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  • Report:  #1391086

Complaint Review: Gary Toushek -Vancouver B.C Canada

Gary Toushek Author, Writer -Vancouver B.C Canada Gary Toushek-Vancouver B.C Canada Gary Toushek-Coauthor violated terms and conditions of our business contract and ripped me off Vancouver B.C Canada Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Paul-Truth Fighter — Flushing New York USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 08, 2017
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 13, 2018
  • Gary Toushek -Vancouver B.C Canada
  • Phone:
  • Category:

To all authors and coauthors:

Re: Subject Gary Toushek from Vancouver B.C Canada:

Everything written below is of my own personal opinion and belief based on my ex-coauthor Gary Toushek own causes of actions.

It is with great sadness that I have to write this and post it online, but the public has a right to know.

Several years ago, I solicited on craigslist’s for a coauthor to help me write a controversial tell all book about my former employers the New York Yankees.

After placing the ad, I received approximately over a 1000 responses, I asked everyone to send me a sample of their writing styles, after 6 months of going over all the sample writing, I finally narrowed it down to 3 finalists, and 2 had several books under their belts but were extremely busy with other writing assignments. Gary Toushek was available and despite his mediocre style of writing, I decided to take a chance on him regardless and because of time constringes, in the beginning everything was going great and swimmingly at least I thought so.

We signed a legally binding contracts as business partners for our controversial tell all book titled “abused by the Yankees”, Gary Toushek laid out approximately $80,000.00 to fund the book project, at least that was what he told me., everything was outlined in the contract as to what was expected by each other and what was to be followed as per the terms and conditions of our legally binding contract, but Gary Toushek decided to do whatever the hell he wanted to regardless of our business partnership and keep me in the dark as to what he was doing.

The contract stated that the business must be under a business name as well as bare both our names and the business account follows the same. The contract was also written on a 50/50 split on spec which means any monies made from the sales of the book would go towards reimbursement, and paying any bills/invoices, no monies were to be paid up front, Gary Toushek kept whining about all the monies he laid out and that we hadn’t sold too many books, the proceeds that were made from the few books sold Gary Toushek decided to keep without sending me one dime despite the terms and conditions of our contract, which was beginning to piss me off, because he didn’t have a right or my permission to do so, I nevertheless blew it off because it didn’t really amount to much., I started to feel bad for Gary Toushek haven’t to lay out all that money for our book that really wasn’t selling, so as a good will gester, I decided to pay back Gary Toushek as much monies as I could to alleviate his financial burden, because I was under the impression as per the terms and conditions of our contract that I was legally bound to, despite that I never saw any of the bills, invoices or financial disclosure reports for the book, despite my many requests which Gary Toushek was deliberately stonewalling me, without seeing any of the financial disclosure reports for the book a head of time, I nevertheless paid him back $16,000.00, after doing so I had requested from Gary Toushek that I needed copies of all the bills and invoices, financial disclosure reports for our book so I could write off any/all loses, when Gary Toushek finally sent me the financial disclosure reports, I realized that Gary Toushek had put all the bills and invoices under his name only ,a clear violation of the terms and conditions of our contract., I immediately questioned Gary Toushek why he would do such a thing and he gave me several excuses to justify his causes of actions, since Gary Toushek decided to put all the bills and invoices under his own name, I couldn’t write off any loses for the book because that would be illegal for me to do so, I kept asking Gary Toushek to correct the errors that he made but he continue to refuse, then I became aware of some illegal and corrupted business practices which forced me to walk away from this business relationship. Gary Toushek went ahead without my permission, knowledge, consent or signing off to set up a fraudulent fundraising page titled “justice for victims of abuse” and later he changed that to “therapeutic help for victims of abuse” he con a friend of mine out of $500.00 and this friend brought it to my attention and I told him I was unaware of any fundraising page, I did know that Gary Toushek had disgust possibly putting together a possible fundraiser, but I didn’t know that it was a done deal without my knowledge.

Gary Toushek deposited the $500.00 into his own personal bank account and never reimbursed this friend of mine the $500.00 since the alleged fundraising event never took place, so by Gary Toushek keeping that $500.00 he has committed fraud and embezzlement., Gary Toushek a second time con this same friend out of another $2,000.00 to allegedly pay off approximately 9 months of storage for the book which I was also unaware of until my friend brought it to my attention., Gary Toushek claimed he had paid off all of the books storage fees for the ware house but I seriously doubt he did, I strongly believe he pockets the $2,000.00 for his own personal gains because after he allegedly paid off the storage fees, he told the storage facility to destroy 16,000.00 remaining book with a potential profit loss of $330,000.00, why would Gary Toushek be in a rush to destroy all those books after he allegedly paid off the storage fees because I strongly believe he stole and embezzled the $2,000.00 for personal gains, I’ve asked Gary Toushek to provide me proof that he indeed paid the storage fees but as usual he continued to stonewall me, as of today’s date I’m still waiting for the proof.

Gary Toushek is a dishonest, not trustful, not a good business partner, he’s a greedy, selfish, self-serving, thieving bum if I had I known this a head of time or if someone would’ve warned me, I wouldn’t have gone in this the regretful business partnership with Gary Toushek.

My suggestions to all of you who are considering doing any business dealings or writing job assignments with Gary Toushek, run for the hills, avoid him like the plague, you will only live to regret it like I do, but if any of you refuse to heed my warnings and do any business with Gary Toushek, then you deserve what happens, be smart, stay away from him.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States

Here's a free copy of my book entitled that my coauthor was cheating me out of the profits and he also violated the terms and conditions of our business contract.

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 13, 2018

 Here is a free copy of my book entitled my former coauthor Gary toushek Vancouver bc Canada and I coached a book. He has kept me in the dark while he was doing all kinds of criminal illegal business activities. When I found out I decided to walk away from him. He's violated the terms and conditions of our business contract multiple times, he's kept all the profits from sales of book without sending me my share, he's open an illegal fundraising website with my picture, name and information without my permission or consent to steal money from people, when I found out I contacted the website and informed them of what was going on. My former coauthor Gary toushek stole 2 donations from a friend of mine under false illegal pretenses, the first was $500.00 and the second he claimed was to pay off the books storage fees instead Gary toushek pocketed these funds for personal gains, to date Gary toushek hasn't reimbursed my friend those funds. This man Gary toushek can't be trusted with anything. Don't do any business dealings with him, you will only regret it. According to our business contract Gary toushek was supposed to open a business account and business banking accounts with the business name and each of our names on it which he failed to do, he was also supposed to disclose any and all expenses and business related issues and statements but instead he put everything under his name only without my permission, knowledge or consent, he refused me everything, Gary toushek was always whining about how much money he invested, so as a good will gesture, I reimbursed him $16,000.00 even though I was not under any legal obligation to do so, I didn't want him to suffer not being able to pay his bills, Gary toushek excepted this money under false pretenses knowing full well that he was not entitled to any monies because I didn't know at the time that he willfully and intentionally violated our business contract and business dealings. I can go on and on but it would be to long to post, I'm sure everyone understands what I'm saying. Gary toushek is a pathological liar, he's a lowlife hypocrite bum, he's garbage.

re : Gary toushek writer / author from Victoria Canada, laughable rebuttal

#6Author of original report

Wed, September 13, 2017

Re : Gary toushek writer / author from Victoria Canada. When I first agreed to work with Gary toushek on writing my controversial tell all book about the new York Yankees baseball organization and player's, I didn't realize that I would one day live to regret it. Gary toushek turned out to be a grave disappointment. His mediocre style writing is appalling ,his spelling and grammar is horrible and horrendous, this coming from a guy who claims to have been a professional investigated journalist for a number of years. He also claims to have worked 6 different television studio's at the same time, he has claimed that he had been a script writer for television, movies and individuals people, this I would take with a grain of salt, this guy is clearly delusional and is in need of serious professional help, Gary toushek has told me on more than one occasion that he has conversations with ducks and dead people, which I decided to question his mental capacity. When things were going good between us before I became aware of his illegal and criminal activities, he couldn't stop praising me but now since I became aware of his illegal and criminal activities, he has decided to go on the attack against me. Instead of Gary toushek admitting that he ruined everything for our book and that I caught him engaging in corrupt business practices I decided to walk away from this whole book project completely, I can't be in a business relationship with someone I no longer trust. Gary toushek has even went so far as to put up a fraudulent website soliticit donations for a cause that he knew would never take place, he con a friend of mine out of $ 500. 00 donation for an event titled victims of abuse and later changed it to therapeutic help for victims of abuse, Gary toushek has done this without my permission, knowledge or consent, when my friend informed me of this fraudulent fundraiser and that he donated the money, I was able to stop Gary toushek in his track by notifying the fundraiser site to take it down immediately and get my friend his $500. 00 refunded in full. Again Gary toushek con this same friend out of another $ 2,000. 00 allegedly to pay off the past due amounts and balance for the book’s storage fees, then after allegedly paying off the storage fees, Gary toushek went a head and had 16,000 of our books destroyed, one would question why Gary toushek would be in such a rush to destroy 16,000 books if the storage fees were paid up to date, he did this again without my permission, knowledge or consent. I requested several times for Gary toushek to provide me with the invoice of payments and he constantly refused to give me which makes me highly suspicious of what Gary toushek has to hide, I highly suspect that he had pocketed the monies for his own personal gains. Gary toushek has been doing a lot of illegal and criminal activities behind my back by refusing to open up a business account for the book and put the books name as well as both of our names on it. I had requested several times over a course of years for copies of all the books financial disclosure reports so that I can write off loses for the book. Despite his constant stonewalling, I nevertheless paid him $16,000.00 without seeing any bills and invoices, when I became aware that I was not legally bound to pay him anything because he chosen to put everything under his name only and legally I'm not responsible for paying his bills, so I decided I would no longer pay him anything further. Since I caught Gary toushek involvement in illegal and criminal activities, I started to question everything he was doing. Gary toushek has threatened to sue me for defamation because I posted things that he wrote which shows his true colors and character as to who the real Gary toushek is. He's a lowlife bum, a creating of humanity, a boil on humanity .Gary toushek has the audacity to accused me of defamation for posting things he wrote and at the same time, has posted defamatory and disparaging and despicable lies about me by questing my mental capacity and my medical health, this coming from a guy who is not a licensed medical doctor or therapist and who has never met me in person ever, but he feels he can access me and posting these horrible lies, can you say defamation, slander and libel. Gary toushek should think twice about accusing someone of defamation when he is the one who is committing defamation. Remember this is a man who has conversation with ducks and dead people and he's going to question my mental capacity and my medical health, don't throw stones Gary toushek unless you are prepared for a big legal fight. Your just a loser who refuses to except you screwed up everything, you remind me of another person who screwed up her election for the presidency and blames everybody for her loss, you know who I'm talking about. Admit your mistakes and move on you loser, you are a disgrace. Everybody will see through you for what you truly are. People are far from being stupid. Gary toushek you are not fooling anyone, especially me, you got caught.

Gary Toushek

British Columbia,

What's Happened to Paul Priore is Very Sad

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, September 12, 2017

 Ten years ago I began discussions with Paul Priore about how the New York Yankees had abused him as a homosexual man – verbally, physically, sexually, and morally. Technically they raped him, according to my lawyer, and their organization covered it up. The NYPD refused to do anything, the courts refused to do anything, and the media refused to fairly report it. They all took the Yankees’ side, because after all, they’re the New York freakin’ Yankees, very famous celebrity idols, and how dare anyone accuse them of anything criminal – evidence be damned.

I did a lot of research and worked hard writing a ‘comprehensive, compelling’ book – reviewers’ words – but two of the largest publishers in the world were afraid or unwilling to go up against the Yankees. That convinced me that the story deserved to get out there, and I published it myself, which meant financing it myself, since Paul had no money to contribute. He promised to pay me his share when he was able to. I put his name on the book as co-author and co-publisher.

The media dug in even harder, refusing to acknowledge the book. Actually, it was the New York City sports reporters and bloggers with their innuendos about Paul’s homosexuality – nothing direct, merely inferred – who totally rejected the idea of accusing the angelic Yankees of the crimes they’d committed. I’ll sum up all of their comments in a few lines: “No, you don’t, we won’t allow it. We need our idols. The Yankees have a legacy as heroes. We don’t wanna know your secrets. Buzz off.”

I tried my best to push against those odds, those forces determined to protect the Yankees at all costs. It was like pushing a two-ton boulder uphill. Trained as a journalist with many years of experience in the media, I worked as many angles as I could: investigatively going after each of the Yankee perpetrators; sending a copy of the book to every member of the Steinbrenner family to make them aware of the Yankees’ crimes; encouraging professors of journalism at notable NYC colleges & universities to have their students pursue this issue as an assignment; calling on the U.S. Attorney’s office of Southern District New York (Preet Bharara) to investigate George Steinbrenner’s illegal business practices; embarrassing senior execs at the Yankees organization as well as Major League Baseball by producing truth-revealing videos about them and posting them on the book’s youtube channel; posting several excerpts of the book here on facebook.

And then recently Paul mentally snapped. It wasn’t completely unexpected. He’d never had therapy for being sexually abused, his sessions with two therapists had failed. Several attempts at suicide failed. He’s now self-administering at least six of the most powerful prescription painkillers on the planet, including oxycodone and fentanyl, because of a car accident that nearly killed him. He’s slowly dying of HIV-AIDS. He’s living with his elderly father whose dementia has gotten to him. And now he can’t get his story of abuse by the Yankees out to the world, since the media won’t co-operate. He’s made enemies of several sports reporters at NYC dailies, texting them angry messages.

What’s particularly disturbing is that previously Paul would always tell the truth, he hated people who lied. But these days his hero is Donald Trump, a pathological liar. Before the election, Paul predicted that Trump would win, and when I asked him why, he said “because a lot of stupid Americans will vote for him.” After the election, Paul proudly boasted that he’d voted for Trump, who he said would “likely be America’s greatest president,” which shocked me. These days Paul’s making plenty of complimentary statements about Trump online, emotionally supporting the persistent liar, which I find very troubling.

Friends and allies have turned against Paul, seemingly abandoning him. He’s angry at the gay community because they haven’t supported him. He’s even made disparaging & defamatory comments about me – saying that he didn’t agree with the way I managed the business aspects of the book, even though Paul had no business experience and no money, and I’d operated several businesses previously. He posted lies about me online, even a confidential business document; I’m taking legal action to have those removed. He’s paid me less than half of what he promised to pay, and has stated that he’ll never pay the rest; I’m taking legal action to collect.

How did Paul come to behave like this? Only a psychologist would know for sure, but I’ll suggest that it’s because he’s been driven beyond his brink and it’s left him very angry at everyone and everything, he’s been doing a lot of negative spewing online.

Paul Priore seems to have lost his mind and it’s very sad.

Gary Toushek

Gary toushek -Victoria /Vancouver Canada -writer /author

#6Author of original report

Sun, August 27, 2017

 Re: Gary Toushek writer / author from Victoria Canada.this lowlife, thief, miscreatin of humanity bum, first without my permission, knowledge or consent decided to promote fraudulent, bogus fundraiser titled therapeutic help for victims of abuse to scam people out of their Hard earned money and given the illusion that I endorse thisillegal fundraiser website.he uses crowdrise and with a friend of mine out of $ 500.00, I informed crowdrise that Gary toushek does not have my permission or consent to use my name and image to promote this Scam.they originally took it down and refunded my friend the $ 500.00, no I see that lowlife dirt bag bum Gary toushek has put it back up using my name to endorse his continued scamming.I'm informing everyone here that I never endorsed Or will ever endorse anything relating to Gary toushek.I'm also encouraging everyone here and now, do not donate anything to this scam fundraising on Gary toushek crowdrise page.he will undoubtedly steal your hard Earned money for his own personal gains.don't be stupid or sucker to fall prey to his scams, I can not stress this enough.everyone stay away from him completely or you will become a victim of his thieving ways.I only I would like to know if you would like to know how to do it.

Gary toushek -Victoria /Vancouver Canada -writer /author

#6Author of original report

Sat, August 26, 2017

 Re: follow up on Gary Toushek from Victoria / Vancouver Canada. Writer / coauthor. The bogus fraudulent website that Gary was using my name and image without my permission, knowledge, authorizations or consent has been taken down and the $ 500. 00 that he with out of a friend of mine was refunded in full. This is Gary the real character and what a lowlife crooked bum he really is. Again I can not stress this enough that nobody should ever consider doing any kind of business relationship or any writing job assignments with this thieving scumbag. Gary would really like, I would not have gone into our coauthor / business relationship with him. Stay away from this a*s, you're smart, trust me it will save you a lot of headaches, if you choose to ignore me and seek the services of this bum, you will only live to regret it. Thanks Paul priore former coauthor with Gary toushek.

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