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  • Report:  #1116828

Complaint Review: Governor John Kasich Ohio

Governor John Kasich Ohio has State Medical Board take licenses with 'confidential' complaints from jealous MD colleagues, Board Members who didn't go to class in Medical School ,Carla O'Day MD, physicians who don't know the physician or hate someone's father or brother MD, and MDs who want money for signing complaints about competitors - each of these false cases cost >$500,000 and can't be resolved because the facts are 'confidential' - no other state does this Columbus Ohio

  • Reported By:
    MD — Cleveland Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 19, 2014
  • Updated:
    Mon, January 20, 2014

Ohio is one of the last 3-5 states with no medical mistake, or 'apology laws,' so mistakes & medical errors eventually happen to physicians-as-patients - physicians who then want their medical records to 'fix' the problems.  Medical Consultants at tertiary centers are not paranormal mind readers, Tarot card experts, or gifted with telepathy like the 'Tomorrow People' on CW.  They are human beings who need the medical records; the real records. 

Getting the medical records in missed diagnosis cases in Ohio: When everyone lies, you have to complain to the Ohio Medical Board to get your medical records - which is just 'normal' behavior.  But the Ohio Medical Board then takes the licenses of these physicians who complain about another physician's care - even when that care is negligent.  Even when the uninvolved consultants have requested the records, not the physician harmed, the Medical Board acts to stop the statute of limitations for 'friend' physicians.  They don't care if a physician dies or is disabled, they go for the friend 'factor' - the Medical Board Members are corrupt and paid back the ol' boy way, ie under the table with contracts & academic appointments that they don't deserve or have the qualifications for. 

There isn't a voice of conscience, or moral rectitude, even among the non-medical current Ohio Medical Board Members.  No one on the State Medical Board of Ohio has a moral compass.  The physician with no patient complaints then gets his/her license taken for a fabricated 'personality disorder' - complaining about the care, or non-care, of another physician Board 'friend' or Board Member.  And all they said was that the care was bad, but could they please get the records?  An undisputable statement of FACT.  

False Suspensions: This is an action based on a 'confidential' complaint from the physician's colleagues who did the bad care - who go at the physician for 'ratting' on them or perceived ratting (asking for medical records makes no judgment).  It's another physician-physician complaint, but allowed. 

So certain physican-physician complaints are allowed and rewarded in Ohio (confidential complaints about good physicians who just didn't go along with the boys and need re-programming), and other's punished, depending on who that physician knows.  These physician-physician disagreements are handled by a non-punitive 'third' pathway in many states, but not Ohio. 

The Governor in Ohio has decreed that the Medical Board handle their mistakes - and they don't as they have no provisions to dismiss a false case, and get the physician back to work - so they don't answer their phones.  They hide their mistakes like everyone else - what planet is Governor Kasich from? 

In other states these non-punitive disagreements end in improved medical care, but not in Ohio where the same-old from 20 years ago is allowed to continue for the 'boys.'  $500,000 x10 is $5,000,000 - which the State of Ohio needs.  Yet Governor Kasich then tries to get the money by cancelling the small jobs of the retirees who staff the Interstate Highway Welcome Centers - the total of that employment bill is less than $500,000/year, ie less than what ONE false case at the State Medical Board of Ohio costs.  But Governor Kasich can't do the MATH.  Did he ever take College Algebra, Fitzgerald please ask him this question and did you ever take it?  How far in math do our elected politicians ever go in Ohio?  High School Trigonometry - or maybe they flunked that?  What is the derivative of Sin(x)Governor Kasich? What is the integral of cos(x)?  And it's not secant, or tangent.  Anyone wanting to rebut me has to answer those questions.  Derivatives of trig functions.

There have been no reforms through the Ohio State Legislature for the State Medical Board for the last 20 years - except reforms that allow the State to cheat on cases, continue cases for 20 years against 'innocent' physicians, and allow that the State Medical Board can't dismiss a false case and get the physician back to work.  Everyone has a 'right to work' in Ohio except physicians falsely accused by the State Medical Board - which Senator Tom Patton admits.

Instead the Board spends >$500,000/case to say that they are 'right' - when even the Court of Appeals in Columbus tells them that they are 'wrong' and solve the physician-dispute another way, ie improve the standards for all physicians including 'Board friends.'  Make everyone do better care, not just everyone except Medical Board Member physicians, and their 'friends.'  Make uniform standards of care - something that Governor Kasich can't pronounce.  But he can say 'pill mill' - 2 words. 

Physicians are trained that they will have to argue against another point of view, like in debate class, and prove their point - especially women MDs (maybe not women DOs who just go along with the boys like Anita Steinbergh DO).  This is not an unknown mental disorder, or personality disorder; it is holding one's own professionally - it is self-confidence and ethical self-respect.  It's doing the job without the money factor - with logic. 

However, the cost of Medical Board lies is the false physician discipline case rate, where the Medical Board spends >$500,000/false case and never proves that the physician did anything wrong except try to save themselves from the bad care allowed in Ohio.  And there is an ever-increasing STACK of these false cases at the Medical Board - because Ohio is the only State not to limit the 'confidential' physician complaint system (the catch-22 that Governor Kasich can't see).  This 'confidential' system gave Hitler his power over physicians to the point where he could get them to experiment and kill for the State - is that where Governor Kasich is headed?  He's read Mein Kampf for sure, but not the American College of Physicians Ethical Manual.   

You can't resolve a legal case where the accusation is 'confidential' - Governor Kasich doesn't get this obvious legal point.  How can you defend yourself if you don't know what you are accused of except obvious lies?  You can spend money until you have none - but who is that helping - it's not even contributed to Governor Kasich's re-election fund then.     

And contrary to what Governor Kasich thinks, medical mistakes are not just the mistakes that 'pill mill' physicians make in overprescribing meds to complicated pain patients - they are everyday occurences of wrong x-rays, wrong labs, wrong orders, and wrong surgeries - wrong casts, wrong diagnoses, and care provided by the wrong physician.  But none of this is considered a medical error by Governor Kasich. 

Governor Kasich needs to appoint someone to review the stack of false physician cases that have gone on over 2-5 years, cost the State >$500,000/case, and where the State Court of Appeals has tried to throw the case out and tell the State Medical Board to 'stop' to no avail.  What is the point of having a Court of Appeals if the State Medical Board, and the Governor, don't have to listen?  It's just another waste of taxpayer monies and legal minds. 

If you call Governor Kasich's office about this, he hangs up.  That is not going to solve the $500,000/false case problem Governor Kasich.  But $500,000 saved per a stack of $500,000 cases is a solution to the budget deficit of Ohio - fix the mess at the State Medical Board of Ohio - and no more excuses. 



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