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  • Report:  #1476513

Complaint Review: Harry Weber

Harry Weber Bronze Fox Farms Stephanie Branson Cloud Nine Massage Bill Dewitt Jr Bill Dewitt III St Louis Cardinals Harry Weber had a secret relationship with my wife helping her defraud me out of one business and a feature length film he was under contract for Wright City MO

  • Reported By:
    Patrick Branson — Saint Louis MO United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 04, 2019
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 05, 2019

I made a feature-length film under a business agreement with Harry Weber, a semi-famous Sculptor who is most known for his sports statues, specifically the Bobby Orr Statue in Boston, all of the St Louis Cardinals, all of the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame Statues and many others. I worked on this film for 2 and a half years and made an amazing film.

The film features Bill Dewitt Jr, one of the owners of the St Louis Cardinals and Bill Dewitt III, the current President of the St Louis Cardinals who both have a personal relationship with Harry Weber. Bill Dewitt Jr went to High School with Harry. The film also features Stormin Norm Stewart of Mizzou, Bernie Federko of the St Louis Blues, Ron Kruszewski the CEO of Stifel and several other notable people. I made this film completely by myself from setting up interviews to filming to editing to dealing with licensing with MLB, Inc and the Chuck Berry Estate. I fronted over $22,500 in labor at HALF of my rate IN RELIANCE on Harry Weber's Honesty.

I introduced Harry Weber, who is in his 70's and a wealthy man with property and horses, to my wife while making my first feature-length film that I featured Harry in briefly. That film was called America's Blues and it screened at a major festival and got nominated for an international award. It also picked up international broadcast distribution and is licensed in dozens of Universities around the globe. 

In 2016 I was dishonored in a business agreement with Bill Streeter and there is a Rip Off Report on him and his shady Attorney Matthew McBride of Lashly & Baer. After they did that I went to Harry Weber and asked him to make a movie about his life and work. We entered into a business agreement on 8/18/2016.

I was to be responsible for production and distribution costs and Harry was to help me get the film produced and get certain interviews. Then we would split the profits 75/25 after I was paid for my fronted labor which is outlined in the contract. This contract was signed TWO MONTHS after I started a Retail Massage Business with my wife, Cloud Nine Massage. She was a wonderful Massage Therapist but did not have the business skills or computer skills to set up and start a business.

I ran the companies admin and accounting and IT. I dealt with the listings and came up with ideas on how to maximize reviews. Over the course of 2 years, this studio became the Most Popular Independent Studio in the area. Harry Started going to my wife for Massage on 10/10/2016. 2 months AFTER he entered into a contract with me for Molding Giants. 

Over the next 2 years, Cloud Nine became popular and I completed this feature-length film. During the process, I had gotten ahold of Bill Dewitt Jr's phone # from one of Harry's friends. I contacted Mr. Dewitt and set up an interview with him at Busche Stadium. During that interview, I convinced Mr. Dewitt to honor Harry Weber with a Pregame Ceremony specifically for the film. He thought it was a great idea and even told me so on camera during a 2nd interview that my wife went with me on. He told me that he never would have done it if I hadn't have asked him to. 

In 2017, I caught Stephanie sneaking around with another man. His name is Kyle Foster, another massage therapist that she sought out on Instagram behind my back and invited him to our studio to give him a free massage. That massage was also undocumented and both of these therapists have violated the Massage Licensing laws of Missouri in the process, but I straight up caught her sneaking to meet him behind my back after promising me she would not speak to him again.

She was trying to give him this Angel art print that a guy named Rip Kastaris, another artist form my first movie, gave her just before we opened Cloud Nine in Ofallon when she went and did an outcall massage and mysteriously came home with $300 cash and this angel print she never told me about. So Stephanie and I had a huge fight about Kyle Foster, a young attractive man, and Crystal and "Tantra" healer. Ultimately, Stephanie said she wanted to be with me and I forgave her and we moved on. So what she did with Harry was not the first thing she did behind my back with a Male Client of Cloud Nine Massage's.

Fast forward to 2018. Stephanie and I start having marital problems and we get into a fight and I leave. I try to come back and she had locked the doors. We were only paying her from Cloud Nine and paying both of our bills out of that one salary and I had no money in my bank account. I told her I would use the business to get a hotel. The next day she locked me out of all of the accounts. Not only was I an owner of the LLC, but I was also an Officer of the Corporation when it incorporated and the company's CFO.

While I was in this hotel and after she had locked me out of every bank account, I tried to get her to buy me out. I was in panic mode with 1 week in a hotel and only a credit card to eat off of. We ended up working things out after this. A month or 2 later we get into a fight over Matthew McBride right before she goes to New York. She mentions to me that someone offered her a loan to possibly buy me out. Since we were fighting I immediately thought this was strange and asked who the money was coming from. She would not tell me. We got into a huge fight over it.

I tried to take her out to the Chocolate Bar that we went to on our Wedding night and it turned into a HUGE fight because she would not tell me who offered her money to buy me out. She kept saying I didn't need to know but I told her I was not agreeing to anything unless she told me where the money was coming from because I thought it was from another man named Dan McDonough, who was a former employee of ours who had come into some money from a lawsuit he won against a Dr. Stephanie swore it wasn't Dan. I asked it was Harry Weber because Harry and his wife and given Stephanie $500 on one occasion and she told me once that he mentioned something to her about being his personal nurse and him leaving her his property. She SWORE it was not Harry Weber. She then told me it was her mother. 

After this incident, I knew it was time to leave and I started looking for places in California. We argued of course and she didn't want to give me anything more than $10,000. She then threatened to kick me out on multiple occasions if I did not agree to her terms which was pretty much table scraps compared to what she was making. Because I had no family or friends to turn to and she was pretty much my whole life, and because she controlled the family finances and would not give me money to live on if she kicked me out for not agreeing to her terms, I attempted to make an agreement. I unwillingly and out of fear of homelessness accepted $10,000 down and $1,050 x 9 which is basically alimony. So she only gave me  2 and a half months of her salary and then enough to pay my car payment and child support for 9 months, knowing I was moving out of state with no connections or job yet. I was moving to California and had to start over on this. The company does over $300,000 in sales a year and makes a nice profit on top of the $4000/month salary we were paying here. I had no one to help me, no way to fight this and nowhere to turn, plus I still thought I loved this woman and I THOUGHT I had a feature-length film to sell in California. I was moving to California SPECIFICALLY to sell my film Molding Giants about Harry Weber.

So I reluctantly agree to this poverty money to start a new life on and I scour the internet for rooms to rent on Craigslist aned start looking for work. I find a room for $600/mo which is all I could afford with what she gave me to have 6 months to figure things out. I plan on moving 9/1, right after the Pre Game Ceremony at the St Louis Cardinals game that I was filming for the Documentary, which was on 8/19. 

I thought it was strange that even though I set this up with Bill Dewitt Jr myself, that the Cardinals would never respond to me and Harry made me get the details about 8/19 through him. I also thought it was strange the way he was acting around me and the way he seemed to push me off after the ceremony instead of inviting me to sit with him and Bill Dewitt III, who is also in the film. But the filming went great and I was able to finish this 2 and a half year project. 

Stephanie filed for a divorce on my Birthday 8/2/18. We then got back together and, at least I thought, had resolved some differences and were still in love. I loved this woman, or who I thought she was, with all my heart. I moved on 9/1 to this slum warehouse in long beach. I ended up having problems with the landlord and having to relocate 3 months later spending most of the money I had. Stephanie and I got back together though and I flew to St Louis in October to finalize the divorce and she called me right before the trip and told me she did not want to get divorced and that she still loved me. So we went to court and dismissed the divorce and stayed married. This as in October of 2018. We had discussed me living in California and finding work, which was starting to look promising, for the year while I sold the movie.

I went back to Long Beach and I finished editing the audio on the film. I came back for Christmas to St Louis, spending nearly $1,000 to come see here and bringing my video equipment because I was going to help her with video work for the business. Everything was great between us. We had plans to go to Sundance Together at the end of January and then she was going to come to California.  Because I found a house in time, I was able to stay for 3 weeks with her. I came back to Long Beach and work was slow and I was running out of money but then I met Stephanie at Sundance on 1/28. We were there with my friend and Colleague from Long Beach Damian and his girlfriend. We were together as a married couple, still, in love, still making love.

Then on 2/12/19 I talk to Stephanie on the phone, which I have a recording of because I have an automatic recorder on my phone. She was super depressed sounding at first and told me she wanted to quit and then mentioned something about Dan McDonough and $140,000. I was supportive and really didn't think anything at the time.  I loved her. But then later that day I started thinking about how Dan McDonough blocked me on facebook and then contacted Stephanie when he broke up with his girlfriend and how he had all this money so i contacted him by text and told him I thought he had contacted her inappropriately and asked her to please not contact her again. He starts cursing me out and making threats and calling me names, trying to provoke some kind of physical confrontation.

I weigh AT LEAST 100 pounds less than this guy who likes to take selfies with his shirt off in the mirror. II confronted Stephanie about this and SHE DEFENDS HIM and tells me that I had no right to contact him. Her attitude was similar to her attitude when I first confronted her about Kyle Foster so I became suspicious. Stephanie was having me help her with an expansion to the business that she had to put off due to lack of funds and I was going to start doing her payroll again so I had access to the business bank account. 

I looked in the account and found a cashed check for a "Loan" from the Cloud 9 Massage, Inc account that said Harry Weber on it. I was dumbfounded. This destroyed me. Not only did she lie directly to my face but Harry Weber lied to me and they both lied to me so that Stephanie could steal that business from me and so that I would continue working on a film that honors this MASSAGE CLIENT of my wife's. 

Let me be clear. Harry Weber has never invited me or my family anywhere. We had no relationship outside of business. My wife had a secret personal relationship with him and they conspired to get me out of Cloud Nine for way less than my 40% shares of that $300,000 in sales a year business was worth. The worst part is that I was intentionally kept from contact with the St Louis Cardinals BECAUSE of this Secret Relationship With My wife. 

Both Harry Weber and Stephanie Branson INTENTIONALLY MISREPRESENTED themselves to me to get me to sign a contract. I signed an agreement under FALSE PRETENSES that I would not have signed had I known Harry Weber had Taken Sides Against Me in a Divorce. This DECEIT breached BOTH agreements because they both had a FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to tell me about this secret business loan that had been discussed long before I made any sort of agreement.

This DECEPTION would have altered the outcome of both agreements. I would not have wasted my time filming Harry Weber at the Cardinal game, embarrassing myself as he had some secret relationship with my wife and was telling Bill Dewitt III and Bill Dewitt Jr who mysteriously stopped responding to me who knows what about me or her. 

Prior too this, Stephanie had claimed she was going to financially help me because I was nearly broke at this point. Like, I had $1500 to my name and I was also helping her with Cloud Nine, which can be verified by dated notes about the work that needed to be done by me and her for the Oakville Expansion. But after I discovered the lie, I became outraged and neither one of them would discuss the matter with me. Both of them only denying that they did anything wrong. Stephanie then sent me $1,100 for rent after I kept textign her about the Fraud she committed with Harry Weber. Then she stopped responding. Then Harry Stopped responding. I continued to try and communicate with them and at this point, I am threatening legal action because I can't release that film and I have no money and I spent everything I had moving ot California. 

Stephanie retained an attorney for the Corporation for another matter. I contacted him and he told me he represented the Corporation. I attempted to discuss the matter of the Corporation Shares that were taken from me through Deception and he refused to discuss the matter, claiming he didn't feel his client broke any laws. I wrote a Rip Off Report on him that you can find here

I have tried for a month to get anyone to resolve this with me. Stephanie went so far as to lie to a judge in St Louis to get an ex parte telling them that I was abusing her but I live in Long Beach and the only threats I made were of legal action and she did not tell the judge that she had a legally binding contract that I was trying to collect on.

My contract with Stephanie is Notarized. After weeks of attempts, I finally get Bryan Cavanaugh to send me the contract which I did not have a copy of. Within 5 minutes I send back 3 black and white breaches IN ADDITION to the Misrepresentation. She was only paying me $250 a month and paying my child support and car payment. The agreement says very clearly that she has to pay $10,000 down and $1,050 per month for 10 months. It says very clearly that no other arrangements other than the written arrangements in the contract will bind, which means that she cannot make up the terms after the contract is signed without a signed amendment. It also says that all payments are to be made to me by Check or Direct Transfer. So paying my bills is not a part of the contract and is considered marital help because we were a married couple. 

Then she tells me that she has been advised to stop paying altogether less than 1 month after I caught her in the lie. The agreement was supposed to go on through July. She has not paid me anything towards this Contract since January when I got $250 by Direct Transfer. She knows I have no money and she stopped paying me. She then filed for another divorce with her ex parte. I found the attorneys and THEY REFUSED TO DISCUSS THE CONTRACT ALSO. Claiming that they were only hired for the dissolution of marriage and would not discuss anything with me unless I waived service. I have no way of going to St Louis right now much less paying for an attorney because Stephanie screwed me and then stopped paying me what she owed me on top of screwing me to begin with. 

Harry at one point claimed that he was getting an attorney and that they would call me but that was a lie as well. He just stopped responding, expecting me and our signed contract to go away. Harry Weber is a wealthy Massage Client of my wife's who has done severe damage to my film career and this is not going away. Legal action is going to be taken against Hary Weber, Stephanie Branson, Bill Dewitt Jr, Bill Dewitt III and the St Louis Cardinal Organization for the lost profits and damage to my film career that this has done. Stephanie and Harry Weber are being sued for CLoud 9 Massage, Inc.

Harry Weber accidentally confessed to "Keeping the Loan a Secret" and also admitted that it was for a divorce. He took sides in a divorce against me, his business partner, and it cost me everything I owned. I had to sell my film equipment to pay my car and child support and go on temporary food stamps because of Stephanie and her secret relationships with other men including Harry Weber, her favorite wealthy client. 

To this day, no one has told me the truth. No one has been willing to discuss the contract. Stephanie blames me telling me I deserve this because I left her, but we got back together and were together as a married couple at Sundance. Neither attorney will respond to this contract and I am struggling to pay my bills because of this deception. I never would have moved to California in that slum warehouse under the circumstances I did had I known about Harry Weber and his secert relatioship with my wife. 

I moved here IN REASONABLE RELIANCE on Having a film to sell under a contract that was signed and then breached by Harry Weber. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Patrick Branson

Saint Louis,
United States

More Photos

#2Author of original report

Thu, April 04, 2019

There is more photo evidence that goes with this report so I need to write an update. 


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