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  • Report:  #1141613

Complaint Review: charges auction fees for illegal transactions, and makes it very difficult to refund auction fees. Internet

  • Reported By:
    gunguy101 — NewUndewoord South Dakota
  • Submitted:
    Fri, April 25, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sat, May 17, 2014 makes it very difficult to get refunded for auction fees for illegal transactions and non paying bidders.

I have sold thousands of items on gunbroker and i like portions of their business operations, however, I feel many of their business practices are quite shameful. I have mentioned these issues to gunbroker, and they ignore them everytime. They never really respond to suport issues other than cookie cutter answers and point to policies, tey never ever will call you on the phone to discuss the issue, or email you directly, no matter how hard you try, even on criinal matters.

I have two major issues with gun One is, it is way too difficult to get refunded for auction fees, when non paying bidders, never pay. It needs to be simplified bigtime!

Two: Gunbroker makes it way too difficult to get auction fees refunded/credited on illegal purchases/transactions. Example, I had a gentleman, and I use that term loosly, from Colorado order two, twenty round magazines from me on gunbroker, and he paid for the items using the gunbroker checkout and he designated to have those magazines shipped to Colorado, which is illegal, its a Class 2 Misdemeanor. First I contacted the customer and gave him a peace of my mind, about making that illegal purchase, and he denied it being illegal, which is laughable, becasue the law is clear on some points at the very least, being, you Cant transfer magazines over 15 round in Colorado.

ANyway, I cancelled the man's order, and he left me negative feedback, lying about the situation, and I reported it to gunbroker. Gunbroker charged me the auction fees, and I complained to gunbroker that it is way to difficult to get refunded the auction fees. they resonded that its easy and gave me instructions which was good, however they forgot to tell me I cant get a refund uless I wait 4 days. MYcomplaint about that is, gunbroker charges me auction fees for illegal transactions, and I feel that in itself is illegal. I feel gunbroker needs to focus on protecting their members and making honest effforts to make sure all transactions are legal, and every effort, not to profit off of illegla transactions, and to make it much easier, and not have to wait 4 days, to get refunded/credited auction fees. 

To  make my issues more clear I feel needs to entirely re do their policies, procedures and software, for credit/returns n auction fees for non paying bidders and illegal transactions/shipping addresses, etc and make it much easier, similar to credit card disputes. Example: If I have  a dispute about a charge on my credit card, the Credit card company imediately refunds my card, and then they give me plenty of time to prove my case, and give the vendor the opprotunity to respond. Gunbroker does not do that, they just take the auction fees no matter what, and implement poicies and procedures, that are shameful in my opinion. Any company that charges fees for illegal transactions, in my opinion is a accomplice, accessory, partner, whatever you want to call it, with the criminal making the illegla transaction. 

I use gunbroker every day for my business and I cant afford to close my account. I wanted to do that, and I built my own website and online store, however I still need to help me sell products. Even though I still use gunbroker, that does not mean,  I can't let the generl public know about what they are doing, and I think a class action lawsuit against gunbroker is the only way to get them to imporve their customer support issues, and refund/credit auction fees in an honest, ethical manner that is simple for their members to use.

Over the years I have been charged thousands of dollars on gunbroker fees for non paying bidders! You may wonder, why, I didnt get refunded for those non paying bidders, and the reason is basically blackmale! Gunbroker allows nonpaying bidders to leave negative, slanderous feedback about sllers and ruin their business, that is why sellers like me, dont go through the process of getting refunded/credited the auction fees. gunbroker deliberatley makes the process so complicated, and give the non paying bidder the upper hand iin the transactions by allowing them to say anythign they want on feedback during the entire process. I think gunbroker, should not allow feedback on diputed auctions, until after the dispute is settled. the current policy gives the buyer and gunbroker a distinct advantage, gunbroker gets to make auction fees no matter what,a nd the customer, can say whatever he/she wants online, slandering the seller, and ruining his business.

Example, I have over 100 non paying bidders. If  I challenged each one of those and demanded a refund/credit, thenI would receive 100 "F" ratings/ negative feedback o my account. I feel that policy is shameful!. Gunbroker's policies in my opinion works in the favor of the Non-paying biddier,a nd criminal attempting to acquire gun related items, he cant legally own!

Gunbrker should be held responsible and liable for these policies and should be required to change them. is a huge and powerfu company, and there are many people who want to ban online gun sales, ammunition sales, and gun parts sales, and I feel gunbroker's un fair policies, mayhelp that arguement, unless they cahnge their policies and procedures.

I make my living selling gun-parts online and amunition, and if online gun related sales and ammunition are banned, then I will be put outo f business. I feel gunbroker and any other online gun auction company needs to make sure their policies help protect law abiding businesses,and not give the advantage to the criminals, and non paying bidders, just to make more commisssions / auction fees!

I feel some of gunbrokers poicies and procedures are illegal and criminal, and I would like to report them to the State Attorney General's office, in the State they operate in, and I hope everyone else that has similar issues to do the same. It is sad that gunbroker, has basically brickwalls set up, so nobody can email them , or call them up on the phone, and resolve issues that way. They force their memebers to go public, or hire lawyers.  I feel I should be refunded al lthe auction fees for all the nonpaying bidders that I have been charged for over the years.

I think gunbroker is opening themselves up for class action lawsuits, and possibly being shutdown by the Federal or State government where they operate. I feel that way, becasue when they charge auction fees for illegla transactions, I feel they are helping participate, and facilitate that illegal transaction, and can be held criminally and civilly liable that!

1 Updates & Rebuttals


South Dakota,

Issue resolved

#2Author of original report

Fri, May 16, 2014

 Gunbroker, refunded my auction fee for this one incident where a man from CO attempted to make an illegal purchase from me, and lied about it on my feedback. Gunbroker removed the negative feedback and the issue is resolved.

A representative from Gunbroker called me on the phone in response to this report, and gave me his email and phone number, so I can contact him directly if I have any more issues. I appreciate that.

 If you want to buy and sell gun related products online and you dont need direct contact with the gunbroker, IE phone or email, then, they are a good outfit to do busienss with. The advertising benefits of gunbroker are unbeatable. example, If you list an old discontinued gun part for sale, there is a good chance your auction listing will show up on a goole search, and that is incredible advertising. You cant really buy that kind of advertising.

 A few things you need to keep in mind when considering to use gunbroker is: there is NO 1-800 number to call for customer support. There is NO email address for customer support.

They do have a customer support system, like none I hae ever seen. It is specifically set-up, so you ever know the name of who is supporting you, you never know their phone number, and you never know their email address. that is their system.

You can create a support issue by entering your auction number, the category it falls under, and explain the issue. They usually respond within a few days, and when they do, its a reference to a policy or procedure, and you cannot ever contact them directly. You can re-open the support issue, and if you ask for their phone number or email address to contact them directly they will ignore that request.

I continue to use gunbroker, and currently have over 300 auctions currently listed for sale. I believe gunbroker is a good addition to my online sales business.

 I feel the advantages of using gunbroker significantly outway any disadvantages, and gunbroker did explain some of their policies, I have issue with. literally has millions of items listed, and is a good way to determne market value of anything gun related.

If you want to know the market value of a rifle, pistol, scope, or accessory, all you need to do is a search for that item, and everyone who has that item for sale will be listed, and its the best way to judge market value of almost anything firearm related.




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