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  • Report:  #802321

Complaint Review: Heather Stevens Stirling Bridge Border collies

Heather Stevens Stirling Bridge Border collies Back yard Breeder PUPPY MILL!!! Wheelersburg, OH 45694, Ohio

  • Reported By:
    Beth — Mansfiled Ohio United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 28, 2011
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 29, 2013

Please check out where these puppies come from and where they live from this breeder before even thinking about buying a puppy from her.  They are back yard dogs that she has never trained or titled with in anything.  Heather Stevens is a back yard breeder of the worst kind.  She is in the 'breeding business' for one reason make a buck.  

Run don't walk from this puppy mill'!!!

19 Updates & Rebuttals



A Conformation Title?

#20Author of original report

Thu, August 29, 2013


Okay, first there are changes the way this back yard breeder tests her dogs.  Positive thing.

BUT, anyone that knows border collies KNOWS, that is a dog ever wins any conformation title the Amercian Border Collie Association PULLS their papers.  Anyone knows that breeding a dog for looks, a border collie, takes away from their working ability.  So your breeding pretty dogs.....okay, gotcha!

The ABCA is a working stockdog registry and believes that breeding for conformation standards rather than working ability is detrimental to the health and working ability of the Border Collie. Consequently dogs or bitches which have been named a "Conformation Champion" by a conformation registry are not eligible for ABCA registration, even if they otherwise meet the requirements for registration. The ABCA will de-register any ABCA registered dog or b***h should it be named a "Conformation Champion" after January 1, 2004, and will not register the offspring of any dog or b***h named a "Conformation Champion" after that date.

What a shame that this back yard breeder is now ruining the breed.  


battle creek,

Look haters, a title!

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 28, 2013

To everyone who has said Heather has no care for titling her dogs - She just achieved a show champion!!! 

Chris Peach


Stirling Bridge is not Stirling Collies

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, April 16, 2013

I believe you have stirling bridge confused with another kennel (stirling collies). Stirling bridge does not breed mixes of any kind. Stirling Collies does have mixes. Stirling Bridge is not located in Minnesota.

Chris Peach


Stirling Bridge is not Stirling Collies

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, April 16, 2013

I believe you have stirling bridge confused with another kennel (stirling collies). Stirling bridge does not breed mixes of any kind. Stirling Collies does have mixes. Stirling Bridge is not located in Minnesota.


Saint Paul,

A little research can clarify things

#20Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 16, 2013

I scan Minnesota pet ads a lot. I like to look at dogs and I like to see what's out there. While I am not qualified to decide whether or not Stirling Collies is or is not a puppy mill, I DO know they produce a lot of puppies. They have ads up most of the time. And not just collies but also a variety of mixes as well. To me, that's a warning sign that a person is at least "on the cusp" of being an irresponsible breeder. Again, I have not inspected Stirling Collies personally, but I would never buy a dog from a place with so many puppies for sale all the time.

The lines between breeder, backyard breeder, and puppy mill are blurry sometimes. I bought a golden doodle from some nice older people in rural Minnesota. There were signs I ignored back then that these folks were in it for the money and were approaching puppy mill status. My dog has a genetic defect and anxiety issues. I love him and he will always have a home with me, but I wish I hadn't supported these people who raise puppies for profit. I now know that responsible breeders don't have ads up constantly for various litters and they don't breed dogs for profit.

Don't get a puppy on a whim. Do your homework. Look the breeders over as carefully as you do the puppies and listen to what they say about their dogs. And if they are placing ads for several different mixes of puppies more than once or twice a year, be extra cautious in your evaluation of them.


United States of America


#20General Comment

Thu, April 05, 2012

You are a mean and ignorant B**ch!   The worst possible combination.  Is that concise enough for you and spelled correctly?! 

Not just a Breeder you should have

United States of America

Now for some insight on Beth Ruth and Merle

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, December 01, 2011

This is the response I received after. Contacting the individuals responsible for this annoyance.  i co own two Borders that reside with Ms. Stevens. I will also be more than happy to foward emails from a Ruth Burton and a Merle Goodwin who happen to know each other.  before reading on ask yourself this. If you believed that you were dealing with a puppy mill would you want to buy a puppy from them.  Both females just yesterday still wanted a female puppy sired by a dog I co own.  Both ladies bitched about the price and want three hundred dollars off.

  Both females know each other. We have the emails time stamped and saved with IP address's showing where they came from. Its a some what amusing read to say the least. Check the rip off riport for Merle Goodwin apparently she doesn't pay her debts. In conclusion no transactions ever took place no agreements either. Not exactly a rip off report just pathetic attempt for Merle to cover her a*s after being called out on facebook in front of her friends and dog club people. She should be ashamed at her own actions and perhaps she can find peace within herself. I'm afraid she is just ignorant to reality as you will see reading her reply to my email that I also sent to Mrs. Burton turning them down for a puppy purchase. I clearly state who I am.

I have no idea who you are and why you are emailing me, nor do I care.  You obviously are not astute about titles though because Disc does earn titles.  

I am entitled to my opinion based on the facts I see at hand.  I am passionate in my beliefs about dogs, breeding and bad breeders and am free to state any facts about those subjects.  

Do not, under any circumstances, contact me again.  

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 4:32 PM, 

This applies to you as well it seems. I will be taking care of this matter with Tasha as well.  You are taking a ladies word for it that had nothing nice to say about you and only changed her story after you threatened to sue her. I don't know how much of that is true as Tasha tells one story and you tell another.  She is worried about having a clean slate for law school and stated that in a message and also stated that in another email today.

 Put things together and look at the user name everytime she has posted. Hmm not rocket science. Yall need to fix this mess because I will not have opinions not fact be a factor. Where is the rip off? Tasha still hasn't paid for two dogs or the stud fee. Who ripped who off?  Oh and for the record a disk dog is not a title. My dogs have real titles in show,field and hunt.

Have you earned anything? Therapy  cd agility anything? How about a working certificate for your dog so it shows you are at least using the dog for what it was intended.  This need to cease and desist right now.

Mrs. Burton,

    I'm sorry to have to decline your offer to purchase a puppy from Ms. Stevens. I co own the sire and do have a say and from what I have read I do not feel like she would be in a productive  home. You are very unstable and random in your emails and that concerns me.

     If you want to provide proof of title you or your husband have earned with your animals, your vet information, a local kennel club reference and three personal references iwe might reconsider.

Also I am submitting paperwork to PETA in reference your emails and have included all emails from you stating there is a report.  According to them there is nothing on file. I'm sure you understand that I must get to the bottom of this as it affects me as well. So I wanted you to know that they might contact you and your husband to have you submit to them where these reports are listed.

      I have already contacted several people about the so called other complaints and will get to the bottom of this as slander is a very serious offense.  As a business person I do not want false claims tied to me.

    Hopefully this can be resolved amicably and not become a civil matter in court. I'm to busy for petty outbursts and childish fits. I will be more than happy to forward the final outcome to put your mind at ease.

    Thank you for bringing these awful accusations to our attention.

Now thought to my self put your money where your mouth is ladies and back it up with proof. Proof is the genetic testing, cerf and hips done on the animals.  Not the opinion of some very unstable people. what have posted here.

I am within my right to as it directly involved me so any threats or attempts to sue me I say bring it to my table.  You should check to see who you are dealing with before trying to threaten or intiminate people.

Heather Stevens

United States of America


#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 30, 2011

HA! If live near me Petz what is your name?  


United States of America


#20Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2011

This report will always come up on the first page if anyone googles Stirling Bridge Border Collies.  It will never, not ever be taken down and people can read and judge for themselves. 

Heather Stevens

United States of America


#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 30, 2011

Beth your missing the whole point.  I admit I do not title my dogs, I have always said its more important to me to have the health testing backing the dogs then it is to have a title.  

My dogs bark like all dogs do.  Yes the guy next door had called the police but the stop coming after he called making up stories.   No one is going to argue the point with you that I don't title dogs because time and time again I have said to you I do NOT title my dogs.   My dogs are inside outside dogs.  

Its one neighbor, not one of the other truly care about the dogs and ignore them.  For your info I do not have them as an income I work for a living someone is ALWAYS home with the dogs, they are always taken care of, I have many that know this.  

What truly gets most of us, is the fact you won't say who you really are.  Again my program will stand on its on Yes I am a breeder I am proud of myself and all of my dogs!

Stirling Bridge Border Collies


United States of America

uh huh

#20General Comment

Wed, November 30, 2011

Beth your cute little back lash is sweet I greatly enjoy you talking about my lack of education!
Well I should hope so because I am typing it allllllll from my cell.
So the lack of correct spelling and gammar should be excepted!

But Beth I understand you lashing at me to make yourself feel better. You still have NO proof
On Heather Stevens or proof of documations on her and the statements you have been claiming.
You cim barking dogs, but dogs bark. take a look at her website, facebook, any albums of photos of her dogs! 
You never seem them dirty,under weight, poor coats,chained up, or anything or the sort!
Since you know of her please fill us in on what her backyard looks like for set up with the dogs.

Ah well I have posted several times on this thread. I believe I know who this person is now, and has tried to bash Heather any way she could but it is okay Heather is a strong women.

I just hope this thread of bull STOPS; until there is actually proof.


United States of America


#20Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2011

I can attest this breeder is nothing more then someone breeding to make a buck.  I live in the neighborhood Heather Stevens lives in and believe me, the breeding dogs are not well cared for and are a nuisance to the whole neighborhood.  The dogs are kept out in rain, snow, sleet and burning heat.  I see it with my own eyes.  Just ask anyone from the neighborhood or better yet check out all the police reports where WE, neighbors have called in. 

As a dog fancier that knows more then a thing or two about breeding and training I can only laugh at some of Heather's comments.  "A title is only a piece of paper' made me cringe with disgust.  A title means the dog is capable of doing what the breed was bred to do.  Titles mean everything.  Titles mean the breeder took the time to improve the breed and assures the buyer the dogs are capable of the tasks of the breed. 

The fact the these Border Collies are AKC registered is sure tip off that this breeder  is clueless.  In the border collie community this is well known. 

Read this Heather, maybe you will learn from it what good breeders already know:

What is a Title, Really?
Not just a brag, Not just a stepping stone to a higher title, Not just an adjunct to competitive scores.
A Title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor that dog, an ultimate memorial. It will remain in the record and in the memory for about as long as anything in this world can remain. Few humans will do as well or better in that regard. And though the dog himself doesn't know or care that this achievements have been noted, a Title says many things in the world of humans, where such things count.
A Title says your dog was intelligent, and adaptable,and good-natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that please you, however crazy they may have sometimes seemed.
And a Title says that you loved your dog, that you loved to spend time with him because he was a good dog, and that you believed in him enough to give him yet another chance when he failed (or you did), and that in the end your faith was justified.
A Title proves that your dog inspired you to have the special relationship enjoyed by so few; that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a Title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return.
And when that dear short life is over, the Title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend, volumes of praise in one small set of initials before or after the name.
A Title is nothing less than love and respect, given and received permanently.




#20Author of original report

Tue, November 29, 2011

@ Cat.  Stop rambling on and attacking personally.  NONE, nadda, zip, zero of the breeding stock that Heather keeps outside do anything but bark and make a mess which is why the neighbors call the police over and over again.  This isn't the dogs  fault though.   They are only kept to breed and supply an income to Heather.  An occasional class for one or two of her dogs is all.  No titles on any dog that heather owns.  This is not opinion, it is just a fact.  It also happens to be a fact that you do not debate.

Lastly, Cat, please use spell check.  Your errors are entertaining, but sadly they say quite a bit about your education, or lack of.  An English class would have also taught you that long winded statements are ineffective and a waste of time because people won't read the whole thing.  

Heather Stevens

United States of America


#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 29, 2011

Beth  you have never been here Nor have I EVER spoke with you on the phone or by email, or SOLD you a pup. My dogs and my program all stand on its own my dogs are LOVED and taken care of.  and are in VERY good homes.  I have plenty of references that will back this up.  From personal HAPPY puppy clients, and my vet.   I don't do what I need to get by, I go above what I can do, I am adding new health test to my crew everyday.  Titles are just a piece of paper.  A happy healthy dog is for life.  

Its funny how I get an email taking about police reports and how your posting on here about them. OH could you and the email be one in the same I think you are.   Say what you want.  With you NEVER being here.  

Oh and by the way its Mansfield not Mansfiled ...  

The proud owner of Stirling Bridge Border Collies


United States of America

Stirling Bridge is so NOT a puppymill!!!

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

First of all how many backyard breeders/puppy mills test the dogs for genetic health defects? How many backyard breeders/puppy mills offer a health guarantee? How many backyard breeders/puppy mills will buy back a dog if it doesnt work out? The answers to these questions are NONE!

How many puppy mills/backyard breeders take the time to put any sort of training into their dogs? NONE How many puppy mills/backyard breeders let the dogs stay in the house? NONE they live in kennels outside.

The dogs at Stirling Bridge are all very well-rounded, love people and love to play. They are healthy and happy! It costs money to do all the testing (OFA, CEA, CERF, MDR1) which is something backyard breeders do not do!

Have you ever seen the facilities? That will tell you alot about how people raise their dogs. At puppymills the dogs live on top of each other - they do not come out of their kennels for any reason. Go online and look at some of the pics of raided puppymills then tell me that she is a puppymill.

And when she does breed it isn't just a random breeding - she studies the pedigrees, she knows lineage and genetics.

Please don't accuse people of something they are definitely not!!!


United States of America

The monster in your own book

#20General Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

Well here she goes again.

A small short brief comment to explain "supposdely" going

Well again ask yourself if this Beth knows what talking about. As stated again she claims all this jibberjabber and has NO proof on Heather Stevens.

Anyone that knows Heather will tell you she puts her heart and soul into her dogs. So she has a small kennel set up? What breeder that has a few litters a year does not? Any breeder in any breed if they have more then two dogs usually has some sort of out door set up. its common sense and who in their right mind wants to just leave them hooked out side with no shelter NO ONE!

Been showing other fellow dog lovers a dear friends of heather this womens lies and rants on Heather stevens and NONE of them are enjoying the false information she's been spewing.

Every person that lives near people with dogs will hear barking. its common sense, and this women claims to know about all of this then they should know poliece even listen to the next door people any more. They mess with her dogs and TRY to set them off. What type of people tease and poke at dogs?! The kind that want something to fuss and talk about because they have nothing better to do with their lives!

Heather Stevens does a great deal for her dogs as well as the people in her life, and has even helped me by just being the person to talk to! 
I have been told to be nice to this false lieing women, but must admit she really does give people a bad name!

A Message for Beth
If your so keen on rambling your false little lies then tell us how you know Heather? All of us reading this are just soooo curious on who you can be... let us not play coy now and be a sweet heart, because if you have sooo much on her we would all like proof,information, and how YoU could possibly know.

Feel free to keep spreading lies, because more people are dieing to post back to you, but this time tell us how you came about heather :) 

One more thing if picking on an innocent person who cares more about her dogs and the people that have been linked in her life... you need to ask yourself just what kind of person you are? Every story has a villian based monster who preys on the good hearted character, and you my friend are the Monster in the own book your creating ;)




#20Author of original report

Tue, November 29, 2011

This is a back yard 'breeder' of the worst kind.  She does the minimum she has to get a good buck for the puppies she sells.  Except for some Basic classes with a few of her many dogs, where are the titles on the breeding stock she owns?  Look at the pedigrees and you will see the dogs that she owns have none.  That speaks volumes about this 'breeder'.

Police reports have been filed by neighbors many times about the barking and noise from the dogs left outside all the time.  One visit to this 'breeders' home will tell you everything you need to know.  


United States of America

Think Before speaking

#20General Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

I personaly get annoyed with people who write trash like this. If people are going to write things like this I would gladly tell them they need to get their facts straight! Heather Stevens is the best type of breeder I've ever known. She does not back to back breed, she always finds the "right" home for her pups, and when it comes to money the state above is untrue because I've know healthy workable dogs she has given to home that need that special somone. As well as all her money going back into training treats, amazing dog food, and vet checks!

She gets her cvc awards, takes her buddies to the local dog training class, and some have even been to herding clinics...(If they showed the want/will to want to do so) some of her dogs are more then just worker;s some she has given so much extra attention for because of the things they've gone through. She had such a timid female that wouldn't come to anyone...and with all the TLC she gave that girl youi would have never guessed it was the same dog a year later.

As for this person claiming Heather Stevens is a puppy mill I would say this peron one should know what a puppy mill is... You want to see puppy mills look at some of these bigger breeders that have any where from 12-20 litters a year. As well as the fact puppy mills do not care for their dogs, and if this person claims to know Heather Stevens and her dogs then they would know the time and care she has given to her dogs. That as soon as their sick off to the vet she goes! Two her money from litters she has sold ALWAYS goes back to her dogs. Three puppy mills DO NOT health test their dogs in anyway (because they don't care) Heather is always looking for new testing for her dogs to make sure their in tip top shape. From ears,heart,eyes,hips,pra, and mdr1.... Honestly does that sound like a puppy mill to you?

YOU need to ask yourself if this person has any idea who Heather Stevens truly is? The crazy person next door that teases and messes with her dogs? Or maybe a client that was turned down because Heather didn't not think the home was right for one of her puppies?!?

Ask yourself if this person has an issue why didn't they leave their name or contact? Why did they leave such a brief paragraph on the subject? For someone to have soooo much against a wonderful breeder and dog lover.... She/he didn't say much now did they? No of course not, and my only comment is (like I posted in your other bashing thread) if you have something to say about someone let them know who you are, or better yet have more proof on the topic your trying ti fib about.

As a fellow friend, dog lover, and I speak for more then just one person. Agility,show and working breeders that know Heather are annoyed at this person who is bashing one of the most kind hearted and trusting breeders in this breed.

Don't walk away but run TOO this breeder, because you will never get a better pup that is socialized and loving like the ones she produces! (And) if your iffy about the matter give heather an email she'll be happy to give references on buyers,friends, and other breeders in and outside the breed she works with!

Do NOT believe simple minded people who have nothing better to do then try to create chaos.... Stupidty can not be fixed, but we can only pray one day .... It will be, Cat

Heather Stevens

United States of America


#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 29, 2011

Well hello everyone,

I will be honest I am working toward titles as we speak.  I have all but one or two that do not  have CGC awards. I have recently taken one of my girls who has pass for her Therapy dog certification.  My dogs are inside and outside dogs. I am active in the local dog club where each spring and fall I take Obedience classes and Rally classes.   My dogs are able to run in a fenced in yard where they are kept safe from getting hit by car's.  they are seen at the vet on a regular bases.
My litters are ALWAYS vet checked before leaving and all dogs are on monthly heart worm meds.  These dogs are my world. I offer up references personal, past puppy clients and my very own vet.  

I health test all of my breeding dogs from OFA hip scores to Cardiac testing CERF testing CEA/CH/CL testing and more.  I back each of my pups that I produce with a health contract.  

I have several dogs I have been to herding clinic's, we take the dogs to the local park were they play in the lake.  

My invest my money from my litters back into my program to health test. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. 

The owner of Stirling Bridge Border Collies

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