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  • Report:  #1500198



  • Reported By:
    Roger — CA United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 24, 2020
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 08, 2021

I joined Freedom Franchise to help me be more fiancially set and to help my credit. I signed up with there low credit program and paid the fee of $777. I joined in Sepember 2019. They put me on there credit card to help boost my credit and to get some funding. There funding is through going out to every credit card company and loan company and getting funding . I was able to get funded 25,000 through . Within a day, I transfer the funds of 23,500 (1500 was the fee of loan company) over to Freedom Franchise LLC.

They set me up with a FLorida LLC called Freedom Franchise 40 LLC and Freedom Franchise 20 LLC. Mr. TJ Todd McNally, the owner of the company envised me to get an apartment in San Diego and do some subleasing . He found the location and once I started signing all documents one document I was leary on signing was a document of NO SUBLEASING! Before signing, Mr McNally told me to not worry that we work around this. So I signed this and got the apartment. Within a week the pandemic hit . Mr McNally told me not to worry. 2 months go by and no string of income just my debt. I finally get out of the lease of apartment given the 60 day policy and Mr Nally states he wants to charge me 10k of the loan.

He put me in a predictament with my credit and Mr McNally then tells me we should go into default with the loan? And he starts not paying the monthly payments on the loan on my line of credit. My score goes from 680 to 620 for 2 months of non payment on the loan. Mr TJ McNally is a lier! I also found a article online where Mr McNally stole 23 million from investors in 2008!


Now Im in debt lost of alot of money over 30k because TJ MCNALLY and Freedom Franchise. Stay away stay stay away! 

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Tj Mcnally is a fraud beware of him

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, January 08, 2021

 Please do your research of Tj McNally. Just please Google TJ McNally lawsuits on Google and you will find plenty. I have just recently just filed a lawsuit against him and will fight for my money back. Tj is mental person who coning people of there money during a pandemic. Where people are trying to survive, TJ is making a fake business to con people of there money. I now am left with the debt of 25,000 and he dropped my credit score dramatically. GOD knows what happened and God will punish him real soon. Do yourself a favor and do not do any business with him. He will take your money and run.


United States

Roger Sayegh

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 08, 2021

 And 1 more thing, there is no way for anyone to lose money because their business model is awesome. After I decided to slander the owner with lies, they reminded me that I could simply get a full refund by closing the LLC they started for me, to protect me for this exact reason! Again, I lost control mentally and quit the best opportunity and business of my lifetime. Now, since I posted this rip off report, I can't remove it without paying 10k! I am screwed and I never could lose a dollar! What I did is really unfair and stupid. I am sorry. My name is Roger.


United States

TJ MCNALLY is a Fraud ! Stay Away!!!

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, October 29, 2020

My name is Roger . I am one of most trusted person that you meet. I am a team player and always worked with integrity . I was in the Sun Newspaper titled "Someone to Look up Too" and Inland Empire Business Journal with article about my integrity and how I became an impact in people lives. I always look for best interests of others. I even was trusted by my collagues, peers, and community that I ran for State Senate in 2018.  

Getting into Freedom Franchise was just a nightmare! I was referred by a good friend of mine who worked in the business. I got into this business to build another income stream. Come to find out that my friend has left the company a few months when I got in because of issues with the owner TJ McNally.  (Unfortunately, it was too late to leave because I took loan out for business and funded the business) TJ McNally does not pay his business partners and associates which why my friend left. Another person who was TJ right hand in business even left because what TJ McNally did not pay him and that TJ was doing some funny business with people money !  If so many employees and partners left TJ McNally business why would you do business with him? Even finding out the Mr McNally was arrested a few times as well. He does have a very bad temper which makes him lose control. 

When I got into the business with TJ Mcnally blindly, after I paid the $777 to help boost my credit score, he told me to apply for multiple credit cards and loans to fund my LLC. This is was just with my social security number so I was taking all the liability only to have a pinky promise that Freedom Franchise will make my payments and fund the business.  Unfortunately, that was't the case. Mr Mcnally did not make the payments which dropped my credit score by 70 points.  He even got me in a business where I rented an apartment and the apartment said no subleasing!! Eventually, the apartment complex found out because they monitor airnb and saw one of there apartments listed and it tracked back to my apartment. I had to pay fees to get out and it affected my credit. Mr McNally thinks he knows what he is doing but he not mentally stable. I even called his father who I looked up online and he states that he had problems with him and doesnt talk to him as much because he does have a temper and does not listen to his own father. 

MR TJ McNally even tried to even get me in trading account which he said he woud reinburse me on which was $500 and he never did. Because of his mental disorder he promises you the world and then takes your money . 

Do yourself a favor, just google TJ MCNally lawsuits and see the number of lawsuits he been in and how there are multiple judgements against him! 

Also please see the author of rebuttal- name listed is Joe. Another fake name that Mr McNally goes by!  Mr TJ McNally has been committing fraud for past 20 years in any business he has done.  STAY AWAY STAY AWAY! 


United States

Roger Seyegh is PATHETIC

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 29, 2020

 Hi my name is Roger. I had bad credit and joined Freedom Franchise. Amazingly Freedom Franchise helped me get 19k in funding I could not get before. In my agreement I agreed to follow all instructions and pay Freedom Franchise fee which was half of all Funding. After that Freedom Franchise immediately did what they said they would do and set me up to rent an apartment in San Diego and make positive cash flow. Freedom Franchise also spent 5k to furnish the apartment.

The day before my first renters were set to check in so I could start making money, I got cold feet and became scared and afraid . I reacted foolishly to my fear and called the apartment to cancel my lease. I then demanded the entire 19k back from FREEDOM Franchise but lied and said it was 30k. Even though we were in the middle of a business, I demanded everything go my way. I began to threaten the owner and demand all money back even though this is a long term business and I was SCARED. I just didn't care and wanted to do and demand whatever I want.

I thought it would be smart to start posting negative lies about Freedom Franchise and it's owner because I can do whatever I want. Amazingly the owner forgave me after being so selfish stupid and wrong. The owner gave me 3 chances. And as we started to move forward I kept mentally losing control and kept demanding and threatening. Now I have spread my negativity and wasted people's times in hopes to satisfy my needs and sadly distract them from what very well could be the best opportunity in America that is just beginning.

I mean look at the audited Freedom Fund statement here: FX Blue - Statement for freedomfranchise2 Just think I was getting ready to get paid out from this every 60 days but I had no patience, fairness, Mind Control, Discipline or goodness to Fight for it. 35% per month average return with payouts would have really helped me and others. I understand by my actions why Freedom Franchise and many good people don't want to help people anymore. It's people like me that destroy great opportunities like Freedom Franchise. Unfortunately, I am now being sued and going to lose more money and have years of stress because I was so stupid to file my false report and brag about it.

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