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  • Report:  #20668

Complaint Review: Gibson Trust Inc.

Gibson Trust Inc is a con artist rip-off scam. Pompano Beach, Florida

  • Reported By:
    Edmond Ok
  • Submitted:
    Sun, May 12, 2002
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 04, 2004
  • Gibson Trust Inc.
    4081 N. Federal Highway, Suite 110A
    Pompano Beach, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Gibson Trust Inc does not deliver the services that they say they will. They will ruin your life if you even think about using them to help you get out of debt.

We saw Gibson Trust's impressive web site on the internet. They tell the potential customer everything that they want to hear. They work real hard to get you in and make you believe that they will take care of everything and you don't have to worry about a thing.

We were in debt by over $41,000 when we first filled out our credit information at Gibson's web site. Within a day or two of filling out our information we got a call from a woman named Lisa Colbert. She told us how Gibson Trust could help us get out of debt in about 48 months and that they could lower our monthly payments by working with our creditors and getting an acceptable payment plan going with them with lower interest or no interest at all.

She told me our payment each month would be $1037.00 to Gibson Trust and that they would distribute the money to all of our creditors. She encouraged me to start sending them the payment right away. The sooner Gibson Trust got our payment, The sooner they could start paying our creditors.

Lisa Colbert faxed the contract to my husband's work for us to read and sign. She said we could sign up this way and get the program going. We recieved the contract pages by fax and signed them. We did not know at the time that Lisa Colbert had not faxed us the entire contract. There were pages missing that we did not see. Lisa Colbert said that she would mail the original contract pages to us.

Within a week of signing up with Gibson Trust, Lisa Colbert called me and told me that she was informed by their underwriters that the monthly payment that she quoted me on the phone would not be enough to propose to our creditors. She said that she had been told that Gibson Trust would need a monthly payment of $1,150.00 to pay our creditors.

We did recieve the orignal contract in the mail with additional pages that we had not seen when we first signed up with Gibson Trust by way of fax. Of course we had a right to cancel with in 5 days of signing up with them, but the 5 days had already passed when we recieved this part of the contract in the mail.

We were not thinking about canceling with Gibson Trust at that time anyway. So it did not bother us to recieve the cancelation policy past the 5 day period that was allowed.
Lisa Colbert had told us everything we wanted to hear and we took it all, HOOK! LINE! and SINKER! She had really impressed me with how much Gibson cared about helping people and I thought that she was a honest very nice person.

I was very very wrong!!! After Gibson Trust started to get our money, They did not pay our creditors as Lisa Colbert had told me they would. I got my statments in the mail and they would show that NO PAYMENT had been made! Of course I called Gibson Trust and wanted to know what was going on.

It took along time to get through to them on the phone and when I did, I was told that my first payment was held and would not go to our creditors. They always hold the first payment. But that we would get it back when we finished paying our creditors using their service to pay them off. So, I figured, okay then my next payment would start going to my creditors. NO WAY!!! The next months statements that came in the mail showed NO PAYMENT had been made, AGAIN!!!

I was real upset and concerned and tried calling Gibson over and over. I could not get through on the phone. It would take many hours of trying before I might be able to speak to someone. When I would get through, I would be told that all this was normal and that they would takew care of it. I had accumilated late charges to my accounts and was told not to worry. It would all be taken care of!!

Well, We signed up with Gibson Trust in December 2000 and made our first monthly payment in December 2000. When paid Gibson on time every month by way of ACH deposit from our checking account. They did take our money out of our checking account every month. But, they were not paying our creditors.

By the end of Febuary 2001, we had additional debt of over $2,500 due to Gibson's non payment because of late charges and then because the late charges caused some of our accounts to go over the limit, we were also charged an over limit fee as well!!!

We stopped trying to call Gibson Trust because we could not get through on the phone. I started to send them e-mails. They would not respond to my many e-mails about our concerns. We faxed our statements to them, showing that No PAYMENT was made to our creditors as well.
I kept e-mailing and calling them.

Once, when I finally got through on the phone i got through to a many who said his name was Gary (He had a English mans accent). He assured me that he was going to get to the bottom of this and the he was putting our account into a full account review right away! He was very reassuring. He said it would all get taken care of and not to worry about the late fees.

So, Like a dummy, I continued to let Gibson Trust take money out of our checking account. Well, They did not take care of anything!!! After a few more weeks, I kept calling and when I got through I was told again by someone named Kevin that he would see to it that our account went into a full account review. I told him that is what I was told last month!!!

I sent many e-mails to this company with no response!!!
We finally, got smart and e-mailed Gibson Trust that we did not authorize them to take anymore money out of our checking account and that we wanted out of their terrible servive because of their non performance. They provided NO SERVICE!!!

Of course after that we get a call right away from a man named Felix Alveraz. He told me that he was the quality assurance manager. I told him were no longer wanted their service and that they did not pay our criditors on time and now we owed an additional $2,500 because of them. They also destroyed our credit!!!

When Mr. Alveraz knew that he could not convince me to stay with Gibson Trust, He became very rude to me on the phone. He yelled, "What are you gonna do about Providian? Do you know how many payments you are behind to them? If you don't let us help you, You're gonna be in alot of trouble!"

I felt Felix Alveraz was making a threat to me.
I became upset with him and hung up the phone on him.
The really crazy thing about his statement to me was that before we signed up with Gibson Trust, We WERE NOT BEHIND on any payments to Providian. Gibson Trust is who got us behind by not making our payments.

We pulled out after 4 months with Gibson and $4,600 later.
We were taken by these rip off cons!! They finally did start paying our creditors, but they were late and the damage was already done to our credit, which was very good before Gibson took over paying our accounts.

We demanded that they return our first payment of $1,150.00 that they held back from our creditors and that we were suppose to get back when we finished the program.
Gibson Trust refused to give us back our money. It has been 1 year and 5 months since we were ripped off by Gibson Trust. I have not given up fighting for the return of our money.

I have filed many complaints with the Florida BBB, The federal Trade Commission, and with the Florida Attorney General's Office. I have been in contact with a media called Money Talks and have told them my story. The Florida Attorney General's Office is doing a investigation on Gibson Trust. They have recieved many complaints from people who have all had a similar experience with Gibson Trust.

I encourage any one who was scammed by Gibson to call the Florida Attorney General's Office and report their story to them. The Attorney to contact at this time is Marta Mokley. Do what ever you can to get the word out about Gibson Trust. They must be stopped from preying on desperate people who are trying do do the right thing and payy their creditors.

Do not use their service!! RUN as fast as you can when you see the name Gibson Trust!! They will take your money and destroy your life. They should be locked up for what they are doing to people!!! I told Gibson Trust that I will never give up and that I will be a thorn in their side until they do the right thing by returning the money that they took from us when we quit with their terrible service.

I figure, that Gibson couints on the customer quitting and then they think they can say, " OH! you quit with us so now we don't have to return your first payment back to you like we said we would if you finished paying off your creditors using our service." It's in our contract!! By the way, That was one part of the contract that we never did see until 9 months after signing with Gibson. They are con artists, rip off artists, and mislead people.

I have not given up in all this time and if you have been ripped off by Gibson Trust you should not give up either! I am making head way, I think. Gibson has told me that they are going to return my money soon. I can't believe it until I see it, so I am not counting on it. Keep complaining and sending e-mails to Gibson if they have not provided the service that they said they would. I have been e-mailing them for over a year now and complaining to every complaint site and governmaent agency that I can.

If we all start being a thorn in all these peoples sides, SOMEONE IS GONNA HAVE TO LISTEN and do somthing about shutting down this deceptive company. By the way, their company is a small office in a rented building, and they have a mail drop at mailboxes Ect... I think that this operation is run by only a few people, but can't be for sure. I hope that Gibson Trust will be shut down and prosecuted for misleading practices. Stay as far away from them as you can!!!

Edmond, Oklahoma

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Gibson Trust

7 Updates & Rebuttals



the people ask our goverment for help and I have not seen much of anything

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, May 03, 2004

I have written complaints about Gibson Trust. Send certified letter's to the att. generals office. Reciced one letter from the attounery generals office. But would like to recive more on what is going on about not only my money but others the last I know is Gibson was being sued for the act's they have done on us. But that still has not got creditors off our backs. It is un fair that what little money we had and trused a consolidation comp. to help us has totaly screwd us..I would like and up date on how the matter is going on gibson sence I am a taxpayer and my accounts are way above my head and will be there till the day I die because of these people.. And who has money to file bankruptcy at this point. It is so un fair the way we are being screwed by scams and the felling of helpless ness is un real. So someone Please let me know what is going on with my suite against gibson some how over a year and not a word.

WE the people ask our goverment for help and I have not seen much of anything about it. No if that was I on the other hand I would be Under a jail cell somewhere.

It's about time!!!


Tue, October 29, 2002

I want to update my report and tell everyone that we have finally recieved a refund check from Gibson Trust on 10-14-02.
It has been a long hard battle to get this refund and it should have never taken as long as it did.
I told Gibson Trust that I would never give up and I never did.
I am still very disappointed and angry at the way the Florida Attorney Generals Office is sitting on this case.
I feel that complaints about their office should be made as well as the complaints about Gibson Trust.
I did complain about the Florida Attorney Generals Office on their own complaint form.
I feel that the public should start targeting them since they are the ones that are not doing anything about what is happening to many innocent people who are only trying to do the right thing and pay their creditors off and get out of debt.
It is all a big joke and some one is getting rich of all of us poor suckers.
Anyway, I still think it's possible that there is some cover up or under the table money being exchanged between Gibson Trust and the Florida Attorney Generals Office.
I will say that I can't prove this and I am not saying that it is happening. It is only my opinion that it is a possibility.
It makes me sick to think that our Government is willing to go over seas and spend millions to fight terrorists when we have our own terrorists sitting right here in America.
The hurt and pain that Gibson Trust inflicts upon it's victims is no less than terrorizing innocent people who come to them, trusting them.
Our own Government just sits back and lets it happen.
The Florida Attorney Generals Office has more than enough solid evidence to shut this place down for good and prevent them from opening another operation again.
Instead, they do nothing.
It was not them that helped me get our money back.
It was my own screaming and fighting and never giving up that finally made them so sick of me that I am sure they just paid us our refund request to shut us up and get us off their backs and off the back of the Florida Attorney Generals Office.
I didn't leave the Florida Attorney Generals Office alone either.
Anyway, I am just glad that we have gotten our refund and I hope that for the rest of you justice will prevail.
I am warning you though, it is a long road ahead and if you are not up for the fight of your life, you mine as well just give up as I am sure many many victims have done already.
But, remember if you do decide to give up, you are also saying it's okay for Gibson Trust to continue ripping people off and hurt more new victims who will fall prey to them.
I hope that you will not give up.



No Settlement - No Surprise to us

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, September 14, 2002

I would like to update what is happening with Gibson Trust,Inc.

So far we still have not recieved a settlement from this company.

Their newest thing is to have their Attorney, Timothy Setterlund send us a letter offering a sum of money if we sign their letter of release agreeing to all their conditions.

Also, the sum of money they are offering us in this letter is less than we asked for in order to settle our dispute with Gibson Trust,Inc.

The Attorney states in his letter to us the evidence he would present in court if we sued Gibson Trust,Inc. 98% of his so called evidence is completely false!!!

He states in his letter to us that we made our payments late to Gibson Trust and this caused a delay.

The truth is that we made our payments exactly as Lisa Colbert (our so call specialist from Gibson Trust) instructed us to make them.

We also had ACH deposit and Gibson Trust withdrew the monthly payment from our checking account each month.

None of our creditors recieved even one payment from Gibson Trust until March 2001.
Our first payment was made to Gibson Trust in December 2000.

I have a 3" stack of evidence about Gibson Trust.
Timothy Setterlund is the Attorney for Gibson Trust and he states in his letter to us that if we have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me.

I did contact him yesterday September 12,2002 and when I spoke with him he had no idea who I was and could not even answer the questions I had for him about the letter he had written to me.
I told him that he should have just very recently gotten a letter of response from me that I sent to him and that he had just signed for it less than a week ago.

I went on to tell him how I felt about his client Gibson Trust and how his statements in his letter he had written to me were not true.

he said that he wrote what Gibson had told him.
I told him that they lied to him and that I have a huge stack of evidence. He told me he couldn't talk in further to me until he got my file and that it was getting pretty late right now.
It was 2:20 P.M. when I looked at my clock.
He said he would call me back tomorrow and he took my phone number.

It is now tomorrow and 9:47 P.M. on my clock and I did not get a call back from Mr. Setterlund.
I am not surprised at all because this is the same experience I have had all along.
They do not do what they say they will do.
Their Attorney has shown me that he follows these same practices.

He was the one that wrote to me telling me not to hesitate to contact him and then when I did contact him he wouldn't finish talking with me.
Mr.Setterlund is suppose to be working with the Florida Attorney General's Office.

I am sure he wrote that nice little invite to contact him in his letter to me only for the benefit of the Florida Attorney's Office.
He didn't make me feel like he cared at all about settling the dispute that we have with Gibson Trust,Inc.

So it comes as no surprise that we still have not recieved one dime of restitution from Gibson Trust.

I have also been in contact with the Florida Attorney Generals Office letting them know how they are not doing enough to stop this company.
Everyone else that has been a victim of Gibson Trust should also be contacting them and telling them how they feel.

The Florida Attorney General should be allowed to contact each of these people and investigate if these in fact are legitimate testimonial letters.


Thu, June 20, 2002

I would like to update my last report about Gibson Trust.

I had said that I thought that I was making some head way with Gibson Trust because I was told by an employee that works there that I would be receiving a refund from Gibson Trust.

I had always asked only for the return of the first initial payment of $1,150.00 that Gibson Trust kept from us when we were forced to leave their services.

This is what we were working on.

Then after I was told that we would get the refund, i did not hear from them again for awhile.

I started to e-mail them and got no response until I e-mailed them and told them that because they continue to ignore again, I am no longer satisfied with only the return of my initial first payment. I asked that the owner of the company Patrick O'toole or Donna O'toole contact me. I believe these are the correct names of the Officer/Director Detail.

They never did and I got a letter of release from Gibson Trust that they said we needed to sign and have notorized before they would refund the amount they approved of $1,150.00

The release had specific conditions that we were to adhere to.

It said that we would agree not to seek further action or compensation from Gibson Trust, Inc.

It also said that we had to agree to notify any agency or media that we contacted regarding Gibson Trust,Inc and inform them that any dispute that we had with Gibson Trust has now been resolved.

By the time that we got this release letter from Gibson Trust,

I had already e-mailed them and told them that because they again continued to ignore my e-mails, I was no longer satisfied with only the return of our own money, the first initial payment of $1,150.00 I sent the release letter back to Gibson Trust by certified mail and told them that we would not sign their letter of release with all the conditions that they put in it, unless they agreed to pay us the sum of $2,500.00.

This would cover the $1,150.00 that they kept from us, the lawyer fees of $1075.00 that we had to pay when we were forced to file bankrupcty after Gibson Trust handeled our accounts, interest on our money that they kept for 1 1/2 years and all the postage and mailings that I have had to do over the past

1 1/2 years that I have been trying to get them to refund our money.

This does not even cover all the damages of emotional distress that we endured because of them. What they put us through is horrible and of course, since sending them the certified letter stating that we would only sign it if they paid us the sum of $2,500.00

They have not ever responded to us by telephone, letter, or e-mail. I have many new e-mails that I sent to them in the past few weeks that they do not respond to.

I have asked that they tell me the name of their registered agent. They have never responded. I have asked that they provide me with names of all the people that they post on their web sites as testimonials. They have never responded.

I believe they don't respond, because these are not true testimonials. If they were true, they should have no problem posting the name, city and state of each person for their references.

The Florida Attorney General should be allowed to contact each of these people and investigate if these in fact are legitimate testimonial letters. That is what I feel.

So as of todays date, we have made no settlement with Gibson Trust to resolve our dispute with them.

Ronda Peterson

The Florida Attorney General should be allowed to contact each of these people and investigate if these in fact are legitimate testimonial letters.


Thu, June 20, 2002

I would like to update my last report about Gibson Trust.

I had said that I thought that I was making some head way with Gibson Trust because I was told by an employee that works there that I would be receiving a refund from Gibson Trust.

I had always asked only for the return of the first initial payment of $1,150.00 that Gibson Trust kept from us when we were forced to leave their services.

This is what we were working on.

Then after I was told that we would get the refund, i did not hear from them again for awhile.

I started to e-mail them and got no response until I e-mailed them and told them that because they continue to ignore again, I am no longer satisfied with only the return of my initial first payment. I asked that the owner of the company Patrick O'toole or Donna O'toole contact me. I believe these are the correct names of the Officer/Director Detail.

They never did and I got a letter of release from Gibson Trust that they said we needed to sign and have notorized before they would refund the amount they approved of $1,150.00

The release had specific conditions that we were to adhere to.

It said that we would agree not to seek further action or compensation from Gibson Trust, Inc.

It also said that we had to agree to notify any agency or media that we contacted regarding Gibson Trust,Inc and inform them that any dispute that we had with Gibson Trust has now been resolved.

By the time that we got this release letter from Gibson Trust,

I had already e-mailed them and told them that because they again continued to ignore my e-mails, I was no longer satisfied with only the return of our own money, the first initial payment of $1,150.00 I sent the release letter back to Gibson Trust by certified mail and told them that we would not sign their letter of release with all the conditions that they put in it, unless they agreed to pay us the sum of $2,500.00.

This would cover the $1,150.00 that they kept from us, the lawyer fees of $1075.00 that we had to pay when we were forced to file bankrupcty after Gibson Trust handeled our accounts, interest on our money that they kept for 1 1/2 years and all the postage and mailings that I have had to do over the past

1 1/2 years that I have been trying to get them to refund our money.

This does not even cover all the damages of emotional distress that we endured because of them. What they put us through is horrible and of course, since sending them the certified letter stating that we would only sign it if they paid us the sum of $2,500.00

They have not ever responded to us by telephone, letter, or e-mail. I have many new e-mails that I sent to them in the past few weeks that they do not respond to.

I have asked that they tell me the name of their registered agent. They have never responded. I have asked that they provide me with names of all the people that they post on their web sites as testimonials. They have never responded.

I believe they don't respond, because these are not true testimonials. If they were true, they should have no problem posting the name, city and state of each person for their references.

The Florida Attorney General should be allowed to contact each of these people and investigate if these in fact are legitimate testimonial letters. That is what I feel.

So as of todays date, we have made no settlement with Gibson Trust to resolve our dispute with them.

Ronda Peterson

The Florida Attorney General should be allowed to contact each of these people and investigate if these in fact are legitimate testimonial letters.


Thu, June 20, 2002

I would like to update my last report about Gibson Trust.

I had said that I thought that I was making some head way with Gibson Trust because I was told by an employee that works there that I would be receiving a refund from Gibson Trust.

I had always asked only for the return of the first initial payment of $1,150.00 that Gibson Trust kept from us when we were forced to leave their services.

This is what we were working on.

Then after I was told that we would get the refund, i did not hear from them again for awhile.

I started to e-mail them and got no response until I e-mailed them and told them that because they continue to ignore again, I am no longer satisfied with only the return of my initial first payment. I asked that the owner of the company Patrick O'toole or Donna O'toole contact me. I believe these are the correct names of the Officer/Director Detail.

They never did and I got a letter of release from Gibson Trust that they said we needed to sign and have notorized before they would refund the amount they approved of $1,150.00

The release had specific conditions that we were to adhere to.

It said that we would agree not to seek further action or compensation from Gibson Trust, Inc.

It also said that we had to agree to notify any agency or media that we contacted regarding Gibson Trust,Inc and inform them that any dispute that we had with Gibson Trust has now been resolved.

By the time that we got this release letter from Gibson Trust,

I had already e-mailed them and told them that because they again continued to ignore my e-mails, I was no longer satisfied with only the return of our own money, the first initial payment of $1,150.00 I sent the release letter back to Gibson Trust by certified mail and told them that we would not sign their letter of release with all the conditions that they put in it, unless they agreed to pay us the sum of $2,500.00.

This would cover the $1,150.00 that they kept from us, the lawyer fees of $1075.00 that we had to pay when we were forced to file bankrupcty after Gibson Trust handeled our accounts, interest on our money that they kept for 1 1/2 years and all the postage and mailings that I have had to do over the past

1 1/2 years that I have been trying to get them to refund our money.

This does not even cover all the damages of emotional distress that we endured because of them. What they put us through is horrible and of course, since sending them the certified letter stating that we would only sign it if they paid us the sum of $2,500.00

They have not ever responded to us by telephone, letter, or e-mail. I have many new e-mails that I sent to them in the past few weeks that they do not respond to.

I have asked that they tell me the name of their registered agent. They have never responded. I have asked that they provide me with names of all the people that they post on their web sites as testimonials. They have never responded.

I believe they don't respond, because these are not true testimonials. If they were true, they should have no problem posting the name, city and state of each person for their references.

The Florida Attorney General should be allowed to contact each of these people and investigate if these in fact are legitimate testimonial letters. That is what I feel.

So as of todays date, we have made no settlement with Gibson Trust to resolve our dispute with them.

Ronda Peterson

The Florida Attorney General should be allowed to contact each of these people and investigate if these in fact are legitimate testimonial letters.


Thu, June 20, 2002

I would like to update my last report about Gibson Trust.

I had said that I thought that I was making some head way with Gibson Trust because I was told by an employee that works there that I would be receiving a refund from Gibson Trust.

I had always asked only for the return of the first initial payment of $1,150.00 that Gibson Trust kept from us when we were forced to leave their services.

This is what we were working on.

Then after I was told that we would get the refund, i did not hear from them again for awhile.

I started to e-mail them and got no response until I e-mailed them and told them that because they continue to ignore again, I am no longer satisfied with only the return of my initial first payment. I asked that the owner of the company Patrick O'toole or Donna O'toole contact me. I believe these are the correct names of the Officer/Director Detail.

They never did and I got a letter of release from Gibson Trust that they said we needed to sign and have notorized before they would refund the amount they approved of $1,150.00

The release had specific conditions that we were to adhere to.

It said that we would agree not to seek further action or compensation from Gibson Trust, Inc.

It also said that we had to agree to notify any agency or media that we contacted regarding Gibson Trust,Inc and inform them that any dispute that we had with Gibson Trust has now been resolved.

By the time that we got this release letter from Gibson Trust,

I had already e-mailed them and told them that because they again continued to ignore my e-mails, I was no longer satisfied with only the return of our own money, the first initial payment of $1,150.00 I sent the release letter back to Gibson Trust by certified mail and told them that we would not sign their letter of release with all the conditions that they put in it, unless they agreed to pay us the sum of $2,500.00.

This would cover the $1,150.00 that they kept from us, the lawyer fees of $1075.00 that we had to pay when we were forced to file bankrupcty after Gibson Trust handeled our accounts, interest on our money that they kept for 1 1/2 years and all the postage and mailings that I have had to do over the past

1 1/2 years that I have been trying to get them to refund our money.

This does not even cover all the damages of emotional distress that we endured because of them. What they put us through is horrible and of course, since sending them the certified letter stating that we would only sign it if they paid us the sum of $2,500.00

They have not ever responded to us by telephone, letter, or e-mail. I have many new e-mails that I sent to them in the past few weeks that they do not respond to.

I have asked that they tell me the name of their registered agent. They have never responded. I have asked that they provide me with names of all the people that they post on their web sites as testimonials. They have never responded.

I believe they don't respond, because these are not true testimonials. If they were true, they should have no problem posting the name, city and state of each person for their references.

The Florida Attorney General should be allowed to contact each of these people and investigate if these in fact are legitimate testimonial letters. That is what I feel.

So as of todays date, we have made no settlement with Gibson Trust to resolve our dispute with them.

Ronda Peterson

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