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  • Report:  #705448

Complaint Review: goldendoodle world

goldendoodle world diane gerrish, dee gerrish, simplydee, simply deedee, kaweelady, rblum2, rosemary blum, diane bircheat Goldendoodle World Owner, Dee Gerrish Accused Of Stalking cleveland, North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    sandra — orlando Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 13, 2011
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 14, 2011
The owner/operator of Goldendoodle World, "Dee" Gerrish continues to stalk me on the Internet. I warned her that if she did not stop harassing me, I would file another complaint against her and her business here on this site.

Not only does this woman post slanderous, malicious, libelous, vial and hate-filled blogs about me on almost every single day, she follows me around on every website that I go to creating accounts simply so she and her cohorts can post nasty comments to me and about me.

Diane Gerrish is supposed to be a 'professional business' owner but she behaves like a lunatic on the Internet instead. Even on this very site, Diane Gerrish's rebuttals following my complaints are just as nasty as the blogs she posts.

I have taken screen shots of all of Diane's comments on where she stalks me so even if her comments are deleted, it won't matter. I deleted my account last night because Diane wouldn't stop harassing me on there. Before I deleted my account, I reported her to the site's administrator. I included every one of her posts and user names. She used: SimplyDee, Kaweelady and Rblum2. Rblum2 also goes by Rosemary Blum.

Below are only a few of Diane's comments to me:

"Id rather be a karma w***e, Kawinomad than an internet dating w***e like yourself."

"Just proves what a thief you are, Kawinomad...Sandra Johnson. I am sure that is one of my Goldendoodle images that you have stolen and photoshopped. Which btw, I've reported you to imgur for copyright infringement."

"Down vote Kawinomad to infinity. Join #TeamWinning!"

"They sure do, don't they ? Btw, Kawinomad...what's up with this nonsense on ? How come you keep using this website as your own personal diary ? How come you had central heat and air conditioning installed at your mother's house in Kissimmee Florida and put the bill in the name of your son and my mom's name knowing my mom had dementia ? You moved her into a nursing home and then had central heat and air installed. What was the purpose of that ? She lived in the house for over 25 yrs and never once wanted this for her house. Suddenly you get a durable power of attorney, slap her in a nursing home and find it necessary to have this luxury yet the woman has never been returned to her home.

Now there is a lien against my mother's home because you, as her acting agent failed to pay the bill which is now accruing interest, finance charges and whatever other fees they want to tack on. I notice you claim this is standard procedure for Florida in your nonsense complaint posted on . Which by the way...that website is not a's a scam site for people like yourself who have nothing but rants and not actual complaints. I'm going to be calling that company this morning to find out what the deal is with the lien against my mom's house to find out the truth.

Another thing, Kawinomad...aka Sandra Johnson. Stop lying on about your siblings failing to want to visit their  mother; having contact; failing to send letters, etc. I have the photos and tons of email from you proving that you threw away not ONE floral arrangement but TWO floral arrangements that I personally sent to my mother. You personally threw away cards that were sent to my mother and you personally told everyone via letters and email that not one sibling was ever allowed to visit or have contact with our mother...YOUR mother....and that we would never see her face alive again. You told ME specifically that I was to never send my mother another gift and that whatever I sent to her, you would throw in the trash. I have photos you sent to me showing your disgusting nasty dog s****.> I've written blogs about you at (((link redacted))) and nothing in my blogs is untruthful. Everything about Kawinomad is the absolute truth!"

"A million blogs ??? Man! That's a lot of blogs that I have never written!

Why do you tell people you are being stalked on the internet Kawinomad ? If people respond to what you post and they call you to the carpet on your BS, you delete your post. If you get mad about what someone says, people are stalking you. It's okay for you to post links of MY videos; MY images; MY blogs; My content and mention MY name and my business name here on reddit and other websites...but when someone does it to you...they are stalkers! I don't get it!

How come it is okay for you to make sarcastic remarks on the internet about people; to put others down; to make comments about what someone has posted and then have the audacity to "fix" someone elses image when they never even ASKED you to fix their image....but then suddenly when someone responds to what YOU post on the internet, your suddenly being stalked and harassed ?? How does this work ? Are you like a professional victim or something ?

Im not a stalker... Im related to you. I'm entitled to follow you around. MY NOTE: "entitled" to follow me around?? Are you serious?

When Sandra Johnson..aka...Kawinomad... was a kid, she used to pray every night for a home, a car, a bank account, clothing and furniture and other  MY NOTE: if I was a "kid", why would I "pray" for a home, a car, a bank account and furniture? possessions. Then she realized that the Lord doesn't work that way so she stole them from her mother and asked the lord to forgive her. oh wait a second... boo h*o Kawinomad! You didn't violate reddit TOS policy by posting that I stole articles from other people ??? BTW ... I am NOT kaweelady! I am ONLY SimplyDee! That is all. You have mentioned on reddit quite a few derogatory comments of which I can find and report to reddit!"

"Sandra Johnson aka Kawinomad...... you wouldn't know art if it was painted on your face!

You are no professional artist. You claim you are some sought after artisan when all you did was paint at Sea World what the big bosses at Sea World WANTED you and the other goons to paint. That's NOT an artisan. Your not a freelance artist and from all the supposed photoshopped crap I've seen YOU do so far... trust me... I've seen entirely better!"

"Speaking of someone having a lot of times on their hands, why do you continue to use as your personal diary ? I see that you now have 14 fabricated complaints posted on ROR that has absolutely nothing to do with my business...but has everything to do with you ranting about nonsense. Each "complaint" you have posted are literally varied and each one literally differ from the other.

MY NOTE: Diane Gerrish deliberately violated the rules and regulations of by posting hate-filled comments and posting links.

On this particular one, you claim that the articles I write don't belong to me and that the content on my website don't belong to me either. Which causes me to laugh Mrs Sandra Johnson of Orlando Florida...aka Kawinomad. My website was created in 1996 for Golden Retrievers and many pages of my content was created in 1999 for Goldendoodles. Since 1999, I've added content.

On , I have 82 articles and growing. On my blogger account, I have over 100 articles and growing. Before you began causing harassment issues on , I was in the top ten spot...on the platinum level for authors contributing articles and I actually helped Bruce kick off his website, which he will tell anyone that it was my Goldendoodle articles that caused him to hire more employees in the very beginning stages of his site. Because of your incessant harassment, I moved my articles to articlesbase so you could no longer make comments and harass me with the nonsense you have been posting on dribble, ranting of fabricated crap you enjoy doing to people I suppose to make yourself feel superior when in fact all you do is hide behind your computer trying to destroy others pretending to be someone you are not.

What I want to know Mrs Johnson, how do you sleep well at night ? You have destroyed my mother's life; you pretend you are some care taker for my mother when in fact I found a lien has been placed upon her home thanks to you creating bills in her name and using your son as a scape goat...only he's too stupid to understand your a slithering snake
who is up to no good and only used him because he still hasn't figured you out yet. DCF doesn't give a crap about what your doing because they don't have enough state funding and your careful about not leaving marks on my mother..

MY NOTE: this vial accusation is over the top and is nothing but pure slander. Diane, you have NO RIGHT to accuse me of causing harm to our mother. .but I have news for you! Maltreatment and keeping my mom a prisoner inside of your house and not allowing her to have contact with other family members IS abuse and you've done that since you got her to sign that dotted POA line.

Continue to use as your personal diary Mrs Johnson. It's starting to show what a lunatic you really are. I hope more people on reddit can figure out that you are doing nothing but BS'ing them here. You post about television shows you haven't watched; movies you don't even know the names of; you talk about you son having published a book and AND him can't even pay a $555.42 bill that you both created in my mother's name causing a lien to be placed upon her house in Kissimmee Florida that now jeapordizes HER house. The poor woman has dementia and your suppose to be her POA. Is that what you call someone being a responsible acting agent for an elderly mother ?

You think DCF has told you that your doing a good job there in Orlando Florida ? THey didn't know about the lien against my mom's house.  They know about it now because I filed a complaint against you and I'm now in touch with a detective in hopes of filing a criminal complaint against both you and your son.

Continue to talk crap about claiming I have "stolen" someone elses material Sandra Johnson! I told you before that you don't know what you are talking about. I write many of my own articles. Just because you don't know how to write an article and just because you have no imagination and you are not a creative individual, that means that I am not capable of writing an article ? You keep claiming I never "finished high school". I have a GED AND I took college courses. I also published several books for my battalion as a chaplain's assistant  while serving my country in the military.

MY NOTE: Diane was asked by a poster on a site if they could obtain a copy of one of these books. Diane told them they don't exist. I have a screen shot of those posts. One of our brother-in-laws who is a retired Naval Master Chief did a check on Diane's military 'career' and not only did she not write "several books", her 'job' was working in the motor pool on vehicles. I have a screen shot where Diane claimed she was a "war hero" and that she "helped thousands of people". Now she claims that she is a "disabled military veteran" because she was hit in the head by the hood of a vehicle.

English and writing was one of my favorite subjects in school and continues to be one of my favorite things to do. I write all the time! ,MY NOTE: it is quite evident that Diane Gerrish 'writes' "all the time" because most of her 'writing' are slanderous blogs about me on and now on It isn't my fault you have no hobbies to speak of. Many websites, including my own, do "link backs" as well as sharing articles on their sites from other authors.

Any article that I did not write, which is posted on my website has the name of the author with links that go straight back to where the content was found. I have NEVER stolen anyone's material...unlike what YOU have done to me since August of 2006. Filing false copyright infringement complaints againts my images that belong to me and swearing under oath to flickr and photobucket that you owned my Goldendoodle images and some of my personal images and you did it to get my accounts suspended! All for the sake of harassment!

Boom! Copy this Mrs Johnson and PRINT THIS. File this under I don't give a sh*t. You go around the internet telling people I am stalking you ? Bullsh*t! No one is stalking you. My husband NEVER went down to your house and stalked you. Had you NOT dumped my mother in a nursing home in St. Cloud Florida and had my mother not asked for help and asked me and my husband to go down and pick her up, there would never had been any reason for my husband to have gone down there to try and help her.

MY NOTE: Notice that Diane said her husband "NEVER" went to my house and then she says he did. The truth is, her husband DID come to my house and he DID stalk me. Diane did NOT come with him. She sent him to my house alone. A man I have never seen in my entire life. When asked why Diane didn't come, she couldn't come up with a valid reason.

You can try and claim whatever you want. Show a police report where you told the Orlando sheriff's department that my husband was at your house stalking you!!! Post that police report because I want to see it! It doesn't exist because there isn't one. It never happened! MY NOTE: Here it is again. She said "it never happened".

Just like much of the things you have posted here on reddit has never happened Sandra Johnson. You posted here on reddit that your  grandparents were racist and they walked out on a movie called "Brian Almighty". First of all, get the name of the movie straight. The movie is called, "Bruce Almighty" starring Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman. It came out in 2003. Your grandfather was already dead! He NEVER saw the movie because he shot and killed himself in 1979. Your grandmother was already mostly deaf and blind and living in a nursing home by 2003 and SHE never saw that movie either. She could have passed away by then as well because my mother's brother passed away before she did of brain cancer.

MY NOTE: This information about our grandparents and uncle are not true. Our grandfather did not kill himself but I won't disclose that information here. Our grandmother was not "deaf and blind" and our uncle did not die from brain cancer. Our uncle did not die before our grandmother did. Diane doesn't seem to know much about our family. She has never even spelled our mother's name correctly.

My point is... you come on reddit and you spend quite a bit of time posting this, that and the other thing and most of the time your facts are inaccurate. You can't even get the names of television actors or the names of movies correct because you admit you don't watch the shows or haven't seen the movie and yet you go on and on and on posting sh*t about things you don't know anything about. Either you just like bullsh*tting people or you have a serious issue with lying.

You have done this regarding my business and me as a person, all over the internet, using over 100 alias internet names to hide your identify, simply to cause issues for my business and to pretend you know what is going on about me and my business when in fact, your nothing but a liar; a con artist and you are completely inaccurate about the content you post. I have come to reddit to set the record straight.

I didn't come here to "harass" you and I am definitely NOT stalking you because you aren't worth it." MY NOTE:  By me posting Diane's comments from, this proves that she is harassing me and stalking me. These comments were posted by her on about me, to me.

But you are NOT coming to this website or any other website to call my grandparents racist; and to continue posting bullshit lies about me, my business and continue lying to the internet audience about crap you know nothing about. Stop lying to people! And stop bullsh*tting people. And you better get that lien that is against my mother's home, straightened out before you and your son find yourself going to jail for elder fraud!

If you can't act responsibly as my mother's durable power of attorney, remove yourself and step aside. So far all you have done is literally destroy my mother's life since May of 2009.

You picked my mother up from the nursing home on Nov. 30th, 2010 and said Eastbrooke Gardens of Castleberry Florida lost my mother's dentures. Here it is March 2011 and my mother STILL HAS NO TEETH!

What is up with you allowing my mother to look like some vagrant old woman with no teeth slurping soup and your trying to make her appear to be so incoherant asking the usual "check's in the mail" type of questions (for what I have no idea as to why you are exploiting my mother's illness on youtube..probably because your an a**hole looking for attention ??? ) and using her fingers as a napkin !! What the hell is wrong with you ? Why does my mother look like a deplorable vagrant with no teeth ? You have been taking motorcycle excursions all over the place; flying to PA to visit your new boyfriend; going on spending sprees renovating my mother's home so you can take up residency at my mother's home...while failing to pay bills your creating in her name but all the while, you are allowing my mother's apperance to deteriorate and neglecting her on a personal level."

"Speaking of "trailer park trash" mentality, Kawinomad AKA Sandra Johnson of Orlando Florida, why did you have central heating and air conditioning installed at my mother's home knowing she had dementia and knowing you had moved her out of her home and into a nursing home ? You have never allowed her to move back into her home since the day you moved her out of it! You knowingly used your son to have renovations completed at my mother's home, in your son's name and in my mother's name ... but didn't even pay the bills!!!

Now there is a lien against my mother's home for $555.42 PLUS interest and other charges since you had this install construction started in 2009! I have filed a complaint regarding this and am in touch with a Florida detective asking about filing criminal charges because you knew about this and this lien puts my mother's home in jeapardy. You are responsible for paying the bills for my mother as a POA and I know that you were aware of this AC/heat install because you asked for it to be installed..not my mother. You should be damned ashamed of yourself!

How many other bills did you and your son create in my mother's name, including possible credit cards or designed kitchen/ home renovations without paying for the bills ? It's quite possible there are other liens that just haven't popped up at the Osceola county courthouse but not to worry ole thieving sister of mine! I am monitoring the courthouse records including the orange county courthouse records because it is general public records for anyone to view and obtain, of charge. As my mother's durable power of attorney, you are legally responsible for ensuring any bill in her name is paid for. By Florida state law, it is ELDER FRAUD that you create bills in my mother's to pay for them and then allow those bills to turned into a lien against her home!!!

A home she worked over 25 years to pay off in full that is now jeapordized because you are too irresponsible and only looking after your own self interests, to manage her affairs. Yes. Go tell it to the world on the internet as you have been doing for so long of what a good, loving daughter you have been to my mother, Lorraine Evans of Kissimmee Florida. Tell everyone how you have been taking good care of my elderly mother with dementia and how no one has helped you when facts support otherwise and facts support that you have kept her a prisoner inside of your home and NOT allowed any family member including my mother's own elderly brother to have contact with my mother. Facts support that you, Kawinomad aka Sandra Johnson, have allowed my mother...a woman who cared about her appearance and cared about how she looked and was a once beautiful woman to become a deplorable looking woman in a short amount of time because of you!

She has no teeth because you are so lazy, you haven't even taken her to a dentist to obtain a new pair of dentures for her!! You are so cheap and so self absorbed, you haven't even taken the time to file a complaint against the nursing home at Eastbrooke Gardens in Castleberry Florida..whom you said lost her make them pay for new dentures for my mother. You could easily take them to small claims court. But you spend all of your time on the computer instead. It's no big deal for you, right ? You picked my mother up on Nov. 30th, 2010 after the nursing home told you to remove my mother from the nursing home since you kept meddling and causing problems at the home and not letting other family members visit and speak with my mother. Every time you knew the director of the nursing home was off for the day or weekend, you called the home and told the staff members that we all had to have a "passcode" KNOWING the Florida state ombudsman had already told you it was against the law for you to prevent family members from having contact with our mother especially when my mother said she wanted visits and contact with everyone. God forbid if my mother were to act like her own responsible person.

Who the h*ll do you think you are anyway ? What the h*ll is wrong with you ? She is YOUR mother. You have NO right to violate my mother's civil rights. She is a human being. It does not matter if she has dementia. She STILL HAS THE D*MNED RIGHT to have contact and visits, gifts, letters, love and the right to receive flowers and a family relationship with the people who still love her. I don't know what right you think you have to prevent my mother from having those things just because she has dementia. She isn't some animal to be caged and locked way. From what I have seen you do to my are nothing more than an inhumane sadistic individual who needs jail time!

You exploit my mother on your youtube video at concocting some absurd "the check's in the mail" type of yes and no questioning of my mother making my mother believe no one is visiting her because they don't want to see her, when the fact is, my mother doesn't understand no one is allowed to visit her because YOU won't let them. My mom doesn't know what you have done to her finances, her house, her two vehicles, all of her possessions and to her credit. She doesn't know that you changed your telephone and have refused to allow people that know her and love her to see her, have contact with her and to pick her up and be her family like we all use to...because you have some kind of power/control issues. People here on reddit don't know what a horrific person you really are and more than likely they don't give a crap but I am glad to see some people here call you to the carpet on the bs you post in here.

You do nothing but spend your time destroying the lives of other people; their business; and taking advantage of others. You waltz away as though nothing ever happened, while the people you've destroyed have to pick up the pieces of their lives...if they can. My mother can't rebuild her life. I can. But I hope one day you have to answer for everything you have done to matter whom they are. I don't know if did anything to my mother on his own. I more than believe you put him up to it...I don't know what to believe any more.

What I do know is that the two of you need jail time and trust me... I'm on it. I am already trying to file a criminal complaint against both you and your son for elder fraud."

"Don't worry, Kaweelady, Kawinomad is not only a cheap date, but she's lost tons of weight drinking "diet" fizzy water and because she hates splurging and doesn't have deep pockets, I'm going to ship an entire case of "diet" water to her home! But not to worry, Kawinomad is so dumb, she thinks socialism means partying."

"Kawinomad, you always have your ear to the ground. So how's life in the gutter?"

"Kawinomad, your post is not true. You hardly knew your grandparents as people much less spent any time at their house..which btw was not a farmhouse. Post the pics and lets see that house near the crops and you standing next to them." MY NOTE: Our grandparents were farmers and they lived in a farmhouse and as a matter of fact, there is a photo of me, Diane Gerrish and our brother standing in our grandparents cotton field. Diane should know this because she copied the photo.

Now I am going to post the comments by two other people calling themselves:
Kaweelady and RBlum. This is either Diane Gerrish or someone she knows. All of these comments by these users started at practically the same time and none of them have stopped since they started. NOTE: RBlum posted a very nasty comment on one of my videos on YouTube and she or he is also a 'fan' of Diane's on her Goldendoodle page on Facebook. The name is actually: Rosemary Blum. The name: Kaweelady is a user name that I have used online but was spelled: Kawilady. None of this crap is coincidence.

By RBlum2: "Are you kidding Kawinomad ? You judge your sister every chance you get all over the internet and now here you are putting you deceased grandparents down; your ill mother down and your deceased father down. My gosh.
Is no one immune to your derogatory statements ?

Your sister wasn't kidding when she said you post all over the internet nonsense. Well here you are again downing your family every chance you get and trying to make yourself better. Too bad those on reddit aren't aware of the gay slurs; the fat names you have called your sister; the videos you posted of her on youtube and that you photoshopped of her with all the name calling. Why are you telling so many lies Mrs Johnson ? I don't understand so please help me understand ? All anyone has to do is click this link down below Every posted "complaint" was put there by you, Kawinomad! You call your sister names. You posted her pictures and said she looks like a man. On Youtube, you posted a video making gay slurs about her and you called her names. I am one of her Goldendoodle customers and I reported YOUR video that you posted. You had a blogger account that is now deleted. You called her gay slurs; you called her fat names; you called her all types of names. Could you please tell me, Kawinomad what "category" that falls under ?

I have asked your sister's other customers to come to reddit to find your lies and to let other reddit members know what type of person you are and how much you fabricate the truth. Why do you keep putting your family down and trying to make yourself seem better than them when you have done so much worse ? I don't understand. So please explain yourself.

I have found many of your photoshopped images of your sister on the internet. I have been a customer for over 12 years for your sister and nothing you have said about her is true. Everything you've said is a lie. What a shame you have a grandson and children who have to read the things you post on the internet. Your such a poor example to them."

The following comments were posted by Kaweelady:

"Actually dogs who are mixed are considered mutts. Not moutain dogs. And I think you have told all of us on reddit a dozen times you live in Florida. Are you sure you live there ? I think you didn't tell us enough times. Where do you live ? Florida ? Florida ? Florida ?"

"Looks like someone is trying to use as their on personal website, Kawinomad. Geesh! I counted your complaints . They are quite numerous and silly. Your complaints don't even have anything at all to do with the person being a breeder. You didn't buy a dog. You were not ripped off. Your just ranting and your complaints conflict with each other. You sound like a lunatic on that website. Weight and appearance can be fixed, stupidity is forever. Stop being

"what ? I only said to buy a dog, Kawinomad. I didn't say I was going to send you anything. Your on your own. Since when does water have any calories anyway ? Who told you water was diet?"

"That just goes to absolutely show you do not watch television and you just blow crap out your arse. Deadliest catch was never the same and you obviously don't watch it. I am sure you know nothing about the crew. Ice truckers put their lives on the line and you don't know anything about the show. I'll tell you what's boring...the crap you post."

"your pretty lame"

"That sure is one ugly dog! Yikes!" MY NOTE: this comment was posted after I posted a photo of my dog on the site.

"You sound paranoid. Maybe you should buy a dog."

"Sounds to me like you have an issue as a thief. Who is Diane Gerrish ?"

"For your brain perhaps a telescope because it's on some other planet"

"Maybe you just can't figure her out because she's a totally bitching rock star from mars and you can't process her awesomeness with your tiny brain."

MY NOTE: I sent this link to the posters because they are clearly violating the rules and regulations of

Diane Gerrish refuses to stop harassing me and stalking me online and her slanderous blogs continue to go up in numbers. I have taken screen shots of every blog Diane has ever posted about me. If she decides to delete her blogs which I doubt, it won't matter because the screen shots won't go away and they can be used in court.

Once again I am posting this to her and to anyone who has involved themselves in her extremely immature, unprofessional, vial and disgusting behavior:

Every time I see another blog about me, another nasty comment about me on the Internet by Diane Gerrish and her associates, I will file a new complaint on this site. Diane Gerrish might be the only 'business' on here with the most complaints filed.
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