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  • Report:  #28856

Complaint Review: George W. Bush

George W. Bush, U.S. Government Misleading the American People political corruption tricked and lied to us Washington District of Columbia

  • Reported By:
    Waconia mn
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 03, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 06, 2004
  • George W. Bush
    White House
    Washington, District of Columbia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

President George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and his gang of idiots need to get their collective heads out of their nether regions, and act like responsible representatives of the U.S people, instead of playground bullies. In defiance of the rest of the world, the U.S. Congress and the manifest desire of the U.S. public, these thugs want to embroil us in a war with Iraq which, at a minimum, will result in the destruction of our alliances with the Arab states. The literal destruction of the state of Israel is very likely, and following that, a conflagration on a scale the world has never seen.

To quote the words of President Bush's father: "Where's the beef?" The administration has provided no evidence of Iraq's possession of "weapons of mass destruction" nor it's involvement with Al-Qaeda. It is simply riding on the momentum of 9/11 to further it's own agenda.
At least Colin Powell has finally spoken up to provide a counterpoint to the yes-men and flunkies in the president's cabinet, who seem to think that an invasion of Iraq is going to be a walk in the park.

If the Republican party has any hopes of winning the next election, they'll dump their incumbent pinhead and nominate Powell. Maybe in order to head off any attempt at a Dr. Strangelove strategy we ought to just impeach the redneck punk (does anybody remember Richard Nixon and his policy of the Imperial Executive?)

He definitely does not have the support of this U.S. Navy retiree, and if I'm still around to vote (maybe none of us will be left to vote) in the next election, I'll be voting for anybody who runs against him. I hope it's Powell

Waconia, Minnesota

25 Updates & Rebuttals

Miss Conservative

Lake St. Louis,

To Brenda ... Mike is right; abortion is murder

#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 05, 2004

This is to Brenda; the promoter of infant homicide.... The better question is this, Brenda: who in the hell do you think YOU are?

Mr. Perone, regardless of his gender, is absolutely correct. No matter how you slice it, abortion is a violent form of homicide! The victims of this cruel act are innocent babies who have done nothing to deserve their appalling fate.

And yes, women who destroy the life contained within their wombs, should themselves, be charged with murder and executed if convicted. I will agree that we all have rights (to a certain extent) to do with our bodies whatever we choose. However, those rights are effectively waived when we voluntarily engage in procreational activity.

Reasonable women (and men) need to start accepting all of the responsibilities associated sexual behavior because after conception occurs, our bodies alone are no longer at stake. We have no right to destroy life we are responsible for creating! To argue otherwise is, in my opinion, evil and immoral.

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, was one of the worst (if not the worst) U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the history of our great country. Blackmun, J.- ackass should be ashamed for authoring the opinion.

We should call upon the more conservative Justices (Kennedy, O'Connor, Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas) to do their part in the protection of innocent life; if and when the matter of baby murder reaches them again.



George the (TYRANT) W Bush

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2004

I need to add my opinion in rebutal to posted messages. Let's just imagine,what first would have prompted George W Bush the Tyrant, to invade Iraq in the first place? Was Saddam pointing a nuclear missle at the United States? Was there a threat of him suppling Planes to head for the United States, or any of its allies to drop a nuclear bomb? I think not!!!! This is just an excuse for him to invade to make up for the mistake that George Bush, Sr. failed to do at the end of the Gulf War!!! Let's also ponder what is George W Bush the Tyrant & d**k Cheney both have an interest in thier business & personal lives.

ONE GUESS.....(OIL) Iraq has the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world, next to Saudi Arabia. Halliburton is owned by d**k Cheney, and I am sure you will also find a connection to George W.
the Tyrant Bush. It is always good to blame the CIA & other intelligence agencies for reporting incorrect information to the WHITE HOUSE!!! That is such a cop out. George W. the Tyrant Bush, main objective was to obtain the oil supply, to support his & d**k Cheney's bank accounts....

If he is re-elected which he was not the first time, I will be looking to leave this Country. He has put personal greed ahead for personal gain, and gives not a hoot for the American public. This interview Sunday, February 8, 2004 with Tim Russert on MEET THE PRESS, is nothing more than his way to lie to the American People again. My heart goes out to all the United States citizens who have sacrificed their childrens blood to enhance the bank accounts of
George W. the Tyrant Bush & d**k the Flunky Cheney.


As before, my heart goes out to all military personnel who have given their lives and limbs at thier expense and greed.



Liberals V. Conservatives

#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 05, 2004

How many times will this be played out? When the subject of Liberal V. Conservative comes up, there is all this namecalling and downright s**t! I for one, was raised in rural Arkansas, and I have (for the most part) the same mind-set as the rest of the people in my small community. I beleive that religion is a very important issue, and that murder in any form is murder, but who am I to judge what a person does? I mean come on! Attacking a woman who has had an abortion, or has done anything else wrong for that matter, is being a little hypocritical isn't it? The point here is this: NO ONE IS PERFECT, AND EVERYONE SINS!

Then, the person that attacked civil rights, WHATS UP WITH THAT? It sounds like something that a slaveholder would have said in 1865. What next - saying that women and landless people should have their voting rights taken away? Actually, let go ahead and go one step further - Why don't we take away all the rights of everyone except the people that stepped off the Mayflower (no, not really. Someone was probably thinking that I would actually be a suporter of that).

This is the way I see things:

1.) Everyone gripes about all the "immorals" of this country, but yet, when they do something wrong, it's okay, because it was less immoral than something else. (The last time I checked, a sin is a sin in God's eyes)!

2.) Both liberals and conservatives have good positions. People should be able to do anything within his or her own body, but don't mess with my guns!

3.) Fussing and name-calling is not getting anything done! It never has, and it never will. It's just a waste of time to fight a loosing battle that will never be won.

But, something tells me that I will be wrong on all my views and stances!


San Diego,

YOUR the jackass mike, Who the hell do you think you are?

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, December 17, 2003

This is to Mike in Media, Pennsylvania: Who the hell do you think you are? "mothers should be executed for having an abortion?" Is that what you are trying to say? GIVE ME A BREAK. At what point in your life would you know ANYTHING about being a woman and the decision of abortion???? You would have to be a WOMAN to understand the reality behind the decision making. And considering your name is Mike, I am assuming you are a MAN. Excuse IGNORANT MAN. I don't think abortion should be misused as some women do, but it IS a womans choice, and there are other reasons and circumstances. So when you become a woman and get pregnant, say, BY YOUR RAPIST.....THEN TELL ME HOW YOU VIEW ABORTION. I bet you would have a differrent opinion. That's a perfect example of other reasons/circumstances. Not all women who get abortions are whores and "should be executed like murderers", you ignorant dumbass.


Lake Worth,

Your right and look what else he has planned

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, December 16, 2003

not only is the iraq war a war to protect the bush family wealth. WERE ARE THE NUKES? cant find them because there were none! yes sadam had to go but now who is going to run iraq? 60% of iraq is shite muslim. now lets see . they are the ones who kidnaped americans back in the 70's . now iraq is going to be another iran. WHAT HAS HE ACOMPLISHED. NOTHING. the next country he is going to go after wil be iran or north korea. get off his war horse before he destroy's this country.

now lets talk about how bush plans to KILL the american family. he has decided to take away OVERTIME from the american people this overtime is what keeps company's from forcing people from working 70 ,80 and 100 hours a week. say good bye to your family. when and if his OT law passes companies will start laying off people and make the ones they keep work more hours. the companies will save on not paying on benifits for so many employees. and will only keep the most productive workers they have.

here is a link to let bush know your opion



Thanks Robin

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, June 16, 2003

I think you did help a lot and you said it all about free to express our opinion and religion. I guess Bush takes the blame for this because he nominates some people that are questionable in their motives but I still question his motives. We knew with our great and I repeat (I am proud our our servicemen) Our great military force we could take over Iraq. We also had no problem with invading Afghanistan either; but the problem I have is we should leave no stone unturned until we find bin Laden. People say we whipped Saddam but until we know of his status is he truly dead or annihilated? Is he in some place making plans maybe with North Korea? I won't dwell on this but I will say until we know for sure people cannot say the world is safer. We have so many issues here on the home front to fear, crack addicts, muggers, murderers, and of course the job market and THE ECONOMY. I really appreciate your thoughts and it was so enlightening to read your opinions...again thanks



I try to avoid these unwinnable debates, but good grief, people: look at the whole picture!

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, June 16, 2003

There seems to be a prevailing attitude that President Bush is first cousin to the Antichrist in this country today. Audrey, especially, seems to feel that every evil has Bush's imprint on it, so I will address mostly her rebuttal.

You are naive if you think that the President actually runs the country; Congress is the body that creates laws and guidelines for this country. If you will check the Web, you will find that most politicians at all levels, Congress on down to your local sheriff, are financed by one or another special-interest groups that lobby for big business. These politicians are bought and paid for before they ever take their oath and step inside their office. Since the "you rub my back and I'll rub yours" methodology is in place, the elected official is bound by campaign contributions to try to pass legislation favorable to that contributing industry or at the very least take the teeth out of unfavorable laws. Goes on all day, every day. Big business runs this country; has for years! Congress wallows in its own stagnation, bound hand and foot by the companies that have bought it! For every law passed for the common good, another is passed for the Corporations. They effectively cancel each other out, while leaving Americans up to our eyeballs in basically useless laws and regulations.

I am personally wishing the whole legal doubletalk could be scrapped for some common horse sense! I would settle for a few laws that say: (1)I won't steal from you and you will not steal from me. (2)I will not call you bad names or tell lies about you and you will return the courtesy. (3)I will not kill you or any member of your family and you will not kill me or any member of my family. (4)I won't destroy your family by interfering with your spouse, and you will remain on your side of the fence as well. (5) I will happily let you attend whatever House of Worship you choose and you will allow me the same freedom. Neither of us will slander each others' beliefs.

That is oversimplified, but you get the idea. No one understands all the laws in this country and for every law that says right, you can find an equal and opposite law that says left. The smoke and mirror trick that is used against us as often as it gets used for us.

America sold out her population years ago. Raping the Social Security fund is nothing new; that program is so full of worthless IOUs that it would break half the world if the American people called those chits in. I am amazed that, after all this and knowing that our trust was broken in such a manner, people are still able to delude themselves into believing that our government "cares for us"! It only cares when it is caught, yet again, with its hand in the cookie jar!

The economy in this country does NOTHING overnight. The fallout we are experiencing today has its roots many years ago. It is called the trickle-down effect and seems to create an ongoing "boom and bust" cycle of 15-20 years. This seems to me to be created anytime the Federal Government starts letting laws get enacted that are favorable to big business. As soon as that happens big business starts raping the American people and bursts its own balloon with its own greed. Consumers in this country eventually get to the point that they cannot or will not support the greed and then there is a flurry of inquiries into this, that and the other. The scandals that are being investigated now (Enron, Andersen, World Com, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, ad nauseum; believe me, there is more coming) began many years ago.

We will now have more "inquiries", more token heads will roll (guys slapped on the wrist and sent home with million-dollar bonuses), and it will be business as usual by next week. The thing I find infuriating is that the body that was created to look out for the welfare of Americans will turn a blind eye toward the corruption until some whistleblower rubs it right in their faces..HARD! A few more token campaign reform laws will be passed, which the two prevailing parties will have sidestepped before they ever go into effect. As much as American politicians would like to make you believe that they are interested in your welfare, it is becoming more and more apparent even to the most die-hard idealist that they are interested in their OWN welfare. Follow some of these people out of their office and see what they suddenly "acquire" shortly after their terms are over.

Politicians will tell you that they are looking out for you; do not listen to what they say, watch what they DO! All politicians are loaded with sweet sentiments and the ability to tell each group it addresses exactly what THAT group wants to hear. Three hundred miles away, the same pol addressing a group with different sentiments will directly contradict what was said yesterday because that is the message this group wants to hear! It takes research to make these discoveries; the crap dished up in the popular press is so much watered-down pap for the masses; brainwashed as we are. Once the press decides whom it chooses for President or any other elected or appointed official, the spin begins.

You will learn more truth reading this site than you will listening to your TV News broadcasts. Find out how your elected politicians are voting and you will immediately know who is "on your side". With the recent change in the FCC rules, there will soon be a select few choosing what should be delivered by the mass media in America and they are "Big Businessmen". Scary; the propaganda machine will rule with a heavy hand then. It will take LOOKING for the truth.

As for terrorist attacks, those roots go way back as well. Al-Queda did not spring up fully grown overnight with full battle plan in force. Some of the people involved had lived in this country for years, learning our ways in order to use our own system against us! They succeeded spectacularly due to some more of those blind-eyes being turned away.

I have seen a few Presidents come and go (more than I care to admit at times) and there has yet to be one that can make me agree with every move made. It is a given that any action that is witnessed by more than two people will leave at least 50% of the witnessing parties disgruntled! It is the American way. What is scary is that presidents come and go like clockwork and the behind-the-scene corruption in our governing body remains behind and grows. The vote for President is nothing more than a vote for a glorified public relations figure. Does not matter one iota if God or the Devil wins the race.

Do not be distracted by one-day antics (I really don't care if Bush got on a battleship myself; being President ought to have a few perks). Do not be distracted by wars and skirmishes all over the world; they are going to be a fact of life for years to come. What you really need to watch is the votes by your elected Congressmen and Representatives and what their appointees are doing; therein lies the power and it is being misused mightily. The upper levels of our government are just as dog-eat-dog as any Corporate Boardroom, because that is just what it is! The guy with the most money at the end wins! The game is played for personal gain and America is the vehicle they are riding. This game goes on among both elected and appointed officials, so it is widespread in the Halls of Power.

Someday the bloated balloon will burst because it has to; there is no other outcome possible unless intervention is done soon and in a huge way. Our Federal Government was originally intended to play a minor role in our lives. It was designed to support and supplement the individual state's rights to govern its population(the theory being that, in a free society a citizen would have the choice to move to another state if he were unhappy). Over time, more and more state's rights have been trampled and pushed under the Federal umbrella until states have very little power left. We will soon have only one real governing body; we are dangerously close to that situation now.

The best comparison I can come up with is the symbiotic relationship between a host and some bacteria. We all carry bacteria in our gut that is not harmful; in fact, it is essential for us to be able to digest food. Too little of these bacteria and the food we eat does us no good and the host dies of malnutition. If something occurs to upset the correct balance, these bacteria can multiply at an alarming rate and will eventually kill the host from overwhelming infection. UNLESS there is a radical intervention and introduction of some pretty powerful antibiotics. I have yet to determine if this "host" is still salvagable by radical intervention or if the balance has tipped too far and will cause the death of the host. That is for better minds than mine to determine.

The one thing in the people's favor is that we are still allowed to express our views in a public forum such as this one. I watch daily for those who would squelch this freedom and fight them. I do not condone the publishing of outright lies to advance a cause fraudulently, but I will fight with all I have to give you the right to publicly announce your opinions. I, in turn, will respect your opinion. If you choose to see Mr. Bush as the root of all evil in America today, it is your right to do so. I am just trying to say that your view is oversimplified and let you know that (in my opinion) a change of Presidents and/or parties will probably not make a great lot of difference in the long run. The corruption is already here, it goes deep, and it will not be an easy task to rid ourselves of it. The best advice I can offer is to pray with all you have that there will be a change and SOON! Don't beat yourself up over who will get your next vote; we have been choosing the "lesser of two evils" for many years now. Look at the WHOLE picture....and be very afraid.



I try to avoid these unwinnable debates, but good grief, people: look at the whole picture!

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, June 16, 2003

There seems to be a prevailing attitude that President Bush is first cousin to the Antichrist in this country today. Audrey, especially, seems to feel that every evil has Bush's imprint on it, so I will address mostly her rebuttal.

You are naive if you think that the President actually runs the country; Congress is the body that creates laws and guidelines for this country. If you will check the Web, you will find that most politicians at all levels, Congress on down to your local sheriff, are financed by one or another special-interest groups that lobby for big business. These politicians are bought and paid for before they ever take their oath and step inside their office. Since the "you rub my back and I'll rub yours" methodology is in place, the elected official is bound by campaign contributions to try to pass legislation favorable to that contributing industry or at the very least take the teeth out of unfavorable laws. Goes on all day, every day. Big business runs this country; has for years! Congress wallows in its own stagnation, bound hand and foot by the companies that have bought it! For every law passed for the common good, another is passed for the Corporations. They effectively cancel each other out, while leaving Americans up to our eyeballs in basically useless laws and regulations.

I am personally wishing the whole legal doubletalk could be scrapped for some common horse sense! I would settle for a few laws that say: (1)I won't steal from you and you will not steal from me. (2)I will not call you bad names or tell lies about you and you will return the courtesy. (3)I will not kill you or any member of your family and you will not kill me or any member of my family. (4)I won't destroy your family by interfering with your spouse, and you will remain on your side of the fence as well. (5) I will happily let you attend whatever House of Worship you choose and you will allow me the same freedom. Neither of us will slander each others' beliefs.

That is oversimplified, but you get the idea. No one understands all the laws in this country and for every law that says right, you can find an equal and opposite law that says left. The smoke and mirror trick that is used against us as often as it gets used for us.

America sold out her population years ago. Raping the Social Security fund is nothing new; that program is so full of worthless IOUs that it would break half the world if the American people called those chits in. I am amazed that, after all this and knowing that our trust was broken in such a manner, people are still able to delude themselves into believing that our government "cares for us"! It only cares when it is caught, yet again, with its hand in the cookie jar!

The economy in this country does NOTHING overnight. The fallout we are experiencing today has its roots many years ago. It is called the trickle-down effect and seems to create an ongoing "boom and bust" cycle of 15-20 years. This seems to me to be created anytime the Federal Government starts letting laws get enacted that are favorable to big business. As soon as that happens big business starts raping the American people and bursts its own balloon with its own greed. Consumers in this country eventually get to the point that they cannot or will not support the greed and then there is a flurry of inquiries into this, that and the other. The scandals that are being investigated now (Enron, Andersen, World Com, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, ad nauseum; believe me, there is more coming) began many years ago.

We will now have more "inquiries", more token heads will roll (guys slapped on the wrist and sent home with million-dollar bonuses), and it will be business as usual by next week. The thing I find infuriating is that the body that was created to look out for the welfare of Americans will turn a blind eye toward the corruption until some whistleblower rubs it right in their faces..HARD! A few more token campaign reform laws will be passed, which the two prevailing parties will have sidestepped before they ever go into effect. As much as American politicians would like to make you believe that they are interested in your welfare, it is becoming more and more apparent even to the most die-hard idealist that they are interested in their OWN welfare. Follow some of these people out of their office and see what they suddenly "acquire" shortly after their terms are over.

Politicians will tell you that they are looking out for you; do not listen to what they say, watch what they DO! All politicians are loaded with sweet sentiments and the ability to tell each group it addresses exactly what THAT group wants to hear. Three hundred miles away, the same pol addressing a group with different sentiments will directly contradict what was said yesterday because that is the message this group wants to hear! It takes research to make these discoveries; the crap dished up in the popular press is so much watered-down pap for the masses; brainwashed as we are. Once the press decides whom it chooses for President or any other elected or appointed official, the spin begins.

You will learn more truth reading this site than you will listening to your TV News broadcasts. Find out how your elected politicians are voting and you will immediately know who is "on your side". With the recent change in the FCC rules, there will soon be a select few choosing what should be delivered by the mass media in America and they are "Big Businessmen". Scary; the propaganda machine will rule with a heavy hand then. It will take LOOKING for the truth.

As for terrorist attacks, those roots go way back as well. Al-Queda did not spring up fully grown overnight with full battle plan in force. Some of the people involved had lived in this country for years, learning our ways in order to use our own system against us! They succeeded spectacularly due to some more of those blind-eyes being turned away.

I have seen a few Presidents come and go (more than I care to admit at times) and there has yet to be one that can make me agree with every move made. It is a given that any action that is witnessed by more than two people will leave at least 50% of the witnessing parties disgruntled! It is the American way. What is scary is that presidents come and go like clockwork and the behind-the-scene corruption in our governing body remains behind and grows. The vote for President is nothing more than a vote for a glorified public relations figure. Does not matter one iota if God or the Devil wins the race.

Do not be distracted by one-day antics (I really don't care if Bush got on a battleship myself; being President ought to have a few perks). Do not be distracted by wars and skirmishes all over the world; they are going to be a fact of life for years to come. What you really need to watch is the votes by your elected Congressmen and Representatives and what their appointees are doing; therein lies the power and it is being misused mightily. The upper levels of our government are just as dog-eat-dog as any Corporate Boardroom, because that is just what it is! The guy with the most money at the end wins! The game is played for personal gain and America is the vehicle they are riding. This game goes on among both elected and appointed officials, so it is widespread in the Halls of Power.

Someday the bloated balloon will burst because it has to; there is no other outcome possible unless intervention is done soon and in a huge way. Our Federal Government was originally intended to play a minor role in our lives. It was designed to support and supplement the individual state's rights to govern its population(the theory being that, in a free society a citizen would have the choice to move to another state if he were unhappy). Over time, more and more state's rights have been trampled and pushed under the Federal umbrella until states have very little power left. We will soon have only one real governing body; we are dangerously close to that situation now.

The best comparison I can come up with is the symbiotic relationship between a host and some bacteria. We all carry bacteria in our gut that is not harmful; in fact, it is essential for us to be able to digest food. Too little of these bacteria and the food we eat does us no good and the host dies of malnutition. If something occurs to upset the correct balance, these bacteria can multiply at an alarming rate and will eventually kill the host from overwhelming infection. UNLESS there is a radical intervention and introduction of some pretty powerful antibiotics. I have yet to determine if this "host" is still salvagable by radical intervention or if the balance has tipped too far and will cause the death of the host. That is for better minds than mine to determine.

The one thing in the people's favor is that we are still allowed to express our views in a public forum such as this one. I watch daily for those who would squelch this freedom and fight them. I do not condone the publishing of outright lies to advance a cause fraudulently, but I will fight with all I have to give you the right to publicly announce your opinions. I, in turn, will respect your opinion. If you choose to see Mr. Bush as the root of all evil in America today, it is your right to do so. I am just trying to say that your view is oversimplified and let you know that (in my opinion) a change of Presidents and/or parties will probably not make a great lot of difference in the long run. The corruption is already here, it goes deep, and it will not be an easy task to rid ourselves of it. The best advice I can offer is to pray with all you have that there will be a change and SOON! Don't beat yourself up over who will get your next vote; we have been choosing the "lesser of two evils" for many years now. Look at the WHOLE picture....and be very afraid.



I try to avoid these unwinnable debates, but good grief, people: look at the whole picture!

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, June 16, 2003

There seems to be a prevailing attitude that President Bush is first cousin to the Antichrist in this country today. Audrey, especially, seems to feel that every evil has Bush's imprint on it, so I will address mostly her rebuttal.

You are naive if you think that the President actually runs the country; Congress is the body that creates laws and guidelines for this country. If you will check the Web, you will find that most politicians at all levels, Congress on down to your local sheriff, are financed by one or another special-interest groups that lobby for big business. These politicians are bought and paid for before they ever take their oath and step inside their office. Since the "you rub my back and I'll rub yours" methodology is in place, the elected official is bound by campaign contributions to try to pass legislation favorable to that contributing industry or at the very least take the teeth out of unfavorable laws. Goes on all day, every day. Big business runs this country; has for years! Congress wallows in its own stagnation, bound hand and foot by the companies that have bought it! For every law passed for the common good, another is passed for the Corporations. They effectively cancel each other out, while leaving Americans up to our eyeballs in basically useless laws and regulations.

I am personally wishing the whole legal doubletalk could be scrapped for some common horse sense! I would settle for a few laws that say: (1)I won't steal from you and you will not steal from me. (2)I will not call you bad names or tell lies about you and you will return the courtesy. (3)I will not kill you or any member of your family and you will not kill me or any member of my family. (4)I won't destroy your family by interfering with your spouse, and you will remain on your side of the fence as well. (5) I will happily let you attend whatever House of Worship you choose and you will allow me the same freedom. Neither of us will slander each others' beliefs.

That is oversimplified, but you get the idea. No one understands all the laws in this country and for every law that says right, you can find an equal and opposite law that says left. The smoke and mirror trick that is used against us as often as it gets used for us.

America sold out her population years ago. Raping the Social Security fund is nothing new; that program is so full of worthless IOUs that it would break half the world if the American people called those chits in. I am amazed that, after all this and knowing that our trust was broken in such a manner, people are still able to delude themselves into believing that our government "cares for us"! It only cares when it is caught, yet again, with its hand in the cookie jar!

The economy in this country does NOTHING overnight. The fallout we are experiencing today has its roots many years ago. It is called the trickle-down effect and seems to create an ongoing "boom and bust" cycle of 15-20 years. This seems to me to be created anytime the Federal Government starts letting laws get enacted that are favorable to big business. As soon as that happens big business starts raping the American people and bursts its own balloon with its own greed. Consumers in this country eventually get to the point that they cannot or will not support the greed and then there is a flurry of inquiries into this, that and the other. The scandals that are being investigated now (Enron, Andersen, World Com, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, ad nauseum; believe me, there is more coming) began many years ago.

We will now have more "inquiries", more token heads will roll (guys slapped on the wrist and sent home with million-dollar bonuses), and it will be business as usual by next week. The thing I find infuriating is that the body that was created to look out for the welfare of Americans will turn a blind eye toward the corruption until some whistleblower rubs it right in their faces..HARD! A few more token campaign reform laws will be passed, which the two prevailing parties will have sidestepped before they ever go into effect. As much as American politicians would like to make you believe that they are interested in your welfare, it is becoming more and more apparent even to the most die-hard idealist that they are interested in their OWN welfare. Follow some of these people out of their office and see what they suddenly "acquire" shortly after their terms are over.

Politicians will tell you that they are looking out for you; do not listen to what they say, watch what they DO! All politicians are loaded with sweet sentiments and the ability to tell each group it addresses exactly what THAT group wants to hear. Three hundred miles away, the same pol addressing a group with different sentiments will directly contradict what was said yesterday because that is the message this group wants to hear! It takes research to make these discoveries; the crap dished up in the popular press is so much watered-down pap for the masses; brainwashed as we are. Once the press decides whom it chooses for President or any other elected or appointed official, the spin begins.

You will learn more truth reading this site than you will listening to your TV News broadcasts. Find out how your elected politicians are voting and you will immediately know who is "on your side". With the recent change in the FCC rules, there will soon be a select few choosing what should be delivered by the mass media in America and they are "Big Businessmen". Scary; the propaganda machine will rule with a heavy hand then. It will take LOOKING for the truth.

As for terrorist attacks, those roots go way back as well. Al-Queda did not spring up fully grown overnight with full battle plan in force. Some of the people involved had lived in this country for years, learning our ways in order to use our own system against us! They succeeded spectacularly due to some more of those blind-eyes being turned away.

I have seen a few Presidents come and go (more than I care to admit at times) and there has yet to be one that can make me agree with every move made. It is a given that any action that is witnessed by more than two people will leave at least 50% of the witnessing parties disgruntled! It is the American way. What is scary is that presidents come and go like clockwork and the behind-the-scene corruption in our governing body remains behind and grows. The vote for President is nothing more than a vote for a glorified public relations figure. Does not matter one iota if God or the Devil wins the race.

Do not be distracted by one-day antics (I really don't care if Bush got on a battleship myself; being President ought to have a few perks). Do not be distracted by wars and skirmishes all over the world; they are going to be a fact of life for years to come. What you really need to watch is the votes by your elected Congressmen and Representatives and what their appointees are doing; therein lies the power and it is being misused mightily. The upper levels of our government are just as dog-eat-dog as any Corporate Boardroom, because that is just what it is! The guy with the most money at the end wins! The game is played for personal gain and America is the vehicle they are riding. This game goes on among both elected and appointed officials, so it is widespread in the Halls of Power.

Someday the bloated balloon will burst because it has to; there is no other outcome possible unless intervention is done soon and in a huge way. Our Federal Government was originally intended to play a minor role in our lives. It was designed to support and supplement the individual state's rights to govern its population(the theory being that, in a free society a citizen would have the choice to move to another state if he were unhappy). Over time, more and more state's rights have been trampled and pushed under the Federal umbrella until states have very little power left. We will soon have only one real governing body; we are dangerously close to that situation now.

The best comparison I can come up with is the symbiotic relationship between a host and some bacteria. We all carry bacteria in our gut that is not harmful; in fact, it is essential for us to be able to digest food. Too little of these bacteria and the food we eat does us no good and the host dies of malnutition. If something occurs to upset the correct balance, these bacteria can multiply at an alarming rate and will eventually kill the host from overwhelming infection. UNLESS there is a radical intervention and introduction of some pretty powerful antibiotics. I have yet to determine if this "host" is still salvagable by radical intervention or if the balance has tipped too far and will cause the death of the host. That is for better minds than mine to determine.

The one thing in the people's favor is that we are still allowed to express our views in a public forum such as this one. I watch daily for those who would squelch this freedom and fight them. I do not condone the publishing of outright lies to advance a cause fraudulently, but I will fight with all I have to give you the right to publicly announce your opinions. I, in turn, will respect your opinion. If you choose to see Mr. Bush as the root of all evil in America today, it is your right to do so. I am just trying to say that your view is oversimplified and let you know that (in my opinion) a change of Presidents and/or parties will probably not make a great lot of difference in the long run. The corruption is already here, it goes deep, and it will not be an easy task to rid ourselves of it. The best advice I can offer is to pray with all you have that there will be a change and SOON! Don't beat yourself up over who will get your next vote; we have been choosing the "lesser of two evils" for many years now. Look at the WHOLE picture....and be very afraid.



I try to avoid these unwinnable debates, but good grief, people: look at the whole picture!

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, June 16, 2003

There seems to be a prevailing attitude that President Bush is first cousin to the Antichrist in this country today. Audrey, especially, seems to feel that every evil has Bush's imprint on it, so I will address mostly her rebuttal.

You are naive if you think that the President actually runs the country; Congress is the body that creates laws and guidelines for this country. If you will check the Web, you will find that most politicians at all levels, Congress on down to your local sheriff, are financed by one or another special-interest groups that lobby for big business. These politicians are bought and paid for before they ever take their oath and step inside their office. Since the "you rub my back and I'll rub yours" methodology is in place, the elected official is bound by campaign contributions to try to pass legislation favorable to that contributing industry or at the very least take the teeth out of unfavorable laws. Goes on all day, every day. Big business runs this country; has for years! Congress wallows in its own stagnation, bound hand and foot by the companies that have bought it! For every law passed for the common good, another is passed for the Corporations. They effectively cancel each other out, while leaving Americans up to our eyeballs in basically useless laws and regulations.

I am personally wishing the whole legal doubletalk could be scrapped for some common horse sense! I would settle for a few laws that say: (1)I won't steal from you and you will not steal from me. (2)I will not call you bad names or tell lies about you and you will return the courtesy. (3)I will not kill you or any member of your family and you will not kill me or any member of my family. (4)I won't destroy your family by interfering with your spouse, and you will remain on your side of the fence as well. (5) I will happily let you attend whatever House of Worship you choose and you will allow me the same freedom. Neither of us will slander each others' beliefs.

That is oversimplified, but you get the idea. No one understands all the laws in this country and for every law that says right, you can find an equal and opposite law that says left. The smoke and mirror trick that is used against us as often as it gets used for us.

America sold out her population years ago. Raping the Social Security fund is nothing new; that program is so full of worthless IOUs that it would break half the world if the American people called those chits in. I am amazed that, after all this and knowing that our trust was broken in such a manner, people are still able to delude themselves into believing that our government "cares for us"! It only cares when it is caught, yet again, with its hand in the cookie jar!

The economy in this country does NOTHING overnight. The fallout we are experiencing today has its roots many years ago. It is called the trickle-down effect and seems to create an ongoing "boom and bust" cycle of 15-20 years. This seems to me to be created anytime the Federal Government starts letting laws get enacted that are favorable to big business. As soon as that happens big business starts raping the American people and bursts its own balloon with its own greed. Consumers in this country eventually get to the point that they cannot or will not support the greed and then there is a flurry of inquiries into this, that and the other. The scandals that are being investigated now (Enron, Andersen, World Com, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, ad nauseum; believe me, there is more coming) began many years ago.

We will now have more "inquiries", more token heads will roll (guys slapped on the wrist and sent home with million-dollar bonuses), and it will be business as usual by next week. The thing I find infuriating is that the body that was created to look out for the welfare of Americans will turn a blind eye toward the corruption until some whistleblower rubs it right in their faces..HARD! A few more token campaign reform laws will be passed, which the two prevailing parties will have sidestepped before they ever go into effect. As much as American politicians would like to make you believe that they are interested in your welfare, it is becoming more and more apparent even to the most die-hard idealist that they are interested in their OWN welfare. Follow some of these people out of their office and see what they suddenly "acquire" shortly after their terms are over.

Politicians will tell you that they are looking out for you; do not listen to what they say, watch what they DO! All politicians are loaded with sweet sentiments and the ability to tell each group it addresses exactly what THAT group wants to hear. Three hundred miles away, the same pol addressing a group with different sentiments will directly contradict what was said yesterday because that is the message this group wants to hear! It takes research to make these discoveries; the crap dished up in the popular press is so much watered-down pap for the masses; brainwashed as we are. Once the press decides whom it chooses for President or any other elected or appointed official, the spin begins.

You will learn more truth reading this site than you will listening to your TV News broadcasts. Find out how your elected politicians are voting and you will immediately know who is "on your side". With the recent change in the FCC rules, there will soon be a select few choosing what should be delivered by the mass media in America and they are "Big Businessmen". Scary; the propaganda machine will rule with a heavy hand then. It will take LOOKING for the truth.

As for terrorist attacks, those roots go way back as well. Al-Queda did not spring up fully grown overnight with full battle plan in force. Some of the people involved had lived in this country for years, learning our ways in order to use our own system against us! They succeeded spectacularly due to some more of those blind-eyes being turned away.

I have seen a few Presidents come and go (more than I care to admit at times) and there has yet to be one that can make me agree with every move made. It is a given that any action that is witnessed by more than two people will leave at least 50% of the witnessing parties disgruntled! It is the American way. What is scary is that presidents come and go like clockwork and the behind-the-scene corruption in our governing body remains behind and grows. The vote for President is nothing more than a vote for a glorified public relations figure. Does not matter one iota if God or the Devil wins the race.

Do not be distracted by one-day antics (I really don't care if Bush got on a battleship myself; being President ought to have a few perks). Do not be distracted by wars and skirmishes all over the world; they are going to be a fact of life for years to come. What you really need to watch is the votes by your elected Congressmen and Representatives and what their appointees are doing; therein lies the power and it is being misused mightily. The upper levels of our government are just as dog-eat-dog as any Corporate Boardroom, because that is just what it is! The guy with the most money at the end wins! The game is played for personal gain and America is the vehicle they are riding. This game goes on among both elected and appointed officials, so it is widespread in the Halls of Power.

Someday the bloated balloon will burst because it has to; there is no other outcome possible unless intervention is done soon and in a huge way. Our Federal Government was originally intended to play a minor role in our lives. It was designed to support and supplement the individual state's rights to govern its population(the theory being that, in a free society a citizen would have the choice to move to another state if he were unhappy). Over time, more and more state's rights have been trampled and pushed under the Federal umbrella until states have very little power left. We will soon have only one real governing body; we are dangerously close to that situation now.

The best comparison I can come up with is the symbiotic relationship between a host and some bacteria. We all carry bacteria in our gut that is not harmful; in fact, it is essential for us to be able to digest food. Too little of these bacteria and the food we eat does us no good and the host dies of malnutition. If something occurs to upset the correct balance, these bacteria can multiply at an alarming rate and will eventually kill the host from overwhelming infection. UNLESS there is a radical intervention and introduction of some pretty powerful antibiotics. I have yet to determine if this "host" is still salvagable by radical intervention or if the balance has tipped too far and will cause the death of the host. That is for better minds than mine to determine.

The one thing in the people's favor is that we are still allowed to express our views in a public forum such as this one. I watch daily for those who would squelch this freedom and fight them. I do not condone the publishing of outright lies to advance a cause fraudulently, but I will fight with all I have to give you the right to publicly announce your opinions. I, in turn, will respect your opinion. If you choose to see Mr. Bush as the root of all evil in America today, it is your right to do so. I am just trying to say that your view is oversimplified and let you know that (in my opinion) a change of Presidents and/or parties will probably not make a great lot of difference in the long run. The corruption is already here, it goes deep, and it will not be an easy task to rid ourselves of it. The best advice I can offer is to pray with all you have that there will be a change and SOON! Don't beat yourself up over who will get your next vote; we have been choosing the "lesser of two evils" for many years now. Look at the WHOLE picture....and be very afraid.




#26Consumer Comment

Sat, June 14, 2003

Okay--Let's see,
During the Bush term what has happened; the economy s in tatters, the stock market is hanging by threads, while they threw a retirement party for the old presidential "air force one" on 9-10, we were invaded and terrorized on 9-11, we went after the talian, bin Laden and Al Queda in Afghanstan (and w still don't have Mullah Omar and bin Laden), Bush decides against the majority we need to takeover Iraq (where are the weapons of mass destruction and where is Saddam Hussein and the rest of his bg henchmen?), before we went to this war Bush went on tv and used 9-11 to gain the sympathy of the american people, every
day we have american servicemen getting ambushed and klled inboth Afghanistan and Iraqwhile he and his coharts are running around telling lie after lie. He never been in a war, yet he dos an airman]'s flight suit and makes a flamboyant appearance on a ship to pople who just got through ducing and dodging bullets at the taxpayers expense
his buddy d**k Cheyny's organization gets the contract to rebuild Iraq witout any other company allowed to bid, we are at odds with our alies and the UN because of his aggression about Iraq, we never finished with Afghanistan before going to Irag, tax dollars are being used frivously, the social security funds are being raped to the point of extinction, pople are being terrorized every time this regime has a "plan", cities are broke because of this and som cities vow to ignore any further threatening level again, we
are now paying taxes on top of taxes, the job market is bad, unemployment is at an all time high, Isral is ignored for thir part on terorism (I cold see them going after someone but not childrn), Bush goes to make peace with Israel and Palestine, but he does not go to see the
servicemen in Iraq, and now Israel and Palstine are killing each other with suicidal blow uppers, and military equipment and bombs furnished to Isral by the US govrnment People have been more aggresive in genral since this man took over the presidency, and the picture looks bleak as he continue to dstroy our country. No way will he get my vote but I wonder in horrr and terror...does it matter who runs against him? He will probably take the presidency again just as he did before unless, Liberman or some of the democrats are just as aggresive as he is. I plan to vigorously and agressively campain for anyone BUSH! NO MORE BUSH, NMORE BUSH, NO MORE BUSH, SAVE OUR CUNTRY, MORE BUH!!!



Hey, Let's Give Sandy A Break!

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, June 14, 2003

I believe Sandy was trying to make some points
for us to consider. I think what he/she is
saying is that we Americans don't really have to
worry about international terrorists, because the
real danger facing us is George Bush, and we
should start impeachment proceedings at once!
After all, if those Rascally Republicans can
impeach Bill Clinton for waving his p***s in
the face of America, then the Dopey Democrats
should impeach Bush for waving at a blind man!

This is the kind of disjointed crap you hear all
the time from the Bush haters. These people
think they can say anything and it becomes the
truth. That's because they have no values and
therefore no real truth. When confronted by a
man like Bush, who d**n well means what he says,
and bases his convictions on strong religious
faith and priciples, they simply cannot
understand his strength, so the Michael Moores
of the world attempt to tear him down. They
think that because their main man Clinton spent
8 years lying through his teeth, then Bush must
be lying also. They've been lied to for so long
and so often by the left-wing loonies they
cannot recognize truth.

Sorry for all of you Bush haters, but your
continuing failures are becoming increasingly
apparent. You're wrong on economics, wrong on
ethics, wrong on national defense and the
military, wrong on taxes, wrong on Homeland
Security, and one of your main mouthpieces, the
New York Times, has failed dismally to live up to
even the basic tenets of responsible journalism.
Oh, and lest I forget, the biggest failure of all:
the United Nations!

With a track record like that, I predict Bush will be re-elected by a landslide in 2004!!

Okay, Christopher from Akron, I know you're out
there, so let's have it!



Hey, Let's Give Sandy A Break!

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, June 14, 2003

I believe Sandy was trying to make some points
for us to consider. I think what he/she is
saying is that we Americans don't really have to
worry about international terrorists, because the
real danger facing us is George Bush, and we
should start impeachment proceedings at once!
After all, if those Rascally Republicans can
impeach Bill Clinton for waving his p***s in
the face of America, then the Dopey Democrats
should impeach Bush for waving at a blind man!

This is the kind of disjointed crap you hear all
the time from the Bush haters. These people
think they can say anything and it becomes the
truth. That's because they have no values and
therefore no real truth. When confronted by a
man like Bush, who d**n well means what he says,
and bases his convictions on strong religious
faith and priciples, they simply cannot
understand his strength, so the Michael Moores
of the world attempt to tear him down. They
think that because their main man Clinton spent
8 years lying through his teeth, then Bush must
be lying also. They've been lied to for so long
and so often by the left-wing loonies they
cannot recognize truth.

Sorry for all of you Bush haters, but your
continuing failures are becoming increasingly
apparent. You're wrong on economics, wrong on
ethics, wrong on national defense and the
military, wrong on taxes, wrong on Homeland
Security, and one of your main mouthpieces, the
New York Times, has failed dismally to live up to
even the basic tenets of responsible journalism.
Oh, and lest I forget, the biggest failure of all:
the United Nations!

With a track record like that, I predict Bush will be re-elected by a landslide in 2004!!

Okay, Christopher from Akron, I know you're out
there, so let's have it!



Hey, Let's Give Sandy A Break!

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, June 14, 2003

I believe Sandy was trying to make some points
for us to consider. I think what he/she is
saying is that we Americans don't really have to
worry about international terrorists, because the
real danger facing us is George Bush, and we
should start impeachment proceedings at once!
After all, if those Rascally Republicans can
impeach Bill Clinton for waving his p***s in
the face of America, then the Dopey Democrats
should impeach Bush for waving at a blind man!

This is the kind of disjointed crap you hear all
the time from the Bush haters. These people
think they can say anything and it becomes the
truth. That's because they have no values and
therefore no real truth. When confronted by a
man like Bush, who d**n well means what he says,
and bases his convictions on strong religious
faith and priciples, they simply cannot
understand his strength, so the Michael Moores
of the world attempt to tear him down. They
think that because their main man Clinton spent
8 years lying through his teeth, then Bush must
be lying also. They've been lied to for so long
and so often by the left-wing loonies they
cannot recognize truth.

Sorry for all of you Bush haters, but your
continuing failures are becoming increasingly
apparent. You're wrong on economics, wrong on
ethics, wrong on national defense and the
military, wrong on taxes, wrong on Homeland
Security, and one of your main mouthpieces, the
New York Times, has failed dismally to live up to
even the basic tenets of responsible journalism.
Oh, and lest I forget, the biggest failure of all:
the United Nations!

With a track record like that, I predict Bush will be re-elected by a landslide in 2004!!

Okay, Christopher from Akron, I know you're out
there, so let's have it!



Hey, Let's Give Sandy A Break!

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, June 14, 2003

I believe Sandy was trying to make some points
for us to consider. I think what he/she is
saying is that we Americans don't really have to
worry about international terrorists, because the
real danger facing us is George Bush, and we
should start impeachment proceedings at once!
After all, if those Rascally Republicans can
impeach Bill Clinton for waving his p***s in
the face of America, then the Dopey Democrats
should impeach Bush for waving at a blind man!

This is the kind of disjointed crap you hear all
the time from the Bush haters. These people
think they can say anything and it becomes the
truth. That's because they have no values and
therefore no real truth. When confronted by a
man like Bush, who d**n well means what he says,
and bases his convictions on strong religious
faith and priciples, they simply cannot
understand his strength, so the Michael Moores
of the world attempt to tear him down. They
think that because their main man Clinton spent
8 years lying through his teeth, then Bush must
be lying also. They've been lied to for so long
and so often by the left-wing loonies they
cannot recognize truth.

Sorry for all of you Bush haters, but your
continuing failures are becoming increasingly
apparent. You're wrong on economics, wrong on
ethics, wrong on national defense and the
military, wrong on taxes, wrong on Homeland
Security, and one of your main mouthpieces, the
New York Times, has failed dismally to live up to
even the basic tenets of responsible journalism.
Oh, and lest I forget, the biggest failure of all:
the United Nations!

With a track record like that, I predict Bush will be re-elected by a landslide in 2004!!

Okay, Christopher from Akron, I know you're out
there, so let's have it!


Tuba City,

OOOOHHH You're so smart

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, June 13, 2003

Why don't you mind your own busness before responding. It dosn't matter wether or not he is with the media. Anyone who suports Bush ignorant anyways and you are just jealous of the jewish people, Mr. Smart *%#@**@!


Tuba City,

OOOOHHH You're so smart

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, June 13, 2003

Why don't you mind your own busness before responding. It dosn't matter wether or not he is with the media. Anyone who suports Bush ignorant anyways and you are just jealous of the jewish people, Mr. Smart *%#@**@!


Tuba City,

OOOOHHH You're so smart

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, June 13, 2003

Why don't you mind your own busness before responding. It dosn't matter wether or not he is with the media. Anyone who suports Bush ignorant anyways and you are just jealous of the jewish people, Mr. Smart *%#@**@!


Tuba City,

OOOOHHH You're so smart

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, June 13, 2003

Why don't you mind your own busness before responding. It dosn't matter wether or not he is with the media. Anyone who suports Bush ignorant anyways and you are just jealous of the jewish people, Mr. Smart *%#@**@!


National City,

It figures you can't read

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, June 11, 2003

It figures you can't read, Sandy! Your demonstration serves to further prove Perone's arguments, as well as to expose your ignorance.

I believe Media is a town in Pennsylvania. I don't think Perone is a member of the news media. If he was a member of the media, he would likely be a liberal. After all, most major television stations are run by the liberal jewish establishment.

Read carefully before responding.



It figures you're with the media!

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2003

You're totally brainwashed. Just because someone is smart enough to realize what a liar Bush is, does not mean they're a liberal. That has nothing to do with my comment. You media people are just as bad. You never report the truth anymore. You're just a bunch of puppets for this sickening administration. Why don't you wake up and get a mind of your own instead of believing the same old rhetoric that you Bush lovers are famous for quoting all the time. I don't believe in abortions either. I am not a liberal. I simply see what the truth is. Bush is a big fat liar who only cares about his money!!! I mean, really, he actually waved to Stevie Wonder. I'm ashamed that he's my president. You can't call me a communist, socialist or fascist either. I served my country proudly. It's my right to have an opinion. That's what America's about, but you Republican pukes are afraid of anyone who speaks out, therefore you degrade them. You're the same.



It figures you're with the media!

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2003

You're totally brainwashed. Just because someone is smart enough to realize what a liar Bush is, does not mean they're a liberal. That has nothing to do with my comment. You media people are just as bad. You never report the truth anymore. You're just a bunch of puppets for this sickening administration. Why don't you wake up and get a mind of your own instead of believing the same old rhetoric that you Bush lovers are famous for quoting all the time. I don't believe in abortions either. I am not a liberal. I simply see what the truth is. Bush is a big fat liar who only cares about his money!!! I mean, really, he actually waved to Stevie Wonder. I'm ashamed that he's my president. You can't call me a communist, socialist or fascist either. I served my country proudly. It's my right to have an opinion. That's what America's about, but you Republican pukes are afraid of anyone who speaks out, therefore you degrade them. You're the same.



It figures you're with the media!

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2003

You're totally brainwashed. Just because someone is smart enough to realize what a liar Bush is, does not mean they're a liberal. That has nothing to do with my comment. You media people are just as bad. You never report the truth anymore. You're just a bunch of puppets for this sickening administration. Why don't you wake up and get a mind of your own instead of believing the same old rhetoric that you Bush lovers are famous for quoting all the time. I don't believe in abortions either. I am not a liberal. I simply see what the truth is. Bush is a big fat liar who only cares about his money!!! I mean, really, he actually waved to Stevie Wonder. I'm ashamed that he's my president. You can't call me a communist, socialist or fascist either. I served my country proudly. It's my right to have an opinion. That's what America's about, but you Republican pukes are afraid of anyone who speaks out, therefore you degrade them. You're the same.

M. Steven Perone


You Jackass!

#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 09, 2003

George W. Bush is one of the best presidents to ever bless this nation. He annihilated one of the worst dictators in history, and he did so in a matter of weeks. Weapons of mass destruction or not, the world is a safer place without Saddam in it.

Until the elitist liberals put an end to their blatant hypocrisy, the United States government will remain in full Republican control.

How are liberals hypocrites you ask? Hmmmm? Well, here are just a few of many examples....

Most liberal say that it is okay for mothers to get drunk, have immoral sinner sex with strange men, and then end any resulting pregnancies. According to most liberals, mothers have the right to insert skirt devil vacuum cleaners up their dresses and violently withdraw, from their wombs, living breathing babies.

On the other hand, liberals also say that putting violent murders and rapists to death is wrong, and violates civil and human rights? . Wait? What?

Okay, let me get this straight; it's okay to violently murder innocent babies with chop and mince vacuum cleaners, but it is not okay to execute violent murders via the ever so peaceful lethal injection?? If that is not hypocrisy, I don't know what is.

If mothers can choose to murder their babies, we can certainly choose to execute convicted killers. In fact, we should execute mothers who think it is okay to murder their unborn children via abortion! Mothers have no right to choose! They waive that right the very second they get into their special stance, spread their thighs, and voluntarily engage in an act that can potentially lead to pregnancy.

Higher education is another area where liberals regularly demonstrate their hypocrisy. For instance, liberal academic elites preach tolerance, diversity, acceptance, etc. etc. However, many liberal academic administrators at regionally accredited universities deny admissions and transfer credit to students with credentials earned at nationally accredited schools; even when the curriculum and credits perfectly match.

In spite of the fact that both types of accreditation (regional and national) meet the same federal standards, and are equal in the eyes of our government, the liberal academics look down upon students and graduates of nationally accredited schools. A Democratic Congress actually shot down certain bills that would prevent such discrimination.

The liberal academic establishment is a joke. Many within it engage in horrible discriminatory practices, but still attempt to lecture people on the value of diversity. Hypocrisy? Absolutely!

Additionally, liberals continue to preach about constitutional rights and civil liberties. However, they want to take away my guns, and the guns of many other law abiding citizens. Isn't it my right under the constitution to bear arms? YES! Again, liberal hypocrisy!

Outlawing and banning guns, and taking away the right to legally purchase guns, would only give criminals more power. Are liberals stupid enough to think that criminals would actually abide by such a ban? Of course they wouldnt! In fact, if guns were outlawed, criminals would probably begin manufacturing their own firearms in an attempt to gain more power over innocent citizens.

The list goes on and on, so I'll end it here. Liberals do nothing for this nation but promote immorality. If such pushovers were in charge now, we would likely be undergoing constant terror attacks.

Liberals can not be trusted, and should never be elected into power. People who vote for liberals/Democrats should be ashamed and embarrassed for openly demonstrating their ignorance.

Bush is the best thing that ever happened to our country so far. Because he has the balls to take aggressive action against international criminals, terrorist dictators will now think twice before attempting to fly aircraft into U.S. buildings. George W. Bush has made our nation a much safer place.

When he is combined with a totally Republican controlled Congress, as well as with a conservative Supreme Court, we will begin to experience even more great changes. Abortion will be outlawed, illegal immigration will be halted, and when higher education is reauthorized, there will be equity and equality in the collegiate admissions and transfer process.





#26Consumer Comment

Sun, June 08, 2003

Thank you. Finally another American who knows the truth and isn't afraid to say so. The little shrub is ruining this country and he needs to be impeached now!

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