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  • Report:  #1356778



  • Reported By:
    Tirtzah — Albemarle North Carolina USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 17, 2017
  • Updated:
    Fri, February 17, 2017

Ordered my "Free Trial" of the weight loss product "Garcinia Cambogia", for which the web said: "Just pay $4.95 to cover shipping!" Six days after ordering this product, my husband reminded me this was the product I had tried about 6 or 7 months previously and it did not work. So I called the customer service # to cancel, so that they would not send me the product once a month automatically. The website stated that I had to cancel within 30 days or I would be agreeing to receive this product monthly automatically. It also stated that if I did want to receive  it monthly, the charge would be $69.99.

When I called to cancel the girl said shehad me cancelled and was sorry that the product did not work for me. Then my health got bad and was in bed unable to be up and around, nor even just sit up for more than a few minutes a day. Due to this, I did not balance my checking account online from Dec 20, 2016 until mid Feb 2017, today. While doing so today, my husband went out to the road to go check our mailbox. I began online with my checking account where I had left off in Dec. 2016. I saw where this company charged my account the agreed upon $4.95 shipping charge for my supposed "Free Trial Bottle". However, also on Dec. 26, 2017, the company also charged my account $1.99! In speaking with customer service, I was told this $1.99 additional charge was to cover the cost for the recycled box and paper used to ship the product to me! However the web ad stated: "Just pay $4.95 to cover the cost of shipping!" Nothing stated about the additional $1.95 charge!

Also in speaking with customer service today, they told me that my "Free Trial Bottle", (since I did not cancel within the 30 day time frame), I then had to Pay For that "Free Trial Bottle"! This was the reason given for why I was charged $79.95 on Jan. 9, 2017. I told them that I had just ordered the Free 30 day Trial on Dec. 24, 2016! That from Dec. 24th to Jan 9th was only 16 days, Not 30! That I should not have been charged for it in the first place because it was suppossed to be a "Free Trial Bottle"! Secondly, that they should not have charged me anything until the 30 days trial was over, which would have been on Jan. 23, 2017! Not on Jan 9th! Then thirdly, they should Not have charged me anything because I had called to cancel already back on Dec. 30, 2016!

While speaking to them on the phone today, the representative again told me they had "Cancelled" my order and that I would not be receiving any more product from them nor would I be charged any additional charges. That "As a courtesy, they waived the 'Cancellation Charges' and was there anything else they could do today for me?" I said: "Yes, you can refund all 3 charges! The $1.99 for recycled box charge. The $79.95 charge for my "Free Trial Bottle" they were now charging me for on Jan. 9, 2017, just 16 days after placing my 30 day trial order! That if it was "Free" they could not charge me for it! Then also, a refund for the charge on Feb. 9, 2017 for yet another shipment of the product!

Just then my husband came in from checking the mailbox out at the road and brought to me two small white boxes from this company with 2 more bottles of their product! I told the customer rep. and told her I wrote refused on the box and my husband was going back out, up to the Post Office right now to return their product to them, with a return receipt requested for someone signing when they received the product so they could not state that they never received the product unopened from me! I would have the name of the person at their company who signed for it! 

The customer service rep stated they could not remove or refund the charge off of my account because they didn't show where I had previously cancelled on Dec. 30, 2016. Therefore, I would have to pay for that month's "Free Trial" shipment! I explained to her, that even if I hadn't cancelled I still had a free 30 days initially, which would mean that I first ordered on Dec 24th, so I would then receive the first month on Jan 23, 2017 and would be due to receive my Feb shipment on Feb 22, 2017. This was only the 17th so it was too early to be shipping it out to me yet! And that as of today, Feb 17, 2017, they said they had me down now as being cancelled! Therefore, if I am cancelled on Feb. 17, 2017, they would not be sending me out my Feb. 22, 2017 product shipment, because I was already cancelled! So please at least refund this Feb charge of $84.90! (Which is the $79.95 charge of product and the $4.95 charge for shipping it). 

The initial person I was speaking to, I was not getting anywhere! So I asked to speak to their boss and he stated he was the boss. I said that I wanted to speak to whomever was over him. He stated there was no one who was over him, not even at another office. I told him he was not the owner of the company right? So someone is over you who signs your paychecks, let me speak to someone who was over him, even if at a different office and phone #. He insisted he was the top man there and there were no other buildings, offices, no Corporate Office anywhere! He suggested that I hang up and call back if I wanted to speak to someone different. I did so and got him again! So he said yes it is a very small office. So I hung up again and called back and spoke to the "on floor supervisor", who informed me that he was under the other guy. The other guy was his boss and the Manager there.

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