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  • Report:  #4601

Complaint Review: Goodhue & Dakota Counties Court ansd Child Support

Goodhue & Dakota Counties aide and abet Deadbeat Felon / Con-Artist - UNFAIR PROCESS, FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN SUFFER *UPDATE 4-03-01

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 04, 2001
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 03, 2001
  • Goodhue & Dakota Counties Court ansd Child Support
    Dakota County , Red Wing, Minnesota
  • Phone:
  • Category:

According to Minnesota Statute 518.68, subd. 2, sec 3. RULES OF SUPPORT, MAINTENANCE, PARENTING TIME, "d) the payment of support or spousal maintenance takes priority over payment of debts and other obligations, and according to, Minnesota Statute 609.375 NONSUPPORT OF SPOUSE OR CHILD.

Subdivision 1. Crime Defined. Whoever is legally obligated to provide care and support to a spouse or child, whether or not its custody has been granted to another, and knowingly omits and fails without lawful excuse to do so is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 90 days or to the payment of a fine of not more than $700, or both.

Subd. 2a. Felony violation. If the violation of subdivision 1 continues for a period in excess of 180 days, the person is guilty of a felony and upon conviction may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $5,000, or both. And according to, UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 18, CHAPTER 11A, SECTION 228.
(A)(3) willfully fails to pay a support obligation with respect to a child who resides in another state, if such obligation has remained unpaid for longer than 2 years, OR is greater than $10,000; shall be punished as provided in subsection (c).

Dakota County and Goodhue County WILL NOT uphold these laws. I have been told by the Prosecuting Attorney, Chris Schrader, of Goodhue County, that implementing these laws makes the case loads to hard on the child support workers. I have been told by Andrea, in court collections, Goodhue County, Her job is to collect the money from Richard for Richards Restitution, she
is not a child support collector, that is my child support workers job. I have been told by my Child Support worker she cannot talk to Andrea, confidential reasons. I have been told by Dakota County that I cannot file a complaint to have these laws upheld. Everybody is sorry and they understand my frustration. They don't! My children's biological father, convicted of unemployment fraud, is being allowed to hide behind the skirts
of justice,( or should I say lack of) and our public officials hide behind immunity laws. His pertinent information is as follows:

Richard Antonius Cupra Evans Siebold III Date of Birth 04/29/72
Social Security Number(s): 1.)473-19-9311; 2.)472-35-4909
312 S Tyler Rd.
Red Wing, MN 55066
Phone 651-388-7297

Unemployment Fraud case number: K0-00395, Goodhue County

Child Support Case number: F8-98-8827, Dakota County
As of 2/28/01 Child Support arrears owed: $10,611.41

I have given all this information to Dakota County Child Support. Mary Foster, my case worker, claims that she has sent out an address verification and it was returned address unknown and has put it in their file as such.

She cannot talk with Goodhue County due to data privacy reasons. She cannot inform them that Richard has court ordered child support. She cannot speak with the Dakota County Judge, Judge Sutherland, who was the presiding Judge for Richards unemployment fraud, (who had/has previous knowledge of Richard from another court matter that was before her in Dakota County.)
Judge Sutherland has Sentence Richard to 2 years probation, court fines, and restitution of $4037. Child Support was never mentioned.

Richard is doing everything he can to avoid paying his Court Ordered Child Support, even down to having his girlfriend, Shawn Atkinson a.k.a. Shawn Satan, (with whom he resides) screen his phone calls and claim wrong number.

He has his Child Support letters returned as address unknown, yet go to the Goodhue County Court house and his address is right there in Black in white, not to mention, it's the same address on files at a few local stores. Call the Red Wing Post Office, Chris, a Supervisor there can verify that he does
indeed get mail there.

Don't you think that when there are laws there to prevent this, that whether or not it is hard on the Child support workers, they should be upheld? I have called the Director of Child Support of Law Enforcement, asked to speak with Laura the director. Her secretary said I had to speak with an intake worker. I did this and even though the US Code Title 18,
chapter 11a section 228. STATES in black and white the amount is $10,000 she said they WILL NOT do anything until the arrears reach over $20,000.

The higher the amount the higher the priority. Goodhue County will not have to wait for their $4037(Once this is paid Richard will disappear again) They'll get it within the year, regardless of Minnesota Statue 518.68, subd2. sec3. My Children will have to wait. I believe that it is very SAD ,VERY WRONG and AGAINST THE LAW. My children should not have to wait. How may other Custodial Parents are out there facing the same? Everyone seems
to think the laws need to be changed to stop the DEADBEATS, the problem is THE LAWS ARE ALREADY THERE!!!!! The problem is that THE LAWS NEED TO BE ENFORCED!!!!!!!

The welfare reform is a good idea to help get people educated and working, what they fail to mention is that if you are a custodial parent and have arrears, fall into some kind of hardship and need assistance, YOU WILL HAVE TO SIGN THOSE ARREARS OVER. Now, I would guarantee that if today, I fell
into a hardship, needed assistance, signed over my arrears to the county, at that point in time they would uphold the law and go after Richard and prosecute him appropriately.

GOVERNMENT. I DON'T BELIEVE ANY CHILD SHOULD HAVE TO TAKE A BACK SEAT. I am not the only one this is happening to, I am reaching out, asking if this is happening to you speak up!! Child Support Will NOT tell you your options, They will not work very hard to help you, THEY WILL NOT TELL YOU THE LAWS.

Which includes a provision for WORK RELEASE, subd.7 which means this, right now for example, they are working for cash, result, NO CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS, with Minnesota Statute 609.375 subd. 7, They are in jail, working, getting paychecks, (they have to pay for the work release out of their pockets, not tax payers mind you) result child support checks. Which makes more sense?

Our government is responsible for the numerous amount of deadbeats in today's society. Yes, the Deadbeats should pay what is owed, (some do and stay caught up) and are responsible for their actions, but the government is allowing those who choose not to be responsible, that are doing everything they can to avoid their obligations, to not pay. They would rather prosecute for a contempt of court, which is a civil matter, not
criminal, which is a lot easier to prove and easier on case workers. For some this action may work. For others it will not and they are better off going straight for the Criminal charges. I have enough evidence to prove that Richard is willfully avoiding his court ordered obligations. There
are far to many Deadbeats out there that are over $10,000, who are not law biding citizens, that are just plain willfully not paying their court ordered obligations, such as Richard, living with his girlfriend, and having her LIE for him. They do everything they can to avoid their obligations. They don't feel it is their job nor their responsibility to help financially
raise the children they have created. This is wrong! And The Government is allowing this to happen.

Contact Information:
Please feel free to call and verify information and/or voice your opinions::::::::::::::::

Goodhue County Prosecuting Attorney
Chris Schrader,

Red Wing Post Office

Goodhue County Probation Office
Re: Richard Siebold
Case number: K0-00395

Goodhue County Court Collections

Dakota County Child Support
Mary Foster
Case number: F8-98-8827

Dakota County Sheriffs Department
Sergeant, Dan Schruermann

Dakota County Attorney Office
Sandra Torgenson

Director of Child Support Law Enforcement

In support of my complaint, I have spoken with and or faxed the below named State Representatives, I ask you do the same.

Federal Congressman
Gil Gutknect

John Tuma

Linda Boudreau

Dennis Ozment
651-296-4121 fax (this office asked for a signed release of information so
they may speak on my behalf)

Also, Please Visit the web address below to view further documentation:

3 Updates & Rebuttals

From: Dakota County Attorneys


Tue, April 03, 2001

From: Dakota County Attorneys

To: 'Robert Lawless'

Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 12:03 PM

Subject: RE: Unjust system

Dear Mr. Lawless:

Your recent e-mail message to the Dakota County Attorney's Office has been referred to me. I am the supervising attorney for child support and enforcement in the Dakota County Attorney's Office. Although privacy laws prevent me from discussing particular child support cases with you, I would like to take this opportunity to address the issues which you have raised in your e-mail message. These issues are very troubling and concerning to this Office.

In Dakota County we have found the use of civil contempt to be a very effective tool for achieving compliance with child support orders. I am the first to admit that not all civil contempt cases result in full or partial payment of child support arrears. However, the threat of actual jail time has worked frequently to promote compliance with the child support orders in the vast majority of cases. In those cases where there is a continued failure to pay, the judges in Dakota County have been very willing to order non-paying parents into jail if payments are not made and if the obligor has or had the ability to make the payments.

Our Office is willing to prosecute criminally for nonsupport, although such prosecutions are difficult. The higher burden of proof in criminal cases is a real challenge for the child support office and the attorney's office, in terms of gathering and presenting enough evidence for the jury to find the defendant guilty. The special utility of civil contempt is that the burden of proof is lower and there is a direct incentive for the parent to make payments, because making payments is the only way to eliminate or shorten the jail time. Criminal conviction does not result in payment of child support, though of course it does punish the nonpaying parent.

The issues which you raise are troubling ones for our society and our legal system. We will continue to be as aggressive as the law and facts warrant in each case. Thank you for your interest.

**Please note that the Dakota County Attorney's Office cannot provide you with legal advice. The general information provided in this e-mail is not a substitute for consulting with a private attorney regarding your case.

....letter from Dennis Ozment, Minnesota State Representative


Mon, March 26, 2001

We just received a letter from Dennis Ozment, Minnesota State Representative, regarding the fact that Dakota County Child support states that they can not speak with Goodhue County Corrections concerning Richards Child Support and arrears due to data privacy reasons. Mr. Ozment spoke with a member of the House Research Department who directed him to Minnesota Statute 13.46 specifically subdivision 2, clauses (7), (21), and (25).

Subd. 2. General. (a)Unless the data is summary data or a statute specifically provides a different classification, data on individuals collected, maintained, used, or disseminated by the welfare system is private data on individuals, and shall not be disclosed except:

(7) between personnel of the welfare system working in the

same program; (21) data on child support payments made by a child support obligor and data on the distribution of those payments excluding identifying information on obligees may be disclosed to all obligees to whom the obligor owes support, and data on the enforcement actions undertaken by the public authority, the status of those actions, and data on the income of the obligor or obligee may be disclosed to the other party;

(25) to other state agencies, statewide systems and political subdivisions of this state, including the attorney

general, and agencies of other states, interstate information

networks, federal agencies, and other entities as required by

federal regulations or law for the administration of the child

support enforcement program;

According to House Research, these provisions should allow two counties to work together to enforce a child support order.

These Laws do only if the county wants to do their job properly, Richard is now over $11,000 in arrears the balance continues to grow, Goodhue county has received money for his fines and will see the $4037 for restitution and my children will not see a cent.

I have filed an informal motion for priority, as written by attorney pro-se, that Minnesota Statute 518.68 be upheld,over a week ago, to ensure that before any more monies get applied to Richards fines or restitution that the monies get applied to his child support obligation. Since it is apparent that Child Support will not do anything. I have yet to hear anything or see an order. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks Jamie And Rob Lawless

Richard is still scamming everyone


Sun, March 04, 2001

We were just contacted by a TV News people in New York City. They are comming out for an interview! I will keep you posted! Thank you !!!!


when we first started to post, we were originally upset with because he is still scamming everyone, even down to recruiting officers for the army and national guards.

When we started digging into the laws and started asking for the laws to be upheld, everyone is saying no!! You have to do it the way we tell you to do it because that is how we want it done.

That's bullshit! There are not any laws that I can find that say they can not have Richard Charged Criminally. What he is doing is a criminal charge not civil and have already been there done that and easy to prove. I don't want to give him a chance to con the courts again, waste more time for something that is a proven fact. He will not pay anything toward our children.

I have papers from the civil division from the sheriffs

department where he states this. They refuse to charge him with the criminal offense and allowing him to continue with willfully not paying his court ordered obligations. As Far as "who are the bad guys", Richard and anyone aiding and allowing him to continue with his criminal actives.

This whole case from the first day we went into court has been just unbelievable. He took me to court for full custody, lied to everyone then, and lost, then didn't bother to show up for the final custody hearing. Then when I wanted to terminate his parental rights, once again he didn't show up for that court proceeding (but it did get his attention).... He has a long history of not showing up (9 court dates that we know of). A long history of not taking care of his obligations.... A long history(so does his mom) of trying to make everyone's life but his a living hell.

He is a con artist, and can get anyone to believe what he wants them to. The problem I have is, I have all the proof in black and white and the government is saying "tuff s**t", we don't want to hear it once again. All we is to do is file a criminal

complaint and we can't even get that.

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