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  • Report:  #760686

Complaint Review: goldendoodle world

goldendoodle world diane gerrish, dee gerrish Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World Claims She "Lost" Her Business cleveland, North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    whistleblower — everywhere Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 04, 2011
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 12, 2011
*Author of original report: Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World Abuses Puppy? *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Malicious Posting by Sandra Johnson *Consumer Comment: TRUTH FROM K.WINSTON *Author of original report: Max *Author of original report: Alleged Letter From Karen Winston *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Incessant harassment by Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka West (soon to be ex) Johnson *Author of original report: Dee Gerrish Alters Notarized Letter *Author of original report: Dee Gerrish Cannot Hide From The Truth *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Sandra Faye Belk Johnson and her son Jason Caine Holka are scam artists *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Jason Caine Holka of Kissimmee FLorida is a scam artist and so is his mother, Sandra Faye Belk Johnson of Orlando Florida *Author of original report: This Blog Tells The Truth About Dee Gerrish *Author of original report: Dee Gerrish Owner/Operator of Goldendoodle World Continues To Harass on Blogger *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Sandra Belk Bircheat Holka Chiudioni West Johnson is con artist; Bulls**t artist; smoke screen artist; impersonator and deliberately perpetrating internet fraud! *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Sandra Belk Bircheat Holka Chiudioni West Johson perpetrates internet fraud and maliicous harassment *Author of original report: Setting Diane Gerrish Straight Once Again *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka Chiudioni West Johnson is a delusional Fan of Rip Off Report *Consumer Comment: Sandra Faye Johnson lies to her attorney and her house is lost due to foreclosure
Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World posted in a blog that she lost her business. Here is the link: http://http// Scroll down and the content is located directly above an image of a dog under an umbrella. Dee Gerrish posted this on August 2, 2011.
Here is the link to Dee Gerrish' blog that shows she is still selling dogs: http://http//

If Dee Gerrish no longer has a business, why is she still selling dogs? Is Mrs. Gerrish scamming people out of their money?
If you go to her website: http://http// you will see that her website is still up and she is still selling dogs. If Mrs. Gerrish "lost" her business she would have taken down her website.
On her site you will see that Mrs. Gerrish requires full payment. Dee Gerrish does not take deposits. Some of her dogs go for a couple thousand dollars.

If Dee Gerrish indeed has "lost" her business but is taking money from potential customers, what does this mean? Does Dee Gerrish have puppies and adult dogs to sell or not? Mrs. Gerrish cannot have it both ways. She either needs to shut down her website or recant what she posted.

Here are the screen shots of Dee Gerrish's claims: http://http//
I am posting these in case Dee Gerrish removes the content from her blogs.

Dee Gerrish posted this on Twitter: http://http//
As you can see, Dee posted this on August 2, 2011. She mentions her 'business'. If she doesn't have a legitimate business any longer, she is doing something very shady.

All I am saying to those of you who are looking to buy a goldendoodle dog is, do your research about Goldendoodle World and be careful.
I have yet to see any of her 'customer's posting positive reviews about Dee Gerrish and her 'business' on the Internet.

17 Updates & Rebuttals

anonimus Platypus

United States of America

Sandra Faye Johnson lies to her attorney and her house is lost due to foreclosure

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, December 12, 2011

Sandra Faye (Chiudioni) (Belk) (West) Johnson lied to her attorney Frank Bartole-meow (basically an ambulance chaser / landlord tenant dispute attorney whom  never took on a probate case until Sandra Faye Johnson became his first *probate* case (then he changed his website by adding the words probate/estate planning) by claiming she is living with her spouse,  Robin James Johnson and that she has been living at another residence when in fact,  she had a court hearing on Dec. 8th, 2011 due to the fact she and the spouse she's been seperated from since late 2009 has now lost their home due to it being in foreclosure.

Robin James Johnson walked out on her because he was tired of Sandra Faye Johnson's nonsense.   Sandra Faye Johnson hired Frank Barte-meow (scratch scratch..claw claw) when in fact,  she is unemployed and obtaining monthly disability payments from the state of Florida for a mental health issue.  She is seeing a pyschiatrist for depression and anxiety disorders and she is being paid for those disorders.  She told her attorney that she is "married" but she failed to tell her attorney that Robin James Johnson walked out on her.  Instead,  Dan Yoder (a man she met from PA through a dating website right after Robin James Johnson dumped her and of whom moved from PA to Florida across the street from her now foreclosed home to be close to her) went to the office with Sandra Johnson to pretend to be her spouse and misrepresented himself to her attorney as Sandra Johnson's spouse.  Though he never said anything,  he still misrepresented himself.  Sandra Johnson led her attorney to believe Dan Yoder was her spouse when in fact he isn't.  She claimed the home that Dan Yoder rented was her legal residence when in fact,  the home that went into foreclosure is her legal residence and until January 2012 and she is completely moved out of that legal residence,  she has been untruthful on court documents regarding legal guardianship for her mother,  Lorraine Mae Evans.

Sandra Faye Johnson has misled, conned and  deceived many legal agencies in the same manner since she obtained a durable power of attorney in 2009.  Recently,  her mother was examined by a doctor Thomas Sawyer for a competency hearing.  Sandra Faye Johnson misled the doctor by telling him that her boyfriend,  Dan Yoder,  was her spouse,  Robin Johnson.   Furthermore,  she owns two dogs of which she deliberately placed at the soon to be foreclosed home across the street where Dan Yoder is renting from the soon to be foreclosed home.  Dr. Thomas Sawyer stated he did not see or recall any dogs being at the home when he examined and spoke with Lorraine Mae Evans.

Sandra Faye Johnson's dogs are Two of them.  One of them weighs 96 pounds.  There is no way that Dr. Sawyer would have NOT remembered a 96 lbs. dog.  Sandra Faye Johnson intentionally kept information from Dr. Sawyer such as Lorraine Evans' primary care doctors telephone numbers and her pertinent information so that he could contact them.  She intentionally kept specific information from him that would have helped him for the examination regarding Mrs. Evans.
Sandra Faye Johnson stated that Lorraine Mae Evans was an 81 year old "divorced"  individual when in fact,  Lorraine Mae Evans is NOT a divorced individual.   Lorraine Mae Evans is a widow.

A fact substantiated through the Osceola county courthouse records.  Lorraine Mae Evans remarried her spouse,  Bailey McCoy Bircheat in 1980.  They never divorced prior to his death in January 1994.   Because Sandra Faye Johnson's surname is NOT Bircheat and she can NOT amend Mr. Bircheat's death certificate based on the fact she can not prove she is his child, she claims Lorraine Mae Evans is "divorced".  Lorraine Mae Evans has been prevented from obtaining much needed "widows benefits" which she is entitled to to help assist her in her care once she is out of the home of Sandra Faye Johnson.

A court hearing is scheduled for Dec. 15th, 2011 to determine legal guardianship for Mrs. Lorraine Mae Evans because doctors have determined that Mrs. Evans has been in danger of undue influence and in danger of neglect.  Doctors have determined that she is in need of legal guardianship.  Because Sandra Faye Johnson is seeing a pyschiatrist and is being PAID by the State of Florida for her mental health conditions and she is unemployed and has NO MEANS to take care of Lorraine Mae Evans;  she lost her home to foreclosure;  her husband walked out on her; she and her spouse were in conflict and having marital problems and she KNEW prior to obtaining her POA about Lorraine Mae Evans being abused; neglected and maltreated and ripped off for thousands of is more than likely that a professional legal guardian will be appointed...if there is a GOD and JUSTICE in this world.

Sandra Faye Johnson lied to every legal agency all over south Florida;  She lied to police departments in Osceola County and Orange County;  She lied to the examining doctors and she's been lying to the attorney that's been representing her.  Now her legal residence is foreclosed and FINAL and I guarantee you that she will now file for bankruptcy!  Guess what Mr. Frank Barte-MEOW....  What say you when Sandra Faye Johnson adds you to her bankruptcy ?  Oopsie ?

The woman hasn't a pot to piss in.......  She'll tell you to stand in line along with the rest of her "creditors" and probably change her telephone number so that you can't get in touch with her.  She'll walk away from everything like she has been doing for all of her life.  The home she is residing in right now is a rental.  She and Dan Yoder will pack up and move.  Good luck in finding her so that you can collect on the money she owes you.   She'll package all of her debts into one neat and tidy package just like nothing ever happened and prance away to start a new life so she can start the process all over again to go screw Dan Yoder over like she has done to so many other people.  He is her next victim.  He's just too stupid right now to know it's coming. 

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka Chiudioni West Johnson is a delusional Fan of Rip Off Report

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 26, 2011

Dear Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka Chiudioni West Johnson **insert next name here when you decide to marry again** ,

I know that you are a delusional fan of rip off report and that the only reason you come to this website is because every forum and website that is responsible deletes your absurd garbage that is posted by you and the son you brought into this world.  For some reason,  instead of him finding help for you,  he has decided to help you impersonate me and my business name all over the internet.  Both of you are guilty of opening email accounts as well as blogger accounts in my business name and personal name and you both know it.  Both of you opened facebook accounts using my business name and personal name.  Both of you are guilty of a felony for impersonating me and my business name and opening accounts in my name accounts  over the internet;  for malicious digital copyright infringement; for perpetrating internet fraud; deceptive internet practices; libel; character assassination and defamation of character. 

You have the audacity to come to this website to make absurd claims that I have "slandered" you and posted "lies" about you and your son ????  Lady you are a delusional freak show !

You began lying about me, my dogs and my business name starting in the year 2006.  Every GD posting you've put on this website alone is nothing but one big lie!  Everything you've claimed about me on this website is absurd and is overly exaggerated.  You've posted nothing but lies about me, my dogs, my business name, my family,  what I do, my tour in the military,  my dog  clients and you even went out of your way to  attack one of my long time clients and  had the balls to copy and image of a dog I sold her thirteen years ago!!!

You posted a lie on a website that I abused the dog I sold her but no...YOu didn't use your real name to lie about that statement, did you Sandra Johnson ???  YOu had to fake the name didn't you ?  Oh Mr. Mustapha!  Yes,  I recall that name because you used that stupid name at my local tax assessor's office!  Only they were too stupid to figure out it was YOU whom sent that email to them!   

Then you had the balls to use my client's dog image on your created twitter account even though that is copyright infringement!  How low do you really have to sink, Sandra Johnson,  to harass my dog clients and for what freakin' reason do you have to harass my clients ???  You claimed on this website and all over the internet that I faked my client's notorized letter when in fact,  the letter is very real.  I didn't write the letter.  I didn't steal any notorized seal you dumb A$$.   But you have to keep coming back to this website to post more and more absurd lies about me.  You are such a fan of this website and you are so insane that you have to just keep making crap up as you go alone.  For some reason,  your son has to help further along your smear campaign over the internet.  

He registered my personal name with Hostmonster, inc so you both could smear my personal name on your blogger account at  .   Well how nice for the two of you.   I hope you are both happy that you are calling me an American Zero.  YOu are both a piece of s**t in my personal opinion.  You both tried to steal my mother's home.  What wonderful people you are.   Your a piece of s**t daughter who has done nothing but taken advantage of her own mother whom has dementia.   What wonderful values you have taught your son,  Sandra Johnson!  Instead of helping your mother,  you've helped yourself to HER things!  Aren't you just someone she should be proud of ? 

That is surely better than me!  Someone whom joined the military and has letters of certificates from commanders whom told me I was an asset to the military.   Surely what I did could not compare to you and your son's thievary since 2009,  I suppose.  Yes,  then I guess by my doing the right thing and you doing so much wrong-doing...I guess I am an American Zero and criminals like  yourself are the all American hero ??  Wow!

I could list over  MULTIPLE  websites and forums where you have lied about me and my dogs and my busines name for no other reason than the fact you have either lost your freakin' mind or you are the most hateful person on the face of this planet!  In fact,  I now am on my SECOND plastic container (the other one is 3 litre container) FULL  of printed content where you have posted nothing but lies about me and my business name just to cause either emotional duress or lost revenue for me as a breeder.  

If you believe you invited me to your home to have contact with my mother you have lost your mind.  I do not know what drugs you are on but I DID NOT write no such article about any wasting disease nor have I ever heard of any such disease for the elderly.  If anything Sandra Johnson,  you have created the blog in my name!  Where is this blog in my name and what is the link ???
Your stalker ??? mean Terry Mastrilli ???  I highly doubt he stalked you Sandra Chiudioni!  Here is what I know about you little Miss bully b***h!  I know for a fact that you have a habit of stalking people and I know for fact you have spent since 2006 stalking me over the internet!
I know for a fact during our 2009 telephone conversations,  you told me you were going to call Charlotte Estes family members and you were going to harass them until Charlotte coughed up money to  you.  You told me during recorded conversations you sent letters to her husband's family members and I have no doubt in my mind that you were the stalker to Mr. Mastrilli and more than likely did this to  harass his family or his family members.  More than likely,  you called his job and his home night and day.  When I obtain the police reports,  I am very sure that is what the reports will state.  Anyone with half a brain can call the Orange county sheriff's department in Orlando Florida and request for police reports from both your past address and Mr. Terry Mastrilli's address where he lived to know whom did what.  If they aren't too cheap to pay for the information,  the police department will provide this information.  Don't call him a stalker Sandra Johnson!  Tell it like it is.  You call him "Stalker" because you are hiding the information.  Anyone whom plans to date you should know the truth about you.  Lady,  there is something wrong with you!

You have caused problems for me and my dog business since 2006! For what reason ?  No reason.
How hard is it to pick up a GD telephone and dial it for my mother whom has dementia ?  Hand her the phone and let her talk to me .  Is that so hard ?  For you,  it must be.  You've never done that.  Not once.  Instead,  you want to play games and send email or write dumb A## blogs and state I'm writing lies about you.  Seriously ?  I'm telling the truth about what you are doing.  No one is lying about you and you know it.  You have been hiding my mother away from all of the family members;  you know what you said in the emails you have sent.  Oh yes...lest we forget that you sent the emails in so many different names.  God forbid if you should send an email in your real name.  Then legal officials might know they were sent by you. IP addresses however can be traced.  But then Sandra Johnson,  you upped your game didn't you.  Spoofed the emails didn't you.  Yes,  I figured that out too.   Don't think these spoof and fake emails can't be traced back to your computer and that this can't all backfire on  your A##.  It can and it will.  I will go to whatever lengths I can to put your a*s in jail for deception; felony; fraud and anything what you've been doing falls under.

If your son Jason Holka has really been helping you with this bs...he's going down for the count too.  You're nothing but a criminal Sandra Johnson.  I don't know what's happened to you but everything you've been doing is going to backfire.

You think  you're clever by pretending to be me and my business and blogging things in my name and responding to people by creating email accounts in my name.  Well.... you're going to get caught sooner or later and when you do.... I hope to see you behind bars where you belong!  Both you and your son!

My mother is going to be removed from your care because what you've been doing is wrong.  You lied to her and you deceived her.  There's something wrong with you.  YOu've caused alot of pain to many people.  I'm not your only victim as I've found out.  I have every intention of asking a judge to put you behind bars. 

Sandra Johnson


Setting Diane Gerrish Straight Once Again

#18Author of original report

Sun, September 25, 2011

The truth about Diane Gerrish is right here on my blog:

Once again I have to call Diane Gerrish 'out' on yet more of her lies.
The link above is my blog where I have proven Diane wrong each and every time she slanders me and my son in her blog.

I will start with Diane's lie about me not 'allowing' her to speak to and see our elderly mother who lives with me. (My mother has Alzheimer's and I am her caretaker). I am her caretaker because I want to be and, none of my five siblings stepped up to the 'plate' to help our mother.

In January of this year I received a phone call from the supervisor of The Department of Children and Families. He asked me if I would be willing to allow Diane to visit my mother as long as he (the supervisor) was present. He also asked me if I would be willing to have a three-way telephone conversation between him and Diane so that he (the supervisor) could figure out a way for Diane to re-connect with my mother.
I agreed to his requests. Diane Gerrish refused to cooperate.
Not only did Diane refuse to cooperate, she continued to post that I wouldn't allow her to have contact with our mother.
I obtained a cell phone for our mother so Diane could call and talk to her. I requested that Diane stop blogging about me and my son. I told Diane that if she stopped blogging, I would give her my mother's phone number. Diane refused to stop posting slander and continues to do so to this very day. I refuse to give Diane the cell number.

I don't feel that my request was too much to ask for. Diane's slanderous posts have almost reached two thousand and almost every single one of them are about me.
It boggles my mind that my sister chooses to post blogs about me rather than stop so she can have our mom's phone number. I believe that Diane chose to satisfy her compulsive need to blog over having a relationship with our 81 year old, ill mother.

My son sent Diane a certified letter inviting her to our house. Diane refused to accept the letter and my son knew she wouldn't sign for it so he posted it on my blog along with the receipt to prove it was sent to her:

I sent Diane an email not long ago inviting her to my home to see our mother. Diane has not acknowledged the invitation. She continues to post that I still refuse to allow her to see our mother and talk to her on the phone. Diane wants things done on her terms and this is not going to happen. Diane's 'terms' is for me to surrender my Durable Power of Attorney for my mother and I continue to take care of my mother.
Diane wants Power of Attorney so she can receive our mother's pension and Social Security monthly checks but Diane doesn't want the responsibility of taking care of her own mother.
Diane will deny this of course but this is exactly what she wants. Diane continues to post that she is taking me to court to have my POA revoked. The only reason for this that Diane gives is that she believes I am not taking care of our mother properly.
Diane has never been to my home to see how our mother is being cared for. The Department of Adult Services has been to my home several times to check on my mother and they don't call ahead. They just show up because Diane has called in many false complaints.  Never have they found that my mother was being mistreated, abused, neglected or exploited as Diane claims.
When Diane learned that Adult Services hasn't found anything wrong, Diane calls the local sheriff's department. Occasionally I get visited by a deputy who wants to see my mother. They don't call ahead either and they have never found that my mother was being mistreated, abused, neglected or exploited.
Diane recently blogged that our mother has a 'wasting' disorder that sometimes occurs in the elderly when they unintentionally lose weight. Here is a link to the explanation about this condition:

My mother does not have this disorder and I have no idea why Diane would post this. As I stated above, Diane has never been to my house and Diane has not seen our mother since 2008. My mother just had a physical and she is very healthy in every way except for the Alzheimer's disease. My mother weighs 136 pounds and is 5'4. If anything, she is a little over weight. She gained a little weight because she isn't steady on her feet so she doesn't get much exercise.
The crazy things that my sister posts online are over the top and completely without merit.

Now I am going to address something that Diane recently blogged about and it is also in her complaint here.
My sister likes to 'stalk' public records. She thought she found the 'holy grail' when she found a few with my name on them. What she 'found' is laughable at best.
Her last 'find' is an old restraining order. Diane posted a copy of the restraining order that was filed against me but she failed to post the restraining order that I obtained.
I had to get a restraining order put against someone who stalked me and threatened my life. My stalker apparently felt that he had to get one too but what he didn't realize is, one restraining order works for both parties.
The restraining order that I obtained is indefinite (by my request) and I know he was served because I was there when he was given the papers by two deputies.

My stalker apparently thought the whole thing was a joke because he continued to bother me by calling my house. Every time he called, I called the sheriff's office and a deputy would come out and take my report. I was told that they would contact my stalker and give him a 'reminder' about the restraining order.
The calls stopped for awhile but started up again. Sometimes I got hang-ups and because I was keeping track of the calls, I found out that the calls were coming from the area where my stalker's mother lives.
One night my husband and I were asleep and the phone rang. My husband answered it and I could hear my stalker's voice asking to speak to me. I couldn't believe it. I heard him asking to speak to me and my husband told him he couldn't and hung up the phone.
The next day I called the same deputy that had come out before and once again I made a report. This time I was told that there would be no more 'reminders' for my stalker. The deputy was going to pay my stalker a personal visit. I have no idea what happened after that and I never heard from my stalker again.

Diane posted this:
" I was told by the Orange County Court house that Sandra Johnson (Chiudioni) was in violation of a "pretrial diversion" probation and that "NUMEROUS" calls were made to her home at  the time she lived at 201 Lake dr. Joslin Grove Subdivision Orlando Florida."

This is a blatant lie. I have never been in "violation" of anything much less a restraining order that I personally obtained. How ridiculous. I have no idea where the "pretrial" came from because there was never a trial. I have never been on probation, never been arrested, never even seen the inside of a jail.
The numerous calls that were made to my home on Lake Drive were made by ME when I called the sheriff's office to complain about my stalker who continued to harass me.

My stalker and I had to appear in court at the same time of course but we sat on opposite sides of the court room which I suppose is customary. The court room was full of people and when our turn came, we sat at opposing tables in front of the judge.
The entire ordeal went pretty quickly and it would have gone faster if my stalker had not started asking the judge stupid questions. He wanted to know if he was allowed to visit the theme park where I worked at the time because he "really liked the park".
The judge (once again) read the order to my stalker which stated that he wasn't allowed within 500 feet of me. The judge looked at me and asked me if I thought it would be a problem if my stalker visited the theme park where I worked and I said "no". That was the end of it. I never saw my stalker ever again nor heard from him.

As far as the 'fire arms' that Diane continues harping about, neither me nor my stalker had fire arms. If my stalker claimed I owned a gun, he was lying. I suppose we were both asked if we had guns but I know I didn't.

I have no idea why my sister is so obsessed with a restraining order from eleven years ago. I also have no idea why my sister posted how impressed she is with my stalker. On her blog she stated how wonderful and beautiful his paintings are, what a nice guy he seems to be and she said that she hopes he finds peace and how happy she is that he got on with his life. Wow. My sister has never met this man, never knew anything about him until she stalked the records and found the restraining orders.
So weird.

I suppose my sister doesn't have anything better to do than to obsess about me especially now that she isn't selling puppies any longer.
Well, go ahead sister and waste your time if that's what rocks your world.
I am going to end my rebuttal by saying this:
I am not preventing you from talking to mom or seeing her. You know that for a fact. My blog clearly shows that you have been invited to my house. You know for a fact that I offered to give you mom's cell phone number. You also know for a fact that none of our siblings have made any attempts to contact mom or me even though you posted that they have.
You stated that you are not going to "jump through hoops" to talk to and see mom. I have not asked you to jump through hoops. I asked you to stop posting slanderous and hate-filled posts about me and my son.
You stated that you are taking me to court so you can see and talk to our mother. How ridiculous. It's ridiculous for you to even suggest something so absurd when there is no one stopping you from having a relationship with our mother.

Go full steam ahead with your 'law suit' or whatever it is you are doing. I hope it costs you everything you have. 

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Sandra Belk Bircheat Holka Chiudioni West Johson perpetrates internet fraud and maliicous harassment

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, September 24, 2011

I added Terry Mastrilli's restraining order  but I do want to make a factual comment regarding the restraining order as I know the facts to be per the Orange County Court house in Orlando Florida:

1.  Sandra Johnson was known as Sandra Faye Chiudioni in the year 2000 at the time of the filed restraining order against her by Terry Mastrilli.

2.  Terry Mastrilli file the restraining order against her for domestic abuse on 11-13-2000.  According to Sandra Johnson's blog (which she conveniently created the blogger account using my business name, Goldendoodle World,  instead of using her own name!),  she claims Mr. Mastrilli filed for a "redundant" restraining order.  There is no such thing in a court of law.  No judge permits this and no judge would dare sign one or order one.

3.  Sandra Faye Chiudioni filed for a restraining order against Terry Mastrilli on 11-7-2000.  Both parties attended for both restraining orders.  Both restraining orders were granted by the same judge which is unusual.  However, both restraining orders were signed on on 11-21-2000 and mailed out to both parties and served to both parties.  Both parties were ordered to surrender their firearms and ammunition. 

4.  I was told by the Orange County Court house that Sandra Johnson (Chiudioni) was in violation of a "pretrial diversion" probation and that "NUMEROUS" calls were made to her home at  the time she lived at 201 Lake dr. Joslin Grove Subdivision Orlando Florida. 

What is a "pretrial diversion"  probation ?  This is given to someone by a judge when they are trying to help someone straighten out their life before they find themselves going to jail or find themselves in prison.   I suppose this didn't help Sandra Johnson because she has found herself on the path to destruction and evil.  So far all she has done is ruin my mother's life and do everything she can to ruin my business name and try to ruin my personal name by posting fabricated nonsense; impersonate me and my business name all over the internet. For what purpose ?  Nothing but sheer hatefulness and spite. 

When will she take a look in the mirror and say to herself the problems just might be coming from within ? 

I meant to post the second page on my rebuttal,  showing Sandra Johnson Chiudioni's firearm surrender but I had posted Mr. Mastrilli's page instead. 

This rebuttal has Sandra Chiudioni's second page.  Sandra Johnson attempted to claim that in 2007, the court amended her restraining order.  They did not.  The restraining order against her is indefinite.   Mr.  Mastrilli has moved on with his life and I am happy he did.  As it turns out,  I was able to discover he is a  theme artist and has done well for himself,  despite what happened to him by this woman.  I am glad he has moved on.  He's appears to be well adjusted and still working at the same place.  

I find it interesting that Sandra Johnson claimed people where she worked talked crap about her behind her back.  No wonder.  She was dating men whom knew each other and/or were related to each other where she worked.  That is a big no no in the work place!  She also made disparaging comments toward women inside of dating websites so I can only imagine how she must have made insulting comments toward the women she worked with.

Sandra Johnson appears to have issues with the same gender and for some reason has difficulty relating to women.   Why does she feel the  need to make herself feel superior by putting other women  down ?   This tells me that she actually has a complex around other women and by degrading other women,  it makes her feel better about herself.  This is bullcrap!

Harassing me over the internet isn't getting Sandra Johnson anywhere and certainly impersonating me and my business name isn't getting Sandra Johnson and her son anywhere either.  She thinks she can prevent me from selling my dogs.  Well,  I can advertise my dogs in my local newspaper.  Duh dumb a$$!  That is what a newspaper is for.  People pick up newspapers and I do post my telephone number at my vet's office and my local stores!  The internet isn't the only place where I advertise.   If Sandra Johnson and her son had a brain they'd actually be scary.  While they both think and act like criminals over the internet and what they are doing is actually a felony.......  they  can not prevent me from living my life in my local area.  

Sandra Johnson barked up the wrong tree though.  When a dog barks loud enough,  it gets your undivided attention.  Sandra Johnson barked and barked and barked some more.  She barked so much,  that she would not shut up.    I kept telling her to shut up but she wouldn't.

This little doggie just didn't know when to quit or shut her mouth.  She wrapped herself around my tree and wanted to act like a stupid dog with no common sense.  Then she wanted to act like some crazy dog toward my mother when my mother can't stand dogs.  Well,  I then told her to let my mother go and stop acting crazy toward my mother.  But that little doggie refused.  I hate crazy dogs and I hate dogs that won't shut up and behave themselves.

So now Sandra Johnson will have the court's undivided attention very soon.  She will also have my attention and my attorney's attention.    Ask and ye shall receive.  She can explain to a judge why she has acted like a nutty, crazy,  stupid dog that would not shut up and why she has kept my mother a virtual hostage inside of her home in Orlando Florida away from everyone.

All I can say is I wish her luck.  Either there is justice or there isn't.  I am spending the money to find out,  one way or the other.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Sandra Belk Bircheat Holka Chiudioni West Johnson is con artist; Bulls**t artist; smoke screen artist; impersonator and deliberately perpetrating internet fraud!

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, September 24, 2011

The allegations continued to be posted on this website  Sandra Johnson are untruthful and fabricated.

1.   DCF does not get involved with disputes between family members when it comes to telephone conversations and contact with their family members.    DCF can not be present with family members having visitation with each other unless a court orders this to happen.  In order for DCF to intervene for contact either way and for the courts to get involved,  someone has to have had done something wrong toward a family member.  

I haven't done anything wrong toward my mother for Sandra Johnson to continue denying me the right to having contact with my mother like she has been doing.   I don't know what Sandra Johnson is talking about when it comes to DCF and all of this nonsense of them trying to "work something out" ,  blah, blah, blah!   This woman needs to go to therapy and she needs it badly. 

Sandra Johnson has NOT invited me to her home nor has she picked up a telephone to call me.  All she AND her son has done is impersonate me over the internet pretending to be me and my business by creating blogger accounts and email accounts in my name and business name.  This individual registered my personal name for the purpose of forwarding the URL to a blogger account so both she and her son could libel me and my business name over the internet and make disparaging comments; copy my images; steal photos from my mother's home; upload content they copied from my blogger account and post derogatory statements about me and my business for harassment purposes.   Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat (and I don't care if she's never used the last name Bircheat before...she lived in my father's home and she lived off of my father's paycheck) Holka West Chiudioni Johnson is in such denial about what she has done that it no longer matters to me.

I will be seeing this woman in court very soon and she can tell her story to a judge.  The fact of the matter is,  she lied to an attorney to obtained a durable power of attorney in May of 2009 for my mother.  She stated to me over the telephone how she obtained the durable power of attorney.  My mother was confused and did not understand what she was signing and Sandra Johnson knew it.  Sandra Johnson has lied to people for a very long time.  She tried to steal my mother's home and she has taken advantage of my mother's illness.

2.  Sandra Johnson uses this website as a tool to hurt my business name and she knows it.  That is the only reason she comes to this website to post her lies.  Why come here otherwise ?  She is aware her content won't be removed.  Why upload my images here ?  Because the website owner won't remove the images. 

3.  Why is Sandra Johnson and her son impersonating me and my business name over the internet ?  Why has Sandra Johnson created email accounts and blogger accounts in my personal name and my business name ?  Why did they register my personal name and then use the domain name to forward to a blogger account that they created in my business name ?  I will tell you why!

So that they would get it noticed over the internet.  That is deliberate, malicious impersonation to perpetrate internet fraud and deception for harassment.

Sandra Johnson has come to this website crying wolf ?  Please!  Anyone with half a brain can contact the Orange County sheriff's department in Orlando Florida  and pay them $10 to do a background check on this woman to find out she has a checked and disturbing past!  Both she and her son have problems!  Sandra Faye Chiudioni was put on "pretrial diversion" probation by a judge because there were so many domestic dispute calls to her home at 201 Lake drive Joslin Grove subdivision in Orlando Florida and then a man named Terry Mastrilli had to file a legal injunction against her and obtained a restraining order against her for domestic abuse!  Sandra Chiudioni  ie Sandra Johnson was then in violation against her "pre trial probation" and was ordered by the judge to surrender firearms and ammuntion in November 2000.   The restraining order against her by Terry Mastrilli was so serious that it is indefinite or as determined by the court.

According to Sandra Johnson's blog,  she claims it is a "redundant" restraining order.  I have news for this woman.  There is no such thing as a redundant  restraining order!  A judge does NOT sign a restraining order or hand out one unless they feel someone really needs it.  This woman is a threat to people and she has a serious issue going on upstairs.  I,  myself,  feel she is a serious threat to my mother and that is why...I,  myself will be seeing her very soon inside a court room asking a judge to remove her as my mother's care taker.  I feel my mother has been in grave danger while being in her care and my mother NEVER should have been taken to her home.

This woman has held my mother a virtual hostage in Orlando Florida and my mother NEVER would have wanted to stay at the home of Sandra Johnson if my mother was able to make that decision of her own free will.  My mother would tell Sandra Johnson to piss off and she'd leave the home of Sandra Johnson immediately.   This nonsense with this woman coming to this website to post her garbage is "redundant" and she does it because most  websites act responsibly and remove her content.  This website refuses to delete her content and that is why she comes here to post her nonsense.

At no time has she ever called my home to give me the telephone number so I could call my mother.  At no time has she allowed my mother to call my home since 2009.  Sandra Johnson has done nothing but threaten me through email and her posted blogs.   Sandra Johnson posted threats toward me through  blogs and then deleted the content.  Sandra Johnson's son  attempted to threaten me through a certified letter but I refused to accept the letter.  His mother then posted the letter on her blogger account.  I printed the letter out and sent it to my attorney.   I have sent Sandra Johnson's content and her son's content to my attorney.  I have sent all of the evidence I have for my mother's case to my attorney for the court proceeding that is coming up.  Sandra Johnson just needs to cease with her activity.   She is going to cease using my mother as her golden ticket.   My dogs,  my name and my mother will cease being her golden ride.  I suggest she find a life for herself because I am asking the judge to find a pair of scissors to cut her off of  my coat tails.

Sandra Johnson


Dee Gerrish Owner/Operator of Goldendoodle World Continues To Harass on Blogger

#18Author of original report

Tue, August 30, 2011

Once again I must report the owner/operator of Goldendoodle World in Cleveland, NC.
Diane aka Dee Gerrish has slandered me and my son on Blogger continuously even know I asked her to stop. Unfortunately, Diane Gerrish is one of my sisters. She is angry with me because she claims I have "ruined" her business, the business she claimed she is retiring from.

Diane also claims that I refuse to allow her to talk to and visit our elderly mother who lives with me. This is a blatant lie. In January of this year I received a phone call from the supervisor of the department of elder affairs here in Florida. He asked me if I would be willing to cooperate with him and allow Diane to be a part of a three-way telephone conversation between me, Diane and him. He also asked me if I would allow Diane to visit our mother if he were present and I said yes. I agreed to do these things but I told the supervisor that if Diane starts her ranting and raging, that would be the end of everything. The supervisor told me he understood fully. The supervisor also told me he wanted to resolve this issue once and for all. I agreed.

The supervisor then called Diane and asked her if she would be willing to cooperate. Diane told him no. Fast forward: My mother goes to a day care center for seniors and when Diane found out where, she called the center demanding to speak to my mother. Diane was not allowed to talk to my mother because it is against the company's policy to allow personal phone calls to the seniors unless it is an emergency.

Of course, Diane wasn't happy about this at all but that's the way it is. The director of the day care center gave me a pamphlet for a free cell phone and free minutes for my mother to use so Diane could call our mom. This would alleviate disrupting the day care activities and it's members.

I filled out the form and received the cell phone. I activated the phone number and contacted Diane and told her if she stopped blogging about me and my son that I would send her our mother's cell phone number. Diane refused and continues to blog hateful, slanderous and accusatory posts. Diane Gerrish chose to blog than speak to our mother who has Alzheimer's and who is 81 and a half years old. In my opinion, Diane Gerrish doesn't really want to talk to her mother even though she continues to blog that I refuse to allow her access to our mother.

This is the kind of horrible person Diane Gerrish is. She is spiteful, hateful, full of hate, full of resentment, is a bully, hates herself and obviously doesn't love our mom.

Diane Gerrish continues to threaten to take me to court in attempts to have my Power of Attorney for my mother revoked. I have no idea what this will prove if anything.
Diane claims that I obtained my POA "illegally" but that is not so. Everything was done through an attorney and it certainly IS legal.

Diane Gerrish doesn't want to take care of our mother, Diane Gerrish wants our mother's small pension and small monthly social security checks and Diane wants ME to continue taking care of our mother. This is not going to happen.

As a matter of fact, my attorney told me that because my mother cannot comprehend much, there is no way that anyone (other than me), can have POA now. My mother is not capable of making that sort of decision any longer and it would be up to my mother to say who has POA.

Diane Gerrish has turned down every offer given to her for her to visit and talk to our mom. No one understands exactly what Diane is after but it doesn't take a genius to realize that Diane's motive is not to see her own mother and talk to her on the phone.

In my opinion, Diane Gerrish's motive is simply to bully me and attempt to have things her own way. No one bullies me and I am not giving in to Diane.

I invited Diane to my home to visit our mother, I offered to send her my mother's cell phone number. Diane does not want any part of it. Why does she continue to post her hatred about me and my son? Who knows. It's something she has done for years and years and I suppose she is addicted to it.

It's pathetic though that Diane chose to write blogs than to talk to her own mom.

Diane doesn't realize that our mother won't be around much longer. The disease has progressed rapidly and I would be surprised if my mom even recognized Diane or any other family member now.

Diane claims in her blog that she is not going to have any more puppies for sale and that she is retiring from dog breeding. This means she has no more excuses as to why she cannot come to visit her mother. It's Diane's loss, not my mom's.

Here is a link to Diane's latest blog and if she changes it, I have a screen shot of it:

Sandra Johnson


This Blog Tells The Truth About Dee Gerrish

#18Author of original report

Fri, August 19, 2011

My blog calls Diane aka Dee Gerrish out on her lies and allegations. There is no disproving facts.

In the first image, Diane aka Dee pasted an image of an old photo of herself onto a purple body. She calls this "art". Lol. Diane 'created' this on a website called "Faceinhole". IMO, this is not art. It's garbage.
 Diane Gerrish does not have a copyright on this image because the body is located on the Faceinhole website.

The second image is what she really looks like. There isn't a copyright on this image either. Diane posted this image all over the Internet a long time ago.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Jason Caine Holka of Kissimmee FLorida is a scam artist and so is his mother, Sandra Faye Belk Johnson of Orlando Florida

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 16, 2011

The statements being  posted on this website,  ripoffreport, by Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka West Johnson and her son,  Jason Caine Holka  are not true.  All of the confabulated statements are highly exaggerated and stem from a personal dispute which is unrelated to myself and my business name, Goldendoodle World. 

If you have any concerns or questions about me as a person or a breeder, feel free to contact me directly with any questions or if you desire additional details at 704-278-3647.

The fact of the matter is that Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka West Johnson of 7414 Anstead Circle Orlando Florida 32810  and her son,  Jason Caine Holka of 615 south thacker avenue of Kissimmee Florida 34714 are both con artists, scam artists and are both defrauding people over the internet.

Both individuals are posting libelous statements over the internet to scam others into believing I have "ruined"  my own reputation when in fact,  both individuals have been spending a great deal amount of time each day posting nonsense over the internet to smear my personal name and my business name.  Jason Caine Holka registered my personal name "Diane Gerrish"  with hostmonster, inc as a domain name for the purpose of forwarding the domain to a sick, demented blogger account which he is sharing with his own mother,  Sandra Faye Belk Johnson. 

The entire blogger account is filled with images they took from my mother's home and from my blogger account.   They are both attacking my children, my life and my business name, Goldendoodle World by making libelous statements and posting inaccurate statements.

For some sick reason,  the two of them are in a twisted co-dependent relationship and are working together as a tag team to defraud the internet audience.  What they are doing is nothing more than a personal vendetta.  Their statements and confabulated postings has nothing at all to do with actual "complaints".
This twitter account,!/getitwhileucan2 belongs to Sandra Faye Belk Johnson,  Jason Caine Holka 's (FLURBEX) mother.

This twitter account, belongs to either Sandra Faye Belk Johnson AND/OR Jason Caine Holka.  One or the other individual above ripped off my client's Golden Retriever's image for the purpose of using the image as their "avatar".  In fact,  the image came from a website where my client posted the image and Sandra Faye Belk Johnson pretended to be someone named "Mustapha Gregarios" where she posted a derogatory statement about me and then added LINKS that come back to this very website !!!

Lo and behold,  GUESS WHOM "Mustapha"  is and where else "Mustapha"  has been ?  The confabulated "Mustapha"  aka Sandra Faye Belk Johnson also sent my local Rowan County Tax assessor's office an email PRETENDING TO BE "Mustapah" and someone named "Bryan".  I actually responded to one of the fabricated complaints right here on ROR and uploaded the actual email that Sandra Johnson sent to the tax assessor's office as a means of scamming that goverment agency!

What was the purpose ?  To scam the agency and send derogatory contend to them about me as a canine breeder and then post that content on this very website.  The woman is very well aware that content on this website will not be removed by the owner,  once posted.

EVERY posting on this website that has a fake name that makes a derogatory comment about me as a person and my business name,  Goldendoodle World,  has been posted by either Sandra Faye Belk Johnson or someone whom is helping her with her smear campaign.  Since I began as a breeder in late 1996,   I have had very, very few ligitimate complaints from actual clients.  We have many, many happy clients.  All of this derogatory nonsense going on over the internet is coming from a single individual and those assisting her with her smear campaign.


Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Sandra Faye Belk Johnson and her son Jason Caine Holka are scam artists

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 16, 2011

The statements being  posted on this website,  ripoffreport, by Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka West Johnson and her son,  Jason Caine Holka  are not true.  All of the confabulated statements are highly exaggerated and stem from a personal dispute which is unrelated to myself and my business name, Goldendoodle World. 

If you have any concerns or questions about me as a person or a breeder, feel free to contact me directly with any questions or if you desire additional details at 704-278-3647.

The fact of the matter is that Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka West Johnson of 7414 Anstead Circle Orlando Florida 32810  and her son,  Jason Caine Holka of 615 south thacker avenue of Kissimmee Florida 34714 are both con artists, scam artists and are both defrauding people over the internet.

Both individuals are posting libelous statements over the internet to scam others into believing I have "ruined"  my own reputation when in fact,  both individuals have been spending a great deal amount of time each day posting nonsense over the internet to smear my personal name and my business name.

This twitter account,!/getitwhileucan2 belongs to Sandra Faye Belk Johnson,  Jason Caine Holka 's (FLURBEX) mother.

This twitter account, belongs to either Sandra Faye Belk Johnson AND/OR Jason Caine Holka.  One or the other individual above ripped off my client's Golden Retriever's image for the purpose of using the image as their "avatar".  In fact,  the image came from a website where my client posted the image and Sandra Faye Belk Johnson pretended to be someone named "Mustapha Gregarios" where she posted a derogatory statement about me and then added LINKS that come back to this very website !!!

Lo and behold,  GUESS WHOM "Mustapha"  is and where else "Mustapha"  has been ?  The confabulated "Mustapha"  aka Sandra Faye Belk Johnson also sent my local Rowan County Tax assessor's office an email PRETENDING TO BE "Mustapah" and someone named "Bryan".  I actually responded to one of the fabricated complaints right here on ROR and uploaded the actual email that Sandra Johnson sent to the tax assessor's office as a means of scamming that goverment agency!

What was the purpose ?  To scam the agency and send derogatory contend to them about me as a canine breeder and then post that content on this very website.  The woman is very well aware that content on this website will not be removed by the owner,  once posted.

Because the Rowan County Tax Assessor's office GOOFED in their response to Sandra Johnson the way that they did,  they sent ME a letter of apology.  I posted both letters on my blog at and it is available in my past blogs (July 2011) for anyone to read and view.

 EVERY posting on this website that has a fake name that makes a derogatory comment about me as a person and my business name,  Goldendoodle World,  has been posted by either Sandra Faye Belk Johnson or someone whom is helping her with her smear campaign.  Since I began as a breeder in late 1996,   I have had very, very few ligitimate complaints from actual clients.  We have many, many happy clients.  All of this derogatory nonsense going on over the internet is coming from a single individual and those assisting her with her smear campaign.

Sandra Johnson


Dee Gerrish Cannot Hide From The Truth

#18Author of original report

Fri, August 12, 2011

No matter what Diane aka Dee Gerrish posts on her blog, everything she says has been proven to be a lie, and a contradiction. She has been 'called out' on everything she has posted in her blog and this infuriates her to no end.

There is no arguing with the truth especially when there is evidence to back it up which there is. Each and every time.

Diane Gerrish is hanging on by her fingernails trying to climb out of the hole she dug for herself but it's too late. Because of all the years she spent posting trash about family members online, it has finally come full circle and ruined her reputation. She did this by her own hand. Her and her alone.

Did she learn a lesson from this? No. She continues to this very day posting garbage about family members in her blog and on Facebook. Does she really believe any potential customers really want to read about her grievances with her family?
Perhaps some people like the drama but these are people who are just like her. Not too bright.

Anyone with any intelligence at all can read her trash in her blog and see for themselves that she is a hateful, vengeful, miserable person who hates herself.
Diane Gerrish is a braggart. She is pompous,  imperious, overbearing, domineering, magisterial, pontifical, sententious, grandiose, pretentious, puffed up, arrogant, vain, haughty, proud, conceited, egotistic, supercilious, and condescending.

Her behavior online clearly shows all the symptoms of narcissism.

By the mere fact that Diane Gerrish does nothing but trash her own family members on the Internet in attempts to make herself look 'good', what she doesn't see is, she is making herself look like an idiot. Diane feels that what she is doing is justifiable but it isn't. 
What she is doing is called "self-sabotage". She actually believes that by trashing others, it is making her look important. It doesn't. It never does.

If she has any 'friends' at all, they are most likely similar to her or Diane has them 'buffaloed'. Many people are 'sheeple' and will follow a narcissistic person who is also a sociopath with traits of being psychopathic. The people who 'love' Diane Gerrish are these people. It reminds one of people such as Jim Jones and David Koresh.

Diane Gerrish is certainly not as charismatic as these two men were but she has a way of manipulating people into believing that she is the 'real deal' when it comes to dogs.
Some of her followers hang onto her every word.

Diane Gerrish and people like her most likely will never change. In my opinion, she and others like her are warts on the a*s of the world. The world is full of people like her and her followers.
It's too bad that Diane's followers can't see Diane for who and what she really is. On the other hand, if they hand money over to Diane, they deserve what they get from her which is usually grief and sorrow. I can't feel sorry for that.

Sandra Johnson


Dee Gerrish Alters Notarized Letter

#18Author of original report

Tue, August 09, 2011

Perhaps Dee Gerrish, you can explain why you manipulated this letter misusing the notary seal of Carol Baker?

It may be way over your head and you most likely won't be able to understand the analysis but the analysis doesn't lie. You had a letter that had a notary seal on it but you altered the letter by changing the text, covering up the original text and adding photos to it when the original didn't have photos.

While altering a letter is not a crime, misusing a notary seal is. The seal was not meant for the letter you posted online.
You aren't even clever enough to realize that when you posted the images on the letter that there are drop shadows behind them. They stand out like 3D images.

If you wanted Karen Winston to write a reference letter for you, why didn't you just ask her to do it? If she is such a great customer of yours I'm sure she would have no problem doing it.

Why did Karen Winston post what she did under the photo of Max? Here:

Why did she say that Max was dropped from a high level when he was a puppy and he sustained a hip injury? Max came from your kennels Diane. Why was Max injured? Was Mrs. Winston lying when she posted that information about Max?

I know where Karen Winston and her family live. She isn't hard to find on the Internet. What will she say if I contact her? Will she say she lied about Maxs' injuries?

Why did you ask Erin to write you a letter of recommendation? Did she buy a puppy from you? If you are so reputable, why do you need letters of recommendation?

Also, why did you post (several times) that you are giving away dogs for free, some dogs are going for half the price and then you recanted saying you are NOT giving away free dogs? You have no idea what you are doing do you Diane?

You have three websites. One is your original, the second one has a few photos on it and the newest one is a joke just like the first two. Why do you need three sites?

Your newest website is much shorter than your original but it's still bad. Your photos are stretched out way too far, you put three links on it that have nothing to do with you. On your disclaimer page you bash and trash. Do you think that's professional Diane?
How many websites have you seen that slander and bash other people? I have never seen one.

Your own son is a web designer. Why hasn't he designed a nice website for you?
If you want credibility Diane, you have to earn it. If you want to look professional, you have to BE professional. Having three awful websites, a blog that does nothing but slanders, bashes and trashes family members is not professional.
Posting your spiteful, evil-intentioned, mean and nasty tweets on Twitter makes you look like a fool.
You like to blame others for your problems but the truth is Diane, you are the person who has hurt your business. If you had not posted so many awful posts and tweets, maybe your reputation wouldn't be ruined. You dragged yourself through the Internet 'mud'. You and you alone.
The sad thing is Diane, you don't even have the sensibility to realize just how screwed up you are. You don't take responsibility for the things you do, you have never 'owned' anything, you pass blame on everyone else. You treat people badly, even the people who are trying to help your ill and elderly mother.

I feel sorry for those who come in contact with you. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like for those who live with you. Most likely a living h**l.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Incessant harassment by Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka West (soon to be ex) Johnson

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 08, 2011

The allegations and accusations made here on this website about Goldendoodle World and "Dee/Diane Gerrish"  are not true.  There is no merit to the allegations/claims/accusations that are being posted on this site, whatsoever.

All of the accusations and absurd claims being posted on this website are being posted by Sandra Johnson and those whom are assisting her with her smear campaign.  

If you have any questions or concerns about my dogs, clients, me as a person or business, Goldendoodle not hesitate to call me at 704-278-DOGS (3647).

Sandra Johnson


Alleged Letter From Karen Winston

#18Author of original report

Mon, August 08, 2011

The notarized letter allegedly written by Karen Winston giving kudos to Dee Gerrish is notarized but there is no signature of Karen Winston or anyone else. Without the signature, this letter means nothing. All that can be seen is a K and a W.

Anyone can copy and paste the 'notary' stamp.

Sandra Johnson



#18Author of original report

Mon, August 08, 2011

Mrs. Karen Winston, perhaps you forgot that you posted this on Animal Planet but here it is again: http//

You are Karen Winston, owner of 'Max' the Golden Retriever. You did purchase Max from Dee Gerrish at Goldendoodle World.
There is nothing you can say to change what you posted on Animal Planet. You cannot retract what you said about Max being injured by the hands of the breeder who is Dee Gerrish.
You did not say Max came from Goldendoodle World but it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots.
Once again, here is the link to a full page about 'Max' with you and your family's photos on it. The page is from Dee Gerrish's website: http//

K. Winston

United States of America


#18Consumer Comment

Sun, August 07, 2011

I am appalled at the misuse of my full name and the image of my dog by AUTHOR: kawinomad - orlando (USA) in a malicious posting clearly intended to harm Dee Gerrish & Goldendoodle World. I have never met kawinomade nor talked to this individual in the 11+ years I have been a client of Goldendoodleworld and Dee Gerrish. In fact, I received a 'follow' request on Twitter more than once from someone who is***impersonating*** Mrs.Gerrish.  Apparently, there are no limits to what some people will do for attention, including e-impersonation and posting deceptive reports and misusing the names of individuals they have never met. The information presented on this rip-off report is deceptive. I am considerably angered at this misuse of my name and my dog's image, not to mention that it is done without my express consent by a complete stranger with malicious intent to satisfy a personal emotional problem.

The truth is that Max is a happy, healthy and incredibly smart 11 year-old Golden Retriever and I have thanked Mrs. Gerrish numerous times for allowing me the opportunity to bring him into my home.  I have also recommended her business to numerous people and fully intend to do business with her again.  Furthermore, Max's images have been published in numerous places, as both an outstanding example of the Golden Retriever breed, and as an example pf successful pet photography.  Max was a companion to my disabled father, and welcomed on an unrestricted basis into a geriatric hospital as well as a nursing home because of his behavior, temperament, and outstanding intelligence...all which can be attributed to quality breeding.  I resent the gross misrepresentation by 'kawinomade' and completely disagree with the assessment posted.  This is shameful and this person perhaps can benefit from professional help with their individual issues, so that forums such as this are not used as a platform for personal attacks.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Malicious Posting by Sandra Johnson

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 07, 2011

I am responding to these malicious postings by Sandra Johnson of 7414 Anstead Circle Orlando Florida.  I attempted to get a restraining order against her,  her in Salisbury North Carolina,  in July 2011 because of the continued harassment both on and off the internet she has done since 2006 toward me,  my business and my family members.  I have never seen anything like this in my life!

On August 6, 2011, Sandra Faye Belk Bircheat Holka West Johnson purchased the following  domain domain names for the purpose of harassment toward me and my business,  Goldendoodle World.  I am a private breeder,  NOT a business enterprise.  When I stated on my own blog that I "lost" my business...I meant that I have LOST business due to this woman's incessant internet harassment as seen right here on ROR  (ripoffreport).  Since 2006,  this individual has created so many fabricated user names, so many FAKE email accounts that I can no longer keep up with the names and accounts she has created for the purpose of impersonating me and me as a breeder.

Sandra (soon to be ex) Johnson has habitually impersonated me, my business name for the sake of harassment..not to mention the fake she refuses to stop posting libelous content on the internet and refuses to stop copying my images and posting my images on the accounts that she is creating over the internet.

I have Goldendoodles available for sale just as we have had them available since 1999.  At NO TIME have I EVER taken ANYONE'S money and EVER scammed them out of the money they sent to us for a dog.   Sandra Johnson created a twitter account calling herself "doodlesworld" and copied my personal image from long ago.  She then distorted that image as a cartoon character to use as an "avatar".  She then began following over 300 twitter members that are following my "doodleworld" account, which I have had for a very long time.  I have over 4000 twitter followers.  I asked my followers to report this individual to twitter because she posted my business name on her twitter page to confuse twitter members.  She then began tweeting that I am scamming people.  I filed a DMCA complaint with because she registered my first and last name with them pretending she was me.  She registered "doodlesworld" ,  "mydoodlesworld"  and "goldendoodlesworld"  as well.  She then had the balls to send ME and email to show me what she did.  She posted that I am selling Goldendoodles for 50 percent OFF to buy a home in Flagler and to pay for an attorney for my mother and for back surgery.  ALL not true! 

This woman has some sort of mental health issue to come to this website repeatedly to post such nonsense and to do what she is doing.  My dogs have been severely affected in being able to find suitable homes because of what this woman has been posting on the internet and because of her internet harassment.  The temporary restraining order was lifted in July 2011 after a judge told me I had to file criminal charges against her,  yet when I asked the magistrates office if I could file charges against her,  they didn't want to expend the effort to extradite her here to North Carolina.  I don't understand how someone like this woman continues to get away with what she is doing.

I just know she must be a very sad, pathetic excuse for a human being and it must really take a lot of effort on her part to spend all of her energy focusing on me and my Goldendoodle business here in North Carolina when my dogs have  nothing to do with her down there in Orlando Florida. 

I filed a BBB complaint against Twitter, inc.  and against Google, inc. on Aug. 6th, 2011 for allowing Sandra Johnson to continue to harass me over the internet and for allowing this woman to create gmail accounts and a blogger account using my personal name.  If hostmonster allows this woman to keep her created URL domain name that she created knowing her name is NOT Diane Gerrish,  I will fiile a BBB complaint against them as well.  Sandra Johnson's son has an account with hostmonster under the name FLURBEX.  He is an accessory to this internet harassment and personal harassment going on.  He gave her his password so that she could create these domain names.  I looked at the source IP code and it had HIS name,  FLURBEX.  That is a name he created and the name he is using on facebook.  His name is Jason C. Holka of 615 S. Thacker ave. Kissimmee Florida.  He and his mother,  Sandra Johson attempted to steal my mother's home in 2009.  She tried to quick claim deed my mother's house to her son,  Jason C Holka in 2009.

I filed a complaint with the Orlando DCF's agency whom made Mrs. Johnson return the home back to my mother,  Loraine M. Evans of 615 S thacker ave Kissimmee Florida.  Sandra Johnson has a durable power of attorney for my mother but her harassment will be taken up before an Orlando judge very soon.  I hired an attorney just recently.  I am awaiting a court date for an appearance to hold Sandra Johnson accountable for the way she has mishandled my mother's affairs since she became my mother's POA.  She has prevented me from having contact with my mother since she signed her John Henry on the dotted line.  Prior to her having a POA, another half sister was mishandling my mother's affairs. Both POA's will be held accountable for their misdeeds if I can help it.  The matters are being brought before court proceedings and it is Sandra Johnson's belief that if she continues the speed of internet harassment,  it will stop the proceedings.  It will not.  I have already hired the attorney and the proceedings are moving forward.  The dog sales have nothing at all to do with the court proceedings going forward.  My Goldendoodle World name and dogs has nothing at all to do with what was going on or is going to happen with my mother's situation.

With regards to Sandra Johnson's claim about "Max" the Golden Retriever and Karen dare this woman make one single comment about my client and this Golden Retriever.  At NO TIME was that Golden Retriever EVER abused by ME or Karen Winston.  Sandra Johnson doesn't know anything that she is talking about with regards to this dog or my client.  Karen Winston has been a wonderful, long term client of mine and for her to make one single derogatory claim about that Golden Retriever is absurd at best.  He was loved by ME and continues to be loved by Karen Winston.  How dare Sandra Johnson....this demented woman whom obviously has mental health one single abuse accusations about ME or any of my clients anywhere on the internet!

This website owner should be ashamed of himself for allowing Sandra Johnson to post on this website since she has done nothing but pretend to be multiple fabricated users on this website; with fabricated stories...fabricated accusations and claims for the purpose of harassment!

This statement is to confirm that I am neither affiliated with Goldendoodlesworld, doodlesworld, or .    I have not  authorized Sandra Johnson to use any images of my dogs, myself or use my personal name or my business name in any manner on the internet.   Sandra Faye Belk Johnson has  malicious digital impersonationed myself and my business without my consent. 

I do NOT use any gmail account or any email account that is affiliated with any .com that is linked to my first and last name nor do I use any gmail account for the purpose of communicating to clients for the purpose of selling dogs or responding to others about dogs or personal affairs.   I am NOT affiliated with "doodlesworld" ;  "Goldendoodlesworld" ;  " "  or "mydoodlesworld" for the purpose of selling dogs; communicating with others on facebook, social media, twitter or anywhere on the internet.  These are accounts created by Sandra Johnson whom is libeling me as a person and my business Goldendoodle World.  I am appalled at the nonsense going on with this individual and she is a very poor excuse as a mother to her son, Jason C. Holka.  How she can even look herself in the mirror and claim she has been some loving, care taker for my mother,  Loraine M Evans whom has simply beyond me.  What is wrong with this woman ?



Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World Abuses Puppy?

#18Author of original report

Sat, August 06, 2011

In 2000, Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World sold a puppy  to Mr. & Mrs. Winston who reside in Georgia.
Karen Winston posted this on Animal Planet:
Here is a link to the puppy and the Winston's on Dee Gerrish's website:

See the screen shot that Dee Gerrish posted recently on her blog about Max. The background image is the face of Dee Gerrish that was taken back in the 70's. Here is the link to her blogs: Dee often changes the background and content of her blog and this is why I am also posting the screen shot of Max that Dee posted in her blog.

I am also posting the screen shot of Max and what Mrs. Winston wrote about him.

Click the images to enlarge them.

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