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  • Report:  #537367

Complaint Review: Hernando County Florida Government

Hernando County Florida Government Spring Hill,Brooksville,Weekie Wachee Corrupt, Double Standard, Wrong, Incompetent, Greedy, Worthless, White Trashy Brooksville, Florida

  • Reported By:
    wraithGSX — Spring Hell Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 10, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 01, 2012
  • Hernando County Florida Government
    20 N.Main St
    Brooksville, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Well,let me start by telling you what my goals are by writing this.I would like ANY help in my crusade,weather it be more stories,and names of others who have been wronged,bullied,or rail-roaded by this county,or names of people/agencies in the federal government that may help,anything like that.This way,when I find who to go to with all this,I have more than a handful of complaints,and people.

Individual's rights are non-existent here.They take advantage of mentally defective people,elderly people,and broke people.You are guilty until you prove,beyond the shadow of a doubt,that you're innocent,and if you can't afford a good lawyer,good luck with that.You don't have right to a fair trial,a right to information,right to competent counsel,nothing.Unless you are independently wealthy,of course.

This county,and it's "good 'ol boy" mentality,is ruining people's lives,giving the general public a false sense of security,making a mockery of one of the best legal systems in the world,and generally being the kinds of people,most of the world can't stand,on an almost daily basis,for their own personal gain.

They are not concerned with "right and wrong" here,they have perverted the system,into a cash cow,with no regard for the damage it's doing.
If you are arrested in Hernando County,and cannot afford a real attorney,you will be either convicted,or forced to take a plea deal.If their case can't be proven like it's supposed to be,they will threaten,and bully you into doing what they want....that is unless you can hire a hi price mouthpiece.

My friend Theresa,was forced to write a statement against her boyfriend,because the sheriff's department didn't have enough to arrest him.She was told by the deputy,that if she didn't write the statement,that they would call DCF out to her house,and make sure she lost custody of her son.That is one person I know personally that that's happened to,and have heard several other cases,from second hand sources.

A man I was locked up with,J.D.,was arrested for supposedly molesting his own kids.He told me how when the deputy was called out to his house,the deputy was telling his (J's) wife,what to write,and how to word it,in order to insure they would have enough to arrest him.After sitting in jail for over 3 years,and with some seriously B.S. antics from the state's attorney's office,and after he managed to come up with a paid lawyer (a BIG plus)he was found "not guilty",ended up suing the state,and NOW has custody of his kids.So this "big bad man" that the state was POSITIVE did these horrible things,now has custody of his kids,and is raising them on the state's dime.Good for him!!!
Hearsay is something,that is used in almost every case,here,but only to incriminate.You cannot use it in a defense.Another man I was in jail with,R.B.,was arrested for supposedly molesting his 14 year old step daughter,and his 8 year old daughter.Physical exams were done on both kids,and the 14 year old,showed signs of sexual activity,but not the 8 year old.He was on the phone with his wife one day,and comes back to the cell all smiles.I asked "what'd you just have phone sex,or something?what are you smiling about?".He tells me he spoke to his wife,and she overheard the 14 year old telling one of her friends (who is the person this girl got the idea to have this man locked up like this,because her friend did it to HER step father).She was saying "you were right,the came and locked him up,he's out of my hair"etc. etc.After he was arrested,the 14 year old started stealing the mother's car,going out drinking,doing drugs,being out all night,and having sex with whoever would sit still long enough.The state's answer to her behaviour,was she's doing that because of what this bad man did to her.She's not doing it because she's a problem kid,or because she doesn't want to be told what to do,she's doing it because of him.Well,all calls from the jail are recorded,so R.B. got a meeting with his public pretender,and told him about the call,and asked him to get a copy of it,so he can use it in court.The public pretender told him,the state would never allow the call into the court room,because it was hear say.Yet,the whole case against him,me and I don't know how many others,was ALL hear say.His charge was dropped to "interfering with child custody" which is what they drop all sex charges they can't prove to,in order to get the defendant to plea out to something,so he can't sue the state.He also has custody of his children,now.

M.P.,was arrested for having sex with his girlfriend, in the same room as a 16 year old girl.A 16 year old girl,that he picked up in a BAR,with a fake ID,that showed her age to be 19.He is now a sex offender.

Countless high school kids,who let's say,are 14,15,they're dating,sleeping together,everything's fine.Now the guy turns 16,the girl's parents get a hard on for him,and report to the cops that he's having sex with their 14 or 15 year old daughter.Now,the same girl he's been sleeping with for however long,is now jail bait,and he's now a sex offender,right out of highschool.His life is scarred.

A guy is locked up for murder,because he passed out in the back of a car,the people he was with did a home invasion,and killed someone,which he has no idea of,but he was with them,and he's being charged with murder.Probably,because someone else he was with is incriminating him,in exchange for some kind of deal.They want to lock up whoever they can,at any cost.Guilty,innocent,mean NOTHING here.

This guy Anthony I know,was arrested for DUI,the state LOST THE EVIDENCE,his public pretender still convinces him,that he has to plea out to something.

M.L.,was arrested for lewd and lacivious battery (LLB) on a 14 year old girl.A 14 year old that her,her brother,everyone they were hanging out with,was telling him she just turned 18. M.L. gets into a fight with this girl's brother,because he tried to pull some s**t,and he reported M.L. to the cops for sleeping with the sister. The cops interviewed him,asked him about the girl,he was never asked if he wanted a lawyer,wasn't told she was 14,until after the fact,wasn't told they were investigating anything,nothing.He now has to register as a sex offender.

This West Hernando Middle School teacher,Dennis Morrissey,was arrested for LLB,they had a statement from the girl,and one of her friends,stating how they were in his classroom after school one day,and that he was rubbing the 1 girl's shoulders,telling her how pretty she was,that he loved her,and all this.They had a wire-tapped or "controlled" telephone conversation,all this is a HELL of alot more than they had on me,or anyone else I've spoken of here,but this guy spent (from what I was told,anyways) over $100,000 on an attorney.He ended up with 6 months in jail,3 years probation,and he DOES NOT have to register as a sex offender.

I ran into an acquaintance of mine,Chris, at a bar one night.We closed the bar,and decided to have an after party at his house,so we packed up,got some beer,and went to his house.There were about 20-30 people there.He went into his room with a couple of girls,some beers,and a bunch of coke.A fight broke out (nothing major) between a friend of ours (Matt) and Chris's brother,Dave.Dave is a punk with a big mouth,and he was getting slapped around for it.Well,Chris opens the door to his bedroom,just as another guy,Mike was pulling Matt off Dave,and proceeds to shoot Matt and Mike.Four shots were fired,three went into Matt and Mike,the fourth,judging from trajectory,and line of sight,would have hit me,if the fridge hadn't have been where it was.Hernando county did their investigation,and determined that a 9mm hollow point had gone through 1 man with enough velosity to kill the second(yea right).Chris got 15 years for what was DEFINITLY premeditated murder as defined by the law,because he didn't keep the guns loaded.The county said the second death was "accidental",and he was sentenced for manslaughter.

My friend Jon was stabbed by his girlfriend,one night.He bled to death,because the sheriff's department took 45 minutes to "clear" a single wide trailer,before they'd let the medics in,because they didn't like Jon,because he sold pot.I heard the 911 tape,I listened to my friend dying,because these cops here,are scumbags.

A few years ago,John Couey,kidnapped,raped and killed 9 year old Jessica Lumsford.As a result of that,all kinds of new rules and what not,have been created to put more restraints and stuff on sex offenders.That is unfair.That incident wasn't John Couey's fault.That was the state of Flori-duh's fault.This man has had over 24 felony arrests since the 70's.Including first degree murder,kidnapping,sexual battery,burglary,indecent exposure,carrying a concealed weapon,and 2 prior sex charges against girls under the age of 10.What was this man doing alive,let alone out of prison?They knew where this man lived,knew his past,yet couldn't figure it out.Now who's paying for it?Mark Lumsford,the general public,sex offenders,which in Flori-duh,if you have to worry about 1 in every 15 or 20 "registered sex offenders",it's alot.The blame was laid at sex offender's feet,not the state's door,where it belongs.

Now,my story.
I was arrested in July of 2003,for lewd and lacivious battery.Due to a car accident I was in in 2001,which was caused by a 5 or 6 time drunk driver (but he had anough MONEY to keep buying his way out of losing his license),that killed my friend Jay,who was driving,and caused severe irreversable damage to my body,and killed me 3 times,the friends I mentioned before I had lost,and the countless other traumatic events in my life,I had a bit of a drinking and drug problem.I stayed as far out of reality as I could get.
I went to my friend Joey's house one night,after drinking beer steady,from about noon.I started drinking heavier,as the night went on,including a few pints at a bar,and playing quarters with Absolut.I was fine.Then this kid there gives me a 3mg Xanax,which I don't ever take to begin with,let alone in that high a dose.Foolish,yes,but he gave it to me,and I just kinda popped it without giving it much thought.Joey and the dude that gave me the pill,went out to handle something,I stayed at the house with Joey's wife and her 13 year old sister.I spilled beer on myself,so Joey's wife (Brook) gave me sweats and a clean shirt,and I changed my clothes.Brook (who was OBSESSED WITH ME) was trying to get me to lay in bed with her,and watch a movie.The Xanax was starting to hit me,and I decided I was going to crash out on the couch,rather than Joey come home and find me and his girl in bed together.(Which,in retrospect,would have been better).So I grabbed a blanket,hit the couch,that's the last thing I remember.That was early Thursday morning,the next thing I know,it's Sunday afternoon,I'm in jail,and I have NO IDEA how I got there.
Whatever happened that night happened,I talked to the girl's parents,the cops,was arrested,booked,went to first appearence,I don't remember ANY OF IT.
Supposedly,Brook walked out into the living room,and found her sister riding me.

Everything I am about to say,I was told by Joey,or I read in the police report.

I went out in the living room to watch TV,and talk with her sister,because her parents asked me to see if I could figure out what Sara's problem was,cuz she wasn't talking to them.Now first off,there was no TV in the living room,but OK.Brook walked out cuz the lights were out,and went to look for something in the fridge.Then she went back in her room,15 minutes or so later,she came back out again,turned on the lights and saw her sister riding me.
Now,I understand that people are capable of anything,but if I was in my "right mind" like my idiot public pretender insisted I wouldn't be able to prove I wasn't,and able to make conscious,rational decisions,and I had INTENDED to do something like this,does it make sense that I would attempt it,in the middle of the house,knowing there were people awake,and roaming around the house?I mean,I'm not from Flori-duh,so I'm not a complete retard,if I had INTENDED to do this,I wouldn't have been caught.
Anyways,she walked in on whatever,freaked out,and called her parents.The parents came to the house,I guess the mother spoke to me,saw that I was obviously well over done,and they weren't going to call the cops,because they knew me,and knew that if it did happen,it happened cuz I either couldn't stop it from happening,didn't realize it was happening,or something.So Brook called the cops,and NOT because she was concerned for her sister.Brook is a lying,conniving,drama queen,attention w***e,who likes to start trouble,and she was jealous that it wasn't her on top of me.
The cops came,took Brook and Sara's statements,and took a statement from me,which they had no business doing.First off,the fact that I said ANYTHING to the cops,is an indication of how inebriated I was,second,in the shape I was in,I would have said,pretty much anything I was told to say.No kind of drug test,or anything  was done to me,because the cops knew if what was in my system was put on record,they would NEVER get a conviction.I spoke to a couple of psychiatrists,and asked them if I would be considered legally in my right mind,after what I had drank,and the pill I took,and they all said,no way.
My public defender,didn't do anything for me.He wasn't remotly interested in trying to defend me.In the statements they took from Sara,she was telling them I was wasted,and I wasn't all there,and all this.So when I told my "counsel" that I wanted depositions taken,so I can see what was going to be said,he returned to me and said the state's attorney's office told him if I put this "poor girl through the trauma" of having her deposition taken,that they weren't going to offer any deals,and I would have NO CHOISE but to take it to trial,at which time my public pretender told me that there was NO WAY I was going to win at trial,and I was going to spend 15 years in prison.
Yet,I saw countless cases,where the state had NO PROBLEM taking depo's from girls her age and younger,because in THOSE cases,the girl was saying what the state needed her to say to help hang who they had in custody.The girl in my case wasn't,and they didn't want it coming out in front of a jury.So I was threatened there,there was no physical evidence of any kind,my public pretender refused to get the statement I made suppressed,and told me that even without it,and without actual physical evidence,they would still convict me.I had wrote a letter to the girl's parents asking them a question,they added a tampering with a witness charge,even though the parents didn't witness anything,and I hadn't asked them to do anything,but whatever.Anyways,I had bonded out of jail,my public pretender called me into his office one day and tells me that Brook was worried that I was going to come after her,so the state told him,that if I didn't take the deal they were offering,that they were going to split the tampering charge from the first charge,and impose a bail that I couldn't make,to insure I would stay in jail until this was all resolved.Threatened AGAIN.

NOBODY thinks I should be a sex offender,even people that don't particularly care for me.None of the people I know,who have kids have ANY ISSUE with me being around them,supervised,or not.I was staying with friends of mine,right after I got out,and they had an 11 and a 14 year old daughter,9 and 5 year old granddaughters,my ex has a 9 and a 4 year old daughter,there was NEVER even an idea,that anything would happen.Now,I have to go through life having to explain to people,what happened,and trying to get people up north to understand that there is actually a place like this in this country,and they are allowed to do what they do,is very,very,hard.See,up there,if you're a sex offender,you actually did something you intended to do.People don't get screwed NEARLY as much as they do here.

A year or so after I got out,I was wrongly arrested for failure to register as a sex offender.I had proof ON STATE PAPERWORK that I was innocent.I went to my FIRST meeting with another imbecile public pretender,the man knew NOTHING ABOUT MY CASE,other than the fact that I had been arrested.He's already telling me,that there really isn't anything he can do for me,that the state's probably going to offer me 14 months in prison,and to take it and run with it.When I explained to him,about the paperwork I had,his EXACT words to me were "Well,nobody's going to want to hear that,these cases are too easy to prove".Yet,when I went into debt,got a paid lawyer,and brought the same thing up to him,he said "Oh,yea,not a problem.We can work with this".

Look at the FACTS.I'm real big on truth,and facts and stuff.I did a 5 mile radius search for sex offenders around my dad's house in New York,I came up with about 20.I did the same search around my house in this s**t hole,and NOT INCLUDING ME,there were 141.Now,keeping in mind that the powers that be here are morons,how is this right?Twenty sex offenders in a 5 mile radius in New York,and almost EIGHT TIMES that many,here.

These are the kinds of things that go on here.This whole state,it seems is run by retard,white-trash,who's ONLY concern is making money.These people screw up,and everyone else pays for it.This place and it's unfair,money hungry bull s**t,has ruined my health,broken my body,my spirit,and has made me wish I'd died in the accident.
There has to be someone sr something that can make things right here.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Free Andy Gil Garcia

Spring Hill,
United States of America

Hernando County Corruption

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 01, 2012

Here in Hernando County is the worst corruption that I have ever came across in my entire life! NO Due Process what so ever. 0% accountability. Arrest are made due to fraud and corruption almost always!! It's to massive corruption here to even visit! They just arrest people because they want to plain and simple! A total lawless town!! Stay away from this hell hole! Your children will be at risk of working in chain gang.

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