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  • Report:  #318260

Complaint Review: Global Resorts Network - Gold Crown Resorts - Reverse Funnel System - Ty Caughlin

Global Resorts Network - Gold Crown Resorts - Reverse Funnel System - Caughlin Reverse Funnel does NOT work I spent over $15,000.00 trying NO sales Pheonix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Otley Iowa
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 16, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 31, 2011
  • Global Resorts Network - Gold Crown Resorts - Reverse Funnel System - Ty Caughlin
    22601 N 17th Ave Suite 230
    Pheonix, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My wife and I purchased the Gold Crown Resort membership through Global Resort Network and the Reverse Funnel System. The system makes a promise that you will be earning at least $5k a month if you follow their system. Also the product is a travel club. My wife and I like to take nice vacations and thought this would be a great way to work from home to spend more time with family. And we will have the travel membership to take our vacations. Sounds great!

Well, I did everything step by step and used their exact key words and phrases for advertising. I utilized everything they suggested. $15,000.00 later still no sales! Of course I contact them and they say "keep advertising, we don't know what is going on, we have never heard of this happening before."

Six months and $15k later, we had enough and canceled our monthly membership of $300/mo to Global Resort Membership, which they don't tell you about before you sign up. Do not purchase or sign up for the Reverse Funnel System unless you have thousand's of dollars you are willing to throw away. It does not work and eventually you will end up where we are.

When you sign up you have to purchase a vacation membership which is $2995.00. Since we purchased we have tried to at least use the membership to take a vacation to mend some of the wounds of spending all that money. Again the vacations are not as advertised either. They advertise and tell you you can take vacations with this membership for $299 and some going up to $699 for the week. They say places like Hawaii would be the $699 weeks which is to be expected. However we looked in Hawaii and found only hotels or a studio that sleeps two for $699 and that was in the off season! No one or two bedrooms like they claim you can get. We started looking else where and found the same two bedrooms and very few one bedrooms. The only thing we have found for less than $599/wk is somewhere in Belize or Malaysia. So unless you want to travel to Belize or Malaysia or stay in a studio or hotel I would not get involved with this company or product.

I hope and pray no one else falls victim to this Reverse Funnel System and Global Resorts Network.

Otley, Iowa

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
United States of America

They are all the same

#12General Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

Coffee is for Closers!!! A friend of mine was in this business and I was able to see firsthand how GRN and other systems worked.  He was getting 6-8 sign ups a month and as extra income, he was doing great!  Let me preference this by saying that he was an extremely good closer. Which is how you make money in these types of businesses... CLOSING and moving on to the next one!   If you are desperate to make extra money from home and or should I say in dire need to make extra money you will be a prime target for reps from GRN or any business like it. Trust me there are a lot of these business out there. You've seen them, "Order my 6 ways to market you home business now and start making money today!" or "Secrets revealed!!!". They are all a bunch of crap. They are typically coping
someone else's text and rebranding as their own. They don't teach the fundamentals of closing.  Which is a necessity if you want to make money in sales.

You will be sold on a service and system very well, because they are better at closing than you and know what they are doing.  You will be expected to bring in new members that will be placed under you (down line) and your team leader will get paid for every member you signed up.  If you are successful, you too will start getting money for all the people underneath you that bring in new members and
so forth.  It's basically a Pyramid scheme. It also helps to get in early.
This is a numbers game and the only way to make money with a system like this is to  build a down line of people under you that are selling the business.  Once they system has peaked, (everyone is selling it) it will be harder to get people under you.  Which is a good reason for your team leader to move on to another system that he/she will want you to become a part of.

For the most part,  you will not be trained on how to sell or deal with objections which are crucial
parts of selling.  What you will be provided with a template website (extra cost)  and advice on where and how to advertise your business (extra cost) .  You will also get a bunch of e-books that are useless.  Most of the advertisement will be Google ad words.  You will also be a part of numerous sales
calls that will consist of team members and maybe one or two prospects. You will be told about the system and its benefits, but again will not learn how to implement proper sales closing techniques in order to get the sale.  No matter how dedicated your team leader is, after awhile you will be deemed a lost cause and basically tossed aside.  Or after exhausting that system, your team leader may join another system that is better (which means he was offered an incentive to bring his team over) and you can sign up at a reduced rate.  Guess who makes the money on that? It's a vicious cycle.

The bottom line here is that you need to know what you are doing in order to make money with this type of business.  Remember, in sales, you are selling yourself first and foremost and (guess what) this great product happens to come with it. If your prospects like and trust you and above all believe that you can help them make money, they will sign up for the program then and there.  Even if it's their last dime. I've witnessed that as well, which is just sad.

Of all the people I spoke with that signed up, maybe a handful were actually interested in using the time share, the rest just wanted to earn money or at the very least their money back.  Which they hardly ever did.  These are people that have zero sales experience.  College students, stay at home moms and retirees, people that are out of work etc... The ones making the money are the sales professionals that know what hot buttons to press and get you excited about the program.  In order
to close properly you need to know what you are doing, otherwise you will never close the sale.

When it comes to sales, You either have what it takes to sell or you don't. There is no common ground here.  Just because you were sold on an idea doesn't mean you can sell that idea to another person, otherwise you would be making real money in sales and marketing working at a real company/firm like the rest of us.

You know the saying, "If it's too good to be true than chances are it is" and with these business, don't waste your money. They only way to get rich at home is to work for it.

I think it is pathetic how the GRN reps that responded to this person only did so because this website has a high ranking in Google and they just wanted to get their links ranked higher... they teach you that at GRN too.  


Silver City,
New Mexico,
United States of America

So only seasoned veterans can make $$ ?

#12UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 27, 2011

What You people must understand is that most people who join these companies that promise wealth basically overnight, is that we are new to the WWW and the untold fortunes that are possible. Sure it may be easy for you with your lists of people that are already loyal to you and the products that you sell. I am one of those people that you veteran marketers rely on to buy your products. Don't get me wrong I have researched literally thousand of companies and products and GRN is an awesome product no doubt. and in the right hands has the power to make you very wealthy. Think about the very first sale that you made I'll bet you were on cloud nine and I'm sure that first sale was all it took to really light your fire.
Stay with me now, how about changing the payplan to have the first sale of all these hungry first timers go straight into there pocket. Imagine the workforce of people under you that have tasted victory and are hungry for that second, third, forth sale.
It wouldn't kill the upline to not get the very first sale of there new recruit. Would it? I mean it's almost a slap in the face and very unmotivating to that new person under you. Anyway something to think about.


United States of America

The way it is...

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, January 31, 2010

Online businesses like Global Resorts Network only work for people who know how to sell. You either have it or you don't. Online/Phone Training doesn't work to teach the fundamentals of sales.

Most people who sign up for these deals are looking for easy money and aren't willing to invest the time it takes to network and build contacts. Otherwise you would have a real job making good money and wouldn't need this. There are far better and easier ways to supplement your income than working another 40 hours to build a business no one wants.

GRN is a pyramid scheme plain and simple. You sell travel memberships and the person above you (typically the one who signed you up) get's paid and you make money when the people underneath you sell. If you do not know how to close a sale then you will not succeed at this business. This is a sales and marketing commitment plain and simple so you should not waste your savings or retirement thinking the return will be won't.

Personally I've never signed up or worked for GRN. I actually helped a friend with marketing his plan. So I know the ins and outs. HE was great and did very well with it. closed 3-5 people a month. Unfortunately the people he signed up weren't as good and couldn't close a door and didn't make any money.

The bottom line if it sounds to good to be true then chances are it is... and with GRN, you are selling a travel membership plain and simple and let's face it... Travelocity/Expiedia, etc../ and the rest do the exact same thing for free. Don't waste your money on any of these work at home businesses. It's not you...these are designed to prey on you, not work to your advantage. That is unless you know how to close.



GRN is no ripoff

#12UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 13, 2008

GRN No rip off! Phoenix AZ

I have been an affiliate and member of GRN for six months. The rental car deals have been basically unbeatable. Likewise, the airplane ticket prices are competitive, often the cheapest. There is a large selection of "hot week" specials that are updated daily, and at times many times a day. As of late, Gold Crown Resort offers more long-range specials for $398.00, which are one hundred dollars more than the hot week specials but gives a person more time for planning.

I find the new payment plan compelling. A Platinum Membership will be available for a $998 down payment and monthly payments of $198 for 12 months (no interest). Also, affiliates get $500 on their first sale, unlike earlier when it went to the next person up the line.

I found it very economical to design my own webpage through my telephone company. They offer 25 mb of free webpage space for their internet customers. My site ( ) has links to my GRN business webpage. Good luck to other affiliates! I have been satisfied.


Rogers, Minnesota


Manassas Park,

Reap What You Sow

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2008

I'm in the pre-stages of joining GRN -- there are a number of ups and downs I see. Speading $15K and not being passionate about what you are doing seems to be the wrong mindset. There are a number of people doing this "thing" and many seem very satisfied with the income stream they are producing. It will take work -- it will take persistence. Pondering pollutes! I'm leaning towards doing this, but many advisors are telling me to go gently... and I will.

The back end product seems very viable. So the $3K that is invested there should be something I can use now and even leave to my daughter -- later on. So that is a good thing. I own three timeshares and there is a lot of yuck to that business too. If you don't believe in your back end product, then you can't believe in yourself.

Training is one of the things I'm currently researching. The Donald would tell you to find a group that offers superior training. I haven't found that aspect of the business quite as easy to grasp. I listened to a Q&A training seesion last night -- will do another shortly -- and I've put a call into my "sponsor."

If I need to find another group with better training -- I will. I don't feel GRN is a scam and I don't feel the $3K to join is out of bounds. I am not going to give up my income however until I'm convinced there is room for me... too.

I would like to have other affilitates chime in and tell me about the training. I need training -- though I have an MA, I don't have a lot of network marketing know-how.


New Jersey,


#12Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2008

I am researching the GRN product AND business opportunity; that's how I came by these pages.

I had been involved with the networking industry (internationally, from the Philippines) much more than I wished for - ;) - and have been keeping my distance for some time now. "Once burned, twice wary" wise!

Vacation-ownership (read: timeshare) selling has been my default profession since coming to the US about a year ago. Since we cannot escape our past (specially with the Internet and its denizens keeping close track of it!), I routinely receive biz-opp offers in my Inbox. Conscientious salesperson that I am (wink, wink), I studiously keep abreast of developments in my industry and my competition within it. I humbly suggest people do the same before they jump - then rant and rave when they fall (hey, I did this, too!).

That said, I am impressed with the fine rebuttals that I have read here. I have not encountered a group of such well-spoken and well-meaning members and leaders in all my years of networking! You all will re-convert me yet! High-tech/high-touch let's my hairs stand on end...

Keep it up!



South Carolina,

Due Diligence and Sour Grapes

#12UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 03, 2008

Hello, I am an affiliate member of the Global Resorts Network and honestly don't understand how you can claim that the resorts, availability of resorts, quality, and caliber aren't what you were lead to believe. I have fully researched, studied, and spoken with maybe a hundred people who simply love the freedom, choice, selection and quality of the resorts not to mention the superb customer service and unprecedented low rates in this competitive industry.

Also unfounded is that true network marketers and internet savvy people are not making an exceptional income in this business. The truth of the matter is that with anything there are always those who perhaps shouldn't be involved in the endeaver simply because they do not possess the "skill set" to do the job. I believe that this as with any business there is a need for specific skills, knowledge, and perserverence to succeed. With all this said - the potential for earning a very large income is definitely there for those people who take the time to learn the business as well as the marketing skills to succeed. There are simply no short cuts in my opinion.

The truth is you shouldn't have gotten involved with Global Resorts because internet marketing and sales is not your forte. This doesn't mean that others aren't very successful. In this as with anything else - there is no real level playing ground. Some are very successful while others are not and will never be in certain business settings.

I'm sorry the opportunity wasn't your cup of tea but for others it surely is. There is no need for sour grapes however.

Much to your future successes in alternate arenas!




Almost Ripped Off Also By GRN Reverse Funnel

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 27, 2008

My advice is to ALWAYS check this website before doing business with one of these types of internet/work at home too good to be true opprtunities.
I am being courted by GRN Reverse Funnel sales organization now and was ready to bite until I read this.I turned down 6 other "opportunities", because I looked them up on this website already.I won't make a move until I check here first.


New Hampshire,

Some additional info for Joe

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 16, 2008

Hi Joe,

I am Kathy Tremblay, and I am also a member of Global Resorts Network - both as a marketing affiliate as well as a happy Platinum member who loves to travel.

I agree with both Kim and Rob with regard to what appears to have been perhaps a misunderstanding when you joined Global Resorts along with Ty Coughlin's Reverse Funnel System (RFS). Kim and Rob are 100% correct in that RFS is not part of Global Resorts - rather, RFS is just one man's idea of how to market the membership and home business opportunity.

Personally, I no longer use RFS since I did not have much luck with it. Others, however have had good results. It could be that the system just didn't resonate for you, personally - like it didn't resonate for me. It just doesn't fit my marketing style. Too "hyped" up - but, I chalked it up to experience, and moved on to find something that works better, and feels better.

That said, I believe that Global Resorts Network is one of the finest opportunities available for earning a nice living from home. I also believe that you - and me, and anyone else marketing the membership and/or opportunity - simply need to learn what style of marketing feels good to you.

I have some suggestions - which I hope help! First, it sounds as though you got soured on the entire experience, which I feel can be remedied.

1) The most obvious place to start is with your sponsor - or, if he/she is non-responsive to you - you can call Global Resorts to see who else is "upline" from you that might be available to talk with you about some of your marketing options.

2) GRN has a series of live phone calls that you can listen to that I have found exceptional. Typically, on Saturday mornings, you can listen to what is called the "Coffee and Cashflow" training call. It might give you some good ideas! Also, I suggest that you listen to the opportunity/product calls offered throughout the week. Try to listen from a prospective member's point of view, which will help you to see the membership in a new light. These calls are very uplifting! There are also recorded calls that you can tune in to. As an affiliate, you should be receiving emails with these announcements. If not, be sure to contact GRN and ask to be put on the mailing list.

3) I also suggest that you spend a little time on the phone with the membership's customer service department about your membership itself - and get some information first hand from them about how to use your membership. Obviously, they can't tell you how to market the product, but if you have some well-thought out questions regarding the membership itself and how it works, you might start to feel a lot better!

The customer service at the membership is second to none. I have spoken with them regarding some of my own travel plans, and have to say that the courtesy and professionalism I encountered was some of the best I have ever experienced. Right there, your own feelings about your membership will begin to change! These people bend over backwards to accommodate our travel needs.

4) Explore other ways to advertise the product itself - either as part of the opportunity or completely separate. We are in a unique position as far as a home business opportunity is concerned, since we have a product that is truly stand-alone - in other words, one need never even know that there is a marketing opportunity attached to enjoy this membership. Plus, we've got the 22 years of happy customers helping back us up.

I am personally focusing on marketing the memberships (not building a sales organization) using a really nice retail page that is available through something called the GRN System. You can see what that is easily enough - mine is at - just go browse around there, and you will see some very valuable tools.

The retail site is wonderful! And through my own marketing efforts - which have nothing to do with Reverse Funnel - I'm beginning to get some serious visitors who love to travel. This site is available through the GRN System I just mentioned, and I got a nice URL to make it easier to market: - Again, feel free to browse around on it - and look at is as though you are a prospective retail customer.

You could also check out the "Truth to Wealth" marketing system - a different way yet again, to market the actual opportunity. I am getting a lot of leads through that system. Check them out at - and put in your email address to take a tour of that particular system.

I guess I'm trying to tell you to not give up. If you are trying to build your business, remember that there are ups and downs like in any other business. It takes time. Remember, not everyone jumped right in earning thousands of dollars a month! So you aren't alone. Don't let your experience with the Reverse Funnel System spoil what is one of the best opportunities available today.

Good luck!



Related Information

#12UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 11, 2008

My name is Rob Franta and I am also an affiliate for Global Resorts Network.

First off Joe I would like to say I am sorry you did not find the success you are looking for.

I mainly would like to clear up a few things here that I feel were not properly assdociated or represented. There are two different companies involved in your complaint. Global Resorts Network and Ty Coughlin's Reverse Funnel. Your Complaint seems to be more with the Reverse Funnel than with Global Resorts.

First off let me explain the relationship. Global Resorts Network sells a travel membership that allows its members to travel worldwide and stay at prestigious resorts at discounted prices. Also an affiliate program allows business builders to earn large commissions on the sale of memberships.

The Reverse Funnel is a marketing system designed by Ty Coughlin to help the affiliates promote and sell the Global Resorts travel membership.

The Global Resorts Network travel membership is a very great product. No product of this nature is perfect. Anyone will confirm that going to Hawaii at a discounted rate, through anyone is not going to an easy task or something that is available all the time.

That being said I have sold a membership to someone who did go to Hawaii for just $298 and stayed in a Studio or one bedroom. He also traveled in just 3 weeks from booking. Is this normal no it's not... can it be done yes it can. Can you find this kind of deal through any other company? Not that I have seen.

Recently GRN released a bulletin on a 2 Bedroom available in Hawaii at the Wyndham Waikiki Beach Walk for $799 for the week. was the only other online provider that had vacancy for this week and resort their price $530 per night for a total of $4,636.52 for the week, Through our membership this same week and size room was available for $799 for the entire week. That's over a $3,000 dollar savings on one trip for one week. You purchased a lifetime membership for $3,000. I don't see how you can not see the value.

Is this week available all the time? No its not but if you keep an eye on your membership deals like this come up quite often. There is also a resort at Lake Tahoe that normally sells for over 3k a week With our membership it is $699.

If you would take some time regularly to review what is available you would see that there are a ton of great locations at discounted rates. Yes we have a lot of locations over seas as well, remember, this membership is sold world wide. So to some people these are very desirable locations.

This membership will also allow you to request a location if there is not a ready buy week available. So what you see at your membership website is not all that is available to you. You can make a request for the location and dates you want to travel and they will go to the resorts we have a relationship with and try to secure you accommodations. Maybe you did not know this option existed.

I have sold dozens of GRN Memberships and I have not had one complaint on the product. I think your main complaint is that you have not had any luck with the business and because of that, you have not given the Global Resorts Membership a fair chance to prove itself to you.

Now as for the reverse funnel. I personally no longer use it and I do think there are better ways to promote the GRN business. I used to use this system and I have made many sales with it.

The biggest problem with the system is the fact that there is really no "one on one" training or mentoring. Unless you are lucky enough to get on a team that will really support you. With the reverse funnel you really don't know who your joining, how experienced they are or what kind of help and support you may be getting. Internet marketing is hard enough. Without having proper direction you can easily waste the 15k you are talking about.

Now as for the 300 dollar fee you are talking about. That $300 monthly fee is to Ty Coughlin and the reverse funnel and has nothing to do with Global Resorts. In Ty's defense, it is clearly stated on the first page of the Reveres Funnel Marketing system that there is a 3k to 5k investment and a monthly fee of $299.

In Summary Global Resorts Network is a great company, product and business. I have had great success with it. Joe if you like feel free to contact me and I will see what I can do to help you recoup your investment, I successfully promote GRN and have helped many others do the same. I have been with the company for over a year now and was one of the first few affiliates.

You can find me by doing a Google Search on my name Rob Franta or visit my website at

Again, I am sorry you have not found the success you are looking for I just think you need proper direction. However, I do feel you have joined the right company in Global Resorts Network and hope you will at lest continue to try and find value in the product. If you do I am sure you will be pleased in the long run.

Rob Franta
Global Resorts network Affiliate and Mentor

Kim Ward

Farminfton Hills,

Response To Joe's Post on GRN.

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

Hello, my name is Kim Ward, I'm a GRN affiliate who'd like to respond to Joe's comments Global Resorts Network.

I get tons of people contacting me that have lost their way after buying into the RFS system.

It appears that Joe has misunderstood what our membership, offers, or at best joined a team of people who may not promote product info, prior to knowing what they're selling.

Global Resorts Network does allow for full disclosure prior to anyone making a purchase at several places.

Two of them are ...
http://www.SeeitliveOnline.Com where you can register for a live webinar right now.
http://www.GRNTour.Com (Video Tour) contact me for the username and password

After going through that process which we make available to our customers before buying, they understand where, how and when over 5000 resorts with 250,000 resort weeks are available.

They discover the suites, 1 and 2 bedroom resorts as well as private hotels. (in Hawaii too) Further, Airfare, Car rentals and Cruises can all be had from this one membership.

After being in the Home Based Business Arena for many years andworking from home full time, I can tell you that Global Resorts Network is the only high ticket product that I have seen that's been
selling retail for 20 years prior to GRN gaining the rights to resell it.

This is truly a genuine opportunity, which seems hard to find among other high end business opportunities online.

As far as the Reverse Funnel system; it's nothing more than yet another replicated website created by a 3rd party and made for sale.
It in fact has nothing to do with GRN. I have never received a Refund Request from anyone that I've sold a membership to (not one), over
the last 10 months.

I do have to question why someone so unhappy with the product and not knowing that much about it, would spend any time much less $15,000 to promote it.

There are more than a half dozen systems that marketers use to sell Global Resorts Network. If anyone would like to review all of them, and
the product we promote, they can do so by going to my site here:

If I can be of any further assistance with details about GRN feel free to contact me.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond.

Proud GRN Member

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