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  • Report:  #919363

Complaint Review: Grambling Gorleano Tyrone Dominique Jr. GT

Grambling Gorleano Tyrone Dominique Jr. GT AKA GT "All Business" Dominique Jr. AKA "The Enforcer He not only preys on out of state women, but he preys on women in Chicago, Illinois, as well. He is a complete scam artist and a liar. He played the same game with me. Miami Beach, Florida

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Chicago Illinois United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 30, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sun, February 09, 2014
  • Grambling Gorleano Tyrone Dominique Jr. GT
    330 8th Street
    Miami Beach, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Grambling Gorleano Tyrone Dominique Jr. AKA GT "All Business" Dominique Jr. AKA "The Enforcer" is a liar and a Scam
Artist. He not only preys on out of state women, but he preys on women in Chicago, Illinois, as well. He is a complete scam artist and a liar. He played the same game with me. We went out on a date in May 2012 and while driving back from the date, he all of a sudden supposedly received a call from the fraudulent department with his credit card carrier. He pulls the car over jumps out the car and begin screaming and banging on the car in an outrage. He should get an academy award for his performance. So when I asked, What happened? He indicated that (American Express) security card fraud department called him to tell him that his credit card was stolen and that the perpetrator had taken his card and ran up over $20,000 of merchandise at a local department store and over $1800 in gas. We were on the date only an hour or so and it didnt really
dawn on me at the time that, that could happen so quickly. If a credit card company noticed any fraudulent activity they would of have froze the credit card immediately. But I guess as a scam artist they cause such a distraction to prevent you from actually recognizing the situations truth.

So of course, we didnt have any gas money to get home. He actually drove his car on empty. So I loaned him the gas money because it was raining and we would have been stranded.  This was a clear sign that I should of recognized that he was a scam artist. I didnt know the scam artist signs; I just thought that we went out on a date, and that it was a possibility he could have lost his credit cards. But when you have never encountered anything like this, you really wouldnt know what signs to look for.  So ladies please be careful!

So he continued to pretend that he was such an upstanding individual. We went out again on maybe a couple dates after. During that time, he pretended that we were seeing one another, and supposedly dating. Then I noticed he would ask for gas money and he told me that the bank was still investigating the fraudulent activity and when the bank cleared his account his funds would become available. He indicated that it will take 30 days for the bank fraud to clear and he would return the money to me. He played the mind manipulation game, explaining that this had never happened to him, and that men should be more careful and that I shouldnt tell anyone this because it will make him look irresponsible. Then each time I asked
him when his money cleared and if he had heard back from the bank? He would create these stories as a distraction; that someone owed him money and he was getting a large sum of money, then the next line, was his family took his petty
cash out his house  and went shopping, then he talked to the bank and they said, the money will clear by the end of the week. He lied and said he had over $60,000 in the bank. Really! That was a lie! When he couldnt even buy food to eat or gas for his car. Then when I questioned him again about his financial status, he said, I was interrogating him and he didnt like to be questioned.  Then he would create these distractions and stories to prevent me from focusing on his finances. Then he became possessive of my home space, when I would explain to him that I needed time to myself, he would call compulsively and/or always showing up at my house, or make comments that I was ignoring him. Then when I asked him to go home, cause hes over stayed his welcome, he would create these sob stories about friends, and accidents, and tried to use reverse psychology saying that my ex-boyfriends were showing up to my house. Heres a funny story that he created; that him and
my-ex got into a scuffle on my back porch, so he created this scene by turning over the table and chairs on my balcony and broke tree branches to look like a fight had occurred. Really!  What a liar!  That never happened, I have surveillance and it would have captured this activity. Liar!

All the while he was basically plotting his next victim because he wasnt getting large sums of money from me like he may have anticipated. He would comment about getting his car repaired, and I never would make any reference about helping him pay for it. So after reading the other ladies post, now it makes sense, he was trying to get me to pay for his car repairs too.  But I wasnt going to cover any car cost, or car repairs.  He went from sleeping on my sofa, to staying the night, to eating my food, using up my gas in my car. Until one day I asked if he was living with me. He said, No he was spending the
night. But every time I suggested that he go home, his comments were, Well I can just go home or I was going home today anyway. Then he would create these huge arguments to make it seem, as if I was wrong for asking him to leave. What
a joke! Every time I tried to ask him to leave, he wouldnt leave my house. He has no home ladies! He begs for gas money, so he can travel from woman house to woman house. He had taken over my house and my parking space, to park his cars,
but did not produced any method of income. I never seen his identification, he lied and said, he actually went to the secretary of state to replace it. He claims that his drivers license is suspended. When I asked to look at his ID he flashes the ID in front of me, like see. The American Express card expiration date is 2005. Then he said that he was waiting for his bank card in the mail. Next he said, he received the bank card, but couldnt access the money. It was too many disconnecting stories. Then I noticed that he would alternate parking his vehicles in my parking space and parking lots downtown because he claim that he
has so many tickets on the car that if he parked it on the street he will be booted. He seemed as if he was always running from something and looking over his shoulders. This is why! Now it all makes sense. SCAM ARTIST

He is a pretender and a scam artist and has a way of manipulating innocent woman to get what he wants, and playing with their emotions and finances.  I had no idea that I had been scammed and used. Wow!  To see that there are others out there indicates I wasnt the only one he used. He pretended we were a couple, and that he was just a brother down on his luck,
and going through a financial hardship. As a result, he used my washer and dryer very often; and he said because his washer and dryer was broken, and he ate my food, borrowed money for gas and travel because he claimed he had to go do business deals. He owes me over $400.00. He actually pretended that he was going to have money transferred from his bank account to mine to cover the cost of what he owed me. We actually went to the bank, and he said, oh instead I wrote a check for you, and we can just deposit it into your bank account. Then when we showed up to the bank, he pretended that he was looking for the check, and then of course ladies, he didnt have the check.

He wasnt contributing financially and I guess he went day by day using folks. That was his normal! He was begging me for money, and asking me for gas, and calling me saying that he was hungry, if I could bring food to him, while he was sleeping at my house, still texting women all day from my bedroom and ladies dont believe the hype (wink).  He was lying saying, hes conducting business and had to meet with his sports doctor, his boxing manager, or business partners.  I would hear women screaming through his phone indicating that he owed them money and when I questioned him, of course he lied. All the while, I was thinking what could I do to make this man leave my house?   He is foolish, disrespectful and a con artist.

I had never encountered anything like this and I wish I would have recognized the signs and never met him.  He is a complete fool, and more so, why did I actually invite this looser into my house.  Ladies, please avoid fast talking men. Please change your bank account information and dont believe anything that this man says. He is a liar!  He lied about living down town, he would mention that his family was at his house,  and that was the reason why he stayed at my house often. I noticed that he kept clothing within his car drunk. He lied about living downtown at  N. State Street. The door person said that he is not listed on the directory. They said, that he has been telling people hes lived there for years and he doesnt. When I texted him saying that I dropped the rest of his items off with your doorman. He said, I never said, I lived there. WHAT! Hes a lie! Then he responded, that I live at  E. Pearson Chicago, IL.

He not only scammed me and other women, but I am certain he is working on his next victims. How could he even call himself a father and a brother and a supposedly pro-boxer. He should be ashamed of himself, that he disrespect woman like this, and scam people.  You are a worthless sack of crap. 

After he scams women out of their money, he then will send you a text saying to never call him again EVER.  I should have known better when he told me that he was going to implement an order of protection against his last girlfriend, saying that she was stalking him and her family was taking target practices on his vehicle. Now it all makes perfect sense, why he cages his vehicle. Hes probably scammed the women before me and plenty before her. He is such a manipulator and a user.

Ladies please be careful. Dont be the next victim of a scam artist. He has no interest in you whatsoever, only what he can get from you. Whoever is associated with him and working with him to scam women, I hope gets caught too. His assistance, yeah right! You are a fraud too. You know who you are! 

3 Updates & Rebuttals


New Orleans,

He got me as well!

#4General Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

This so called man got me as well, reading your stuff reminds me of the day I met him and how he said he lost his debit card and had been arguing with the bank all night and how he needed gas money.  I told him that I needed my money back.  Luckily all I gave him was $40.00 but to me that was alot because it was my last at the time.  I met him so long ago that he was actually trying to really prove himself to me and I rather stay anonymous because he crazy.  Also he has a crazy background.  Never heard of him as a real boxer but have heard he put people in the dirt and I am glad that he isnt in my life.  The way he talks to women is horrid and he creeps me out til this day.  I too fell victim to his games and when he doesnt get what he wants from you then all of a sudden he is engaged to be married and his wife is so concerned about her man when he is laid up with someone else half the time. This man is dangerous and crazy.  Run if he tells you his name!

Staci Mason

chicago, il,
United States of America

RE: Grambling Gorleano Dominique, Jr

#4General Comment

Fri, March 01, 2013

Hello All and Rip Off report.

My name is Staci Mason 35 years old and I would like to respond to this report concerning Grambling Gorleano Dominique, Jr (GT Dominique, Jr-I forgot how long his name is.) written susposely by someone who is or has dated him.

I normally would not even bother with a comment to trash and gossip but based on what I read I was just moved to write. First, I want to say right from the beginning, I am not currently dating GT. We did date in the past, that is, he is my ex-boyfriend and, early last year into the summer till about late July before my job brought me to Orlando. His birthday was in August and that was the first time since we known each other that I did not see him or call him on his birthday. We did not part on good terms, which is the reason I'm writing this.

To be fair, we broke up because he kept getting into trouble with the police, getting arrested all the time for fighting, most of that with the police and, I just got tired of it. I accused him of cheating with his ex and his assistant Keisha too but, as it turns out I was wrong about that as well. If you know GT, he has so many d**n secrets and he want give you any information at all. I HATE THAT ABOUT HIM so, I had to find out on my own like a real woman would and should do about her man.

I have not spoken with him in Months since I moved but I have been back and forth to both Miami and Chicago since he lives in both places to see him I will admit. Which brings me to this blog/report. My girlfriend told me to google him because there was something on there I need to see about him. to my shock and surprise I see that he gave a rebuttal to this trash which is something that he would not do with me ever. He would just deny it or say he did it and not go into any explaination about the issue. d**n you just dont know how much I hated when he did that! Anyway, that's how I come to find this page and, after I read it I was moved to respond to it.

This person or persons touch on a lot of things about him in this, my letter, I want to cover and address some of the things about the things I know are false about him that was written here by these person or persons.

Ok, here is one clear false statement given by this person. She states In May of 2012 she went on a date with GT. For The entire months of May and June and early July GT was with me almost daily. For sure I spent the night at his house and he at mine while his daughter was out of town with her school almost every night. Even while his sister was sick and when I flew in (I am a Flight Attendant) I met him at the hospital and, when she was released I rode with them to take her home them to his house so she would not be alone. She slept in his daughters room, off the kitchen on the left, in his condo. So that certainly is false. 

Unless you went out with him during the daytime, if so, then you are the lier here because ANYONE WHO KNOWS GT DOMINIQUE HE DOES NOT GET OUT OF BED BEFORE 2 pm ON ANY GIVEN DAY! I remember his mother came to town and SHE FLEW IN ON MY AIRLINES who, also was sick at the time and, her flight arrived at 10am that day. GT I had to drive her to his house because he was asleep and did not hear the phone ring. She was not pleased and cussed him out for a hour. 

I HAVE NEVER BEEN ON A DATE WITH HIM AND HE LOST HIS CREDIT CARDS DURING THE DATE. I have been out with him and him and his cards were declined, that has happen but, he has ALWAYS went to the cash station and got the cash. That to me is understandable giving that he has a daughter who he has custody of and with me at least, we eat out a lot. So I question that incident even happen- Here let me re-phrase, I KNOW FOR A ABSOLUTE FACT THAT THIS INCIDENT DID NOT HAPPEN IN THE MONTH OF MAY 2012 because we were together every nite of that month because I was on vacation sweetheart. If you said August or any month after I left I would still question it, but I have no direct proof to dispute it. and oh, I live Deleware and State, with-in walking distance to GT condo. I don't have a car anymore so I walk every where. GT 's doorperson's, Sabrina, James, and Calivin to us that they have no recolection of a woman dropping anything off to her for him last year. So that means to me that you don't know where he lives.

Now let me address something eles about him you wrote in this false interpetation of someones idea to smear him. You stated that he came to your house and stayed to night and would not allow you to see his ID? And you further state that he came by your house at all hours of the night, ate up your food, USED YOUR CAR burned up your gas and did not pay for it-none of it? You also state the he need repairs to his car. Ok-

Before the month of May, on back to January-2012, GT daughter was with him fulltime and he saw her to and from school. He cooked for her daily and HE NEVER- to my knowlege anyway, came back out after he was in during week nights. Also, in March 2012, he was in Orleans Parish jail for 15 days sentence for punching a off duty cop in November 2011. His sisters had to rotate to watch his daughter while he was there.

AS for his car, which car are you talking about? You said he was "altenating his vehicles" in your parking space wherever you live when he came by, correct? OK, GT owns three cars that I know of. None of which need repair and the third one The Bentley he ordered, he just got in June 2012. So why would a guy who has three cars (2 cars and a truck) would need to scam you out of any money? If anything if he didnt have the money he would'nt have the cars or his 2 places.

More to the point of that, you also claim that his AMEX is dated 2005 and, you have lent him over 400 dollars. WHY? For what? Were you driving his cars? Why would he drive yours when he has 3 of his own? It was summer time? Why were you two not out kicking it? If memory serves me right, GT retired this year, and he was out at least if not all majority of the begining of the summer with me. So as a REAL WOMAN WHO WAS WRONGED BY THIS MAN, and you seem to be somewhat inteligent, where were you? Why did you not walk up to us and tell me what your concerns were about him? Bust him out with me? I was with him the almost everyday, for sure every night after my vacation was over and I was back to flying my regular route Chicago to Atlanta 5am to 7pm Monday thru Thursday, His daught was out of town, he was out eating lunch and dinner and late nite since he seems to know everybody in the city, how come you as the slighted woman NEVER MADE YOUR PRESENCE KNOWN?

You see why this does not make sense? I have been thru his pockets, and oh by the way, GT does not carry a wallet at all, you claim to have view his Amex and other credit cards while he was sleeping on your sofa (whats up with that?) and he has no money, then why did'nt you see his Id then? Why did'nt you confront him with his outdated Amex when you uncovered it then to him? I know why, because you made this entire matter up as did the other report you wrote on this thing. 

I know this man very well, better then my own hand, if he is sleeping on your furniture you are either not attractive to him or he does not like you sleeping habbits, and in that case he would go home! I can assure you when he and I are together he was not sleeping on my furniture. Lastly, GT and I almost always eat dinner late, from the Pump Roon, to Joes (where he has a table on reserve for him when he comes in) To Bijans, to Taver On Rush to Gibsons, to Gene And Georgetti's to Mastro's, where my sick and delusional friend, at any of these places 400 dollars is and avarage price for a meal. So are you saying that he tricked you out of this 400 to buy one meal for us? What about the other nites of the week?

And Finally. which is more clear to me then anything eles here, You stated GT is not all that in the bed, "wink, wink" ladies, right? I believe you said "Dont believe the Hype" is how I believe you put it. Well Clearly, if he had sex with you at all, he f***** you and you could not catch up with him again or you as it appears, are not sexually appealing to him at all and he blew you off, which makes more sense to me because of the way you are acting here in what you have written and the pictures you posted.

Clearly you want him and he is not intrested in him so, to recover your brused feelings and save face you created these stories about him. 

I don't want to make it seem like i'm sprung or turned out by him in the bed but, the truth is the truth and I'm a REAL WOMAN WHO ENJOYS KEEPIN IT ALL THE WAY REAL IN ACTIONS AND WHAT I SAY. This why I know that this woman has not been with him.

(((Redacted for explicit language)))

In conclusion, You are really said and the lies you claim are comming from are that of your own. You need to take full advantage of your mental health benefits in your employers group health plan that they offer you if you are employed. It is my hope that my comments have helped to shed some light on the subject here brought upon by this clearly obsessed woman.

Thank You.

Staci Mason



United States of America


#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 21, 2012

WOW,  where do I begin? My name is GRAMBLING GORLEANO DOMINIQUE, and i have read some stupid s*** over the years but this is without question the stupidest! I normally dont respond to the writings of crazy a** woman, if this is a woman?  A, I thought the mother of my twins sister who was pretending to be other people on the internet to make negetive comments about me was crazy, whats next a reality tv show? LOVE AND GT?

Ok, first this dumbs*** reads like a woman who got dumped? A desprate wig or extentions wearing, broke sexually depressed woman who is going thru some changes. If this is real, first of all I did not go to Miami this MAY because a family member was very sick and, MY NEW CREAM COLOR 2007 BENTLEY GTC was not ready yet! It was not delivered till JUNE 8th! So now that I have it, who has a Bentley and no place to stay? Oh I sleep in my Lexus? Why not my Bentley, it's bigger? Why not my Lexus Truck? Internet mutherf*****! Hey, it is what it is? Me and my girl are sitting here laughing at your dumba** if this is a real. Only a overweight woman like the mother of my twis sister or a friend of hers who to my knowledge are all fat womanwould take the time to make s*** up like this. To date, I have SEVERAL POLICE REPORTS AGAINTS HER CRAZY A** FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE. JUST ONCE I WOULD LIKE TO CATCH HER SO I CAN SHOW HER WHAT HER INSIDES LOOK LIKE. but like all cowards do, it's done when my car is on the street somewhere in the city. 

So to my knowledge, I was not having any money problems that I recall to where I would need to borrow money for gas for my THREE CARS, and to pay my bills with that I would need to ask for money from the girl Im seeing? WHY? To date, in the 40 years ive been on this planet I have never stayed with a broad? I have NEVER been in a jackpot with a chic that I would be asked to leave HER CRIB, never mind the fact of which I'm staying with? When I come home, in which I mean CHICAGO from m,y other two places out of state, ill try to find a parking garage to sleep in my BENTLEY This time so I can at least spread it around to all my cars. Here stupid a*s, write whatever your mind allows you too. Believe me I will never respond to it again? Now I know why people have certain facebook friends. If you are my friend you can see my cars on facebook. If you live in either Cook, Miami Dade or G** a** Fulton County, you can look up the county records and see what my address are.

Get some business broke a** b**** if this is real?

I will never allow myself to fall into stupid traps like this because it produces stupid s*** like this with nothing a** woman like this if this is real? FOR the record none of this has ever happen! It is the work of fiction from someone who needs to take this work to hollywood and get some money that she is obviously looking for? Whoever you are please continue to have bad luck and please, kill yourself! Do yourself a favor and just cut your goofy a** throat?

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