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  • Report:  #1167101

Complaint Review: Geno Scala

Geno Scala The Script Mentor, Script Assignments and Searches, Geno Scala, Thief, Lies. Geno Scala Steals From Other Screenwriting Sites, And Jeopardizes All Screenwriters!!! Alabama Internet

  • Reported By:
    Allison Miles — Venice Beach California
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 03, 2014
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 04, 2014

Dear Readers,

This is my first time using Ripoff Report and I normally wouldn’t publicly oust someone, but it seems this will be the 5th entry on Rip Off Report (?) in regards to experiences with “Geno Scala”. So while this may not be the best approach, I DO feel my story and research should be heard and considered. But I will allow you, the readers, to form your own candid opinion.

I do want to go “on the record” that this entry should not be perceived as a way to hide myself and/or identity. This report will be posted on LI, my blog, and emailed to a collection of entertainment professionals.



Up until a couple weeks ago, I did not know Geno Scala. I came in contact with Geno Scala after joining 1 of his screenwriting groups through LI. I didn’t initially know he was the “owner” of the group, but he did respectfully introduce himself by way of messaging me. 

Geno Scala

Screenwriter/Mentor; Producer @ Shark-Eating Man Productions (

Hi Allison!

I might be in need of a good researcher in the near future. Working at NatGeo, you must be friends with (withholding name for privacy reasons) He says he worked there.


I responded and introduced mysefl, and also thanked him for allowing me to be apart of his network and group. It did quickly dawn on me that he spent most of his time (borderline obsessive) ousting and expelling other screenwriting mentors, services, contests, and screenwriters in general.

I MUST provide the readers with a small backstory.

I am hard-working researcher, AP, and, yes, a production assistant (coffee fetcher). I have been working in reality tv since it’s inception, at least it feels like it. My credits can be found online. I must admit, it’s time to make a career change. As a researcher, you learn a lot of interesting facts and stories, and I would like to share those stories. This goal is what led me to screenwriting. Screenwriting is not my day job, and I have never been hired to write a screenplay. This is purely for fun, with the desire to one day be a full-time scriptwriter.


I digress.

OK, so when Geno Scala posted an entry on his group seeking a “Group Manager” for a new group he created it did peak my interest. I replied to Geno informing him I was semi interested. I’m “newer” to screenwriting and this would be an opportunity to strengthen and grow my network in the screenwriting community. But because of my lack of experience when it comes to writing movies, I was all but sure he would choose someone else...


From Geno:

Hi Allison! Thank you for responding.


Re: Group manager position: I would think that, initially, the position would require about an hour of someone's time, just until you got familiar with navigating sites and writing the posts. I will start the person with a handful of sites to check, and they don't have new entries everyday, so one day, there may not be any new jobs to post. I would only want the better opportunities to post anyway, not the bull$%#@ that these newsletter companies. Eventually you'll learn of new sites and such, and have a wider network to source.

You'll also learn what's out there, and if you are among the first to see the ads, you'll have an advantage when applying to them or submitting your scripts. In time, you may be able to contact sources directly, and this is how things happen and doors open for you!

Right now, I do it, and I post one or two ads every couple of days, and I think people are grateful for the opportunities. It's free, and I'm hoping to off-set the damage these unscrupulous newsletters do from constantly ripping off naive and desperate screenwriters through their subscription to newsletters advertising jobs and opptys easily found for FREE. That's my goal and motivation, and I think it's worthwhile.

So, think about it, and if you think it's something you can do a few times a week, or everyday, it'll be cool! Plus, you'll get good at navigating LinkedIn and make a lot of nice connections. I have several people that are interested, so I want to see who is really interested...


He chose me. And after exchanging emails with him, managing his fraudulent LI group, and doing what I do best--researching--it is clear why I got the “Job”. The job was UNPAID.

To save time and space, I will be leaving out the parts that are irrelevant to my “claim”. I did, however, take screenshots of the emails in its entirety. So if you would like to view the whole message, I’d be happy to forward it over. Please keep in mind that I was not aware that his group was a scam at the time.


Initial email after being “awarded” the position.


[ I left comments next to his comments. These comments were obviously constructed much later.]


Fri, Jul 25, 2014 7:11 pm

From Geno Scala

To: (((REDACTED)))


Hi Allison!

Congratulations on accepting the group manager position in the "Script Assignments and Searches" LinkedIn group….

I would like to limit the posts to paying jobs for screenwriters, or opportunities that seem to be REALLY interesting and worthwhile. I want to stay away from the free jobs as much as possible, but sometimes these opptys are good to know about as well.  


[stay away from free jobs, Geno? Really? This job you are “bestowing” upon me is UNPAID.]

The sites that I generally scan for these assignments include Craigslist Los Angeles and New York,,,,,, and If you search under writing jobs, or "scripts", or "screenplays", "writing gigs", "all gigs", and keywords like that, you should get plenty of jobs to choose from...

[so Geno, are we taking these jobs from paid and reputable sites and pawning them off as our own? Isn’t this illegal?]

In the beginning, until you get used to it, you may end up spending 60-90 minutes daily, or every other day. Don't be too concerned if you miss a day, as we are preforming a FREE service, but I do want it to be good, effective and long-lasting. I will also be in the group regularly posting and/or editing, as well as allowing members in. As you get more comfortable navigating the sites, including LinkedIn (I've been owning and managing groups for nine years on LI), we can expand your role and responsibility and authority as we both see fit.


[expand my role? To a paying role? But wait, 90 minutes a day, stealing jobs from other sites?]

Question(s): do you currently receive either the ISA newsletter and/or SSU newsletter? Are you a member of either of their specific LinkedIn groups?

[yes, and they are BOTH very helpful. Will I be stealing from them, too?]


I will tell you that if you are a member of either group and and you have paid and receive either newsletter, chances are high that you will stop receiving the newsletter if wither group finds out you do this for this group. It is in direct competition of what they do, and they charge people for the information we will be providing to people for FREE. I want you to link back all of our leads TO THE ORIGINAL POST if possible. We will NOT be taking responsibility for posts and job leads that other sites and employees work hard to cultivate. I will be posting things on occasion; many of my posts will be completely original to our group as they are leads cultivated by me.

[other sites cultivate leads, and we rob them of their hard work? You are in direct competition with ISA, SSU and Ink Tip?  These 3 services have invested time and money in websites, employees, industry contacts, social networks, and success stories. You, Geno Scala, invested in a FREE LI group, added a few of your friends, hired me as an UNPAID employee, and steal leads from Ink Tip and SSU.]


Let me know if you have any questions. You can use some of the previous job posts as a guide.



Geno Scala

Shark-Eating Man Productions  


The Script Mentor


Be sure to follow The Script Mentor blog at:

I responded to his email with questions, comments, and suggestions.


Sun, Jul 27, 2014 3:43 pm

From Geno Scala

To: (((REDACTED)))


[me] Some of the places you listed I already knew about, so that will be cake to browse those leads. But some of the other sites like MediaMatch and are paying sites. [me]So are we still wanting to post their leads to our group? I didn't see contact info anywhere on the leads. I'm sure with enough investigation, I can find the company's contact information through IMDb Pro and such. (I am a paying member for MediaMatch. Working in Reality TV, it's been a go-to site for me)


[Geno Scala ] If the ad is attractive enough, we can refer them to the site/page by attaching the link. If they have to register and pay, that'll be their choice. Chances are they weren't familiar with the site to begin with, so they'll get that out of it. It could be that once-in-a-lifetime oppty that someone was looking for; we don't know. Kepp in mind- we have no inherent responsibilities with this.


[actually, Geno, we ARE responsible for this. We are stealing leads from corporations. You just crucified these organizations for charging money, and now we are going to refer our members to them?]


[me] So are we looking to compile leads from other sites, and post them up on our group, directing the members to follow the links to apply? Or are you wanting me to find the lead on the original site, and  then research the contact information to the person(s) hiring?


[Geno Scala] The former. Easy-peasy. We're not an agency, just offering alternatives to newsletters. IF you come across a cool opportunity and WANT to chase the lead down, have at it. I have done it in the past on some ads, more out of curiosity. What I have done a lot more of, though, is when I come across a producer looking for a script, I generally reach out to them and talk to them about my 20K network and offer to do them a huge favor, at no cost to them. I offer to promote the script search to my network (LinkedIn is a small percentage of my overall network), and I'll review the submissions for quality and pass on the best submissions. The last one I did yielded over two hundred script submissions, which I reviewed and passed on less than 20%, but they thought it was a significantly higher level of submissions than they normally get. In return, I develop a professional friendship with a (larger) production studio and that often results in first-reads and first considerations when promoting my own material. You'll have that very same opportunity, too!


[so you speak poorly about these “newsletters” and yet you still apply? Let’s be honest, Geno. I’ve seen your social networks and pages, you take it upon yourself to advertise these “script requests” as a tool to promote yourself and your “mentoring” services. You admit to stealing leads, but we are supposed to trust you with our screenplay? And wait, so we are not helping our fellow screenwriters sell their scripts, we are doing this to “get in” with the studios so we can sell our own work? Do you even forward our query letters/screenplays off? Actually, do these companies even contact you? Maybe you are just wanting people to click on your forums and home pages.]


[me] Regarding ISA and SSU, I believe I'm a free members on that site. To be honest, I sign up for so many screenwriting newsletters…. I think I WAS on ISA's mail list… I'll go through and see if I'm still subscribed (to both). If I am, should I post those leads to?


[Geno Scala] I get both as well, and mine go straight to a designated folder for use later if needed. The SSU Premium newsletter is forwarded to me by about eight different people who support what we're doing, but have already paid.... In a year, that will probably dry up, but in a year, I hope they'll be dried up as well…


Even ISA does basically the same thing, he does charge only for the five-day lead, but he has no compunction in admitting that he cuts-and-pastes each ad word for word. I can't stomach that. As far as those leads- specifically SSU's leads, since they now attempt to re-word the ad a bit, I do research each of them and if it's a paying gig…. yes, I post it. Absolutely. Those are the ones that I'm most excited to see posted. Keep in mind- the FREE newsletter generally promotes only free jobs, or really stupid jobs (they once posted a job to head up CBS news division. Yeah, we have a lot of LinkedIn contacts looking in (their) group forum that are qualified for a job like that. Numbskulls. If the FREE newsletter advertises a script search or a job and provides direct contact info to the CLIENT, then yes, go ahead and post it. I still have the ability to delete, so if there is a glaring issue with one of the posts, or if a job doesn't seem to fit with what we are trying to do, I'll delete it and let you know why. Please don't read anything into it, and don't take any offense.


[I’m reading into this. I have to. So you are admitting you STEAL SSU’s leads? So you post SSU’s leads on your LI group for others to apply to? I thought their leads were bogus (according to you)? So you are providing bogus leads to your members? Or, do you actually find their leads helpful, and take credit for them? Why is it Geno, you keep reminding me that our services are free…. does that give us some sort of merit? Last I checked, Ink Tip, SSU and ISA offer FREE services, too. And why is it you have a profile up on ISA? I thought you despised ISA, why would you need to advertise their?]


[me] Sorry for so many questions, I just want to be sure I know EXACTLY want you want.

I love questions, so don't you worry. Lastly, in your screenwriting groups or FB groups etc., you just may come across some bitter writer who, for some reason (perhaps out of loyalty to one of the newsletters) will start attacking me without my knowledge. I have friends who tell me when this happens, so if you see it, just give me a head's up. I'm not an active member in too many of the other groups, so I don't have access to a lot of that stuff.

[Oh, Geno, you have NO idea. People came, Geno. They told me who you REALLY are. I should have known. You even telling me that should have been a big red flag.

Anyway, I think 2-4 ads a day is more than plenty. Pretty soon, by week's end, the earlier ads get buried.

[Geno, you will need to find someone else to do your dirty work.]



Geno Scala


Now, readers, do you still not believe he steals ads?

I signed up for SSU’s premium package after I was slowly putting the puzzle together on this Geno Scala. Yesterday, at 11am (Saturday, August 2nd) SSU sent out 3 paid leads to my personal email.



Seeking short scripts that are NO longer than 10 minutes. The shorter the page length, the better! We will be paying 3 figures for script. Please send (1) PDF of the script you would like reviewed... MUST be copyrighted.  (direct contact info placed here)


"Seeking some kick a** short scripts" -  (name will be kept private) would like to read SSU's premium members shorts. Send him a pitch first; if he's interested, he will contact you for full script. VIEW LINKEDIN. Contact (private) with your pitch and a reasonable rate for script. (direct contact info placed here)


At this time, we are ONLY interested in screenwriters from INDIA. If this changes down the road, we will contact SSU. We are looking for a screenwriter who can write mystery, thriller, and suspense scripts/treatments. Seeking long term relationship with chosen writer. PAY based on writer. (direct contact info placed here).

A little after 10pm last night, August 2nd (11 hours later) Geno Scala posted THIS on our LI group…


Short Script Pitches

Screenwriter/ Mentor @; Producer @ Shark-Eating Man Productions ( Contributor, Geno Scala

"Seeking some kick-a*s short scripts" - (name private) would like to read short script pitches If he's interested, he will contact you for full script. VIEW LINKEDIN.  Contact (private)  with your pitch and a reasonable rate for script. (Geno puts contact info here)

Seeking 10 Min. Shorts!

Screenwriter/ Mentor @; Producer @ Shark-Eating Man Productions ( Contributor, Geno Scala

Seeking short scripts that are NO longer than 10 minutes. The shorter the page length, the better! We will be paying 3 figures for script. Please send (1) PDF of the script you would like reviewed... MUST be copyrighted. (Geno puts contact info here)


Seeking INDIAN Screenwriters!

Screenwriter/ Mentor @; Producer @ Shark-Eating Man Productions ( Contributor

We are looking for screenwriters from India only who can write mystery, thriller, and suspense scripts/treatments.  Seeking long term relationship with screenwriter. Pay commensurate with experience and skill level. (Geno puts contact info here).

It gets worst. When signing up for SSU’s premium package, they sent me two months worth of previous leads. I crossed referenced Geno’s leads, and he ALWAYS posts SSu’s leads shortly after or the next day.

Since I’m a researcher, and a darn good one too, I found that Geno Scala took TWO (2) of Ink Tip’s leads. He never once directed his members to Ink Tip, or even gave Ink Tip credit. He lifted the script requests, and told his members that they were his. There was also a lead from ISA, it was older, but still….

Geno’s leads, thus far, other than lifting leads from the above mentioned, copies and pastes Stage 32, Mandy, and Craigslist. Sometimes he attaches a link to the lead, but that’s only if the site makes you apply through their page. CL has a firm policy on posting their ads in unidentified places. Mandy makes their money off advertising, that’s why we can view their listings for free. Mandy wants their members to go to their site. But when Geno takes these leads away from them, he’s also taking business away from Mandy which will result in subscription fees. I don’t think Stage 32 would be too fond over Geno’s antics either. Stage 32, while they are the facebook of the film industry, post jobs as well. Technically, all of their jobs are unpaid (Geno should know about that) but they still want you to sign up for an account. Geno Scala makes it where you can get full access to the job op and never become part of Stage 32’s community. One key thing I appreciate about SSU is in their premium package, and even free too, they provide me (their members) with contact information. The downside is vagrant's like Geno Scala can easily lift, copy and paste, and take credit for the lead.

Please understand this is not a personal vendetta towards Geno Scala. I was not mentored by him, I did not write a screenplay for him, and I was not instructed what to say about him. This accusation is based off my position as “Group Manager” on his fake LI account.


I searched through the web, hoping to identify what others thought about Geno Scala.

These are word-for-word, absolutely NO editing.


- Reading it just reminds me how illegitimate and self-exalting Geno is.

He is a moderator of a screenwriting group on LinkedIn. He and I got into what basically turned into an old fashioned flame war on there. I don't even remember the topic, but it had something to do with a log line I posted for feedback.

- Has anyone ever "ousted" this guy to his "customers"? I doubt many of his group members have read this. I joined his merely looking to network with other writers, but found it odd how many groups he has on here and how domineering he is over every single discussion.

- He's a loser, a fraud & a slob. Google him. He's an Elvis impersonator. The old fat one.

- He's irrelevant & has no industry experice & no formal writing training or "mentoring" knowledge. He preys in groups like this for new writers. I tried to help him with his scripts which were below average at best & he got mad at me because I wrote that he's not quailed to give people the feedback that he's giving.

- I feel sorry for those who have fallen for his lies - and there are plenty of sheep eager to follow him over the cliff like lemmings.

- It is a shame that someone would use this group to work a personal scam. I remember Geno from last year in this group - a very opinionated individual who lashed out at other writers.

- You stumble across groups like this looking for advice on a certain topic, Geno being one of them in this case. While it is getting annoying to hear about him, it will be important a few months from now for a new writer who is considering getting help from Geno to learn more about him to help decide on giving him money or (hopefully) not.

- I posed a question on Pitchfest's to a few groups, of which Geno replied quite verbosely. I thanked him for his thoughts on the subject and left it at that. A few days later I received a very lengthy private message, critique on a scene I have posted on my profile from Geno. I have never asked Geno, or anyone on Linkedin, to give me thoughts or notes on this. Needless to say, he shredded my writing. Which is fine, he didn't like it, thought it amateurism.

- Looks like this comment is outdated, but I have now faced the "wrath" of Geno Scala through his groups (in which he booted me). I'm new to screenwriting and hate to burn bridges already, but what validates someone being called a mentor? He may be a good, or even great, writer... but shouldn't someone who identifies themselves as a "mentor, in any field, have verifiable credits, references, and years of experience?

- Seems to me like there are a number of folk not very fond of this Geno guy

But I think this is what frightened me the most. Here is a awful newsfeed I found.


You could "option" my work, and I (Sharkeatingman Productions) can "option" yours. That way, we can (at least I could now) can claim to have optioned work under my belt. It does air a bit of credibility in our work with that claim, at least in many eyes.

Being an "optioned" writer would add credibility on a screenwriting mentorship program I am putting together for next year, one that you might be interested in being a part of as well. I enjoy helping "newbie" writers avoid the pitfalls and mistakes I made when starting off, and you were helpful to me during those days as well. I want to "pay it forward" and perhaps make a few dollars in the effort.

I’m not going to knock his mentorship program. Because in all honesty, only those who joined can honestly provide his/her opinion. But I will say that based off this thread, I may have more experience than Geno. It’s also not surprising that he wants to make a “few” dollars…. have you looked at his mentoring costs?

Here is what his group profile promises.



Our group doesn't require paying for NEWSLETTERS, and we don't hold contact information HOSTAGE. We don't force you to tell the client WHERE YOU GOT THE LEAD FROM. We're not here looking to take credit for someone else's hard work or their job opportunity. We're here to SHARE IT WITH YOU- FOR FREE! Good luck, all!

We are dedicated to providing screenwriters with information on PAID screenwriting assignments, jobs and opportunities, as well as active searches for completed scripts and the means by which they can apply for these positions and script searches. This service is provided at NO COST with no intention to sell or promote a newsletter, a product or a service of any kind. We will provide the ORIGINAL source of this information should it come from outside of the group itself

Sharing is one thing Geno, theft is illegal.

While being a Group Manager for Geno, I followed up with about 70% of the leads - mainly the ones that SSU and Ink Tip posted on their sites, but Geno stole. Guess how many of the leads Geno posted were authorized by the source or the person(s) hiring? Zero. Repeat...ZERO. Never did any of these sites, including Mandy, give Geno Scala permission to post.

This jeopardizes all of us as screenwriters. We are applying to leads that have not been approved. So we are sending out OUR contact info, based on Geno Scala’s leads, and he has never spoke with the employer. There is a clear reason why SSU asks its members to inform each person that they were sent from SSU.

Here is what SSU puts in each premium newsletter. So apparently Geno Scala and 8 other members are purposely violating their terms and conditions.


Statement of Confidentiality
The contents of this premium e-mail blast and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for addressee/premium members. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or phone and delete this message and its attachments, if any.

If you google Geno Scala, you will find that he has several profiles on the web. He even states that he “works” for SSU?

Geno wrote this in his blog (some of the columns have been deleted due to time and space).

Title - Don’t Be A D********: Write your own God****** Content. [real classy, Geno]

[Geno] One can provide this type of service ethically, as we do, if they choose to do so. On the rare occasion that one of my companies comes across an ad that we feel could be of benefit to our network of writers, we share that information.


[no you don’t Geno. You just admitted you do this so you can apply and broaden your network]

For an industry that cares about the protection of our own written material and intellectual property to such a degree that many of us register and copyright all of our own written work, to willingly or unknowingly engage in exactly this type of conduct is hypocritical, as well as illegal. If anyone is willing to go to these lengths to lift posts and claim credit for “filling” the job positions, can you really trust them with your SCRIPT when they request script submissions? How about your personal ID, or even financial information (credit card, Pay Pal account) if you sign up for the newsletters?

[how hypocritical, Geno. You already admitted that you lift jobs from SSU, ISA, and Ink Tip. All one has to do is subscribe to all 3 newsletters and then join your group. The only question is, who’s leads are they? Yours? Or theirs? Their reputations speak for themselves, yours is greatly tarnished.]

What these “services” are ACTUALLY giving you- for the monthly subscription rate of whatever- is a re-posting of an ad, Fact is, sites like Craigslist actually PROHIBIT the re-posting of ads; it says so when you place an ad, or respond to one.

Once a thief, always a thief.


[Who’s the thief? According to a LI thread and another Ripoff Report on you, you ACTUALLY tried to steal writing credit from a fellow screenwriter? Is that true? I believe it, you admitted you steal your leads. Geno, you need to practice what you preach. Don’t accuse other services for lifting CL ads and how they prohibit it, then you sit and do it. Again, all one has to do is go to your group, and read the CL ads.


Another Blog Post (this one was accompanied by a sexist photo of two girls fuc*ing)


Spelling errors – If your query letter is rife with spelling and grammatical errors, no one is going to waste their time looking any further. You must treat you marketing material with the same respect and concern as your screenplay. In a competitive industry such as ours, you really DO have to be perfect.


[I am not an English professor by any means, but just by reading your email to me, your posts, and blogs, you could really use a spell checker yourself.]

Choose the group carefully: Check the profile of the owner and/or moderators of the group. If the owner is a legal secretary, for example, and they operate a group for screenwriters, chances are they’re not managing the group closely enough. With these sites, anyone posting a question is pushed off the front page- with no responses- in a matter of minutes. A closely moderated group will often prevent that type of thing from happening.


[Geno, you could not be MORE right. Unfortunately, it’s YOU that moderates the groups]

His bio online:

Mr. Scala maintains residency and a business in the Los Angeles area.

[no he doesn’t, I did my research. He’s in Alabama. Alabama is a lovely place, Geno, don’t be ashamed to take ownership.]

He also owns and operates The Script Mentor, a screenwriting service with a dozen or so mentors who work with new screenwriters in one-month, three-month, six-month and twelve-month increments. The Script Mentor is the only mentoring service in the world with a 100% full-money back guarantee.

[this is NOT true. View mentors online. It seems that all offer 100% refunds]


When it comes to the business of screenwriting- we've spent the you won't have to!

[wait? If we don’t have to spend money, why is your mentoring site so expensive?]

Because he currently writes on assignment for various prduction companies, his demanding work schedule requires that he can only mentor PREMIUM members at this time.

[maybe it’s just me, but his work schedule is so demanding because he spends all day and night slandering screenwriting schools, services and contests. While their networks grow, his is quickly dwindling]

Suffices to say, I have taken myself off the LI group, and will do my best to apologize to each and every member for being associated with such a disgusting group.

I fully expect a retaliation on Geno’s part. Maybe he will take it easy since I’m a lady :)

But these are the facts, not an opinion.

I WILL be going through the LI group and deleting the ads that are stolen. I'm sure he will repost them. I did take screenshots for LI fraudalnt department to investigate, and I will also be sending these off to ISA, Ink Tip, SSU, Mandy, and Stage 32.

Regards, from an unbiased, objective industry professional, who once, unintentionally, worked for the scammer Geno Scala.

- A

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Allison Miles

Venice Beach,

Geno Scala is trying to MISLEAD you, but it's an epic fail.

#4Author of original report

Mon, August 04, 2014

Dear Geno and Readers,


I’m skeptical if this rip-off report is even being read. But in the slight chance it is, I’ll do my best to clarify what Geno did not comprehend.

After reading his other rip-off reports, I find that he’s accusing the same “people” for writing it. Sorry if I didn’t format this rip-off report to “rip-off” standards. I’m new at this, but apparently rip-off report found no problems, they DID approve it.

So it’s my responsibility, since my intentions are not to put blame on anyone else, to once again clarify who I am and my bussiness relationship with Geno Scala. It will be hard to file a rebuttal, as his comments were not directed to me, and I’m not sure why.


Facts & Timeline:

- After joining a screenwriting group, that Geno operates, Geno accepted my request and inboxed me shorty after (and added me as a friend). It wasn’t until he inboxed me that I saw he was the owner of the group. Geno introduced himself, and then told me he was looking for a researcher. FACT. Geno contacted me first, not the other way around.

- Geno posts an ad on his groups seeking a “Group Manager” for "Script Assignments and Searches”. Since Geno told me he was looking for a researcher initially, and this job was to research, I expressed some interest. FACT: Geno thanked me for my interest and proceeded to tell me he was reviewing all applicants.

- Geno brings me on as “Group Manager”. He sends me a personal message to my email thanking me once again for my interest, and congratulating me on the job (more like an internship). FACT: Geno approves me as “Group Manager” and gives me access to his page.

- Geno and I correspond through several emails ( He instructs me on what he’s looking for, his motivation, and his discontent with what he calls “competition”. FACT: throughout the message, he blatantly admits to stealing leads from an assortment of different screenwriting services. He also selfishly admits he does this so he can submit his screenplays for consideration, not the other way around.

- My time as a Group Manger: Geno gave me permission to yank leads from other sites and pawn them off as his own. But he did firmly instruct me that he would steal the leads from ISA and SSU because he had “insider” information. FACT: He actually does this. These companies did not use Geno Scala as a middleman for these leads.

- During my time, I posted a total of 6 leads. My leads came from CL and Entertainment Careers. I copied and pasted the ad, and provided a link. FACT: Geno thanked me for posting. Several of the members of the group inboxed me giving appreciation to my services. FACT: Over 50% of the leads Geno posted never had links attached, just emails. This is when I contacted some of these “producers”. They DID consent their lead to a few websites, but Geno was NOT one of them!

- I used my extensive research skills to locate the source of the leads and authenticity. What I found was astonishing. Once I confirmed my biggest fear, I resigned as “Group Manager”. FACT: I went through and deleted the leads that were stolen (out of respect for this industry), and sent a polite response to “his” members, apologizing for being mislead on the intentions of this group.

- Once I resigned, I went to reach Geno. I’m not one to hide. Geno Scala deleted me on his friend list and banned me from all groups. FACT: Geno Scala had to “delete” the group immediately after his scam was brought out of darkness and into the light.


The FACTS are in.

Geno Scala is playing this off as a “hack situation”. The group was not hacked into. While Geno tried to cover up my relationship with him and his group, as a longtime researcher, I made sure I took screenshots of everything, and printed out all correspondence between him and I. One can not hack a site if she is given the responsibility to post, moderate, and even operate his site. Please understand that I did NOT steal leads as he instructed, but I did do my best to find leads that were public domain.

If the readers choose to gather anything from this rebuttal and orginal post, it should be this:

I am a REAL person. I live in Venice Beach, CA, and have been for many years. I am a college graduate, and have spent that last 4-5 years working myself up in Reality TV.

No one can possibly believe that your page was hacked into. There is written proof, linkedin notifications, and screenshots that undboulty prove that Geno contacted ME first, hired me, asked for my assistance on his group, and elected me as “Group Manager”. The truth is, my intentions were to network with other screenwriters and form a business relationship with Geno Scala. Once I found his “true” motivations, I resigned and informed the public.

Geno can blame whomever he wants. I am REAL. I would be more than happy to speak to anyone over personal email, LI, and/or skype about this matter.

I have already sent this to LI. And will be spending my time today messaging the companies he stole leads from. How they want to handle it is their decision, but at least I know I did my part to save newer and more veteran screenwriters from submitting their leads to unauthorized people.


Final Statement:

It’s hard to gather if Geno Scala was taking personal shots at me, or someone else… since he directed this message to SSU and ISA, so I won’t get too personal. But he did call me out on a misspelled word… and since I’M THE ONE who wrote the rip-off report, I guess that is a personal attack.

Geno, I must inform you on some of YOUR misspelled words. Understand, though, I do not have the time to correct all the misspellings, but as a writing mentor, you should know better… right?

You:  nusiness

It’s actually “business”


You: self-sultivated

Did you mean “self-cultivated”?


You: wen

It’s spelled “when”. The “h” is silent.


You: thos

It’s spelled” those”.


You: serice

No, it’s “service”.

That’s all I have time for at the moment. If anyone is reading this, I’d suggest letting Geno Scala know his other errors, so he can correct this in the future.

I will be attaching a few more screenshots so the public can once again confirm Geno’s motivations and thievery

Thank you for your time, and I wish every reader the best of luck in this industry. Please make the right choices when joining groups on LI.



Let's Examine Allison/Jacob's "Complaint"

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 04, 2014

Here is the original ad this person neglected to post:

"New Group "Script Assignments and Searches" Seeks Manager!

Group Manager/Moderator Wanted!

We are seeking a group manager/moderator for a new LinkedIn group related to the entertainment industry and dedicated to the craft of screenwriting. The group is called "Script Assignments and Searches" (join NOW) and it will be posting (almost) daily paid writing assignments culled from various advertising sites to which the average screenwriter may wish to apply. In most cases, we will provide the links to the original job postings, and it will be YOUR responsibility to follow that sites directions in applying.

Some other paid writing gigs may be original to this group as well, through our thousands of industry network connections.

In addition to paid writing gigs, we will also use this group to advertise and promote specific script search requests. These are the connections that can help you get your screenplay optioned, purchased and/or produced.

We are seeking a group member to manage and moderate this group, with the assistance of the designated group owner. This is a hand's on position, which would require a little bit of research and posting of new content. This is an opportunity to "pay it forward" to your fellow writers, while also learning the art of marketing and networking within the industry. It can also open doors for you and allow you the opportunity to earn a living doing what you love to do- writing screenplays!

For those interested in this position, email us at, and tell us briefly why you want to manage a new LinkedIn group, what you hope to do with your writing in the future, and what skills/talents you bring to the table.

Look forward to your response!"

This is a networking forum group on the nusiness networking site, LinkedIn Clearly "Allison" (who is, in fact, Jacob Stuart, the crooked owner of Screenwriting Staffing Utopia, whose one of several newsletter companies that steals ads and claims them as their own original, self-sultivated clients) didn't believe she was being paid. No mention of pay was made, offered and in none of "her" emails did she request of suggest doing this voluntary work for pay. This is Jacob's attempt to smear our organization simply because we are providing THE EXACT SAME INFORMATION FOR FREE!

How do I know this is Jacob? It's easy. The wording of this complaint mirrors the other rip-off reports he's been filing. It gives us GREAT pleasure to know that we have affected his business so much, he spends hours a day NOT writing screenplays; NOT cutting and pasting stolen ads, but rather writing fake rip-off reports in an effort to smear us, slander and libel us.

Another reason I know this is written by Jacob is because he could never spell "pique" properly. Your interest isn't "peaked"- it is "piqued". If you were a REAL writer instead of the internet troll, you'd know this.

But, let's play along, shall we?

- The redacted email address "Allison" failed to copy and paste into "her" dissertation was actually, so feel free to spam her to death, in support of her claims, no doubt. ;)

- Her comment: "stay away from free jobs, Geno? Really? This job you are “bestowing” upon me is UNPAID"

Yes. The positions I want to advertise should be paid. It's bad enough YOUR company SELLS contact information for paying AND non-paying jobs. While we do a lot of work bringing jobs to the screenwriting masses, I choose to provide PAYING jobs. If this was an issue, why did you accept the responsibility? Hmmm?

Result: FAIL!

- Her comment: "So Geno, are we taking these jobs from paid and reputable sites and pawning them off as our own? Isn’t this illegal?  Clearly, it is not, as we are citing the location of the original posting, even going the extra step in providing a link to the ad.



Comment: "expand my role? To a paying role? But wait, 90 minutes a day, stealing jobs from other sites?

Once again, it is NOT stealing wen you credit the original sourcing information, unlike you who simply cuts-and-pastes, pleading with the six subscribers that you have to "tell the client that you found the lead in the newsletter!"


Comment: "actually, Geno, we ARE responsible for this. We are stealing leads from corporations. You just crucified these organizations for charging money, and now we are going to refer our members to them?"

Once again, your ignorance is showing. We are writing ads from other sites and citing thos original sites; no stealing here. If the site requires membership (as in creating a profile such as Mandy and others, it will fall on the responder's responsibility to create the profile).


Comment: "so you speak poorly about these “newsletters” and yet you still apply? Let’s be honest, Geno. I’ve seen your social networks and pages, you take it upon yourself to advertise these “script requests” as a tool to promote yourself and your “mentoring” services. You admit to stealing leads, but we are supposed to trust you with our screenplay? And wait, so we are not helping our fellow screenwriters sell their scripts, we are doing this to “get in” with the studios so we can sell our own work? Do you even forward our query letters/screenplays off? Actually, do these companies even contact you? Maybe you are just wanting people to click on your forums and home pages."

First of all, you've seen what I've allowed you to see. It is obvious I've never used one advertised job posting to promote any serice, product or newsletter of any kind. Too bad you can't say the same thing.


Comment: "I’m reading into this. I have to. So you are admitting you STEAL SSU’s leads? So you post SSU’s leads on your LI group for others to apply to? I thought their leads were bogus (according to you)? So you are providing bogus leads to your members? Or, do you actually find their leads helpful, and take credit for them? Why is it Geno, you keep reminding me that our services are free…. does that give us some sort of merit? Last I checked, Ink Tip, SSU and ISA offer FREE services, too. And why is it you have a profile up on ISA? I thought you despised ISA, why would you need to advertise their?"

Just because you say it repeatedly doesn't make it fact. We don't take SSU's leads; how could we? Am I are their mailing list ;) I don't think so. If I were, perhaps the owner should be aware of the clients  to whom he's sending the FREE and PREMIUM newsletters. (feeling pretty stupid right about now, huh, Jacob? Thought so).


So, folks- there you have it. I've painstakingly responded to each and every fake accusation Stuart and his crooked company continues to make against us. You see, Stuart and his girlfriend have stolen over $2600 from us, and we are suing them. That's their sole motivation. I've developed a BRILLIANT way to offer an alternative job source for our screenwriting network of over 20,000 people, and I intend to continue to furnish this information for free. Stuart will continue to steal ads and charge people money for the contact information. We are so aware of the number of people who have stopped signing up for their newsletter and this is a good thing. If it requires daily rebuttals to fake names, fake progiles and fake complaints such as this, it's well-worth it.




Allison Miles IS Jacob Stuart

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 04, 2014

I appreciate all the wonderful posts you continue to make regarding me, my business, and my credits. Thank you! Outside of your commentary, I've done nothing wrong, which is why I thank you for posting it all. You make my position that much stronger.

Offering a free alternative to jobs stolen by others and posted FOR PROFIT on the net is q noble act, wouldn't you agree? In all of the ads we posted, we made a point of providing the link to the original ad, unlike YOU and your joke of a newsletter who charges $100 to place ads stolen from these sites. You even beg the subscribers to "tell them SSU sent you!", while we simply point them to the original ad and originating site.

Not only do you engage is stealing ads and claiming them as your own, you PLAGIARIZE the ad as well. In case you're not familiar with the term, it means to copy any written material and claiming it as your own. To do so "for profit" is a criminal offense.

So, let me be the first to thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing this out into the open, and giving me all of the credit in DISCREDITING you.


Respond to this Report!