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  • Report:  #304355

Complaint Review: Gary Grossinger - Grossinger Chevrolet And Williams & Associates

Gary Grossinger - Grossinger Chevrolet And Williams & Associates Employment Scam Report Palatine Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Deer Park Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 29, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 01, 2011
  • Gary Grossinger - Grossinger Chevrolet And Williams & Associates
    151 E. Lake Cook Rd,
    Palatine, Illinois
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Gary Grossinger of Grossinger Chevrolet contracted with an employee recruiter training organization (Williams & Associates) and their Sam Baker to recruit and train a large staff of new sales people for various roles. Mr. Baker in his sales pitch to recruits identified from Career Builder and Monster that if you made it through his initial interview process you would have a guaranteed job with Grossinger Chevrolet. That job would include a base salary and bonus during a 6 week training program along with a week long in class training program costing $698 to be reimbursed by Grossinger Chevrolet.

Mr. Baker was advised by me that I could not afford the outlay of $698. He told me that after our intitial interview he had a discussion with Gary Grossinger and the General Manager of Grossinger Chevrolet (Jody Adams) and I was assured of a position based on my extensive work history and the initial interview. Grossinger would do a payroll deduction and then reimburse me back at the end of the in store training period. I agrred to those terms.

After the classroom training, I was allowed a 15 minute meeting with the General Manager with Sam Baker present and we discussed the various job possibilities at the dealership. We focused during that very short time on Business to Business Fleet sales. Mr. Adams said that he would call me on the following Monday to set up a more detailed discussion with him and the Fleet Department.

Mr Adams did not call and I began to expedite the meeting by leaving messages with both Mr. Adams and Mr. Baker. Mr Baker told me me in a conversation that Mr. Adams was very busy and he would personally talk to him and Mr. Grossinger. I never heard from Mr. Baker again. After several weeks of trying to get information, I received an invoice for training from Williams & Associates for the full $698. That was followed by a phone call to Sam Baker with multiple emails all receiving no response. I preceeded to contact Gary Grossinger who advised me that Mr. Adams was no longer with the company and that he personally would contact Sam Baker and get this taken care of.

Shortly after that Gary Grossinger discussion I began to get more invoices and called Mr. Grossinger again and he insisted that he would look into this personally and could not understand why they did not stop the invoices as he was one of Williams and Associates' largest customers.

That was over 90 days ago. Since that time I have been harassed at least once a week with phone calls or threatening letters and invoices by Williams and Associates. They have even posted an overdue black mark with the Credit Agencies. Every time I get one of these I call Mr. Grossinger's office with the information and he is no longer returning my calls nor has he confirmed any activity on his part to stop the harrassment.

Having been a past cutomer of Grossinger Chevrolet and having recommended them to friends and associates, I am appalled at this entire series of events. Be careful before considering any job position with the Grossinger Auto Group and especially if it includes a recruiter from Williams & Associates.

Deer Park, Illinois

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Jack p


spent 15 years working for the father

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 01, 2011

well all i can say is gary is very greedy and dishonest. i worked for his father who i loved and respected,a good man! too bad his greedy little boy couldnt follow in his fathers foot steps. his dad always told him 'gary-you got toopen the purse strings once in a while" instead he lies and steals. ask anyone who worked for him.

i saw him grow up. i saw the greed and shaddy side of him. i miss his pop and only wish he had 10% of his dad in him. check out his fixed op mgr. bad back ground,bad history of poor buisness dealings.

they used to have a couple of good service mgrs and service director back in the 80's and 90's. there gone and so is the integrity that Irwin Grossinger demanded.

stay away if you value your integrity.

Ex Employee


ex employee sounds off

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 14, 2009

everything negative in this website regarding that dealership is 100 % absolutely true. mr g is a cuneiving little weasel. jody adams needs his butt kicked without a doubt. he treats everybody around him like crap with a capital c.

the states attorney is investigating them for doing bad bank deals. i hope there is culpability on someones shoulders for doing what they do.

they are whats called a mouse house operation. they sell cars to bad credit people and pull co signers and put the car in someone elses name on a regular basis. they must be stopped!!!!!!!

the states atty has contacted me as an ex employee about the bad bank dealings and i am cooperating to the fullest. i hope i get a chance to see them in court..

Smarter Than I Was Yesterday

Mt Prospect,

Grossinger Chevy, Williams and Associates Training, George "Sam" Baker A little more insight for the curious..

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 29, 2008

Well, I thought I would add my insights on this subject,I will try not to ramble or talk down to anyone, all I know is from my own experience. First of all when I recieved an e-mail through career builder for the auto sales position I was happy to interview for the job. I have always wanted to sell cars,I have been in sales for over 25 years and was currently in between careers and lets face it a middle age guy unemployed right now it is not a good thing to be. So I went to the dealership and interviewed with Sam Baker. As a seasoned sales guy I knew his spiel was BS,but continued to discuss the relationship between himself and Grossinger.

We talked for about 30 minutes and he decided I was worthy to continue with the process. So I agreed to return a few days later for the "training". In the meantime I decided to google the 2 companies and sure enough, were on file. I continued to read all the entires. Like I said I have been in sales a long time, reading all the posts I thought to myself these were just isolated cases, so I went ahead and went back to the dealership for training. With a few questions on my mind I talked to Sam between classes,I did not want to alarm the whole class, his side stepping of my questions still left me a little leary,but not enough not to return,I was still confident of my sales and management abilities and felt I could go the distance,so I returned the 2nd day, 20 people started,8 showed up the 2nd day,then he asked for the money,3rd day 5 left in the class.

It was funny I was talking to a few classmates about the 3rd day,I told them,you wait we will be out of here before noon,ole Sam already got our money..ha ha

Sure enough,he moved some papers around handed out our certificates,brought in Jody Adams the NEW GM,(thats right the same Jody that commented as an ex-employee 10-10-2008,he left the company then Gary Grossinger hired him back!!) Jody extended offers to all of us to start the following monday and also said sales are not for everyone and Grossinger is a big company,other opportunites would be available to our class. Then Sam bolted out the door,never to be seen again.

Well, the training was done,I paid my $698 up front,started monday with my other classmates. Our first day of training was cold calls,been there done that. We all did the calls,after 2 weeks of calling,we were all talking,we were all under the impression we would be selling or at least be able to try to sell a car. We finally got the pay plan,it looked like they kinda made it up just for us to keep up from asking questions. So it was what it was,$300 a week for 13 weeks,then we were on our own,then we got our $698 back. That was an eye opener,90 days 50 hrs a week, $250 take home a week. I still thought I could survive. We were paired up with seasoned sales guys to show us the ropes I had 3 trainers,2 were canned while I was training.(none of us made it 90 days)

Most of the sales training was who not to tick off or we would get fired kind of stuff. Well slowly but surely we were all gone one at a time,the GM would take you to the back and say your not working out??? We were just making phone calls,I thought. Another was asking about moving to another dept. no such luck a few days later he was gone. A dept they were hiring for at the time.

During this time over an 8 week period,I must have seen at least 10 to 15 sales people come and go,some new some not,it was crazy,of course you ask where so and so is,nobody knew nothing. That was there way,don't talk to anybody about anything.

Well,I was one of the last to go,I could not stand it anymore,lots of stuff going on there,I am all for making money,I have been a commisoned sales guy all my life,but the stunts these guys would pull I could right a book. Some of it I still can't believe.The funny thing about the place was the saturday morning meetings. The GM would get up in front of everyone and say things about the Attorney Generals office shopping car dealers,then 10 minutes later back on the sales floor, business as usual.

Internet price Clown cars,bait and switch cars,offering cash to co-signers,border line news paper ads all made me have to take a shower when I got home. I have never worked at a place that would really do anything to move a car. All I am saying is from my own personal experience,I signed the paper, I agreed to the terms and now I am out .

Just to the buying public,buyer beware,there is internet pricing,newspaper pricing then the worst is you walk in blind pricing where you could pay several thousands more for lot pricing.Car dealers try to get what they can right now,with all the dealers closing up,nothing is taken for granted,it is a free for all.

Of course there is much more,but this should give anyone enough to make there own decisions to either work there or buy a car there. I on the other hand have my training and auto sales experience that will last a lifetime. Hopefully I can give it another shot at another dealership in the future.

oh yea,they also run that is a subject of its own...




#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 10, 2008

As a former employee of Grossinger Chevrolet everything said reagrding this company is true. Gary Grossinger is one of the most dishonest men alive today. Grossinger Chevrolet also steals and lies to customers on a continued basis. From straw purchases to unknowing participants to having customers believe they will refinance their auto loans in one year if they make the payments on time. The Illinois Attorney General should do a sting on this dealership with people of color and find out what really happens to these unwilling customers of the bait and switch autombile purchases.

Gary Grossinger makes me sick how he outright steals and gets away with it.

As for employee retention that is a joke. Grossinger is one of the revolving door dealers in Chicagoland. THis dealer goes through people like crap from a goose...




Rediculous and offensive complaint

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 09, 2008

In response to this person's complaint, I have been working for Gary for over 7 years and I can testify to the loyalty he has for his employee's. Gary's family business has been largely successful in the Chicago automotive market for over eighty years and three generations of ownership. They have grown to be Chicago's premier auto dealer group. Much of their success is attributable to their long standing base of employees that strive to satisfy our customers and service our community.

It is a very well run family business which takes pride in treating employees fairly and ethically. The Williams group is an outside company which Gary has contracted with frequently to recruit salespeople. They have had much success on hiring and retaining quality salespeople with the assistance of this firm. They have been using this firm for over three years and probably hired over fifty salespeople through them. This is the only complaint we have received which leads to the fact that this person either misunderstood the terms he was getting trained under or he is not relaying the actual story.

The Williams group is an outside vendor that gets engaged by auto dealers. The dealers do not control them in the least and do not have any affiliation other than being a client of theirs. There is no way that this person was guaranteed a position with our organization without going through an interview. In addition, he must have signed an agreement with the Williams group agreeing to pay them for their training services, if they are attempting to collect a valid debt.
Thank you for your time.



Rediculous and offensive complaint

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 09, 2008

In response to this person's complaint, I have been working for Gary for over 7 years and I can testify to the loyalty he has for his employee's. Gary's family business has been largely successful in the Chicago automotive market for over eighty years and three generations of ownership. They have grown to be Chicago's premier auto dealer group. Much of their success is attributable to their long standing base of employees that strive to satisfy our customers and service our community.

It is a very well run family business which takes pride in treating employees fairly and ethically. The Williams group is an outside company which Gary has contracted with frequently to recruit salespeople. They have had much success on hiring and retaining quality salespeople with the assistance of this firm. They have been using this firm for over three years and probably hired over fifty salespeople through them. This is the only complaint we have received which leads to the fact that this person either misunderstood the terms he was getting trained under or he is not relaying the actual story.

The Williams group is an outside vendor that gets engaged by auto dealers. The dealers do not control them in the least and do not have any affiliation other than being a client of theirs. There is no way that this person was guaranteed a position with our organization without going through an interview. In addition, he must have signed an agreement with the Williams group agreeing to pay them for their training services, if they are attempting to collect a valid debt.
Thank you for your time.

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