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  • Report:  #318184

Complaint Review: Gunbroker

Gunbroker They have comitted fraud and stole money from my credit card Atlanta, GA. 30326Atlanta Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Rio Rancho New Mexico
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 15, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sun, September 07, 2008
  • Gunbroker
    3355 Lenox Rd NE STE 750
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have been a member of for almost a year. I have sold over $20,000.00 of personal merchandise over that period. On the 4th of March my account was terminated because my phone number was incorrect, even though they had a good address for me.

Just prior to this I had two auctions that were won by bidders that ended on the 19th , 23rd and 24th of Feburary but had not been completed by the buyers. When my account was suspended, I could not contact the buyers through their system which is required if the buyer defaults. This ensures that you can recoup your advertisement fees and seller percentage owed to Gunbroker.

The auctions that I lost because of the termination amounted to $4799.00 + the $177.99 they charged my card for services rendered for brokering the rifles. I contacted customer support and was told that my account was terminated because my phone number was incorrect. I explained that I had two open auctions that I had not yet been paid for and I was unable to contact the winner through their system. They refused to reinstate my account and stole $177.91 from my credit card and would not return it. I have filed a criminal report with the FBI for fraud. I have continued to contact them and I will contest any and all charges that have been applied to my credit card account. They charged my card for their percentage of what the rifle sold for and as they wouldn't allow or assist me in the completion of the auctions they were not entitled to the percentage fees. Hence, this is Fraud on a federal level.

They've falsely advertised by telling patrons that they would reimburse the fees if the transaction wasn't completed by the buyer. I am now out of pocket to the tune of about $5000.00 because of this fraud. Gunbroker refuese to reimburse me the fee for the sale or the fees that they fraudulantly stole. In fact they have terminated my contact with customer support all togather. I would tell anyone who plans to utilize Gunbroker to find another avenue of advertisement. I'm contemplating a civil law suit against them for the loss and would like to be contacted by an attorney for advice and possible action. Below are the responses from their Customer Support:

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Closed Tuesday, March 04, 2008 Issue #113384

Subject: Log In or Registration

3/4/2008 7:43:17 PM

I have updated my registration phone number and I stil can't log in. I have firearms which I have sold here and I can't collect or contact the buyer because you have suspended my account for my information being incorrect. It is correct, please reinstate the account immediately.

3/5/2008 10:19:44 AM


Your account was originally closed because the phone number you had listed is not coming back as a valid number. Howeven when I reviewed the account, I recognized your name and your account has been terminated as a duplicate account.

3/5/2008 7:54:56 PM

How is it possible that I have a duplicate account when I've never registered with you before with exception to this account? The number that I have provided to you is a valid cell number and your more than welcome to verify it by calling me personally, which you obciously have not done. I would also be willing to call you also to provide verification. My number is. I belive that it is possible I may have transposed the last two numbers.

Now, you have suspended my account and I have two outstanding winning auctions on the books which you have accepted payment for. Otherwise, you have accepted and charged my card for these auctions and not provided the required service. This is tantamount to fraud and false advertisement, is it not? Both of these individuals have not full filled their contractual agreement as required by your rules. I have followed all your rules as required and you still refuse to reinstate my account. I'm very confused as to your requirements and lack of proper determination. The amount is substantial and is worth recovering via what ever means necessary

As you are not willing to full fill the required agreement then you are obviously not the individual whom I need to address this with. I with to speak to someone how is able to verify the account and phone to ensure that the right determination has been made. I request that you provide me with this indnviduals name, address and phone number. If you are unable to do this then I request that you provide me with your operators number so that I may address this via the direct post route to someone who is able to rectify the situation as quickly as possible.

Please be aware that I'm determined in lue of any neglegance to presue this to it's eventual outcome. Although I have not been a memeber here very long I have infact promptly paid my bill quickly and followed you rules to the letter ad you can tell by my feedack.

3/6/2008 7:46:54 PM

I have been patient with you. I have tried to resolve this porblem at the lowest level. If we cannot resolve this situation to my satisfaction immediately, I am informing you that I will be forced to file a fraud and false advertisement charge against your company with the FBI Internet Fraud Division. I have copies off all charges and email correspondance. You have charged my card for services that you have not rendered. I can and will persue this to it's eventual outcome.

3/6/2008 10:20:50 PM

As 8:08pm I have filed an FBI Internet Fraud Complaint against you for theft. You have stolen money from my credit card account for services you failed to render. You did not allow me to complete the transactions that were open and took a percentage of sales fees for the sale of those firearms, not to mention the advertisement fees. These fees amount to over $4799.00 to include the loss of the sales. I have contacted my attorney who will be filing a legal suit for the fees that you have stolen from me. I will now have legal satisfaction.

Additionally, I'm filing theft charges against you with our local sherriffs department. This gentleman is a federal crime that you have perpatrated. You cannot act as if it didn't occur or ignore it as not pertainant. this time your not going to sit behind a computer and play as if you were in control of everything. You had an opportunity to do the right thing but you have failed to comply. I warned you that I would pursue this to it's completion. Now you will suffer both criminal charges for theft and any legal restitution necessary for your arrogant neglegance.

Thank you for filing a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

Your complaint has been successfully submitted. Please retain the following information for future contacts with the IC3:

Complaint Id: I0803062207157452

Password: If you wish to view/download your complaint or have any additional information to provide to the IC3, please use the following link and login with the above complaint id and password.

The IC3's mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. The IC3 aims to give the victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism.

Complaint Status
The IC3 receives thousands of complaints each month and does not have the resources to respond to inquiries regarding the status of complaints. It is the IC3's intention to review all complaints and refer them to law enforcement and regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. Ultimately, investigation and prosecution are at the discretion of the receiving agencies.

It is important that you maintain any evidence you may have relating to your complaint. Evidence may include canceled checks, credit card receipts, phone bills, mailing envelopes, mail receipts, a printed copy of a website, copies of emails, or similar items. Please keep the items in a safe location, in case you are requested to provide them for investigative purposes.

Additionally, to learn more about Internet schemes and ways to protect yourself, please visit

3/6/2008 10:30:17 PM

I suggest that you contact me directly with a resolution to this situation immediately. You have my phone number and address. I expect nothing less the full restitution of my fees to include the sales amounts for the rifles.

3/10/2008 3:32:12 PM


Sorry, we do not provide telephone support. The evidence for duplicates is incontrovertible and we will not entertain additional arguments refuting it. There are 8 accounts dating back to 2001 using the same name including your account. We have reactivated this account in order to allow you to complete your outstanding transactions. Once you are willing to admit that yes, you have registered multiple accounts on previous occasions, we will consider reinstating full privileges.

3/15/2008 12:02:05 PM

I have not registered on this site before except for this account. Im not sure where you get your information and I could frankly care less. You obviously you have a serious internal problem, one which could ultimately cause you innumerable problems and legal repercussion. You have cost me a great deal of money and time regarding this transaction which is inexcusable. You have publicly committed fraud and falsely advertised to the public. You have made a grave mistake and one that as I originally explain, I am prepared to take to it's eventual and legal conclusion. Someone of responsibility, on your staff is going to jail for fraud and this you can be assured of. I could care less if you return the advertising fees now. You have already perpetrated the act in the eyes of the law of which I have proof without a shadow of doubt. I have filed the complaint with the FBI who will pursue your willful criminal act with an eventual arrest and incarceration. Your lack of humbleness and arrogance is going to cost you in the long run. These two individuals have not complete the transactions based upon your rules and interference, nor will they. I will not re advertise the rifle or reels as you are the cause for their lack of completion. As a Broker you are responsible for the completion without interference. You interfered and stole money from my credit card and caused its lack of completion. Now you repost with some arbitrary information regarding multiple accounts after you've wantonly committed an act of fraud and false advertisement. You've obviously not learned anything from this situation and are liable for any and all damages as you are fully aware of.

You are completely aware that your actions were criminal and you are liable under the law or you would not have reinstated the account. It wouldn't have taken you this long to respond without contacting your attorney, who has obviously advised you to take this action, to see if I will back off my complaint. You are sadly mistaken. You have been unresponsive and arrogant in your retort instead of humbly making restitution for the grave mistake you've made. For this you are deserving of any and all repercussions legal and criminal.

At this point the only way I will withdraw my legal and criminal complaints are for you to make complete restitution for the losses and damages and complete reinstatement of the account for as long as this site is in operation. Theses losses amount to 4677.00. The loss of the sales, my advertisement fees and my time youve wasted.

I expect payment in full to reach me, NLT the 30th of March 2008 by 1200 noon and a signed notarized agreement of full reinstatement for as long as you operate this site without any stipulated conditions from you. Those are the terms by which you will act or I will continue with any and all criminal and legal complaints.

Additionally, I'm directly posting to the public on the Internet your willful criminal negligence in this matter, so that all potential and current users will see your lack of concern and criminal disdain you have regarding their business transactions. Additionally, I'm contacting the Better Business Bureau, NSSF, National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, Georgia Carry, and my Congressional Representative, to let them know about your willful acts of fraud.

I will be contacting the National Shot Show Board of Directors alerting them to your criminal activities. I have attended the National Shot Show for over 10 years and I will do everything in my power to see you eliminated from that event.

I have sent a letter to the Brady Campaign to see if they are interested in a possible legal suit against you. Additional letters to Anti-Gun News Agencies regarding your activity to include; Associated Press (AP), CNN, New York Post, New York Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Washington Post, Baltimore Sun.

Letters have also been sent describing your fraudulent activities to Anti-Gun Organization which include; Georgians for Gun Safety, Crime Gun Solutions, David Bohnett Foundation, DCS Congressional, Third Way Institute, Tides Center / Foundation, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), Americans for Gun Safety Foundation, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence/Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the The Joyce Foundation.

I am determined to see that you are chastised in the worse manner possible and held accountable for your actions. There are ways of insuring your appropriate compliance and these are just a few.

You have a choice at this time, I suggest that you make the appropriate one. If you chose not to make proper restitution, there will be significant repercussions for your willful criminal acts.

One last thing, You will contact me directly through my email address or by phone, with a proper name and or personal contact for your company from this point forward. I'm not satisfied with your response time or the anonymous fashion in which you chose to reply. I have acquired your actual address and phone number through egal government business registration documentation.

3/15/2008 2:35:59 PM

I don't really care about your retort, you have your marching order and your choice. I will only respond as stated. I have already file the FBI complaint and the others are to follow. Stand on your arrogance but you will suffer for your criminal activity. I'm contacting the local authorities as I type and I'm filing a criminal charge of theft against your company. I will see that you are incarcerated for your actions.

3/15/2008 2:39:25 PM


have fun with that!

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This is Gunbrokers answer for stealing funds from my credit card. As you notice there has been no offer to reimburse me for the funds they have stolen. They have now eliminated me from contacting them on any level. And have still disallowed me to recoup my fees. This is nothing but theft.

Rio Rancho, New Mexico

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1 Updates & Rebuttals


New Mexico,


#2Author of original report

Sat, September 06, 2008

Note: they have never allowed or reinstated my account so that I could complete the auctions, even thought they said I could.

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