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  • Report:  #326834

Complaint Review: G. Dallas Horton Esq.

G. Dallas Horton Esq. Don;t be a victim twice! Don't hire this fool! Las Vegas Nevada

  • Reported By:
    LAS VEGAS Nevada
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 17, 2008
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 17, 2013
  • G. Dallas Horton Esq.
    4435 S.Eastern Ave.
    Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My car was rear ended by a drunk driver a few years ago and Iwas severly injured.I have permanant hearing loss and loss of feeling in my hands. I was out of work for six months because my chiropractor at 'Mobile Chiropractic' 'Jamie Spickelmier' was treating me for my head,neck and back injuries. He was insistent that I hire G.Dallas Horton Esq. I did and he did nothing for me but be rude to me! He told me to settle for $3,500 and that " I would never see any real money from this accident". I was on several pain and muscle relaxant medications and I felt pressured by my chiropractor to settle this case because My chiropractor told me he was afraid he was going to lose his license for over treating me three times a week for six months! I did settle because I could not find another attorney interested in my case! I am permanantley disabled now and I have to rely on Social Security Disability checks for the rest of my life! I am constantly in pain! I pray that these two fools will lose their licenses everyday! Please check out your attorneys very carefully! Your quality of health and life depends on it! Michael LAS VEGAS, Nevada

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Justice 4 You



#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 04, 2009


Have you read report #326834

What I reveal next is a great follow up to the tragic ending to the above report in which you'll see how attorneys in your city are ripping YOU off after you are injured.

First off, truly sorry to hear of your misfortune Michael. Certainly hope your condition has changed for the better since then. As your report truthfully states, you have been victimized by a system that is out of control and run by profiteers.

I have ties to the legal industry here in Vegas and can vouch for the validity of the statements you make concerning Horton. Sounds all too familiar

The personal injury industry is certainly a thicket of thorns to maneuver, especially if your attorney is more concerned with his pocketbook than your recovery. And you thought Horton was going to stand up for you against the big bad insurance companies.

That's what I thought toowe were duped.

In the Las Vegas market frustration concerning a fair settlement is common among the injured. Frequently, many attorneys wish to settle out of court for most cases as it yields them quick money for the least amount of work. They will pursue only those BIG cases that a rookie couldn't loseagain, pursuit of easy money is the name of the game.

Along with Glen Lerner at Glen Lerner & Associates, G. DALLAS HORTON certainly has a shady reputation as a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas.

With all the negative stories I've heard about his unethical Las Vegas practice, I wonder if he's got the guts to set foot in church?

Take note:

Horton is not alone feeding off the injured as a January 2008 article about Glen Lerner in the Las Vegas Review Journal will attest to. Lerner accuses himself of living like a rock star in the article.

Probably explains why he skipped out of state and no-showed a client on the first scheduled date for a murder trial.

Great guyhuh?

I could go on and on with my opinion of attorneys but that would discredit this post. Instead, lets focus on independent FACTS from those who have suffered and have the guts to shout it out loud for all to hear.

First, read ripoff report #326834

and Horton's VERY weak rebuttal. This is proof enough that Horton fears trial and does not want to waste time fighting for his injured clients needs. His rebuttal reeks of dancingshady attorneys are quite savvy at dancing around the facts while peddling a cart full of subjective bullit's entertaining to them.

Mr. Horton, of course no other attorneys were willing to take on Michael's caseYOU already polluted it!

Michael had already been fooled into signing a one sided contract with you after which you stuck him with a 30% (or more) fee while promising him a truck load of money'

You failed him as you have failed a multitude of other clients.

Get thisSOP (standard operating procedure) for personal injury attorneys is to get the injured to sign while they are in pain (hence the term ambulance chaser') before they really know what is going on. Do you really expect someone in Michael's condition to be able to analyze and identify all the pitfalls of your contract Mr. Horton?

In addition, for another attorney to take Michael's case they would have a severe uphill battle trying to get you to release your fee. Hellif I was another attorney, why would I want to get stuck in a mess like that? Besides, not many attorneys sue other attorneysespecially in the fast cash personal injury industry in Las Vegas. You guys are all too busy doing each other favors thus you have been getting away with murder.

Hence, this is the really reason no other attorneys would touch Michael's case. Why would they want to pay your (Horton's) ripoff fee first? There would be nothing left for them worth fighting for since I'll bet you put a lien on Michael's settlement payoutright?

Further, it is VERY common in the Las Vegas bodily injury industry that chiropractors form informal "partnerships" ($$$ wink-wink-nod-nod $$$) with is extremely profitable for both parties.

Chiropractors literally wait in line to service injury clients of attorneys similar to how mortgage loan officers hunt down realty agents in order to provide loans to the agents homebuyers.

So you see Mr. Horton, the way you screwed over Michael fits lock stock and barrel with my knowledge of how the injury industry works. You and the chiropractor follow the same M.O. with every case to the detriment of the citizens of Las Vegas.

Legal? Certainly.

Unethical? Corrupt? Controlling? All in a days work (or shall I say rip off) for our pal Horton.

Want more proof of Horton as a crafty crook?

He made it in the news at where he is part of the March of Morons honor roll for suing a flowerbed. In this display of brilliant legal work Horton tries to sue an innocent resident for his clients drunk driving accident. This is priceless. Be sure to read ALL the responses to this story to get a broad range of opinions about Horton's legal stumbles. Why trust only me to expose this slime bucket?

Sure attorneys make mistakes. The flowerbed case was NO mistake. It was calculated, premeditated and strictly based on a profit motive for Mr. Horton (DUI clients usually are repeat offenders which means BIG fees for Horton).

I'll have to agree with the majority on this oneHorton is a complete MORON.

Why listen to me?

As mentioned above, I have ties to the legal and media arena here in Vegas. Further, I've had tremendous success revealing fraud and deceptive practices in the finance, hospitality, insurance and surprise...the law industry. These mafia style crooks don't scare me. Back in 2003 I predicted the mortgage crisis this nation is now sinking in so I don't have anything further to prove to anyone.

I've had the good fortune of shining a bright light and watching the cockroaches scatter in many industriesmany times they don't make it back into the security of the darkness because of my tenacious efforts.

Ripoff Report's open forum is a perfect venue for keeping a very bright light on the cockroaches of the world like Mr. Horton.

The State Bar can't cover your tracks now can they Mr. Horton!?!? The good ol' boys attorney network that makes up ALL State Bars have NO jurisdiction over RipOff Report. Certainly hope you don't have any moles at your office willing to leak your cheating ways.

For more facts about unethical Las Vegas attorneys look up Ripoff Report: #456674. Trust me, you'll be amused and I can't wait to see what Horton can come up with as a rebuttallets all stay posted, shall we.

Is it any wonder we have so many lawyer jokes in this great nation of ours?

In closing, Michael's tragedy has opened my eyes and forced my ear to the ground in search of predators (attorneys) here in Vegas. I will encourage anyone that's had the misfortune of being stung be an attorney to report on this site ASAP. Spread the word!

Fight the good fight. Mold cannot grow in continuous direct sunlight so keep on shining on.

P.S. Michael, don't fearkarma is the great equalizer. These factual reports show up under any internet search with Horton's name attached thanks to the powerful SEM of ROR!

Justice 4 you
Las Vegas, Nevada

G. Dallas Horton

Las Vegas,


#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 02, 2009


Thank you for admitting that before accepting your offer you met with multiple attorneys regarding this matter and they would not take your case. Hence they did not believe it was worth more money. Finally, treating with a chiropractor for 6 months is generally not considered a catastrophic injury with nerve damage. This would typically involve neurologists and medical doctors. Please be advised because someone has an accident with a drunk driver that does not mean it is the drunk drivers fault. For example, if a drunk driver is sitting at a red light and he is rear ended, the fact that he is drunk is irrelevant as the accident could not have been his fault.

If Michael would provide his last name, I would be happy to provide the specific facts with regards to his case.

G. Dallas Horton, Esq.

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