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  • Report:  #908995

Complaint Review: Future Shop Online

Future Shop Online Company Mistake Customer Forced to Pay For, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Mia — New Westminster British Columbia Canada
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 09, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 09, 2012

Needed a shredder so went to to order one using my Future Shop credit card.  Hadn't used the CR card for nearly a year and when my order was finished I thought I had placed the order correctly.  Received an email stating 'Unable to process your order #...' 

The next day I called the customer service line and explained what happened.  The CSR said my address on my account and the address I'd asked the shredder to be shipped to didn't match.  I had recently moved so let the CSR know my new address.  The CSR changed my address and asked if there was anything else.  I said I had placed the order for a shredder and wanted to know if I needed to place it again.  The CSR said yes, go ahead and place a new order for the shredder.  He did not tell me the original order was still going through and he gave me every indication that the order had been cancelled because of the address discrepancy. 

The order I placed AFTER speaking to the CSR arrived first thing in the morning three days later (n a Friday).  I opened the shredder and started to use it.  The following Monday morning (three days after the first delivery) there is another delivery of a second shredder; this one with the original order number attached to it.

When I called customer service to ask why they sent me two they told me I had ordered two!  I explained I'd spoken to the CSR and the date and I was told I had to ship it back to them at my own expense despite being told to place a new order!  The shredder weighs almost 5kg so the cost of return shipping would be nearly as much as the shredder itself.  I was told that's the policy unless the item is defective. 

I am disabled and without a car so I order items online.  I am not able to get to the shop to return it  myself and I feel it is a situation that I did what I was supposed to do, what I was told to do, after asking questions and verifying with the was Future Shop's mistake and they are asking ME to pay for it.  I'm thoroughly disgusted by their inflexibility and their unwillingness to admit that it was their mistake.  I won't shop with Future Shop ever again and advise that people are very careful about trusting their customer service representatives because they don't give you the correct information even when you ask for it.

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