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  • Report:  #886137

Complaint Review: Governor John Kasich

Governor John Kasich needs to stop oking taking licenses of women physicians who have rare thyroid bone problems that are handled at Mayo Clinic - the State Medical Board Members & Executive Director have to be appointees Columbus, Ohio

  • Reported By:
    ?? — Cleveland Ohio U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 22, 2012
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 22, 2012
  • Governor John Kasich
    77 South High Street, 30th Floor Riffe Center
    Columbus, Ohio
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    (614) 466-3555
  • Web:
  • Category:

Governor Kasich is allowing the misuse of the State Medical Board powers, and the emotional & physical abuse of women physicians who have to insist that they need the right blood work before their medical licenses, and hardwon clinical privileges, are suspended for 19 years for objecting to 'jock' care (a joke of care) in Ohio by physicians that do not understand about metabolic bone problems and fractures. 

Mr. Whitehouse - the continued by default Executive Director of the Ohio State Medical Board - and his predecessor Tom Dilling, do/did not know anything about women's health - and they believe the rot that the other Medical Board Members feed to them.  Both do not believe that women MDs need blood work - just a new right Ohio psychiatrist - which is terribly sad and cruel.  Mr. Tom Dilling would say this on the phone to women MDs; that they had to do what he wanted or there would be consequences - Tom Dilling's medical stupidity was AWESOME and LEGENDARY - the stuff that disasters are made of. 

These types of metabolic fractures, the fractures that occur with untreated thyroid disease, need to be handled at a tertiary center, not Hillcrest Hospital and ER as it was run by a former Medical Board Member in the 1990s - who then took the licenses of everyone who objected to her judgments - which were poor to negligent as she never went to class at CWRU Medical School and never talked to the other medical students except those in her little 30-some clique of 'mean girls' - which happens even in Medical School in Ohio. 

Carla O'Day MD didn't/doesn't know that to evaluate a thyroid problem you need a TSH - Abby Abelson MD (Cleveland Clinic) never talked to her about that so Abby is busy trying to kill this woman MD former classmate too - with neglect - a condition that John Brems MD tried to tell Abby is for real.  Earth to Abby - who is too busy being a Department of Rheumatology Chair to notice a classmate being mistreated - it's all game for Abby Abelson MD - the truth - which she won't interfere in; Carla O'Day MD can kill and no one will tell her differently.  Eyal Press's recent book, BEAUTIFUL SOULS Saying No, Breaking Ranks, and Heeding the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times, is one that Abby Abelson needs to read - a Jewish author chronicling courage in 'beautiful souls' who say 'No' to the herd.

The New York Times article on Eyal Press's book summarizes that: "Even in contemporary America, where the costs of doing the right thing are relatively low, most reeds bend in the prevailing winds. According to research by the sociologist Claude Fischer that Mr. Press cites, Americans are far more likely than Europeans to believe workers should follow a bosss orders even if the boss is wrong.       

Thyroid problems are not treated with a sixth psychiatric evaluation 'go'.   Carla O'Day MD never got thyroid disease - but she didn't stick around long enough in the corridors of Medical School for anyone to figure that out.  Thyroid problems happen 90-plus% of the time in women - the reason that they are so misdiagnosed by men that it is a national medical mistake - women athletes have gone to Congress to testify about this type of medical mistake.  Currently Olympic Runner Kathy Butler has thyroid disease - but it is being treated (Olympics 2012).  Gail Dever's had thyroid disease - why the epidemic of thyroid in only women runners - because thyroid is a woman's disease - and shows up a lot in stressful situations.  This is a FACT which Ohio physicians, including Carla O'Day, Anita Steinbergh, and Lance Talmadge don't know.  Rick Whitehouse, and Governor Kasich don't know about thyroid disease either - and they don't follow Olympic women runners or wonder why thyroid only affects women runners - beyond their pay grade.

So Carla O'Day MD in 1992 ran the case against the women MD classmate at the State Medical Board as her 'bosses' directed - to get experience.  Carla's false cases - at least one against a woman classmate - caused the loss of the woman classmate's medical license for 19 years - as the woman MD had to disagree with Carla O'Day MD to try to save her own life. 

Case Western Reserve School of Medicine must be the only Medical School in the country that turns out graduates willing to destroy a classmate's medical license for the price of an unethical buck - the bucks that Carla O'Day MD admittedly collected from Hillcrest Hospital for getting them off the hook of not doing the correct care in the ER.  Carla O'Day MDs class in Medical School - took drug companies to task for the freebies that they offered medical students - and mostly they were needed freebies like stethoscopes - without any condition of payback.  And Carla O'Day MD is the expert in taking unethical paybacks - one of the 'beautiful souls' that went after Lilly for their lovely stethoscopes.

Lilly in the 1970s was just trying to make better physicians by GIVING medical students something that they might not have the money to buy - a GOOD stethoscope - they didn't want BAD stethoscopes being used for teaching.  Lilly just wanted BETTER physicians, and Carla O'Day MD turned that one down.  Her class almost ruined it for those of us that wanted those GOOD stethoscopes day #1 - to practice.   

Carla O'Day MD was told to 'call the Mayo Clinic' and to meet with the woman physician and her father MD before telling the Medical Board a pile of lies - just as Dr. Nice didn't get that the fractures were not fractures for Hillcrest Hospital except in a splint/temporary cast sense, Carla O'Day MD didn't get that she should discuss before she diagnosed.  Dr. O'Day, since graduation from Medical School, has only talked with this woman MD once - on the phone to take a patient that NO ONE ELSE would take at Hillcrest Hospital - an admission of a dying woman with no procedures. 

Once in 30 years is all that Carla O'Day spoke to the woman MD that she screwed and pretended to know and dissect/dish to Members of the State Medical Board - Carla the gossip girl.  The woman MD asked Dr. Nice to stabilize and refer as she needed someone to help her with this referral, not to do care that he didn't have the training for.  The woman MD asked Carla O'Day MD for a little clinical maturity. 

Hillcrest Hospital's Dr. Nice, like most men, doesn't 'get' much.  And it took 10 years to get someone IN ANOTHER STATE, to order the right blood tests after Carla O'Day MD had this woman's license suspended for 'making too much of bad care' that was going to eventually 'kill' her - Carla O'Day screwed a classmate for her career - when the classmate had NO patient complaints - even 'sick' this woman did better medical care of her patients than most MDs do when 'well' in Ohio - again, not saying much about Ohio medical care. 

So it's taking another 10 years, after the thyroid tests were done & presented to Dr. Angelo Licata at Cleveland Clinic - who is just watching the woman MD break bones as he doesn't have the conscience to say anything that might cause a problem for HIS medical license - another 10 years to get someone in government to realize the mistake - Governor Kasich, his useless talking-head Lieutenant Governor, or the Attorney Genera DeWine.  So far no one in Ohio government has admitted the 'reality' of the medical mistake used to take a woman MD's medical license - but there are a pile of notifications of this on ripoffreport - which should not have to be used as a medical report.  

This killing of someone, destroying their health & career, for having to object to a medical mistake is what Governor Kasich is continuing in this situation - by not reviewing this situation externally or personally - he's giving a death sentence.  The Ohio State Court of Appeals did what they could by trying to throw the case out in 1993 - and this is now 2012. 

Ripoff is the last resort, because no one will communicate at the Ohio State Medical Board - Mr. Whitehouse does not have the official ok to admit a mistake - which needs to come from Governor Kasich if he could get off the golf course & out of the Meet The Press television studios long enough.  Medical mistake laws need to happen in Ohio.  Senator John Eklund, and Representative Matt Lynch, need to do something besides post their pictures on the Ohio Legislative website. 

There are a stack of false physician disciplines at the State Medical Board of Ohio that need to be reviewed EXTERNALLY so that someone can say what really happened and get these poor people back to work - clear their licenses.  This has been admitted since 1998-9, admitted by Larry Householder's Office when he was Speaker of the Ohio House (the most corrupt Speaker was the most honest), and indirectly admitted by Speaker Budish who wanted only a limited opening of this woman's case - to save the state the embarrassment & promote his career.

It's impossible that this women MD, and the other falsely suspended Ohio MDs, could/would sue the state - it would ruin whatever is left of their lives and their careers - and they all want nothing more to do with Ohio - any redress would be botched.  So it's diagnoseable paranoia on the part of Mr. Whitehouse & Governor Kasich, to even imagine that these physicians want more than the return of their medical licenses so that they can be resigned when another state license becomes their primary (48 hours).  These physicians simply want out of the mess that is Ohio government - run as it is by people who long ago reached their levels of incompetence. 

Earth to Governor Kasich - you didn't cause the problems, but you are responsible for fixing them.  You can't continue a Medical Board that is the most abusive in the nation.  Physician complaints can't be 'confidential' - or the problems can't be solved because NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE CASE IS REALLY ABOUT.  The cases will go on forever as the Board changes the 'confidential' complaint trying to find a case for decades.  Physicians make mistakes, Medical Boards made mistakes - at least 15% of the time - and there have to be ways to dismiss cases at the State Medical Board - the 15% solution.  Your Medical Board Members have diagnostic error ratings of at least 25% on the web.

Cliques in Medical School lead to problems in real life with communication among women MDs.  Stupid MDs who don't go to class then make stupid decisions - you can't get it all out of a book, or on the lecture videotape - and you don't learn the communication skills this way.  Lectures were not videotaped in Carla O'Day's day. 

Taking medical licenses to force a physician to go along with bad care - of themselves or another patient - is negligence and unethical practice.  And no psychiatrist - even a lying forensic one - can fix this; the Deans at CWRU Medical School did not use Dr. Philip Resnick for the problems that women MDs have on the wards, because he didn't have a clue or the sensitivity for these types of situations.  Most lawyers in the Cleveland area admit this - they would not go near Dr. Resnick as a lawyer, or if they needed a shrink.  Dr. Resnick is well-placed with serial killers, criminals who have almost unrecognizable sensitivity.  The woman physician has to have her thyroid problem treated adequately - or it will go to thyroid cancer or lymphoma - and the bone problem caused by it has to be treated before 20 years.  And it's now 20 years this summer. 

Governor Kasich you need to 'step up to the plate.'  Or this woman MD, and the stack of false physician discipline cases for reasons that are just arbitrary, are going to die and their dependents & families will eventually sue the state for all that their lives should have been worth.  Mr. Whitehouse is not adequate to the job, Brad Reynolds is not adequate to the job, and so far YOU are not adequate to the job - and it's not just that Ohioans don't 'get' you - it's that you don't 'get' the job. 

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