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  • Report:  #400150

Complaint Review: Eryka Abella

Former Gridley Little League Treasurer Eryka Abella Steals Thousands Of Dollars From Kids Gridley California

  • Reported By:
    Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 11, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 29, 2010

Former Gridley Little League treasurer Eryka Abella was charged with a single count of grand theft by embezzlement, totaling $32,878, which she stole from Gridley Little League, and which she used for personal expenses. In November 2007, The Gridley Herald named Eryka and her husband as "Family of the week". Stealing money from kids is sad and disgusting. According to the newspaper, Eryka works as an Instructional Aide for all grades at Wilson Elementary School in Gridley. Keerah Abella, Autiahna Abella and Viktoria Abella must be proud. Abella Flooring, owned by Eryka and her husband have been long time sponsors of Little League. Wonder if she paid the sponsorship with money she stole from the league?

Los Angeles, California

26 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

You disgust me!

#27General Comment

Thu, April 29, 2010

We are family members of Eryka's, We don't in any way condone anything that she did. It disgust me that you would even write about her kids who are all under the age of 10 and don't even know what is that their mother has done. You as adult should not be putting words into these little girls mouth (" Must be proud")  and you don't even know them. LEAVE THESE POOR LITTLE GIRLS OUT OF THIS!!! So i would strongley suggest that you REMOVE our nieces names from this page.

                  Amanda & Haley


Los Angeles,

More Trouble For Eryka

#27Author of original report

Fri, May 08, 2009

This from the May 6th edition of The Gridley Herald:

On April 29, 2009, at 12:13 p.m., a representative from Gridley Little League reported a new case of embezzlement. Officers Craig Weathers and Scott Smallwood were assigned to investigate the case.

On April 30, at approximately 2:30 p.m., Eryka Abella, 33, of Gridley, was taken into custody at the Gridley-Biggs Police Department after questioning. According to Assistant Chief of Police Brian Cook, Abella allegedly debited a car payment in the amount of $645.89 from the Gridley Little League bank account.

Abella was booked into the Butte County Jail in Oroville for grand theft, identity theft and committing a felony while released from custody on the prior arrest. According to Assistant Chief Cook, Abella posted bail and was released from jail by 10:00 p.m.

Abella is accused of embezzling $32, 878 from the Gridley Little League last year after a lengthy investigation by Gridley-Biggs Police. She recently pled guilty and is due to be sentenced on May 27 in Butte County Superior Court in Oroville.


Los Angeles,

I Find This Odd

#27Author of original report

Sun, April 19, 2009

Gridley Little League, who I believe are partially responsible for the theft due to poor management, has Eryka arrested and charged for stealing over thirty two thousand dollars approximately one year ago, and they currently have posted on their league website under the list of sponsors:



Thank you Eryka? For what? Stealing from our league? What ever contribution Eryka made to the league to remain a sponsor certainly does not come close to what she stole from the league.


Los Angeles,

Dear Ura Freak

#27Author of original report

Tue, March 17, 2009

On two of my postings you have been very supportive of Joe Duran and very much against me. You falsely accused a sheriff's deputy of assaulting me. You make claims you know nothing about. You claim to have read the court file on the restraining order but you base your opinions on hearing only one side of the story, Joe's side. I know this because my side of the story was never filed with the court because I failed to do so. Perhaps if you heard both sides of the story then you'd be less upset with me. If you read the file then you've left out the part where Joe, in a court document, acknowledges the assault against me and how he and other officials just ignored me when I attempted to seek their help in bringing the man who assaulted me to justice.

You praise Joe and try to portray me as the bad guy. The next time you're at the superior court looking at files check for Whitney Duran, Joe's daughter, and you'll see that a 17 year old boy filed a court complaint and was seeking a restraining order claiming that Whitney was harassing him and that Whitney tried to run him off the road with her car. This 17 year old boy also claimed that Joe Duran threatened him. I wont mention the boys name because he was a minor at the time of the incident. Joe tries to cover up an assault against me, and he, a man in his late 30's, threatening a 17 year old boy. Read the court complaint filed by the boy and then try and convince yourself that Joe is a decent person. These are my personal opinions and I can prove every claim I make.



Enough already

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

OK enough is enough, I find it sad that some people have to keep things going and going and going. I find it even sadder that a man died at 50, left a wife and three kids behind (according to the newspapers )and you want to tie it to how he treated you, and in this day and time thousands of people are losing businesses and houses, and I do not think nor have I read anywhere that anyone resigned from any position in shame due to some lady stealing from the little league and the children, what she did is on her, we can only hope she learns and moves on to better her life, and a police officer getting in three accidents, this is someone who protects our communities, I dont know how he got in accidents but we should not wish that on anyone, if they were in the line of duty, we should wish him well and hope he recovers well enough to continue protecting his community. I think all involved need to move on, and stop with all this nonsense.


Los Angeles,

One Last Word

#27Author of original report

Sat, January 24, 2009

Ura Freak, in the comment under "Karma" states "There is something not right with you. One Word----- KARMA but I guess it has already caught up with you."

First off. I don't believe in Karma and if I did I would assume that it was working for me, not against me. The following individuals who I had bad experiences with include:

1. Joe Duran - Outcome - He resigned in shame after it was discovered that Eryka stole over $30,000.00 from the league under his leadership.

2. Les Hord - Outcome - He lost his restaurant The Redwood Forest.

3. Gridley Officer James Roberts - Outcome - So far, since our incident, he was involved in three serious accidents.

4. Todd Stewart - Outcome - The former Little League Administrator who ignored problems and helped cover up a crime against me. He recently died at the young age of 50.

Karma you say? Not me.


Live Oak,

To: Ura Freak

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

You people are so ignorant, distracting yourselves with each others egos. Bottom line is that a crime was committed and the law should be upheld and those found guilty should be punished. Are you as ignorant as you all seem? Can you not keep to the topic and discuss things in a constructive manner? As much as I love living in northern California, it never ceases to amaze me what dolts we have living here.


Los Angeles,

To : Ura Freak 3

#27Author of original report

Fri, December 26, 2008

I get it now, you're a cop. Are you one of the crooked cops I wrote about? The info you claim to have accessed, Sheriff's Log (ect), is info that can only be obtained if you're a law enforcement officer conducting an investigation. The average Joe Smoe can not legally have a criminal check done in California on any individual, a police investigation has to occur in order to warrant criminal checks (ect). You come up with many BS allegations but you offer no proof. You stated that I posted photos on the internet. I'm asking again, where are these photos you claim I posted? As for Paramount Pictures, who ever said I worked for Paramount? I never did. And your claim of friends harassing my mother, no one ever harassed my mother. My mother suffers from dementia and she occasionally hallucinates, she also falls a lot, which is why I spend time with her each month. We have a part time care taker, but only part time. I do not live with her, I live in LA.

You falsely accused a sheriff's deputy of assaulting me. No deputy ever assaulted me, and I never claimed that they did. As for my brother, I love my brother, and we're very close. He was one of the many law enforcement officers I know who criticized that cop for arresting me. My brother, a veteran police sergeant, agreed that the arrest was BS. The District Attorney's Office also thought it was BS because they declined to file any charges. As for Eryka's trial, I have no intentions of being there. I did write a letter to the DA and Judge asking for leniency for Eryka, the woman accused of stealing from the league, because I believe it was poor management by league officials that contributed to this loss. They gave Eryka easy access to the leagues bank account, via a debit card, and they never checked or reviewed the statements (ect). It was over a year before league officials noticed the thefts.

As for the restraining order, if I had submitted a case for the Judge to review in my defense and lost, then I would have been wrong. I never submitted my side of the case to the Judge so the Judge's decision was based on hearing only one side of the story. I guess you're right. I must be a horrible person for being upset because I was assaulted, falsely arrested, and falsely accused of harrasment by a man who only sought the restraining order as an attempt to prevent me from writing nasty things about him on the internet, things like how he witnessed and is now covering up a crime (assault). Unfortunately for him, I have a right to free speech. And I'm a worse person for trying to help Eryka avoid a long prison term by writing that letter. Oh yeah, again you're right, I must be a low life scum bag for occassionally looking after my elderly mother. I guess I should just leave her alone and the next time she falls hopefully she wont be on the floor to long before someone discovers her.

I guess the only way I can properly defend myself is to post photos and documents that would prove that I'm right. Mr D falsely accused me of posting photos of kids on the internet. Maybe I should post the 100's of photos Mr & Mrs D posted on their MySpace pages to prove that it was them that posted those photos, not I. Is that what you want? I tried to avoid posting these photos and documents because I did not want to embarass many people, but if you're going to continue with your BS allegations you leave me no choice. I obtained those documents and photos not to publicly humiliate people, but to use as evidence in a lawsuit I'm filing.

In closing, in case you haven't noticed, this report is about a woman who stole over thirty thousand dollars from Gridley Little League. What do your comments have to do with this report? Instead you went on a personal attack against me with BS allegations. Keep it up, and when you see all those documents and photos posted, know that you're responsible for that happening because if you continue to make false allegations against me then I have the legal right to defend myself. And I can legally post those photos and documents in an attempt to defend myself from any BS allegations.

Ura Freak

Northern Cali,

Ok ...I'll admit it !!!!!!!

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, December 25, 2008

I have too much money and no friends so all I do is sit on my butt and watch every move that you do. Whatever?
Some interesting facts come about when I check you and your family out. Seems your a habitual harrasser (ie restraining order and conviction) and when you don't get your way, you post stuff on the internet to TRY to rebutt or prove that you are not as bad a person as they are or aren't. Your company that you say you own is nonexistant. Seems Paramont Pictures doesn't know who you are......
It seems there was some sort of trouble with YOUR friends HARRASSING your Mother by looking in the Butte county Sheriff's Log....HMM.. KARMA? Could it be? Your poor mother ..Bless her heart... she must be sooo proud of you. To have raised such a fine individual that you pester innocent people so much that they have to go to the extremes. And now you bring that sort of thing into HER home where she is elderly and is kicking herself everytime she gets up in the morning and sees her 50 something year old son living with her. Do you want to make life so stressful that your mother wants to live no more? I hope for her sake she doesn't hang on long enough to see you run everything that your parents have built into the ground. Are you trying to get on the will? Your brother seems respectable being a Sergeant on the police force. I wonder why he hasn't said anything to you? Like knock your S#!T off or does he know you well enough and doesn't say anything knowing you will post stuff about him? It will be interesting when the trial comes up with the Gridley Little League case. Will you be there Dave1978? In the court room, everyday, because you have so much influence on the Judges? Oh but wait you have posted stuff about the Judges also. Will they let you in the court room at all? Interesting what you will have to say next. I know........... I am WRONG and I only have half the story.


Los Angeles,

To: Robert

#27Author of original report

Sun, December 21, 2008

The security company report was written for a friend who didn't have a computer. If you check the next entry by me I wrote "Disregard my earlier posting". As for your comment that I authored other reports, yes, I stated that I wrote 14 reports in an earlier posting. The two in Washington State were for a friend, and on both of the Washington State companies I posted, the next comment on both of those postings is "Disregard earlier posting". When I decided that I didn't want someone else using my name, and realized this website does not remove reports, I commented to all to "Disregard earlier posting" on both of those reports.

Of the 14 reports I wrote, 7 are related as a result from an incident of me being assaulted. Once again, you take reports off track. On this report I speak of a woman who ripped off over $30,000.00 from Gridley Little League. Your comments have nothing to do with this posting, instead, you're fixated on reports written months ago. I suppose you think it's ok that this woman stole all that money from Little League.


New York,

For a friend?

#27Consumer Comment

Sat, December 20, 2008

""As for Robert in Buffalo, he's an idiot who has nothing better to do then post comments on the internet.""

This site helps me while away some time when I'm babysitting my servers. For the most part, I try to help folks with credit issues but I will also target BS when I see it. You fall into the latter category.

""I was never a security guard, that posting was for a friend of mine.""

Oh! So now you admit to lying in some of the reports you've posted. If that post wasn't about YOU and YOUR experience, then why should anyone believe ANY of your postings? Here's the opening of that report:

I worked For Northwest Protective as a supervisor and I have to say it was a joke. I had one guard who lived close to his work site and he left the site to go home. Guards falsify reports.

""I only posted comments on 14 reports. Robert, Mr expert who thinks he knows everything, but really has nothing better to do, has over 1000 postings on this site alone within the past 15 months.""

You authored reports other than this one.

Get some counselling Dave. You'll be happier for it.


Los Angeles,

To: Ura Freak 2

#27Author of original report

Sat, December 20, 2008

Where are these photos you falsely accuse me of posting? And please explain your statement "Why would all these people have to get restraining orders and have to file charges against you". One person files a restraining order against me and you blow it up as if many others had. A complete lie. Only one restraining order was ever filed against me, not "all these people" as you falsely claim. You don't know all the facts on the charges in Kent, Washington. Again, you've based your opinions on only hearing one side of the story.

My letter to the DA and Judge was only an attempt to help Eryka avoid serious prison time. So shoot me for trying to do something to help. Your claims of me having a vendetta against several Northern California leagues is wrong. Olivehurst LL was due to the way they handled a business deal I brought to them. Oroville LL and Gridley LL are combined as one. The incident where I was assaulted by a parent took place during a game involving Gridley vs Oroville. I was only walking by the field, en route to somewhere else, when I overheard, and then interfered, in a fight between parents and umpires over a bad call the umps made. If you had been assaulted by a parent, and then falsely arrested, wouldn't you fight back? I get assaulted, I call police to report the assault, and I end up getting arrested because the man who assaulted me makes up some bs story to make me look like the bad guy. If I was wrong, then why did I contact police?

The reason for my rants on the internet is because people like you keep falsely accusing me of things that are not really true, and they base their opinions on hearing only one side of the story. The restraining order that was granted against me was only granted because the Judge reviewed only Mr Duran's side of the story. I know this because I did not submit my side of the story to the court. On this posting involving Eryka stealing money from the league, I posted my comments about the situation. I also showed a little bit of support for her by mentioning that the league officials are partially responsible. It was poor leadership that contributed to this embezzlement.

Everytime someone like you makes false allegations against me then I have the right to defend myself, and I have been trying to do so without going in to full details because the full details would really make Mr Duran and the others look bad. But if you want to continue to falsely accuse me then perhaps I should post the full details, along with copies of court records (ect). Is that what you want? What I could post legally, and I could post the evidence to support my claims, could hurt a lot of people, including the Duran's. How about I post and names of the coaches who risk the lives of innocent people by driving drunk? I could also include their arrest records. Is that what you want. You want to push me to a point where in order to defend myself against false allegations I have to post info that would hurt many people.

Next time you falsely accuse me of something then I will, without any warning, and in an attempt to defend myself against these false allegations, I'll post the truth about everyone involved. The whole reason Mr Duran sought the restraining order was to prevent me from posting negative things about him because he was afraid it would hurt his business. I don't want to hurt Mr Duran, but if these false allegations against me continue then I'll have no choice but to post the truth, along with evidence, in order to defend myself. As for Robert in Buffalo, he's an idiot who has nothing better to do then post comments on the internet. I was never a security guard, that posting was for a friend of mine. I only posted comments on 14 reports. Robert, Mr expert who thinks he knows everything, but really has nothing better to do, has over 1000 postings on this site alone within the past 15 months.


Los Angeles,

To: Ura Freak 2

#27Author of original report

Sat, December 20, 2008

Where are these photos you falsely accuse me of posting? And please explain your statement "Why would all these people have to get restraining orders and have to file charges against you". One person files a restraining order against me and you blow it up as if many others had. A complete lie. Only one restraining order was ever filed against me, not "all these people" as you falsely claim. You don't know all the facts on the charges in Kent, Washington. Again, you've based your opinions on only hearing one side of the story.

My letter to the DA and Judge was only an attempt to help Eryka avoid serious prison time. So shoot me for trying to do something to help. Your claims of me having a vendetta against several Northern California leagues is wrong. Olivehurst LL was due to the way they handled a business deal I brought to them. Oroville LL and Gridley LL are combined as one. The incident where I was assaulted by a parent took place during a game involving Gridley vs Oroville. I was only walking by the field, en route to somewhere else, when I overheard, and then interfered, in a fight between parents and umpires over a bad call the umps made. If you had been assaulted by a parent, and then falsely arrested, wouldn't you fight back? I get assaulted, I call police to report the assault, and I end up getting arrested because the man who assaulted me makes up some bs story to make me look like the bad guy. If I was wrong, then why did I contact police?

The reason for my rants on the internet is because people like you keep falsely accusing me of things that are not really true, and they base their opinions on hearing only one side of the story. The restraining order that was granted against me was only granted because the Judge reviewed only Mr Duran's side of the story. I know this because I did not submit my side of the story to the court. On this posting involving Eryka stealing money from the league, I posted my comments about the situation. I also showed a little bit of support for her by mentioning that the league officials are partially responsible. It was poor leadership that contributed to this embezzlement.

Everytime someone like you makes false allegations against me then I have the right to defend myself, and I have been trying to do so without going in to full details because the full details would really make Mr Duran and the others look bad. But if you want to continue to falsely accuse me then perhaps I should post the full details, along with copies of court records (ect). Is that what you want? What I could post legally, and I could post the evidence to support my claims, could hurt a lot of people, including the Duran's. How about I post and names of the coaches who risk the lives of innocent people by driving drunk? I could also include their arrest records. Is that what you want. You want to push me to a point where in order to defend myself against false allegations I have to post info that would hurt many people.

Next time you falsely accuse me of something then I will, without any warning, and in an attempt to defend myself against these false allegations, I'll post the truth about everyone involved. The whole reason Mr Duran sought the restraining order was to prevent me from posting negative things about him because he was afraid it would hurt his business. I don't want to hurt Mr Duran, but if these false allegations against me continue then I'll have no choice but to post the truth, along with evidence, in order to defend myself. As for Robert in Buffalo, he's an idiot who has nothing better to do then post comments on the internet. I was never a security guard, that posting was for a friend of mine. I only posted comments on 14 reports. Robert, Mr expert who thinks he knows everything, but really has nothing better to do, has over 1000 postings on this site alone within the past 15 months.


Los Angeles,

To: Ura Freak 2

#27Author of original report

Sat, December 20, 2008

Where are these photos you falsely accuse me of posting? And please explain your statement "Why would all these people have to get restraining orders and have to file charges against you". One person files a restraining order against me and you blow it up as if many others had. A complete lie. Only one restraining order was ever filed against me, not "all these people" as you falsely claim. You don't know all the facts on the charges in Kent, Washington. Again, you've based your opinions on only hearing one side of the story.

My letter to the DA and Judge was only an attempt to help Eryka avoid serious prison time. So shoot me for trying to do something to help. Your claims of me having a vendetta against several Northern California leagues is wrong. Olivehurst LL was due to the way they handled a business deal I brought to them. Oroville LL and Gridley LL are combined as one. The incident where I was assaulted by a parent took place during a game involving Gridley vs Oroville. I was only walking by the field, en route to somewhere else, when I overheard, and then interfered, in a fight between parents and umpires over a bad call the umps made. If you had been assaulted by a parent, and then falsely arrested, wouldn't you fight back? I get assaulted, I call police to report the assault, and I end up getting arrested because the man who assaulted me makes up some bs story to make me look like the bad guy. If I was wrong, then why did I contact police?

The reason for my rants on the internet is because people like you keep falsely accusing me of things that are not really true, and they base their opinions on hearing only one side of the story. The restraining order that was granted against me was only granted because the Judge reviewed only Mr Duran's side of the story. I know this because I did not submit my side of the story to the court. On this posting involving Eryka stealing money from the league, I posted my comments about the situation. I also showed a little bit of support for her by mentioning that the league officials are partially responsible. It was poor leadership that contributed to this embezzlement.

Everytime someone like you makes false allegations against me then I have the right to defend myself, and I have been trying to do so without going in to full details because the full details would really make Mr Duran and the others look bad. But if you want to continue to falsely accuse me then perhaps I should post the full details, along with copies of court records (ect). Is that what you want? What I could post legally, and I could post the evidence to support my claims, could hurt a lot of people, including the Duran's. How about I post and names of the coaches who risk the lives of innocent people by driving drunk? I could also include their arrest records. Is that what you want. You want to push me to a point where in order to defend myself against false allegations I have to post info that would hurt many people.

Next time you falsely accuse me of something then I will, without any warning, and in an attempt to defend myself against these false allegations, I'll post the truth about everyone involved. The whole reason Mr Duran sought the restraining order was to prevent me from posting negative things about him because he was afraid it would hurt his business. I don't want to hurt Mr Duran, but if these false allegations against me continue then I'll have no choice but to post the truth, along with evidence, in order to defend myself. As for Robert in Buffalo, he's an idiot who has nothing better to do then post comments on the internet. I was never a security guard, that posting was for a friend of mine. I only posted comments on 14 reports. Robert, Mr expert who thinks he knows everything, but really has nothing better to do, has over 1000 postings on this site alone within the past 15 months.


Los Angeles,

To: Ura Freak 2

#27Author of original report

Sat, December 20, 2008

Where are these photos you falsely accuse me of posting? And please explain your statement "Why would all these people have to get restraining orders and have to file charges against you". One person files a restraining order against me and you blow it up as if many others had. A complete lie. Only one restraining order was ever filed against me, not "all these people" as you falsely claim. You don't know all the facts on the charges in Kent, Washington. Again, you've based your opinions on only hearing one side of the story.

My letter to the DA and Judge was only an attempt to help Eryka avoid serious prison time. So shoot me for trying to do something to help. Your claims of me having a vendetta against several Northern California leagues is wrong. Olivehurst LL was due to the way they handled a business deal I brought to them. Oroville LL and Gridley LL are combined as one. The incident where I was assaulted by a parent took place during a game involving Gridley vs Oroville. I was only walking by the field, en route to somewhere else, when I overheard, and then interfered, in a fight between parents and umpires over a bad call the umps made. If you had been assaulted by a parent, and then falsely arrested, wouldn't you fight back? I get assaulted, I call police to report the assault, and I end up getting arrested because the man who assaulted me makes up some bs story to make me look like the bad guy. If I was wrong, then why did I contact police?

The reason for my rants on the internet is because people like you keep falsely accusing me of things that are not really true, and they base their opinions on hearing only one side of the story. The restraining order that was granted against me was only granted because the Judge reviewed only Mr Duran's side of the story. I know this because I did not submit my side of the story to the court. On this posting involving Eryka stealing money from the league, I posted my comments about the situation. I also showed a little bit of support for her by mentioning that the league officials are partially responsible. It was poor leadership that contributed to this embezzlement.

Everytime someone like you makes false allegations against me then I have the right to defend myself, and I have been trying to do so without going in to full details because the full details would really make Mr Duran and the others look bad. But if you want to continue to falsely accuse me then perhaps I should post the full details, along with copies of court records (ect). Is that what you want? What I could post legally, and I could post the evidence to support my claims, could hurt a lot of people, including the Duran's. How about I post and names of the coaches who risk the lives of innocent people by driving drunk? I could also include their arrest records. Is that what you want. You want to push me to a point where in order to defend myself against false allegations I have to post info that would hurt many people.

Next time you falsely accuse me of something then I will, without any warning, and in an attempt to defend myself against these false allegations, I'll post the truth about everyone involved. The whole reason Mr Duran sought the restraining order was to prevent me from posting negative things about him because he was afraid it would hurt his business. I don't want to hurt Mr Duran, but if these false allegations against me continue then I'll have no choice but to post the truth, along with evidence, in order to defend myself. As for Robert in Buffalo, he's an idiot who has nothing better to do then post comments on the internet. I was never a security guard, that posting was for a friend of mine. I only posted comments on 14 reports. Robert, Mr expert who thinks he knows everything, but really has nothing better to do, has over 1000 postings on this site alone within the past 15 months.

Ura Freak

Northern Cali,


#27Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

What business is it for you to write a letter to the DA and the Judge? Maybe you don't "Have all the facts" before you speak. Sounds like you have failed as a producer, public relations agent and in life and have nothing better to do but to stick your nose where it doesn't belong. Just look at all these ROR comments and postings. All of these are someone elses business and you want to say your piece. I don't understand your alterier motives... The pictures and names that YOU posted on the internet of the Abella Family is wrong for you to do that. The children didn't do it, so WHY? I'll keep MY answer to myself.....
Why would all these people have to get restraining orders and have to file charges against you, if you don't do anything wrong? Then when they do find you at fault then it is corrupted somehow or the people are idiots because YOU are always right and have all the info. There is something not right with you. One Word----- KARMA but I guess it has already caught up with you.


New York,


#27Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

What is your fixation with little league and kids?

I've told you before in another of your ROR rants, and I'll tell you again. Everyone else isn't wrong-you are.

You have many reports here on ROR and they share common traits:

YOU have difficulty getting along with folks.

YOU go on a vendetta when you don't get what you want.

I suggest you get some counseling. It's obvious that your not too busy as a "producer" and we saw in another ROR from you that you couldn't hack it as a private security guard.

Why don't you leave folks alone and work on why YOU seem to have trouble with folks? Focus your efforts there, and I think you'll see that most of your difficulty is caused by YOU. Once you come around to admitting that, you're on the road to changing your behavior and then, I'm sure, things will "magically" start going your way.

You'll be happier for it!

In the meantime, quit with your internet rants. All you've accomplished so far, is to convince me, and I'm sure others, that you need to get some help.


Los Angeles,

To: Ura Freak

#27Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Once again, like your posting on my other posted comment, you've based your decisions on only knowing one side of the story. The league gave this woman easy access to money by providing her with a debit card. That was stupid. The league should have performed regular reviews of the statements (ect). They didn't. As for the evidence you saw on the restraining order you'll see only one side of the story in that court file, Mr Duran's side, my side was never submitted to the court. So you based your opinions on reviewing only one side of a story. What you're missing, and I have the evidence to prove it, the Duran's allegations are BS, full of lies, and according to a court document I have from a case brought against them, it wasn't the first time they lied.

You're not aware that my only contact with Mr Duran was to speak to witnesses to help bring to justice a man who assaulted me. What you didn't know, and Mr Duran admits this in his court declaration, that he just ignored my request for help. In other words, he covered up a crime to protect one of his own. You also, in another posting on the other posting I posted, falsely accused a deputy of assaulting me. The deputy never assaulted me, and I never said he did. You also mention that I posted photos here. Where are these photos you mention? As for the Kent, Washington, conviction, a misdemeanor, I was prepared to fight that case but my father had just passed away and I only accepted the plea deal to get the case over with quickly so I could attend to family business.

You like to judge people based on reviewing only one side of the story. If you review all the evidence I have, and I'll gladly send it to you, you'll see a completely differant story. I went after Gridley Little League because I was assaulted by a parent. I went after Gridley police because they falsely arrested me. I have a court document written by Mr Duran that states that the officer told him that the charge would never stick and he'd arrest me just to get me to leave the area. I had already left the area. I called police, and the police dispatcher asked me to to return so I could identify the man who assaulted me. Everything I post on this website I have solid evidence to back me up. Where's your evidence? Where's the photos you speak of? Why did you falsely accuse a deputy of assaulting me? You based your criticism on hearing only one side of the story. My side of the story is not in that court file because it was never submitted. You based your story from a man who, under his leadership, allowed a woman to steal thousands of dollars from the league, a man, along with his wife, I have evidence that they are not honest people.

What Eryka did was wrong. She fell on hard times and needed money. She had easy access to thousands of dollars through a debit card that was given to her by league officials. If league officials had performed regular reviews of the account Eryka would had been caught sooner and the losses wouldn't have been so high. Insurance covering this crime is going to raise the leagues premiums. Agree or not, the league officials are partially responsible for this crime happening because of their poor leadership. Most non profit organizations have checking accounts that require two signatures. Because I strongly believe that league officials are partially responsible, I've sent a letter to the District Attorney and Judge in this case asking them to go lightly on Eryka, perhaps probation only, because, based on evidence and stories I've read, I believe Eryka is a good person who made a mistake. She fell on hard times and had a debit card to access thousands of dollars. A lot of people in her position would have done the same. You see, I look at both sides of the story before making judgements. You should try it instead of voicing your opinions after only reviewing one side of the story.

My opinions are based on evidence I have, my knowledge of the law, I know several law enforcement officers, my own brothers a police sgt, and my many years experience working with Little League in the past. All law enforcement officers have agreed, this Gridley cop who arrested me was an idiot for doing so. He had no case. The District Atorney's Office agreed and declined to file any charges against me.

Ura Freak

Northern Cali,

Go Away

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, December 18, 2008

You seem to bash leagues all over Northern California and seem to have a problem in Gridley due to a restraining order brought against you by Joe Duran GLL President. Due to research: FYI Little League International has the insurance (not just Gridley LL)for "untrustworthyness" being embezzlement is very common in Little League and it happens everywhere. Not only in this particular league. So every league that has a Little League Charter is Covered by this insurance.
It seems The President, Mr. Duran, has had to deal with a lot of situations (YOU and this) in the last couple of years and was able to keep this league able to play. Props for him and his board. $30K is alot of money and a lot of leagues would not have been able to operate with something like this.
It is a horrible thing that this woman did to this league but it is NOT the fault of her children to have their pics and names posted on the Internet. You claim that you want to protect children but you put their pictures and names on here. Shame on you Dave1978.....
You have mentioned the "bogus" restraining order that been brought against you but you fail to mention that you have a conviction of harassment in Kent, Washington. You want to be able to list everybody elses problems but you fail to mention your own. These reports are not a violation of a restraining order yet BUT they should be. Why don't you leave these people alone and go away and mind your own business. SOME PEOPLE


Los Angeles,

Updated Info

#27Author of original report

Wed, December 17, 2008

What Eryka did was wrong and dishonest. But you had a woman who fell on hard times and had easy access to money. Gridley Little League president Joe Duran surrounded himself with board members that included friends and family. Most non profit organizations have checking accounts that require two signatures. Eryka was given a debit card, giving her easy access to the money. The theft went on for over a year. The league should have never given someone a debit card, and they should have performed regular reviews of statements (ect). What I find strange is, according to published reports, the league had insurance to cover the lost money. It's the first time I've ever heard of a non profit organization obtaining insurance to cover embezzled money, then giving a woman easy access to the money with a debit card and performing no regular reviews of the account. League officials, including Joe, should share in the responsibility. It was poor leadership by Joe and the board members. If the league had better leadership chances are Eryka would had been caught much sooner, and the league would not have lost so much money.


Los Angeles,

Updated Info

#27Author of original report

Wed, December 17, 2008

What Eryka did was wrong and dishonest. But you had a woman who fell on hard times and had easy access to money. Gridley Little League president Joe Duran surrounded himself with board members that included friends and family. Most non profit organizations have checking accounts that require two signatures. Eryka was given a debit card, giving her easy access to the money. The theft went on for over a year. The league should have never given someone a debit card, and they should have performed regular reviews of statements (ect). What I find strange is, according to published reports, the league had insurance to cover the lost money. It's the first time I've ever heard of a non profit organization obtaining insurance to cover embezzled money, then giving a woman easy access to the money with a debit card and performing no regular reviews of the account. League officials, including Joe, should share in the responsibility. It was poor leadership by Joe and the board members. If the league had better leadership chances are Eryka would had been caught much sooner, and the league would not have lost so much money.


Los Angeles,

Updated Info

#27Author of original report

Wed, December 17, 2008

What Eryka did was wrong and dishonest. But you had a woman who fell on hard times and had easy access to money. Gridley Little League president Joe Duran surrounded himself with board members that included friends and family. Most non profit organizations have checking accounts that require two signatures. Eryka was given a debit card, giving her easy access to the money. The theft went on for over a year. The league should have never given someone a debit card, and they should have performed regular reviews of statements (ect). What I find strange is, according to published reports, the league had insurance to cover the lost money. It's the first time I've ever heard of a non profit organization obtaining insurance to cover embezzled money, then giving a woman easy access to the money with a debit card and performing no regular reviews of the account. League officials, including Joe, should share in the responsibility. It was poor leadership by Joe and the board members. If the league had better leadership chances are Eryka would had been caught much sooner, and the league would not have lost so much money.


Los Angeles,

Updated Info

#27Author of original report

Wed, December 17, 2008

What Eryka did was wrong and dishonest. But you had a woman who fell on hard times and had easy access to money. Gridley Little League president Joe Duran surrounded himself with board members that included friends and family. Most non profit organizations have checking accounts that require two signatures. Eryka was given a debit card, giving her easy access to the money. The theft went on for over a year. The league should have never given someone a debit card, and they should have performed regular reviews of statements (ect). What I find strange is, according to published reports, the league had insurance to cover the lost money. It's the first time I've ever heard of a non profit organization obtaining insurance to cover embezzled money, then giving a woman easy access to the money with a debit card and performing no regular reviews of the account. League officials, including Joe, should share in the responsibility. It was poor leadership by Joe and the board members. If the league had better leadership chances are Eryka would had been caught much sooner, and the league would not have lost so much money.



HUMMM Do we Really have all the relivant information

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, December 16, 2008

I was hearbroken to see that someone once again stole from a Little League, however, we should not blame anyone but the person who did the misdeed. This type of crime in more common than some might think. It is not fair to blame anyone but the person who did the crime, it has been my experience with little leagues that the board positions are voted on by the parents and other involved in the league, not just a few people, so that would lead me to believe that this was someone the people of the league and community trusted. Do we know what financial documents she provided to the league, maybe she provided false documents, I dont think any of us know the answers at this time, bottom line what she did was wrong, you do not steal money from kids. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this terrible crime. I just hope the league can recoup its money and continue to play ball.



A CROOK IS A CROOK and stealing from KIDS is the LOWEST...

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, December 15, 2008

Maybe they should have done a credit history check on her and her husband to see how solvent their business was and if there was any possibility that the access to this money would be too much temptation for them to resist.

They should have had yearly AUDITS or maybe not so much money!

Wonder what she spent the money for?

Asset recovery investigators needed here!

And they better not give her bond either...


Los Angeles,

Blame others for their ignorance

#27Author of original report

Mon, December 15, 2008

I personally believe that Gridley Little League President, Joe Duran, and his board members, Shannon Duran, Carlos Lopez, Danya Goss, and others, should share in the blame. They appoint a young woman to handle the leagues money, and according to local news, give her a debit card to the account, and for approximately a year Eryka steals over 30 thousand dollars. Where's the audits? Where's the leadership? Someone should have been keeping an eye on things. You don't just give someone a debit card to your leagues bank account without some kind of supervision. This shows that the league was under poor leadership, and based on my personal experiences with Mr Duran and his league, it doesn't surprise me that this theft took place.

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