conduct(or what ever official name they give it).  He is also aware of the concequences if he violates them.  The school did not give him the tobacco.  He made the choice to have tobacco and to paraphrase an old saying..he made his bed now he needs to lie in it.

What you are basically saying is that the Code of Conduct is just fine up to a point.  But once they get only a few credits away from Graduating that those rules should no longer apply.  After all exactly what would a demerit do for someone out in a few months?  What exactly would "probation" do..for the same reason.   A Demotion..again leaving in just a few months exactly what is that going to do?  It is not like he can carry his "Major"(or what ever rank) into the "real world".  Now, of course you will come up with 101 reasons trying to convince everyone that is not what you are saying..but sorry it is.  If they make an exception for him and the other students find out(and they would) what would keep them from getting to just a few units away and deciding that they should be able to break other rules?  Then more specifically at what number of credits away should these no longer apply?  How about if he was 3 or 4 credits away would him being expelled been more acceptable? 

You say he is remorseful.  Well of course he is..he got caught.  I'm sorry but that is just the fact.  I can guarantee you that if he never got caught, he would have no remorse about having tobacco while in school.  While I am not equating your sons action to a major jailable offense, there are many criminals sitting in jail and prision who are remorseful...but they still have to serve their time and accept the consequences for their actions.  But since I mentioned the is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to posess tobacco in North Carolina, there is no law saying a person can't chew gum in Chapel.  Just to put his other indiscression in perspective.

One final talk about how this isn't "sour grapes".  But in all honesty, you are the Aunt, and are getting your "information" from the skewed perspective of the parents and student.  Where they are going to make sure they highlight the negative about the school, and gloss over any negatives of the student.  Hopefully he has been able to move on and learn more from this experience than you have.



Concerned Aunt

North Carolina,

Unfortunately, you missed the entire point!

#7Author of original report

Sat, May 31, 2014

Good grief....did you read the report at all? I was so stinkin' specific....chain of discipline!! Yes...the boy made a mistake! So consequence for his action! Demerits? Marching? Probation? Demotion? Duh......we have a young man here with his whole life ahead of him and he made a mistake. If your son or daughter makes a mistake do you throw them out of the house? AND the mistake was for tobacco which is rampant at this school!! With the kind of MONEY and INVESTMENT that is supposedly made in these students I am still appalled at the way this was handled and again, repeat, I will continue to fight that this school be held to a specific code of discipline that is consisitant. I never said he did not make a mistake. read.......



I have a question or two...

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2014


Agreed, BUT, you're blaming the wrong people...HE knew the rules and knowingly violated them...What part of the agreement did THEY break?  Wasn't he the ONLY one in the agreement who didn't follow ALL the rules?  Nice try, though, at shifting blame.

I'll bet this will be a valuable lesson in life for him, if NOT for you.  Glad they weren't going to just let this "one little infraction" pass without consequences. 

" His parents and grandparents had spent the last four years working extra jobs, waiting tables, chopping and selling wood, etc. to pay the very large tuition bills each year, and this was how the school handled the situation. His parents entrusted not only his education to the school, but his emotional and spiritual and psychological training and teaching as well."

WHO, exactly, let these "hard working people" down?  It wasn't the school is a hint for you.

This sounds like a family of attorneys, where anyone but the guilty party is at fault.


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