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Google Treasure Chest / Searchchest THEY HAVE CHANGED THEIR NAME!!! Sandy Utah *NOTICE..!! this ripoff has nothing to do with Google search engine - many rip-off businesses use the Google name to fool consumers.
Google Treasure Chest is already on the run. They have changed their billing name to "SearchChest". Despite being promised a refund for the charges that I did not authorize, no refund has been credited to my account and in fact an additional $72.96 was recently billed under the new name of SearchChest.
Do not fall for this scam!!! I have had to cancel my credit card because I have no idea what charges may pop up and from where because of these people. They are also affiliated with Safelock and My Internet Payday.
As far as I am concerned, these vermin SOB's should be stripped naked and dropped in the middle of Antarctica.
Seattle, Washington