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  • Report:  #100818

Complaint Review: GEICO

GEICO AND THEIR RATFINK WHOLLY OWNED ATTORNEYS ripoff, scam, libel, slander, have continued my lawsuit for over FOUR YEARS now!!! Nationwide San Francisco California

  • Reported By:
    94903 California
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 27, 2004
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 15, 2004
    San Francisco, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

OK, I've read previous threads. Don't know how recent it is but here's my ongoing GEICO horror story......

I was REAR-ENDED by a woman here in litigious CA. I was legally stopped at a RED LIGHT and she piled into the back of my car. She fled the scene of the accident after getting out and about 20 seconds of verbal exchange. I got her license plate # as she FLED and STOLE MY CA DL in under 2 minutes. I called the sheriff's office and the police and DID EVERYTHING LEGAL REPORTING the accident. I was so dazed that I don't even remember calling my wife from a gas station about 20 ft. away as my cell phone wouldn't work underneath an overpass.

It was a 10 old car and my commute vehicle but in PERFECT shape with NO accidents and less than 70k miles on it!!! I only had liability insurance on the car and I haven't had an at-fault accident OR ticket in OVER 20 YEARS!!!! The driver refused to give any info to the investigating officer who actually went to the site and did an accident reconstruction investigation and whom contacted her.
Turns out the car was owned by a male who DIDN'T report the purchase of the car for his female "friend", he's married LOL. Just bought his "wife" a $650,000 house and immediately quitclaimed on the house. He's been divesting his financial assets ever since the accident. GEICO taught him that trick. The woman has about 250k in CASH from one of her three divorces and also has no visible means of support. Just FYI I WAS a computer security and physical (on-site) security expert with an FBI clearance and worked for numerous banks, etc. I had just completed my MCSE certification less than 2 months before and had several fulltime job offers. However I had a nice client list which paid me well and outside of the weekend panic calls, I had a good life which paid approx. $70-$350 per hour. We were "working poor" for CA LOL and I enjoy spending time with my kids more than computers. I also had over 20 years experience and got ALL of my jobs thru word of mouth and was a working partner in three businesses as well as a part-time employee in an advertising agency in LA and a webmaster as well as a gov. consultant and a college lecturer. I would work my bu** off and then get to spend time with my kids. I had my whole life in front of me at the age of 35 and was fielding offers in the 100k+ range. I loved what I did, UNTIL THE ACCIDENT.

GEICO and PROGRESSIVE inspected my car. GEICO found MINIMAL damage at approximately $1000 even though the 5mph bumper and "crush" bracket were totally destroyed!!! and there's a NICE large dent in the metal supporter underneath!!! The impact shock was strong enough to BREAK my luggage rack mount as well as BREAK the chromed headrest support when my head smacked into it from the accident!!! GEICO is calling FOUR medical experts including Laura Liptai (do a Google search, she was one of the expert witnesses for the DEFENSE in HI in a drunk police officer (got 20 years) who ran a red light and KILLED a 19 yo girl. She stated that the girl wasn't wearing her seatbelt and that she was speeding at about 50mph. This IN SPITE of the records that she had already reviewed that stated the FIREMAN had to CUT OFF HER SEATBELT and the AUTOPSY photos showing the bruises FROM THE SEATBELT as well as several other witnesses. I mourn for the girl and her parents loss and having to go up against such a heartless person. I guess it's OK to slander the dead if your a medical "expert". In doing research on Liptai I've found ALL of her work has been for the insurance industry. I've also found from an insurance legal report that these experts make a MEDIAN of $466,000 doing IME's and being witnesses for the defense in accident cases. This is PART TIME $$!!! I know the four alleged experts in my case are receiving about $10k for less than an hour apiece. the IME doctor has already received over $2500 for examining me (total joke) and he somehow FORGOT to send my surgeon a copy of the report.

This accident has left me PERMANENTLY disabled. Yes, I had some back problems before and some headaches, who doesn't by the age of 35? But My right leg is now PARALYZED and I can't use my right foot at all. I DRAG it around behind me. My R leg has withered over 3cm's more than my L leg and I now have THREE crushed discs in my neck which I NEVER had before.

Due to the prior back injuries, of which I had recovered from and which are OVER 12 years old. And now that this case has gone on for over THREE YEARS. GEICO is claiming I'm now a "narcotics addict" even though I'm a medical CONTRACTS and EVERY doctor has stated how well I handle this immense load. It's basically 14x what you would give a terminal stomach cancer patient for the pain. Somehow they also forget to mention that I was NEVER on ANY of these painkillers BEFORE the accident and the fact that after my first back problem I tapered off of Class III drugs without a problem and I've tried EVERY non-opiate based drug available with HORRIBLE effects due to my drug sensitivity. The accident is also my fault, and GEICO isattempting to Motion in Limine that basically all I can say to a jury is my NAME because they can't locate the driver again and she's FLED and REFUSES to appear at trial!!! And that might bring up sympathy. Knowing this judge he'll probably allow it. I faced him before and had to EXPLAIN to him what a Writ of Mandamus was and the fact it COULD be heard if the defense didn't show up (they didn't). So he continued it out for 3 months and we served them again. An attorney showed up who said she had "no knowledge of the case as she had been handed it yesterday" and she WON, simply based on the fact she was an attorney. I had won the original case, they appealed and won because of a 2nd degree of relation which we weren't told about. The STUPID thing is that judge found that the other driver was negligent and had gone through the red light but I hadn't proven the vehicles had touched, even though I had 2 eyewitness reports as well as 2 bodyshop estimates. He was a judge pro-tem and an insurance defense attorney at times he stated. Should have recused him then but the evidence was So overwhelming in our favor. I KNEW I was in trouble when the judge started calling the defense attorney by his first name. FYI Don't try an Ex Parte Motion or tell the judge the law UNLESS you're an attorney because it just ticks them off even more.

FYI in almost EVERY STATE GEICO OWNS THEIR OWN LEGAL FIRM(s) TO DEFEND THESE SCUMBALL CASES!!!! THEY COULD CARE LESS IF YOU FILE A LAWSUIT BECAUSE THEIR LAWYERS ARE ALREADY BOUGHT AND PAID FOR!!!! GEICO IS ALSO OWNED LOCK, STOCK, AND BARREL BY THE SECOND RICHEST MAN IN AMERICA, WARREN BUFFET!!! GEICO had revenues of OVER 6.7 BILLION dollars during the last fiscal year. GEICO could have settled this matter for LESS than what their attorney and filing fees are to date over THREE years ago but they'd rather fight it out. They've also violated just about every Constitutional, Civil and Medical Privacy Right there is. They USED to use the LARGEST Legal Services firm in the Western USA. GEICO BUNGLED SERVICE SO BADLY that this firm now has to negotiate a settlement with me or face CRIMINAL charges as well as approx. 9 other defendants. We're already in negotiations with a major medical teaching college due to this. GEICO is going to get SLAMMED with these lawsuits within the next 6 months.

Any REASONABLE person would think they would settle this out but NOT GEICO. Warren Buffet didn't make his money by being generous!!! And yes before this I had read at least 3 books about him and 1 written by him. The Wizard of Omaha may live like you and I but he could care less about us. GEICO makes a FORTUNE by cutting out the middle man and they've already had to settle one lawsuit with a State due to this practice and for writing Ins. WITHOUT a license in that State. There's currently a CLASS ACTION on the 'net signing up people because GEICO HAS MADE IT POLICY TO UNDERESTIMATE EVERY CLAIM EVEN IF YOU'RE THEIR INSURED!!!

I apologize for the rant but we now have to show up at court tomorrow at nine am just so the judge can DELAY this case for another week, month, year, who knows? Also FYI, Judges HATE Pro Per's. Even though I've worked in the past as a paralegal for five years for a famous attorney and have WON a Federal lawsuit in which I had to defeat my OWN attorney and force him to give back the $$ AND got an apology from the defendants plus an award, I get NO respect from this judge or ANY other except at the Federal court level IF you pull the right judge. Our judge has been rated the worst judge in our county by a woman's attorney group recently because he DOESN'T PAY ATTENTION. I actually watched another attorney explain Supreme Court Caselaw and findings as well as the rules regarding evidence after a trial. There's a well known rumor going around the county that the judge has Alzheimers. If it's gotten down to me, and I heard it from the head of a local non-profit, then something's wrong with the guy. I don't know what.

The driver has a history of driving without a license or a FALSE license with fraudulent information and has used at least FIVE different aliases to obtain CA DL's.
Up until about 15 minutes ago my jury trial was supposed to start TOMORROW. The Judge is SO biased torwards the insurance company that he has allowed them OVER ELEVEN Continuances WITHOUT good cause. This ONE GEICO attorney is so busy defending lawsuits he currently has over EIGHT about to go to trial. I'm betting my wife that this will be continued until 2005. We've been WAITING to MOVE until this is over. GEICO or the Judge could give a darn!!!!! Oh, Did I mention that I'm the ONLY Pro Per to EVER get this far in front of this judge??? Or that two of my direct family are Deputy District Attorneys in the largest county in CA?? Or that my first cousin is a partner at the largest law firm in America??? Or that I can call 2 Federal judges and at least one retired Federal judge on a first name basis? I'm also a minority. NONE of the above people can figure out what this judge is thinking but there's no profit in it for any local attorney unless I settle immediately and they get their 5k. Insurance basically gets the rest. I'd get about 2-3k for PERMANENT DISABILITY which all three of my surgeons and doctors state is directly related to the accident as is my paralysis, crushed discs, daily migraine headaches (having one now), and inability to feed or take care of myself!!! Yup, I was sitting there, the woman had just sold her MERCEDES because she's too lazy to work and only had SECONDARY insurance on the car. GEICO so far has employed another law firm to help them as I guess their approx. 14 lawyers and 30 other employees can't handle my crippled form and lack of standing in the courts. So I'm up against EIGHTEEN attorneys right now, about FOUR of which appear at EVERY hearing, the Judge is hostile and has overruled Constitutional Rights and Federal law which were in his tentative rulings written by his own law clerk!!!! I've literally lost EVERY motion I've filed, even when I'm right. GEICO has continued to subpoena ALL of my medical and educational records dating back over THIRTY YEARS AFTER the Judge CLOSED Disovery over TWO YEARS AGO.

In closing, I JUST WANT A JURY TRIAL AND HAVE BEEN DEMANDING ONE FOR OVER THREE YEARS NOW!!!!! The judge isn't honest imho, GEICO isn't honest and never will be as long as there are attorneys in the world who will work for them, and there IS NO SUCH THING as an IME or impartial expert witness. Check out the Hawaii case. Blaming a DEAD 19 yo female for the accident when the off duty PO was DRUNK and had 2x the legal limit and RAN a red light at 50+ mph just isn't right, yet they fought that case and it took over three+ years for the family to get ANY settlement. The cop eventually got 20 years. Serves him right. NO parent should have to bury their child. Part of his published defense is that he was an "experienced drinker with a resilient liver" LOL.

So before you starting hating me I also have an uncle who used to own three insurance agencies in NY. He now works out here. I KNOW about insurance. I've caught my own insurance company trying to cancel me because I got a ticket which they NEVER should have known about. I called them on it and their employee who called just shut up when I asked where they got the data as it should never have gone to Sacramento. I got a letter a week later stating that I wouldn't be cancelled. :-)

And FYI it's ABSOLUTE FACT that Ins. Company's DO pay for radar detectors for police agencies. Here in CA the Highway Patrol got an insurance grant for the purchase of such radar guns specifically and the next town over was GIVEN two of the new laser guns by an ins. company. It's also true that every Ins. company pays DMV employees here in CA to furnish them with your confidential info!!! Published LA times report back in the 80's. At the Santa Monica DMV office they found OVER 70% of the DMV employees were incorrectly or illegally using their computers and job status to collect everything from insurance data to celebrity addresses and SELLING the info to anyone who was willing to pay for it.

Everytime I see that darn Gecko it makes my stomach turn. It's called "Branding" and begins at birth or when you watch TV. GEICO is hiding behind a computer animated talking figure. Humanizing an animal is one of the oldest tricks to evoke empathy or sympathy or humor in Hollywood.

One of my college acquaintances is an adjustor for one of the largest ins. companies that has the word Farm as part their name. They provide him with a car and he does ALL of his adjustments at bodyshops which kick back to him if the work gets done there. He has it down to a science now after three years. He waits to call them until around Dinner or Lunch time when he has a check for them. They buy him a nice lunch out of it. He goes on at least 3 drinking vacations per year where about 10 adjusters are invited out to a Lake and they go boating, drinking and water skiing all at the bodyshop's expense. He's gotten SO lazy that he told me now if it's near the end of the week he just calls the shops up and asks them what they think the damage is and writes the report from their estimate. For each thousand they kick back to him about $50-$100 and if there's a deductible he pockets about $50 as the bodyshops usually cover the deductible. This is first hand knowledge. He doesn't even go in on Thursdays anymore. Just calls in that he's at a shop and sleeps until about eleven and then starts calling the shops. Fridays he writes the checks, has about three dinners and gets pretty loaded before he drives home. He's been a borderline alcoholic since college and FAILED the math test to become an adjuster the first time. This is right before he was stupid enough to take a loaded single action revolver and shoot himself in the stomach when he tried to spin it around his finger. He survived. But think about it. He actually had to c**k the revolver and could SEE the bullet in there before he spun it around his finger. How much stupider can you get?

End of rant and that's my 2 cents. These are all of my own opinions and nobody elses and the stated info can be found easily by anyone who's reading this.

BTW in my area less than 40% of ALL residents carry ins. When I grew up in CA, because of the area over 80% carried insurance but as soon as you got out of that mildly well-off area the percentages dropped down to less than 20% within 10 miles.

All the best people and keep up the good fight. Personally I'm suffering through this to show my children that there are some things worth fighting for. If I don't fight for what I believe in and tell them too, then I'm a hypocrite. I'll suffer through the jury trial whenever we get one and I WON'T SETTLE EVER. I WANT MY DAY IN COURT. GEICO is SO SCARED of little old me that they've now easily gone over 120k. GEICO's attorneys DON'T CARE, especially about a Pro Per, because they get paid no matter what. They're slaves to the machine, aka Warren Buffet. Last time I checked he has no problem firing people.

I hope NONE of you ever gets in my situation. It makes you angry, suicidal and bitter all at once sometimes.....LOL, almost.

And I LIKE my NEW ins. agent. He's HONEST and actually treats us like human beings!!! State Farm (not my company) has to be the absolute best I've ever dealt with even in an adversarial situation and they eventually pay up and don't try to rip you off in my experience. However it DID take over 4 months for a small claim where I was PARKED. They said their "investigation" concluded it was my fault. Standard insurance company trick. EVERY claim seems to start out with them having done an "investigation" and that it's your fault and please pay them now. There's NEVER an "investigation" at first unless somebody dies. Even then it's usually about 3-6 months down the road according to my friends who are adjustors.

Again just my bitter, but true, two cents.

San Fernisco, California

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on GEICO Insurance

14 Updates & Rebuttals


San Francisco,

Idiots Run the World

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 15, 2004


First of all I try not to claim I know too much. If I did, I'd be richer and better looking. :-)

I also don't want to give out legal advice or look at a case, at least for free. LOL. That WOULD violate some kind of attorney ethics.

Don't know what NJ car ins. laws are like, or what your case is like, but I honestly wouldn't waste much sleep over getting arrested. Unless you have an outstanding warrant, a warrant has been issued for arrest, or you're driving without a license either before or now.

PRACTICAL law however imho states that the NJ police are NOT going to waste time coming to your house to arrest you on a Ins. Co.'s fraud complaint.

Check your local State. There are usually laws in EVERY State about slow pay by an ins. company because of your actions. If they DO arrest you, than you have a GREAT Civil Rights Action based on that and IF you can find a Civil Rights attorney (I think they all vanished after the 60's, along with morals, ideals, and personal values, joke, sort of). UNFORTUNATELY, you DON'T really have a case until they actually arrest you based on the Ins. company's complaint. You could try turning yourself in at a local police station. BTW How do you know they filed a criminal complaint for fraud against you? IMHO ins. company's almost never file criminal complaints unless it's for workman's comp fraud or things like that where they hire a PI and have you on videotape.

I've never heard of your ins. company so they're probably small. And unless you have a relative who just got out of law school (think My Cousin Vinnie) or find an overzealous young attorney, you're NEVER going to find a. a lawyer b. justice.

Depending on your ethnic background there are a LOT of local help groups that will give you 15 minutes with an attorney to listen to your case. And no, publicity does NOT help unless the $$ amount is minor. GEICO could care less as they're owned by ONE PERSON, Warren Buffet, 2nd richest man in the USA as I've stated before.
Also if you've been told by your local court to go to the local legal aid org. than it's gonna be a total WOT!!! Attorneys give time to listen to complaints and use it as a way of getting business for themselves. I had to fight an attorney who did that to us on another case and WON. I got lucky and got an HONEST judge.

You're in a different State and there are too many variables for me to legally help on your case. That and I'm barely keeping my head above water. Won the last two motions thank GOD, but still losing the war.

Seriously, check around for GOOD legal aid groups. By law EVERY county in the USA has to have at least one. Also file another complaint with your DEQ or BEQ or whatever they call it in your State as well as write your insurance commisioner and COPY EVERYTHING YOU SEND AND THE DATE YOU SENT IT. Heck, I'd write mine except he's under at least 3 FEDERAL counts of criminal and civil misconduct right now LOL.

Sorry I can't offer more help, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Or turn yourself in. You'd have a GREAT Civil Rights case. And you could get a free attorney if they filed a criminal charge as it'd be a criminal case. Kind of stuff local Civil Rights groups love. You can call the ACLU but they're WORTHLESS unless you're a 15 yo who's been suspended from school for having 300 piercings or some shite like that. Or you live in Wisconsin and they have nothing better to do.

On the Civil Rights thing, unless you're African American, or another big minority be prepared to search for an attorney. In my area (mostly Caucasian/Latino) the ONLY cases that are heard are African American v. the gov. cases.

Just my 2 cents and this is NOT legal advice in any manner shape or form. Not licensed to practice in NJ LOL.

Seriously tho, BOL if you're serious and don't back down. Just for filing the complaints the ins. comp. has opened up a whole new can of worms. If they did. In case you haven't noticed a lot of stuff the ins. company will tell you is untrue. If you weren't at fault in ANY manner than they should have settled. If there's an ounce of doubt they'll run with it.

Finally, DON'T pay attention to any letter that states the ins. co. has started an "investigation" to find out who was at fault. It's usually issued by an entirely different section. I've received those even AFTER I settled a case. There are NEVER any investigations unless they inform you that they're coming to your house. Ask for a copy of any reports and ask for ID and take down the person's name etc. and NOBODY paid by the ins. company is "independent" even if they say they are. They know who pays them.

Again, just my .02 cents.



San Francisco,

Idiots Run the World

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 15, 2004


First of all I try not to claim I know too much. If I did, I'd be richer and better looking. :-)

I also don't want to give out legal advice or look at a case, at least for free. LOL. That WOULD violate some kind of attorney ethics.

Don't know what NJ car ins. laws are like, or what your case is like, but I honestly wouldn't waste much sleep over getting arrested. Unless you have an outstanding warrant, a warrant has been issued for arrest, or you're driving without a license either before or now.

PRACTICAL law however imho states that the NJ police are NOT going to waste time coming to your house to arrest you on a Ins. Co.'s fraud complaint.

Check your local State. There are usually laws in EVERY State about slow pay by an ins. company because of your actions. If they DO arrest you, than you have a GREAT Civil Rights Action based on that and IF you can find a Civil Rights attorney (I think they all vanished after the 60's, along with morals, ideals, and personal values, joke, sort of). UNFORTUNATELY, you DON'T really have a case until they actually arrest you based on the Ins. company's complaint. You could try turning yourself in at a local police station. BTW How do you know they filed a criminal complaint for fraud against you? IMHO ins. company's almost never file criminal complaints unless it's for workman's comp fraud or things like that where they hire a PI and have you on videotape.

I've never heard of your ins. company so they're probably small. And unless you have a relative who just got out of law school (think My Cousin Vinnie) or find an overzealous young attorney, you're NEVER going to find a. a lawyer b. justice.

Depending on your ethnic background there are a LOT of local help groups that will give you 15 minutes with an attorney to listen to your case. And no, publicity does NOT help unless the $$ amount is minor. GEICO could care less as they're owned by ONE PERSON, Warren Buffet, 2nd richest man in the USA as I've stated before.
Also if you've been told by your local court to go to the local legal aid org. than it's gonna be a total WOT!!! Attorneys give time to listen to complaints and use it as a way of getting business for themselves. I had to fight an attorney who did that to us on another case and WON. I got lucky and got an HONEST judge.

You're in a different State and there are too many variables for me to legally help on your case. That and I'm barely keeping my head above water. Won the last two motions thank GOD, but still losing the war.

Seriously, check around for GOOD legal aid groups. By law EVERY county in the USA has to have at least one. Also file another complaint with your DEQ or BEQ or whatever they call it in your State as well as write your insurance commisioner and COPY EVERYTHING YOU SEND AND THE DATE YOU SENT IT. Heck, I'd write mine except he's under at least 3 FEDERAL counts of criminal and civil misconduct right now LOL.

Sorry I can't offer more help, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Or turn yourself in. You'd have a GREAT Civil Rights case. And you could get a free attorney if they filed a criminal charge as it'd be a criminal case. Kind of stuff local Civil Rights groups love. You can call the ACLU but they're WORTHLESS unless you're a 15 yo who's been suspended from school for having 300 piercings or some shite like that. Or you live in Wisconsin and they have nothing better to do.

On the Civil Rights thing, unless you're African American, or another big minority be prepared to search for an attorney. In my area (mostly Caucasian/Latino) the ONLY cases that are heard are African American v. the gov. cases.

Just my 2 cents and this is NOT legal advice in any manner shape or form. Not licensed to practice in NJ LOL.

Seriously tho, BOL if you're serious and don't back down. Just for filing the complaints the ins. comp. has opened up a whole new can of worms. If they did. In case you haven't noticed a lot of stuff the ins. company will tell you is untrue. If you weren't at fault in ANY manner than they should have settled. If there's an ounce of doubt they'll run with it.

Finally, DON'T pay attention to any letter that states the ins. co. has started an "investigation" to find out who was at fault. It's usually issued by an entirely different section. I've received those even AFTER I settled a case. There are NEVER any investigations unless they inform you that they're coming to your house. Ask for a copy of any reports and ask for ID and take down the person's name etc. and NOBODY paid by the ins. company is "independent" even if they say they are. They know who pays them.

Again, just my .02 cents.



San Francisco,

Idiots Run the World

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 15, 2004


First of all I try not to claim I know too much. If I did, I'd be richer and better looking. :-)

I also don't want to give out legal advice or look at a case, at least for free. LOL. That WOULD violate some kind of attorney ethics.

Don't know what NJ car ins. laws are like, or what your case is like, but I honestly wouldn't waste much sleep over getting arrested. Unless you have an outstanding warrant, a warrant has been issued for arrest, or you're driving without a license either before or now.

PRACTICAL law however imho states that the NJ police are NOT going to waste time coming to your house to arrest you on a Ins. Co.'s fraud complaint.

Check your local State. There are usually laws in EVERY State about slow pay by an ins. company because of your actions. If they DO arrest you, than you have a GREAT Civil Rights Action based on that and IF you can find a Civil Rights attorney (I think they all vanished after the 60's, along with morals, ideals, and personal values, joke, sort of). UNFORTUNATELY, you DON'T really have a case until they actually arrest you based on the Ins. company's complaint. You could try turning yourself in at a local police station. BTW How do you know they filed a criminal complaint for fraud against you? IMHO ins. company's almost never file criminal complaints unless it's for workman's comp fraud or things like that where they hire a PI and have you on videotape.

I've never heard of your ins. company so they're probably small. And unless you have a relative who just got out of law school (think My Cousin Vinnie) or find an overzealous young attorney, you're NEVER going to find a. a lawyer b. justice.

Depending on your ethnic background there are a LOT of local help groups that will give you 15 minutes with an attorney to listen to your case. And no, publicity does NOT help unless the $$ amount is minor. GEICO could care less as they're owned by ONE PERSON, Warren Buffet, 2nd richest man in the USA as I've stated before.
Also if you've been told by your local court to go to the local legal aid org. than it's gonna be a total WOT!!! Attorneys give time to listen to complaints and use it as a way of getting business for themselves. I had to fight an attorney who did that to us on another case and WON. I got lucky and got an HONEST judge.

You're in a different State and there are too many variables for me to legally help on your case. That and I'm barely keeping my head above water. Won the last two motions thank GOD, but still losing the war.

Seriously, check around for GOOD legal aid groups. By law EVERY county in the USA has to have at least one. Also file another complaint with your DEQ or BEQ or whatever they call it in your State as well as write your insurance commisioner and COPY EVERYTHING YOU SEND AND THE DATE YOU SENT IT. Heck, I'd write mine except he's under at least 3 FEDERAL counts of criminal and civil misconduct right now LOL.

Sorry I can't offer more help, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Or turn yourself in. You'd have a GREAT Civil Rights case. And you could get a free attorney if they filed a criminal charge as it'd be a criminal case. Kind of stuff local Civil Rights groups love. You can call the ACLU but they're WORTHLESS unless you're a 15 yo who's been suspended from school for having 300 piercings or some shite like that. Or you live in Wisconsin and they have nothing better to do.

On the Civil Rights thing, unless you're African American, or another big minority be prepared to search for an attorney. In my area (mostly Caucasian/Latino) the ONLY cases that are heard are African American v. the gov. cases.

Just my 2 cents and this is NOT legal advice in any manner shape or form. Not licensed to practice in NJ LOL.

Seriously tho, BOL if you're serious and don't back down. Just for filing the complaints the ins. comp. has opened up a whole new can of worms. If they did. In case you haven't noticed a lot of stuff the ins. company will tell you is untrue. If you weren't at fault in ANY manner than they should have settled. If there's an ounce of doubt they'll run with it.

Finally, DON'T pay attention to any letter that states the ins. co. has started an "investigation" to find out who was at fault. It's usually issued by an entirely different section. I've received those even AFTER I settled a case. There are NEVER any investigations unless they inform you that they're coming to your house. Ask for a copy of any reports and ask for ID and take down the person's name etc. and NOBODY paid by the ins. company is "independent" even if they say they are. They know who pays them.

Again, just my .02 cents.



San Francisco,

Idiots Run the World

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 15, 2004


First of all I try not to claim I know too much. If I did, I'd be richer and better looking. :-)

I also don't want to give out legal advice or look at a case, at least for free. LOL. That WOULD violate some kind of attorney ethics.

Don't know what NJ car ins. laws are like, or what your case is like, but I honestly wouldn't waste much sleep over getting arrested. Unless you have an outstanding warrant, a warrant has been issued for arrest, or you're driving without a license either before or now.

PRACTICAL law however imho states that the NJ police are NOT going to waste time coming to your house to arrest you on a Ins. Co.'s fraud complaint.

Check your local State. There are usually laws in EVERY State about slow pay by an ins. company because of your actions. If they DO arrest you, than you have a GREAT Civil Rights Action based on that and IF you can find a Civil Rights attorney (I think they all vanished after the 60's, along with morals, ideals, and personal values, joke, sort of). UNFORTUNATELY, you DON'T really have a case until they actually arrest you based on the Ins. company's complaint. You could try turning yourself in at a local police station. BTW How do you know they filed a criminal complaint for fraud against you? IMHO ins. company's almost never file criminal complaints unless it's for workman's comp fraud or things like that where they hire a PI and have you on videotape.

I've never heard of your ins. company so they're probably small. And unless you have a relative who just got out of law school (think My Cousin Vinnie) or find an overzealous young attorney, you're NEVER going to find a. a lawyer b. justice.

Depending on your ethnic background there are a LOT of local help groups that will give you 15 minutes with an attorney to listen to your case. And no, publicity does NOT help unless the $$ amount is minor. GEICO could care less as they're owned by ONE PERSON, Warren Buffet, 2nd richest man in the USA as I've stated before.
Also if you've been told by your local court to go to the local legal aid org. than it's gonna be a total WOT!!! Attorneys give time to listen to complaints and use it as a way of getting business for themselves. I had to fight an attorney who did that to us on another case and WON. I got lucky and got an HONEST judge.

You're in a different State and there are too many variables for me to legally help on your case. That and I'm barely keeping my head above water. Won the last two motions thank GOD, but still losing the war.

Seriously, check around for GOOD legal aid groups. By law EVERY county in the USA has to have at least one. Also file another complaint with your DEQ or BEQ or whatever they call it in your State as well as write your insurance commisioner and COPY EVERYTHING YOU SEND AND THE DATE YOU SENT IT. Heck, I'd write mine except he's under at least 3 FEDERAL counts of criminal and civil misconduct right now LOL.

Sorry I can't offer more help, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Or turn yourself in. You'd have a GREAT Civil Rights case. And you could get a free attorney if they filed a criminal charge as it'd be a criminal case. Kind of stuff local Civil Rights groups love. You can call the ACLU but they're WORTHLESS unless you're a 15 yo who's been suspended from school for having 300 piercings or some shite like that. Or you live in Wisconsin and they have nothing better to do.

On the Civil Rights thing, unless you're African American, or another big minority be prepared to search for an attorney. In my area (mostly Caucasian/Latino) the ONLY cases that are heard are African American v. the gov. cases.

Just my 2 cents and this is NOT legal advice in any manner shape or form. Not licensed to practice in NJ LOL.

Seriously tho, BOL if you're serious and don't back down. Just for filing the complaints the ins. comp. has opened up a whole new can of worms. If they did. In case you haven't noticed a lot of stuff the ins. company will tell you is untrue. If you weren't at fault in ANY manner than they should have settled. If there's an ounce of doubt they'll run with it.

Finally, DON'T pay attention to any letter that states the ins. co. has started an "investigation" to find out who was at fault. It's usually issued by an entirely different section. I've received those even AFTER I settled a case. There are NEVER any investigations unless they inform you that they're coming to your house. Ask for a copy of any reports and ask for ID and take down the person's name etc. and NOBODY paid by the ins. company is "independent" even if they say they are. They know who pays them.

Again, just my .02 cents.



Burlington Township,
New Jersey,

Idiots run the world... sigh..

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, September 14, 2004

I am facing an insurance crisis myself and was wondering if you wouldn't mind reading over my case and offering any suggestions or comments.

I'm anxiously anticipating the day the police come to indict/arrest me for "insurance fraud". My insurance company NJCURE, pissed off at me for contacting/complaing to the state waited 3 months after denying my claim, before passing my file on to the state for "fraud investigation". I'm having a hard time locating a lawyer who appears to know squat, or is willing to take on NJCURE. I've lost soo much in addition to my car that I'm in a constant state of anxiety, and I think I'm developing an ulcer. In any case, I think I could benefit from your clearly superior understanding of the insurance biz.

Ok, that little rant was selfish of me considering your current circumstances. I'm sorry you are being screwed so horrendously. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Have you considered getting the media involved? Like one of those, consumer reports/special interest type investigative pieces??


San Fernisco,

Chad, Another LONG response and funny you don't deny it......

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 05, 2004

Uh, Chad,

First of all, calling me a drug addict is "slander" or "libel". Me calling you a shill in reference to the ins. industry, and btw I ASKED you if that was the case, is a general statement. "Drug addict" is also an obviously negative comment and description of a person and you do it without any proof. Me calling you a shill is based on the comments you have made and the general questions you ask.

And an "Addict" is someone with either a psychosematic or physical addiction to a specific opiate or other substance or physical thing. You could call someone who likes to shop a "shopping addict", mildly negative term but not that bad.

Drug addicts need medical care for their physical or mental addiction. I've seen it happen and my folks treated people like that. So far NO medical doctor, even GEICO's IME doctor who is ANYTHING but fair has NEVER stated that I need ANY form of treatment for my current pain load of meds or for anything else. GEICO's ATTORNEY'S are using that phrase, NOT their doctors in an obvious attempt to sway the court and eventually any jury. Unfortunately THERE'S NO PROOF of that statement and, in fact, ALL of my pain meds are dispensed according to CA State medical contracts necessary for heavy duty pain meds.

I ONLY stated my folks credentials to show that I had MORE than a passing familiarity with the medical field and that's how I get my treatment and my personal knowledge and research. I sat in on about a year of my father's grad student level med classes, specifically dealing with MDMA and MDA and the differences between physical and mental addiction back in the late 1980's and early 90's before deciding I didn't want to pursue medicine as a career . If you noted I stated very clearly that obviously I am NOT my parents or have their expertise.

The point of this WHOLE website and others like it is so that you can tell your story anonysmously if you care to. At this point I do. Of course any form of PGP or even SSL CAN be broken if you put in enough time on it.......

I retain a BUSINESS attorney, who's also a friend of mine and he does about 10 hours of work for me a month or more around tax time or at the end of each quarter in the past. He is also related to the long-time CPA firm which I use. His entire job is to basically deal with issues I don't have the title to deal with, such as incorporation, forming various LLC's etc. We do NOT sue or defend people. He has NEVER had to defend me in any manner nor would I ask him to. That's what trial lawyers are for. I have a personal distrust of attorneys I don't know right now and GEICO hasn't exactly bolstered their image with their actions. He is in no way involved in my personal injury case.

If you don't like what I have to say DON'T READ. And like I'm going to give you the court case. Given the info I've given you, feel free to go ahead and sort through every CA court case involving GEICO in SF and you'll find my case. Should be easy with the right program and a fast computer connection. Again, GEICO has refused EVERY SINGLE Discovery attempt or request. Their driver has fled, again. They've hired two law firms to defend the two parties due to a "conflict of interest" which they've never sustained in court, and ironically I just discovered through an FOI request that both law firms involved in this case gave the legal limit per person in their office for this particular judge's re-election campaign. Was wondering why he had literally 10x the campaign budget of his 3 opponents in the election. I find that interesting but I'm not drawing any conclusions from it.

I prefer to remain mildly anonymous and give my so-called "one sided" version of this case. The title of this website is "" or "". The whole point of this is how badly GEICO has handled this case. Again, they could have settled it out for less than they've spent on their attorneys so far.

Given the fact that their 2nd chair who is a trial attorney, among an office of about 10 trial attorneys, and is currently handling over 10 cases which ARE going to court at this time. I don't consider this good business.

If you can prove I'm a drug addict than you can call me a drug addict. However if you just throw the word around like GEICO without basis than you're worse than they are. Fortunately for you this isn't a court, otherwise you'd be up against libel charges. Much like GEICO will be facing come January. Which of course will be put off for another year I'm sure. Thankfully that will be in Federal court.

Given the fact you doubt my words and you defend an Ins. company I believe I am correct in that you are NOT merely a consumer, or attempting to find the truth in this matter; and given your questions regarding coverage et al, you seem to be attempting to deflect actual blame from GEICO.I would have to guess that you are somehow involved in the insurance industry.

CA will NEVER get a decent insurance system due to the trial lawyers assoc. and the ins. company's fighting between themselves and at the polls. There are MANY States that have no-fault or simple policy limits that stop ridiculous lawsuits and force both ins. companies and consumers into mediation with a neutral referee that has the power to enforce a judgement unlike CA.

Sigh, if you can't figure out that their insured is at fault, I was rear-ended and am now permanently disabled due to this and that I'm trying to get a MODICUM of justice than you're missing the point completely. Given the fact that the courts here do NOT put court Motions or papers online in any manner, or publish them at all and you'd have to be an interested party in the matter AND have to be personally present at the court to even view the papers, I highly doubt your request for the case # or anything else is either correct or in good faith.

If you're not in the insurance business than what are you?

Enough for now. I write too much. Blame the degree in English and the marketing/advertising background LOL....


Cedar Rapids,

So.. GEICO has their own lawyers because they are an evil business

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

...when GEICO has their own lawyers it is because they are an evil business...but when you have a lawyer on retainer is it because you are a sound business man? And the insurance field has their share of ethical issues...but why keep shoving your parents' credentials down our throats? The health care field is not by any means exempt from their own share of black eyes over the years. And since you resorted to name calling by referring to me as a shill, I will assume you will not mind me referring to you as a drug addict due to all the meds you are supposedly prescribed. Can you please post what court is handling your case and the case number? I'd love to see the entire picture rather than just this one sided drug induced rant.



"Proof Read my C***"???? Now that's both intelligent and clear. What do you expect from an Ins. Employee??? LOL.

#15Author of original report

Tue, August 03, 2004

Uh, first of all I'm writing this in extreme pain, stream of thought and as fast as possible so I can go lay down again......and writing it on a browser that doesn't support a spellchecker unless I want to dump it into another program first. Not worth it for a rant on this site.

"Proof read my c**k"?????? A rebuttal from an INSURANCE (ALLEGEDLY GEICO) EMPLOYEE that's written that badly and you're criticizing me for clarity?

LMG Adjuster? Or Corporate Lemming?? I know GEICO keeps their adjuster offices down around SD and parts of SoCal.

No matter how "unclear" my rants are, the facts are still out there. Didn't see anyone try to deny one. Your attitude is just like every insuranc company in the world.

Dance around long enough, criticize and of course my favorite, "character assasination" ,which is the Ins. company's FAVE ploy.

Do it long enough and maybe everyone will forget about the actual TRUTH on a subject or an accident. Cloud the issue long enough or push it off long enough in a lawsuit and force someone with real injuries to settle. Yup. Sounds about right.

Heard a great quote on NPR the other day that my attorneys say I should make into a t-shirt and that I'd "sell a million".

"Insurance is just another form of Organized Crime". LOL.

And I'm spending way too much good time on this.

BTW my son caught a fish while fishing this weekend. Wish I could have been there. THANKS GEICO. Reason I say that is they helped delay my medical treatment so long that it directly led to my partial parlysis and high pain load. They STILL haven't offered a DIME in medical payments. Even though their policy says they HAVE to offer $3500 up front BEFORE settlement upon demand and proof of bills. We've given them over $50k so far LOL.

You either laugh or you cry. I'd rather laugh at this point. Especially at GEICO.

I've found that English is a lost art on the Internet anyway and you're going to criticize my spelling??? And the best you can do is criticize my clarity. Lady I'm taking FOURTEEN TIMES the pain med of a TERMINAL pancreatic cancer patient. I'm LUCKY I can sit up and think at all, or even type!!! Thank God for STT programs and laptops. Blame Dragon if you want to for my spelling mistakes or for the fact I can't sit up right. ROFLMAO if I could move that far.

If that's your profane rebuttal so be it but I guess that's why you work in insurance.

BTW Guy who hit are parked car's ins. company has already admitted liability and like me is ex-law enforcement. He lasted longer than I did and now sits in an office and adjusts. Doesn't do field work but was nice enough to approve a rental and OUR estimation (going to be a total) but said he WILL compensate us for recent serious $$ spent on our car in xtras.

So not EVERY ins. agency person has to be a total jerk. Funny guy, knew a LOT more about philosophy and mediation than I did.

Even funnier is that he got into insurance because he didn't like the people he had to deal with in police work. :-D


San Fernisco,

Here's My General Statement about this and IRONY neve sleeps

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 31, 2004

I just got a notice that 2 new rebuttals have been added, however due to the midnight posting time neither have shown up yet.

Before someone else asks me questions or tries to tear apart my case. FYI "Character Assasination" is a normal part of EVERY Ins. Company handbook when prosecuting a case. I've SEEN an Ins. company's handbook outlining how to handle Discovery and what to subpoena. Basically EVERYTHING,including hiring PI agencies etc. and how to find and pose leading questions.

IF you're evern unlucky enough to get deposed in an Ins. lawsuit, a STATED INS. CO. TACTIC in that handbook was to "jump around" as much as possible and to keep the plaintiff at the Deposition as long as possible and also leave the Deposition open ended to intimidate the plaintiffs so that they would give up info at that time instead of "having to come back".
I came by this from an adjuster acquaintance who took it out of the office.

To rebut the rebuttals I'm sure will try and tear me apart again, I'd just like to point out that believe it or not, I spent 10 years in the car biz, 5 years as a paralegal before that, and also worked for a Hospital biz office, even had to do collections in that job. I quit before I lost what morals I have left. :-)

I've also worked at a Christian boys school, hold a Dan level belt in at least two forms of martial arts, studied about six forms seriously BEFORE this accident and was NEVER disabled before this. EVER. And I have the best doctors and surgeons that CA can provide due to the fact that both my parents were published numerous times with over 200 medical articles and over 20 books to their credit by themselves. If you have a kid who goes to private school, you're kid's curriculum is probably based on part of what they did. Or if you use any type of neural NON-opiate pain inhibitor etc. or have had laer eye surgery or cataract surgery you probably use a drug or your doctor/surgeon uses a machine that one of my folks helped develop or patent.

If you live in SoCal and drive the 405 freeway, you probably drive through at some point through land they also owned and sold to the gov. to help build that freeway. And two of my siblings are DA's.

I know I'm not my parents, never wanted to be. I don't take a dime from them and haven't since college. I have my own family to take care of and I take care of my own problems. Personally I enjoyed my life before all this and am writing this, so I can sit up, wearing a TENS unit set at 8 right now as well as a backbrace. I have to use a plastic orthotic device to lift up my right foot so I don't fall.

I LOVED my career and I SHOULD be making six figures at least at this point in my life. Now I have to turn down every offer of employment offered and they still come in. I've worked for at least three of the largest financial institutions in the USA and personally saved one of them at least 3 million bucks after they had been ripped off of 7 million $$ by a group of Russian hackers. That kind of stuff NEVER makes the papers as it's bad press for banks. They want you to think that you're safe.

Experian, TransUnion and the other agency I can't think of are SO porous as is our county-wide APB system that I've consulted and worked with the local gov. to close these doorways. The credit unions could care less.

And finally Irony NEVER sleeps. Our alcoholic neighbor backed into my wife's car last night. Fortunately he HAS insurance. Probably just liability but THANK GOD NO ONE GOT HURT even though he TOTALLED the car which I bought for my wife 3 years ago as an anniversary present. It was the first car she had owned outright in her ENTIRE life as she grew up poor. It was MINT, so now we get to deal with yest another insurance company who will, of course, lowball us, on the cost of the car. And yes the car was LEGALLY parked, we have FOUR witnesses, have COMREPREHENSIVE insurance on ALL our vehicles and the guy was so out of it he hit it THREE TIMES and kept gunniing the gas after hitting the back of the car.

As stated I have 10+ years past exp. in the auto biz. I own my own business still although I CAN'T WORK. This is just another pain in the rear. My wife and I still do NOT have an at fault accident or ticket in OVER 12+ YEARS. Just checked that. This guy was on both narcotic medication AND apparently alcohol. Took pictures of his car he tried to hide down the street from the cops. Has multiple OPEN containers inside the interior and yes I have dig. pics of the damage and the inside of his car.

Sigh, I think it's time to set up the X10 surveillance system I bought YEARS ago with a VCR and just have it on at night. Funny thing is the guy hit the car in the afternoon in broad daylight. SECOND time he's now hit someone PARKED while backing up, but of course he "doesn't have a problem". He literally blacked out last time and didn't even remember hitting a brand new Audi A4. We saw that one too. When the woman went over to ask him about it he was so drunk he spent about 5 minutes denying it and cussing her out. Gotta love people......

To my eye and after a quick drive around the block (FWD NICE car) there's frame damage, he BENT the rear axle after hitting it TWICE and he bent or through off the alignment in the front. Our alarm went off and there were three neighbors, two of which are attorneys who witnessed the accident. He drove the car down a block and hid from the cops after we waited an hour and a half. We have NOT pressed hit and run against him even though he supposedly "slept" for 18 hours and made his wife handle it. What a joke. But irony never sleeps to badly quote Neil Young.

Needless to say my wife will be getting new car. Although Salvage vehicles suck and CA is trying to get them off the road, I may buy it back just for all the parts. I had the engine heavily modified for performance and mileage as well as it has $2k rims on it and has been very well taken care of ALL it's life and has about every option known to man.

Sigh, think it's time to just bite the bullet and hire a PI attorney IF I can find one that WON'T settle with the GEICO weasels.

Personally I don't have anything against GEICO except for the fact they're branding their product and ripping people off. I have a SERIOUS problem with their biz ethics and lowballing people on repairs and using 2nd hand or usd parts as well as their attorneys.

Again, they could have settled this out for LESS than what their wholly owned attorney firm has billed them or what their medical experts are costing them.

I'm spending WAY too much time on this. Unless someone reading this is Tony Serra and he wants to take the case pro bono LOL.

Nuff said from me for now. I've got a free weekend with NO legal papers to deal with, a bent up car and a great family to go out and have fun with. More fun than writing this drivel.



Newport Coast,


#15UPDATE Employee

Sat, July 31, 2004

In order to be taken seriously please be sure to either include "spell check" in your rant or proof read your c**k before you submit it online for nationwide perusal. You may very well have a valid issue but if it is presented in a sloppy manner, it might as well be void.


San Fernisco,

Yes, No, No, No, and No!!!

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, July 30, 2004

Yes, CA has a 30 day rule re: Ins. Coverage. You MUST report ANY purchase of a "replacement" vehicle or any new vehicle to your ins. company within 30 days or they can legally refuse you coverage, which PROGRESSIVE did. They were a LOT more honest on their examination of the car and the actual damage of the car than GEICO's adjuster was. Total slimeball. Check out the two Class Action suits currently starting on the web re: GEICO low-balling damage estimates. And of course GEICO keeps offices at body shops so you'll use their body shop and they'll get a kickback. And NO I didn't use their body shop.

Yup, I took their check for ONLY the car damage. Signed it and put that I protested the amount right beside it. Made a copy of it and the check is sitting in my drawer someplace. They sent me a 2nd check later for more damages they forgot to include plus rental car. Did the same thing with the check.

And NO I am NOT stupid enough to give away any of my liability or other right to sue rights. Out here in the Land of the Fee I can't think of ONE of those ridiculous damage waivers that has stood up to an appeal in court unless the person violated the Statute of Limitations timewise.

So Yes, NO, NO, NO and NO.

And I'm NOT suing PROGRESSIVE. In fact I have complete liability ins. with them for our cars. I LOVE my PROGRESSIVE agent. Don't think much of the company, had to beat them twice on settlement offers but he's great. Won both. Again, STATE FARM is the ONLY company I've found that actually PAYS what the accident is worth but they take their time about it but they're not above dirty tricks either.

Just FYI, I've employed the same business attorney now for over 12 years. Pay his retainer every six months. Painful but worth it just so I can call him whenever I want without getting charged $150 an hour for each call. And I have an honest mechanic and know at least three honest bodyshops around me. I spent over 10 years in that bidness. Didn't like the normal dishonesty and people so got into something that I like and pays better. Although GEICO's INSURED DRIVER kind of put a crimp in that.

Ask me an intelligent question. I'm getting tired of the trivial questions. This is all stuff anyone who's ever dealt with an ins. company in an adversarial manner should know.......

So are you an agent, a shill, or just in love with GEICO??? LOL.


Cedar Rapids,

California has a 30 day rule

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, July 29, 2004 California has a 30 day that like in Iowa where the new owner of a vehicle is covered by his/her insurance for the first 30 days after taking possession of the vehicle regardless if the insurance company is notified? took a check from GEICO..was this a settlement check? Did you cash the check? Did you have to sign nay papers saying this was the end of the settlement?



Obviously you're an Insurance agent/or GEICO STILL SUCKS.......

#15Author of original report

Wed, July 28, 2004

If you READ my rant.

GEICO has SECONDARY COVERAGE on the car. The MARRIED owner bought the car for the use of a female "friend". Yup, I usually lend "friends" $5000+ to buy a used car after their MERCEDES dies and they get into financial trouble because they're renting a $3000+ a month Condo. I DO my homework. The seller CORRECTLY filed the release of liability the day of sale and at least FORTY-FIVE DAYS before the accident.

GEICO HAS SECONDARY RESPONSIBILITY ON THE CAR!!! HOW MUCH CLEARER CAN THAT GET????? PROGRESSIVE has absolutely NO responsibility as the new owner didn't notify them of the purchase. There's a 30 day law in CA for that. GEICO therefore HAS to take first position as they insured the driver.

GEICO has already accepted COMPLETE liability for the physical damages, and paid out the absolute MINIMUM they could. Their adjuster even stated on his claims form that SECOND HAND PARTS would be used to fix the car. I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS OR SIGN IT, I JUST TOOK THEIR CHECK.

What GEICO is arguing, is that I didn't suffer any damages in the accident. Right. That's why I've had EIGHT major and minor surgeries and have three more scheduled ALL DIRECTLY DUE TO THIS ACCIDENT.

The Judicial System is anything but that. Take it for what that's worth. However TODAY GEICO managed to get another FIVE MONTH CONTINUANCE OF THE CASE. This will run the case out to a little less than the FIVE YEAR statutory date on jury cases. The Judge is SO biased they didn't even have to prove cause!!! Same Judge has taken THREE 2 week to a month long vacations IN THE PAST THREE MONTHS. He'll be on VACATION FOR ALL OF AUGUST. What a joke!!!!

I brought up in court that GEICO has NOW RECEIVED 14 CONTINUANCES. The judge didn't even blink before granting them this one.

And yes, I checked. We HAVE Judicial case seniority of ALL the cases on the Judge's calendar.

To me, it's simply obvious that even if the defense wins ALL of their Motions in Limine that this Judge does NOT want to win the case. They WON'T win a Motion of Nonsuit as my former attorney and myself already proved causation. This is simply yet another attempt to force us to settle. It's a proven fact that the longer ANY PI case is continued, the more likely that the plaintiff will settle.

Trust me, I'm NOT settling. We're NOT settling. If I have to fight this case until it becomes a pyhrric (sp?) victory I will. IF I EVER get in front of a jury even with all the muzzles put on me I will prevail.

ANY commonsense layperson will find the defense's shenanigans to be ridiculous and a waste of time.

By January we'll already be involved in the GEICO Constitutitional Rights cases. So far two of our defendants have stated they'll be suing GEICO to recover their losses to us due to GEICO's negligence. And they have deep pocket lawyers.

Given the fact that you're a shill for the insurance companies in some manner, wouldn't it STILL make sense to you that if a case has merit and "legs" like this, and that a Pro Per can sustain it for over two years, that it MIGHT be worth the now over 100k that GEICO has put into it? Each month they keep us from settling means they can pay us off the interest of whatever proposed settlement they have in mind. Proven legal and Ins. fact.

And thanks for the backhanded compliment about the intensity . Unfortunately you just don't get it. They've now held up the case for almost FIVE YEARS ON PURPOSE AND WITHOUT GOOD CAUSE. I now have enough medical experts, witnesses etc. who have offered to testify FOR FREE due to my old medical connections and nascent knowledge. Would doctor's do that who are HONEST if the case didn't have merit??

I hope somebody else reads these before they try and settle with GEICO. Besides ins. agents or the like I mean.

End of rant.

Have a better day than me y'all


Cedar Rapids,

Think about it...

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 28, 2004 state yourself the owner of the vehicle did not report the purchase of the car. Do you think an insurance company should be responsible for a vehicle they had no knowledge of? And the vehicle was being driven by someone who does not live in the household? You never clarify what carrier is responsible for which driver...why did Progressive and GEICO inspect the vehicle? What coverage do you have on your vehicle? Your rant, while impressive in its intensity and length, lacks any real clarity.

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