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  • Report:  #1236524

Complaint Review: Halo Private Investigators

Halo Private Investigators Halo Protection Services, Eddie Frankum Frankum leads people to believe he is a lawyer and fraudulently promises to deliver what he cannot then rips perople off for tens of thousands of dollars. Dallas Texas

  • Reported By:
    Jenniferlynn.writer — Uhland Texas USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 18, 2015
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 26, 2016

Eddie Frankum of Halo Protection Services, a private investigator, leads unwitting people to believe he is a lawyer when he is not.  He claims to be a member of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association but he is not a lawyer and cannot be a member.  Only lawyers can be members.  He claims to have "personally filed successful lawsuits..." which is impossible if he is not a lawyer.  He preys on family members of incarcerated individuals who are desperate to help their incarcerated loved ones, he promises to find post conviction evidence by conducting an "investigation" for which he charges over $15,000 (fifteen thousand dollars) or more to do...all the while promising things he cannot legally do or deliver and after he takes people money he gives them nothing in return, he refuses to provide itemized statements and refuses to provide work product that his customers have paid for.  He takes thier money and gives them nothing in return except collection efforts.  He contracts to provide services which he cannot legally provide and commits fraud and breach of contract.  Eddie Frankum flat out lied when he said he investigated my brother's charge and he can help, then sent me a contract for $18,000 plus expenses.  He never investigated anything, it was impossible and it was a lie just to try to get money. This man used to be a police chief but was fired for theft but uses that to try to gain peoples trust by saying he was wrongly accused also when in fact he is a liar and a thief and a fraud.  His entire post conviction investigation service is a scam to take advantage of desperate unknowing people.  I would not wish many people in prison but that is exactly where this man belongs.


Thank you.


Jennifer Famer

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Frankum Continued..he threatens and harasses

#2Author of original report

Sun, June 26, 2016


On March 24, 2016, Eddie Frankum wrote a threatening email to myself, a former client of his (whose mother is my dear friend) that he defrauded, and also my former employer who happened to be a lawyer in Texas.  Frankum threatened to sue me personally, his former client personally, my employer personally and professionally, to file a state bar grievance against my former employer (such a complaint has no merit and would only be a bullying technique which Frankum does often) and to file a criminal complaint against me in my county of residence, adding that he would have no objections if law enforcement added his former client and my employer in the criminal complaint.  He insulted me numerous times in the email, said I am a con artist. He threatened to involve family members of myself and of his former client, just to be nasty and a bully and make threats that he ought to know have no merit.

For example.... my original rip off report was based on my first hand knowledge and experience with Frankum.  His former client is a good friend of mine so I am intimately knowledgeable about what he did to her and her family.  I had also sent an inquiry to Frankum about my brother back in October 2015 but changed the details of the case.  Within a few minutes Frankum responded and said he had "conducted research into ,your brother's conviction" and quoted me $16,000 to take on the "new evidence" investigation. 

My original rip off report was written by me, and me alone. No other person contributed nor was I a representative of anyone else so to threaten other people because of my lawful online post? What does that say about Frankum?

He could not have researched the case, that was a flat out lie.  All he could have done and did was look up the name on the TDCJ website and verify that he was in fact incarcerated. And if he had he would have known that I provided him with incorrect details.  The only thing factual was the name.  So how does he ask me for $16,000 to do an investigation on a case he knows nothing about?

Further, there is a matter of the Doctrine of Laches - which basically means you are out of time, based on the maxim that "equity aids the vigilant and not those who slumber on their rights".  If a convicted person waits many years to file an 11.07 writ, there is such a substantial delay that their claims will likely be barred.  In my brother's case, he had already served over 14 years... why was Frankum quoting me $16,000 for a case he claimed to have investigated (but really didn’t) after 14 years? If he was an "expert" on 11.07 writs like he claims to be, he would be very familiar with the Doctrine of laches and would not take $16,000 to investigate new evidence on a case after 14 years.  That is just down right fraud and theft.

In my friend's case, she was already several years into an 8 year sentence, to say he was unethical in taking their money is an understatement.

Frankum regulary gives legal advice, something he is prohibited from doing as he is not a lawyer.  He lists himself on his website and his correspondence as: 

Eddie Frankum 
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association - Member

Now the problem is that only lawyers can be members of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association.  He is not a lawyer.  He professes that he is qualified to conduct these new evidence investigations but he is not.  Only a lawyer is qualified to review trial transcripts and determine what issues are able to be raised under an 11.07 Writ (writ of Habeus corpus or new evidence writ)so how can a non lawyer be qualified to conduct an investigation to uncover new evidence when he is not qualified to identify the issues and evidence to begin with?  He is not so he takes thousands of dollars from unwitting people to investigate things he is not even qualified to identify. The rules for obtaining evidence and filing these writs is so strict only specialized lawyers can do, there are very few of them. Lets also face it, Writs of Habeus Corpus of rarely successful! How does a non lawyer con people into forking over thousands of dollars to investigate and purse a writ of habeus corpus that he isn’t even qualified to identify?

Frankum advertised on his website that he has "personally and successfully filed law suits against law enforcement..."  To do so would mean he would have to be a lawyer, which he is not so that is false advertising, misleading and fraud, leading people to believe he can do things that only lawyers can do.  I have filed a complaint against Frankum and since that time he has changed his website so that it now reads "successfully participated in" instead of "personally filed".

Frankums personal experience with law enforcement includes having been fired as a police chief for theft.

Now we all know Frankum is a bully and makes a bunch of nasty threats to intimidate people, as well as being unprofessional and a fraud, he is just downright mean and insulting.  When he threatened us all on March 24, out of professional courtesy to my former employer (whom I remain on good terms with, I only left because I moved to another state), I did send a request to rip off report that my original post be removed.  I knew they would not remove it but I said I would make the request.  I courteously let Frankum know that I had made the request in an email dated March 24 as follows:

Eddie Frankum:
I have requested that the report be removed, only as a professional courtesy to attorney (my former employer), he has done nothing to deserve your empty threats and certainly does not deserve to have to deal with you. I am not sure why you threatened him except of course that is just what you do.  I should not be surprised.

What I do or post on the internet as a free person has nothing to do with anyone but me and your threats and claims have no merit. Regardless, I have requested that the report be removed despite the fact that I verified my facts and am within my legal right to voice my opinions.  You could have rebutted the post or requested arbitration
instead of tossing around empty threats.

Again, I have requested in writing that the specific post you cited be removed.

Jennifer Farmer"


His response on March 24:

I would not have had to "rebut" any post if you had not lied, but that is what you do.

Although I have little respect for you personally, I appreciate you requesting the post be removed.   You are correct, there is no reason for Mr. **** or Mrs. **** to have to suffer any consequences of your bad behavior, so hopefully they will not have to.  But that depends on whether or not the post gets removed. 


I ask that you please keep me updated about the removal of the post. 

Best regards, 

Eddie Frankum

Chief Investigator


My email response to Frankum on March 24:

You don't even know me.
No, I will not update you.  Do not contact me again in any way shape or form.


Frankum's email to me:

I know enough about you to know that you're a convicted felon and a con artist. You're also a hypocrite.  I will tell you one more thing and that is if this ripoff report is not removed by the deadline I'm going to fill one out on attorney **** and his law firm because of your actions which were conducted as his representative. We'll see how that goes over. 


Lastly, if I ever find out you have been meddling in my business or you are behind anyone else that does, or if I hear of you bashing my name again, I'm going to make sure that everyone around you knows what a piece of trash you really are. You messed with the wrong guy scum bag. 

Best regards,

Eddie Frankum

Chief Investigator

Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer's Assn-Member



My email to Frankum:

I asked you not to contact me again yet you continue.  I did not
insult you yet you continue to email me and insult and harass me.


If you know so much about me, you should know that I am not Cara*******
and I am not afraid of you. Your threats don't work with me.

Jennifer Farmer


Frankum's email to me:

They should.  And I am not afraid of you either you liar.   

Best regards, 

Eddie Frankum

Chief Investigator

Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association - Member




My email to Frankum:


Is there some reason why you keep threatening and harassing me? Ive been polite and professional, ive requested repeatedly that you stop insulting me, harassing me and stop threatening me.

Once again i will ask you politely to stop threatening and harassing me. 




Frankum's continued email harassment to me on March 24:

You are only being polite and professional because you got caught being a liar and a fraud.  I imagine poor Mr. Behr ripped you a new one for getting him involved in this ordeal.  The fact is you are a lying coward.  You made a public report full of made up lies about me and you tried to conceal your identity when you did it because you knew you were lying and you are a coward.  The ONLY reason you are not about to get completely hammered by me and my lawyers is because you have agreed to remove the post.  But that is the only reason.


This isn't harassment and if you think it is, then you have never been harassed.  But then again, you have been in TDC, so maybe you have been harassed a little bit.  Humm, perhaps I should be calling you "Offender" instead of lying coward. 


Best regards, 

Eddie Frankum

Chief Investigator



My email to Frankum on March 25:

Mr. Frankum:

I continue being polite and professional and ask you again to stop harassing me and insulting me with these repeated emails.  I am perplexed as to why you feel such an impetus to continue.


As you stated in a previous email, ******* and ***** had nothing to do with my Rip Off Report post that is the subject of your threats so you have no complaint against either of them, your complaint about the Rip Off Report post is clearly with me alone.


Please stop emailing me and harassing me and have your attorney contact me or just go ahead and file a civil suit against me as well as your criminal complaint against me and resolve this through appropriate legal methods instead of harassment. Once again, stop contacting and harassing me.  If you have anything further to say I await correspondence from your attorney.

Thank you.

Sincerely,   Jennifer Farmer 


On April 6 (long after his "deadline" passed I got this email:


Jennifer Farmer,

This report is still showing up online and you told me it would be removed.  What is the status of your efforts and/or are you having difficulties getting this removed for some reason? 


Best regards, 

Eddie Frankum

Chief Investigator

Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association - Member



I did not reply.  Probably really made him mad.


Well as of today, June 26, 2016, I have proven his threats really were not scary, so long as you dont cower to his empty threats...he is all bluff abd bull@%^%.  Nothing he says has any element of truth or merit, he bullies people into being scareed of him and usually he gets away with it.  He is unprofessional to say the least, dishonest, mean, and just a down right bad person.  


I have come to these conclusions based on my own direct experience with Frankum, and the facts contained in my statements are verifiable.  He can threaten me again but I know he has no leg to stand on and is lucky not to be in prison himself.  Probably the only reason he is not is because he bullies and scares people so they do not pursue complaints agains him.  If someone dares to ask for a refund because he did not deliver the impossible things he promised? He sues them for violating their contract and threatens to involve the parole board and prosecutor to prevent their loved one from getting parole.  Seems like that ought to be a terroristic threat or blackmail if you ask me.  He steals from people then threatens them and their incarcerated loved ones if they try to confront him on his fraud and theft.


What kind of person takes such advantage of people in their weakest moments and of people who generally lack the ability to understand complicated legal concepts which Frankum doesn’t even understand?


This man not only should be forced to repay all the thousands that he has taken from people but he really does belong in prison where he cannot steal, bully threaten and take advantage of people anymore.  e found the perfect pool of victims who are unable to stand up to him.


Note... for those who may wonder why he calls me a convicted felon.  yes, I was convicted of burglary of a habitation during my divorce in 2000.  I served 15 months for my crime.  It was not my finest moment, if anyone has ever been through a divorce and custody battle you may understand that I was not thinking clearly back then.  I have no other criminal history, I did my time, I have raised 3 wonderful children, I have completed my masters degree and began working on my PHD, I did a lot of advocacy work for several years for prisoners and am very passionate about rights for incarcerated people.  I truthfully got very burned out because of an unfair prison system in this country and people like Frankum.  I now have a family farm with my husband and I work at an emergency animal hospital saving lives as well as doing wildlife rehab and rescue.  So yes, I am a convicted felon and I have never hidden or denied that fact.  but con artist? lying coward? no.  And if I was trying to conceal my identity as Frankum alleges, I would not have included my full name in my original rip off report. 


I can back up every word I say and the rest of Frankum's diatribe and BS just doesnt even warrant a response or any more attention.  I can only hope that people will not fall for his con anymore and that one day he gets his just desserts.


Thank you.

Jennifer Farmer, Berea Kentucky

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