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  • Report:  #181179

Complaint Review: Golden Harvest - G.H. - Loanagentbiz -

Golden Harvest - G.H. - Loanagentbiz - RIPOFF, FRAUD, SCAM, Pleasonton California

  • Reported By:
    Lakewood Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 14, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sun, October 01, 2006
  • Golden Harvest - G.H. - Loanagentbiz -
    5424-10 Sunol Blvd, PMB 250
    Pleasonton, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

A fradulent charge appeared on my bank statement for $99.00 from the aforementioned company. Below is all of the correspondence that has transpired since I first noticed the charge.

1st email from me:
Good Afternoon-
I have just got to work and I have a rather odd email dated 3/13 in which a charge of $99.00 was charged to my credit card from I have checked with my bank and the charge was taken out of my account. What is this? I have not authorized your company to charge my card. I am not looking for any loan. I'm not sure how your company got my credit card information and name and address however I did not authorize this charge. What do I need to do to get this $99.00 refunded? I have read your policy however this charge was not authorized by me. Please respond immediately.

Email response from unknown at

We get dozens of false claims about charges each month. We have our lawyer and local police review each claim. We just received their preliminary data: They reviewed your entire transaction. Everything matches. They even traced to -your- computer USING the IP address
below. So, we suggest you remember a little harder about your involvement OR you inquire with other people who have access to your personal financial data like your husband or boyfriend. You are liable for them also.
Why would somebody steal your account info and use your OWN personal email for contact?

My Response:
Please have your lawyer or local police contact me immediately. Actually, please provide your attorneys name and phone number as well as the local representative from your police department's name and phone number and I will contact them.

The IP address and email is from my work which would indicate that it was not a "husband or boyfriend" that has my information. There are probably 50 people that I can think of that would have access to my work computer. As far as having my credit card information and my personal data that remains a mystery. I am investigating that on my end.

Maybe it's someone from your company that somehow gets data from somewhere else (as I do frequently shop online) and creates fraudulent charges so that your company can collect revenue. You are the one who states that you have "dozens of false claims" reported each month.

I find it hard to believe that you receive "dozens" of false claims if you were a legitimate company. By the way what are you providing for $99.00? Obviously nothing - that is according to your unsatisfactory rating with the Better Business Bureau, as well as the numerous other complaints that I have found on this company.

I will expect some type of correspondence from your attorney or your local police as soon as possible. If I do not hear from either I will file a complaint with the California Attorney General's office as well as the California Department of Consumer Affairs.

His Response:
Sorry, but we are not going to play your games. Blaming us for somehow magically stealing your info is laughable and just shows you are lying even more. It is obvious your trying to back out of the transaction. Bringing up meaningless BBB records just proves our point.

If you really didn't do the transaction, you would have bothered to look up such data or even cared. Our lawyer and police will be contacting your workplace within 24 hours to give the evidence we have that shows you are lying about this transaction. If you value your JOB, we suggest you start telling the truth immediately.

My response:
Do not try to threaten me. I am not backing out of any transactions. I searched the BBB records after the last email that you sent because of your immediate accusations that I was being untruthful. I would invite you to contact my job, in fact I have already advised the proper authorities at my company that you will be getting in touch. Once again, I will tell you, I DID NOT authorize this charge.

Why will you not answer the questions of who your attorney is or who the police representatives that you are working with are? What are you afraid of? My bank has already cancelled the charge and refunded my money. I will let them go forward with the investigation. However, I have filed formal complaints with the California Attorney General's office, the California Department of Consumer Affairs, as well as the Better Business Bureau, and the Federal Trade Commission. Please do not contact me again regarding this matter.

And although I told him not to contact me again he writes back:
What grounds have you filed reports with any agency? Do you realize filing a false report is a FELONY in your state. Our lawyer is now going to draw up papers for LIBEL as well as lying to your credit card company to get a refund.

We have already contacted your credit card company and they say no money has been refunded to you at all. They are investigating your claim for truthfulness first.
Once they see our documents, you will have been caught in ANOTHER lie. We have several documents that show
you did this transaction. Aparently you were caught on camera doing this. GOOD LUCK!

And because this guy is such an idiot, I had to respond one last time..:
You are so hilarious! I'm sure that you are a lonely little man that probably lives in your mother's basement. You do not scare me with your threats.
Are you aware that I have asked you not to contact me again and you continue to do so.. That is the crime.

Please refrain from all further contact with me you pathetic person! Who is your lawyer? Is it Thomas Gentry ESQ? Oh, it couldn't be because he doesn't exist, not as an attorney in your state anyway. I am well aware of your scam and I am also aware that you have not contacted my bank because I have them on the phone as I write this.

Go ahead and continue to harass me, it's just a matter of time before you are exposed. I have already contacted the local media and they are very interested in this story so don't be surprised if you get a knock on your door very soon... or should I say your mother's door.

You are an unintelligent loser who will get no where in life because you are not smart enough to do so. If I receive any more correspondence from you than I will contact my local authorities and you will be charged with harassment. DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN!!!!!

So, hopefully this will be the end of this loser. Although I didn't legitimatelly give my credit card information it appears that maybe this guy has moved onto a whole new scam - getting personal information to steal money. Buyer Beware. Do not give personal information out!!

Lakewood, Colorado

9 Updates & Rebuttals



Info for Ruth regarding identity theft and credit bureaus.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 01, 2006

I just need to clear up the fact that placing an identity theft alert on your credit bureaus DOES NOT stop anyone from pulling your credit before notifying you.

They can still pull your credit without your knowledge or consent. The credit alert ONLY forces them to contact you prior to extending credit.

As for Patrice, If you dispute the charge, AND file a police report, AND an identity theft report with the bureaus, the charge MUST be reversed until it is proven that YOU made the authorization. This is FEDERAL Law.

Therefore, Dave is a little too arrogant for being so stupid. This is some homebased scam being run out of someones bedroom and a rented mailbox for a business address.

AND, the BBB is useless. It is a for profit organization that charges huge membership fees. If you do not pay the membership fees, you will never get a satisfactory rating. Also, the BBB has no legal authority to do anything. They are powerless. I used to laugh at them and hang up when they would call.



Gold Harvest is a SCAM !

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, September 30, 2006

Don't argue with a fool, for people may not know the difference. In reading all the unprofessional responses from this clown, it has convinced me that: "Gold harvest is a SCAM"!


Lake Oswego,


#10Consumer Comment

Sat, September 30, 2006

This so called company is a joke, They have surely stolen your information. I have been the victim of identity theft and usually when they bust a meth house they find a division of motor vehicles list etc.Thankyou for the warning, I don't know how by someone overdrew my 7 year olds account, and mine as well,she even got a ticket in my name! When I went to court becuase I was notified there was a warrant for my arrest,for failing to appear on a ticket I never got,They mailed me a notice saying I failed to appear, thats how I found out about that.(She also cleaned out my bank accounts,) the cop said this is NOT the woman I pulled over for speeding she is white, and the girl I pulled over was (I won't say for fear of being called prejudiced or something) let's just say the description the cop gave was way off and she was MUCH younger than I am.The ticket was dismissed , so what I am saying is someone can find your information easily and it sounds like someone found yours, how?I never found out, but I do have an identity theft case number, and am still currently repairing the things she did on my credit report!, It has been years but you know she still crops up, I have red flagged the 3 major credit bureaus and I would suggest you notify them in writing, print this and tell them your identity was stolen and they have to actually reach you before anyone can run your credit, you have to ask them to do this in writing or they won't, it wouldn't hurt to report thsi to your local police station maybe they can trace the guy through his emails..


Lake Oswego,


#10Consumer Comment

Sun, March 26, 2006

I think the original poster has you running scared, first off, it IS ILLEGAL under privacy laws for his bank to give you the info of their investigation. THAT info would go to the customer that filed the compalint not you, I have been the victim of identity theft, such as in this case, THE BBB is there, as is this site, to protect people from you, I went to the bbb site and the orignal poster was correct ,YOU do have ALOT OF COMPLAINTS.

your defense is laughable and you have the nerve to threaten that person with their job? Your responses sound stupid and made up, so if I were you I would give those people their money back you stole, and pray you don't go to jail, the original poster twice asked you NOT TO respond being as it must be under investigation , yet you did anyway, you might be in big trouble if this person prints this or directs them to this site, it will be evidence, the threatening as well, is another charge.

So stop scamming innocent people, you know the "dozens of complaints" you get all the time. Go gewt an honest job and get a life. Once again as i stated in another site, THIS SITE IS MADE FOR SURFING WHY DOn"T YOU GET THAT?! To the orginal poster KUDOS for you for turning this guy into everyone you could. You may have saved others this same heartache.




#10Consumer Comment

Sun, March 26, 2006

Other than the original poster, who WAS scammed, DID fight back, and DID get her money back 9GOOD FOR HER!!), I am the only "lady" who posted here. So, please show me where I admitted that I was never a customer of Golden Harvest. I wasn't, BTW, but how would YOU know that, "Peter"? Puhleez.

Troll? Nope. I am a regular contributor. Social life is fine, career is great, marriage is even better, so try again. Guess the numerous other complaints aren't valid either, huh?



Great service

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, March 26, 2006

I've been reading some of these pathetic posts on this board. Sounds like people who assumed way too much. I paid $99 and got five lenders whom I applied with the first two. The second lender gave me a $11,000 loan, even with my bad credit score of 590! I have recommended this company to dozens of people. So, people need to be very careful of some of the false comments on this board. There are simply not true or mis-represent the real truth.

Some people are just board TROLLS. They don't have any social life and try to amuse themselves by thinking they are posting any valuable comments. One lady admits not even to be
a former customer! She is the one to feel sorry
for. We need to all pitch some money in and buy her a friend! Watch, she we probably claim I work for the company and try to discredit me also.




#10Author of original report

Fri, March 17, 2006

Dave, or whatever your real name is. I find it amusing how you try to act like there is more than one person that is employed by your fake company. I have already found out that you are a one person operation who is trying to scam innocent people out of their hard earned money because you are too lazy and incompetant to get a real job and contribute to society like the rest of us. I understand you are angry because I have received my money back, however you continue to send these silly responses.

As I have told you before, you are nothing more than a lonely little man who has nothing better to do than steal from others. By the way smart guy, the bank will not give you information on my account due to confidentiality laws that are in place that will not allow them to do so. So, as you say you spoke to my bank, THAT IS A LIE, I have already talked to them which is how I found out about the confidentiality clauses that they need to follow. You are such a pathetic loser that you do not deserve the air you breathe.




#10Consumer Comment

Fri, March 17, 2006

If you are so legitimate, why is your Pleasanton address a rented mailbox in a shipping store? Think that the ACSD isn't on to your little scam? If you are truly in the area, Santa Rita awaits you.

Oh, and dude....your little emails to the OP impersonating an attorney is a attorney is an officer of the court and one moron who did what you did in another scam got ten years just for that. If you are going to play chess, don't go about it like you are playing will get beaten every time and look foolish while doing it. Oh, ARE foolish. Every word you type out illustrates this to blinding proportions.

I almost feel sorry for you...loser.



laughable claim

#10UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 17, 2006

When we spoke with her bank, they said her claim was bogus. We supplied over 4 pages of evidence against her. She is being charged the $99. It is final.

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