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  • Report:  #301757

Complaint Review: - - Richard Morris

Free1up - Giantpay - Richard Morris Tyrant Abuses Volunteers and Fails to Deliver Products As Promised MONCTON New Brunswick

  • Reported By:
    Riverside California
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 20, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 25, 2008
  • - - Richard Morris
    9 Catamount Road
    MONCTON, New Brunswick
  • Phone:
  • Category:

For more than one year Richard Morris of and has been accepting payments for a software program referred to as the AdSystem. He has displayed a pattern of lies and false promises in order to seduce people into investing in this program while it is supposedly under development.

By using this carrot on a stick deception has duped more than 80,000 people into signing up with his free1up program. While many of these are free enrollments, he has still taken in untold thousands of dollars while delivering nothing but excuses, delays, lies and false promises.

In order to better inform any individuals who are considering joining this organization, or worse paying for a product that may never be delivered, please carefully consider who you are dealing with.

Richard Morris is a Sadistic Egomaniac that routinely abuses the volunteers that run his Online Support Center.

In Support of this statement I am including the following unedited, (except for name removal) email that he recently sent to these volunteers:


To: ( Deleted to Protect Innocent Indiviuals )
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:04 AM
Subject: LSE Update 22

Hello LSE Team,


This Thursday, January 17th, 2008 you are cordially invited to play a very deadly game of survivor where you get to be the judge, jury and executioner all in one. The stakes have never been higher because a chance at immortality as a world renewed LSE is on the line. You and your fellow LSEs will be voting live this Thursday, January 17th 2008 at our LSE Meeting on whether or not to terminate LSE (Name Removed). Will blood be split? Will a soul be crushed for all of eternity? His fate is in your hands! All voting is public and mandatory, just like all real judges, juries and executioners must carryout their decisions and actions publicly. In other words this is a black and white decision because there are no gray areas here. (Name Removed) very existence truly rests in the palm of your hand. Whether or not your fingers clinch and he turns to dust is truly up to you. Due to the fact this is an executive decision and not a presidential decision, your Founder Richard Morris will not be participating in the voting although he will be there to partake in the LSE festivities as usual.

Other LSEs the executioner has locked in his sights are as follows:

(Name Removed) USA Now past the 2 weeks missing policy, is now game for termination.

Name Removed) USA Now past the 2 weeks missing policy, is now game for termination.

The bloodlust is great, and like all great empires there will be upsets along the way. HR LSE (Name Removed) will be making the final call as to whether or not to drop the axe on these two lost souls. Or perhaps HR LSE (Name Removed) will be a gracious fate and spare their delicate threads from being cut for perhaps another day. However be well worn, the blade is in HR (Name Removed) hand, and her arm is growing evermore weary, so as your all knowing Founder, I, Richard Morris cannot promise you how much longer (Name Removed) weary arm can hold her razor sharp blade from severing your LSE lifeline.

Alright, as fun as this email was to write, and it was fun, lets be serious for a minute, (Name Removed), (Name Removed) and (Name Removed) really could be terminated and they really could lose millions of dollars because of it in the not to far off future. HR LSE (Name Removed) truly holds their fates as LSEs in the palm of her hand, and thats the bottom line because Richard Morris said so.

I heard from (Name Removed), his mother is sick, how many LSEs have sick mothers or fathers? Anyways, I told him he has till February 1st, 2008 to return or Im terminating him, no debates or votes, just immediate termination because I dont have time to play games any longer. The same goes for (Name Removed), although I havent heard from (Name Removed), Im sure he knows where he stands after LSE Update 22. Also it is my understanding LSE (Name Removed) is missing, she too has till February 1st, 2008 to return or Im terminating her too. February 1st, 2008 falls on a Friday, so it might just go down in the history books as Bloody Friday for at least three lost souls. Let me know if there are any others who I should add to the termination list as Id like to get rid of everybody who is not pulling their weight all in one massive blow. Due to the fact we are doing early spring clean up, be sure to keep your eyes open for new I/Ts in order to fill in the empty spots well be creating, although I guess those spots are empty now regarding (Name Removed), (Name Removed) and (Name Removed), so really we just need more I/Ts in general.

Make it an AWESOME day!!!

With much love,

Richard Morris


Please do not support this Lunatic!

Stay Away From Free1up at All Costs!

Riverside, California

18 Updates & Rebuttals




#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 25, 2008

What has happened here is that former EX - LSE's have decided that what they did was not considered to be WRONG and it is so sad that they cannot ACCEPT it.

I am a born again Christian over 12 years ago . . this NON Sense about this company's Founder and I is ABSURD and want to repeat that in no way, shape or form do I have anything to do with this rumor getting started . . it was started by the EX-LSE's who left and it has NO Bearing on anything in relation to this company!!!

We all LSE's love and care for each other and have no "Intensions" as so has spoken and reported here. We are a TEAM and much so TEAM Players!!!

We have Respect and Love for all who TREAT us in the same regards!!!

I do not accept this statement and it is now known to the world!!!

I do have to work close with Richard in respect to the company, but now since we have 2 of us . . this should be a lot more FUN!!! Carolyn and I are like sisters!!!




#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 25, 2008

You have got LIES of TWISTED Information being thrown at ME that you do not have a CLUE even about . . that is the VERY TRUTH!!!

YOU have been asking me for an Apology to Linda??? I did NOT like her for Treating us LSE's with such POOR TASTE and Richard who she had NO RESPECT for by her vicious mouth on the markings of being very unsettled. . . in her mind that is just so you know.

Since you are an EX-EMPOYEE by your own accord I can know and tell you know nothing any of the rest of us have Seen, Heard or Had to DEAL with. You are so taken in by LINDA that you do not now the first things about what happened since YOU are NO longer with the Company!!! We have ALL experienced her MOOD SWINGS!!!

WE have ALL experienced her basis being very very scary in her Bittnerness in the past 2 months . . we just thought she was having a BAD DAY.

As to the FACT that I wanted to be in her Position . . that has NO bearing . . I got an email with the UPDATES everyone gets and that is HOW I found out. I had NO earthly idea this was going to happen . . I was TOTALLY shocked and NO Clue!!! So what you have STATED has NO bearing what so ever. Just so that everybody knows . . I am not alone anymore . . we now have *****SR LSE CAROLYN who has joined me which is GREAT and AWESOME . . see I am NO Longer at the TOP of this company Alone!!!

So if I wanted her out then why would I back her with trying to help her for OVER 3 months getting herself Together with the situation she was in??? We ALL tried with meetings long ones to TRY and HELP Linda. I can't help it if she does not FOLLOW the Rules in Place and gets herself in TROUBLE!!! LSE FORCE is who knows what has happened!!! They show up now all of the time!!! Totally outsiders watching out for the security of this Company and to Protect us ALL from SPIES!!!

What this boils down to is I got the URL and she did not . . she's jealous and so are the rest of the group of who left!!!




#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 25, 2008

This is to Record that Richard calls me SIS on everything of this nature . . so what you are starting CHLOE or whoever you are is so WRONG.

I did not want LINDA gone . . she made it her doings by doing things she was not suppose to be doing and also by the BITTERNESS of this has TOTALLY started this rumor of Richard and I . . which can't be no matter what with the distance between us.
Other LSE's wanted her GONE for how she would be Treating Richard and other LSE's plus members. She resigned on her own.

Let me set the RECORD Straight . . I was not FIRED for anything. I had a situation that came up to take care of twins and so I left on my own accord. I did that and came back when Richard called me. . . not Linda. . . to find out when I would be returning. So NOTHING stated in your REPORT is even TRUE since you, CHLOE, do not know the WHOLE story.

I now have a new partner who is *****SR LSE CAROLYN and she will bring this company to new heights and so excited to be there. I do not have to listen to LINDA tell me to "GO to HELL" anymore when trying to talk with her about Business!!!




#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 25, 2008

As you can see from Richard's emails, and I hope you read it all, that Richard has a sense of humor. He also states, "Alright, as fun as this email was to write, and it was fun, lets be serious for a minute". This is serious. The Support Staff positions were created by Richard to help all members of Free1Up - both free and paid members.

All LSE's work to support Richard and the members of Free1Up and if you are scheduled to work and do not show up or can not be reached then any Company, and I mean any Company, will TERMINATE you. All LSE's work together, but we need the support of each other to help ease the time we spend in the support center. These nameless LSE's were voted out by the team - not by Richard - for NOT showing up for their scheduled shift. After all, who wants to continually work double shifts while someone else gets to enjoy their time off?

These positions are Important and Enjoyable. All LSE's are friends that we will have for a lifetime, but there is a limit for anyone to try to help a friend. The decision to let an LSE's go is not decided upon easily and definitely not quickly, actually over a long period of time, literally months. Sometimes it is best to let go and let time heal all hurt.

I believe in Free1Up and all that it stands for. Come to our website and see for yourself. It is free to join or not join, but I am sure you will not be disappointed. How many companies can you actually talk to the owner 3 times a week? How many companies have Live Support 24 hours a day, seven days a week? Free 1 Up does!

All I can say is come and see for yourself.


Four Oaks,
North Carolina,


#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 25, 2008

You got it Cathie. You are now Top Dog. Just as you were after. You got rid of your competition - namely Linda. I know for a fact that Linda has and nothing whatsoever to do with a single posting on this site and yet YOU are the first to choose to blame her for all of it.

You drove her out so you could have her position. I remember a time when YOU got fired yourself (last March) and Linda interceded to have you reinstated. Is this how you Thank Her for helping YOU? You are so hateful.

You have poor Linda condemned and blamed when none of this is her doing. You are such an A$$ Wiper Cathie.

Here are the exact overnight comments I received from Linda last evening:-

"[2:46:41 AM] LINDA WEINSTEIN says: Yes, I can't believe he has attacked me so viciously since I didn't even post that report, or do anything else he has claimed I have done. I didn't give any of his "trade secrets" to UMG, INCOME BEES, or ZLinkPTP. This whole thing is so ridiculous. I don't know where UMG or INCOME BEES got their website templates, but ZLinkPTP got theirs from ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and Richard admitted that that is where he got his website template - from ADOBE PHOTOSHOP. He is so mentally messed up and so poisoned by Cathie it is unbelieveable."

See! She is generous enough not to even blame you either, just the Poison Dwarf. You are so unjust blaming Linda without provocation or reason just because you don't like her. How Dare You!

Maybe the day you pop your head out of his buttocks, then you will see the truth and it is YOU that owes Linda a public apology for all the hurt you have caused her. You are More than Hateful, YOU along with Richard (I LOVE MYSELF) Morris, need to see a Vet! You both suck! But as Shirley said Cathie - You enjoy it!

Linda Is Innocent! Leave her alone.


Four Oaks,
North Carolina,

'The Greatest Thinker of ALL TIME' Just in case you didnt get it

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, January 24, 2008

I have another valuable Inside Look at the God-like Manifestation of Richard Morris heading up the Empire of Lies and Subtefuge.

His own LSE's bragging how they 'Close' referrals for the members, thus unduly putting pressure on people to part with their monies after him claiming that it is purely voluntary. What a Crock!

This following letter is also in it's exact state and has NOT been edited nor altered in any way whatsoever. Yes another Happy LSE Resignation. Interesting eh?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007 6:22 PM

You never listened to suggestions, you always blew them off.. as if you, the omniscient and omnipotent one..were above that.. You will have to use the dictionary for that one. You can't even pronounce them, can you??

You insult people, and you do not allow them to hold a professional opinion different than your own, without mocking them. You fail to show gratitude, you remind people constantly how fortunate they are to be part of your team...And now you spy on people? You little paranoid man.

You actually send out an excerpt from your blog, where you are wondering if you might be the greatest thinker of all time.. And you think that doesn't scream of mental illness? You wonder why people say you have a God Complex?

You waste 6 hours of people's time at meetings.. thinking that they really enjoy listening to you for that long.. when you are saying absolutely nothing... No apologies to anyone... just be grateful that you are so lucky to be part of my team...

You know nothing about the people that have been dedicated to promoting and serving your business.. and making you money.. including their last names... You are a pathetic, childish, self-inflated, self-absorbed little man... I pray that you find a God, (not yourself).

Now do you get why people are leaving you in droves? Probably not.. you will continue to blame others.. and never look inside.. I pity you..

Thank You




#19UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 24, 2008

This is the UNITED Front that we have ALWAYS had and that you started off to TRY and DESTROY . . This response is that since the LSE's have LEFT who were thinking in the Negative Way . . . we have ALL become ONE UNITED Front of being better people and Not doing what you did to this company . . Thank gosh you did not get the URL for this software Product since you would be the non TRUSTED one to get it NEVER in a Million Years.

WE LSE's know that we are not standing for this . . Richard loves to Laugh, Joke and Tease around in his business and this is him . . if you are not disgruntled you would just LAUGH it off . . ALL of us seem to . . since this bitterness showed up you seem to DWELL on the NEGATIVE and are NEVER Positive . . where is YOUR LOYALITY??? Showing up NOW???

We are in NO WAY a Cult of anybody and furthermore Richard Morris has NEVER Treated anybody with disrespect and is ALWAYS showing that complimentary side of himself if you have done an "AWESOME" job . . I am again asking you to please cut this NONSENSE and STOP this twisted mind of yours from being destroyed. WE LSE's are a Loyal Banded Together Group who love what we do and in turn love to Help people . . we did so MUCH for you LINDA, the countless hours of trying to get you HELP and you did not want to Listen to anything or any help that was given. . . for over 3 months time period that is . . we TRIED and Tried . .so we do not support the Apology given by Linda. (alias whoever she decides to be for that day)



Apology Not Accepted by LSE's

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 23, 2008

Dear Ex-LSE,

In regards to your apology to the LSE Team, I can safely say for us all....It is not accepted.

Whoever you are..that is attempting to imply such unlikely accusations, you are spending your time unwisely. It will not be necessary for us to over talk you on these will simply be proven that you are wrong. Time will tell....and it won't be long either.

I am not, along with the other LSE's, in agreement with any of the things you said . It's an insult to our ability as adults to make intelligient decisions to think that would be the case.

We are happy with our decisions to remain LSE's. Even proud to be so...if I must say. So since you are it was evidently your choice...simply point your eyes toward the forward direction and think about where you are going. Putting your efforts to work in this mode will not help you in your trek or deter us from our path.

As for our members...they are in good hands.

Wishing you Well,

Fellow SR LSE



Apology Not Accepted by LSE's

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 23, 2008

Dear Ex-LSE,

In regards to your apology to the LSE Team, I can safely say for us all....It is not accepted.

Whoever you are..that is attempting to imply such unlikely accusations, you are spending your time unwisely. It will not be necessary for us to over talk you on these will simply be proven that you are wrong. Time will tell....and it won't be long either.

I am not, along with the other LSE's, in agreement with any of the things you said . It's an insult to our ability as adults to make intelligient decisions to think that would be the case.

We are happy with our decisions to remain LSE's. Even proud to be so...if I must say. So since you are it was evidently your choice...simply point your eyes toward the forward direction and think about where you are going. Putting your efforts to work in this mode will not help you in your trek or deter us from our path.

As for our members...they are in good hands.

Wishing you Well,

Fellow SR LSE



Apology Not Accepted by LSE's

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 23, 2008

Dear Ex-LSE,

In regards to your apology to the LSE Team, I can safely say for us all....It is not accepted.

Whoever you are..that is attempting to imply such unlikely accusations, you are spending your time unwisely. It will not be necessary for us to over talk you on these will simply be proven that you are wrong. Time will tell....and it won't be long either.

I am not, along with the other LSE's, in agreement with any of the things you said . It's an insult to our ability as adults to make intelligient decisions to think that would be the case.

We are happy with our decisions to remain LSE's. Even proud to be so...if I must say. So since you are it was evidently your choice...simply point your eyes toward the forward direction and think about where you are going. Putting your efforts to work in this mode will not help you in your trek or deter us from our path.

As for our members...they are in good hands.

Wishing you Well,

Fellow SR LSE



Apology Not Accepted by LSE's

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 23, 2008

Dear Ex-LSE,

In regards to your apology to the LSE Team, I can safely say for us all....It is not accepted.

Whoever you are..that is attempting to imply such unlikely accusations, you are spending your time unwisely. It will not be necessary for us to over talk you on these will simply be proven that you are wrong. Time will tell....and it won't be long either.

I am not, along with the other LSE's, in agreement with any of the things you said . It's an insult to our ability as adults to make intelligient decisions to think that would be the case.

We are happy with our decisions to remain LSE's. Even proud to be so...if I must say. So since you are it was evidently your choice...simply point your eyes toward the forward direction and think about where you are going. Putting your efforts to work in this mode will not help you in your trek or deter us from our path.

As for our members...they are in good hands.

Wishing you Well,

Fellow SR LSE

Nancy Dunn


Different Point of View

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 23, 2008

I have only been with Free 1 Up a short while, and seeing the definite advantages of becoming a paid member, I did so immediately. I listened in on all of the web cast meetings wanting to get as much information as I could, the more I saw and heard of the company and Richard Morris, I knew becoming an LSE was something I wanted to do.

I have been a full fledged LSE for several weeks now, and have not had one moment of regret. Everyone is accepted without question, trusted, and relied upon for us to help manage the support center by assisting other members with their needs. This in my opinion definitely shows what a kind, trusting and believing man Richard Morris is in all of us. He allows us to assist him with this side of the company while he is busy getting the AD System up and running, and getting Free 1 Up Launched.

Being an LSE is completely voluntary and if there were any so called abuse as stated by Linda, I would not be there, as would none of the other LSE's, I'm sure. There are rules to follow as with any other company. We are asked to be respectful of each other, and simple common since should tell us this anyway.

We also get unlimited training to help us with marketing plus much more; as this is what a lot of our members need to help promote their business. ALL this training is FREE. We assist members in marketing, and promoting, and we even close their prospects for them. There is no other company that I am aware of that offers this type of FREE ASSISTANCE to members to help them succeed.

With all this being said, I would highly recommend you think twice before you pass up Free 1 Up, it could very well be your best investment for years to come.


Little Falls,
New York,

My Apology

#19Author of original report

Wed, January 23, 2008

Dear Richard,

This is in response to your request for an apology, however it is not quite the one you expect.

I apologize to Linda Weinstein,, and for being subjected to any improper exposure due to my posting.

Since your paranoia is second only to your behind the scenes self righteous, tyrannical treatment of your volunteers I fully expected you to lash out at those that have decided to no longer tolerate your abuses.

You see, I have been patient and watched as you have repeatedly turned every volunteer into a cult member of yours or drove him or her away as traitors.

The overwhelming bulk of saved IM strings, emails from you, and voice recordings of your tirades that circulates among these individuals for their amusement would surprise you.

Over time I have come to expect that you will never produce a product for any of your customers since you seem to spend so much time concerned only about how to create your cult. In fact I have come to compare you to the Reverend Jim Jones.

In closing I would like to make a final apology to my fellow LSEs for the future abuses they will have to tolerate as result of my actions here.

I am doing this because I have recognized that Richard has no intentions of ever producing any kind of a marketable product and is only interested in creating his own little kingdom for his sadistic games.

Since the end of this game is getting close, I felt no need for innocent investors to endure any more financial losses.

Happy Hunting for me Richard / Reverend Jones, for when the end finally does come, I will not be there drink to your poisoned kool-aid.

Francis Lee


So you can set the record straight.

#19Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 23, 2008

As a rebuttal to the report about, Giant Pay , and the Founder, Richard Morris.

I would like to express my opinion about the report that was submitted.

Since we do not as yet live in a prefect world, we as imperfect human beings must accept the fact that we and the world we live in is not as we would like it to be.

When we as people understand that we all are born with right to or opinion as to what we think about this imperfect world we live in, and the right to express ourselves about the people we come in contact with while we are here trying to make this world a better place for all to live. We must be open minded enough to respect everyones opinion about one another in a way that is is constructive for all of us.

With all that said , I would like to express my opinion about what was stated.

With over 60 + years experience trying to live on planet earth, and after affiliating myself with the man behind company and all that he stands for. After 12 months and based on the words that have come out of his mouth about what he would like to do for mankind as a whole. My Spirit resonates with his, to the degree that I have become a more successful human being because of what I have learned by working with him and his ideas.

I'm not saying I agree with everything he says and does. And by no stretch of my imagination does he agree with me. But only by working together can we overcome our shortcomings, and move to higher ideals that the world as a whole will embrace and get along with one another to finally live in peace.

I hope what I have said will help other people think twice about what they hear about what and the Founder Richard Morris has accomplished and what we as a team of over 80.000 members strong will bring to the world what no one else has done to date, by working together for a common goal to make this a better world to live in.

If you would like to speak to me personally about this Company and Richard Morris and why I choose to work with him and others. You can reach me at (((ROR redacted))) and leave me you contact information and will be more than happy to help you see the whole picture of where we are going and how you too can be a part of something bigger than all of us.

Thank you, and may you grow in the Light of Life with Love for One and All.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Nothing But The Truth


The person/s who placed the free1up report are Disgruntled volunteers & resigned on their own...

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 22, 2008

I have been a part of free1up since December 2006, & have been on 98 % of all conference calls & Richard in my heart is a loving, caring, & truly working towards helping members to reach a better life financially as members work towards bettering their own lives. Richard has ever mentioned any time frame as to when the ad system will be completed.

As with any software programs it takes time to impliment to make them work correctly. The ad system is close to fruition & people get jealious of Richards complishments. Personally I love free1up & all it stands for, & I am here to stay & I support Richard 110% in his vision & with his dreams for So the Ripoff Report listed against & Richard is just bogus & outragious in my opinion. is free to join so before you pass any judgements against, join for free & see for yourself. No one is required to upgrade as it is voluntary to do so. Their are some who are waiting for the completion of the ad system before they upgrade. There is no requirements to pay any moneys upfront. So for anyone to say Richard is ripping them off is definitely not correct. Thank you.

Richard Morris

New Brunswick,

Spies, Lies And Linda Weinstein!!!

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, January 22, 2008

Dear Colleagues,

The Giant Pay organization has indeed accepted a small amount of pre-orders for our software product which is due to be released soon. The same as how Microsoft took pre-orders on Windows Vista when it was being launched back in 2006.

I have made no lies and/or false promises. We have however been doing updates three times per week to ensure that the public would know exactly where we are at in the development cycle of our software product to ensure customer satisfaction.

There has never been any pressure by the folks at this company to pre-order our product, it's free to join and all members can make money without having to spend any fees here whatsoever in order to be eligible for commissions. That's as fair as it gets.

It is true that many folks have joined for FREE, which costs them absolutely nothing to do. The amount of pre-orders this company has received have been a VERY SMALL AMOUNT, nothing like what is being described here. The vast majority of all members are indeed in FREE status until we launch the company.

We have had optimistic outlooks on the development timeframe pertaining to the release of the software product, however we have never given any firm dates, only estimated dates based on the information available to us from our programmers.

I have been working honestly in the sales and marketing industry for over 10 years and many of the same people still work with me to this day. I can assure you that our product will be RELEASED and that these accusations are totally uncalled for.

I am a very humble man who praises all of the men and women at our company on a regular bases because it is each of them that makes all of this possible. Without hardworking and dedicated individuals we wouldn't be here today.

We do offer 24-Hour Live Support to anybody who needs it absolutely FREE of charge. This is because customer satisfaction is my top priority at all times.

Regarding your supporting statement, it has been certainly manipulated. There are over 20 people that can confirm you have edited LSE Update 22 with more than just name removal.

Now since there is only one person in the world that could access a SR LSE Update, this means it's time to talk about the one person who could have came up with such a report.

First however, let's discuss some interesting points regarding the fact that this person who filed this report states they are from:

Riverside, California

However even more interesting is the fact that it was Judy Okeson from xx, Roseville, CA, 95625 which we have confirmed to be a fake address with a telephone number of xx-6823 (an invalided phone number) that registered at our company during a live conference call and then during the public question and answer section of the call informed all of our listeners that they should visit to see a report filed against Richard Morris. This activity transpired on the evening of Monday, January 21, 2008 to be exact.

We do however have Judy Okeson's IP address which is: xxThis IP has been added to our investigation of this matter.

As you can see both are assumed to be from California.

However, since there is only ONE person who could have had the information reported here, the only tangible suspect is one Linda Weinstein currently with an address of: PMB 213 - 5109 82nd St Unit 7, Lubbock, TX, 79424 with a telephone number of: 806-368-7473. After investigating the telephone number we discovered it to reveal the name and location of one: Bryan Thomas, 1504 82nd St, Lubbock, TX, 79423-2547.

So now you may ask what would motivate Linda Weinstein to write up such slanderous accusations about such a well respected company with a very dedicated customer base.

The answers are numerous. However let's start from the top and work our way down:

1. Linda's mother passed away in mid 2007, since then she has become evermore difficult to deal with.
2. Linda's brothers brought a lawsuit against her for various reasons.
3. Linda suffers from advanced MRSA which can distort your thinking due to medication, etc.
4. Linda has admitted to us that she often goes on only a few hours of sleep here and there, certainly an unbalanced lifestyle.
5. Linda has been identified for giving company trade secrets to other programs she's been linked to such as: a) b) c) and we have reason to suspect there are more.
6. We recently gave some of Linda's former peers an early preview of our functioning software product before its upcoming release. Many of Linda's peers stated this made her wild with resentment towards many of us. Of course Linda's teammates deemed her too much of a security risk to give an early preview to of our software product unfortunately. Thus Linda was excluded from the software product preview.
7. We recently released one of her friends, George Szeles for not showing up for his shifts. This was going on for months. We took a vote on whether or not to release George and the majority was in favor of releasing him.
8. Over the last few months Linda Weinstein was growing evermore offensive with her teammates, calling them filthy names, extremely rude tone of voice, unwillingness to cooperate with fellow teammates, etc.
9. We created a timeout facility online for those who swear at our customers, teammates, etc to report to in order for them to think about what they have done as it's just not professional and I will not tolerate having customers or fellow teammates abused.
10. Linda became at odds with our timeout facility and her crudeness got the better of her and she ultimately resigned.
11. Linda decided to make up her own rules and attack the company that helped her spiritually, emotionally and financially with the passing of her mother and also helped her with her MRSA. Many of us spent countless hours with her in an attempt to comfort her while others sent her monetary donations and gifts, some of which were medical in nature to help with her MRSA.

We are deeply saddened that Linda has chosen this course of action as we were lead to believe she was more honorable than this and of a higher character. Not only do these accusations of hers hurt all of the people that worked so hard to build this company, they also hurt the very people that sent her monetary donations, gifts and gave her countless hours of their time.

However to prove our point, on January 19, 2008 we received the following unedited email from Linda Weinstein:

Neither DORIS nor I ever stole any "trade secrets"
or anything else from you or your company. You
are not as smart as you think you are. You have
spelling errors and wrong usage of words in every
email you send out and all through your website.
You are not nearly as perfect as you think you are.
PERFECTLY !!! I have never seen 2 people who
deserve each other more than YOU and CATHIE !!

You don't even deserve to mention the name of GOD.
You are the "copycat" of most other programs on
the internet. YOU ARE PATHETIC !!!


To say the management and staff were not alarmed by this shocking email is an understatement.

Simply visit all three of the following three websites: a) b) c)

Then visit:

You will see they have copied our support center outline, mirrored our template and now our register for free before we launch strategy in order to generate interest prior to launching. Between the three websites listed above, they have managed to copy many of the key components of:

Also please note the following evidence according to: was created: 2007-06-08 and masks their identity via domains by proxy, what are they hiding? was created: 2007-12-01 and masks their identity via domains by proxy, what are they hiding? was created: 2007-11-28 on the other hand was created: 2005-08-15 and does NOT hide behind a proxy.

As you can see our company was created long before any of these altercations emerged which Linda is/has been involved in, thus these are clearly spin offs in varying degrees of the original. Our website, is the original and is still to this very day the highest ranking out of any of them, see for yourself at:

Also worth noting is our parent company was created: 2003-07-13, nearly four years before these other companies emerged proving we are indeed the originators of many of the systems and methodologies they have so happily mirrored.

Thus due to these 11 facts as stated above, it is now clear that we have a solid case with solid supporting evidence which can be backed by the witnesses who experienced Linda Weinstein's bitterness firsthand.

Of course there is much more evidence I can divulge as we're really just getting started here, however for now I will post this and do not hesitate to contact us if more supporting evidence is needed as we have saved and backed up all of the evidence at a secure data management facility for easy reference for whenever cases like these present themselves to us.

Now on the other hand, if Linda Weinstein has any integrity left, she will not only apologize to me, but to all of her teammates she has negatively impacted by her slandering of us. Simply post your apology right here at, if you don't you will always be considered a spy and a trader to all of your peers that thought they could trust you with this company's trade secrets.

Thank you,
Richard Morris



This is NOT a SCAM - - Disgruntled TEAM Member LEFT and Resigned

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 22, 2008

I have been with this company since 6 days after it opened. I am now SR and right under Richard Morris with having the URL to this Ad System along with another TOP Ranking SR we have been watching him PROGRESS on this Ad System since we are the only ones who can and are trusted to do this. This person who wrote this left on her own accord . . she has also been there for along time and has been disgruntled in her thinking since she did not get the URL to this meaning she got angry at the CEO. We are having a lot of GREAT things happening with this software product and if you happen to know the CEO he loves to joke and tease around with us . . he is not evil at all . . it's how you take him in your bitterness of being disgruntled. Her name is Linda. The person who also is mentioned is George and he rejected and did not help one of his own fellow TEAM members from our own support center and was terminated because of this action. There were others this had happened with and George was also not showing up for his time slot or if he did he was logged in with Name ONLY and not really even there . . he was sound asleep. We even called him to prove it!!!



Disgruntled Free1Up Volunteer's Accusations Unfounded

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 22, 2008

In response to the malicious and angry statement of parties involved. I would like to make a counter statement.

I am a responsible, church going person who would never allow myself to become involved with a company that would cheat people. Since I've been a member of free1up for a year. I have not been disappointed or lied to about anything. Everything about the company and it's flagship product. was and is now still written in the ad copy of all replicated websites. So there was never any deception. as I chose to invest in this wonderful company and the proprietary Ad System.

Unfortunately there seem to be others who due to their own personal issues did not do so well with this program, developed anger and began to lash out. That is not the way. as it will ultimately be their loss. But I highly suggest that the revengeful comments from such parties be ignored.

To anyone who wants to really make a substantial income and has not been able to in the past. I suggest you take a look at Free1Up. if not more than watching it's development. They are definitely a company that will make it's mark in the world of internet marketing software both offline and online. Don't be fooled folks. Not by bitter people such as those who are filing bad reports.

It is my suspect that the person writing the most recent report is mentally imbalanced. Since I know personally the suspected source of that letter and also their past history. If it is who I suspect. then I would say that God be with you to help you resolve your bitterness. It will eat you up if you do not root it out of your heart.

To those who are looking to judge Free1up..I suggest you join free and investigate to make your own judgements. This is always the best way to make decisions.

We at Free1up invite you to come and talk with our LSE's to your satisfaction. We have nothing to hide.

I appreciate this opportunity to make my formal statement.

Peace and Love To All

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