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  • Report:  #651416



  • Reported By:
    Richard — spokane Washington U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Fri, October 15, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 15, 2010
    12401 E MARGINAL WAY S
    TUKWILA, Washington
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:
The purpose of this complaint on is to share my experience and to warn others about the unbelievable events that took place while my terminally ill mother had the misfortune of having a visiting nurse from Group Health Co-operative gain access to her home.And the total lack of support from ghc. It has been over two years since since my stepfather passed away and Group Health has never at any time offered us any type of support,no appology, no condemnation of the vile deeds committed by their nurse.

They claim that they did an investigation of this and took appropriate action.If their ever really was an investigation, how come  the accusers (myself or my sister) were never even contacted. We ( my sister and I ) have a lot more to say about this issue with proof to back it up!! And how come did their predator nurse gained everything that she was after

thanks to ghc.

When my mother was terminally ill, we had a visiting nurse come into the home to care for my mom. This nurse turned out to be a wolf in sheeps clothing her greed and disregard for my mother's welfare were absolutely horrid! When my mother first told me that she was

having an affair with my stepfather, I didn't believe it, I told her that nurses have a code of ethics, and besides, what would she want with a senile old man in poor health. I thought that maybe it was just the drugs that were influencing her. My mother  was very upset!

. After my mom passed away, the truth came out! This predator nurse who gained access to my folks

home and abused her position of trust took full advantage of the situation. It soon became very clear what her motives were.

About a week after my mothers death my stepfather confided in me that he had a new girlfriend,and it was indeed my mothers nurse. there is a strict code of ethics protecting families from this type of abuse this predator did not only step over boundaries but knowingy and willingly totally trampled them.

I was speechless, this just wasn't like my stepfather. His girlfriend was 25 years younger than my mom, and she was after her sugardaddy .(my mother had 3 daughters older than this predator nurse and my stepfather had 

two daughters of about the same age) He never went out looking for trouble she went after him. 

Obviously niether my sister or me werevery happy about this relationship, and what we considered to be a betrayal of my mother.My stepfather then went on a 2000 mile trip to see some of his relatives back east, including his two biological daughters. His daughters later told me that she was calling him all the time. When he got back from his trip this predator really went to work on him, and he told me of their plans to get married. She was actually helping him do some minor remodeling and redecorating of her new home.This gold digger acted so fast that I couldn't believe it. To make a long story short a blind man could see what her motives were

this vile woman totally devasted the relationship that my sister and I had with our stepfather she gained a foothold in the house from being my mothers nurse, and never let go of it! she had complete control over a senile old man and had him sign everything over to her.It didn't take much of a woman to do this, and it makes me wonder, that if she was capable of doing this, what kind of care did my 

mother receive from a nurse who was so anxious to take everything away from her.

(she had my stepdad sign everything over to her, in his new last will and testament) Her lies,deception and greed and

 out right criminal behaviour should have landed her in PRISON,instead she hit the jackpot she gained a nice house 

on Rose Hill in Kirkland Wa (not cheap) a motor home that I saw she was selling for $70,000 and I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE, BUT 


I found this online, you might find it interesting especially line15. Nurses maintain the same boundaries with the clients significant

others as with the client

in any professional relationship there is an inherent power imbalance. The nurse's power arises from the clients trust that the nurse has the expertise to help with his or her problems, and the clients disclosure of personal information that would not normally be revealed. The fact that services cannot be provided unless clients are willing to cooperate, does not change the fundamental power imbalance. Therefore, the nurse has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the client, and is ultimately responsible for managing boundary issues and is therefore, accountable should violations occur. Given the power imbalance that is inherent in the professional/client relationship, clients may find it difficult to negotiate boundaries or to recognize or defend themselves against boundary violations. As well, clients may be unaware of the need for professional boundaries and therefore, may at times even initiate behaviour or make requests that could constitute boundary violations. 

Potential power imbalances may continue to exist and influence the client well past the termination of the formal therapeutic relationship

The definition of "sexual abuse" makes it clear that it is unacceptable to date a current client

Since power imbalances may continue to influence the client well past termination, professional standards tend to prohibit a member from engaging in a sexual relationship with a former client to whom any professional service was provided in the past two years. Even the most casual dating relationship may lead to forms of affectionate behaviour that could fall within the definition of sexual abuse

Is this in my clients best interest? 

Whose needs are being served? 

Will this have an impact on the service I am delivering? 

Should I make a note of my concerns or consult with a colleague? 

How would this be viewed by the clients family or significant other? 

How would I feel telling a colleague about this? 

Am I treating this client differently (e.g., appointment length, time of appointments, extent of personal disclosures)? 

Does this client mean something special to me? 

Am I taking advantage of the client? 

12. Unacceptable behaviour by the nurse includes neglect and/or verbal, physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse. Any action that results in inappropriate financial or personal benefit to the nurse or loss to the client is unacceptable.

13. Nurses do not act as representatives for clients under powers of attorney or representation agreements.

14. Generally, it is not acceptable for nurses and clients to exchange gifts. A group of nurses may give or receive a token

gift in situations where it has therapeutic intent. Any significant gift must be returned or redirected.

15. Nurses maintain the same boundaries with the clients significant

others as with the client.                                                   

16. Nurses help colleagues tomaintain professional boundaries and report evidence of boundary violations to the appropriate



So, in closing the general public needs to be informed about Group Health. Do not expect them to be on your side.These types of crimes are very easy for anyone of low moral character to inflict on the vulnerable, especially the aged and terminally ill. As I  have stated earlier ghc has done absolutely nothing on behalf of the victms (my mom and her decendents) In a phone conversation one of the ghc employees said, ''I don't understand why you are so angry,

after all she did wait more than a year to marry''  if ghc had shown just a small fraction of the concern for the victims as they have for their predator nurse I  wouldn't be anywhere near as angry as I am. When I try to get answers from ghc, all I get is lame excuses like  ''it is not our policy to give out confidential information'' How convenient for the predator nurse and ghc. I think the victims have a right. I think ghc is afraid to address this issue on the grounds that they might incriminate


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