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  • Report:  #523458


GORDON ALLISON ESCAPE TONGA as in "escape Tonga with YOUR money" as in "escape Tonga with YOUR money" tonga, Internet

  • Reported By:
    a better tonga — neiafu Nationwide Tonga
  • Submitted:
    Sat, November 14, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, November 14, 2009
    neiafu vavau
    United States of America
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Gordon Allison is not his real name, you didnt know that. Well.... When you see him call out hey Bob Aston and see if he turns around, also try his other alias Robert Ashton yes, both are other aliases he went by; Stranger than fiction, but sadly true.
We dont live in a very pretty world, and sadly people like Gordon Allison use PRETEND goodwill, religion and charm to instil trust in their victims. If that doesnt work then bribery, and cohesion is used to achieve great results.
So let me tell you all how This guys scam operates, he goes into a small place like vavau and sweet talks everyone, he gets really connected coming from zimbabwe he is a very smooth operator- he wines and dines the authorties and literally bribes everyone, the police force in vavau paid off - As are a number of Ministry of land officials and Nobles in Vavau, and heres some information that can be verified easily   (as its a banking matter) for all you legal eagles wanting to get rid of corruption in the kingdom; the Minister of Tourism for Tonga Fineasi Funaki who is as corrupt as they come is best mates with Gordon Allison, why well because last year the minister of tourism was just about to lose his house to a bank foreclosure and   guess who bailed him out by paying off the bank. Yep, none other than Gordon Allison. The Minister of Toursim Fineasi Funaki personally picks up & chaufeurs Gordon around when ever he flys into Nukualofa. Its   so embarrassing for   the Tongan people to see this.
Gordon Allison (or what ever his real name is) responded to a previous report by Karen L on Rip off Report stating   Minister of Justice advises: We will not start to a meaningless battle of this meaningless acusations, please contact directly
So he personally pointed the finger at our second corrupt politician in todays discussion the bribe taking Samiu Vaipulu Vavau   No 2 People's Representative to the Tongan parliament, Samiu Vaipulu UNBELIEVABLY was appointed as minister of Justice   ( oh dear) 4 days ago. Thanks Gordon for letting everyone know that he is on your pay roll also!   Y ou have just marked him publicly as one of your dirty politicians on the take!
Now Samiu is daring but I am betting now after his appointment   (if he had a brain) he would want to distance himself as far as possible from Gordon Allison (since he is going down), and Nesha his ex partner in crime (literally)....
Why dont you tell the public Gordon how much youve paid Samiu so far or should we?
When the Minister for Justice realises that youve dropped his name on the World Wide Web, basically putting him as a target to your corrupt dealing- I dont think so; but lets see what he will have to say about it, shall we?
In any case unless he curbs his ways Samui Vaipulu will soon find official reports about him and his illegal dealing   just like the ones about Gordon Allisons best friend the Minister of Tourism of Tonga Fineasi Funaki , I wonder how meaningless Samui would find an official investigation into his dealing with Gordon Allison then?
See link below for the dirt on the Minister of Tourism of Tonga Fineasi Funaki dirty dealings.
O.K. back to our story,    Gordon Allison thinks by greasing the right palms   (like Funaki and Vaipulu) he parades these officials to convince naive investors that he is legit he really thinks he can get away with murder, and SADLY almost does!
He thinks Tonga is like Zimbabwe only better, you know you bribe a ministry of lands official and suddenly maps are redrawn and boundaries of property   are changed, applications for leases for competitors disappear,   hell his old Friend is the now Minister of Justice he can do anything!
Back to our story;   this great section of land on the waterfront at Nuapapu was leased on a tenancy agreement which is of course a perfectly legal contract the deal was signed by the leasee a guy by the name of Richard Mortimer it was signed by the land owner and his heirs. So water tight.   But that didnt Stop Gordon and his buddy Nesha Rosic   from ignoring this fact. Nesha helped Gordon lease land that wasnt on the waterfront, it was right behind Richard Mortimers block. Gordon then used bribery & bully tactics to try to get his hands on Richard Mortimers waterfront lot this is how it went down bribery was to the ministry of land staff to re-draw the maps as to swallow Mortimers lot and have it absorbed into Gordons- suddenly Gordon had waterfront land. Magical isnt it J ! (yes, yes really unbelievable s**t, but hes a Zimbabwean remember, Gordon, think the law is made by the guy with the biggest wallet & the biggest stick- and yes I know you wouldnt ever think so if you saw the weasle in his traditional ta'avala, pretending to be a good Christian yeah, and he says he was a minister too (as in Minister of a church hummm, right!).
The bullying was for a local American realtor (well call him RB) who tried to stand up to Gordon but ended up getting harassed by corrupt police (paid by Gordon) and handed a defamation case. And then Gordon threatened RBs family, now they had a little kid and this scum bag Gordon implied something terrible could happened to the little girl, so RB not wanting to risk his familys safety for justice sold their stuff in Vavau and moved to another country!
Anyway Gordon may have paid off the heirs at Nuapapu, he definitely paid off ministry of land staff to dodgy up the maps   and he was getting away with it Richard Mortimer would commission a water tank to be built on his land and Nesha & Gordon would sent their boys mafia style to destroy it to pieces!
Gordon kept developing & selling on Richard Mortimers block! And he kept selling to investors to the tune of AUD $2.4 million give or take a few thou. Thats a lot of poor trusting souls he sold to. Firstly, the property he was building on was already under contract to Mr Mortimer, and secondly, he was selling these dream cottages on the water for 99 years cabinet lease when every-one with a of a brain knows this type of tax allotment only has a 20 year maximum cabinet lease period.Never mind that his development is in fact on the WRONG   block ENTIRELY! HECK, he was building on and selling off.
he had the dodged up maps, no one said boo   and he was so successful at this rip off game that he decided to do it all   AGAIN (I kid you not!)   by illegally extending his land boundaries over someone elses lot at Nuapapu this time it was Eric Starks waterfront lot that was located right next to Richard Mortimers plot that was simply grabbed and added on to Gordons land wow, magic. Dont you just LOVE the Zimbabwean way you know you just take it, pay the officials and if the real land leasee comes calling well you know- tell them to get stuffed and threaten them and hope they go away. It doesnt matter anyway since youre selling the SCAM now, yeah. With me so far?  
Check out Gordons scam advertising for the Nuapapu island scam (also spelt Noapapu)here;
( Please note; he may delete the website/or link after word of this gets out), I am not sure if the real estate agents selling his scam actually know they are involved in a scam.. theyd be nervous.
This matter   of defamation went to court and had to be withdrawn because all of Gordons dirty deeds were showing up on public official court records, with names like Samui Vaipulu all over them, this land issue is going to court again, and Richard Mortimer will of course awarded the 6 or so cottages Gordon build on Richards lot by order of the court.   Same will go with Erics lot. Gordon still thinks that if he pays enough government officials itll all be o.k.
Gordons poor investors will never ever be able to recover their money, fact is by the time they get an inkling hell be long gone with their cash!
This guy is a typical African white b*****d, you know the stuff the whites did in Africa promise the people jobs and riches, only while buying them a meal here, or a bottle of scotch there, give them an envelope stuffed full of $1000 Panaga in small notes to make it all seem more impressive all the while hes literally stealing their lands and RUINING the reputation of the place to the ground because hes a known scammer.
Now like I said hes been so successful ripping off foreigners that he has a line up of other properties to do it in again & again. Where, well apparently Matamaka village is on his hit list- he supposedly   owns/has the beachfront there too (what about the leases there you ask?- oh, please,   lets not let existing leases or lease holders get in the way of a good property development scam shall we!)- how will the locals feel when angry investors come knocking asking questions; So watch out Matamaka village a scam is on your way soon. Same applies to Falevai village, a   development scam is in store for Falevai village too- And drum rolls; the jewel in the crown project for Gordon is everyones dream an island in Happai.all you have to do is hand over your money to be part of his vision.... no there is no legal leases in his name for any of these developments but lets not get technicalities get in the way, after all the new Minister of Justice himself is a friend know what i mean, nudge , nudge,   wink,   wink say no more!
o.k. enough cynicism; You have been warned.
For people that have already handed over their money to Gordon; You can find Gordon Allison/Robert Ashton/Bob Aston as he has been known living at Mt Talau, he drives around in a green 2 door 4 wheel drive.  
This information is 100% true, its been laid out here for you in full so that you do not lose your money to this fraud, whether you chose to believe it or not is of not consequence to me, but if you lose your money on this mans scams youll have no one else to blame but yourself.

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