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  • Report:  #1099448

Complaint Review: Good Dog Rescue

Good Dog Rescue Good Dog Rescue in Meltdown? Longmeadow Massachusetts

  • Reported By:
    AnimalAdvocate — Tennessee
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 15, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 16, 2018
*UPDATE Employee: Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman. Research Scientist by Day; Cyberstalker by Night *UPDATE Employee: Sick and Sad Deborah Mittleman *General Comment: Deborah Mittleman lurking on Ripoff *Consumer Comment: ACCOLADES FOR VOLUNTEER *Consumer Comment: is debora mittleman the rescue police? *UPDATE Employee: Good Dog Rescue is the Best! *UPDATE Employee: Deborah Mittleman HOW DARE YOU! *UPDATE Employee: GDR saved the puppies *UPDATE Employee: Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman. Small Person with Big Hate *Consumer Comment: We give Good Dog Rescue FIVE STARS! *Consumer Comment: Deborah Mittleman's Flawed Character *General Comment: Deborah Mittleman wants to obstruct dog rescue *Consumer Comment: Deborah Mittleman "DogsMustDieForMe" *General Comment: Thank heavens for Good Dog Rescue *UPDATE Employee: Supporting McHann and Good Dog Rescue *Consumer Comment: I LOVE GOOD DOG RESCUE! *UPDATE Employee: Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman Raging *Consumer Comment: Deborah Mittleman Cyberbully *Consumer Comment: Deborah Mittleman, you have a dark heart *UPDATE Employee: Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman. Research Scientist by Day; Cyberstalker by Night *General Comment: Horrifying Character Assassination *Consumer Comment: I recommend Good Dog Rescue *Consumer Comment: Happy Happy Happy Adopter! *Consumer Comment: The Thompson Farm Dogs owe their lives to GDR *UPDATE Employee: Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman. Research Scientist by Day; Cyberstalker by Night *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Michael, Be Grateful GDR Cancelled Your Adoption *General Comment: What is wrong with you people? *REBUTTAL Individual responds: One GDR supporter needs guidance *UPDATE Employee ..inside information: Is she better now?

There have been several complaints against this rescue organization.  It's traditionally been run by Mike and Margo McHann in Memphis, TN, who transport animals up north for adoption.

Margo has been known to stretch the truth a bit when she feels crossed, and has employed the help of minions to lambast many who have lodged complaints about the practices of their organization.  Complainants are always dismissed and ridiculed.  Margo is not above telling outright lies.

This behavior is disturbing.  It has come to our attention that Margo may have issues that explain this disturbing behavior when dealing with disgruntled clients.  In February 2013, she was arrested for DUI.  She has also posted a complaint on a psych board lambasting her "estranged" husband and his connection to a psychiatrist who had her committed to a psychiatric hospital in 2012 for several days.

Margo's complaint about her psychiatric commitment is pasted below and can be found here:

ABUSE LAKESIDE BEHAVIORAL CENTER, MEMPHIS TN On 6/30/12, Lakeside psychiatrist Dr. Jason Fu confined me against my will for 3 days despite the fact that: 1 I was picked up and transported by police on orders from psychiatrist Dr. Anne Utley who doesn’t know me or my husband but reported me as psychotic and suicidal to police as a favor to her sister who is a friend of my estranged husband after a domestic dispute and who admitted this to Lakeside social worker Jenna Parsons in a phone call and documented by her in my medical record; 2 I was never examined by a physician or any other health care professional prior to pickup; 3 There was no Certificate of Need signed by a physician as required by the law in TN; 4 Dr. Fu and 3 other healthcare professionals documented on Day 1 that I was NOT psychotic or suicidal. 

In addition, Dr. Fu assigned a false diagnosis of marijuana abuse even though I do not smoke marijuana.   A Lakeside urine drug screen reported positive for cannabis on June 30 despite a urine drug screen done June 29 at Methodist Hospital that reported negative for cannabis.  I have the complete medical records to support all of these allegations.

On Day 3 Dr. Fu stated that he intended to keep me confined for another 5-7 days but hospital administration reversed this decision and I was allowed to leave AMA within two hours when I notified administration that the situation would be brought to the attention of my senator, my congressman and Medicare Fraud and Abuse.

I am a 62 year old retired registered nurse so I know a thing or two about the healthcare system. It was obvious to me that Dr. Fu was not acting in my best interest but intended to keep me confined as long as possible to run up a big insurance bill. During my forced confinement, no therapy was received unless you consider 38 women herded together in a big room with color crayons and coloring books for 12 hours a day to be therapy.

I have never had a psychiatric diagnosis and it is beyond comprehension that the unethical actions of these healthcare professionals Dr. Utley and Dr. Fu could land me in a mental institution and keep me there for 3 days in order to do a favor for a sister and to run up a big insurance bill.

• Allegations of abuse have been registered with the TN Department of Health Board for Licensing Healthcare Professionals against the healthcare professionals who participated in the violation of my civil rights during this fiasco. • This allegation of abuse has been registered with the TN Department of Health Board for Licensing Healthcare Facilities against Lakeside Behavioral Center. However, unlike the Board for Licensing  Healthcare Professionals, the Board for Licensing Facilities refuses to report to me the outcome of any investigation. • Allegation of Medicare Fraud and Abuse against Lakeside Behavioral Center for billing Medicare $4170 for services that were not medically necessary has been registered with the Inspector General of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Lakeside is now trying to collect the $1156 balance from me.

I cannot find an attorney to represent me in a lawsuit against Dr Utley or Lakeside Behavioral Center. Any advice would be appreciated.  Abused in Memphis

Comment by Marjorie McHann — September 16, 2012 @ 11:42 am | Reply


Although Margo's apparent problems may explain her past behavior toward people who have crossed her, it does not excuse it.  I hope this helps put the lie to some of the damning things she's had her minions post to minimize the complaints posted against Good Dog Rescue.  There are some legitimate concerns with this organization.

29 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Is she better now?

#30UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, July 16, 2018

Hey, look at this!  I come upon comments years later because I googled myself.  Margo knows she lied about me.  Dorothy Lambert knows she lied about me.  Both c**** will have to live with that.


Yorktown ,

One GDR supporter needs guidance

#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 26, 2014

Not surprised that I've been yanked into this particular discussion.  Aaron S. seems enamored with GDR and claims the outfit is well-respected by all in Memphis.  I had my own doubts, but we've all seen how those have been dismissed.  Others have questioned GDR practices and have suggested that GDR may, in fact, be skirting state quarantine laws up north with their parking lot deals.  I'm not the only one concerned.  Perhaps I've just been more vocal, so now I'm a really good target.  Aaron S. may also need guidance on web searching because he claims he could find nothing about me associated with animal rescue.  Perhaps this will help: 


Yorktown ,

What is wrong with you people?

#30General Comment

Mon, July 21, 2014

My name is being used in vain by some very desperate people. Am I getting undue credit for such a scoop? Interesting news about Margo. I see other complaints are being treated in the standard GDR fashion. Don't like us and you are a crazy stalker. What a yawn.



Michael, Be Grateful GDR Cancelled Your Adoption

#30REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 20, 2014

I wasn't so lucky, I fell for all their lies, and before my sweet, sweet Golden Retriever was even three years old, I had to put her down because of so many congenital issues.


TO GDR:  Where oh where do all the purebred Golden Retriever puppies come from?  Are they walking around on the streets in TN?


I also find it so funny that quite a few of your rebuttal people to Michael's posts are the same people who posted rebuttals to my post. Dorothy there a generic email you send to these people so they can get on ripoff report and post a rebuttal?  GDR should be stopped from adopting out purebred Golden Retrievers, it's a simple as that.

Dorothy L


Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman. Research Scientist by Day; Cyberstalker by Night

#30UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 21, 2014

As the GDR Administrator in CT for several years, I have witnessed Margo’s selfless devotion to the cause of animal rescue and been inspired by her tireless efforts to “keep on keeping on” for the sake of the dogs despite the enormous rescue challenges we face everyday. The suffering of animals in the South is overwhelming and sometimes it seems like an uphill battle, but Margo always sees the light at the end of the tunnel and helps us keep things in perspective so we can maintain our focus on the dogs.

Thousands of dogs have been saved and thousands of families have become the proud beneficiaries of our GDR rescue dogs, all thanks to Margo. So it’s very unsettling for me to witness the destructive attempts of “Foster Mom Gone Bad” Deborah Mittleman. If AnimalAdvocate (aka Dawgmom) is so proud of her self-righteous “whistleblowing activities,” she should claim her handiwork instead of hiding behind her various monikers. Deborah A. Sherrill-Mittleman was “dismissed” by the rescue group almost 5 years ago and continues to troll the internet for the group in an effort to exact her revenge.

Deborah would like to jeopardize the lives of 500 shelter dogs every year as she litters facebook pages and websites with negativity about the group in an effort to discredit the volunteers and discourage potential adopters. Perhaps Deborah should reflect on her pathological obsession with the rescue group and her need to cyberstalk its volunteers 5 long years after her dismissal from the group. Perhaps she should consider whether the satisfaction she gets from her malicious activities is worth the lives of the helpless dogs she seeks to endanger.

Elizabeth Dogs


The Thompson Farm Dogs owe their lives to GDR

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, April 09, 2014

We are a fledgling rescue group in a rural county in east TN where we struggle to save the dogs and cats that are tossed aside every day like garbage. Being a relatively new group established about a year ago, we have few resources but we’re doing the best we can. We’re a proud “GDR partner” and many of our rescued dogs find homes through Good Dog Rescue with wonderful families up north and we’re so thankful for that.

But what I really wanted to share is the story of the Thompson Farm Dogs that owe their lives to GDR. In January, we discovered 16 freezing, starving dogs at an abandoned farm in desperate need of rescue. But this endeavor was way beyond our means so we facebooked the situation to the rescue community and immediately received an offer of help from Good Dog Rescue.

Long story short, GDR coordinated an online fundraiser to raise donations to board and vet the dogs, almost $3,000 was raised. This gave us time to evaluate the health and temperament of the dogs and then GDR coordinated the effort to transfer some of the dogs to other rescue groups, leaving us with a manageable group of 8 dogs that we were equipped to handle, most of whom have now found forever homes in New England.

If these dogs could talk, they would shout out a huge Thank You to GDR. I feel certain that the outcome would have been much different for the Thompson Farm Dogs if Good Dog Rescue hadn’t stepped in. It makes me sad to learn that someone would try to create controversy in order to stand in the way of GDR rescue efforts. Very sad.



Happy Happy Happy Adopter!

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, April 07, 2014

Our purebred German Shepherd puppy arrived this weekend and we couldn’t be happier. Happy with the puppy, happy with the adoption process, and happy with the rescue group. Caesar is gorgeous, well-trained, very friendly and healthy as can be and we are thrilled. I’m singing the praises of Good Dog Rescue to everyone I know. Caesar’s New Mom in Maine

Sherri in RI

North Kingstown,
Rhode Island,

I recommend Good Dog Rescue

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, March 13, 2014

I live in Rhode Island and as a recent adopter I’d like to add my two cents to this discussion. I had been watching petfinder for months looking for a second dog when one day I discovered a great big goofy looking lab mix named Jake on the Good Dog Rescue internet site. I don’t know if you believe in love at first sight but I knew instantly this was the dog for me. I submitted my adoption application, went through the adoption process (which I might add was organized, professional and seamless) and about a week later my application was approved and I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of Big Jake!

That’s when I stumbled onto this website about Good Dog Rescue and I thought to myself “This complaint doesn’t sound like the same Good Dog Rescue I’ve been working with!” Luckily my Jake arrived a couple of days later on March 1 and I couldn’t be happier and decided to revisit this website to report my very satisfying adoption experience with Good Dog Rescue. All I can say is if you’re looking to adopt a good, healthy, well-socialized dog from a professionally run rescue group, then I recommend Good Dog Rescue. 

Judy from Long Island

Laurel Hollow,
New York,

Horrifying Character Assassination

#30General Comment

Sun, February 23, 2014

 It was disturbing to read what appears to be an orchestrated attempt to libel one woman who attempted to express a criticism of  Good Dog Rescue.  Having been the object of angry and false statements about me  for questioning the fees that GDR sets for its purebred Golden Retrievers and German Shepherd Dog puppies, I am appalled at the viciousness of this particular attack. 

This appears to be the modus operandi of this organization when it is put on the defensive.  The group characterized me as a GSD breeder whose criticism was prompted by "sour grapes."  I have had no animal in my home for the past twenty years, either dog or cat, that has not been a rescue. My 13 year old GSD girl was rescued at 4 months and my now-two year old GSD boy was rescued from a Tennessee rescue group at 9 weeks.

Interestingly, I happened to go on the GDR website today, only to see that it's raised its application fee.  A Golden Retriever puppy was available for $1450, up from the group's former $1350.  My boy's adoption fee was $275. plus $125. transport.  I received a healthy, happy, purebred puppy who is now a handsome young boy.

While GDR may be offering its mixed breed rescues at more moderate fees, I continue to question the ethics of calling an adoption fee of over $1000.00 anything less than trying to convince gullible adopters that they are paying a premium for the well-intentioned belief that they are saving a life.






Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman. Research Scientist by Day; Cyberstalker by Night

#30UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 11, 2014

If AnimalAdvocate (aka Dawgmom) is so proud of her self-righteous “whistleblowing activities,” she should claim her handiwork instead of hiding behind her various monikers. Deborah A. Sherrill-Mittleman was “dismissed” by the rescue group almost 5 years ago and continues to troll the internet for the group in an effort to exact her revenge. Deborah would like to jeopardize the lives of 500 shelter dogs every year as she litters facebook pages and websites with negativity about the group in an effort to discredit the volunteers and discourage potential adopters. Perhaps Deborah should reflect on her pathological obsession with the rescue group and her need to cyberstalk its volunteers 5 long years after her dismissal from the group. Perhaps she should consider whether the satisfaction she gets from her malicious activities is worth the lives of the helpless dogs she seeks to endanger.



Deborah Mittleman, you have a dark heart

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, February 11, 2014

The extent you’ll go to in order try to inflict pain and suffering on another human being is frightening. Your efforts to malign an honorable organization for a perceived slight are inexcusable. But your willingness to disregard the lives of hundreds and maybe thousands of helpless dogs who might get in the way of your warpath is pure evil.

New York Steve

New York,

Deborah Mittleman Cyberbully

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, February 11, 2014

Let me get this straight. Deborah Mittleman was kicked out of Good Dog Rescue in 2009. For the past 5 years trashing the group with petty complaints on the internet? What a CYBERBULLY!


New Haven,

Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman Raging

#30UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 11, 2014

As a longtime volunteer in CT, I know that more than 5,000 dogs have been rescued since 2003 as a result of the determined efforts of this group. But Deborah Mittleman doesn’t care if some rescue dogs have to die as long as she gets to vomit her rage on the internet. She would like nothing better than to put a stop to the rescue and adoption of hundreds of helpless dogs every year by GDR. What kind of mean person would sacrifice all those dogs just out of spite for her own personal revenge on the volunteers? Unbelievable.

New Hampshire Adopter

New Hampshire,


#30Consumer Comment

Mon, February 10, 2014

Each morning I start my day with a cup of coffee and a “feel good moment” reading Good Dog Rescue facebook rescue stories on my computer. Every single day there’s several new happy testimonies from adopters who are so grateful for their “Good Dog” and it warms my heart. I love Good Dog Rescue not only for the heartwarming rescue stories on their facebook page, but for the blessing my family received when we adopted our GSD puppy from GDR awhile back. He’s my heart dog and he goes everywhere with me. But we continue to hear about an ex-volunteer in Memphis, Deborah Mittleman, who is harboring a long-time grudge against GDR and trying to obstruct the group’s efforts to rescue dogs and find loving homes for them. Along with many others, I’m writing to voice my support for Good Dog Rescue and my disdain for the antics of Deborah Mittleman. She calls herself “Animal Advocate” but she is anything but an advocate for the animals. If she cared anything about the animals she wouldn’t be trying to interfere with the rescue of hundreds of dogs

Aaron S.


Supporting McHann and Good Dog Rescue

#30UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 10, 2014

I live in Memphis and our family has fostered for Good Dog Rescue for several years and I can say without reservation that Good Dog Rescue is run with professionalism and high standards and the well-being of the rescue dogs is always first and foremost. Margo is a rescue hero in this town. Everybody in the rescue community knows her, and she and Good Dog Rescue are highly respected and have set the bar for rescue standards in our area. Margo has worked selflessly for decades rescuing dogs in the mid-south and anybody who has an issue with Margo or Good Dog Rescue is “suspect,” in my opinion. I googled Deborah Mittleman and couldn’t find one single item relating to dog rescue. “Animal Advocate?” I don’t think so.

Rescuing in Alabama


Thank heavens for Good Dog Rescue

#30General Comment

Mon, February 10, 2014

I run a small humane society in rural Alabama. There’s no municipal animal shelter in this county and the daily suffering of animals that I see is devastating and overwhelming. We are just a handful of volunteers trying to do the best we can to alleviate the suffering of these poor animals but without any financial help from the county, very little donations from the community and few adoptions we sometimes feel like we’re fighting a losing battle. A couple of years ago somebody told me I should contact Good Dog Rescue to ask for help and so I wrote and explained about our struggles and thank goodness I did. We became a Good Dog Rescue “Partner” and so far 18 of our dogs have found wonderful families up north as a result. Without Good Dog Rescue, I’m convinced these dogs would all still be stuck here in Alabama or worse. On a road trip west last year we made it a point to stop in Memphis to meet Mike and Margo because I already felt like we were old friends and I wanted to meet them in person. They graciously welcomed me and my husband into their home and it was a pleasure to spend an afternoon with them. They are good people and dedicated to rescuing dogs, and I think it’s appalling that Deborah Mittleman would attempt to exploit someone’s private life to get even with the rescue group. I stand by Good Dog Rescue and Mike and Margo and all the group’s other volunteers who are working so hard every day to make a difference in the lives of needy dogs.

Jeff from RI

Rhode Island,

Deborah Mittleman "DogsMustDieForMe"

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, February 10, 2014

 A more appropriate username for DM is DogsMustDieForMe.

Elaine in TN


Deborah Mittleman wants to obstruct dog rescue

#30General Comment

Mon, February 10, 2014

Good Dog Rescue saves more than 50 dogs and puppies just like this one every month. But Deborah Mittleman would like to put a stop to this. Deborah Mittleman posts her poison all over the internet to try to scare off adopters in hopes of crippling GDR and, as a result, intending to sacrifice more than 500 innocent dogs every year. And for what? To satisfy an old grudge against the group. Stripped of her foster mom status in 2009, Deborah Mittleman has been crusading against GDR on the internet ever since, happy to litter dead dogs along the way if necessary in order to satisfy her pathological need for revenge. From a loyal GDR supporter.


Rocky Hill,

Deborah Mittleman's Flawed Character

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, February 10, 2014

As a proud and happy GDR adopter twice over, I’m dismayed to learn that someone would stoop to attacks on a volunteer’s personal life to get even for something that happened years ago. This says much more about the character of Deborah Mittleman than anything else.



We give Good Dog Rescue FIVE STARS!

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, February 10, 2014

A couple of years ago, our beloved lab died and after a few months we decided it was time to bring a new dog into our family. We wanted another lab type dog, as we are very active and outdoorsey and we yearned for another dog companion that could accompany us on our adventures. Our first dog came from a breeder but this time we wanted to rescue a dog and so we began our search on petfinder to find just the right dog for us. It took awhile but eventually we discovered Rumor at GDR. A brown lab mix, Rumor had been abandoned and living at a landfill in Arkansas when she was saved by Good Dog Rescue and brought back to health. Everything about our experience with Good Dog Rescue was positive, professional and downright inspiring. Our dog Rumor was everything her foster mother described and more and we couldn’t be happier. We give Good Dog Rescue FIVE STARS!



Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman. Small Person with Big Hate

#30UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 10, 2014

As the GDR Administrator in CT for several years, I have witnessed Margo’s selfless devotion to the cause of animal rescue and been inspired by her tireless efforts to “keep on keeping on” for the sake of the dogs despite the enormous rescue challenges we face everyday. The suffering of animals in the South is overwhelming and sometimes it seems like an uphill battle, but Margo always sees the light at the end of the tunnel and helps us keep things in perspective so we can maintain our focus on the dogs. Thousands of dogs have been saved and thousands of families have become the proud beneficiaries of our GDR rescue dogs, all thanks to Margo. So it’s very unsettling for me to witness the destructive attempts of “Foster Mom Gone Bad” Deborah Mittleman. I believe she is a small person with a lot of hate in her heart.

Memphis Mary


GDR saved the puppies

#30UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 09, 2014

I foster a lot of dogs for GDR and a couple of years ago I agreed to foster a pregnant momma dog and keep her and her puppies until they were weaned. “Belle” was very sick and malnourished when she came out of the shelter. A few days after we got her, Belle had 9 puppies but 4 of them were very weak and died right away and the next day Belle died too, probably from a blood clot. We were left with 5 tiny puppies that needed bottle feeding around the clock but both of us work and were unable to manage these puppies. Margo took the puppies home and bottle fed them every 3 hours around the clock for weeks, saving their lives and nurturing them so they could grow up to be good, healthy puppies. I wonder when Deborah Mittleman last put herself out like that to save some dogs. On the contrary, Deborah Mittleman seems to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to INTERFERE with the saving of dogs.



Deborah Mittleman HOW DARE YOU!

#30UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 09, 2014

I’ve been a volunteer with GDR since 2004. From the beginning. Almost 10 years. I’ve been with GDR through the joys and heartbreaks, the challenges and the victories that are inevitable in rescue. But nothing compares to you Deborah Mittleman because you are EVIL. For you to try to obstruct the rescue efforts of this group and its volunteers is inexcusable. How dare you exact your revenge on the backs of these helpless animals!



Good Dog Rescue is the Best!

#30UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 09, 2014

I defended Good Dog Rescue from this woman’s vehemence on Ripoff more than a year ago and I cannot believe she’s still at it. I live out in the sticks in rural Arkansas where dogs get dumped all the time. I cannot turn my back on these dogs but I cannot keep them either. Good Dog Rescue has been a godsend for me and these dogs, more than a dozen of them so far! GDR never says no to me, regardless of how old, sick or pathetic the dog might be. I know Mike and Margo and some of the other volunteers and they are just the greatest bunch of people. For Deborah Mittleman to do her little story about Margo’s private life is inexcusable. I would sure hate for DM to get a grudge against me! WTH is wrong with Deborah Mittleman?

Don in NJ

New Jersey,

is debora mittleman the rescue police?

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

 have you appointed yourself the rescue police?... so what if some volunteers have some personal issues?... what’s it to you?... is it your job to cruise the internet late at night for years searching… searching… searching for something you can “expose?”… as long as gdr continues to rescue hundreds and thousands of doomed dogs, SO WHAT?...

Danielle in CT



#30Consumer Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

Since 2006 I’ve adopted 2 wonderful dogs, both of whom would have surely died at the shelter if not for the good-hearted volunteers at Good Dog Rescue. It was shocking to read Deborah Mittleman’s allegations about some of the GDR volunteers so I decided to do some research of my own. On page 27 and 12 of Google I found both these obscure reports about Margo but first had to make my way through dozens of pages of accolades detailing all her good deeds and helpful publications and books and heartwarming stories of dogs she has rescued over the past couple of decades. I would like to say this to Deborah Mittleman: I wonder if your life could stand up to such scrutiny. Evidently not, because we’re all now learning about this despicable side of your nature. It’s hard to understand why you want to destroy a group that rescues hundreds of dogs from misery or death every year. I think you should do some serious soul searching about your anger and your troubling behavior towards this rescue group. You must be a very bitter, unhappy person

Chrisy in MA

South Hadley,

Deborah Mittleman lurking on Ripoff

#30General Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

 I am a satisfied adopter and loyal GDR follower and I want to stick up for this wonderful rescue group and all its hardworking volunteers. I read on social media that this woman is still hanging out on Ripoff for more than a year now. She must be seething with anger to spend so much time and energy obsessing about the rescue group after all these years. There is something seriously disturbed about Deborah Mittleman’s behavior and she should leave GDR alone so they can continue their mission of rescuing needy dogs without her interference.



Sick and Sad Deborah Mittleman

#30UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 09, 2014

I started fostering for GDR back in 2005 and am very proud of my association with this rescue group. My experiences with GDR have always been positive and I have the utmost respect for the group’s founders. We all have difficulties in our personal lives and for Mittleman to try to exploit someone’s personal issues in order to slam the efforts of an entire animal rescue group is nothing short of vicious. Mittleman is sick and sad and she should be ashamed of herself.



Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman. Research Scientist by Day; Cyberstalker by Night

#30UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 09, 2014

 If AnimalAdvocate (aka Dawgmom) is so proud of her self-righteous “whistleblowing activities,” she should claim her handiwork instead of hiding behind her various monikers. Deborah A. Sherrill Mittleman was “dismissed” by the rescue group almost 5 years ago and continues to troll the internet for the group in an effort to exact her revenge. Deborah would like to jeopardize the lives of 500 shelter dogs every year as she litters facebook pages and websites with negativity about the group in an effort to discredit the volunteers and discourage potential adopters. Perhaps Deborah should reflect on her pathological obsession with the rescue group and her need to cyberstalk its volunteers 5 long years after her dismissal from the group. Perhaps she should consider whether the satisfaction she gets from her malicious activities is worth the lives of the helpless dogs she seeks to endanger.

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