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  • Report:  #302199



  • Reported By:
    Four Oaks North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 22, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 26, 2008
    Moncton, New Brunswick
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Unfortunately I have had to Resign from FREE1UP now.

I am only one of ELEVEN LSE's and SR LSE's who have been forced to Resign or been fired in the last week or so.
This is my Resignation Letter, you can draw your own conclusions as to the Fireworks that have been going off 'Backstage'.

Dear Richard,

I am very pleased and excited to be able to tell you that I also wish to join the ranks of the newly resigned LSE's.


I do not like your Attitude towards us, You God-like opinions of yourself or your Demands on US. I don't like the way you are conning all of our Senior Citizens out of large amounts of money. You ARE a CROOK!

I do not wish to join your Cult that you are trying to start and the sooner your Members realise what a threat you are the better. You need psychiatric help! NOW you proudly announce that we are BUGGED! You've lost it! Gone right off the rails!!

You are definitley odd, certainly very scarey and at best, probably Bi-polar, and I quote from a recent sick e-mail of yours:-

"Yes, I, Richard Morris, am truly the greatest thinker of our time, possibly ever. I'm not a chess champion, martial arts champion, and the #1 business person on the face of the earth by chance, I'm the real deal and youre d**n lucky to be part of our team."

Your delusions that you are God, Jesus or Alpha Mega worry me so much that I do not wish to associate myself with you a minute longer. That is sick! I have watched over the last few days as you insulted and belittled everyone who has been working for you (without pay), in such a humiliating manner and publicly too, and I quote again:-

"Aug 30 21:38:50 2007
[20:36] giantpay: Keith, are you with me?
[20:37] kthdwrds: Yes
[20:37] giantpay: Are you still sick?
[20:37] kthdwrds: A bit getting better
[20:38] giantpay: Okay, did you know that we were down for over 30 hours, the website that is?
[20:38] kthdwrds: yes
[20:39] giantpay: Okay, well that is not good, as a SR LSE it is your duty to contact me and let me know as I did not even know we were down.
[20:40] kthdwrds: I was told you were informed
[20:41] giantpay: No, I was not informed, my Yahoo! Messenger was down and I did not know, so in the future you will have to make sure you let me know immediatly for now on okay.
[20:42] kthdwrds: How can I tell if your messenger is down Richard
[20:42] giantpay: If it says I'm offline, that's how. So if I'm offline you'll have to notify me directly okay.
[20:43] kthdwrds: HOW
[20:44] giantpay: Well not via email or instant messenger as we now know those systems are no good, at least not all the time, so since you're the SR LSE, what do you think we should do now?
[20:45] kthdwrds: SHOUT
[20:45] giantpay: I don't follow, what does shout mean?
[20:46] kthdwrds: I thought your were loading the Ad System or preparing too
[20:47] giantpay: No, the new rule is if the website is down no matter what, you must contact me immediatly without delay.
[20:47] kthdwrds: Tom Peters
[20:47] kthdwrds: ?????
[20:48] giantpay: What do you mean about Tom Peters, I don't follow?
[20:49] kthdwrds: Aren't we supposed to inform Tom Peters and he can ring you?
[20:50] giantpay: That would not be a fool proof plan, as Tom Peters is not going to be around 24 hours per day, you will have to do better than that.
[20:50] kthdwrds: Anyawy i have been sick and I am not the only Sr LSE
[20:51] giantpay: Perhaps, however you are above Linda and Lorna, so this is why I'm bringing this to you first.
[20:52] kthdwrds: How am I above them I think we are equal in this team
[20:52] giantpay: No, you are not equal, you are above them according to my database.
[20:54] kthdwrds: How and I can't see your data base
[20:54] giantpay: It goes by the time stamp, your time stamp is ahead of their time stamps.
[20:55] kthdwrds: What has that got to do with it?
[20:56] giantpay: The time stamp determins senority, you are more senior than they both are.
[20:56] kthdwrds: Well what are you going to do - Sack me?
[20:57] giantpay: Right now I need to know what you're planning to do inorder to ensure we don't have anymore downtime?
[20:59] kthdwrds: Hey it's not my fault it was down. Ans as i said i have been off sick and I was informed long after is was down.
[21:00] giantpay: I'm not saying it is your fault, however now that you're starting to feel better, what I want to know is, if the website went down right now, what would you do?
[21:01] kthdwrds: And The notice said the site was down for maintenance
[21:01] giantpay: Can't go by that, anything other than the actual website it's self means you have to contact me immediatly for now on.
[21:02] giantpay: So the question is, now that you know this, what would you do if the website was either down or not reading as it should when it's working properly?
[21:04] kthdwrds: The only way i can think of - is for you to give me a phone Number
[21:05] giantpay: Okay, but will you prmoise not to share my phone number with other people?
[21:05] kthdwrds: ok
[21:05] giantpay: 1-506-855-2478 (Google Richard Morris Telephone number)
[21:05] kthdwrds: T Y
[21:06] giantpay: Okay, so if it's ever not working again, phone me immediatly, leave a voicemail if I don't pick up as my voicemail goes through the intercom so I can hear you all through the building okay.
[21:06] kthdwrds: Will do
[21:08] giantpay: Alright keith, over 70,000 members and myself are now counting on you as you are the only one that will know what to do if the site is not working.
[21:09] kthdwrds: I will tell everyone to let me know
[21:09] giantpay: Great, looks like everything is back under control again, have a great day!!! :D"
You are a horrible, horrible little person and I am glad to get away from you. Oh the FREEDOM!
Therefore would you please shut down my FREE1UP account as well? I want nothing more to do with you or your 'pretend' company. You can keep your ad system and put it where the sun don't shine. It is NOT worth having from what I have seen of it. It sucks in my opinion!! I have no delusions of every getting 'rich' with you. I don't need it, I don't need FREE1UP and I certainly don't need YOU!
Can I have my $50 back as a refund as you won't be sending me the ad system that I have Paid for in good faith please?

So Please think twice before giving this Maniac Your Hard-Earned Monies.

Four Oaks, North Carolina

1 Updates & Rebuttals




#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 26, 2008

Here we go AGAIN . . another rebuttal. I happened at that TIME to work with Keith and this shift . . the site had gone down and Richard knew that Keith was sick so he came in to check on Keith. Keith was suppose to let Richard know these things.

He is not in UPSET mode as has been reported . . just wondering mode and he had a laugh to his voice. He was in NO way, Shape or Form MAD at Keith. . . you have to know how Richard is and Keith is new to the company and so he and whoever reads this will not understand UNLESS you were there and actually in there with us.

It does look so DIFFERENT in the text version that has come about on these pages. It was not done in a Negative Tone or way at all!!!

SAD that EX-EMPLOYEES cannot see the REAL Richard Morris and have been taken in by the cult of their own following to despise him. He is doing something that has been NEVER done before and we back him 200% in what he soon going to prove to the world.. . . in getting the BEST Advertising for your Buck . . . that will eliminate all of the FRAUD out there now out there on this internet

Keith and I worked together and I was very sorry when he left to join the other cult who did not see this vision since he did not make out good with the advantages that were put out to him for his own use.

The ones who left have NOT done good $$$$$$$$ wise with this company!!!

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