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Gaia Online GaiaOnline, Gaia Interactive Scams, exploiting false sales, ToS change without notification, among other issues San Jose California
Gaia Online, or Gaia Interactive, recently in the past year incorporated a new CEO to head their company. In the wake of new management, came deceit, lies, exploitation, consumer safety violations, and Terms of Service changes not relayed to the user base, more commonly known as "Gaians." Around August of last year (2013), was when the new boss started. Since then, there have been gold generators sold (which seemed fishy seeing as it was stated any type of gold generator use was against ToS and bannable). When the topic was brought up in Ask the Admin (user-staff communication) it was casually ignored time and time again until the user-staff communication was cut off by the discontinuation of ATA, thus starting the s****.>