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  • Report:  #796617

Complaint Review: Gary Keesee

Gary Keesee Fixing The Money Thing He wants the last of your money, Internet

  • Reported By:
    James — Cypress California U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Wed, November 09, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sun, September 23, 2018

Gary pretends to be a financial specialist.  He'll sell you a book and six CD's on financial tricks.  You'll spend at least an hour and a half listening for the pertinent facts regarding his strategy and find bits and peices throughout the CD stack.  Good luck.  There's no detailed strategy; there's only his testimony of how he kills deer and they come to him when God tells him what to pray!

After hours of listening and taking notes, I just placed all the junk in the trash. because I didn't want to spend another two hours looking through the stupid book.  If anyone isn't up-front and candid, from the start of any communication, whether on the phone or any other venu, there's no intention to be honest at all and it's a good rule of thumb: If a person isn't clear and candid, they aren't going to tell you the truth.

He, and piles of other religious parasites know that people are desparate in this Bush-Clinton-obama financial crisis and they're taking the tiny bit left anyone may have hidden away for an emergency.  These preachers, looking over the carcase left by the damned polititions, have sold their souls to the devil and know you're looking for a financial answer.  Now they pretend to have the solution, because they know you NEED one.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Gary Keesee is the real deal

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, September 23, 2018

Having read the comment, I just wanted to add my experience.

Having listened to Gary Keesee for over a year now, I find his teachings encouraging, confronting and liberating.

As I have been applying what he teaches (without buying anything or sending any money).  I am seeing good changes in my life.

Gary is the real deal and does not spend his time fundraising. He teaches biblical truths that are timeless.

Keep up the good work.

Jonathan Mayers


100% true!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, May 03, 2017

Gary's a snake oil selling scam artist. He truly sells you nothing and fixes nothing. All air and BS to make HIMSELF rich. Save more, spend less people. You don't need to give your money to a crook like this to fix your financial problems. It's getting scammed by crooks like this that give you financial problems! I'd be more than willing to bet that those defending him are his own family members (the entire family cult is entrenched in the preaching business) OR they are simply the fools that his church has brainwashed. Anyone who isn't desperate can see this guy is a shyster. Like all Christian or religion prosperity frauds Gary preys on the desperate offering them hope and freedom... but of course you got to buy his books and cds FIRST! He literally charges up to a couple hundred bucks for some audio downloads. If one was actually trying to help people couldn't he just give that stuff away for free? A true man of God huh? Jesus would be proud. Yeah right. Your money goes to his pocket for more luxury vacations and you get poorer.

Robin R. Mc


In support of the Body of Christ...Gary Keesee

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, March 19, 2015

It is grievious to my heart to hear individuals bad mouthing ministers of the Gospel.  One thing about it no one holds a gun to anyone's head or forces them to watch tele-evangelist.  In addition, real Christians do Matthew 6:33.  They realize that Christ is the head and that He has strategically placed his ministers of the gospels to set the captives free.  However let us understand this one thing and that is we have an adversary the devil seeking whom he may devour.  It is his plight to kill, steal and destroy.  However God's Word teaches us to test the spirit by the spirit and see if it be from God.  It's painful to my ears to hear how we as the Body of Christ don't do as God has instructed us, but it let's me know still that some individuals may be just be unlearned or at another place in Christ.  The Word says that we grow from Glory-to-Glory and from Faith-to-Faith. 

I have purchased some of Gary Keesee's products and find them powerful instruments.  It has been said that diets don't work, but the truth is it's the people behind the diets that aren't working the diet and as with anything in the Kingdom of God you must understand Kingdom pinciples, I see that so many people do understand Kingdom principles because they are operating in the abundantly life, but then there are those who say that they are operating Kingdom principles and say for instance they are going to church, they are tithing and giving but maybe these same individuals talk about others grossly or maybe these individuals are willing to deny themselves take up their cross and follow Christ.  Let us take the whole Truth nothing but the truth so help us God!!!!  I know that if one has the Spirit of the Living God dwelling within that they will be able discern truth from a lie.  I shake my head any many people because as soon as someone affiliated with church or Christ mentions money then folks get frantic.  The world has been taking our money from the beginning of time but yet we're afraid to just give the money with a good heart.  One plants, one waters but God brings the increase.  If God be for us and He is then we must Trust in the Lord with all of heart and lean not to our own understanding but acknowledge Him in all of our ways.  If we are tuned into the Spirit of God then God will tell us to go this way or that way.  The Word of God says that steps of a good man have been ordered by the Lord.  The Word of God says that my sheep know my voice and a stranger they shall not follow they know me and I know them.  If we are in tuned to God's voice then He definitely will guide us. 

How many people have given money for cigarettes, liquor and all sorts of illicit behavior yet do we fuss about that folks are willing to give their money to all sorts of entities without getting anything back, but for certain when we give with the right heart and in the right spirit then God will definitely cause Men to give unto us pressed down, shaken together, running over in good measure shall they give unto us.  Even if we believe that someone in the Body of Christ isn't right let us ask of God who will give us wisdom freely.  His Word tells us that He will not withhold any good thing from those who walk upright before Him.  Let us stop laundering our stuff before the world because truly the world can't help you.  Has the world ever helpred you or does your help come from the Lord?  It is God who is our provider not any governments or anything other entity.  Let us pray ye one for the other that we may be healed.  Let us learn the Word of God and build one another up.  Let us put God first and let our God reign.  I don't know about anybody else but I desire that when God looks at my righteous works that they will stand and not burn.   Let every man to an account for Himself and be good to everyone especially those who are in the Household of Faith.  Let us be about our Father's business and be about Kingdom business.  For certain we brought nothing into to this world and it is certain that we won't take anything out...Let us work while it is yet day, because night is coming and no may will be able  to work.  When we see a brother in a fault let us restore him in love.  We shouldn't join forces with darkness and begin to talk about people because we will be held accountable for every idle word.  Let us be salt and light in this world and let us recoognize that money is earth's currency and it has no value beyond that.  Let us not love money so much that we hate God.  Let us be cheerful givers and watch our God bring it back in the 30, 60 and 100 fold realm.  I put no confidence in any flesh, but I put my trust in the God who created the flesh and realize that He has ordained great things for us who believe and who continue in the faith.  We have not because we ask not or we ask amiss. Let us recognize that as the Body of Christ we must come together in the Spirit of Unity...God bless you!


Mount Vernon,

Wolf in sheep's clothing?

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 07, 2014


Hey this is Gary, I am saddened by this email. I agree there is a lot of misinformation out there in the Christian world.  But in regards to myself, I only write books and record CD's to help people understand how they can get out of the messes they are in financailly. I was in debt for 9 years to a point that I despaired of life. On antidepressants, with everything broken and no hope. I discovered that the Word of God says a lot about money. By following Biblical principles I was able to become totally debt free, start 3 companies and prosper, changing my life. This was before I ever went into the ministry. My goal is to help as many people as I can and help them avoid the stress that I had experienced. 

I pretend to be a financial expert? I have been in the financail field for 33 years! I have owned and run a company that was nationwide that did financial planning with over 300 associates (In fact that company is still in business today) . Held securiity and insurances in almost every state and have lectured on the topic for decades. The only way you could have said something  so totally out in left field is that you have never read or studied any of my material of you would have known this. 

Hey Wendy, I take no money from the TV ministry. We offer resources because it takes longer than 16 minites (the average speaking time we have on a show) to really explain anything at all. Our hope is that people will get the resources, take the time to read or listen to them and apply them to their lives. 

I hope in time that you will find that every "preacher" out there is not after your money! And the next time you decide to write a negitive review, check your facts out first. But in closing, if you have purchased any products from our company and you were not happy with it, just return it and we will give you your money back.




Financially Free after watching Gary Keesee

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, September 14, 2014

I'm living proof that the financial principles that Gary Keesee shares Do Work! Five years ago as a single mom of five, I was deeply in debt. The world's answer was bankruptcy. I received Gary's book Fixing the Money Thing and begin to apply the principles. It was hard at first to believe that my situation could turn around as his had and that it could be different any time soon. However, now I am financially stable, have paid off THOUSANDS of dollars of debt and am almost completely debt free!

It feels amazing! If you didn't experience that result, it's because you didn't apply the principles. I'm not sure if you were angry about your situation, feeling like a victim or just plain close minded. But, the problem is not with his teaching, it works every time if you do what it suggests. I still watch his program, and order his material to continue growing and learning. I know my situation changed because I was willing to change, and I want that to be a lifelong process.



Wolf in sheep's clothing

#7General Comment

Wed, July 03, 2013

Dear Mr.  Keesee:

Having just recentley seen you on Grace TV hawking your wares, I am not surprised that people are speaking out against you.  Why is it that when an individual reads the Bible that they give in to a compulsion to go onto TV to misguide and deceive people about Jesus and the Kingdom of God?  Why is it necessary that you and other scandoulous false peddlers of their own delusional opinions need to take hard earned and precious resources from the most vulnerable in our society?  I strongly urge all people watching any TV presenter peddling their wares to visit their local church to celebrate the finished work that Jesus did on the cross for his flock.  


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