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  • Report:  #158154



  • Reported By:
    Jacksonville Florida
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 24, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 24, 2005
    1600 Naomi Avenue
    LOS ANGELES, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My husband and I brought a Getestore in 12/04. We went as far as checking the company out with the Better Busienss Bureau prior to buying a store and the report checked out fine. We are Political/News/CNN/Business watching people so we listen and take heave to the media's fair warnings about checking business out. Therefore, we thought we had done what needed to be done to protect ourselves. Unfortunately these days that is not enough and soon found out that we were in for a a serious wake up call.

The first few months went smoothly. We are the type of people that believe things take time and patience so we knew nothing would likely happen right away. We know prople don't get rich over night. We were aware that we had responsibilites to our site so we check all the major competitors and adjusted our prices as we saw fit to benefit the customers and still be able to be competitive and make a profit. Some items prices were extremely high and had no room for adjustment to profit so we just took those off our site. So as you see we went in knowing we had a part to do.

But, as a member of Getestore. They had a responsibility to us as well. True enough they provided the tools for the site, set the products up on the site, offered dropshipping and even went as far as offering just last month a new service for EMAIL which they stated was suppose to capture all the customer service inquiries as well as all the alais emailboxes that we had.

Well, this is where the trouble began. We needed assistance with the setup for some of the tools that they offered for the site. We could not get the additional URL Meta Tag to work and Webscheme could not submitt it to the Major Search Engines because of this. We sent emails to GETESTORE inquiring what the problem could be because we were ready to get this submitted and start putting our flyers and business cards out (which are not free). Upon numerous attempts to Customer Support and Member Services we got no response.

We sent several emails to them inquiring as to why our email box they set up for us was not capturing the emails that customers were sending as they stated it was suppost to do. Some of them were people we knew personally that had informed us that they sent inquiries about things on the site through Customer Support and never got a response back as well. We still got no response. Keep in mine this service was not free it cost $19.99 yr. We went as far as telling them we were filing a complaint with the better business bureau and gave thema dealine to contact us and we still NEVER got a response. It's like you don't exist once you buy a store and they get that money you are ON YOUR OWN, and I mean ON YOU OWN.

We since that time had signed up with Google offered through GETESTORE as an Affilliate. Google clearly states that one of their requirements is that you have good Customer Service to qualify. We sent Getestore an email and let them know what Google had stated and that we need them to respond to us to let us know what was going to be done about the customer service dept because we are in and effort to try to run a respectable business and customers need to know that they can get in touch with us if they have to. We still go no response.
It is now 09/23/04 and that was about 4 or 5 weeks ago.

Since we did not hear from them we went on and filed a complaint with the National Better Business Bureau and are awaiting a comfirmation from them and see where it takes us from there.

Prior to this we had joined Webscheme one of the affiliate programs that Getestore offers and we spent $149.00 for this along with the additional tools that we pruchased for to help our site. We have had no luck. Not that I have any problems with Webscheme because at least their customer service responds right away but their so call guaranteed targeted customers that they offer to bring to your site does not work either they are sent to your home page, they never look in your store and they immediately sign right out. So, since they hit the first page the store owner cannot say they were not sent to their site.

One would think that if a Business(GETESTORE)is going to offer their services and these Affilliate Programs to their members they would make sure that the companies they promote does what they say they are going to do. That just tells me that they don't even check these companies out. They get a certain percentage from these compaies for getting their members to sign up and all knowing all the while these companies don't benefit the member's stores in the first place. They tell you that when you join these programs you will get a certain amount credited back to you within 10 days. Well we joined one of the Affilliates about a month ago and we have not seen a credit as of to date.

I know everyone is in the business to make money that's what it's all about but you would think they would cooperate and be there for the store owners as they said they would because the better we do the more money they make. But I guess they feel why do anything when they can do nothing and still get paid.

GETESTORE IS JUST A BIG RIPOFF, A SHAM, A SCAMMING COMPANY that PREYS on innocent consumers and is in the business for only themselves, they care about no one else. I don't know how these compaines are allowed to stay in business or take so long to get caught. WE NEED STRONGER/BETTER LAWS TO PROTECT THE CONSUMERS.

S. & M.
Jacksonville, Florida

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