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  • Report:  #259776

Complaint Review: Glen A. Trimper Esq. And George Doss Esq.

Glen A. Trimper, Esq. And George Doss, Esq. Virginia State Bar allows corrupt and unethical lawyers to continue to practice law, despite more than 20 perjury and material misstatements made in federal and state courts. Alexandria Virginia

  • Reported By:
    Williamsburg Virginia
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 10, 2007
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 08, 2013
  • Glen A. Trimper, Esq. And George Doss, Esq.
    2034 Eisenhower Avenue,
    Alexandria, Virginia
  • Phone:
  • Category:


COMES NOW Petitioner Pro-Se to request and move this full Circuit Court of Appeals Judicial Council to conduct a fair review in compliance with holdings and rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court, where this Fourth Circuits [many] prior rulings or Orders do not abide and comply to the Supreme Courts holdings on the U.S. Constitution and those rulings (or) holdings handed down by the Supreme Court that Judge Cacheris and this Circuit Court have not abided by, nor conformed to over the past decade, pursuant to its rulings and repeated denials after 1998.

It strongly appears that this Fourth Circuit Judicial Committee has failed and did refuse to properly, fairly or correctly rule on any or all of Fioranis facts, evidence and 45 exhibits that makes a clear and convincing showing on a standard of review against all misconduct committed by District Judge James Cacheriss proven and exposed by Petitioner, herein with his 45-exhibits, but ignored by this Judicial Misconduct Committees Memorandum and Order issued by Chief Judge Wilkins.

Indeed, Petitioner requests the full Judicial Misconduct Committee to fairly review, read and comply with or to all U.S. Supreme Court rulings, contrary to any orders or rulings issued by Judge Cacheris, whereby in several appeals, Judge Cacheris was affirmed specifically by the Fourth Circuit, but overruled on many Constitutional questions (appeals) that do contradict and are contrary to each of these Judicial Misconducts (many) Orders dismissing many factual and meritorious complaints filed with this Judicial Committee, that is always ruled opposite the J.C.C.s Canons 1, 2 and 3, as it is now, per the Memorandum and Order.

This Fourth Circuits Order written by Chief Judge Wilkins has never rendered, nor issued any fair, constitutional or justified reviews against any judges criminal or (civil) misconduct under the Judges Canons of Conduct, (JCC), before 2003, 03-9042, and after 2000, where many Supreme Court holdings reversed this Circuit Judges rulings on, inter alia, (1) Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; (2) Miranda warnings; and, (3) many prior and currently, the Supreme Courts year-0ld holding, In re.: United States v. Gonzalez-Lopez, 546 U.S. _____; 126 S.Ct. 2554, (2006), which is now before this Courts Judicial Misconduct Committee on either a reversal of that corrupt district judges rulings after 1998, and where Petitioner, (Defendant) has made a showing that the judge was a direct and indirect participant in the collaboration or conspiracy, under Virginias criminal code 18.2-22.

-------------------orders, or for referrals to the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S.
Senates Judiciary Committee and the Governments Ethics Office, U.S. Department of Justice that affirms many aspects of the U.S. Constitution, but reverses [those] acts that are contrary to orders and rulings by a district court and/or Circuit Courts unconstitutional ruling(s) in this case.--------------------

Therefore, currently all facts, exhibits and evidence are contrary to and specifically adverse to the Supreme Courts many prior holdings that has reversed or proved unconstitutional rulings were issued by lower courts, directly relating to this Circuit Courts Memorandum and Order issued by Chief Judge Wilkins, dated June 21, 2007. This Memorandum and Order are contrary to those Supreme Court holdings that reverse the elements of 28 U.S.C. 352(b)(1)(A)(ii), (claims related to the merits of [a corrupt judges] decisions must be dismissed), and (iii), (factually unsupported claims must be dismissed).


1. No Petitoner can get a fair and impartial review of all of these judicial misconduct complaints given to this Court on and after November
2. In or about November 2006, Petitioner filed with the District
Court his first Complaint under the Supreme Courts ruling per many other
Constitutional Rights violations and Due Process or Equal Protection violations held by the Supreme Court when(ever) a district court judge Cacheris, Glen Trimper, G. David Hackney did knowingly, purposely, per the Courts words, erroneously denies any Defendant his choices of counsel like Judge Cacheris did and continued to do, as evidenced and exhibited in the District Courts own docket sheet(s).

3. Petitioner provided in his first issued complaint 45-exhibits that
directly bears on Petitioner's claims, facts, evidence and exhibits not properly
fairly or accurately reviewed by any impartial judges in this Circuit Court. Just like a lawyer cannot or will not fairly review and show corruption by another lawyer in an ineffective assistance of [defense] counsel claims. A judge cannot fully and accurately or fairly rule against one of his other judges for clear-and-convincing evidence of judicial misconduct, as in this case.

4. On January 22, 2007, Judge Cacheris issued a ruling, some 60 days after the issuances of Petitioner's first complaint regarding the many
illegal acts, unethical methods and unconstitutional conduct committed by
District Judge Cacheris, AUSA David Hackney and Glen Trimper, the district
courts appointed counsel who disregarded Petitioner's own paid counsel,
hired and paid for by his family to represent him against these deliberately falsified accusations, manufactured bits of evidence and concocted affidavit from which a misguided magistrate judge issued three search warrants on an affidavit that totally lacked any such probable cause under our Supreme Courts and Constitutional principles for a legitimate search or seizure.

5. Chief Judge Wilkins failed too in a judicial misconduct complaint, (JMC) 03-9042 and JMC 07-9035 to avoid finding for very accurate and concise judicial complaint showing unethical conduct and nconstitutional
violations committed by a corrupt judge Cacheris in both 03-9042 and 07-9035. Under the JCC, Canon 1, 2 and 3, No judge can cause prejudice,

4. Petitioner's own facts, exhibits and evidence make a showing,
clearly and convincingly adverse to Judge Cacheris 1998 criminal and unconstitutional acts, jointly and collectively a part of AUSA David Hackney and Cacheris approval to deny Petitioner's own paid choices of counsel Richard Gardiner and Larry Dube, by Cacheris appointing Glen Trimper as an appointed defense counsel, did violate Petitioner's Sixth Amendment right, held by the Supreme Court in United States v. Gonzalez-Lopez, that reversed all of Cacheris unconstitutional orders, memoranda and rulings issued in and after November 1998.

5. It is for these factual exhibits, evidence and facts, repeatedly ignored by this Fourth Circuit in and after 1999, when this Circuit ignored, and allowed Trimper to commit many acts and criminal, or unethical conduct now before the Virginia State Bars Attorney Misconduct Committee, reviewing the same 45 exhibits this Court got that illustrates that at no time can any judge to rule against a judge or court to rule against an attorney on criminal acts and unethical conduct clearly proven by a non-lawyer, party, as illustrated by this Courts many unethical and unconstitutional denials and dismissals.


Petitioner moves this full Circuit Courts misconduct committee to reverse on the many prior Supreme Court rulings issued by that High Court that Chief
Judge Wilkins repeatedly failed to review, failed to comply with and refused to find against a corrupt district court judge on each of those 45-exhibits, facts and evidence that should reverse many wrongful and unconstitutional convictions on facts and exhibits showing strong evidence that the district court and circuit court are corrupt.

1. Chief Judge Wilkins erred in his Memo and Order where he says, Complainant alleges . . . district judge who []presided over his criminal and post-conviction proceedings for . . .seven years has abused his power, position, and authority []failing to make lawful decisions on complainants allegations []his court-appointed counsel collaborated with the prosecutor to threaten and coerce his to plead guilty. (Memo. Order p.1). And,

2. Chief Judge Wilkins also erred when he continues, Complainant maintains . . .district judge []improperly prevented complainant from obtaining relief on his claims and . . .this Courts order on judicial complaint 03-9042 recognized as much [sic] but failed to identify an appropriate remedy. (Memo. Order p.1). And,

3. Chief Judge Wilkins did also err when he continued, Complainant has filed multiple post-conviction challenges raising similar issues to those raised in 03-9042 and in this judicial complaint, and relief has been denied in the district court and on appeal. (Memo. Order p.2)

4. Chief Judge Wilkins continued to err, proving that this Circuit Court of Appeals does repeatedly, and at all times ignore any and all High Court rulings that do make and reveal judicial misconduct against a district or circuit court judge, when that judge or court fails to carry out any of the Judicial Canons of Conduct Ethics handed down by the Supreme Court and Congress under Canon(s) 1, 2 and 3, which do specifically relate to this corrupt district judges past nine years of misconduct and unconstitutional and Due Process violations against Fioranis provable claims and factual allegations. (Memo. Order p. 2).

5. Chief Judge Wilkins continues, Complainant attempts to assign an illegal motive to the judges rulings by alleging that the judge knew that court-appointed counsel and the prosecutor forced complainant to plead guilty, knew that certain facts to which complainant pled were false, and knew that perjured testimony was presented to the grand jury. (Memo. Order p. 2).


Chief Judge Wilkins erred in and after 1999, when the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals failed to reverse Fioranis conviction on the [many] adverse holdings against a corrupt district judges many unconstitutional rulings, memoranda and orders that do repeatedly ignore all adverse, reversible orders issued by both the district court and this Circuit Court, illustrated by Chief Judge Wilkins Memorandum and Order.

Evidence and exhibits clearly prove that Cacheris was also involved in the defendants' being threatened, coerced and placed under duress by being forced to sign 2 legal documents, (hereafter, Plea Agreement and Statement of Facts, PA and SOF). That specific set of facts was discovered in or about 2005, when Fioranis two paid-attorneys, Gardiner and Dube reviewed, read and investigated all facts that would conclusively prove force, duress and further show that district judge Cacheris had to know.

Those facts were revealed when Gardiner and/or Dube read both PA and SOF together. This Court also failed to find, contrary to VSBs attorney misconduct investigator, that when an attorney lies under oath, failing to tell the truth and failing to disclose, and many other aspects of, and under VSBs and ABAs Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Those specific, 45-exhibits provided to both the corrupt district judge Cacheris and this Fourth Circuit Court, found independent documents and court (District Court) files documents that conclusively prove, all contrary to Chief Judge Wilkins Memorandum Order, pp. 1-3., stated in the above-numbered errors committed regularly by the entire Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, lead by Chief Judge Wilkins, as exhibited daily by each Fourth Circuit ruling and order issued.

Petitioner's paid attorneys, Gardiner and Dube found Trimper and AUSA
David Hackney with District Judge Cacheris were in a criminal conspiracy when Gardiners investigator in or about October 1998, learned from three (3)
grand jurors, one being the lead juror, that Cacheris was overseeing the grand jury, per those jurors, and each of those jurors, among probably many others knew that what AUSA Hackney had his witnesses testify to was intentionally false, manufactured and manipulated, as Ms. Morrison told Mr. Gardiner and the Investigator when interviewed to learn of what Hackney and/or IRS agents Want and Davies scratched out and over before it was presented to the grand jury, that would had supported Fioranis many (times) claims of innocence of any trumped up crimes.

It is those pieces of facts and evidence that a corrupt judge, like Cacheris would want to conceal by his blocking, hindering and preventing defendant's paid attorneys from ever getting a hold of. Under the Supreme Courts ruling in Brady v. Maryland, (citation omitted), holding, exculpatory evidence renders a judges withholding of that evidence, abuse of power, (aka, discretion) and a violation of the defendants Constitutional Rights, among his/her Due Process and Equal Protection of the Law.

Accordingly, Chief Judge Wilkins Memorandum and Order prove that at no time did, nor would the Fourth Circuit reverse on clearly unconstitutional rights and due process of law on the Fourth Circuits friend a district judges deliberate violations of withholding exculpatory evidence from the Defendant and his paid-counsel.

Gardiner and Dube read and discovered specifically that Judge Cacheris did
know of, about and had known Trimper and Hackney had threatened, coerced
and used duress against the defendant, condoned by Trimper, his court-
appointed attorney and AUSA G. David Hackney that paragraph 6 of the PA
and 12 paragraphs of the SOF were deliberately false, misleading and concocted did not mesh. The words in the PA says, The accompanying Statement of Facts signed by the defendant is hereby incorporated into this Plea Agreement. Defendant adopts the Statement of Facts and agrees the statements are accurate in every respect and . . . the United States would have proved those facts beyond a reasonable doubt.

The Petitioner met with an U.S. Assistant Deputy Attorney General over the
period from 1998 to 2005, with help to defendant's familys paid attorneys,
Gardiner and Dube. They found district judge Cacheris knew of and was told
and Cacheris was informed of those at least 12 materially false, willfully inaccurate and deliberately manipulated statements in the SOF written by
AUSA David Hackney and endorsed by Trimper and approved by Judge James Cacheris who was told of the force and coercions used to get defendants to
plead guilty on charges that are never crimes on and after November 3, 1998.

At all times Cacheris did nothing and held no special hearings, sua sponte, to properly uphold the laws of the United States by his demanding, sua sponte, punishing Trimper and Hackney. Instead, Cacheris did absolutely nothing to correct any or all of his criminal acts under Virginias and Federal laws.

Chief Judge Wilkins ignored, as did his many Circuit Court Judges that the U.S. Supreme Court held in Williams v. Taylor, 529 U.S. 362, 413 (2000),
Under the unreasonable application clause, a federal habeas court may grant a writ if the court identifies the correct governing legal principle from the Supreme Courts decisions, but unreasonably applies that incorrect principle to the facts of a prisoners case. See also. Taylor v. Williams (citation omitted); Mickens v. Taylor, (citation omitted);

In the Supreme Courts holding, In re.: Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. at 687 sets forth the familiar tw0-prong test for evaluating a claim of ineffective assistance of [court-appointed] counsel. To prevail, Petitioner must establish both (1) that defense counsels performance was constitutionally deficient, and (2) that the deficient attorneys performance prejudiced the defense sufficiently to undermine the reliability of the trial. . . . That first element requires Petitioner to show that counsels representation fell below an objective standard of reasonableness Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688.

Third, this Circuit Court continued to ignore, failed to rule on and against the district judge Cacheris, where, adverse to this Circuits investigations whatsoever, VSB is investigating the many refusals, ignoring and deliberately manufacturing facts or documents the defendant's attorneys sought to get, but were dismissed by this Fourth Circuit's Appeal Order on June 30, 1999.

The Supreme Courts holding in: Penson v. Ohio, (citation omitted), (The
Court ruled that whenever an attorney fails, refuses or ignores conducting any such investigations on behalf of his client, that act alone is ineffective assistance of counsel.) Defendant and his paid attorneys, Gardiner and Dube were repeatedly denied by district judge Cacheris from ever being allowed to be choices of counsel, adverse to the Sixth Amendments, choice of counsel. See. (Wiggins, 539 U.S. at 522-23.)

The Supreme Court ruling reversed district judge Cacheris direct participation
of his blocking, hindering, (or abusing his position, power and authority), adverse to the Codes of Judicial Canons of Conduct rendered to any other
Circuit Court judge, judicial misconduct, strongly appearing to be hidden, concealed and blocked by Judge Wilkins Memorandum and Order in both 03-9042 and 07-9035 render this Circuits Order a clear basis of judicial bias, favoritism against a complainant, and this Circuits repeated failures to properly oversee a corrupt district judges years of crimes and constitutional rights violations against the complainant and apparently endorsed by a judicial misconduct committees many failures to find or not wanting to see misconduct.

Williamsburg, Virginia

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Champion Attorney Linda Kennedy, hero tried to expose the Virginia State Bar

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

#1 Consumer CommentThanks Linda Kennedy my hero
 (United States of America)SUBMITTED:  

Respond to this report! What's this?#2 Consumer Comment

Wow! What a waste of time and a crap box of facts!AUTHOR: shane - (United States of America)SUBMITTED:

Please watch the video and read what this amazing woman has done.  Linda Kennedy is amazing and far from a "liar"...she has simply spent her life finding truth and doing what's right for other people.  I can only pray that one day there will be such an advocate for me or my loved ones where justice is not about "who knows who, or who can do me the most favors, or who will shut their mouth at the appropriate time". Linda Kennedy is about the people and for the people and under the very name of justice she got screwed by the Judicious system people.  The only crazy thing about Linda Kennedy is that she has put herself, career and life on the line only to be victimized by greedy and corrupt judges who merely wanted to shut her up.  Linda Kennedy is a bold, classic, brave champion.

Respond to this report! What's this?#3 Consumer CommentAgree that Linda Kennedy is a hero

i saw a video, not sure which one you are referring to.  I saw it about 2 years ago.  It portrayed the few real heros in this country.  The one nobody hears about.  Linda Kennedy was one of those portrayed.  A lot of time was spent on her because she was so well documented.  I remember some of the story.  

She caught the court and the Virginia State Bar in changing transcripts and had tape recordings of what really happened and got her hands on the real transcripts.  They were all submitted to the courts who tried to hide and bury them.  I recall that the Virginia State Bar was claiming that they were after her because she thought they were corrupt.  That was from a radio reporter who was reporting this on air on a national show.  That in itself was amazing that a state agency would admit to that since that is illegal.  

Linda Kennedy helped innocent people get out of jail, helped people who were disenfranchised by the system no matter what their belief and issue were.  Whether she agreed or disagreed with them, she wanted the law to be followed so that everyone was treated fairly and with justice.  She took cases, many for free if she saw the system not being consistent and lawful to the person in order to hold the system accountable.  She had a huge following and was being considered for major political offices based on her wanting to hold the system accountable.  That is exactly what this country needed and what crooks in office didn't need.  She was involved with some of the most powerful people in this country in trying to reform the system to be accountable to the public.  

I don't know where she is now, but I have great respect for her heart and her willingness to serve the American people with honor and grace.  Last I heard, Hollywood was trying to buy her story, but I do not know what came of that.  She really is a hero.

#4 Consumer Comment
Linda Kennedy, a real heroAUTHOR: Rustie - (United States of America)

I am new to the internet and to write but after reding some pages or whatever there called about the legend Linda Kennedy I couldnt keep quit.The things Ive been reding are all lies. I know Linda Kennedy the hero because she helped me get my  kids  back after the welfare people took tem after they said I was a bad mother.   I never know that beeng poor and beeng bad mother was the same thing. I herd about how Linda was a scrappy. That she would fight hard for people who couldnt fight for themselves or who didnt have alot to fight with.  I went to a bunch of laywers and none would even listen with out taking money. So I went to her to see if she could help. I told her I couldnt pay her alot, but I asked her if she would listen to me anyway. 
She did listen to me for over 2 hours and she did help me even though I didnt have the money. Hell I was broke. But when Linda Kennedy herd my story she knew those governing ladies was wrong and that they couldnt take my kids. My kids
was so afraid and begging to come home. 
One foster lady was laying hands abused my kid when he was in fostercaare.Linda came up with plan to get my kids back and help me make a better life for me and my kids.  She got them back after a year of fighting the sobs. 
I know Linda Kennedy.  She is a good and descint person who took up for me and my kids when she didnt have to
and I coudnt give her money.  She cared about my family and I and worked long and hard on getting my kids back. Then
she told me not to worry about paying her just go and live a good life and teach my kids about right and wrong.Thats what I ben tryin to do. She helped me get a good job and out of a bad neighborhood so my kids would be safe and have
a good chance of turning out proper.   She helped my abused child get help for free so he could get past fostercare abused.  I
couldnt pay her and dont know where she is now and I figured another way I could thank Linda was to tell others how Linda took up for me and my kids when nobody else would. I aint not shure why or who is saying all these lies about
Linda Kennedy cause I know she is honest, tru and not sceared to fight for what the right thing to do is. She was fighting other things like this for people like me. She sent me cards and sent my kids gifts at Christmas until I told her
I could aford to do it now.  This started back in 1997.  What a big heart and what a courageious person.  The bossmens didnt
like it when Linda took them on that made them look bad.  She got them very mad at her and did it anyway because it was right to do for people.  My kids love Linda Kennedy and so do I.  Thank you Linda wherever you are my deer.  Thank you so much.  If you ever read this Rustie and her kids has turned it around and still doing well all to you.

#5 I so appreciate Linda Kennedy and her great work! Those who were there to witness all Linda Kennedy did for this country can attest to what I am about to write.  I am one of the many attorneys who supported Linda Kennedy's effort to hold a secret system of injustice accountable once she learned what many of us already knew.  Although many of us remained silent to save ourselves, she was heroic enough to step forward.  She cared more about having a system that was fair to all, rather than protect herself and just ignore or even worse play along with a system that many attorneys know is not fair to many.

I sought Linda out when I heard about here work back in 2000.  She had been on the news several times talking about how worker's compensation laws were not fair to legitimately injured workers.  She had started a labor union for injured workers and was involved with the shipyards and trying to help those unions.  I was working in the Commonwealth and Federal courts at the time, but had not worked within the Administrative courts unlike her, but her words were so relevant to everything I had experienced in my venues that I felt compelled to speak with her.  I could not believe she was actually saying it; and on TV no less.  It made me proud but also made me ashamed I did not have the courage to do so.

Notwithstanding, I sought her out and asked her to meet with me at her convenience.  We met a couple of days later where I told her what was going on in the other courts with courts rewriting facts to make it appear that things did and did not happen that were not even close to what happened at the actual hearing.  They were basically making sure their findings and judgments were supported by "facts" which never existed.  I mentioned a couple of companies that the courts regularly employ for their "services" where transcripts were rewritten and documents were back dated and entered into the court record.  One was "Graham and Associates."  Amazingly, she did not sound surprised at all as she had similar experiences and was trying to help some people who were victimized by this illegal activity previously.

Linda Kennedy began to tell me about a few of cases she had where she stepped forward to help other attorneys against the Virginia State Bar who were also claiming that the Virginia State Bar and the courts in Virginia (state and federal) were very corrupt.  One of their claims was that the Virginia State Bar was actively dismissing cases in secret against those attorneys who had special connections with the bar in spite of the actions they were being accused of (and many of them were criminal allegations which should never be dismissed without a thorough investigation).  These attorneys had evidence to prove it and were being destroyed by the Bar and the courts silently since the papers would not report on any of it and the courts could and did make sure these allegations were never reported on by the courts.

Linda also took cases by the public claiming their claims against these politician attorneys were being dismissed without even an investigation.  Because the process is secret, the public would never know that this was happening so the individual was suffering in silence with no accountability.  Linda was able to get the Virginia State Bar's secret dismissal documents by representing these claimants proving that in writing, the Virginia State Bar repeatedly told the public that they could not do anything about the alleged crimes these special and favored attorneys in issue in spite were involved in because they did not allegedly have jurisdiction to do so.  But then Linda then used those secret documents to show that the Virginia State Bar was going after innocent attorneys and those they targeted as troublesome to them using the same claims that they told individual claimants they could not use in their situations.  This favoritism applied by the Virginia State Bar is arbitrary and capricious and only protects those in collusion with them, while they "pad their numbers" by prosecuting innocent attorneys or those they target who are troublesome to them.  Of course these favored attorneys were attorneys who were connected to the Virginia State Bar or in those in politics and were very high up in the Virginia State Bar's inside circles.  

When the bar went after Linda, she was hot on their heels and was also positioned to run for AG with the platform that she would clean up government and they knew she meant it.  She had a huge following of lay people, attorneys and judges who were all fed up with the Bar's lack of accountability and how they protected crooked judges and lawyers alike while targeting the innocent and meanwhile hurting the public who needed fair and honest attorneys in a fair and honest system.  But Linda wasn't just making promises.  She had the goods so to speak.  She had the evidence to prove what needed to be cleaned up and a huge following that wanted things cleaned up for the good of all honest people who believed in a fair and honest system of justice.  

So when the Bar set her up, instructing her to proceed in a case in a certain way which she did, and then claiming they never instructed her to do so and going after her for it, claiming that she should be disbarred because she thinks they are corrupt, telling her that she had no constitutional right to know what they were claiming were her "wrongs" which is in violation of her due process, that she would receive no discovery, and even after they were caught colluding (long story) against her and trying to claim more on appeal that was never even at issue in the hearing, without due process again, and so many other major violations that even the public understands is not proper, she was not surprised.  And, she was prepared as she had seen it all before.

What the bar didn't count on was that Linda Kennedy was a lot smarter than they thought.  She had a tape recording of the bar's instructions to her that they were denying ever happened in order to set her up.  James McCauley, who is the Head of the Ethics Department at the Virginia State Bar (oxymoron I know) was caught in perjury saying he never instructed Linda, and then when she pulled out the tape, he had to back track and admit that they did instruct her and that the Virginia State Bar had set her up.  The bar representative, Paul Georgiadis, who colluded with Jim McCauley to get Linda, then had to change the transcripts which he and Judge Glen Tyler did (there handwriting is on the changes on the documents), to try to make it look like a fair hearing in spite of what happened.  But, Linda already knew they were going to have to rewrite a lot of what really happened and support their alleged good faith reasons to get rid of her, so she dug in the trash and pulled out the real transcripts and submitted them and the tapes of the hearing which were also made by a couple of court watchers who were present, to the courts including to the U.S. Supreme Court to show what was really happening in Virginia.  Of course as expected, the courts rewrote what actually happened and pretended that the tapes and the transcripts did not exist (read the order and you will see that they make no mention of any of this in spite of Linda having court stamped documentation and many court stamped briefs and hearings showing that these were central to the case and that these documents and tapes were submitted).  What was great was Linda used their own fraudulent submissions to prove what they did was criminal even if they wanted to ignore her submissions.  She could still use their own documents!  It was a work of art and something any honest attorney would be proud to have witnessed.  

Additionally, Linda was able to get the first ever Harassment hearing scheduled against the Virginia State Bar by a federal judge before he was instructed by the politicians to take it off the docket without even having another hearing (all done behind the scenes which is illegal exparte communications).  This is all proven using their own documents.  It all happened and I was there to see it.   During that time however, Linda was able to get a document that was from Virginia State Bar's Paul Georgiadis admitting they did indeed instruct Linda on how to proceed, in spite of them denying it and then setting her up to be disbarred.  They never admitted it in any hearing; she was able to get the document on their own letterhead and submitted to their subcommittee that Linda could not even be a part of.  They all know it is true because it is their own internal document.

There is so much more that happened that I cannot summarize it all here, but anyone who says a negative thing about this hero Linda Kennedy either doesn't know her, doesn't have an understanding about what really happens when someone goes against the status quo in politics, or has a personal vendetta or even worse, is the other side continuing to try to smear her because she is honest and meant what she said about cleaning them up for the good of all.  The system fears the Linda Kennedy's of the world even though there are very few.  She would have done anything and everything to clean up the mess in Virginia;  something those of us who have tried to fight for but then protected ourselves when we saw the writing on the wall know she was so determined to do so.  

Linda Kennedy is the talented, honest leader that America so needs.  The system knew it.  She was doing almost everything for free just because she believed the system only worked if it were honest and the courts had to be the tool for the public to use in order to keep the system honest and for the people.  Thank you Linda Kennedy.  You truly are a Champion and America and many of us have let you down.  I know that and so do many others who were willing to follow but were too afraid to step up and stand next to you.  Our loss.  We deserve what has followed.

#6 Consumer Comment

A call for the Corrupt Virginia State Bar to come clean and restore Linda KennedyAUTHOR: Leslie - Glendale  Linda Kennedy is a great person!  I hate what these corrupt bullies have done
to her.  We love her in Virginia.  Thanks LK youre the best!  Truly a servant leader of men and women and what I have raised my children to emulate. That is the ultimate compliment when parents want their children to be as this lovely lady.  

Linda, the Virginia State Bar and the Courts need to reimburse you for every crime they committed against you.  Terrible.  COME CLEAN CORRUPT VIRGINIA STATE BAR, CORRUPT PAUL GEORGIADIS, CORRUPT JIM MCCAULEY, CORRUPT JUSTICE HASSELL, CORRUPT GLEN TYLER, CORRUPT BARBARA WILLIAMS and all the others (the list is too long).  

A call for the Corrupt Virginia State Bar to come clean and
restore Linda Kennedy

AUTHOR: Michael - San Fran (United States of America)

SUBMITTED: March 11, 2009


Ok, so I didn't work for her and my name is not Michael so
what.  You can say anything on the
internet and it is true because people are stupid.  I can call you a b***h and it becomes true
Craig.  So the hell what?  If Linda Kennedy wanted to sacrifice herself
and her career for other people so what? 
Why is that important? 

#7 Consumer Comment

A call for the Corrupt Virginia State Bar to come clean and
restore Linda Kennedy

AUTHOR: Michael - San Fran (United States of America)

SUBMITTED: March 11, 2009


Ok, so I didn't work for her and my name is not Michael and
Michelle so what.  You can say anything
on the internet and it is true because people are stupid.  I can call you a b***h and it becomes true
Craig.  So the hell what?  If Linda Kennedy wanted to sacrifice herself
and her career for other people so what? 
Why is that important? Nobody cares anymore.  Everyone is for themselves and isn't going to
step out for anyone else.   I think its


#8 Consumer Comment

A call for the Corrupt Virginia State Bar to come clean and
restore Linda Kennedy

AUTHOR: Craig (United States of America)

SUBMITTED: March 13, 2009


Michael and Michelle (same person not using your own
name).  You really think it is funny that
someone was willing to lose everything in order to speak up for people who were
losing their lives, their kids, their property, their freedom.  You really think that?


#9 Consumer Comment

A call for the Corrupt Virginia State Bar to come clean and
restore Linda Kennedy

AUTHOR: Michael (United States of America)

SUBMITTED: April 13, 2009


Yes, I hate America and hope it fails.  It's well on its way and people like Linda
Kennedy try to save America.  We need to
be a part of the EU b***h. 


#10 Consumer Comment

A call for the Corrupt Virginia State Bar to come clean and
restore Linda Kennedy

AUTHOR: Meredith, Boston (United States of America)

SUBMITTED: April 17, 2009


So you just trash an American Hero for your own personal
agenda.  No matter what your politics, I
can't believe you wouldn't want to embrace what Linda Kennedy did for so many
people.  Even with your agenda, wouldn't
you love to have someone like Linda Kennedy in your "politics?:  Someone honest, willing to speak the truth no
matter who she is facing?  Wouldn't that
even be honored in your agenda? 


#11 Consumer Comment

A call for the Corrupt Virginia State Bar to come clean and
restore Linda Kennedy

AUTHOR: Bob, NY City (United States of America)

SUBMITTED: April 29, 2009


Good point Meredith. 
I don't know Linda Kennedy personally but I am very familiar with her
work through a couple of groups who are really big followers of hers.  They showed me several videos including one
by her which did not even focus on her situation.  She exposed a bunch of crap putting forth
other whistleblowers in this country.  We
are not hearing the truth and anyone should want to know that unless they are a
part of those attacking her.  I also saw
a video by someone who just got curious and went to her files and looked at
them and he really destroyed the Virginia State Bar.  To see how the Bar covered for its own
corruption and went after anyone who tried to clean them up.  It was an incredible documentary and Linda
Kennedy had the goods on these criminals. 
So, Michael or whatever your name is, even though I know America has a
lot of skeletons in its closet and we are not protected by the constitution or
the courts or anything else unlike what we are told, how can you not appreciate
Linda Kennedy who was standing up for "Joe American."  It is the people that she is concerned with
no matter what agenda anyone has.  A
person who cares about people and is willing to put everything she has on the
line to protect people is a leader I wish was running this country no matter
what the system or agenda politicians have. 
Linda Kennedy is the real deal. 
Linda Kennedy is a Champion of the people.  The Virginia State Bar owes her a lot of
money and so do the courts.  They need to
make her whole for all the crap they did to her.


#12 Consumer Comment

A call for the Corrupt Virginia State Bar to come clean and
restore Linda Kennedy

AUTHOR: Craig (United States of America)

SUBMITTED: May 1, 2009


Well said.  Michael,
you can call me names, you can call Linda names, you can have an agenda that
may be different than the majority.  But
to not appreciate Linda Kennedy is really foreign unless your agenda is just
based on more deception and not telling the truth.

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