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  • Report:  #1477317

Complaint Review: Gold Eagle Express Inc.

Gold Eagle Express, Inc. Credit Wealth Express Gold Eagle Consulting Inc ERR TRUST Gold Eagle Express  SRAA™ PlanPayroll2Gold BUYER BEWARE! SCAM! FRAUDULENT! Las Vegas Nevada

  • Reported By:
    BrianM — Phoenix AZ United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 18, 2019
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 24, 2019

If there is one word that sums this service up, it would be SCAM.    No way to sugar coat it, there is nothing else in the dictionary or slang that is more appropriate for the entirety of Dorian Reed and his organization.  

Prior to posting anything further, I think it is important to understand that any review I post will be answered by the business owner (Dorian Reed) and will contain attempts to slander my experience, promote a narrative that it is somehow my fault, will contain falsities of how they handled the situation and how difficult I was was to work with as a client and more.   

 In a Better Business Bureau attempt at resolution, his response wass that they had a recording of the (1) One time that they tried to call me and I wasn't available at the time. Unfortunately, Dorian is not really good at accepting responsibility or even attempting to work with his clietns at resolution.  

Here is the rest of the response from Dorian:   This client is due NOTHING all services were provided as per our agreement. Our agreement clearly states our guarantee. 
We hove worked with this client for quite some time removing all inquiries (he paid for) and 2 of the 3 BK's on the report are gone.
His threat was that he wanted a full refund or he would POST THIS kind of stuff to try and damage the company reputation.

This is another sad example of how unreasonable vicious people can simply post anything, anywhere.
We simply can NOT give in to these types of threats for REFUND or else..I'll do this or that, even AFTER they get the service as agreed.

PLEASE don't be FOOLED by the long letters and the babe in the woods act. We have recording of his secretary saying he was not in office to take the call and he was right there! 
As far as we are concerned this case is closed. This is the classic CONSUMER FRAUD COMPLAINT. Please do your own THINKING when reading smear reports. We have over 8000 Members, and just a few people like this.

Dorian has a history of negating any of the responsibility of himself or his team. The reality is that my experience will be almost a direct correlation of every other NEGATIVE experience that has been posted - Poor communication, lack of customer service, intimidation if you mention posting TRUTHFUL negative information about their Company, etc.     

So in other words...grab the popcorn and lets get to the action.    I have held my position in posting a review hoping that pleading for the service(s) that they were contracted to provide would somehow be provided. I realize now, after more than a year and a half, that when dealing with Gold Eagle Express / Credit Wealth Express that hoping is about as far as this will ever go.   Let's be honest - I was sold by the Sales Pitch.

Everything seemed to make sense on the surface and they were not "promising" anything more than what has been realistically advertised by others, elsewhere. The sales process was great. Heck, even the first couple of weeks seemed like things were moving along well and within 4.5 weeks, a bankruptcy was removed from one of my reports (at year 6 which was awesome).    But that is pretty much where the service ended and the rest of the story becomes a nightmare.   

My journey started in November of 2017.  1st Contract:  Golden Eagle Express 11/04/2017 // $2894.00     I would have to say that contract is roughly 40% full filled, as one of the Bankruptcies was removed from my credit file and as I wrote above, very quickly. I was thrilled with the initial results and was very optimistic about the decision to work with them.   

At day 70, I started to have my doubts and began reaching out to the Company.  About the middle of January, I received a call from Michael Joseph.   I can say that Michael comes across as very conscientious individual.  He is someone most people can relate to and has a way of putting doubts at ease (which for me is very difficult).  But, you will learn that Michael is a snake-oil salesman, very slick in talking to customers and very good at getting a contract.   

At this time, we started discussing results, where the campaign was going, etc. He would call me back and reference conversations with Dorian and that once one Bureau removed the BK, the others had a certain amount of time to fall in line.   By the end of the month, I was feeling really positive about where we were and Michael pitched me another package (Can you say "SUCKER").   

He advised that once the other BK's fell off, we would add a seasoned tradeline, do another power sweep and that the road to positive credit would be established.    At the time, I had a timeline for purchase of a house that the BK was hindering and the entire reason for this engagement was to put me in a more viable and worthy position to be able to close the deal. Looking back, I was desperate for the results and took the bait hook, line and sinker.   

As a result, I entered into a   2nd Contract: Golden Eagle Express 02/14/2018 // $2872.00.   This was for an aged and seasoned tradeline, powersweep and rapid rescoring.   Unfortunately, none of this Contract has been filled.  No services under this contract have been provided.   Since this date, I have over 120 sent and received emails (Mostly sent). I have had sporadically a few conversations with Dorian and Michael and for MONTHS, every promise, date, phone call and what to expect has fallen short.   For many months, Dorian would tell me that "Tim" was my account manager (I think that "Tim" entered the equation in about May) and would be making immediate progress.   

I have had every excuse known to man thrown at me from Dorian:  I have been out of town, I have family issues, Tim was out sick...and the list goes on and on (And I have most of these excuses in emails) .   So, September of 2018, I finally talk to "Tim"...ahhh he did exist! And "Tim" has no idea who I am what is going on with my file, or where anything is at. In fact, in a recorded phone conversation, he says to me "Yeah, I don't know what happened, but your file has not been touched in months" which totally contradicted just about EVERYTHING that their fearless leader and master fraudster Dorian had been saying to me in email and through phone conversation.  

  It is at this point that I have a heightened sense of understanding that there is something very, very wrong with Gold Eagle Express, Inc / Credit Wealth Express.      Long story medium length, the next 6 months are email correspondences, calls from Michael Joseph and more missed dates and more missed promised phone calls.   But here is the best part - We schedule for a phone call back in November 2018, that I was difficult in being contacted due to my office not being able to reach me. 

Since this (1) day of me being called I have had this conversation, or lack thereof, shoved down my throat.    Here is an excerpt of them STILL referencing the phone call on March 23rd in an excerpt from an email from Dorian 4 months later (very similar to the response above to my BBB complaint): "Tim tried to call you and your front desk said you were gone for the day, we recorded it, she was asked 4 times if she could get you on the phone while we held on , she was not truthful as you said you were in your office."  

Instead of trying to schedule another call, figure out what has gone on, make it right - Mr. Dorian Reed has chosen to parlay this ONE phone call into somehow reason why they couldn't do their job. Forget the fact that every time I call and leave a voicemail with their office, I get no response. "Tim" (Which I do not think is his real name by the way)  never answers his phone, had a voicemail that is forever full, and never returns calls. Not to mention 100+ emails. His response is that they tried to call me 4 months earlier and couldn't get a hold of me...UNREAL.   

The story has so much more to it, but I think that the facts that have been provided will give you enough concern to think twice before you do business with this Company.    Multiple requests for refund have been made. Multiple emails have gone unanswered.     What really tells the tale about Dorian and his Company is that Dorian has taken no steps to resolve any of the issues, provide the service and offered a refund of only $1000.00.    So lets discuss that refund - You have the initial contract that has been serviced only about 40%. $2894 paid initially X 40% = $1157.60.  ( I agree that this has been established and fulfilled). Leaving a refund amount on the INITIAL contract: $1736.40   THEN you have the second contract: $2872.00.  Of which 0% has been filled. NO tradeline, No powersweep, no rapid rescoring. Wouldn't that make sense that if you have provided ZERO service, that you would provide a 100% refund.   So their "offer" of $1000.00 is not only an insult, but even more proof that Dorian and his merry band of fraudsters believe that they should be enriched for contracting for services and then not providing them.   

I cannot implore of you enough. STAY AWAY FROM Credit Wealth Express / Golden Eagle Express.   Read the reviews...and more importantly READ THE RESPONSES FROM DORIAN.  It's always the customers fault.      If you would like more information, copies of the emails, or clarification of ANY of my statement, please feel free to contact me.  I do not wish to see anyone else go through what I have gone through, or the others who have dealt with Dorian Reeds harassment and poor customer service.    #SCAM #FRAUDULENTCreditWealthExpress #SCAMGoldEagleExpress,Inc  #PoorService    

Research them. Type in: GOLD EAGLE EXPRESS SCAM / CREDIT WEALTH  EXPRESS SCAM.  Check out the links below as well. 








  1. There is no such thing as “National Board Of Credit Education (NBOCE)” as shown on their website.  It only appears on the whole internet (as of the date of this) on their website.
  2. They are not FICO Pro Certified – just something that they branded themselves with. 
  3. Delivery Guarantee 100% - is 100% False
  4. A Patent search for Gold Eagle, Credit Wealth Express, and/or ERR TRUST all end up in “No Results Found.” Don’t be fooled by their misleading “Patent Pending” it also does not existNo trademark on their ‘proprietary’ service either.
  5. Dorian says they’ve been at this for 20 years, but the website domain name was registered 13-Apr-2015.
  6. There is no credit community.  You will not be provided a username or login or link to join.  However, the Agreement is “Gold Eagle Express Community Membership Agreement.”
  7. Go back and look at their website history, 2016 they were Credit Repair, 2017 they were Credit Repair, and even though it doesn’t say on their site in 2018 they are still operating as credit repair. 
  8. Dorian Reed is the CEO, President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director  and again in his prior endeavor debunked by the FTC he attempted to hide and portray himself as a just a "Marketing Advisor."   


5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States


#6Author of original report

Fri, May 24, 2019

I have also been ripped off by Dorian Reed and Credit Wealth Express. 

Dorian hasn't once agreed to a refund. Hasn't worked to make this right, just accuses me of being a Competitor on my post. 

Sad, because I was excited to work with them and had their services been real, I would have been their best advocate. 


United States

And Yet, Instead of Owning Your Mistakes...

#6Author of original report

Fri, May 24, 2019

Instead of crying "Not a customer! Must be a competitor!" Look at Facts.

Fact #1: We are disputing the charges with our credit card company. You just responded to that. Now how would I have a response to a dispute from YOU Dorian, if I wasn't a customer. 

FACT #2: You do nothing to try and make things right. Your first response is to attack anyone who reaches out against you poor service. Now your claiming I am a competitor and have been mistaken! Wow! Must be a whole bunch of Dorian Reeds out there with Credit Wealth Express businesses.   Then lets refer to #1 above. This response is from you. How would I be mistaken?

FACT #3: I entered into an agreement November 2017...18 months ago!  You haven't fullfilled the obligations under that. Although I did give you credit for 30% effort for the one beureau removed. 

FACT #4: In February 2018, when I was told that the original bk removal was almost completed, I was sold a credit line and inquiry sweep. YOU HAVE PROVIDED NOTHING on this. 

If you are a 70 year old man, you are a master of deception and a complete liar.  Which one of the many lies should we talk about? Ohh....but that is right, I am a competitor so there is no way that I can have these emails from your or your team or all the other documentation that I have. 

Seriously Dorian, you are making yourself look worse and worse everytime you cry foul.  Just own the fact you are a crook and that defrauding people is what you do. You don't care about experience, results or satisfaction or else you would have reached out to me and been considerate about how to resolve this. I told you six months prior, that once my patience was expended, that I would do everything in my power to expose you for what you are. It's not about the money, but the principle. 


United States

NOT A CUSTOMER? Are you kidding me?

#6Author of original report

Fri, May 24, 2019

If I am not a customer, why are we playing the game with the credit card disputes?

My biggest mistake was in waiting as long as I did to file, believing your constant lies and deceptions, giving you the benefit of the doubt for the MULTIPLE personal issues that you put off as to your reasoning. 

If I am not a customer, why would I have over 100 emails back and forth from you that I am SAD to say that we cannot upload so that people could TRULY understand the person that you are and the business that you run. 

If I am not a customer, why justify this with a response at all.

No, Dorian, the only FAKE person here is YOU Dorian. The mone I was scammed out of is very real. The time I wasted is very real. The lack of results is very real.   The lies you told me, very real.

You are not a business person, you are a scam artist. A fraud. A cheat.  That is also very real. 

Save your false narrative for the other people you scam. Your covers have been pulled. 


United States

Not A Competitor - Just Another Scammed Customer

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, May 24, 2019

Dorian is truly amazing at responding to his RIP OFF REPORTS and scam postings. He is abrasive, deflective and altogether a SCAM ARTIST.

In the beginning, everything starts off great. Very communicative and very much on task. But that fades quickly and as once they have the money, their service falls off. 

Don't be desperate and make a desperate mistake. This Organization is only there to get your money - they don not want to help you and do not care to help you. 



Las Vegas,
United States

This Is A Competitive Posting Not Even Our Customer!

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 05, 2019

This is a competitive posting of someone that is not our customer.  Or the person clearly has us confused with someone else.  Anyone can obtain the same information as shown here or doctor up phony information and post it.    Our company Is 100% transparent.  We send quotes and agreements to anyone who makes the request.

This person is posting pictures of someone they found on the internet with either my first or last name or both who knows. At almost 70 years of age, It's certainly not me! 

We have nearly 8000 happy customers and members and it's a shame to see this type of behaviors.  But any business that strives for transparency, and has nothing to hide, should, in fact, have all of this information available for the public as we have. It's what real businesses must do.  Not hide with websites with no name, no phone number, no address etc.

We are proud of the service we provide to our many many happy clients, I look forward to helping many many more!

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