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  • Report:  #552232

Complaint Review: Harry Keane

Harry Keane Perission, NuVista Studios HARRY KEANE IS A THIEF AND A POWER PUFF WIMP THAT TRIES TO SCARE PEOPLE Rowlett, Richardson etc., Texas

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous from Garland, TX — Garland Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 11, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 29, 2010

Harry Keane is under fire from the authorities now because a few of the many people he has ripped off are reporting him. Harry Keane has an extensive criminal background as news about his thieving activities are getting around now a days. Harry keeps on sending out threats to people who he has stolen from to try to scare them into not speaking up because he has ripped off everyone he has ever dealt with.

Harry Keane is always threatening his victims so they don't speak up but he can't stop the masses who are now coming out with the truth about him. One of his many lies is that he is filing "criminal charges" against you.

According to the U.S. Court website Frequently asked Questions page: According Texas Court Law, we read this.......
Individuals do not file criminal charges in the U.S. District Court. A criminal proceeding is entitled by the government usually through the U.S. Attorneys office. In coordination with a law enforcement agency. Allegations of criminal behavior should be brought to local police, the FBI, or other appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Harry Keane is a thief and trying to hide what he does to people so he can keep doing it to other people. But now he has run into some folks who are just not going to let that happen because he ripped us off and we are very mad. Harry Keane has stolen from property, co's, money, etc from us and we are going to help other people be in the know so he can't do this to them. I for one was conned by harry and am not going to sit back. I am joining this growing group of people harry has ripped off.

If you want to see about 2 criminal charges against Harry Keane for check fraud, go here and put in his first and last names

if harry Keane threatens you just laugh and remind him that he is the only one going to jail if their is a court case

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America


#11General Comment

Fri, January 29, 2010

BE SURE THAT ANYTHING POSITIVE ABOUT HARRY KEANE AND BECKY PURCELL IS FROM HARRY AND BECKY. THESE TWO ARE RUTHLESS. The only other possibility would be someone that is still under their con for the time being. It's always only a matter of time before they realize they are being ripped off. Harry Keane and Becky Purcell know nothing else except how to steal and pillage from any victim they can possibly con.  These are 2 hardened career criminals and are desperately fighting to be able to continue to rob and pillage others. there are dozens of victims who will soon be testifying against them in court. several law enforcement agencies are watching them. More victims arise on a regular basis and this will continue till they are in jail where they belong.


San Antonio,

Flying accusations

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, January 29, 2010

I've seen these posters on other boards.  Their practice is that, if you comment with anything besides 100% agreement, they will immediately accuse you of being "Harry" or "Becky."  Whether their original complaints are true, I couldn't say. But you can safely ignore all their trash about this or that poster being "Harry" or "Becky" in disguise.


United States of America

You aren't Harry

#11General Comment

Thu, January 28, 2010

In my opinion you aren't Harry Keane, you can spell and your posts are readable.  In my opinion people are not going to offer their proof in these forums as of yet, it could jeapordize their case.  I know of two different people that will be filing suit against Harry Keane and do know the details but it's not my place to put it on the www. In my humble opinion I feel that Mr Keane has can a LOT of trusting people out there, not because they are "morons" but because they trusted and he's good at what he does, talk crap.  He preaches on the "fact" that he's a christian, that man is no christian.  I am and people know that I am because of the way I live my life, I don't have to stress it in every other sentence for people to know. It's a way of life, the way you carry yourself, not having to constantly remind people that you are a christian and that your children are in private christian schools. Who all has heard that from Mr Keane at least a dozen times?  All I'm saying here is that he's hurt many lives from what I've seen and heard and needs no protection from verbal attacks. You reap what you sow.


United States of America

Make an informed decision

#11General Comment

Thu, January 28, 2010

I am NOT a victim of Mr Keane or Becky. We saw through them immediately and got out before losing any money. 

I don't believe uncle mobster is Harry, only because uncle mobster can spell and I can make sense out of the paragraphs he's written. 

He (Harry Keane) talks a good talk when trying to talk his victims into one of his plots, but most con men can. I would like to express to anyone out there doing research into Harry Keane to do so with an open mind, don't let your emotions get into the way of a educated decision.

In my own person opinion I would say run the other way, there are others out there interested in your work. Don't take the risk with this man. 


United States of America

Shadow You Are WRONG!

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, January 28, 2010

Shadow.....I hate to tell you sir or madam, but you are simply wrong....hahaha.  Trust me I am NOT Harry Keane or Becky......I just WON'T reveal my identity on the Internet.....why, for the same reason you won't.  it is NOT smart!

However, you CAN find out who I am by simply emailing me at (((Redacted))) (that IS my REAL personal email).  And I will be happy to call you, meet you whatever to PROVE I am NOT Harry or Becky....and THEN you will understand my interest in all of this.

As far as trying to STOP people.....I am NOT trying to stop people from revealing the truth....ALL I have said NUMEROUS times...over and over is provide evidence to back up the "words" people are throwing around.

Yesterday, Harry Keane's smarter brother bashed me, thinking I was Harry or Becky.....said I was slamming him and how unprofessional that is, blah, blah, blah, and then in his next 5 posts he did EXACTLY what i did but far worse.

All I am saying is this is turning into a slander/slamfest with NO substance!!  I DON'T want ANYONE to stop telling the truth and providing evidence.....I am just saying that if you say something be able to back it up or don't say it.

I mean I could start a new post saying "Shadow is a thief and a con" and then make up a horrific story about searches and maybe expose one or two things you have hidden in your past and then create 10 accounts making it look like 10 people all have the same complaints about you.....what would you do?  And then for the next 6 months come on here every day saying your a crook...over and over and over....and swear everything I am saying is the truth and look 10 people have been ripped off by Shadow.  AND NEVER PROVIDE ONE LICK OF EVIDENCE or PROOF.

All I am saying is SHOW SOMETHING SIMILAR TO PROOF or EVIDENCE that backs up everyone's claims.  I SAID if anyone bothered to read.....if you have ANY proof of wrong doing go after the guy!!!!  And I said the same thing to Keane...if he has ANY proof of slander go after these people!

WHY can't anyone seem to understand this?  Why is everyone thinking I am Keane when I am very open to SPEAKING with them?  JUST EMAIL ME and then WE can talk or whatever!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


United States of America

Uncle Mobster exposed as Harry Keane

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 28, 2010

Uncle Mobster aka Harry Keane is trying to fool everyone by trying to disguises his true identity. Uncle Mobster and various other sock puppet accounts were made by the two for a group of people they coned into posting complaint against the numerous people on these boards complaining about Harry's ILLEGAL activities that were being revealed to all to see. Now that they screwed them they have come clean and apologized to us. But Harry and Becky still are using the sock puppets to attack people still. Which is so obvious because why else would you comment on these boards over and over agin unless you were invested into stopping all these people. What is funny now is Harry and his stooge Becky is now promising people stuff on YOU TUBE to post coments aginst us. However this will be the same outcome as they discover the truth about Harry and Becky.


United States of America


#11Consumer Comment

Wed, January 27, 2010

Like I said this is NONSENSE.  You people can't seem to accept that anyone who does not agree with your NONSENSE is Harry Keane or his side-kick Becky!


Sorry to disappoint you!  My name is E.J., last name NOT important as I don't want it smeared all over the internet.  Should you want to know my true identity email me at  You reveal yourself and you will get the same in return.


MY point Einstein, is that a FEW people are making accusations with out providing facts.  Shooting off their mouths with NO SUBSTANCE.  This is happening on BOTH sides of the table.  ALL I am saying is provide EVIDENCE, ACT UPON IT or SHUT UP!  I am not saying ANYONE is right!!!  In my opinion you and the other few who keep using multiple ficticious names AND Harry and Becky are all full of BS because NO ONE has provided any evidence or SUBSTANCE to back their words.


So....again, PUT UP or SHUT UP!  Simple and to the point.  Prove your claims and then EVERYONE will know you speak the truth!  Again, you have my personal email.  I have NO PROBLEM revealing my identity.....I have NO PROBLEM meeting with you face to face......and I have NO PROBLEM backing up MY mouth.  Do you?


Can't wait to hear from you!


United States of America

Harry the moocher

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 19, 2010

I had to laugh at this. Harry Keane is dictating a letter for his boot licker Becky Purcell to write. So I will dissect it piece by piece to show the ignorance of this man.

Well. What a soap opera is taking place. People here is my advise: IF you have a provable cause of action against Harry Keane, then ACT upon it. Harry IF you have a provable cause against all these people then ACT upon it. IF none of you don't, then stop talking smack on the internet. I "HEAR" a lot of "STUFF", but that's ALL. People foolishly flapping their mouths on BOTH sides and NO ONE doing a d**n thing. Threats flying around like ping pong balls. GROW UP, ALL OF YOU.

This is Harry, trying to stop the numerous reports against him. People have come out of the wood work to stop his actions. Think about this if you will,  people so outraged they are taking their time to post their personal testimonies. Of coarse Harry is loosing money know he is so visible on the net. SORRY HARRY MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET A REAL JOB!!

IF Harry Keane did ANY of these things and you have hard evidence, then prosecute him, sue him, push for recovery and punishment. BUT, IF you don't have hard evidence, then you are liable for SLANDER. Same advise for Harry Keane, IF these people are all lying, then come forward with HARD EVIDENCE and prosecute them, sue them, and push for recovery and punishment.

 This is Harry mocking the people he has ripped off.  As you read the rip off reports you will notice a variety of addresses because he relocates out of district to flee from rebuttal and persecution. If you have doubt please call the numerous places his office has been. Also why has he relocated so many times. this was just a ridiculous point to put down. Also all the rent he has jumped from please confirm by calling Allen Texas.

Now, what IS the truth? And is it LEGAL truth or MORAL truth? Did Harry scam, con or screw you LEGALLY or MORALLY? What I mean is did Harry simply LEGALLY out smart you? Did he word contracts well enough to where you have no course of action, yet he got your money? If that is the case then "Caveat emptor" as the latin phrase used in law says: Let the BUYER beware, and BRAVO for Harry Keane for being the smarter business mind! If you were stupid enough to sign a ridiculous contract without seeking proper legal advise prior to signing, then you deserve what you got! HOWEVER, if the contracts were BREACHED by Harry Keane and by the wording in the contract he failed to act in accordance to the agreement, then you should have just cause for BREACH of Contract and IF he LEGALLY stole money, you will have the HARD evidence to file criminal charges on State and possibly Federal levels. IF that is the case, then Harry Keane is a criminal and should be ashamed of himself as a man. But again, WHAT is the TRUTH? Right now its a BUNCH of idiots on BOTH sides being loose lipped fools.

 This is revealing into Harry's character. Harry likes to think he's a business man and thus tries to validate the reason why he is ripping people off. I am sure serial killers have the same psycological imbalanced but it is still illegal.

The point is in a few words, as we would say as kids: "PUT UP OR SHUT UP". And by that I mean SHOW EVIDENCE, PROVE YOUR CASE, TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTIONS or SHUT THE HELL UP!

In other words Harry wants everyone to stop talking about him so he can rip more people off. Their has been way "TOO MANY" victims complaining about Harry and his boot licker lap dog Becky so they are short on cash.

This is RIDICULOUS to carry on with this nonsense on the internet. Grow up people!

Once again this is Harry pleading with us to stop telling on him. He can't get anyone to rip off latley except someone who isn't computer savy.


United States of America

Harry Keane is a Rip off artist

#11Author of original report

Mon, January 18, 2010

"Uncle mobster", there are things being done so but out of this. Stop trying to play the hero.
These people who have been conned, ripped off, abused, used, and hurt by harry keane and becky purcell have the right to tell their stories.
yes this is a criminal case.
harry stole my stuff and i am entitled to tell on him.
you won't slow that down


United States of America


#11Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 16, 2010

Well. What a soap opera is taking place. People here is my advise: IF you have a provable cause of action against Harry Keane, then ACT upon it. Harry IF you have a provable cause against all these people then ACT upon it. IF none of you don't, then stop talking smack on the internet. I "HEAR" a lot of "STUFF", but that's ALL. People foolishly flapping their mouths on BOTH sides and NO ONE doing a d**n thing. Threats flying around like ping pong balls. GROW UP, ALL OF YOU.

IF Harry Keane did ANY of these things and you have hard evidence, then prosecute him, sue him, push for recovery and punishment. BUT, IF you don't have hard evidence, then you are liable for SLANDER. Same advise for Harry Keane, IF these people are all lying, then come forward with HARD EVIDENCE and prosecute them, sue them, and push for recovery and punishment.

Now, what IS the truth? And is it LEGAL truth or MORAL truth? Did Harry scam, con or screw you LEGALLY or MORALLY? What I mean is did Harry simply LEGALLY out smart you? Did he word contracts well enough to where you have no course of action, yet he got your money? If that is the case then "Caveat emptor" as the latin phrase used in law says: Let the BUYER beware, and BRAVO for Harry Keane for being the smarter business mind! If you were stupid enough to sign a ridiculous contract without seeking proper legal advise prior to signing, then you deserve what you got! HOWEVER, if the contracts were BREACHED by Harry Keane and by the wording in the contract he failed to act in accordance to the agreement, then you should have just cause for BREACH of Contract and IF he LEGALLY stole money, you will have the HARD evidence to file criminal charges on State and possibly Federal levels. IF that is the case, then Harry Keane is a criminal and should be ashamed of himself as a man. But again, WHAT is the TRUTH? Right now its a BUNCH of idiots on BOTH sides being loose lipped fools.

The point is in a few words, as we would say as kids: "PUT UP OR SHUT UP". And by that I mean SHOW EVIDENCE, PROVE YOUR CASE, TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTIONS or SHUT THE HELL UP!

This is RIDICULOUS to carry on with this nonsense on the internet. Grow up people!

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