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  • Report:  #1118469

Complaint Review: Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy Horrible Customer Service. Investor Relations Director will not even respond to investor El Paso Texas

  • Reported By:
    dcache — el paso Texas
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 26, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 26, 2014






I am Robert Quesada, a shareholder of Helen of Troy and a loyal customer. Today I had the unpleasant situation of speaking to Lisa Sellers. She did not tell me her full name until I asked for it, and she has yet to inform me of her position in the company. I called to inform her and attempt to resolve issues with a very rude and unprofessional manager, whom I was informed she supervises. I was informed by Helen of Troy staff the Outlet Manager’s name, who we are having issues with is named Claudia. It is blatantly clear from Mrs. Lisa Seller’s attitude that her policy is the customer and shareholder is always wrong and her manager is always correct. After having the displeasure of speaking to Mrs. Sellers I can see exactly why Claudia acts in the manner she does.


Let me go back to the beginning of the issue. My wife and I are registered reseller (with the tax ID in my name, but Texas is a communal state). We are frequent customers and our last purchase was for $450. Rather than being seen as loyal customers, Claudia has told us that we are suspicious since we are constantly going into the store and buying in large volume. Mr. Boomer, I believe under SEC regulations a company is required by law to seek a profit. How it is that Claudia considers buyers of this quantity suspicious. It is offensive that Claudia believes buying from a company I am a stockholder of is suspicious.


My wife went into the store to make a purchase two months ago. It was 10-15 Candelas’. Claudia told my wife that she could not use the tax statement on file, because it is under my name and that she is considered a separate customer from the store. My wife did not argue and simply paid to include the sales tax. Claudia told me wife that we have to reregister our company with the State and the City and place my wife on the license for her to use the tax exemption. Claudia says this is by Texas State Law. We called the State of Texas and this is not true. We informed Mrs. Sellers of this fact and she simply stated thatClaudia is correct. I asked Mrs. Sellers for the company policy or state law she is going off and to this day she is unable to produce anything.  Since that day forth Claudia insist on informing us that she knows for a fact that my wife is purchasing these items for personal use and attempting to get the tax rebate on it. To begin with what would my wife personally do with 10-15 candelas? Second of all how does she know this for a fact? Mrs. Seller’s was informed of this constant slanderous statement made against my wife and our company and she simply stated that she was not present and that Claudia is simply trying to do her job. Is that the company’s stance or Mrs. Sellers, is slandering stockholders and loyal customers “simply trying to do her job”.  Claudia informed me wife that she can not shop on behalf of my company and is considered a separate customer. Yet when my wife shops as a separate customer my wife is told by Claudia that she is trying to abuse the tax license since she knows she shopping on behalf of Noah’s Ark and is not a separate customer. Thus my wife is d***ed if she does and d***ed if she doesn’t’. 


Mrs. Sellers off the back, before I even told her the reason for my call stated “Claudia is correct Texas requires anyone buying under your tax exempt reseller license is required to be on the license”.  First of all it is common sense that this is incorrect. But I called the Texas Comptrollers Office and they reaffirmed that Texas is a common law state in which a spouse can make purchases on behalf of the other spouses sole proprietor business. And they state that this applies to corporations and they do not see the issue, since a corporation would only have the corporation name and not every single employee would be listed. The state employee stated that I have to have my state tax license on file with the company or my wife would have to have a copy to give to the business and the business would have to be advised that my wife and any other employee is authorized to make purchases on my behalf.  Off the back Mrs. Sellers showed her ignorance in her response to me, which set the tone for the entire call; in which she would have a sarcastic response to any issue.


 If this is a Helen of Troy policy, Mrs. Sellers should have the common sense to know the difference between Helen of Troy and the State of Texas. If this is a Helen of Troy policy, Mrs. Sellers should have the common sense to know that the policy should be posted so that all customers can comply. But since Claudia and Mrs. Sellers states it is a TexasState regulation, it simply shows ignorance on Mrs. Sellers part and Mrs Sellers simply speaking to speak.  To further emphasize Mrs. Sellers ignorance; Helen of Troy has their tax license clearly posted. Helen of Troy is the name and the Tax License. There is no extensive list of every person authorized to purchase for Helen of Troy on the tax license, once again Mrs. Sellers is simply speaking to speak


Saturday, 11/30/13 my wife and I entered the store. Surveillance video will show Claudia did not greet us or make any attempt to acknowledge us. In Mrs. Seller’s words “Claudia is very sweet”. I do not know what type of background or education Mrs. Sellers has but in my MBA program I was taught a greeting to all that enter the premise is a first and lasting impression. This can be verified by the surveillance video.


I made my purchase. And my wife, upon Claudia’s direction (what stated she is a separate customer from the company because she is not on the tax license) made her purchase. Stephanie, who infact is very courteous and “sweet” to us, was registering my wife’s purchase. Claudia immediately stepped in accusing my wife of attempting to get over on Helen of Troy and claims that she is considered the same customer as the business and that she could not buy anything else from the store because we are in the same group. My wife reminded her that she (Claudia) was the one that made the determination in the past that the business and her are different customers. My wife did not argue and simply left the cart. Claudia then attempted to see what I was purchasing.  Behind us was a group of non-Hispanics purchasing items with limits. Claudia made no attempt to verify there relationship nor did she place limits on there purchase. Claudia did not stop the cashier from there purchase based on them being in the “same group”. It appears Claudia’s policy only applies to Hispanics. This can also be verified by viewing the surveillance video. Once again Mrs. Sellers easily writes this off as merely being a “grey area”. Once again is this issue something Helen of Troy takes as lightly as Mrs. Sellers, or is it simply Mrs. Seller’s attitude and personal views.


We arrived at the house and my daughter and Mother in Law, who both have registered companies, were present.  We informed them of the great specials. My wife took them to Helen of Troy to purchase what ever they needed for there outlets, which we later learned were perms. Neither of the two were greeted by the so called “sweet” Claudia, but upon them paying and exiting the store, Claudia was able to run behind them (as if they had shoplifters) to scold in front of the public, claiming that she knows for a fact that we sent them to buy purchases for us and that they are our employees.  She then went and knocked on my wife’s stalled vehicle and began to scold my wife in front of the general public that she knows she sent these two to buy for her and that she knows they work for our company.  The so called “sweet” Claudia at no time offered to assist my Senior Citizen in-law with her bags. The so called “Sweet” Claudia at no time offered to assist or have security assist my wife with her stalled vehicle. Once again this is easily written off by Mrs. Sellers as “well I wasn’t there and I have always known her to be sweet”. If Mrs. Sellers believes we are lying, she could have easily reviewed the surveillance tapes.


At this point my wife calls me to help her start the vehicle, since the “Sweet” Claudia offered no assistance.  I head back to the store, and I take my receipt since I had questions on the purchase. I start the vehicle with no offer of assistance from the “Sweet” Claudia. I then enter the store and approach the cashier that assisted me; the other associate (which I will not mention by name since he is normally a great employee) looks at me shocked. It appears Claudia told him to be on the look out for me. Claudia was not in the area. I ask the cashier about the purchase which she was able to explain. The cashier was very pleasant. I walk out of the store and then Claudia runs behind me with Security Office Galabali as if I shoplifted.


She informs me that she knows I am trying to buy items and that our “group” is buying too much.  I ask her what group, I walked into the store alone, plus I was not purchasing anything.  She then tells me that she is constantly having problems with us and that she has been tracking our friends and family that enter the store because we are suspicious since are constantly buying large quantities. Mr. Boomer, once again isn’t it SEC regulations that a publically traded company is required to pursuit a profit? How is it that this publically traded company finds its loyal customers to be suspicious for buying? I am outraged as a stockholder of Mrs. Sellers and Claudia’s policy of running off loyal customers rather than bring value to my shares. This is the first time I am told this as I buy at Walmart and am assisted by the associates that recognize me. A Sam’s Associate even walked to the door to personally hand me my receipt for my business, which I forgot. How is it that the Walmart Publically Traded Company is actually trying to bring value to shareholders through appreciation of shareholders and loyal customers, yet Helen of Troy allows Mrs. Sellers and Claudia’s policy of running off loyal customers?  Mrs. Sellers easily writes of this issue. She claims Helen of Troy is afraid I will saturate the El Paso market. I do not know whether to laugh or be honored. I do not believe I will run Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Sears out of business anytime soon with my oversaturation of the market.  This once again goes back to Mrs. Seller’s background. How is she going to make such a statement with someone holding an MBA? 


At this point Mrs. Sellers informs me that we (I do not know if she meant my business, my wife and I, or are family) are constantly trying to get over on the selling limits. I welcome Mrs. Sellers to show us these selling limits. I reminded Mrs. Sellers that the sign that has limits states limits per person. Claudia herself states my wife is a separate customer from my business. Mrs. Sellers easily writes off this concern claiming that what are the chances my family is buying the exact same items that I sell. Well since I do not know now Mr. Rubin and Mr. Boomer personally, I pose this question to you gentlemen. What are the chance that you purchase the same items that you sell (i.e. shampoo, deodorant).  I hope the answer is a very positive 100%. What are the chances that your wives’ purchase the same items that you gentlemen sell (i.e. shampoo, deodorant, hair spray, blow driers)? I hope that the answer is a very positive 100% chance. Mrs Sellers has been asked to provide the policy which describes a person to be different than that of anyone with common sense. To this date Mr. Sellers is unable to provide the policy. As for Claudia deciding that anyone associated with us or seen talking to us is considered the same person as I, Mrs. Sellers merely states that this is “neither her or there”


Mrs. Sellers is informed about Claudia’s rule of the group being limited, when the sign simply states per person. Mrs. Sellers is informed that my family are all business owners, adults and can purchase what ever they like. I have no say so as to what they purchase. Claudia states that this is untrue and that they are my employees and that she knows this for a fact. I need Helen of Troy to provide the evidence of this fact so that I may adjust the employment tax appropriately. I merely recommended them. Mrs. Sellers informs me that Claudia has been observing us and our family and our buying habits and that we attempt to purchase over limits constantly. I inform Mrs. Sellers that my family are adults and business owners and I have no control over there purchase. Rather than thank me for referring fellow Hispanic Business Owners to Helen of Troy and for bringing value to The Helen of Troy stockholder, Mrs. Sellers attempts to scold me for referring business to Helen of Troy. Once again I do not know Mrs. Sellers background but in my MBA program we were always taught “location, location, referrals, and referrals”.  Mr. Boomer once again I believe that SEC rules and regulations require a publically traded company to attempt to make a profit. How is Mrs. Seller’s policy of scolding stockholders and loyal customers for referring future loyal customers an attempt to make a profit?  


I then asked Claudia if she follows non-Hispanics to their cars to see what group they are in. I asked Claudia why she did not stop the group of non-Hispanics behind me that had surpassed selling limits and were also in a group. Claudia stated she has not seen them in the past, but always sees us constantly shopping. I asked Claudia why she did not limit that group and inquiry as to if they were family. Most importantly I asked Claudia why non-Hispanics are greeted by her upon entering the store where as loyal customers like my family are subjected to her harassment. Mrs. Sellers once again easily writes up this, “shopping while Hispanic” (a term coined by Texas A and M. in which minorities are discouraged from certain selling avenues) when these selling avenues (as Mr. Boomer can correct me if I am wrong) require them to equally accept each dollar in an attempt to make a profit; as “all that is going to happen is Helen of Troy will have to stop giving its great sales”.


Well Mrs. Seller “having to stop giving its great sales” is beyond my control. If Mrs. Sellers can not stop Claudia’s habit of greeting non-Hispanic and ignoring Hispanics and her only avenue is to stop sales, so be it. As a stockholder I expect Helen of troy to see one colors and that color is green (dollars).  If Mrs. Sellers can not stop Claudia’s habit of chasing Hispanic customers with security as if they were shoplifters, while turning a blind eye to non-Hispanics and her only avenue is to stop sales, so be it.  All of this can be verified by surveillance video.


As you can all see Claudia is not capable or fit to be the store manager? None of Claudia’s actions have a legitimate business purpose behind them; rather it is contrary to any legitimate business plan. Mrs. Sellers is the one, by her own statements, allowing this conduct and actively encouraging it.


I seek a quick resolution to this situation. Mr. Boomer I request to speak at the next shareholder general meeting as to Claudia and Mrs. Seller’s policy of running out loyal customers and finding customers who make large purchases to be “suspicious”. I believe our fellow stockholders would be interested in being made aware of what value Mrs. Sellers and Claudia are bring to the HELE  stock.








Lastly Claudia stated that she was going to notify her supervisor that I am constantly buying and it is very suspicious and that she is going to ask her supervisor if I can continue to shop at Helen of Troy. So Mr. Boomer can I a stockholder continue to shop, or am I barred from shopping for the “suspicious activity” of buying?

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