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  • Report:  #1071916

Complaint Review: Ghost Tales TV or GTN

Ghost Tales TV or GTN Melissa Bryan Psychic Fraud Company hires FRAUD Arroyo Seco New Mexico

  • Reported By:
    Truther — Arroyo Seco New Mexico
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 01, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 02, 2013

 Ghost Tales TV has made a horrid mistake in allowing this woman on their website to create a radio show.

She shows no remorse for the way she has treated people on her past radio show that she was kicked off the air of because of her on air tantrums and foul mouthed rantings.

This website supposedly is for the paranormal but her radio show is solely going to be calling the names of her stalkers out and ranting and raving and using horrible language.

Ghost Tales TV will be sorry they ever heard her name or took money from her to allow her in that company.  They will lose revenue hand over fist when people hear her voice and realize she is not there to talk about the paranormal but to prey on vulnerable people and steal and scam their money from them.

Over and over this woman has proven she is a fake and a fraud and is in it just for the money.  She has no spiritual light in her at all.  Because she refuses to get a real job she thinks she can force people to give her money for her on air rants and raves instead of standing up and being a real person in the community! 

14 Updates & Rebuttals

Seco Native

New Mexico,

Just don't!

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, October 02, 2013

I went by Missy’s Big Top on Saturday. I didn’t stop in because I’m not that stupid. Nobody else did; I guess people around here aren’t stupid either. Or it could have been the tiny 8.5x11 signs she taped to her enormous big top. People driving by north east bend on Hwy 150 saw a huge tent and some teeny weenie signs that they would have to stop and get out of their cars to read. I can’t say there is much of a market for redi-mix baked goods around here. The only good thing was that the big-top was in front of the rickety wishing-well lawn ornament with the big ugly NO TRESSPASSING sign in Missy’s shaky handwriting. It’s nice not to have to see that every day.

I had to ask my kids to leave the room before I played it and good thing to! I never witnessed a more horrific, perverted, obscene spectacle. Then I opened my eyes! I’m going to need therapy to get over this! You can see it yourself,

Missy! Can’t you tell eye-liner smear from dark eyepits? Don’t you know what diabetic shadow looks like? Look in a mirror!  And those bright red nails just pasted to your regular fingernails.  Ewww! They look like bloody boogers.  That junk hanging off of your glasses. What is that? Now I have go get some eyewash after seeing you.  DON”T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! Just don’t OK? It makes you look like an idiot and makes our community look bad. People already think folks in New Mexico are backwards Neanderthals. Now you have to come here from California and prove them right? No fair!

Some good news for a change. We put up the troll warning signs and took a few pictures. They look great! As soon as we get authorization we will be able to put these up all over town. I wish we had about 100 more for the balloon festival. I’ll have to make a few calls after her latest podcast where Missy directly threatens EVERYONE going to the event. Good work Missy! Now they will be looking for you. Every cop, every security guard, the entire staff of the festival will be warned about you. They will have your picture.  You are free to go, but they will be watching you. The balloon fest is a nice peaceful event.  Don’t go mucking it up by bringing your guns and threatening people.



Ever Heard of Living Within Yours Means?

#15General Comment

Tue, October 01, 2013

Swearing, slandering, yelling, screeching and cursing others in the world for your failure to live within your means seems to be a pattern with Ms. B.  She decided to buy the Tent for her proposed Fund-raising BakeSale; she decided to spend her money before she had it in her hand; she decided to slander and vilify an innocent man who has nothing to do with the comments here.  She is  the one who will be sued and put in jail when she can't pay the judgemt that will be put on her.  So, there will be no "Duel to the Death", she will see the 'death' of her vicious rants, and no one will be able to help her.  R.I.P. OutllowLaff on Speaker Boredcasts.



Zombie "Like"?

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, September 11, 2013

According to the Facebook page of Outlaw Life 17 hours ago there was a 'like' posted by the deceased (?) Colleen Coleman under the poctures of M's new Hallowe'en costume plans.  Is someone accessing her Facebook, or have we been duped again?  I had real sympathy for her, now,  not so much.  Oh, and she is now buying up the world's supply of gummy coke bottles so she can overdose. 



Hard Work and No Payoff

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, September 09, 2013

First, let me say that this is not done 'tongue-in-cheek'.  This morning I heard and read that Melissa has been taken out of the wedding in Chicamunga that she wanted to attend and has had to throw away the baking she has done.  This event was very important to her; she worked hard and long to make the event happpen and I really, truly, feel bad for her.  If anyone who posts here has even a tiny bit of humanity in their hearts, they will leave her alone about this.  She has had two losses this month that would fell even the most stable person on earth.  Whatever happened to keep her out of the  wedding as Matron of Honour, it is hers to deal with and no one should criticize her.   I understand she doesn't need my sympathy, but I extend it all the same. 



German Celebrity

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, September 06, 2013

I Do not understand this website, Melissa Bryan is one of the biggest rising stars in Germany and Europe as a medium and radio host. She has millions of fans who love her stories and past especially of Billy The Kid! Is there anyway I could get an autographed Headshot?? If anyone knows how to do this please let me know! I heard on the news they are thinking of haveing Mrs Bryan host a late night talk show similar to the USA David Letterman! Fingers crossed!




Sound Bits and Bites

#15General Comment

Sun, September 01, 2013

Tonight I listened to her March  29 boredcast referred to in  this report and while listening to that download, I also clicked on her latest Fing boredcast at the same time.  What a LOLcast!  The spreaker one is shorter in length, but if you click on the play button again or go down the line and pick up a bite you will hear the same phrases over and over. Happy listening peeps!

Local Person

New Mexico,

Is this funny?

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, August 31, 2013

computer nerd and active demon hunter thinks he is also Dr Who. the British sci fi character. He also thinks he is the world’s smartest man and legal expert. Now if he could only get his unemployment checks in time! Oh wait! He just got his 25k dream desk job. Hold the phones!

Then there's the wedding, Missy is the “wedding planner” for some cannibalistic bigot Confederate activist hitch up! Problem is, According to Missy on a recent podcast.which she continually interrupted and talked over the hosts, she’s THE expert wedding planner even though she’s never actually planned a wedding before other than her own and we know how that turned out!

 All she needs to pull this one off is, money for bus fare and money for lodging and  money for food and money for makeup and money for her clothes and money for some baking stuff, money to fix her laptop after it broke when she threw it at hubby and money for some candy, money for cola bottles and money for soda and lots of other things. Also she needs a wagon, a full color guard and some cannons. She’s going to do the best dang Confederate wedding ever seen! Big cupcake bake sale coming up to pay for all of this! Too bad hubbie’s paper rout won’t cover a trip to Tennessee.

Just wait till they get her fee! Missy will provide the foul language for free but they are going to owe to owe her a bundle for all of the “consulting.”

But wait, some evil people are trying to STOP HER! They are haters who hate the idea of weddings and The South and Confederate nations and southbounders and cannibals who come from California and witches and foul mouthed retards. Haters are going to hate! And when Missy fails she will have an excuse to fail. Her haters are going to MAKE HER FAILl. She’s going to fail anyway, but her haters will get the blame. Just for goodness sake! Lets find a real psychic to locate that lip balm which rolled under her couch.

Why are they cannibals? Because of this...

Go Ahead a*s Hole s**t For Brains! Show up at the Wedding!
There are a bunch of us Southerners looking to make YOU the Main Dish at the Wedding Supper!
Oh, and the Bride wants to Meet YOU Personally!

Melissa Bryan.

If there is nothing I hate worse, it’s cannibals, and racists and delusional nitwits that think the South is going to rise again and makes slaves of black people. I find that offencive and I find YOU offencive for supporting it Missy! You and your fake southern accent. You aint even from South New Mexico you California nut!

Oh and she had to cancel her “radio show” again because somebody MADE HER curse and threaten and cuss some more and threaten some more.  Remember, people MADE her do this. Missy is nothing more than a large hideous puppet that anyone on the Internet can manipulate at will. Because she has no control over her actions. She’s like a big unruly dog. Anyone can say “go cuss people Missy” and she does it. Watch.

Missy! Write more BS in your “book!” Threaten someone on Facebook! Cuss people on your podcast!

Good dog!



More like Southern CALIFORNIA accent!

#15General Comment

Sat, August 31, 2013

Melissa Bryan does NOT have a Southern accent.  She is from California, and a stuck up yuppie suburban part of california at that.  She's not a psychic, a medium, or a very good geneologist.  The southern accent is just another lie that she is using to try to fit in somewhere since her husband doesn't talk to her any more.  Can you blame him?





#15General Comment

Fri, August 30, 2013

I call FAKE on her Southern Accent, which is more apparent when she Fake threats anyone who calls out her Fake History, Fake Guns, Fake Biz, Fake Balls, and Fake Life.  As for the latest Spreaker boredcast, she wants all of us who really speak the Truth to come to the Fake Wedding and be roasted on a spit!  Which would probably overshadow the Fake Wedding she Fake planned.  Holy Moley, what would she do if we all showed up at this Fakefest?  I won't Fake promise to be there...or will I?


World Wide LOL

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 28, 2013

The LOLs have gone world wide it seems as there have, at this time, been 1,020 plays of her 'bored' casts on Spreaker, explaining and complaining, howling and yowling, bleating and repeating, efing, daming and curseing everyone in the known universe.  I know I've spewed coffee outta my nose with some of the language and threats she dreams up.  Guess others are having laffs and giggles too. She has given up on the in-fin-eye-tum usage, so we can hope for more 'Missy-usage' of the language formerly known as English. I remain  lol-hopeful, y'all.



How Wrong Can She Be?

#15General Comment

Fri, August 23, 2013

She claims in her' fing braodcasts' that someone named Trank is the person who is constantly harrassing her.  No one is harassing her !  She harasses herself.  I am not Trank; I have never been Trank; I don't know who, or what Trank is.   She wants to "shove herself down everhyone's throat'.  Well if she seriously thinks that is the way to get  people to want to buy her goods/services, she runs the risk of having her hand bitten off while doing the "shoving".  As for wanting any part of her or her life, biz, or anything that she has, well, trash is trash, and I throw it out every week.  If she is seriously a 'Medium" as she claims, then she should let her spirit guides take her down the rightous path of humility and self-control.  Then people would extend the respect a person of good quality gets.   Read the post on Narcisisim Melissa.   It describes you to a T.  I know you won't, but I am hopeful you will; and now, Bless your heart and have a good day.


Setting a Record

#15General Comment

Fri, August 23, 2013

Well, glory be!  I think she set a record for the number of EFfs in one sentence this time!  The latest 'broadcast" contained a spewing of Effs directed at everyone in her immediate area and the rest of the known world.  Folks, I think she blew a gasket this time!  Wonder if she will be on the air waves ever again.




#15Consumer Comment

Tue, August 20, 2013

Apparently her language skills are minimal.  Her latest broadcast consisted (again) of four letter words, one of which,  in particular, seems to be her 'go-to' to describe anyone and anything that disagrees with her and her way of life.  Free speech is guaranteed in North America, and we are all allowed to disagree with one another, but without threats of bodily harm to the person who has an opposing view to others.  Some comedians can get by with the "F-word", but she is neither amusing, nor has the capacity to be so.  She could be doing her community a service by giving up her rants and concentrating on the beautiful area in which she resides. Her last full broadcast was interesting in that she read some news about Arroyo and gave her opinions, which were valid, and without expletives.  I cannot dispute her Mediumship, but, given her limited language skills, I doubt that she could convey any but the most rudimentary (accent on rude!) reading. 

Truth and All

Lima ,

Excellent Advice!

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 20, 2013

It is pretty obvious that Melissa Bryan’s radio “broadcast” is nothing more than self gratification by mentally ill woman. I imagine that she doesn’t understand the first thing of broadcasting or perhaps she doesn’t care. This is ironic because in reality, nobody else cares either.

The first thing you have to understand in the entertainment business  is, nobody cares! Nobody cares about you; nobody cares about how hard a week you’ve had, nobody cares about your husband, your cat; nobody cares. People listen to the radio to be entertained. Hearing over and over again how you’ve been misunderstood and how great your superpowers are is not interesting. Nobody believes you are psychic and if they do, they are probably as crazy as you are and sitting at home on the public dole like you. Ergo; nobody cares.

The second thing, you are not really on the radio; you know that don’t you? You are on an obscure podcast network that has about a hundred people involved total! There are thousands of such things on the Internet. The only way you are going to get any attention is to be the best of the best of a completely obscure bunch that nobody cares about. You are NOT going to get the attention of any sponsors because nobody is listening to you and sponsors want to sell stuff.  They are not interested in some crazy woman muttering about her hard week in some unknown corner of New Mexico. Also, lying to a potential sponsor about how many millions of people listen to your worldwide broadcast is an instant turnoff. You don’t have millions of listeners; if you did the sponsors would come to you.  You would have to beat them off with a stick.

My advice? If you would like your own talk show; find a local radio station and go to work for them. Find out how the business really works. NOBODY on an Internet podcast is going to make the big-time. Lots of people think they can. Lots of people have tried but, it doesn’t work; trust me on this. There is no money in it and THAT’S why nobody cares.

Find out how your local market works and figure out a way to break into it. Get on the radio for real, you won’t be doing what you want at first, but if you play ball you will get your chance.

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