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  • Report:  #167461

Complaint Review: Get Foreclosure Results

Get Foreclosure Results ripoff, makes all sorts of false promises, BBB grade F, took money, no work done, doesn't return calls Riverside California

  • Reported By:
    Centralia Washington
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 10, 2005
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 27, 2007
  • Get Foreclosure Results
    17130 Van Buren Suite 105
    Riverside, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I am on Social Security Disability, and due to my Long Term Disability company, Aetna, not paying their share of my disability payments (see my complaint about them under Aetna), I am in foreclosure on my house. I found a website called and emailed them around the end of October. I had already talked to a Bankruptcy attny and was not really satisfied with what they said and their cost. The attny did say at least one complete lie to me that I knew was a lie, so did not trust this firm at all.

I then got a call back from GFR a gal named "maddie", she was all gung-h*o. She knew ALL the foreclosure processes for all the states. Said she was forced to study them for her job, and was a former real estate person, had studied law, etc etc etc, and knew MORE than the BK attny I had called, etc.

The BK attny said once the foreclosure papers hit my door, about 30-40 days later I would get 'sheriffs sale' papers on my door and then it would be 120 days before the actual sale; this "maddie" said he was lying. She KNEW the laws better and that once the sheriffs papers hit my door, they would sell my house in 30 days after that!! That I was in CRITICAL trouble!

I asked what state she worked out of and she said California, as there is no 'location' on the website. She then emailed me a release to sign and said for me to sign them and get them back to her ASAP as time was super important now (and I do know the attny had lied to me before. And when I first contacted the attnys firm, left a message I was on SSD, they REFUSED to take my call.

I had to try for 2 weeks to get them to answer my questions as to whether I should file chapt 13 or not, so already this attnys firm was pretty typically sleazy attnys to me, live in a small town, hardly any attnys here handle BK's, especially chapt 13, I believed "maddies" story.

She then told me that I would have to pay them $900 and that they could work wonders since my mortgage company is Ocwen (see the hundreds of complaints on this site about OCwen!) and they were in such trouble with the Feds, they would bend over backwards to work with me, and once "maddie" contacted them on my behalf, ALL FORECLOSURE ACTIONS WOULD STOP AGAINST ME! And it would take Ocwen a good 90 days if not more to even start working with me on the problem since they were so backed up. I was PROMISED this by her!

So, I filled out the releases, and she supposedly contacted them for me, and then a couple days later, I got an email from a 'stacey' who said for me to call her ASAP as my lender had agreed to a work out and she wanted to give me the details.

Well, she told me I owned her money now, and I told her I Could not afford the full $900 but could pay $500 and then the balance the second Weds of December as that is when I get my SSD check--she agreed that was fine and took my deposit. Then I was told that OCwen agreed to put the payments I was late on on the end of the contract (fine with me) but I would owe attnys fees, etc, no dollar amount was given, but "estimated" at about $2500. YIKES, but figured I could get that if I really tried hard, might take a couple months, which I had since Ocwen was 'so backed up' on their foreclosures, remember?

So, according to Stacey, I had to send some info, utility bills, bank statement, etc for the file, I did so, and then did not hear back from her. Now, about mid-Nov, I got the sheriffs sale paperwork hitting my door, with the sale being the end of Feb!! That was in DIRECT conflict with what 'maddie" had told me she KNEW was correct!! I contacted stacey, and told her I was a bit unhappy as I thot ALL FORECLOSURE stuff was supposed to be suspended once I signed up with them and I wanted to speak with a manager, I got a stupid snotty reply back, had nothing to do with what I had asked her, no manager ever bothered to reply or call me naturally. Then Thanksgiving hit and I was distracted.

Then, about 10 days ago, I got 4 fat envelopes from Ocwen in the mail along with a certified 'come to the post office we have 4 envelopes for you to sign for here' paper. It was all about what I owned, with attny fees, late fees, the sheriffs sale papers etc on the house (I mean, 8 of them was a bit overkill IMO).

So I decided rather than faxing at great cost, or scanning/emailing them, I would mail a copy to GFR--since stacey said she wanted copies of all stuff from Ocwen. And I was unhappy that I am getting slugs at the door leaving cards saying "I can buy your home for cheap", "I can help you"; you know the sleazy Carleton Sheets program buyers, and I already told stacey I DID NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!

Well, I emailed Stacey today (12-9) and asked what her physical mailing address was as I had gotten 8 fat multiple page envelopes from Ocwen about the sheriffs sale etc and wanted to mail her one since it was too big to fax or email, and that I was unhappy that I could get NO answers from her or anyone, that I still was NOT sure of what was being done on my behalf, that I considered a company that refused to post or send their mailing address suspect.

Got a NASTY reply from her saying to pay up the balance of $497.50 IMMEDIATELY or she would close my file, that I was delinquent to her, and she would not do a d**n thing on my behalf until I paid in full. But I had already explained to her that I did not get my SSD check until the 14th, and could not pay the balance until then and she agreed to that. And, in that email reply, she STILL did not give me her mailing address!

So, I went online to the Calif BBB and they give the company a grade "F" due to complaints and lack of response from the business owner, a gal named STACEY! And that the business doesn't have proper business licenses.

I wish I had looked them up before, so this is a DIRE warning to all you out there, be sure to look up any company like this with their BBB FIRST before paying them any money. And make sure you get reciepts for any money you do pay, I did not get any reciept, and be sure to get it IN WRITING your full amount you have to cough up, because now I find an extra $100 has been added to what I owe her and I have no way to prove I only owned her $400 for the 2nd payment. Get EVERYTHING in writing BEFORE you pay one slim dime!

I would avoid this company with every fiber of my being no matter how desperate you are!! If there is a positive ending to this story, then I will be sure to post it in a reply/rebuttal or whatever we are to do.

Centralia, Washington

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

10 Updates & Rebuttals



Changed company name?

#11Author of original report

Fri, April 27, 2007

I filed this original response and it looks like the company name has now been changed to
Foreclosure Results. the website looks almost the same and the old "money back guarentee" is on the website, as soon as you try to demand your money back because they do nothing, they immediately take it off the website! Most of the links on this newer website don't work however.

My advice, if you are in the situation that you need a company like this, check the BBB first and make sure you take screen prints of the website if they have posted on it "money back guarentee"



GFR answer to BBB compliaint

#11Author of original report

Tue, December 20, 2005

Well they answered my complaint to the BBB with the exact same text as she used above, not a word changed with the exception of this part below:

>> We will however continue to assist this customer, if she will pay the remaining balance of $495.00. I do not think this borrower would walk into a super market and purchase $500.00 worth of food and expect to walk out paying them $250.00. We will not refund any portion of the fund given to G.F.R because this customer broke her agreement. The one she signed with our authorization.

Initial Response Summary

We will not refund any portion of the funds given to G.F.R because this customer broke her agreement. The one she signed with our authorization. .
So, now I guess I go forward with the Dept of RE and have them investigate them for false advertising since they advertised BEFORE AND DURING the time they took my money "money back guarenteed" and now have taken that off--little do they know that stuff STAYS on the servers FOREVER and can easily be dug up along with the date/time of change--sheesh...
I responded that I will accept NOTHING less than the full $500 back and if I have to sue them, I will go for the gusto with 10 times that if I have to, especially if I lose my house now due to not having the funds to hire a REPUTABLE company with a good BBB rating to help me (why is it that the mortgage companies INSIST you go thru these sleazeballs anyway and just don't let you negotiate directly with them??? Another rip off I guess)
It is her companies reputation, I have a HUGE package of emails, ect going to the Calif AG today in the mail, she could have stopped that with a different reply and my money back last week when I first asked, it is HER companies reputation SHE is deciding to drag thru the mud now and have all sorts of fines, investigations, whatever that she will have to deal with, business must be great for her to treat a customer like that, and to maybe lose a bunch of others who are smart enough to begin with to investigate the reputation of this company BEFORE paying them money!!

PS: as for having them help me now, NO WAY they would help me in ANY good way, could NEVER trust them to do a good job after the job they have already done, have another company with a GREAT BBB rating, have already checked them out, helping me now!! That company had 1 complaint and it was satisfactorily settled with both parties, WHAT a difference between owners, one proud of their companies reputation, the other, who cares she says as long as I can steal money from down and out people?



Ahhh, changed website I see!!

#11Author of original report

Wed, December 14, 2005

I see that GFR has now changed their website, it now does not say:
>>Because there are "No Upfront Fees
and we offer a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE .
I demanded my money back by today, Weds 12-14-2005
and I am glad I got a screen print of their former website because of this:
"California Business and Professions Code Section 17509, states that civil and criminal penalties may apply to any person engaged in unfair trade practices and for certain false or misleading advertising. Therefore, a suspected false advertisement or misleading statements and business practices should be registered with the California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General (AG)."
Since they have used false advertising to lure customers to their site, and demanded payment "up front" while admitting they did nothing for their customer, I am going to have to persue it legally this way, and believe me, that WILL NOT go off their record if the State has to sue them for criminal conduct! It would have been easier had they kept their original promise of 'money back guarenteed'.
But then, I guess they did not mean that, did they?



GFR website

#11Author of original report

Sun, December 11, 2005

Here is a sampling of text from the GFR website:

>>G-F-R Will Stop Your Foreclosure
Or Sale With No Up Front Money
This is not true, they did NOT stop my foreclosure, Ocwen is going full speed ahead with it, they told me the sheriffs sale would be stopped IMMEDIATELY once they contacted them and that was NOT true, they SAID they contacted Ocwen, but nothing was stopped yet they DEMANDED their money upfront, and I even had to make payment arrangements to pay their fees!!
>>We contact your lender and negotiate a suitable
agreement before you pay a fee. .
This is not true either, I was never sure EXACTLY what they had supposedly negotiated for me, I was told vaguely that Ocwen would put the missed payments on the end of the loan, but how it was to be accomplished, and if there was any interest reduction, I have no idea, and what kind of fees I had to pay IN ADDITION to the GFR fees, after they had a down payment from me, I was told I had to pay attny fees, and other fees to Ocwen, around $2500 if I paid them IMMEDIATELY, otherwise, it would be much more, but nothing was ever put in writing to me as to what exactly was going to happen.
>>Because there are "No Upfront Fees
and we offer a
Well, I have not seen my money back at all, nor has ANY contact with Stacey, the owner apparently said anything about refunding my money, so, this is another lie, shame shame shame!
Here is staceys last email to me, dated 12/10/2005, don't see anything about a refund here, does anyone else?? And apparently if you dare complain that they are not serving you well, then they cancel your services!! shame shame shame!!

The BBB does not give you a good rating if you do not pay them $500.00 a year. Now that you have already complained about our company without paying us the full amount owed! We have canceled our services. Please do not contact us again

The Staff at G.F.R."

>>Imagine having executive level lender experience put
to work against your foreclosure situation.
After all, who better to protect your interests
than one with vast experience in lender
procedures, and our Paralegals can help you,
even if your property has already gone to sale. .
If they are so 'executive' and such smart paralegals, WHY don't they put their fees in writing??? WHY don't they put their negotiation results on your behalf in writing for you???? WHY don't they give reciepts for payments made??? And WHY is their mailing address such a deep dark secret???? WHY should a customer have to get the mailing address from the BBB website????
I guess a snazzy website doesn't a good business make.



GFR website

#11Author of original report

Sun, December 11, 2005

Here is a sampling of text from the GFR website:

>>G-F-R Will Stop Your Foreclosure
Or Sale With No Up Front Money
This is not true, they did NOT stop my foreclosure, Ocwen is going full speed ahead with it, they told me the sheriffs sale would be stopped IMMEDIATELY once they contacted them and that was NOT true, they SAID they contacted Ocwen, but nothing was stopped yet they DEMANDED their money upfront, and I even had to make payment arrangements to pay their fees!!
>>We contact your lender and negotiate a suitable
agreement before you pay a fee. .
This is not true either, I was never sure EXACTLY what they had supposedly negotiated for me, I was told vaguely that Ocwen would put the missed payments on the end of the loan, but how it was to be accomplished, and if there was any interest reduction, I have no idea, and what kind of fees I had to pay IN ADDITION to the GFR fees, after they had a down payment from me, I was told I had to pay attny fees, and other fees to Ocwen, around $2500 if I paid them IMMEDIATELY, otherwise, it would be much more, but nothing was ever put in writing to me as to what exactly was going to happen.
>>Because there are "No Upfront Fees
and we offer a
Well, I have not seen my money back at all, nor has ANY contact with Stacey, the owner apparently said anything about refunding my money, so, this is another lie, shame shame shame!
Here is staceys last email to me, dated 12/10/2005, don't see anything about a refund here, does anyone else?? And apparently if you dare complain that they are not serving you well, then they cancel your services!! shame shame shame!!

The BBB does not give you a good rating if you do not pay them $500.00 a year. Now that you have already complained about our company without paying us the full amount owed! We have canceled our services. Please do not contact us again

The Staff at G.F.R."

>>Imagine having executive level lender experience put
to work against your foreclosure situation.
After all, who better to protect your interests
than one with vast experience in lender
procedures, and our Paralegals can help you,
even if your property has already gone to sale. .
If they are so 'executive' and such smart paralegals, WHY don't they put their fees in writing??? WHY don't they put their negotiation results on your behalf in writing for you???? WHY don't they give reciepts for payments made??? And WHY is their mailing address such a deep dark secret???? WHY should a customer have to get the mailing address from the BBB website????
I guess a snazzy website doesn't a good business make.



GFR website

#11Author of original report

Sun, December 11, 2005

Here is a sampling of text from the GFR website:

>>G-F-R Will Stop Your Foreclosure
Or Sale With No Up Front Money
This is not true, they did NOT stop my foreclosure, Ocwen is going full speed ahead with it, they told me the sheriffs sale would be stopped IMMEDIATELY once they contacted them and that was NOT true, they SAID they contacted Ocwen, but nothing was stopped yet they DEMANDED their money upfront, and I even had to make payment arrangements to pay their fees!!
>>We contact your lender and negotiate a suitable
agreement before you pay a fee. .
This is not true either, I was never sure EXACTLY what they had supposedly negotiated for me, I was told vaguely that Ocwen would put the missed payments on the end of the loan, but how it was to be accomplished, and if there was any interest reduction, I have no idea, and what kind of fees I had to pay IN ADDITION to the GFR fees, after they had a down payment from me, I was told I had to pay attny fees, and other fees to Ocwen, around $2500 if I paid them IMMEDIATELY, otherwise, it would be much more, but nothing was ever put in writing to me as to what exactly was going to happen.
>>Because there are "No Upfront Fees
and we offer a
Well, I have not seen my money back at all, nor has ANY contact with Stacey, the owner apparently said anything about refunding my money, so, this is another lie, shame shame shame!
Here is staceys last email to me, dated 12/10/2005, don't see anything about a refund here, does anyone else?? And apparently if you dare complain that they are not serving you well, then they cancel your services!! shame shame shame!!

The BBB does not give you a good rating if you do not pay them $500.00 a year. Now that you have already complained about our company without paying us the full amount owed! We have canceled our services. Please do not contact us again

The Staff at G.F.R."

>>Imagine having executive level lender experience put
to work against your foreclosure situation.
After all, who better to protect your interests
than one with vast experience in lender
procedures, and our Paralegals can help you,
even if your property has already gone to sale. .
If they are so 'executive' and such smart paralegals, WHY don't they put their fees in writing??? WHY don't they put their negotiation results on your behalf in writing for you???? WHY don't they give reciepts for payments made??? And WHY is their mailing address such a deep dark secret???? WHY should a customer have to get the mailing address from the BBB website????
I guess a snazzy website doesn't a good business make.



GFR website

#11Author of original report

Sun, December 11, 2005

Here is a sampling of text from the GFR website:

>>G-F-R Will Stop Your Foreclosure
Or Sale With No Up Front Money
This is not true, they did NOT stop my foreclosure, Ocwen is going full speed ahead with it, they told me the sheriffs sale would be stopped IMMEDIATELY once they contacted them and that was NOT true, they SAID they contacted Ocwen, but nothing was stopped yet they DEMANDED their money upfront, and I even had to make payment arrangements to pay their fees!!
>>We contact your lender and negotiate a suitable
agreement before you pay a fee. .
This is not true either, I was never sure EXACTLY what they had supposedly negotiated for me, I was told vaguely that Ocwen would put the missed payments on the end of the loan, but how it was to be accomplished, and if there was any interest reduction, I have no idea, and what kind of fees I had to pay IN ADDITION to the GFR fees, after they had a down payment from me, I was told I had to pay attny fees, and other fees to Ocwen, around $2500 if I paid them IMMEDIATELY, otherwise, it would be much more, but nothing was ever put in writing to me as to what exactly was going to happen.
>>Because there are "No Upfront Fees
and we offer a
Well, I have not seen my money back at all, nor has ANY contact with Stacey, the owner apparently said anything about refunding my money, so, this is another lie, shame shame shame!
Here is staceys last email to me, dated 12/10/2005, don't see anything about a refund here, does anyone else?? And apparently if you dare complain that they are not serving you well, then they cancel your services!! shame shame shame!!

The BBB does not give you a good rating if you do not pay them $500.00 a year. Now that you have already complained about our company without paying us the full amount owed! We have canceled our services. Please do not contact us again

The Staff at G.F.R."

>>Imagine having executive level lender experience put
to work against your foreclosure situation.
After all, who better to protect your interests
than one with vast experience in lender
procedures, and our Paralegals can help you,
even if your property has already gone to sale. .
If they are so 'executive' and such smart paralegals, WHY don't they put their fees in writing??? WHY don't they put their negotiation results on your behalf in writing for you???? WHY don't they give reciepts for payments made??? And WHY is their mailing address such a deep dark secret???? WHY should a customer have to get the mailing address from the BBB website????
I guess a snazzy website doesn't a good business make.



Blowing smoke as usual

#11Author of original report

Sun, December 11, 2005

I see that GFR has responded to my complaint, and she is blowing smoke as usual, I have ALL copies of every email sent to me, and not ONE has her address or a CONTRACT with a dollar amount on it. There is none, and she can't provide an email sent to me with that info since she never sent one. In fact, I had to email request twice for her to send me some forms she swore she sent originally once. I frankly at that time got the impression she was an air-head and did not appreciate being 'dumped' on her at all! Lo and behold, she is the owner--LOL.
And, I had to get her mailing address, to answer that part of her reponse, from the California BBB website!! NOT from her or anything she sent me (and again, I got NO reciept for my down payment, NOTHING in writing about their fees or what they would do for me, nothing in writing about our verbal over the phone payment arrangement).
And, if the owner of the company, Stacey, who agreed for me to make payment arrangements, when I CLEARLY told her that I did not get my SSD check until the 2nd Weds of each month, why would I lie about that since lying when I did not have the money until then did me no good, so I am ALWAYS upfront about when I get my money, can't make a payment schedule SHE can stick to, as I certainly was prepared to pay her the additional $400 owed on the 14th (and it was just $400 because at the time I knew that I had much less than half to pay for the second payment, not just $3 less!!), then who can be expected to? SHE was the one who verbally agreed to my making that payment schedule.
And since I was told by Maddie that as soon as they contacted Ocwen that they would be helping me work the problems out with Ocwen, that the foreclosure process would STOP, and it did NOT STOP, then, I believe they don't know what they are doing. They promise everything, deliver nothing and EVERYTHING is done verbally with no written reciepts or back up!!! Don't trust them period. Anyone who gets mad and threatens to cancel you when you just ask for their mailing address has something to hide.
I have demanded my $500 back asap, which should be no problem for them per her above response since she says they have done nothing and did not plan on doing anything until I paid in full. So was it a lie they contacted Ocwen in the first place and Ocwen agreed to work with me?
I have also filed a complaint with the BBB and the California Atty Generals office as I think an audit of her company is needed, and I think all her business licenses should be posted on her website and she should be FORCED to back everything she and Maddie say in WRITING within 24 hours! I will be filing complaints with the Washington State AG also since they do business with WA state people in trouble and any other state's AG office as I get the time, that is the problem with these 'internet only' companies, they do business in all states and therefore the complaints must go to all 50 states!



Latest contact from Stacey

#11Author of original report

Sat, December 10, 2005

I sent Stacey an email with the grade her company has earned via the BBB, and she sent me back the quote as seen on this site about how the BBB is a paid for review, apparently she did not read the part that states in that paragraph:
"One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad".....Get Foreclosure Results has a grade "F".
Here is her email to me:

The BBB does not give you a good rating if you do not pay them $500.00 a year. Now that you have already complained about our company without paying us the full amount owed! We have canceled our services. Please do not contact us again

The Staff at G.F.R. ..
Note there is NO mention of returning my $500, so, I am going to send complaints to the Calif AG, the Washington State AG, the BBB in Calif, I mean, how bad it is that you have to go to the BBB website to find out the mailing address of the company you are dealing with because they REFUSE to give it to their customers??? I will send out complaints to the AG in every state in this country if I have to since they advertise on the internet, what else do I have to do while waiting for my house to be sold out from under me?
Like I said, BEWARE, BEWARE, BEWARE of this company!! Filing chapter 13 will be MUCH better than dealing with these thieves!



Ungrateful Customers

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 10, 2005

This is a response to the complaint posted 12/05.
by V Centralia Washington USA.

This lady submitted her request for assistant back in Oct.05, Yes we did tell her we could help her get out of foreclosure and we charged her $995.00 (we normally charge $1,295)because she was on disabilly.We contacted her lender and made arrangements with them for a workout. She then paid only $500.00 and started making demands,telling G.F.R. when she would pay the balance,(she said was $400.00)She still owes G.F.R.$495.00 We then advised her we were unable to do anything further until our fee was paid. I do not think this is a unreasonable request.Our authorization clearly states our fee is do once we make arrangments with the lender.It is now December and still we have not recieved the final payment. She has no idea how many time's we have helped people in the last 4 years and never recieved payment for it. G.F.R has helped people at least 5 times a year for no fee at all, because they had children and no money, and nowhere to go.I can clearly see why she is in foreclosure. As far as our address is concerned, we gave that to her when she made the payment.She somehow found it to make this complaint.I guess there is always going to be that complaining person that makes you think! What in the world are we doing in this business?? But then we think, we will not allow the complainers of the world to ruin it for those who appreciate are service and are still in there home because of our efforts.
The Staff at G.F.R.

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